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Parliamentary Procedure - Role Play 

Eight Steps Necessary to Put a Question Before the House:

The eight steps necessary to put a question before the House are:
1. A member rises and addresses the Chair.
2. The member is recognized by the Chair.
3. The member makes the motion.
4. Another member seconds the motion.
5. President states the motion to the group.
6. President calls for discussion.
7. President takes the vote.

Nora​: (Stand.) ​Mr. President.

President​. ​Nora​.
Nora​: ​I move that the Owen Band Boosters conduct a drive to increase
our club membership.
President​. ​Is there a second to this motion? (​Ask for a second when a
is not promptly seconded​.)
Alexis​. (Do not stand.) ​I second the motion.
President​. ​The motion before the House is that the Owen Band Boosters
conduct a drive to increase our club membership. Is there any
Riley​. (Stand.) ​Mr. President.
President​. ​Riley
Riley​: ​I believe it is necessary to make a special effort to reach out
to the present and former band parents of this community and explain
the good things they will receive as Band Booster Members.
Ethan​: (Stand.) ​Mr. President.
President​. ​Ethan
Ethan​: ​We have enough current parent members in our club. An increase
in numbers of former parents will bring in parents not especially
interested and will make more work for the leaders and the parents
who are there.
Hayley​: (Stand.) ​Mr. President.
President​. ​Hayley
Haley​:​ I agree with Riley. It can never hurt to have more help with
Band Booster Business and the more people involved the less work
there is for others.
Alexis​: (Stand.) ​Mr. President.
President​. ​Alexis
Alexis​: ​I agree with Ethan’s point. If there are parents who are not
invested in the program (since they do not have students involved)
they may not work as hard or not be as knowledgeable of current
issues facing the band.
President​: ​Is there any more discussion?
Nora​: (Stand.) ​Mr. President
President​: ​Nora
Nora​: ​I move to amend my motion to add the words “among current band
parents” after “drive”.
Ethan​: ​I second the amendment.

President​: ​It has been moved and seconded to amend the motion to add
“among current band parents”. Is there any discussion?

For the sake of this demonstration, there is none.

President​: ​All in favor of the amendment indicate by saying “yes”. All

opposed by saying “no”.

For the sake of this demonstration, the amended motion will pass.

President​: ​The motion before the House is that the Owen Band Boosters
conduct a drive ​among current band parents​ to increase our club
membership. Is there any discussion?

For the sake of this demonstration, there is none.

President​: ​All in favor say “yes”. All opposed say “no”.

You may vote however you like.

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