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New Edition BASIC SURVIVAL International ere for Professional People PETER VINEY New Edition BASIC SURVIVAL International Communication for Professional People PETER VINEY A MACMILLAN —__ S—_=— Ss Contents Chart Sy offering to pay offering: Let me / i! TOPIC UNIT COMMUNICATION GRAMMAR AREAS CULTURE FILE [1 Onboard Boarding an apne: 0.60; locaton: ‘On an aplane Understanding numbers omonstatives: tis, hat [EME 2 Ietight meats | Requesting and oneing lees, thanks oe In-tight meats ME 8 Landing cara Personal deals; forming tobe: presents Doyouave..? [aseng aueaions | [4 Welcome tothe | Arvin by air: amily relationships imperatives: was (oom! onans | usa present continuous | [5 Baygageintal | identtying Yoaggage) imperatives; warings: ‘States and provncas lermonstratives; Which one? BEIM © Aride downtown | Tansportation; requesting internation | How much? (price) ‘ransporttion rom How many? (quant); Can help you? | pons [7 Hlotelcheck-in | Checking nto a hotel ‘Do you / Does it have ..? Hotel reservations IES Anappointment | Making an appointment: tine Present continuous, Aopointments resent continuous ture | IE 9 Sreakiestbufet | Meking request; recommending Theres. There are Hotel breakasts ‘countabia va, uncountable (EN 10 Hotel reception | Requests; aiy, problems can requests Language in Canada foryou / Pim J hor Tiles (EM 11 Cty guide Describing places: adjectives Home towns locaton; facts and figures bbe/ have compared EIB 12 Concieedesk | Asking forand ging directions prepositons of pace; instructions | Speling TE 18 Wrong number | Telephone cals; apologies: present simple: want / wants; Phone pads asking fr repetition May help yous? BM 14 Ataxirice Making change oping What do you d0?: Where are you going Tipe, taxa | WEI 15 troauctins | invoducing youself inireduction formulas: introductions | tang about acquaintances ‘gro9tings and responses TE 16 erarios Timetables; fixed arrangements ‘ing to tre, Dates Present simple timetabie tue BB 77 Veto Fecoving vistors offering; inroduetons | would ike; going to (do) Wecoming 18 Connections | Telephoning: recorded information frequency adverbs; present simple Phone phrases | IB 19 Festtood Requesting and paying for food Fate ..sand or Taxes | (EM 20 Git stom ‘Shopping for git How much?; How old? Traveler's checks Wht size?; demonstratives 21 Smalltalk Staring conversations; aking about opinions] possessive pronouns: superatves | Topic af conversation 22 Foutnes Routines and habits; irwtations recent simple; equency Routines | soquonce words M23 Yourcompany | Taking about your work in charge /responsibie for, (Companies, es companies; orgarizatons reports 0 24 Linch ‘Suggesting lunch; erring hint; suggestions: Let's /How about ..7: [Paying Mbusiness Hl Socializing Ml Tavel «ME Hotels «MI Money ll Food & Drink Communications TOPIC UNIT ‘COMMUNICATION GRAMMAR AREAS. [CULTURE FILE 1 125 Deaing win problers| Checking aut; ote! problems lj woot Ternulas time words (xgeney) | Hote facies BEIM 26 Arrangements [Making appoiniments; booking fights | wil / went future uses; air avo hubs ana Let me spokes: IM 27 Meeting people | Introducing others; meeting new people; | want / he + infrtive; Frendy names, ites forma gratings 900% glad + inte: enjoy ook forward to + ing form M28 About yoursett [Talking about yourself; personal history | past simple: was / ware Degrees was bom; How long? © 29 Phone systems | Gotting through on the phone: apologies_| when as a connector Phone systems want + you + infinitive [30 Potteinqivies | Stating conversations past simple: had, wen Friendly questions sking about the past was, were 8 Laundry (Checking information asking about launcry | past simple: f00k ff, called, tol, put | Clothes E82 Directory assistance| Asking for information; telephone services| giving instructions Emergency codes TE 85 Atvactons Desorbing places; asking about plans | gong to future Atractions TE © Svogestions | Apotogizing; suggestions; avico ] modal: shouts / wi usc ofce nous Why con't you? ete ‘35 The menu (Ordering a meal describing food Tee... /Tthave Whar woutd yu Ike?) Food words yeu TM 86 Atmotabe Receiving food orders; etiquette requests: could / may can Starting @ meal toasting who / whose; possessive, reflexive pronouns; poss. adjectives 37 Interests Leisure interests; kes and dstkes ke don’ tke + ing for; Sports {9003 / bad at + ing form WM 28 ema ‘ermal tho internet; business messages | instructions The internet TE 29 Sates tak Persuasion; making a sales piton passives; supetatives (biggest; was | Brand names [E40 Fightseeing Vacations; narrating past simple narativ Fightsscing ‘regular /iegular verbs TH 41 Lets make a deat | Comparing things: business deals ‘past ably: could / couldn't Business comparisons ‘move, less, fewer, comparatives biaged| [Hi 42. Attheaipor | Checking in orfigts; cocurty checks | past simple; formulas with Standing in tine present perfect: none, all WHIM 49 Checking out | Hotel check-out: using credit cards mixed tense review dl wil / going to | Minibars 44 Your cabin Describing rooms and facitios looking forward to, hope, wont Traveling by sea [45 Matong tients | Starting conversations; bocoming friends | co, so far than: verbs of perception: | Question intonation (ook, tasto EB 46 Souvenirs ‘Shopping and bargaining would tke; passives; made of /raco in| Bargaining I 47 Good news {Giving and receiving news _ask / al (someone) to do; Reacting