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bank 1 original d-50 bank

2 new
3 pn-d50-01 roland extra bank programmed for the original d-50
4 pn-d50-02 roland extra bank programmed for the original d-50
5 pn-d50-03 roland extra bank programmed for the original d-50
6 pn-d50-04 roland extra bank programmed for the original d-50

reset ctrl
fine shift

mw is supported

6 banks of 64 presets each

studio one keyboard entry is supported

unipolar values range from 0 to 255, bipolar values range from -128 to 127

scatter is an arpeggio effect

mod wheel modulates pitch and filter via lfo; the amount of pitch modulation is controlled by vco/dco slider, the amount of filter
modulation is controlled by vcf slider

condition controls ageing/analogue drift; turn it clockwise to increase the effect, turn it counter-clockwise to decrease it

in 2 oct arpeggios the lower octave is played first

patch tone upper partial 1

partial 2

tone lower partial 1

partial 2

output mode

3 lfo (lfo 1 > pitch mod)
pitch env

tvf + tvf env
tva + tva env

each partial can either be

s synthetizer sound generator

wg (wave generator) > tvf (time variant filter) > tva (time variant amp)

p pcm sound generator

wg (wave generator) > ... > tva (time variant amp)

when using a synthetizer sound generator use wg waveform/wf slider to choose between square and saw waveform

p.env stands for pitch envelope

r stands for ring modulation

use common select/lower (or upper) to select structure; structure slider defines partials wg type and interaction

key mode whole upper tone alone
dual layer
split split

lfo d control pitch mod amount from lfo 1

move joystick up/dn to control tone balance; the same control is available as a fader in patch edit
move joystick left/right to control part balance; the same control is available as a fader in tone edit

linear arithmetic (la) synthesis uses a combination of analogue-type controls coupled with a replay-only sampler

linear processes retain or reduce the basic frequency content of an input sound, whereas non-linear processes generate extra
frequencies (eg. ring mod, phase mod and fm)

linear arithmetic synthesis is a linear method, and so should be closer to analogue in its sound and principles

16-note polyphony

pcm samples are actual digital recordings of real sounds (128 in all)

roland give you up to 4 sounds to play with simultaneously - that is 4 (virtual) analogue synths, or 4 pcm samples, or any

each partial is a software simulation of an analogue synthesizer or a stored (digitally sampled) pcm sound

each partial has 3 lfos and 2 envelopes

each partial is a complete synthesizer, and by combining partials in different ways you can create structures

saw is generated by filtering a square waveform

each patch is made up of 2 tone (lower and upper); each tone is made up of 2 partial; each partial can be one of two sound
generators: a synthesizer simulation or a pcm sample

the two tones are called the upper and lower tones

the ways of connecting the sound sources together are called structures

the outputs from the sound generators - either synth or pcm sample - can be ring modulated

64 presets; first preset is called fantasia

five octaves keyboard (c to c)

each patch 1 rvb/dly 32 types

each tone 1 chorus/flanger/tremolo 8 types

each rvb/dly can be internally connected into the output in four different output modes

chase is a rather novel approach to the arpeggiator/sequencer function; similar to an echo

time varying filter (vcf), tvf envelope, time varying amplifier (vca), and tva envelope
you can change any d-50 parameter with velocity or aftertouch

20-bit digital-to-analogue convertor (dac)

sampling frequency is 31.4khz

there is some shelving low pass filtering as well to remove any higher frequency noise

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