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PERIOD OF ATTACHMENT: 06/04/2021 TO 24/09/2021

This report is dedicated foremost to God Almighty for His mercy grace and love towards me;
who has been with me from the beginning.
I would also like to dedicate it to my parents and siblings for their love and support and everyone
else that contributed towards making my SIWES training a successful one.

I am most grateful to God for his love, provision and protection throughout the period of

I acknowledge the support of my parents (Mr. and Mrs. Ajayi) who have helped me morally and
financially during the period of my training. You have been present to listen to my joys,
struggles and challenges throughout this program Thank you so much for being there for me.

This report contains a detailed account of my 6 months Student Industrial Work Experience
Scheme/Industrial Training experience with shock wave technology. A brief history and
structure of the firm is given in this report. It covers my activities in Basic Network Engineering,
Software and hardware management, Electrical Machines Maintenance and general works. The
concluding chapter gives a general appraisal of the program and recommendation to the SIWES

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................6
1.1 HISTORY OF SIWES...............................................................................................................6
1.2 Objectives of the scheme............................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2: PROFILE OF FIRM...........................................................................................................8
2.1 SHOCK WAVE TECHNOLOGY...................................................................................................8
2.2 ORGANOGRAM OF ESTABLISHMENT....................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3: WORK EXPERIENCE GAINED.....................................................................................10
3.1 Orientation...............................................................................................................................10
3.2 Knowledge And Experience Obtained.....................................................................................10
3.2.1 Data Communication Network Basics
3.2.2 software management and maintenance...........................................................................11
3.2.3 hardware management .....................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..............................................................18
3.1 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................18
3.2 RECOMMENDATION...........................................................................................................18

Training is a key factor in enhancing the efficiency and expertise of the workforce. The student
industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) program prepare students for labor market and it
has become an innovative phenomenon in human resource development and training in Nigeria.

The Federal government of Nigeria under the then military president, General Yakubu Gowon
(Rtd.) initiated the program by promulgate decree No. 47 of 8th October, 1971 and amended in
1990, highlighted the capacity building of human resources in industry, commerce and
government through training and retraining of workers in order to effectively provide the much
needed high quality goods and services in a dynamic economy as ours. This decree led to the
establishment of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in 1973/1974.

Due to the lack of adequate practical background studies preparatory for employment in
industries, led to the formation of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) by
ITF in 1993/1994. ITF has one of its key functions; to work as cooperative entity with industry
and commerce where students in institutions of higher learning can undertake mid-career work
experience attachment in industries which are compatible with students’ area of study. The
Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is an integral and indispensable part of
certain degree program in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

The major objective of the SIWES is to promote and encourage the acquisition of practical skill
in industry and commerce venture with a view to generating skilled indigenous manpower
sufficient to meet the need for national economy. This fund is administered by its national
headquarters in Jos, Plateau State and with its zonal offices at State headquarters in Nigeria.

1.2 Objectives of the scheme
The main purposes of the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme are:

i. Provide an avenue for Students in the Nigeria Tertiary Institution to acquire skills and
experience in their course of study.
ii. Prepare Students for the work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.
iii. Make transition from the University to the world of work easier and thus enhance
Student contact for later job placement after graduation.
iv. Provide Students an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in real work
situation. Thereby bridging gap between higher Education and actual practice.
v. Expose Students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment’s and
machineries that may not be available in the Institution.

Shock wave technology is a unique I.C.T solutions company with offices in Abuja, Nigeria and
Dubai united Arab Emirate. Shock wave modus operandi prioritizes client satisfaction and
quality services at premium prices. Shock wave technology believe that technology solutions do
not have to be out of box. Shock wave technology know that various individuals or organization
require technology that suites their operations

Shock wave technology operate flexibly, focusing more on bespoken solutions which are
customized to suite everyone’s need either private, public firm and even homes. After all that is
the point of technology to me peoples need.

Based on this ground shock wave technology have a unique crop pf developer, who are open
minded. we can program any PC based device. So as long as it has a computer, RAM or ROM,
we can program it. Ranging from devices like mobile phones, CCTV, solar based devices,
access control devices, cars, etc. we can design custom software or modify existing ones on
these devices to give you your desired results.