to bad news going to / have fo / want fo / need to TE 48 Goodbye ‘Saying goodbye; thanking vl going to future; Goodbyes someone for alp predicting ‘Transcripts pages 55-S8, Communication Activites ps, §-7D, Grammar Flas ps. 71-80, Vocabulary Files ps. 81-82, Culture les om page 84 ees Introducing the course ¥ Order a meal and a drink. Use the menu and the pictures. E ss = f % Pa - o.. Pam 2 = ri & = — a a See age ed 3 Landing card —y 1 fly Convorsation A Josie Campbell is British. She is on an airplane flying from Vancouver to San Diego Flight Attendant: Excuse me, ma'am. Are you an. American citizen? Josie: No. No, 'm not. Flight Attendant: Do you have a visa for the United States? Josie: Yes, | do, Flight Attendant: Can you complete is card? It's for immigration, Josie: Allright. Uh, do you have a pen? Flight Attendant: No, | don’t. Sorry. 10M Conversation 8 dosie: Excuse me, do you have pen? Edgar: Yes, do. dosie: Un can borow i? Edgar: Dont you have one? dosie: No, Edgar: Hun. al ight. There you go. Josie: Thankyou 1 [2 Fy on the airplane there are instructions on video about the immigration form. Listen to the instructions, and complete 2 the U.S, Arrival Record with true information. 2 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity A : Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity N Asking questions 111 Hy Conversation C Josie: Here's your pen b Edgar: vo you here on vacation? dJosie: No, m not. 'm here on business Edgar: A you Bish? Josie: Yes, 1am, but | work in Vancouver Edgar: | workin Vancouver, 00 Josie: Are you Canackan? Edgar: No, 'm an American citizen, en, 3 Which question or questions do the replies match? Write A, B or C. Then practice Conversation C. Questions Replies ‘A Are you here on vacation? _Yes, | am B Are you here on business? _No, I'm not. 'm here © Why are you going on business. to San Diego? No, I ive in San Diego. —— I'min college there. I'm visiting friends. Pm visiting family, _ It's a business trip, I'm not. I'm changing planes there, Hy Conversation A Inmigration Control in San Diego, California, Listen and practice in groups of three. Immigration: ... From Taiwan? How long are you staying? Woman: One week. Immigration: Fine. Enjoy your stay. Guard: Step this way. Please stand behind the yellow ling ... Please stand behind the yellow line ... Go ahead, ma’am, Booth four... Step this way Immigration: Good afternoon, ma'am, Your passport, please, Josie: There you go. Immigration: How long are you staying in the U.S.A? Josie: About two weeks, Immigration: Thank you... that's it. Welcome to the United States, and enjoy yaur stay. 4 Welcome to the U.S.A, © Conversation B Guard: Please pick up your bags, and walkthrough to Customs Control. Please pick up your bags, ang walk through to Customs Control Customs: Welcome to the United States, Where are you traveling from? Josie: I'm traveling from Vancouver. Customs: Ave you British? Josie: Yes, lam, Customs: My grandiather's Brilish! He was born in York Do you know York? Josie: Yes, Ido. its a lovey city. ‘Customs: Do you have any prohibited items? Josie: No, | don't Customs: OK. Enjoy your stay here, Josie: Thank you. 5 fy Listen. Number the instructions in the correct order from 1 07, Go to Booth fifteen. Then please take your bags, Please show your passport. Jakob Sikorsky ‘Grandia Step right up to the yellow line. Proceed to customs control Please step this way, sit But please stand behind it rsa, Poland oooceco 2 Look at Suzanna’s family tree and make sentences. Use Vocabulary File 3, Frankie's her grandfather. He's Italian-American. He was bom in Italy. Maria Suarez Grandmater b. Monterey Mexico Frankie Rossi Ingrid Svenson Geandtather randmother brian aly “Tb. Stockhoim Sweden Jakob Sikorsky Annie Rossi Patter — Mother b.Los Angeles b. New York Cy ‘Suzanna Sikorsky chicago 116 The Baggage Hall at Vancouver International Aiport. Alicia's waiting at the carousel. So is Jack Hudson. That's my bag over there, and | can't reach it ack: Which ane? This one? Alicia: No, not that one. The red one. Jack: Phew! There you go. Alicia: Oh, and tho Jack: Which anes? Alicia: Those two blue ones and that aluminum just a minute lease be carefull Don't stand on the carousel Jack: Don't worry, ma’am. I'm OK, I can get them Alicia: Oh, dear. Are you al right? Jack: Uh, sure. Are these your suitce Alicia: Well, no. They aren't. Sorry! 1 (> Look at the words in red and blue in the conversation. Make more conversations with the words below. LANGUAGE BANK this red bag that blue hard case these an soft case those metal case black backpack vanity box gray suitcase 2 PACIFIC OCEAN it fly American states and Canadian provinces have their own fiags. What colors are they? Listen to the descriptions and check. Does your state or province have a flag? Deseribe i Culture File _5 | States and provinces — 6 A ride downtown = ? Talk about your town. Ask and answer What's your home town? Do you live there now? What state / province is it in? Is it the largest city in the state / province? What's the population? What's the climate like? Isit mild / hot / dry / wet / cold? Is itnear the mountains / desert / a river? Ist far from the border with another country? Isita center of tourism? What industries are there? What's the most famous building? How old is it? wef» 12Concierge desk <——ems 136 A) Peter Grotowski works on the concierge desk at the Columbia Towers Hotel Alicia: Good morning. I'm going to the Do I need a taxi? Peter: Canada Place? No, ma'am. You can fat. It's only about a five-minute walk Alicia: Fine. Which way is it? uise ship terminal alk. I's not MARINE WATERFRONT BUILDING @ CENTRE: ° CANADIAN PACIFIC. Canabian RAILWAY STATION vistors) ° INFORMATION e eo & chinsrcnufon & 7 a CATHEDRAL ao ° : “se Ds CT So 3D 2S nt CRS 0 Se %, . CONS, dao AO a dae & victory £ SQUARE ° HoulRdsaay CATHEDRAL © QUEEN s clans Sree s. 1 (15750786 Liston to the three conversations. Mark the routes and the destinations on the map. Write 1,23. 