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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Review Article

Medical Progress Abdominal pain of one or two days’ duration oc-

curs in 95 percent of patients,5 most of whom present
with an acute abdomen, although some patients have
only mild abdominal pain without overt peritonitis.7
H EREDITARY P ERIODIC F EVER Monoarthritis, with effusions of the knee, ankle, or
wrist joints, is the sole manifestation of an attack in
JOOST P.H. DRENTH, M.D., PH.D., 75 percent of patients. Chronic destructive arthritis
AND JOS W.M. VAN DER MEER, M.D., PH.D. and migratory polyarthritis are rare. Chest pain due
to unilateral pleuritis is reported in 30 percent of
patients5; pericarditis occurs in less than 1 percent.8

ERIODIC fever is defined as recurrences of Young male patients (less than 20 years of age) may
fever that last from a few days to a few weeks, present with acute scrotal swelling and tenderness.9
separated by symptom-free intervals of vari- Erysipelas-like skin lesions on the shins or feet, con-
able duration. This pattern of fever can be caused by sidered to be a specific clinical finding for the dis-
recurrent infections or neoplastic disorders but also ease, are present in 7 to 40 percent of patients.10 Se-
by noninfectious inflammatory disorders.1 It is im- vere, protracted myalgia of the legs is an uncommon
portant to review the medical history carefully in pa- symptom of familial Mediterranean fever.
tients with recurrent febrile attacks. Patients with Characteristically, the above-mentioned symptoms
periodic fever that persists for more than two years are accompanied by fever, but patients may present
rarely have infections or malignant disorders. Attacks with fever alone. AA amyloidosis is regarded as the
with a predictable course and a similar set of symp- main complication of the disease, and amyloid depos-
toms, along with a family history of such attacks, its are found mainly in the kidneys but also in the
may suggest the presence of a noninfectious form of gastrointestinal tract, liver, and spleen and eventually
periodic fever. Although numerous disorders, such as in the heart, testes, and thyroid. The prevalence of
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, adult-onset Still’s dis- amyloidosis varies according to the population; it is
ease, Crohn’s disease, and Behçet’s syndrome, can high among Sephardic Jews and low among Ash-
cause periodic fever, this article will focus on hered- kenazi Jews.11
itary periodic fever syndromes. We will review the clin-
ical, genetic, and molecular aspects of familial Medi- Genetic and Epidemiologic Features
terranean fever, the hyper-IgD syndrome, and the Familial Mediterranean fever is an autosomal re-
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor–associated pe- cessive disease. It is the most prevalent periodic fever
riodic syndrome. syndrome, affecting more than 10,000 patients world-
wide. Familial Mediterranean fever predominantly
affects people from the Mediterranean basin, includ-
Clinical Features ing Sephardic Jews, Arabs, Turks, and Armenians. The
In 1908, Janeway and Mosenthal described a Jew- disorder is unusual in other populations, but it has
ish girl who had episodic abdominal pain and fever. been described in Greeks, Italians, Cubans, and Bel-
Although additional cases were described subsequent- gians.12 The frequency of the susceptibility gene var-
ly,2 it took nearly half a century to establish this dis- ies widely; it is very high among Armenians (ratio of
order as familial Mediterranean fever.3,4 The condition persons with the gene to those without it, 1:7)13 and
is characterized by short attacks of serositis (peritoni- Sephardic Jews (1:5 to 1:16)14,15 but is much lower
tis, pleuritis, or arthritis) and fever.5 About 90 per- in Ashkenazi Jews (1:135).
cent of patients have their first attack before the age Laboratory Findings
of 20 years.6 Attacks of familial Mediterranean fever
unfold suddenly, and the symptoms persist for only There is no specific biologic marker of familial
a short time (6 to 96 hours) (Fig. 1A). Mediterranean fever that is clinically available. Affect-
ed patients lack a specific protease, normally present
in serosal fluids, that can inactivate both interleukin-
From the Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology (J.P.H.D.), and the Division of General Internal Medicine
8 and the chemotactic complement factor 5a inhibitor,
(J.W.M.M.), University Medical Center St. Radboud, Nijmegen, the Neth- but the test for this protease is used only in research
erlands. Address reprint requests to Dr. Drenth at the Department of Med- settings.16 Nonspecific findings include increases in
icine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Medical
Center St. Radboud, P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, the Netherlands, inflammatory mediators, such as serum amyloid A,
or at fibrinogen, and C-reactive protein, during febrile at-