Thus, the Centre also engages among others in:

i. Bidding of local and international projects in Information Technology.

ii. Developing software for sale to general public, institutions and industries.
iii. Preparing students to sit for and pass prescribed external certification examination.
iv. Providing preliminary services for budding entrepreneurs who want to develop or
expand their Information Technology businesses.


General manager

Regional head (Dubai) Regional head (Abuja)


Legal department

Chief Unit Head

Software SolarHead of
unitunit unit

3.1 Orientation
Having been accepted into the organization, the shock wave Technology Services, the IT
coordinator in person of Engr Ekere Paulinus alongside the Head of Training of the organization
conducted a meeting with all IT students accepted into the company introducing themselves to
the students and briefing them on the rules and regulation, the demeanors and other marginal
information required for better participation and stay of the students in the organization.

An orientation was conducted for all internship (IT) students that were accepted into the
organization in which all notables of the organizations were present and accurately recognized.

3.2 Knowledge and Experience Obtained

As a student who underwent SIWES at shock wave technology, I was opportune to partake in
activities with practical application of knowledge and skill set in the department I was placed,
more so, the staff of the establishment who were always willing to ensure that I understand, and
can independently be trusted to perform a giving task.

Highlighted below are the activities and experience gained from the department where I worked

i. Software installation and maintenance

ii. Hardware management
iii. Basic networking

iv. Typical Campus Network

The following are the detailed explanation of all the activities and experienced gained from the

3.2.1 software installation and maintenance

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute
specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a
computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run
on a device. It can be thought of as the variable part of a computer, while hardware is the
invariable part.

The two main categories of software are application software and system software. An

application is software that fulfills a specific need or performs tasks. System software is
designed to run a computer's hardware and provides a platform for applications to run on top of.

Other types of software include programming software, which provides the programming tools
software developers need; middleware, which sits between system software and applications;
and driver software, which operates computer devices and peripherals.

Examples and types of software

Among the various categories of software, the most common types include the following:

 Application software. The most common type of software, application software is a

computer software package that performs a specific function for a user, or in some
cases, for another application. An application can be self-contained, or it can be a
group of programs that run the application for the user. Examples of modern
applications include office suites, graphics software, databases and database
management programs, web browsers, word processors, software development tools,
image editors and communication platforms.

 System software. These software programs are designed to run a computer's
application programs and hardware. System software coordinates the activities and
functions of the hardware and software. In addition, it controls the operations of the
computer hardware and provides an environment or platform for all the other types
of software to work in. The OS is the best example of system software; it manages
all the other computer programs. Other examples of system software include
the firmware, computer language translators and system utilities.

 Driver software. Also known as device drivers, this software is often considered a

type of system software. Device drivers control the devices and peripherals
connected to a computer, enabling them to perform their specific tasks. Every device
that is connected to a computer needs at least one device driver to function.
Examples include software that comes with any nonstandard hardware, including
special game controllers, as well as the software that enables standard hardware,
such as USB storage devices, keyboards, headphones and printers.

 Middleware. The term middleware describes software that mediates between

application and system software or between two different kinds of application
software. For example, middleware enables Microsoft Windows to talk to Excel and
Word. It is also used to send a remote work request from an application in a
computer that has one kind of OS, to an application in a computer with a different
OS. It also enables newer applications to work with legacy ones.

 Programming software. Computer programmers use programming software to

write code. Programming software and programming tools enable developers to
develop, write, test and debug other software programs. Examples of programming
software include assemblers, compilers, debuggers and interpreters.
How to maintain software quality
Software quality measures if the software meets both its functional and nonfunctional

Functional requirements identify what the software should do. They include technical details,
data manipulation and processing, calculations or any other specific function that specifies what
an application aims to accomplish.
Non-functional requirements -- also known as quality attributes -- determine how the system
should work. Non-functional requirements include portability, disaster recovery, security,
privacy and usability.

Software testing detects and solves technical issues in the software source code and assesses the
overall usability, performance, security and compatibility of the product to ensure it meets its

The dimensions of software quality include the following characteristics:

 Accessibility. The degree to which a diverse group of people, including individuals

who require adaptive technologies such as voice recognition and screen magnifiers,
can comfortably use the software.

 Compatibility. The suitability of the software for use in a variety of environments,

such as with different OSes, devices and browsers.