2 |» Give directions from the hotel to these places: Gastown Christ Church Cathedral Vietory Square The Seabus Terminal Culture File 12) Spelling Peter: Here's a map, We're right here. Turn right outside, the hotel, and walk down Granville Street for about three blocks. The Canadian Pacific Station is at the end Of the street. Take a left, then a right. You can't miss it. it’s rght in front of you Alicia: Thanks. Can | take the map? Peter: Sure. } Look at these four groups of directions from the hotel. Follow each group of directions and find the destination. about three blocks go through the station turn left and then right follow the signs a ten-minute walk can go different ways opposite Canada Place turn right go toward the waterfront it's a five-minute walk tum right atthe station {90 past the cathedral take the let fork Is on your right 4 <>. Choose a location, hotel to the location, directions from the ss = 13 Wrong number [1a By Conversation A Edgar: 971-7844 Voice: Sesu'y Sao, Tiss Tia. May I help you? Edgar: Sor. Gan you repeat that? Voice: Beauty Salon Tis 6 Tania, Mey |help you? Edgar | don’t want the Beauiy Salon Is this 221-7844? Voice: Ara you calling from inside the hote!? Edgar: Yes. Voice: And do you want an outside line? Edgar: Of course | want an outside lina! Voice: This ig 32. It's an internal number. Press 9 before ‘the number for an outside line 2»? Look at Conversation A and change the blue text to make similar conversations. 2 Which internal number does Edgar press for these inquiries? He wants a sandwich and coffee, He has some dirty laundry. He wants an airline ticket, He has a problem with his shower. He wants the police. He wants a haircut. He wants a dinner reservation. za7eacce into US. dollars, He wants the hotel Operator. He wants the exchange rate for Canadian dollars Tat 8 Conversation B Edgar: OK, 9-321-7844. Voice: Helo? Edgar: May | sp2ak to Ms. Lowe, please? Voice: no? Edgar: We, Lowe Voice: Who is this? Edgar: Ths Eager Young, AmCan Tava. min Voice: What number ae you caling Edgar: 21-7844, Voice: 'm sory. You have the wrong number Edgar: Oh! Sorry to disturb you. Voice: That's O aE a De Has — oe [jammy BEAUTY San = = RESTAURANT — Fens El oe Se Sp oe I = Nain et oe rl 2 = Tyemmmg HOUSEKEEPER emmy TRAVEL BUREAU aes = Ss 3 {> Look at Conversation B. Make conversations with this informati © Mr. Garcia / 408-6289 Mrs. Chang / 711-4137 Ms. Kim / 613-9475 Ms. Stein / 401-5019 Dr. Suzuki / 212-8760 Culture File 13, Phone pads Gee 14 Ataxiride —___ [142 Conversation A ‘Josie Campbells outside her hotel in San Diego. Doorman: Are you checking out, ma'am? Josie: Yes. Doorman: Taxi? Josie: [1.0 6 Conversation 8 Driver: Where to? Josie: Per B, on Harbor Driv Driver: OK. Are you going on a cruise? Josie: I work on a ship. The Pacific Rm Voyager. Driver: Oh, right So you're @ sao, hun? Josie: No, m nota sion Driver What do you do? Josie: I'm the Excursions Manager YELLOW CAB 1k 0 Conversation oF CORONA Driver: This is it. That's $8.50. a Josie: Thanks, Here you go. Driver: Out of twenty. that's $11.50 change, Josie: Just give me $10.00 Driver: Thank you. Have a good trp D Typ Oa ROR ae >) US. Megey. FP © coliar.= idd;cents bills - $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 quarter = 25.éenis coins - 1¢, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, $1 dime = 49 cents ssc ° nickel = cents ” penny =4 cent . Note: There are als lyaif-deliar coins / fifty-cent pieces. | These are not commoge, EEE AE 1 (> Look at Conversation B. Make 2 Complete these: conversations with this information: e.g. A quarter and arnickel = ». 4s Three quarters, a dime, and two cents = ‘Sea World / on Mission Bay bb Fournickels and a dime = Here on vacation? © A five-dolla bill, four quarters, and a cent = No. Work at Sea World 4 Aten-dollar bil, a quarter, and two dimes Tour guide? Four cents, a nickel, and a quarter No. Whale trainer. # A twenty, a dolar, and three nickels Globe Theater / Balboa Park: 3 |v Look at Conversation C and make Going to see a play? conversations. No, Work there. Fare: thirty-four dollars .. Actor? You have: two twenty-dollar bills No, Director. Fare: Seventeen dollars You have: a twenty-dollar bill Culture File 14) Tips, taxis — = 15 Introductions om 16 #y Conversation A Josie is on board the Pacific Rim Voyager. She's, meeting her new boss for the first time. Sailor: Good morning. How may | help you? Josie: Hi. I'm looking for Ms. Grant's affce. Sailor: Ms. Grant? Her office is straight along the hallway (on the left. I's number 104. Her name's on the doar, vosi 3: Thank you. Sailor: You're welcome. | Be de 1 You're on the stairs. Ask for directions to. th plas one agar >i 7 noauctns 2 Match the sentence: Greeting Response fore Oem How do you do? I'm glad to be here. Please call me Tom. ‘Thank you. MaccrotsSmunin, Re ek Ard you? So, you're the Director. ‘That's right. Sateen ta Tai Hy Conversation & Josie: Good morning .. Ms, Grant? sm Cacia Grant, How may Ihelp you? Josie: How do you do. 