1748 · N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 24 · December 13, 2001 ·
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A Familial Mediterranean Fever B Hyper-IgD Syndrome

41 Serositis (peritonitis), 41 Cervical lymphadenopathy,
vomiting, arthritis, erythematous macules,
erysipelas-like skin lesions abdominal pain, vomiting,
Body Temperature (°C)


Body Temperature (°C)



36 37
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Day

Figure 1. Temporal Patterns of Fever and Associated Clinical

Findings in a Patient with Familial Mediterranean Fever (Panel
A), a Patient with the Hyper-IgD Syndrome (Panel B), and a Pa- Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
tient with the Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Receptor–Associat-
ed Periodic Syndrome (Panel C).
Each panel shows the temperature during an attack of fever in
a hospitalized patient and the symptoms that accompanied the
febrile attack. The bar graph below each curve shows the num- C TNF-Receptor–Associated Periodic Syndrome
ber of attacks that the patient had in a year, when they oc-
curred, and their approximate duration. The patient with the 41 Conjunctivitis, erythematous skin lesions,
myalgia and arthralgia, abdominal pain
Body Temperature (°C)

TNF-receptor–associated periodic syndrome had long attacks

twice in one year, whereas the patient with familial Mediterra- 40
nean fever and the patient with the hyper-IgD syndrome had
shorter but more frequent attacks.


tacks.17 Proteinuria (more than 0.5 g of protein per
24 hours) in patients with familial Mediterranean fe- 36
ver is highly suggestive of amyloidosis.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Pathogenesis and Molecular Genetic Features
After familial Mediterranean fever was mapped to
the short arm of chromosome 16,18 two independent
groups were able to clone the gene (MEFV).19,20 The Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
protein (pyrin, or marenostrin) encoded by MEFV
contains 781 amino acids and has a molecular weight
of 86,000. MEFV is predominantly expressed in my-
eloid cells, and its expression is up-regulated during
myeloid differentiation. Inflammatory mediators such clustered in one exon (Fig. 2).22 Two common mis-
as interferon-g and tumor necrosis factor are also ef- sense mutations are M694V (occurring in 20 to 67
fective stimuli for expression of the gene.21 The pre- percent of cases) and V726A (in 7 to 35 percent);
cise function of pyrin is still unclear. It is mainly ex- their prevalence varies according to the population
pressed in the cytoplasm of mature neutrophils and tested.23,24 Founder effects in familial Mediterranean
monocytes and is thought to regulate neutrophil- fever have been established, and it is believed that
mediated inflammation.21 At least 28 mutations in the the V726A and M694V mutations originated in com-
MEFV gene have been described, most of which are mon ancestors who lived some 2500 years ago in the

N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 24 · December 13, 2001 · · 1749
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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

E148Q M680I M694V V726A


Figure 2. Structure of the Gene for Familial Mediterranean Fever (MEFV ).

The MEFV gene consists of 10 exons (coding regions). Exon 2 and exon 10 are the largest and most mutation-rich regions of the
MEFV gene, but mutations have also been reported in exons 3, 5, and 9. Most mutations in the gene are missense mutations in
which one amino acid has been replaced with another in the MEFV gene product, pyrin (marenostrin). The most common mutations
in the MEFV gene are M694V (replacement of methionine with valine at codon 694) and V726A (replacement of valine with alanine
at codon 726). Because familial Mediterranean fever is autosomal recessive, two MEFV mutations must be present in order for the
disease to develop. Most genetic laboratories screen only for the most common mutations in exon 10 and in some cases for the
E148Q mutation (replacement of glutamine for glutamic acid at codon 148) in exon 2 as well.