 Efficiency. The ability of the software to perform well without wasting energy,

resources, effort, time or money.

 Functionality. Software's ability to carry out its specified functions.

 Install ability. The ability of the software to be installed in a specified environment.

 Localization. The various languages, time zones and other such features a software
can function in.

 Maintainability. How easily the software can be modified to add and improve

features, fix bugs, etc.

 Performance. How fast the software performs under a specific load.

 Portability. The ability of the software to be easily transferred from one location to


 Reliability. The software's ability to perform a required function under specific

conditions for a defined period of time without any errors.

 Scalability. The measure of the software's ability to increase or decrease
performance in response to changes in its processing demands.

 Security. The software's ability to protect against unauthorized access, invasion of

privacy, theft, data loss, malicious software, etc.

 Testability. How easy it is to test the software.

 Usability. How easy it is to use the software.

To maintain software quality once it is deployed, developers must constantly adapt it to meet
new customer requirements and handle problems customers identify. This includes improving
functionality, fixing bugs and adjusting software code to prevent issues. How long a product
lasts on the market depends on developers' ability to keep up with these maintenance

When it comes to performing maintenance, there are four types of changes developers can
make, including:

1. Corrective. Users often identify and report bugs those developers must fix,
including coding errors and other problems that keep the software from meeting its

2. Adaptive. Developers must regularly make changes to their software to ensure it is

compatible with changing hardware and software environments, such as when a new
version of the OS comes out.

3. Perfective. These are changes that improve system functionality, such as improving

the user interface or adjusting software code to enhance performance.

4. Preventive. These changes are done to keep software from failing and include tasks
such as restructuring and optimizing code.

3.2.2 Hardware management

Computer hardware is a collective term used to describe any of the physical components of an
analog or digital computer. The term hardware distinguishes the tangible aspects of a
computing device from software, which consists of written, machine-readable instructions
or programs that tell physical components what to do and when to execute the instructions.

Hardware and software are complementary. A computing device can function efficiently and
produce useful output only when both hardware and software work together appropriately.

Computer hardware can be categorized as being either internal or external components.

Generally, internal hardware components are those necessary for the proper functioning of the
computer, while external hardware components are attached to the computer to add or enhance

What are internal computer hardware components?

Internal components collectively process or store the instructions delivered by the program or
operating system (OS). These include the following:

 Motherboard. This is a printed circuit board that holds the central processing unit
(CPU) and other essential internal hardware and functions as the central hub that all
other hardware components run through.

 CPU. The CPU is the brain of the computer that processes and executes digital
instructions from various programs; its clock speed determines the computer's
performance and efficiency in processing data.

 RAM. RAM -- or dynamic RAM -- is temporary memory storage that makes

information immediately accessible to programs; RAM is volatile memory, so stored
data is cleared when the computer powers off.

 Hard drive. Hard disk drives are physical storage devices that store both permanent
and temporary data in different formats, including programs, OSes, device files,
photos, etc.

 Solid-state drive (SSD). SSDs are solid-state storage devices based on NAND flash
memory technology; SSDs are non-volatile, so they can safely store data even when
the computer is powered down.

 Optical drive. Optical drives typically reside in an on-device drive bay; they enable
the computer to read and interact with nonmagnetic external media, such as compact
disc read-only memory or digital video discs.

 Heat sink. This is a passive piece of hardware that draws heat away from
components to regulate/reduce their temperature to help ensure they continue to
function properly. Typically, a heat sink is installed directly atop the CPU, which
produces the most heat among internal components.

 Graphics processing unit. This chip-based device processes graphical data and

often functions as an extension to the main CPU.

 Network interface card (NIC). A NIC is a circuit board or chip that enables the
computer to connect to a network; also known as a network adapter or local area
network adapter, it typically supports connection to an Ethernet network.

Other computing components, such as USB ports, power supplies, transistors and chips, are also
types of internal hardware.

This computer hardware chart below illustrates what typical internal computer hardware
components look like.

Common input hardware components include the following:

 Mouse. A mouse is a hand-held pointing device that moves a cursor around a

computer screen and enables interaction with objects on the screen. It may be wired
or wireless.

 Keyboard. A keyboard is an input device featuring a standard QWERTY keyset that

enables users to input text, numbers or special characters.