'm Josie Campbell. the nev Excursions Manager. Cecilia: Good to mast you, Josie. Take a seat Josie: Thank you, Ms. Grant, Ta Hy Conversation C Cecilar Pease call me Cecla Josie: OK... Cella So, you the Entertainment Director Cecilia: That’ right, Welgome aboard the Voyager dosio: Thankyou: I's good fo be her. Cecilia You're rom the Pactic Pim Traveler. Oo you know Philip Van Dor? doste: OF course. Hes the ret Officer Cecilia: He's a good frend of mine. Say, come ard see Your new ofc. hs ight net door dose: Thankyou 100 are 10 100 vor ar : woutoons poms Menta Foon EWTERTANMeNT — Aiaiceh ioe MANAGER 13 1 ti rensonnet cxtins as ener re Srcrea wanes 3 © putthe sentences below in the correct orden, then practice the conversation. 8: Thank you 8: Of course. She works in the Data Processing department. She's an old friend of mine. That's correct. You're from the London office, aren't you? Do you know Cathy Stokes? Oh, really? Please have a seat. Now make conversations with this information: New York office / Gloria Manuel / Computer Department Washington factory / Steve Change / Quality Control Department 148 1 Josie Campbell is asking Cecilia about the itinerary of the Pacific Rim Voyager. 16 Itineraries Cecilia: We'te going to Monterey. Josie: What time do we arrive there? Cecilia: At 8:00 a.m. Josie: And what time do we leave? Cecilia: At 5:00 p.m, ITINERARY CRUISE 619 7 DAYS PACIFIC COAST HIGHLIGHTS San Diego - Vancouver ‘date day voyager ____—_—|_antive/ depart May 28 Monday | San Diego, California Cruising the Pacific Catalina island Santa Barbara | | Monterey, California | - a Dopart 10:00 am. May 29 Tuesday anaes 3:00 pm. /8:00 pum, | May 30_ Wednesday! 8:00 am. /5:00 pm. May 91 Thursday | San Francisc June1 Friday Eureka, California | Cruising the Pacific \June 2 Saturday sing the Pacific [dune 8 Sunday |. Vancouver. B.C. 8:00 am. / 1:00 pm. Anive 10:00am 1 Ask and answer: a When are they going to Monterey? b_ Does the ship arrive there at 7:00 am.? © What time does it arrive? d_ When does it leave? 2 Make sentences like this January is the first month of the year. ‘Monday is the first day of the week. 3 ay and Ceeilia's conversation. Find the information: Josie’s birthday b Cecilia's sisters birthday © When ate they going to Eurcka? . 4. When are they going to have a party? 8:00 am./ 11:00 am 7:00 am. /6:00 p.m. Pacific Rim Cruises: Employment Record Name: Josie Campbell Date of birth: 1/6/81 4. How do you say these dates in your country? || What are they in American style? 5/12/99 © 3/2/67 b 8/9/03 aan 6 10/11/04 1/3/90 Talk about birthdays for your friends and family, e.g. My brother's birthday is... Cuttur 16) Dates 5 | 150% Listen, then make more conversations between Josie and Cecilia. vosie: When are we going to Monterey? Cecilia: On Wednesday the thirtieth, Josie: Where aro we going on June 1st? Cecilia: We're going to Eureka in the morning. Then we're cuising the Pacific in the afternoon, 6 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 4 - Go to Communication Activity D ‘Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity Q Conversation A Simon Chang works at the Pacific Rim Cruises office at Canada Place in Vancouver. ‘Simon: May | helo you? Alicia: Yes, thank you. I'm Alicia Romero. From San Diego. Simon: Oh ght! You must be the photographer That's right. 'm the photographer from Sagebrush ere Simon: And you're going to take pictures of the Alaska cruise for the brochure, Alicia: Yes, | am. Simon: Wel, that's great. Take a seat. 'm Simon Chang 'm Mr. Dawson's assistant, Good to meet you. Alicia: Good to meet you too. Simon: /And welcome to Pacific Rim, Cone rik tea bate ron) [haif'n halt sigan) “swastare) leiearil 1 {°~ Look at Conversation A. Then role-play the conversation replacing some of the expressions in blue 17 Visitors <__sses © Conversation B Simon: Can get you someting to chink? Alicia: Un, yes, Thanks, Simon: Would you ike coflee, tea or a cold dink? Alicia ike tea, please imon: With mik or lemon? Alicia: Lemon, please ‘Simon: OK. Just a minute. Excuse me. I'm going to make the tea, Here's last year's brochure. You can take a look while you're waiting, 3 Match the containers to the contents. Which containers match with more than with words below one wore? ee container contents Introduce yourselt_ state your job sit down a Bo ImSteven Lee. Tmmasdles tepresentave, Takea chat i Pe My name’s Anna Garcia, |'m from XYZ Incorporated. Please sit down. uc Ps hobeneeeniie Iworkfer West Travel. Woudyoutketo | MO, be Ratner? ETc spoonful cream 2 52 We often offer vistors a dink, Use the piture a suena above, end roleplay Conversation 8 with ferent words. Welcoming Questionnaire 1. Which of these do you use? Gatelephone Ga pay phone Ya cell phone Gacarphone an answering machine Ga fax machine Gamodem Oi text messaging Gacaller display Ga video phone a phone card Ga WAP cell phone 2 How often do you use the phone? very often often occasionally Gronce or twice a day G not every day 3 How often do you text on the phone? Overy often 2 sometimes never 1 2 3 18 Connections 4 When you hear an answering machine, do you leave a message? Galways 2 sometimes hardly ever 5 When you don’t know a number, what do you prefer to do? look in a phone book 1 call Directory Assistance check the Web Pans Welcome to the Sprint voice mailbox of Cathy my desk Lowe. I'm not at work right now. Please give your ek ewienarermmranaconneiene name and phone number after the beep, and Ill auestomate, Compare the answers forthe ca68, on Thankyou for cotatng me 153_06i Edgar Young is calling rom his room in San Diego. Listen to his phone call. 4 (155 fy calls, Part 3, Undertine the Call 4, Part 1. Complete the transcript: differences in Cathy Lowe's message. Then listen Thank you for__ SouthCal Tours. Your call again and correct them. isin a cal-waiting system. Your call is important to : —_ Please unt one of our telephone 5 Edgar Young's message is too long for the operators is__ answering machine. Write a short message. (The phone number of the Quantity Inn i 886- 1st Aly Call, Part 2. What does the 4414, He's in Room 213) operator say? Thank you for (calling / holding / waiting). 