Middle East.20 The relatively high frequency of the impairment. Colchicine does not stop an established
gene might suggest that carrier status for these muta- attack, and diclofenac (75 mg administered intramus-
tions may have conferred a heightened resistance to cularly) may be used for pain relief. Compliance is
a pathogen that has not yet been identified. It is well very important, because the discontinuation of col-
established that the M694V mutation is associated chicine may result in an attack within a few days. Pre-
with a more severe phenotype than the V726A mu- liminary data suggested that interferon alfa might be
tation and that homozygosity for M694V carries a useful in aborting febrile attacks, but a double-blind
higher risk of amyloidosis.25,26 Apart from MEFV trial failed to confirm its efficacy.31,32 Other agents
mutations, it appears that polymorphisms in the have limited efficacy, but anecdotal experience sug-
gene for serum amyloid A increase the susceptibility gests that prazosin may be useful.33
to renal amyloidosis and that polymorphisms in a
gene for the major-histocompatibility-complex class Prognosis
Ia chain influence the severity of the disease.27,28 The prognosis for patients with familial Mediter-
ranean fever is determined mainly by the presence or
Treatment absence of AA amyloidosis; in its absence, life ex-
Since 1972, colchicine has been the first-line treat- pectancy is normal. Before the introduction of col-
ment for patients with familial Mediterranean fever, chicine, amyloidosis occurred in 60 percent of affect-
and its efficacy has been established in two con- ed patients who were over 40 years of age, and it was
trolled clinical trials.29,30 Colchicine prevents febrile the main cause of death in such patients.34 Treatment
attacks in 60 percent of patients and significantly re- with colchicine greatly altered the prognosis by ar-
duces the number of attacks in another 20 to 30 resting amyloidosis and reversing proteinuria. Even
percent.6 The lack of efficacy in approximately 5 to if colchicine therapy does not prevent febrile attacks,
10 percent of patients may be due in part to non- it will prevent amyloidosis.35
compliance. The average dose in adults is 1 mg daily,
but if there is no response, the dose may be increased Diagnostic Strategy
to 2 mg or even 3 mg. Most patients tolerate this It is important to take a thorough medical history
regimen, but diarrhea or abdominal pain may devel- and obtain all the details of a typical attack. Since ex-
op, necessitating a reduction in the dose. Side effects amination of the patient between attacks usually re-
such as myopathy, neuropathy, and leukopenia are veals no abnormalities, examination during an attack
rare and occur mainly in patients with renal or liver is crucial. Familial Mediterranean fever is a clinical

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diagnosis, and the diagnostic criteria have been val- scribed as a variant of Still’s disease39,40 or as etio-
idated.36 If a patient has a characteristic medical his- cholanolone fever.41 Patients with the hyper-IgD syn-
tory and belongs to an ethnic group with a high prev- drome have recurrent attacks of fever that usually
alence of the disorder, the diagnosis is not difficult to start before the end of the first year of life.42 An at-
make (Table 1). However, the diagnostic criteria were tack is heralded by chills, followed by a sharp rise in
validated in a population with a very high prevalence body temperature, and lasts for four to six days, with
of familial Mediterranean fever, and it is not known gradual defervescence (Fig. 1B). It can be provoked by
whether the reported sensitivity and specificity (99 vaccination, minor trauma, surgery, or stress. Cervi-
percent in both cases) apply to other populations. cal lymphadenopathy and abdominal pain with vom-
Since the MEFV gene has been cloned, it is pos- iting, diarrhea, or both almost always accompany the
sible to establish a molecular diagnosis of familial attack. Symptoms that are common include hepato-
Mediterranean fever, but there are some limitations. splenomegaly, headache, arthralgias, arthritis of large
Genetic laboratories usually screen for the five most joints, erythematous macules and papules, and even
frequent mutations (M694V, V726A, V680I, E148Q, petechia and purpura (Fig. 3).43 A minority of pa-
and V694I), and those that are more rare will be tients report painful, aphthous ulcers in the mouth
missed. Furthermore, MEFV mutations occur on both or vagina. After an attack, patients are free of symp-
alleles in only 70 percent of typical cases.37 In the re- toms, although skin and joint symptoms disappear
maining 30 percent, only one mutation or none can slowly. The attacks generally recur every four to six
be detected, even after sequencing.12 There is also weeks, but the interval between them can vary sub-
evidence of nonpenetrance (i.e., two mutant MEFV stantially in an individual patient and from one pa-
alleles in the absence of clinical disease). Despite tient to another.
these limitations, molecular testing can be used as a
confirmatory test in cases in which there is a high in- Genetic and Epidemiologic Features
dex of suspicion. Whether or not the results are posi- The hyper-IgD syndrome is inherited as an auto-
tive, treatment with colchicine is warranted in symp- somal recessive trait, and half the patients with this
tomatic cases.25,26,29,30 syndrome have affected siblings.44 The frequency of
the susceptibility gene is low (ratio of persons with
the gene to those without it, 1:350), which is why
Clinical Features the disorder is not observed in the parents or off-
The hyper-IgD syndrome was recognized as a sep- spring of affected patients. The hyper-IgD syndrome
arate entity in 198438; the disorder has also been de- registry in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, currently has




