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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form
Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard InTASC Standard #4 Content Knowledge: The teacher understands the
central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches
and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible
and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Course Competency Course Competency # 2: Examine the professional aspects of teaching.

Essential Learning Outcome: Essential Learning Outcome # 2 Critical Thinking: Students will be able
to analyze complex information, support arguments with credible evidence, and reach well-reasoned

Course: EDU 210

Date of Implementation: 11/5/21

Title of Artifact: Iowa Core Standards Assignment
(Explain what you did to complete this assignment/artifact and how this artifact best
represents this particular InTASC standard, Course Competency and Essential Learning

To complete this assignment, I reviewed the Iowa Core standards and compared similar
standards in the literacy area between kindergarten and first grade and similar standards
in the science area between kindergarten and first grade. I analyzed how the standards are
articulated and build upon each other to prepare students for higher level thinking and
Career and College readiness. This assignment represents InTASC Standard 4 because it
helped me to begin understanding the concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures that
teachers in these grade levels are teaching. I examined the professional aspects of
teaching in that I looked carefully at the standards that teachers are responsible for
helping their students achieve. I analyzed the different standards, supported my analysis
with evidence directly from the standards, and reached conclusions on the differences and
similarities between standards.
(Explain what you gained from completing this assignment/artifact.)

Completing this assignment helped me to begin involving myself in the standards used in
the beginning years of elementary school. Before this assignment I was not aware of the
exact expectations and standards of children in kindergarten and first grade. Analyzing
how the standards build on each other was interesting. I learned that often times the
standards can be very similar like in the literacy standard of reading standards for
literature, the kindergarten standard was to asks and answer questions with prompting
and support and the first-grade standard was to ask and answer questions, without
prompting or support. As a future educator it is important for me to be aware of the
standards and how precise they can be, so I am not asking too much or too little of my
students, and so I can best support them in achieving the goals and standards.

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