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Round One!

Grammar Review: Round One

When we want to focus on the object
For everyday routines, habits and facts For complete actions in the past Not said known or important who does action

Present Simple Past Simple The Passive

I / you / we / they eat breakfast. subject + verb 2 object + be + verb 3 (by + subject)
He went to school this morning. The essay was written by her.
he / she / it eats breakfast.

I / you / we / they don’t eat breakfast.

He didn’t go to school this morning The essay wasn’t written by her.
doesn’t eat
he / she / it

I / you / we / they
eat breakfast? Did he go to school this morning? Was the essay written by her?
he / she / it
Which answer
is correct?

Question 1

The dog…

Present Simple Past Simple The Passive

A likes to eat chicken. A was see a cat this morning. A was chased by a man.

B is liking to eat chicken. B seeing a cat this morning. B was been chased by a man.

C like eat chicken. C saw a cat this morning. C was chasing by a man.
Which answer
is correct?

Question 2

My car…

Present Simple Past Simple The Passive

A have four wheels. A was break down last week. A were been made in japan.

B has four wheels. B were broken down last week. B was made in japan.

C is having four wheels. C broke down last week. C are been made in japan.
Which answer
is correct?

Question 3


Present Simple Past Simple The Passive

A not look like bananas. A fell from the tree yesterday. A are grown in Batu.

was fall from the tree

B are not look like bananas. B B are grew in Batu.
was been fall from the tree
C don’t look like bananas. C C was been grow in Batu.
Which answer
is correct?

Question 4

This ice cream…

Present Simple Past Simple The Passive

A no tastes spicy. A not feel cold. A was first eaten in China.

B not taste spicy. B didn’t feel cold. B was first eat in China.

C doesn’t taste spicy. C didn’t felt cold. C was first being eat in China.
Which answer
is correct?

Question 5

The dishes…

Present Simple Past Simple The Passive

A are not clean. A was cleaning. A is clean by the kids.

B isn’t clean. B is cleaned. B are being cleaned by the kids.

C not cleaned. C were not clean. C were not clean by the kids.

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