 Microphone. A microphone is a device that translates sound waves into electrical

signals and supports computer-based audio communications.

 Camera. A camera captures visual images and streams them to the computer or
through a computer to a network device.

 Touchpad. A touchpad is an input device, external or built into a laptop, used to

control the pointer on a display screen. It is typically an alternative to an external

 USB flash drive. A USB flash drive is an external, removable storage device that
uses flash memory and interfaces with a computer through a USB port.

 Memory card. A memory card is a type of portable external storage media, such as
a CompactFlash card, used to store media or data files.

3.2.3 Concept of Network Communication

Communication refers to the information transfer and exchange between people,
between people and things, and between things through a certain medium and
Network communication refers to communication between terminal devices through
a computer network.
Examples of network communication:
A. Two computers connected with a network cable form the simplest network.

Figure Files are transferred between two computers (terminals) through a
network cable.
B. A small network consists of a router (or switch) and multiple computers. In such a
network, files can be freely transferred between every two computers through the
router or switch.

Figure Files are transferred among multiple computers (terminals)

through a router
C. To download a file from a website, a computer must first access the Internet.

Figure A computer (terminal) downloads files through the Internet

The Internet is the largest computer network in the world. Its predecessor, Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network (ARPAnet), was born in 1969. The wide
popularization and application of the Internet is one of the landmarks of the
information age.

Concept of the Data Communication Network

Data communication network: Communication network that consists of routers,
switches, firewalls, access controllers (ACs), access points (APs), PCs, network
printers, and servers.
Function: To implement data communication

Figure Data Communication Network
On a campus network, a switch is the device closest to end users and is used to
connect terminals to the campus network. Switches at the access layer are usually
Layer 2 switches and are also called Ethernet switches. Layer 2 refers to the data link
layer of the TCP/IP reference model.
The Ethernet switch can implement the following functions: data frame switching,
access of end user devices, basic access security functions, and Layer 2 link
Broadcast domain: A set of nodes that can receive broadcast packets from a node.

Figure Switches

Router: a network-layer device that forwards data packets on the Internet. Based on
the destination address in a received packet, a router selects a path to send the packet
to the next router or destination. The last router on the path is responsible for sending
the packet to the destination host.

 Implementing communication between networks of the same type
or different types
 Isolating broadcast domains
 Maintaining the routing table and running routing protocols
 Selecting routes and forwarding IP packets
 Implementing WAN access and network address translation
 Connecting Layer 2 networks established through switches

Figure Routers

Firewall: a network security device used to ensure secure communication between
two networks. It monitors, restricts, and modifies data flows passing through it to
shield information, structure, and running status of internal networks from the public
 Isolating networks of different security levels
 Implementing access control (using security policies)
between networks of different security levels
 Implementing user identity authentication
 Implementing remote access
 Supporting data encryption and VPN services
 Implementing network address translation
 Implementing other security functions

Figure Firewalls
Wireless devices
In a broad sense, WLAN is a network that uses radio waves, laser, and infrared
signals to replace some or all transmission media in a wired LAN. Common Wi-Fi is
a WLAN technology based on the IEEE 802.11 family of standards.
On a WLAN, common devices include fat APs, fit APs, and ACs.
AP: Access Point
 Generally, it supports the fat AP, fit AP, and cloud-based
management modes. You can flexibly switch between these modes based
on network planning requirements.
 Fat AP: It is applicable to homes. It works independently and
needs to be configured separately. It has simple functions and low costs.
 Fit AP: It applies to medium- and large-sized enterprises. It needs
to work with the AC and is managed and configured by the AC.
 Cloud-based management: It applies to small- and medium-sized
enterprises. It needs to work with the cloud-based management platform
for unified management and configuration. It provides various functions
and supports plug-and-play.
AC: Access Controller
 It is generally deployed at the aggregation layer of the entire
network to provide high-speed, secure, and reliable WLAN services.
 The AC provides wireless data control services featuring large
capacity, high performance, high reliability, easy installation, and easy
maintenance. It features flexible networking and energy saving.

