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The dominant plant species that you will

find in the forest are broadleaf deciduous

Things To Do:
trees, some coniferous trees, flowered
shrubs, herbs, moss, and ferns. This makes
Temperate Forest
it a plant lover heaven and a great climbing
Camping: The shady canopy of the Temper- For knowing where to go
zone for kids, just don’t let them stray to and what to see.
ate forests will create a natural shelter from far away or up.
the rain, allowing you to pitch a tent with no
worries at all. The surrounding forest debris The assorted wildlife you will most likely
(leaves, s cks, branches) are mostly dry, mak- encounter are deer, squirrels, raccoons,
ing them perfect for those fireside stories and skunks, numerous songbirds, and turkeys (If
toas ng marshmallows. However, store your you want a Thanksgiving dinner fast this is
food in a secure area like your car as the local the place). BE AWARE THAT THERE
cri ers will be curious and try munching on ARE BLACK BEARS AND BOBCATS
your well deserved snacks.

Temperate Forests are beau ful forests filled

Hiking: The temperate forests are usually with deciduous and coniferous trees. For
quite large with boun ful places to explore. If those of you who don’t know what a decidu-
you like to see new things or are just a die hard ous or coniferous tree is that’s okay! A conif-
nature fan this is the ac vity for you. Again the erous trees are trees that produce cones with
canopy will shelter you from most of the rain seeds. For looking for coniferous trees take
leaving cumbersome umbrellas and rain coats into account that, as well as their cones, they
not necessary. The temperate forests are at the have needle-shaped leaves. Deciduous trees
peak of their beauty at spring me. If you want are trees that are regular in appearance and
to get the most out of your hiking this is the that shed their leaves at a certain part of the
me of season to do it. year. The tallest trees can be from 60 feet tall
Loca ons: Eastern United States,
to 100 feet tall. Temperate forests tend to
Southeastern Canada, most of have cold to moderate winters, but perfectly
Europe, parts of Japan, China, warm summers. Temperate Forests get on
Russia, and Australia average 30 to 60 inches of yearly precipita-
on. For you farmers out there, the soil is
By: William Heck
filled with humus. Humus is the decaying
Per.1 organic material that makes the soil fer le.
Perfect for those nutrient needing plants!
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