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LESSON PLAN Subject: Expression of Ideas 1 Date:

What Students Should Be Able to Do, Know, Understand, Accomplish at the End of the Lesson:
 Know how to effectively express ideas on the SAT Writing and Language question

To Do in Advance:
 Read p. 211-218 in The Book of Knowledge Teacher Manual. (BoK)
 Be able to explain all of the concepts and questions on p. 211-218 and 228-230.
 Be able to do today’s “Do Now”.
 Review Presentation Deck: SAT Writing and Language 11 Expression of Ideas

Materials Needed:
 The Book of Knowledge Teacher Manual

Teaching Strategies & Sequence Time:

4 min
Do Now/Opening: Write the following sentence on the board: “The comma has many uses, the
separation of two sentences is not one of them.” This sentence has an error: fix it at least three
different ways.

Instruction/Mini-Lesson: 16-20
 Introduction to Expression of Ideas (BoK, p. 211) min
 Discuss Effective Use of Language (BoK, p. 211).
1. Be Concise
a. Define concise for the class: brief and to the point
b. Discuss Redundancy (BoK, p. 212-213). Using question (1) on p. 213,
practice Redundancy.
c. Discuss Wordiness (BoK, p. 213-214). Reiterate the final paragraph on p.
214, especially “when in doubt, check the shortest choice. A shorter
sentence is always preferable to a longer sentence, as long as it doesn’t
violate any rules.”
2. Be Specific (BoK, p. 214). Using question (2) on p. 215, practice being specific.
a. Discuss Vague pronouns (BoK, p. 215).
3. Discuss Choosing the right word (BoK, p. 215-216) using the example (3) on p. 215.
4. Discuss Tone (BoK ,p. 217) using the example (4) on p. 216.
 Discuss Organization (BoK, p. 217).
 Discuss Transition Words (BoK, p. 217-218).

Guided/Independent Practice/Interactive: 10-12

 Have the class do questions 1-6 only of the Expression of Ideas Exercise on p. 228-229. To min
ensure participation, teachers should walk around the room, helping students.
 Review questions 1-6 of the exercise. (See the Teacher Notes adjacent to p. 228-229 for
answers and explanations.)

Closure/Wrap Up: Review today’s “Do Now”. 4 min

Extension Activities/Notes:

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