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Chuck Karnehm, retired professional Santa Claus, releasing children’s book

Chuck Karnehm, a local retired teacher and a retired Santa Claus, recently released
a children’s book called, “Grandpa Jack and the Legend of Santa’s Helpers.” Sam
Wildow | Aim Media Midwest Chuck Karnehm, who has been a professional Santa Claus
for over 40 years, waves to the crowd during the 2020 downtown Troy tree-lighting
ceremony in November. Mike Ullery | Aim Media Midwest file photo TROY — Chuck
Karnehm, a former educator and a local Santa Claus for over 40 years, has written a
children’s book, “Grandpa Jack and the Legend of Santa’s Helpers,” based on a
family story he told to his grandchildren in case they ever caught him in his Santa
suit. Karnehm retired six years ago from teaching in Troy City Schools, having
taught second grade his entire career, and he just recently retired from being a
professional Santa Claus after donning the suit and embodying the Christmas spirit
for over 40 years. He was specifically Troy’s Santa Claus for the last 25 years.
“Last year was my last year. I’m going to take a little time off so my wife and I
can travel over the Christmas season,” Karnehm said. The story that inspired his
children’s book came about when his daughter, son-in-law, and their three children
came to stay with him and his wife, Jane, a few years ago when they were in the
process of moving into a new home. “It was over Christmas time,” Karnehm said. He
wasn’t too worried about two of his grandchildren, Bella and Lily — one of whom was
too young to know about Santa and the other who was old enough to know about Santa
Claus — finding out about his secret identity, but his grandson, Jack, was in the
second grade at the time. “I was afraid that, during the Christmas season, he would
see me dressed up as Santa Claus going to different events,” Karnehm said,
explaining he did not want to spoil Santa Claus for Jack. He got together with his
wife and daughter to come up with a story to tell Jack that he was one of Santa’s
helpers. Karnehm recalled the excitement and anticipation Jack had the day he took
Jack on a special trip to tell him about his role as one of Santa’s helpers. “It
was an amazing thing to watch him take this whole story in,” Karnehm said. Karnehm
told his grandson that Santa needs helpers and that he became one of Santa’s
helpers after trying to catch Santa putting out Christmas gifts one year. Karnehm
said he told Jack that Santa let him become one of his helpers because of his
belief in the spirit of Christmas. “His eyes were as big as saucers,” Karnehm said.
Karnehm told Jack how it took some time, but Santa enlisted his help by giving
Karnehm a Santa suit. “I said, ‘Well Jack, sometimes Santa gets so busy with doing
all these things and making toys and visiting good little girls and boys that
sometimes he needs help. And he calls on just a small number of people to help him
do this.’” Karnehm, along with his wife and daughter, later surprised Jack by
showing him the Santa suit. Karnehm’s story to Jack was shared throughout his
family, who encouraged Karnehm to write a book. Karnehm decided to incorporate
Jack, who is now in the eighth grade, into the book. “It’s Jack as a grandpa,
telling his grandson, who’s having trouble with kids in school telling him there’s
no Santa Claus,” Karnehm said. “It’s pretty much the same story I told Jack with a
few twists and turns.” Karnehm described the book as a “neat story for kids who are
on the fence” about Santa Claus. “It’s also good for adults,” Karnehm said. “The
Christmas spirit is real.” Karnehm has two upcoming book signings featuring his
children’s book, including one from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 6, at the
Troy location of Winans Chocolates + Coffees, 10 W. Main St., in the back room.
That book signing is being hosted by Troy Main Street. At that signing, for every
book he sells, Karnehm is going to donate $5 to Troy Main Street. His next book
signing will be from 1-3 p.m. on Nov. 13 at Jay and Mary’s Book Center, 1201
Experiment Farm Road, Suite C, Troy. His book, “Grandpa Jack and the Legend of
Santa’s Helpers,” can be purchased at Jay & Mary’s and Around About Books.
Shoppers can also purchase it online on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and on Dorrance
Publishing’s website at ]]>

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus


I want to have a one-night stand with Santa Claus so I made my boyfriend dress up
in a red suit, OnlyFans model reveals

A WOMAN has revealed that all she wants for Christmas this year is the big jolly
man himself – Santa Claus. Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Saint Nick, Papa Noël…
whatever you call him, Ona Artist, 30, has a secret crush on the holiday character.
5 An OnlyFans model revealed she has a fetish for Santa ClausCredit: Jam Press 5
She has a following of more than 4.5MCredit: Jam Press In fact, sleeping with Santa
Claus is at the top of this New Yorker's wish list this Christmas – and she's
determined to realize the fantasy, despite it clashing with her religious beliefs.
“I was raised Jewish so we never celebrated Christmas,” Ona told Jam Press. “I
remember I was at my friend’s house on Christmas Eve one year and she told me how
Santa was going to come the next day and I was so jealous. “I wanted him to come to
my house! “As soon as I started learning about him, he was all I could think about.
His every essence is loving and giving. “He’s so sweet, round and jolly, he lets
you sit on his lap, he gives you presents, but he also tells you when you're
naughty or nice.” Live Blog Live Blog As Ona got older, her love of Santa developed
into a crush and she found herself fantasizing about him. The OnlyFans model, who
also shares sexy content with her 4.5 million Instagram followers, said: “When it
gets to the festive season and I go into department stores with a Santa’s grotto I
seriously get tingles. “All I want to do is sit on his lap, but I'm too shy and too
old. “It has to remain a fantasy or something I do with my partner in private.
“During the entire month of December I get my boyfriend to dress up in a Santa
costume and we play games. “I’ll tell him something I did that year, and he says
naughty or nice. If it's nice, I get a kiss. If it's naughty, a spank. “It's so hot
and fun!” Ona admits that even though she has the hots for the big guy in the red
suit, she refuses to indulge in the fantasy outside the festive season. She added:
“I like to keep it to Christmas time – it makes it more special. “Only one or two
best friends know about my fantasy. They think I'm insane but it feels so right to
me. “People always expect someone to grow out of believing in Santa and the magic
that it brings. “I for one still believe in him and can’t wait for him to come down
my chimney this Christmas.” 5 She made her boyfriend dress up like Santa Claus to
make her fantasy come trueCredit: Jam Press 5 She only indulges in her fantasy
during Christmas timeCredit: Jam Press 5 She grew up Jewish so never learned about
Santa Claus until later in her life Former porn star turns to OnlyFans after
'struggling to eat' and feed her daughter and is now a millionaire

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