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The following
Missing Raid
Natural Kill Or-
buffs are A specific player DBM Timer 20
der is followed.
spammed 3 or is told they are seconds or Someone asks
Skull -> X ->
more times se- standing in fire, longer. (breaks for a buff.
Square (on
quentially in raid poison, plague do not qualify)
packs greater
than 3)
Someone talks
Someone com-
with food in
A suggestion is plains about just Hug left or right
their mouth
made and/or ig- having used "cheese food" (needed 5
(must be called
nored their consuma- times)
out by a non-

Mana users are

Someone afk's Boom tells “Happy Raid told to
Seizmok's mic
to put kids to someone how to Day!” “drink” (must be
craps out
bed. play their class FREE SPACE checked 5

Open Mic Mo-

Boss is called Raid warning
ment (must be Healers are Healers are
easy, simple, spammed 3
called out by a blamed blamed
etc. times or more

Raid leads iden-

tify a problem or
A pull is called
C’Thun swal- Logs stop work- solution be- Tunner breath-
messy, sloppy,
lowed me whole ing cause they al- ing into the mic
legedly looked
at log.

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