After Savak

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After Savak
A briefing on the security-intelligence complex of Iran.
By Houshang Asadi

A satellite view of Evin Prison in Tehran: Google Maps.

T he Islamic Republic of Iran has

one of the most complex security
machinery of our time, which is
operated by brutal thugs. The ideology
that fuels this system has no restraints,
1953. That coup, which changed the
course of history in Iran, overthrew the
nationalist government of Mohammad
Mosaddegh, and centralised all power
in the hands of the last Shah of Iran,
movement in Iran heightened, all the
security agencies in the country were put
under a single command known as the
Komite Moshtarak Mobareze ba Kharabkari
(Joint committee to combat sabotage). The
when it comes to the crushing of any kind Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. headquarters of this committee was in a
of opposition. In fact, the current security At that point of time, the State Security notorious prison in the centre of Tehran.
and intelligence apparatus of Iran is and Intelligence Organisation, commonly In 1979, the offices of the Komite were
remnant of the system deployed by the known by its Persian acronym Savak, was stormed and taken over by the public.
infamous Shah and his cronies. put under the direct supervision of the But a year later, the newly created
In 1956, Iran established the second Shah. In addition to Savak, the military Intelligence Centre of the Islamic Pasdaran
large-scale intelligence apparatus in the and law enforcement forces had their Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) began using
Islamic world, after Turkey. Initially, own special security agencies which were the complex for its own purposes and
the intelligence bureaucracy was run by all ultimately under the command of the turned it into one of the most horrendous
military officers who were co-conspirators Shah, through the military hierarchy. prisons in the world.
in the US-British orchestrated coup of In 1971, when the insurgent In my recently released book, Letters

24 ISSUE 5 Independent World report

to my torturer, I have written about republic was facilitated.
my personal experience in that very At the same time, the committees For a period in 1975, I shared a
Moshtarak prison. For a period in 1975, I that were founded post-1979, to replace
cell in that prison with Seyyed
shared a cell in that prison with Seyyed the official police forces of the Pahlavi
Ali Khamenei, then an influential leader regime, started to create their own special Ali Khamenei, then an influential
of the Islamic clergy, now the supreme intelligence units. They soon took over
leader of the Islamic clergy, now
leader. Eventually, when he became the the Evin prison, which today has earned
president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, international notoriety. The majority of the supreme leader. Eventually,
I was imprisoned once again in the same the members of these committees were
when he became the president of
prison. This time, arrested and brutally city thugs who took over the local police
tortured for six years by the agents of stations within three days of the fall of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I was
my former cell-mate. My torturer and the Shah.
imprisoned once again in the same
minder, a young Islamic revolutionary Soon, the Pasdaran Guards/IRGC was
known as Brother Hamid [real name: Naser created. And then, religious youth along prison. This time, arrested and
Sarmadi Parsa], later became the Iranian with left-leaning clerics who had a role in
brutally tortured for six years by
ambassador to Tajikistan. creating the IRGC embarked to create a
The fact is that the Islamic republic new intelligence agency. the agents of my former cell-mate.
has expanded the security apparatus of Intense rivalry among the three
the Shah, and has turned it into one of the groups, who tried to dominate the with own detention centres. The Iranian
most extensive and most horrific systems security-intelligence complex of Iran, military followed the same path. Even the
in the world. was noticeable from the very beginning. Tehran municipality eventually built is
After 1979, Savak was dismantled and That was until 1984, when the Ministry own intelligence and prison system.
the revolutionary Islamic regime even of Intelligence and National Security One of the first acts of these security
executed some of the most infamous officially became operational. After much structures, each of which were sponsored
Savak torturers. However, the counter- debate, the new agency was put under and guided by a specific political group,
intelligence units and the anti-communist immediate command of the government, was to crush opposition groups active
sections of the agency were kept intact. instead of supervision of the supreme in Iran. Today, the ruling groups in
Those were put under the command of leader. the Islamic republic are battling and
young Islamic revolutionaries. Thus, the Using the intelligence assets and crushing each other. In the events of the
expertise of the old-timers were put to resources of the IRGC, the Ministry of last fourteen months, which resulted in
use, and the foundation of the current Intelligence became formally responsible the birth of the Green movement, rival
intelligence apparatus of the Islamic for the security and intelligence affairs of security groups inside the regime have
the Islamic Republic of Iran. One of the even engaged in fighting each other.
first projects undertaken by the agency Today, a network of security agencies
was the creation of a security university in operate under the direct supervision of
Iran. the supreme leader of the Islamic republic,
With the collapse of the Soviet under the firm control of senior officials.
Union, the ministry recruited former With the purge of traditional cadres from
KGB agents and used their expertise to the Ministry of Intelligence, the security-
expand its operational knowledge base intelligence complex in Iran looks more
– including interrogation techniques, and more like the one deployed by the
forcing prisoners to repent, and parading Shah. �
detainees in front of television cameras
to incriminate themselves.
The committees which had taken
over Evin prison also created a judicial
apparatus known as the revolutionary
prosecutor. Not only they expanded the
prison, soon they built a number of other
prisons across the country. The Ministry Houshang Asadi is the author of Letters
of Intelligence followed the same methods to my torturer: Love, revolution, and
practised at Evin. imprisonment in Iran (Oneworld, 2010),
The Iranian police, which was that details his imprisonment and torture
reformed and remodelled according to at the hands of the Islamic regime in Iran.
the needs and standards of the Islamic
Letters to my torturer He is now in exile in France along with his
Love, revolution, and imprisonment in Iran republic, changed its name to Niruye
Entezami (Law Enforcement Forces), and wife journalist Nooshabeh Amiri. Weblog:
By Houshang Asadi
Oneworld Publications, 2010 created its own intelligence bureau along

Independent World report ISSUE 5 25

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