Ancestry Jewish, Turkish, Dutch, French Scottish, Irish

Armenian, Arab
Familial transmission† Horizontal Horizontal Vertical
Age at onset (yr) <20 <1 <20
Typical duration of attack <2 4–6 >14
Symptoms other than fever Serositis, scrotal involve- Prominent cervical Conjunctivitis, localized
ment, erysipelas-like lymphadenopathy myalgia
Laboratory findings Low C5a inhibitor in High serum IgD Low serum type 1 TNF
serosal fluids (>100 IU/ml) receptor (<1 ng/ml)
Gene MEFV Gene for mevalo- Gene for type 1 TNF
nate kinase receptor
Protein Pyrin (marenostrin) Mevalonate kinase Type 1 TNF receptor
Therapy Colchicine None available Corticosteroids,

*The features that are helpful in the diagnostic evaluation are shown. The presence or absence of
a particular feature does not rule out the diagnosis.
†Horizontal transmission denotes disease in one or more siblings of an affected patient, and vertical
transmission disease in one or both parents or in one or more uncles or aunts.

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

febrile attack in a patient with the hyper-IgD syn-

drome, led to the identification of mutations in the
gene for mevalonate kinase as the cause of the syn-
drome.46,51 Mevalonate kinase is a key enzyme in the
cholesterol metabolic pathway and follows 3-hydroxy-
3-methylglutaryl–coenzyme A reductase (Fig. 4).52
In patients with the hyper-IgD syndrome, the activ-
ity of mevalonate kinase is reduced to 5 to 15 per-
cent of normal; as a result, serum cholesterol levels
are slightly reduced, and during attacks, urinary ex-
cretion of mevalonic acid is slightly elevated.
Most patients are compound heterozygotes for
missense mutations in the gene for mevalonate ki-
nase. One mutation, V377I, is present in more than
80 percent of patients; the other mutations are less
Figure 3. Petechiae and Purpura on the Lower Right Leg during
a Febrile Attack in a Patient with the Hyper-IgD Syndrome.
frequent.47,52 The V377I mutation results in a slight
The skin lesions disappeared a week after the end of the attack.
reduction of the stability of recombinant human me-
The clinical findings in this patient (Patient 30 in the hyper-IgD valonate kinase protein and in the catalytic activity
syndrome registry in Nijmegen, the Netherlands) have been of the enzyme.53 Less than 1 percent of patients have
described in detail elsewhere.42 a complete deficiency of mevalonate kinase, which is
associated with mevalonic aciduria, a rare inherited
disorder characterized by developmental delay, failure
to thrive, hypotonia, ataxia, myopathy, and cataracts.
In mevalonic aciduria, the disease-associated muta-
tions are mainly clustered within a specific region of
clinical data on more than 170 published and un- the protein.54,55 How a deficiency of mevalonate ki-
published cases worldwide (information is available nase is linked to an inflammatory periodic fever syn-
at Most patients with the hy- drome is not yet known.
per-IgD syndrome are white and are from western
European countries; some 60 percent are either Dutch
or French. No uniformly successful treatment of the hyper-
IgD syndrome is available. There are anecdotal reports
Laboratory Findings of a benefit of treatment with corticosteroids, intra-
The hyper-IgD syndrome is diagnosed on the ba- venous immune globulin, colchicine, or cyclosporine