Figure Wireless devices

Network Types and Topology Types

Based on the geographical coverage, networks can be classified into local area
networks (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and wide area networks
A LAN is a network that consists of computers, servers, and network devices in a
geographic area. The coverage of a LAN is generally within several thousand square
Typical LANs include a company's office network, a cyber bar network, a home
Technologies used: Ethernet and Wi-Fi.
A MAN is a computer communication network established within a city. A MAN is a
large-sized LAN, which requires high costs but can provide a higher transmission
rate. It improves the transmission media in LANs and expands the access scope of
LANs (able to cover a university campus or city).
The main function is to connect hosts, databases, and LANs at different locations in
the same city. The functions of a MAN are similar to those of a WAN except for
implementation modes and performance.
Typical MANs include broadband MANs, education MANs, and municipal or
provincial e-government private lines.
Technologies used: such as Ethernet (10 Gbit/s or 100 Gbit/s) and WiMAX.

A WAN generally covers a large geographical area ranging from tens of square
kilometers to thousands of square kilometers. It can connect networks of multiple
cities or even networks of countries (as an international large-scale network) and
provide long-distance communication.
Telecom operators' communication lines are used.
The Internet is a typical WAN.
Technologies used: HDLC and PPP.
LAN, MAN, and WAN in the Education Industry

Network Topologies
A network topology is a structured layout presented using transmission media (such
as twisted pairs and optical fibers) to interconnect various devices (such as computer
terminals, routers, and switches).
It is very important to master professional network topology drawing skills, which
requires a lot of practice.
Visio and Power Point are two common tools for drawing network topologies.

Figure Network Topologies
Network Topology Types
Network topologies are classified into star, bus, ring, tree, full-mesh, and partial-
mesh network topologies.
 Star network topology:
All nodes are connected through a central node.
Advantages: New nodes can be easily added to the network. Communication data
must be forwarded by the central node, which facilitates network monitoring.
Disadvantages: Faults on the central node affect the communication of the entire

Figure Star network topology

 Bus network topology:
All nodes are connected through a bus (coaxial cable for example).
Advantages: The installation is simple and cable resources are saved. Generally, the
failure of a node does not affect the communication of the entire network.
Disadvantages: A bus fault affects the communication of the entire network. The
information sent by a node can be received by all other nodes, resulting in low

Figure Bus network topology
 Ring network topology:
All nodes are connected to form a closed ring.
Advantages: Cables resources are saved.
Disadvantages: It is difficult to add new nodes. The original ring must be interrupted
before new nodes are inserted to form a new ring.

Figure Ring network topology

 Tree network topology:
The tree structure is actually a hierarchical star structure.
Advantages: Multiple star networks can be quickly combined, which facilitates
network expansion.
Disadvantages: A fault on a node at a higher layer is more severe.

Figure Tree network topology

 Full-mesh network topology:
All nodes are interconnected through cables.
Advantages: It has high reliability and high communication efficiency.
Disadvantages: Each node requires a large number of physical ports and
interconnection cables. As a result, the cost is high, and it is difficult to expand.

Figure Full-mesh network topology

 Partial-mesh network topology:

Only key nodes are interconnected.
Advantages: The cost of a partial-mesh network is lower than that of a full-mesh
Disadvantages: The reliability of a partial-mesh network is lower than that of a full-
mesh network.

Figure Partial-mesh network topology

In actual networking, multiple types of topologies may be combined based on the
cost, communication efficiency, and reliability requirements.

My six (6) months Industrial Training at Shock wave technology was a huge success and a great time
of acquisition of knowledge and skills. Through my training I was able to appreciate my chosen course
of study even more, because i had the opportunity to blend the theoretical knowledge acquired from
school with the practical hands-on application of knowledge gained here to perform very important
tasks that contributed in a way to my productivity in the organization. My training here has given me a
broader view to the importance and relevance of physics telecommunications, electronics and computer
in the immediate society and the world as a whole, as I now look forward to impacting it positively
after graduation. I have also been able to appreciate the connection between my course of study and
other disciplines in producing a successful result.

For subsequent trainees being taken up by the company, I strongly recommend a more stringent
supervision of their training program, especially by the Human Resources Department. This will
go a long way in ensuring that trainees do not lose focus and will constantly remind them that
their services to the company remain valuable.

Also I suggest ITF should liaise with some companies where they will take up students for
industrial training. This will help students who find it difficult to find attachments or who end
up in companies where they do nothing.


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