TEMA 1: NEW TECHNOLOGY Good Morning Teacher

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TEMA 1: NEW TECHNOLOGY Good morning teacher

The new technology I chose is from the film UP A HIGH

ADVENTURE, which is for children, it was released (relist) in 2009
(two taulsen nai)
The invention is a translator (trasleiter) necklace (neckleis),
which is used by the dog.
This necklace (neckleis) is used to understand what the dog
wants to say, it is composed (compoust) of a power button
(baton), a reset (riset) button, a status LED and a microphone.
It would be incredible to be able to (eibol to) understand or hear
what your pet is feeling, I have 3 cats, they are very important in
my life and I would like to know what they think or feel,
especially when they get sick.
In a scene (esin) from the film the dog told the human that: he
just met him but that he already loves him and then the dog gets
distracted by a squirrel (escuerol). This scene (esin) was very
funny, animals are very easily distracted.
But it is important to recognize that this necklace will only tell us
basic things like if the animal is hungry, sleepy or wants to go
out. Finally, I think it is a great (greit) invention, especially for
people who adopt an animal or it is their first pet, it will help
them to have a better understanding. (anderstanding)
Thank you teacher!
Buenos días profesora

El invento que escogí es de la película UP UNA AVENTURA DE ALTURA, es una película para
niños, se estrenó en el año 2009.

El invento es un collar traductor, este es utilizado por el perro.

Este collar sirve para poder entender que quiere decir el perro, está compuesto por un botón
de encendido, un botón de reinicio, un led de estado y un micrófono.

Sería increíble poder entender o escuchar lo que siente tu mascota, en la película el perro le
decía al humano que recién lo conoce pero que ya lo ama y luego se distrae con una ardilla.

Me encantaría poder comunicarme con mi mascota, aunque es importante reconocer que este
collar solo nos dirá cosas básicas como si el animal tiene hambre, sueño o quiere salir. Aun así
creo que es un gran invento, sobre todo para las personas que adoptan un animal o es su
primera mascota, este servirá para tener un mejor entendimiento.
Good morning teacher
In my opinion, the most important invention has been
smartphones, because many years ago it was difficult to
communicate with our friends and family.
This invention is good because it gives us many opportunities,
because we can find information on the internet, we can find
books without having to go to a library, we can listen to music
without having to go to a concert or buy a CD, but most
importantly we can see our family, friends or work colleagues at
the moment we want to through video calls.
One of the bad things about this invention is that it has distanced
us a lot from reality, people are on their mobile phones all day
and we see more and more shy or introverted children.
Before this invention, people had to wait weeks or months to
communicate through letters. Families only had one phone at
home and it was difficult to communicate with the guy you like.
Finally, I end my oral exam by saying that smartphones are really
important nowadays and to have self-control when using them.
En mi opinión, el invento más importante han sido los smartphones, porque muchos años
atrás era complicado comunicarnos con nuestros amigos y familia.

Este invento es bueno porque nos brinda muchas oportunidades, ya que podemos encontrar
información en internet, podemos encontrar libros sin necesidad de ir a una biblioteca,
podemos escuchar música sin necesidad de ir a un concierto o comprar un CD, pero lo más
importante podemos ver a nuestros familiares, amigos o compañeros de trabajo en el
momento que más deseamos a través de videollamadas.

Una de las cosas malas que tiene este invento, es que nos ha alejado mucho de la realidad, las
personas están con el celular todo el día cada vez vemos niños tímidos o introvertidos.

Antes que exista este invento, las personas tenían que esperar semanas o meses para
comunicarse a través de cartas. Las familias solo contaban con un teléfono en casa y era
complicado comunicarte con el chico que te gusta.

Finalmente termino mi examen oral diciendo que los smartphone son realmente importantes
en estos tiempos y tener autocontrol al momento de usarlos.

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