sis of characteristic clinical findings and continuous- in some cases, but these approaches have failed in
ly high IgD values (more than 100 IU per milliliter). others.42 In a recent double-blind, randomized, cross-
However, IgD values may be normal in very young over trial involving six patients, treatment with tha-
patients (those less than three years old),45 and per- lidomide failed to reduce the disease activity.56 A tri-
sistently low levels were reported in a patient with al of simvastatin is under way.
typical clinical findings and the genotype for the
syndrome.46 In siblings with the disease, there may
be marked differences in IgD levels, with very high Patients with the hyper-IgD syndrome have fe-
values in one sibling but low values in another.47 brile attacks throughout their lives, although the fre-
More than 80 percent of patients have high IgA lev- quency of attacks is highest in childhood and ado-
els in conjunction with high IgD levels.45,48 During lescence. Patients may be free of attacks for months
an attack, there is a brisk acute-phase response, with or even years. Amyloidosis has not been reported in
leukocytosis, high levels of serum C-reactive protein association with the hyper-IgD syndrome. As a rule,
and serum amyloid A, and activation of the cytokine attacks of arthritis do not lead to joint destruction,
network.49 Elevated urinary excretion of neopterin, but there are exceptions.
a marker of an activated cellular immune response,
Diagnostic Strategy
reflects disease activity.50
A clinical assessment should be the first step in di-
Pathogenesis and Molecular Genetic Features agnosing the hyper-IgD syndrome (Table 1). Hyper-
A recent genome-wide search established the link- IgD syndrome almost always develops in infancy. If
age of the susceptibility gene for the hyper-IgD syn- a patient presents with symptoms suggestive of the
drome to the long arm of chromosome 12.51 This syndrome, IgD and IgA should be measured. If both
information, along with the fortuitous detection of are elevated, the diagnosis can be made. For confir-
mevalonic acid in a urine sample obtained during a mation, we recommend screening for the V377I mu-

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Copyright © 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Acetyl-CoA + acetoacetyl-CoA


O HMG-CoA reductase
Defect in the
HO OH Mevalonate hyper-IgD
O Mevalonate kinase

HO OP Mevalonate phosphate


HO OPP Mevalonate pyrophosphate

OPP Isopentenyl pyrophosphate adenine (DNA

OPP Geranyl pyrophosphate

OPP Farnesyl pyrophosphate

Isoprenylation of proteins

Dolichol (protein glycosylation)

Heme A (respiratory chain)

Ubiquinone (antioxidant)

Steroid hormones
Membrane biogenesis
Bile acids

Figure 4. Metabolism of Mevalonate and Biosynthesis of Cholesterol in Mammalian Cells.

Mevalonate is the first committed intermediate of the cholesterol metabolic pathway. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG)–coenzyme A
(CoA) reductase, which is the rate-limiting enzyme, can be inhibited by the administration of statins. Mevalonate kinase is the defective
enzyme in the hyper-IgD syndrome, and the defect results in an accumulation of trace amounts of mevalonate in the urine of affected
patients. The structural formulas corresponding to the intermediates in the branched pathway of cholesterol are shown at the left.

