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MONOLOGUES (A two Minutes improvised scripted performance)

Dear Thespians,

You are to choose any one of the given monologues. You will make an attempt to
perform/deliver these lines creatively. This task will be graded based on these
rubrics/grading criteria.

Facial expression - 5
Emotion - 5
Voice / tone- 5
Clarity/diction - 5

-Always maintain your presence, character, and confidence.

-Give a constructive criticism to the actor on stage.

1.Description: A teacher struggles to teach his/her class virtually

Genre: Comedic
All right. Good morning, class. Welcome back to another day of
online school. Hope you are all doing well? Let’s get started. Wait,
before we start, um, Jason, can you please turn on your camera?
It’s required to have it on. EARTH TO JASON. Please turn your
camera on. JASON. *sigh* Okay, then. Oh, Felicia, can you please
adjust your screen so we can see you and not your forehead? Oh-
dear, that’s too much. Can you adjust it so we can’t just see your
mouth? We want to see your whole face. Maybe move your screen
back a little? It’s fine. We’ll figure it out later. All right, class.
Seems like we can finally get started. Earl, son? You’re un-muted.
Why are you watching Youtube? It’s not even the most boring part
of my class yet! Ugh, Mia, please would you get out of bed? We
are literally in class right now. You can’t be sleeping in class! Get
out of bed and find a desk already! Sean? What is that? You can’t
hear me? Oh. Uhhh, have you tried reloading the zoom page? You
can’t reload zoom? Oh. How about you try to leave and rejoin?
Okay? Oh no. Geena, it looks like your frozen. Are you frozen?
Description: A teenager argues about putting her phone away at
Genre: Comedic

But Dad, why do I have to go to bed. It’s only 9:00! This is so

stupid. You know … my friends don’t go to bed until 10:45
aaaaand they are allowed to have their phones in their bed. Do
you wanna know how I know? I know because every morning I
check my phone and I have a million ceiling pics from SnapChat
saying “STREAKS”. Oh wait, you’re old. That means … actually,
never mind I don’t want to waste my time. If I don’t keep up
with my friends, all the latest clothing trends, and TikTok
dances, (checks phone) Never mind, POVs are in now. See what
I mean. I have got to keep up or else I’m not going be popular
anymore. Then, I won’t have any friends. Oh no Dad, please
help me. I still pay attention in class and get good grades. I
only have my writing homework. I have to write an argument
essay. I can do it in the morning. I’ll just write down everything
I just said. And I got a “C” on my math test. Wait, did I say
“C?” I meant “B.” Actually, I give up. I don’t know why I argue
about going to bed every night. I never win. Fine. I’ll go put my
phone on the kitchen counter. It not fair……


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