6 (156 (Aig Call2. Write the numbers in the b How (can / may) | help you? spaces. © Please (bear with me / hang on / hol) a Press ___ for reservations. _ I'm (calling her / trying her extension / b Press _ for recorded information, connecting you), © Press for brochures. Note: all the answers are possible, d Press for other inquiries, © File 18) Phone phrases 7 © Write an answering machine message for yourself. Then practice saying it to a partner. 157 HY tts eleven thy. Jack Hudson is at a fast food outlet in a mal Server: Next. Yes, sir? ack: [tke Big Burge, please Server: Big Burger. Anything oso? slack: Yes, With es Server: Regular orange fies? slack: Lage Server: Anything to crink? Jack: Yeah, cote, Server Is that everthing? Jacks Yup. Tat Server: OK. Thats @ Big Burger, wit large tes, and ‘cote Jack: Fight Server: Thats seven ninety three wth the tax dack: Inere you go. Server: Out of twenty. Twelve dollars and seven cents change. is coming right up. 1S Look at the conversation, and make more conversations with the menu. 2 158 fy Listen to Jack and the server. Then answer the questions: a Would he like vanilla or chocolate ice cream? b_ How much is it? © What bill does Jack offer the server? Can the server make the change? @ Does Jack have anything smaller? ~ Use the menu and role-play more conversations. Use the expressions in the Language Bank. 19 Fast food BIG BURGER WORLD | Ble BISER 4 0 burr : | fs | ESE. 402 cheba ; BACON BURGER 4 oz re Wit Canadian bon tas B16 DOG hot doy BIG SALAD jana bar Me NACHOS with hot dee “6 aie | FRIES 4 | Pgilar$ { fise terme frags | SOFT FREEZE KE REAw mf atl, choclate op ta | vant thea Bi SHAKE fle, Strawhery, hoolate Ba Bi «LA regular § | Mar $145 large d.t5 | \S | ~ x Reape t! All Big Burger packaging reat AI Big Burger wenty are from ‘ruety fre fara, | TLS TAK an | LANGUAGE BANK Server: Do you have anything smaller? the right / exact amount? Out of twenty? That's. Customer: {twenty-dollar bil). Sorry, loniy have a tfifty-pound note)? Sorry, can you change a Sorry, | don’t have anything smaller. Can Ihave (some quarters / dollar coins) in the change? 4 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity E ‘Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity R Taxes ms 20 GIT StOre ees 1% Conversation A Hirosh'is at the Columbia Towors Hotel lft store. Hiroshi: Excuse me, How much is this? Sales person: The baseball cap? I's $18.95, Hiroshi: What size is it? Sales person: They're all the same. One size fits all Hiroshi: That's OK, questions. What are the answers? 2 © Conversation A. Make conversations using the Language Bank and the five items above. LANGUAGE BANK ‘How much is this / that? How much is this / that one? How much is the blue one? What size is it? / What sizes do you have? More colors light gray @ dark gray @ maroon cream brown beige @ dark blue @ light blue % Conversation 8 Hiroshi How much are those Tshits? Sales person: Wrich ones? Hiroshi: The dark blue ones Sales person: They're twenty-three dolls each Hiroshi: What sizes do you have? Sales person: Smal, medium, large and exra-rge st for you? Hiroshi: No. I's for my son Sales person: How old is he? Hiroehi: Thiton, Sales person: | suppose medium, then. ©) Conversation © Hiroshi: OK. The cap and the T-shirt, thon, Sales person: That's forty-one ninety-five together. Forty- eight sixty-five withthe tax. Hiroshi: Do you take travelers checks? Sales person: Sure, Just sign and date it.I have a step with the store name, Hiroshi: There you go Sales person: That's one thity-fve change. baseball cap, $18.95, soarves, $25.50 each eyting, $3.50 V7 ES ties, $48.55 each Tshirts, $23.00 each 3 (> Conversation B, Make conversations using these phrases. Total your purchases, and pay with a traveler's check. How much are these / thase? How much are the large ones? Isitforyou? No, it's for my father daughter husband wife mother brother sister son uljture File 20 Traveler's checks Fy Conversation A Alicia and Simon are making small talk or social conversation, before they discuss work. ‘Simon: There we go. Two teas Alicia: Which one's mine? ‘Simon: That one, The one without a spoon. There's sugar in mine, but there's no sugar in yours, Alicia: Thanks. ‘Simon: Be careful, it hot! VY Conversation B Simon fs his your fst vist to Vancouver? Alicia: Yes, tis. Simon: What do you think of t? Alcias i's beaut, Realy beaut Simon: | agree, but than i's my home town 1 Look at Conversation A. Answer the questions: Which cup is his? Is it the one with a spoon or the one without @ spe0n? Does she take sugar? 