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7 Political Parties 1
APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 2
What are the three levels of a political party?
The spread of the ________primary has made it more difficult for
parties to control who is nominated for elective office.

Label, organization, and a set of leaders

APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 3

APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 4
How did the founding fathers view political parties?
The followers of __________ constituted the Federalist party.

Alexander Hamilton
They did not trust them.

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What did the early Congresses use to nominate a presidential Party conventions were first organized during the time of
candidate? ____________.

The Caucus system Andrew Jackson

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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 8
The ________ party began as a third party, largely on the issue of
The __________faction of the Republican party was interested in
building party machinery and in dispensing patronage jobs.


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The mugwumps emerged as a faction within the _________ party. Reforms supported by the _________ weakened the party system.

Republican Progressives
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The __________ is one procedure that allows citizens to vote directly For both Democrats and Republicans, ultimate authority is in the
on proposed legislation. hands of the ___________.

Referendum National convention

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Which party over the past three decades has been better What system was put in place during the 1992 Democratic
organized, better financed, and more effective? National convention?

Republican party The Proportional Representation system

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What two ways are convention delegates from both parties chosen One hallmark of a _______ _______ is a high degree of leadership
today? control over party membership activity.

By primary elections and grassroots caucuses. Political machine

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The __________ made taking part in political campaigning illegal for
Who took over the party machine’s patronage welfare system?
federal or civil employees.

The federal government’s welfare system

Hatch Act

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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 19
The U.S. electoral system discourages the formation of _______
Many of the strongest personal followings among politicians have
been organized by __________ politicians.

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__________ parties tend to be less successful by more long-lived
The U.S. electoral college is based on the _______________ principle.
that other minor parties.


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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 24
The Socialist Party is an example of a ________ party.
The term _______ means to give a candidate party identification.


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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 26
What are the three ways to gauge the strength of a political party?
The _________ ________ goes a long way toward explaining why U.S.
1. Label - to give a candidate party identification. parties are more decentralized than their European counterparts.
2. The strength of the organization that recruits and campaigns
for candidates.
3. Election of leaders who can dominate one or all branches of Federalist System

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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 28
One reason why political parties in the U.S. today are weaker than
What is almost the only way a person can become a candidate in
in Europe is that, in the U.S., political-party organizations are

Being nominated by party leaders


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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 29
How did the Founders see political parties?
Before the early parties could become legitimate, people first had
to separate disputes over issues from questions of __________.

As factions motivated by ambition and self-interest
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When did political parties in the U.S. develop a comprehensive At the turn of the 19th century, _________ organized the first
organizational form and appeal? Republican party.

From the Civil War to the 1930’s Thomas Jefferson

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Where was the base of the first Republican party organized in the National party conventions were developed as a reform of
1790’s? _________ ____________.

The South Party caucuses

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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 36
The first time a political party was organized from the bottom up
with party conventions playing a role was in the movement How were presidential candidates nominated prior to 1824?
headed by __________.

Andrew Jackson By caucuses comprising of members of Congress

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What replaced the congressional caucus system of selecting a Why did party conventions emerge during the Jacksonian era?
presidential candidate?

As a means of giving some measure of local control to the

The party convention presidential nominating process.

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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 40
The convention system of the parties was first developed as a
Which party emerged as a major party after the Civil War?
________ ________.

Political reform
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A northerner who opposed the Civil War was most likely to belong What was a major effect of the geographic split in parties that
to which party? occurred as a consequence of the Civil War?

The emergence of strong party factions such as the mugwumps

Democratic and progressives.

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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 44
The progressives developed as a reform movement within the
Which faction of the Republican party opposed the patronage
system and feared the influx of immigrants who could be
incorporated into the political machine?


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Which faction favored nonpartisan elections, strict voter Which National Committee has done the best job in recent years in
registration requirements, and civil service reform? incorporating diverse factions, participating by party officeholders,
and help given to party candidates?

Progressives Republican National Committee

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Who manages the party affairs between the national conventions? _________ manages the day-to-day work of the party.

The national committee made up of delegates from each state

and territory. National Party Chairman

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Which party has become more factionalized?
Which party was better organized during the 1960’s and 70’s?

The Democratic Party

The Republican Party
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APAG Ch. 7 Political Parties 51
The ________ party has been more successful in raising money in
Which party has become more bureaucratic and well organized? recent years.

The Republican Party


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Who selects the time and place every four years for the national What has caused the Republican party to become more
convention? conservative and the Democratic party more liberal?

The party’s national committee Changing rules on delegate allocation

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Which party set as its major goal to elect candidates during the
Which party under the direction of George McGovern set as its
goal to make the party more democratic during the 1970’s?

The Democratic Party

The Republican Party

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The ______ commission was worked to increase the influence of _________ are elected officials and party leaders who are not
party leaders in the Democratic Party. required to pledge themselves in advance to a presidential

Hunt commission Superdelegates

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What were the three areas of rule-changes approved by the 1992 What has happened to the local or grassroots level of organization
Democratic National Committee? in both parties in recent years?

1-Winner-rewar system
2-Proportional representation They have been withering away.
3-Rules violation penalty
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_______ ________ are characterized by a high degree of leadership The strength of the party machine was in its ______.
control over member activity.

Party machines Organization

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When did the party machine system develop? Old-style political machines counted heavily on the support of

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Civil servants

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The Hatch Act, government welfare programs, and competitive- Ideological parties tend to be ________.
bidding laws all helped to end the _______.

Era of political machines Factionalized

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______ parties are based on members’ enjoyment of party
Today, a person wanting to win an election will most often seek
the support of _________.

Personal following.
Solidary parties

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The _______ electoral system in the U.S. means that every party The most dramatic example of the winner-take-all principle in the
must be a broad-based coalition. U.S. electoral system is the _______.

Plurality Electoral college

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What is a reason for minor parties not being as successful in the The Libertarian and socialist parties in the U.S. are examples of
U.S.? __________ parties.

State laws discourage minor parties. Ideological parties

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George Wallace’s American Independent party in 1968 was an The Populist party is an example of a _______.
example of a _________ party.

Factional minor party Economic protest party

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Which kind of minor party has had the greatest influence on public
Which kind of minor parties tends to endure the longest?


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What important role have factional minor parties had on the
The policy interests of parties have recently become a weightier
election process?
factor in ___________.

They have influenced the public policy positions of the two major
National conventions

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A meeting of party followers at which convention delegates are From 1968 until 2000, the Democratic party has controlled _______,
picked is known as a ________. but not the _________.

Caucus Congress, Presidency

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