tation. If the result is negative and the clinical suspi- TNF-RECEPTOR–ASSOCIATED PERIODIC
cion is high, sequencing of the gene to detect other SYNDROME
mutations is possible. Mevalonate kinase activity can Clinical Features
be measured, although the procedure is time-con- The TNF-receptor–associated periodic syndrome
suming. Measurement of urinary mevalonic acid is was first described in 1982 in a large Irish family and
not useful, since there is only a slight elevation in the was called familial Hibernian fever.57 The affected
amount excreted during an attack. family members had recurrent fever with localized

N Engl J Med, Vol. 345, No. 24 · December 13, 2001 · · 1753
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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

myalgia and painful erythema. The autosomal dom- mosome 12.64,68 Positional cloning identified several
inant inheritance of this disorder and its response to missense mutations in the gene for the type 1 TNF
corticosteroids differentiated it from familial Medi- receptor, which is a 55-kD cell-membrane–coupled
terranean fever.58 Although there were descriptions receptor with four cysteine-rich extracellular domains
of other families with autosomal dominant periodic and an intracellular motif involved in signal trans-
fever, the genetic defect had to be discovered before duction through protein–protein interaction.69 The
it could be established that these families had the receptor is expressed on a large variety of cells and
TNF-receptor–associated periodic syndrome.59,60 allows signaling of TNF-a. A pleiotropic molecule,
Patients with this syndrome can have attacks that TNF-a induces cytokine secretion, activation of leu-
last for at least one or two days, but prolonged at- kocytes, fever, and cachexia.70 Activation of the recep-
tacks (longer than one week) are common, and they tor causes cleavage and shedding of its extracellular
can last for weeks (Fig. 1C). Localized pain and tight- part into the circulation, where it acts as an inhibitor
ness of one muscle group and a migratory pattern of of TNF-a. At least 16 mutations in the type 1 TNF
the symptoms are prominent features, occurring in receptor have been detected, all in the first two cys-
more than 80 percent of patients. Abdominal pain, teine-rich subdomains of the protein spanning exons
sometimes colicky, is common61 and may be associat- 2, 3, and 4 of the genomic sequence.63,65,71 It has been
ed with diarrhea or constipation, nausea, and vomit- suggested that the subsequent structural changes in
ing. Painful conjunctivitis, periorbital edema, or both the protein interfere with receptor shedding (Fig. 5),
are also common, and chest pain due to sterile pleu- leading to continuous TNF-a signaling and, hence,
ritis or local myalgia has been reported in half of pa- uncontrolled inflammation. However, this hypothe-
tients. During febrile attacks, painless cutaneous le- sis is inconsistent with the fact that at least two mu-
sions may develop on the trunk or extremities and tations are not associated with any apparent shed-
may migrate distally. More than 60 percent of patients ding defect.65
have erythematous macules or edematous plaques due
to a perivascular and interstitial mononuclear-cell in- Treatment
filtrate.61 Arthralgia of large joints is common, but Patients with the TNF-receptor–associated syn-
arthritis is rare.58 Other symptoms include testicular drome have responses to high doses of oral predni-
pain and headache. The prolonged attacks, conjunc- sone (more than 20 mg). There is a dramatic initial
tivitis, and localized myalgias differentiate the TNF- response that wanes with time, necessitating an ac-
receptor–associated periodic syndrome from the oth- celeration of the dose.58 Colchicine is ineffective in
er syndromes of periodic fever (Table 1). Still, the the treatment of this syndrome.64 Given the patho-
clinical manifestations of the TNF-receptor–associ- physiological features of this disorder, inhibition of
ated periodic syndrome in an individual patient can TNF signaling seemed a logical therapeutic approach.
be surprisingly vague. Some patients notice only pe- Etanercept is a dimeric recombinant fusion protein
riodic muscular pain or periodic conjunctivitis, and consisting of two copies of the soluble, extracellular
others present with fever alone. ligand-binding domain of the type 2 TNF-a recep-
Genetic and Epidemiologic Features tor, linked by the constant (Fc) portion of human
IgG1. The drug binds very effectively to both solu-
Although the most thoroughly characterized ped- ble and cell-bound TNF-a and attenuates its biologic
igree is a large Irish and Scottish family, the autosomal effects. The presence of the Fc portion of IgG1 re-
dominant inheritance of the TNF-receptor–associated sults in a relatively long elimination half-life. Treatment
periodic syndrome has been reported in many ethnic with 25 mg of etanercept, given twice weekly, led to
groups.62 So far, more than 20 families have been marked improvement in six of eight patients.65 A sim-
described in Australia, France, Puerto Rico, the Unit- ilar regimen reversed the nephrotic syndrome in a pa-
ed States, Finland, and the Netherlands.59,63-66 tient with amyloidosis.72 We found that a single course
Laboratory Findings of etanercept (25 mg given on three consecutive days)
During a typical attack, there is neutrophilia, an in a patient with a severe case of the TNF-receptor–
increased level of C-reactive protein, and mild com- associated periodic syndrome resulted in a remission
plement activation.58 Polyclonal immunoglobulin lev- that lasted for six months (unpublished data).
els, particularly IgA levels, may be elevated. The IgD Prognosis
level may also be elevated, but the value is almost al-
ways less than 100 IU per milliliter.58 The most dis- The prognosis for patients with the TNF-receptor–
criminatory laboratory finding is a low serum level associated periodic syndrome is determined mainly by
of the soluble type 1 TNF receptor.67 the presence or absence of amyloidosis. AA amyloi-
dosis occurs in about 25 percent of affected families.62
Pathogenesis and Molecular Genetic Features Amyloid deposits generally lead to renal impairment,
Linkage analysis mapped the susceptibility gene but hepatic failure has also been noted.65 Amyloido-
for two separate families to the short arm of chro- sis in a patient with the TNF-receptor–associated