2 Look at Conversation B. Which of these are good topics for small talk? ‘© the city you're in + business problems ‘+ your journey = the weather * politics ‘© food and drink 3 These are replies to “What's it like?” Put (V) for positive replies, and (x) for negative replies. Excellent / Not very good / Not too bad / Along way from the center / Very noisy / Busy / Fl / Near the airport / Right by the mall / Fine 21 Small talk ") Conversation Simon: Where are you staying? Alicia: At the Columbia Towers. Do you know it? Simon: Yes, its on Granvile Street, What's tke? Alicia: I's excel Simon: Good ©) Conversation D Simon: Hovr do you ike the weather nere? Alicia: It's fine. Not too hat. San Diego's pretty hot at this time of year. Anyhow, is it going to ral? | want cry weathor for my pictures. Simon: We get a lot of rain in the fall and winter December and January are the wettest months, But the weather forecast is OK for this wook. Alicia: Great 4 Look at Conversation C, and make conversations about accommodation using: Stay & Save Motel / Next to the airport Grand Royal Hotel / Near the park 5 Look at Conversation D, and talk about your ‘town or city. Use these questions: Does it rain in spring / summer / fall / winter? Which is the hottest / coldest / wettest / driest month? Topics of conversation 6» Josie Campbell is with Cecilia Grant on board the Pacific Rim Voyager. They're discussing Josie’s daily routine, Cecilia: So, Josie. Let’s go through your dally routine. | expect it's the same as on your last ship, Josie: Sure, When do we begin? Cecilia: At 7:00 aim. First, you always speak to your excursions team, Josie assengers usualy meet in the Ship's ‘Theater before they leave the ship — that’s thirty minutes ater we artive in port. Josie: And the excursions normally leave thirty minutes later? Cecilia: That's right. Next, you abways check the buses and the passenger lst. Josie: Sure, 22 ROUtINGS — ees Cecilia: Then, after they leave the ship, you generally have time for administrative work. Josie Do! go on any excursions? Cecilia: If you have time! You usually don’ Josie: OK What about the evenings? Cecilia: Finally, in the evenings you take reservations for the next Josie: y. 's not exactly the same as my last ship, but it's similar. Cecilia: Great! Well, the passengers arrive tomorrow moming. You're free this evening, Josie: Thanks, Cecilia: Some of us trom the entertainment team are going out to dinner. Would you lke to come with us? * 1.can mest everyone in an informal setting, Josie: That's wonderful. Thank you, Cecilia 1 Ask and answer: ‘a What does Josie do first? b_ When do the passengers meet? © When do the excursions leave? d_ What does she do next? e What does she do then? What does she do in the evenings? @ Is the routine the same as her last ship? 2 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity F Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity S ercacce. Ask and answer about daily routines. When do you usually leave home? What time do you usually arrive at work? What do you normally do first? What do you do next? When do you normally have breaks / lunch? What time do you normally finish work? When do you arrive home? Routines | === 23 YOU COMpPany = i © Look at the chart and listen to their conversation. fly Simon is explaining his company to Alicia. PACIFIC RIM CRUISES: ORGANIZATION CHART Olga Wvanov Marketing Director VP. Sales Reservations Director President Sven Hansen C.E.O. Patticia Brooke \V.P. Operations Michael Perez Administration Director Dan Burgess ‘Anna Maria da Silva Rosa Wong Ships’ Captains Publicity Manager Sales Manager fesienn Pepe HI RSP rane See Manager Manager ‘Traveler Voyager Explorer Marco Blanche Karen Skov Entertainment Director Excursions Sports Theater Manager Manager Manager 1 | ten again and underline the 5 Describe your job in the same way. people Simon talks about. 2 Find abbreviations on the chart for: Chief Executive Officer Vice President What do these abbreviations mean? Admin. Mngr. Pres, 3.2 Ask and answer. Use the words in the Language Bank. : Vihat coos Wanda Sikorski do? ‘She's the Sales Manager. 4. Josie Campbell is the Excursions Manager on board the Pacific Rim Voyager. Cecilia Grant is her immediate superior, and she reports to the ship's captain, Captain Carlsson. Look at the Transcript, then make sentences about Josie's job. ‘Companies, titles LANGUAGE BANK He's Jin charge of | publicity She's | responsible for | accounts. Im the Los Angeles office. He reports to the Sales Director. ‘They work in the Accounts Department. Her boss is the Sports Manager. She has three assistants. ’'m one of her secretaries. He's my immediate superior. & Conversation A its lunchtime in Vancouver. ‘Simon: OK. It's twelve thirty. You're meeting Mr. at two, Do you feel like some lunch? Alicia: Sure, Simon: What kind of food do you like? Alicia: Anything. its up to you. imon: | usually go to an italian place near here, service, but the food's OK Alicia: That's fine. Let's go there, 69 6% Conversation B ‘Simon: Here's a tray. It a set lunch, They have @ Of four entrées, and you can choose a side salad, a roll ‘and butter, and a drink, Alicia: Thanks. Server: Hi. What can I get you? Alicia: Lasagne, please. Server: Do you want Parmesan cheese on that? Alicia: Yes, please, ‘Simon: Spaghetti Bolognese for me. No Parmesan. Server: Coming right up. Look at Conversation A. Make two conversations with this information. Conversation 1: 12:15 p.m. / meeting at 1:45 p.m Would you like some lunch? What sort of food ...? Chinese place downtown. Conversation 2: 1 p.m. / begin work at 2:15 pum How about some lunch? What do you feel like? Mexican restaurant / across the street. 