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semi-modular synth

turn individual modules on and off by clicking on the left border of each module slot; the same applies to the effect within the effect

you can place the cursor on diamond knob and change the value by turning the scroll wheel

right-click on most value fields to bring up a contextual menu

to open options dialog select file/options; the actual location of the universal library on your hard drive can be changed here

modules are organized in three channels named A, B and C; the top slots of the three channels can only be loaded with an oscillator
module; the remaining slots can be loaded with modulator, filter or waveshaper modules

three horizontal sliders control channels lvl

signals are mixed in the master channel, which is arranged horizontally at the bottom of interface; in the master channel, the signal
runs from the left to the right; the effect module can always be found at the bottom-right; the other two module slots in the master
channel can be inserted with modules of your choice (except oscillator modules)

the modules in the master channel have two operating modes: poly mode and mono mode; you can switch between both modes by
clicking on the mono/poly switch (3 horizontal arrows); in mono mode the signals coming from the three channels a-c are summed
up before being processed by the module; in poly mode (three parallel arrows), the module processes each channel separately

waveform selector is available for all oscillator modes based on a wavetable

waveforms simple waves single cycle waveforms

morph waves two waveforms saved in one unit of data, which seamlessly blend
with one another using wave morph

the anti-alias switch (ladder icon) enables you to smooth peaks in various situations

oscillator module main (wavetable synthesis) single

sync granular

(sampling) sample

(external audio signal) audio in

main oscillator and mod oscillator are mixed

mod oscillator modulates the frequency of the main oscillator

the signals from the main oscillator and the mod oscillator are multiplied with one another


sync granular
grains are taken from a waveform

wav or aiff

grains are taken from a sample
wav or aiff

modulator module uses its own built-in oscillator to change and modulate incoming signal
waveshaper module uses a waveform to shape input signal

6 effects; only one can be active at any given time

waves can be edited in wave window

each oscillator has an amplitude envelope

3 lfo

destinations pitch pitch modulation


inversion switch reverse lfo signal

mutator allows you to select some parts of the sound currently loaded and to mutate them towards the equivalent parts of other

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