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Copyright © 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Soluble TNF receptor Extracellular





Protease Cell membrane

TNF receptor
type I
Inflammatory response
Normal shedding of TNF receptor





Inflammatory response

TNF-receptor–associated syndrome

Figure 5. Hypothesized Pathogenesis of the Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Receptor–Associated Periodic
Under normal conditions, activation of the TNF receptor by TNF causes the activation of a protease that
can shed the TNF receptor from the cell surface (upper panel). This process results in diminished cellular
signaling of TNF. The shed TNF receptor is cleared in the extracellular space, where it can bind free TNF
and limit the inflammatory response. It is postulated that in patients with the TNF-receptor–associated
periodic syndrome, the TNF receptor is not shed from the cell surface (lower panel). In the absence of
shedding, there is continuous signaling by TNF and, consequently, an inflammatory response.

periodic syndrome places other affected family mem- straightforward diagnosis. DNA sequencing of the
bers at high risk for this complication. Since protein- gene will detect any of the known mutations, but also
uria is the initial manifestation of renal amyloidosis, novel ones; this service is available in commercial lab-
it is advisable to screen urine samples from affected oratories. Since the TNF-receptor–associated periodic
family members regularly by dipstick examination. syndrome is characterized by incomplete penetrance,
not all patients with mutations will have symptoms.
Diagnostic Strategy
The level of type 1 TNF receptor is less than 1 ng FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS
per milliliter in most patients with the TNF-recep- Despite the discovery of the genetic defects that
tor–associated periodic syndrome. However, the val- cause the three types of hereditary periodic fever, the
ue may be normal during an attack.63 Furthermore, temporal features of the clinical attacks remain un-
in patients with renal amyloidosis, the value increas- explained. One might speculate that the mutated pro-
es because the type 1 TNF receptor is cleared by the tein functions adequately much of the time but that
kidneys. Thus, molecular analysis provides the most it decompensates under stressful conditions. This ex-

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

planation is compatible with the clinical observa- We are indebted to Anna Simon, M.D., for her reading and crit-
tions, since most patients with periodic fever have ical discussion of the manuscript.
had attacks after localized trauma or minor surgical REFERENCES
interventions. Other precipitating factors might be
of environmental origin, since both viral infections 1. de Kleijn EM, Vandenbroucke JP, van der Meer JW. Fever of unknown
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