24 LUNCH ees 120. Conversation ¢ Cashior: Are those together? Simon: Yes Cashier: That's twenty-five dllars and oighty- seven cents, Alicia: Lot me pay Simon: No. Ths ison Paco Rim Cruises Alicia: You're sure? Simon: OF courss, insist Dawson 1S sett Alicia: OK. Then let me pay next time Cashier: Hey! There's a line at the counter! Make up your minds Simon: Sorry. Thore you go. choice Boao aye Ph a Bide) eon ARTED RACE, 2 <>? Look at Conversation B, and make more conversations using the menus. Culture File 24] Paying 3 Who's going to pay? Look at Conversation C. Make conversations in groups of three using the Language Bank. LANGUAGE BANK Let me pay. Fill pay. This is on me. This is on the company, No, I'l get it. — | <= 25 Dealing with problems = 2 By Conversation A 2a By. Conversation C Pearl Lis working atthe Front Desk atthe Columbia Carlos: Manonance, Calos speaking Towers Hotel. Pearl This is Perl i. Carlos, ull you go up to Room 652 a, Tight now? i's urgent. Carlos: What's the problem? Pearl: The shower wor't stop, Man: | want to check out. 'm in a hurry. have a plane to ae Carlos: mon my wa Pearl: OK, the cashier's desk is right over there. I'll tell her eure iat 265 Fy Conversation D Peari: Front Dos, This is Pear Phone: This is Room 552, Wil you send someone 20%} Conversation B eee Quickly? There's water coming through the cellng! eee ros Pear: Alright deal wth ram. Ron Ses This Phone: I need someone incom 652 mmedatayi The Pear Ah i eal wth i ma'am, Fro shower is running, and it won't stop! There's water all 1one: I'm in Room 452, and there's water cover the foot Peart: Don't womy sit send an engineer right away. 1 Look through the conversations, and highlight 3 Imagine that you are the Front Desk Clerk. Offer the offers of help. Then Girclé)the requests. help in these situations: * I'm checking out after lunch. | don't want © Student 1: You're a guest at the hotel. Housekeoping to make up my room. You're calling the Front Desk. Request help in ‘+ My room's very cold. | can't turn off the air those situations: conditioning, The toilet won't work. ‘© The TV isn't working, b There are no towels in your room. i ‘© You want someone to take your bags to the Culture File 25 Hotel facilities lobby. You're in a hurry. You want the hotel to prepare ‘your bill now, before you come down to the lobby. Student 2: You're the Front Desk Clerk. Decide who to send. Use thi room maid / bell captain / engineer / cachior 206 Mp Conversation A Jack Hudson is making some phone calls. Piorro: SaveCash Supermarket ack: Hi, Pierre, This is lack Hi Mineral Waters Pierre: Ah, Jack. Yes, how are you? ack: I'm fine. I'm in town for a couple of days. Gan | come and see you? Pierre: OK. I'm pretty busy at the moment. Can you make it Friday afternoon? Jack: Friday atternoon? I'll be there. What time? Pierre: Anytime afer four, Jack: OK. Does 4:15 suit you? Pierre: Yes, that's OK. I'l see you then. Pierre speaking. on. Absolutely Arizona Tes A ° Look at Conversation A. Make a conversation with this information: Alicia Romero / Sagebrush Marketing In town for two weeks. Is Saturday momning OK? Not before eleven. Eleven thirty? 2 Underline “, wil, and won't in Conversation B. Make a conversation with this information: Vancouver to Denver / Saturday lunch 4:45 tight 90 minutes Economy / 60 minutes Coach No other direct fight on Saturday or Sunday Noxt fight - Monday at 6:45 a.m. 26 Arrangements <== 22 6 Conversation B Agent: All Canada Airlines. Can | help you? Jack: Yes. I nood a fight from Vancouver to Phoenix on Friday. Do you have any seats? Agent: Let me see. Yes, | have ane on the 5:20 fight Jack: Five thity! What's the check-in tme? ‘Agent: One hour Economy. Thirty minutes Business ‘Glass, Will you take that? Jack: No. | wan't get to the airport in time, When wil the next fight leave? ‘Agent: There won't be another direct fight on Friday. There'll be one on Saturday at the same time. Jack: Fine, Il take t ‘Agent: Just let me check. Oh, I'm sorry, that fight’ ul All Ganada Airlines Partner airlines Edmonton Vancouver Winnipeg San Francisco Las Vegas Phoenix 3 _ 200 (fy Listen to the agent describing a different route. Find answers to these questions: When will the fight leave Vancouver? ‘What will the last check-in time be? Where wil it stop? ‘What time wilt arrive there? ‘When will the next fight leave? ‘What time will it arrive in Phoenix? seanoce 4 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity @ Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity T Culture File 26) Air travel: hubs and spokes Cecilia Grant is introducing Josie to her new Pacific Rim Voyager co-workers, 209 ly Conversation A Cecilia: Josia, | want you to meet Keni Nakamura, He's the Sports Manager. Kenji this is Josie, who's in charge of excursions Kenji: How do you do, Josie. Josie: How do you do. Kenji: 0h, so you're British, Josie: That’ right Kenji: Wel, i's good to meet you, Josie. Josie: And you, Ker Kenji: Everyone calls me Ken. Josie: OK... Ken. 210 fy Conversation B Cecilia: Ar this is Brtanny Harding, Britany works your department. She's a tour guide, Josie: How do you do, Brtanny. Im Josie Camabel. Britanny: Pleased to meet you, Josie. Josie: m looking forward to working together. Britanny: Me too. 2A Conversation C Cecilia: