Present Perfect - Activity Sep 3

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have/has + participio pasado del verbo

 I have traveled around the world _________ He viajado por el mundo
 Sophie has collected a lot souvenirs from different countries______ Sofía ha coleccionado
muchos recuerdos de diferentes países
 Laura and Camila haven’t passed the exam yet__________ Laura y Camila no han pasado
el examen aún
 Have you tried the new app? _______has probado la nueva aplicación
 Yes, I have_______sí, la he probado

PRESENT PAST P. Participle

Add Added Added
Allow Allowed Allowed
Appear Appeared Appeared
Arrange Arranged Arranged
Arise Arose Arisen
Abandon Abandoned Abandoned
Argue Argued Argued
Believe Believed Believed
Become Became Become
Build Built Built
Consider Considered Considered
Create Created Created
Cut Cut Cut
Change Changed Changed
Cheat Cheated Cheated
Die Died Died
Endorse Endorsed Endorsed
Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed
Fall Fell Fallen
Find Found Found
Fortify Fortified Fortified
Generate Generated Generated
Give up Gave up Given up
Grow Grew Grown
Hesitate Hesitated Hesitated
Hope Hoped Hoped
Hold held held
Improve Improved Improved
Implement Implemented Implemented
Kill Killed Killed
Lead Led Led
Leave Left Left
Need Needed Needed
Offer Polluted Polluted
Pollute Polluted Polluted
Provide Provided Provided
Reject Rejected Rejected
Remain Remainded Remainded
Rise Rose Risen
Reduce Reduced Reduced
seem seemed seemed
Send Sent Sent
Spend Spent Spent
Stay Stayed Stayed
Try Tried Tried
Throw Threw Thrown
Undertake Undertook Undertaken
Understand Understood Understood

Hacer 10 oraciones contando experiencias reales que hayas tenido tú o algún
miembro de tu familia (incluir también terceras personas)
 Oraciones afirmativas y negativas

Recuerda que para hacer oraciones en presente perfecto siempre se tiene que
utilizar el verbo principal en participio pasado
 I have been in Cartagena
 My father hasn’t never driven a car

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