Captain Carlsson? May | introc Campbell, our new Excursions Manager? Carlsson: |'m glad to meet you, Ms. Campbell Josie: And gia to meet you, Cactain Casson, Carlsson: Aren't you from the Pacific Rim Traveler? Josie: Thats right Carlsson: Wel, | hope you enjoy working with us Josie: Thank you, si Jost 1 Look at Conversations A to C. Josie meets three people. One has a similar job, one is her superior, and one has a junior job. Answer the questions: Who has a similar job? Who has a junior job? Who is her superior? Does it change the introductions? When do they use first names? eaoce 2 Underline the expressions that are about wo togethor in the future. Culture File 27) Friendly names, titles 27 Meeting people = <—= 3 , »< Write down your name and job title. Exchange it with a partner. Go around the room introducing your partner to other people. Don't forget to shake hands! You can use these phrases: LANGUAGE BANK This is ..., and this is .. want you to meet... / I'd like you to meet want to introduce .../ 'd like to introduce Can | introduce ...? / May | introduce ...? =————= 28 About yourself Hy Conversation A All the entertainment staff are on their way to a restaurant by tax. Ken is sharing a cab with Josie. all Tall >w you're British, but that's me about yoursolt Jos : Mm, right. Well, L was on the Pacific Rim Traveler two years ... | was a tour guide. And ... uh, live in Vancouver, and, uh ... what do you want to know? Kenji: What were you before you were a tour guide? Josie: Before? | was a reservations clerk with Cunard in Europe, and before that | was a student. | was in college for three years. | have a degree in tourism, 1 Look at Conversation A. Ask and answer: Where was Josie born? How long was Josie on the Pacific Rim Traveler? What was her job? What was she before that? Where was she a reservations clerk? How long was she in college? Does she have any qualifications? e@teaoce 2 Look at Conversation B. Ask and answer: Where was Ken born? ‘What was he before he was a sports coach? ‘Was he an amateur or was he a professional? Was he good? Was he fantastic? What was his job last year? Was he in maiches with any famous tennis, players? soacce Hy Conversation B Ken: Me? | vas a pro tennis player before this job. Josie: You were a professional? Kenji: Oh, yeah. | was good, prety good. But wasn't fantastic, Ten | was a sports coach last year, and this year Im he Sports Manager. Josie: Were youin matches with any ofthe stars? Kenji: Some. | was in alot of tournaments at home home? Kent San Francisco my home town My parents stil ve there was born there, 3 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES ‘Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity H Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity U 4 interview a partner. Ask these questions: Where were you born? Where were you at schoo! / college? Do you have any qualifications? What was your frst job? How long were you in that job? What was your next / last job? 5 ‘Change partners. Ask your new partner about their first partner, e.g. Where was (she) at school? What was (his) first job? How easy Is it to get through to people in companies? 4 DIRECT LINE 2 TOUCH-TONE PHONES Bet Br recone oT Jp some companies, When you get through to ‘departments have their own separate phone lines. With ‘ethers, you can dial the ‘company’s number, then ‘press the pound sign (#) followed by the extension ‘number you require. the company, you hear a recorded menu: Listen to the example. 24 Big 4 72 interview a partner and complete the questionnaire. 2 | 215 Offi Edgar is calling Simon. Listen to Part 1 of Edgar's phone call, and complete the sentences. Edgar: | want speak ___ Simon Chang, Operator: __ may |_ who's calling? Edgar: Yes. is Edgar Young _ AmCan Travel Operator: Thank you, Mr. Young. Please 3 | 216 fly Listen to Part 2. Answer the questions: What's Simon doing? Does he want to speak with Edgar? What are Simon's instructions to the secretary? What does the secretary ask the operator to do? aoce 29 Phone systeMS cms SVIATHE SWITCHBOARD —«4 VIA THE SWITCHBOARD. ‘AND SECRETARY PP TswrciT2AR0I +E een a When you get through to. | Sometimes the switchboard the operator, you ask for the puts you through to a name, the extension, or the __ secretary or personal name and extension you assistant first. require. 4 5; Questionnaire Would you prefer your own direct line at work? Why? Why not? Do you always want to speak to people who call you? 3 When do you use an answering machine? a when you're out b when you don’t want to be disturbed © allthe time 4 Do you always tell the truth to callers? (e.9. Do you ask someone else to say you're out when actually you're in?) 5 Someone has information for you. It’s important, but it isn’t very urgent. Would you prefer them to: @ phone you immediately? b fax? © use e-mail? d write a letter? 6 Do you agree or disagree with these statements: a Phone calls offen disturb me when I'm busy. b_ Lalways stop what 'm doing when the phone rings. 257 (fig Listen to Part 3. Complete the sentences: a Im_he'sinamecting, Gan ltakea——? b Caityou him? © fm not d Doyouwant to call__back? Ask and answer: ‘Who says the above lines? Where is Edgar? Does Simon know this? | Write three things you want to do in the next week, and three things you want other people to do for you. Ask about your partner's list. Culture File |29/ Phone systems

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