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ADA AAAS aval) fa ee a EL AUR ta THE WARRIORS OF THE LOST ‘PARADISE ARE COMING... Asthe editor of Chronicles lam happy to see the next step in Warzone. Soon well release the first supplements for Dark FEden-Mutant Chronicles on Earth, Stefan ungavst, the Project manager of Dark Eden has been working day and night to make it the best product ever (as always). OF course, in CCompendiums are coming out all the time, and you wil always get ‘your issue of Chronicles, ‘rammed with exactly ‘what you WANT ‘ou don't agree? Well, {ell us what you DO Chronicles, os, better yet, write it yourself and Send it in! We appreciate ALL submissions for Chronicles, from painted figures to articles and reviews. This s your chance to contribute to the Mutant Chronicles and let other people see and read about your Seen anything coo! out there? Drop us a line and tell us about it! That's the type of thing the "World of Mutant Chronicles” section is all about, and we need YOU to ses and ears ‘out there, in the Warzonest “The easiest way to get in touch with us isto send e-mail (English only just write a letter tothe address inthe national ‘That's all for now; keep in couch (Hey, that w an order!) Ealitor in Chief mT Wot oF Mura cro Ms NEWS FROM THE FORSAKEN EARTH = SS) = Sy EDITORIAL AIDES-DE-CAMP: Chis Bled, INTHE STUDIO... released in both resin and metal! Cosi Mark Kay Kev White, and Tim Pow are bestowing The Dark Eden team i plytesting the new rules EO i ‘hei nal bestngs on the fst maser pressings of —adltions right nov, and we guarantee the add ae the Dark Een miniatures, and we justhave to say. Some new iniguing twists to you Warzone g atita cov ost:sant sera || 1 thy took absolitely stunning imagine the Fits ike the Rasputin Rvetbulls, which se nears solders of eat dead? woe Thon allthe major ~The Dark Eden Sourcebook will contain players of everthing you need to play the forces of Forgotten Europe, Earop, ithe Dark Legion is your fancy then don visualized as you fret, litle trooper, there wl be plenty of action. Darkness to go around. The Dark has forsaken. packed ‘he Eat instead, theyve ben breeding al kinds masterclass of ne terrible creatures ike the Gamorian Hearebveaker Emaselator ofthe dreaded Nascararid. Although 3D minis! itll be fly compatible with Warzone, the Dark ‘hebeasts _ Fden Sourcebook wil include many new rules that that roam reflect the very diferent tactics and fighting tle the osaken sed bythe survivors of Forsaken Earth landscape, Inthe next issue of Chronicles wel sive you soon tore Dark Elen Warzone previews Unt ne STOP THE PRESS) On popilar den ase Instead of releasing two separore si ppucanec 4997 |memcasntinaiaten ae saa a reg ERIN TO OBSERVER: PATRICK CANNON, FREELANCER, HEARTBREAKER Oe E you ever amnation. Planned for in compliance with Cartel directive 1322-565f-da, all Cartel | consider It could be said that shines upon you! wel Sthorewere there | Warzone products from the Cartel Store of War & Pieces, are Ok tine ith, | located a mere ten feet away Please call War & Pieces ifyou put the vast majority | Need the atest products in the USA (or are Just fanatical had only ritual combat. | €Rowgh to pay the international shipping), Ask for Jim at (860) and mutilation on 232-0608, their minds, Crusades isa yearly historical miniatures convention, Ea ae sponsored hy the Connecticut Games Club, Although this year saw the Con expand into a larger area of approximately 10000 square feet, everyone was stil pretty cramped when you Pat Cannon, Freelancer ( THE WORLD OF MUTANT CHRONICLES INTO THE MOLD WITH TIM PROW Iwas late December and the deadline for issue 7 was getting closer and closer. Who were we going to interview for this issue? Then, atthe last minute, someone came up with a great idea: Tim Prow isnot only one of Heartbreaker's reat sculptors, he also pants. Why dont we give him a call? ‘And so we did, starting with a few easy questions before ‘moving on to the harder stuf. fun ‘Age: 25 Bam in Nottingham, England Nariel? Vest Since July 20h Enplayme: Sculptor for Heartbreaker im Prow CGinniles: So, Tim, how did you start working with figure sculpting and painting? Tin: starred painting asa hobby when I wos about 12. Later wen | was about 16 and sila school, 1 ot a Christmas jb Pointing figures for Games Workshop. The next year, L was ‘working regularly for GW as a figure painter, bby the time 1 tured 21,1 had decided to sculpt figures instead — there was 0 ‘lof aot more money in sculpting and it just seemed ikea ‘atural progression ! made the transition from painting to model ‘making by converting single figures and making dioramas, but then Games Workshop wouldn't let me design forthe (hey said something about me having no talent), sol started looking for a way ut. took a chance with Heartbreaker and it paid off still ‘oy painting (and fm even working on my design technique. Chnniles Instead of sculpting, is there anything you've dreamed of doing that you'd rather do? Tin: Not rel 1 had a coupe of obs before I started at Games Workshop but figures are totaly differen from your average job. ‘More interesting, and fe! ike 1 el into this job, as ft was ‘alvays meant to happen. Chiles Fiow long have you been working for Heartbreaker? in: Four years this May. Chiles: And how long have you been involved in the Mutant Chronicles project? Tim: Around tree anda half years. My frst Mutant Chronicles “igure was a Legionnaire, Chonces: What appeals most to you in the Mutant Chronicles Tins Pm not relly sure I's got a ‘more sold edge to it than the other games have. The church (he. ‘the Brotherhood. — editor's note) is pretty funky and doesnt put up with on shit, kindof ike the Spanish Inquisition. Chronicles: Which of your figures sake you most proud? Tim: Probably my two slightly huge Morfcators and the Elf Command Group did for ‘Leviathan (21). Chiles: You also do a lot of realy good painting. Do you have any advice you'd like to share? Tim: Patience s goo, 50 dont expect. miracles right away — it just dest work ike that. so, ry 0 break big Jobs down into alt of basi, smaller jobs — i's hard to explain tis ina Jew words Chronicles: Maybe you'll wri article about that for a future issue of Cronicles? Tin: Sure. Conc: What are you working on right now, and in the future? Tin: hope to finish three Algerth Destroyers in time for Christmas, Then I've gota Fenris Bike ‘and the Bauhaus Blizers todo. ‘Chonices: Whar do you do in your sparetime? Tin: Ive been spending a hell ofa ot of time on ‘the Internet playing Net Quake. The phone bil’ ‘going to kill, lll you, if we ‘ould produce a PC game like that, ‘nly Based on Mutant Chronicles, it ‘would be awesome! BOOKS: Terry Pratchett's Discworld books and James Herbert FILNS: Interview With a Vampire, ‘Apocalypse Now, Jabberwocky, Aliens, Predator 2, Seven USI: "Where do I begin... ve recently had a complete musical revolution thanks to Chris (Bledsoe, for those who don't know. — editor's note) and ‘some other friends, White Zombie, Die Krupps, Rosetta Stone, Scom, Pantera and Ministry (to name afew)” we NEW FIGURES MOURNING WOLVES Wives and lovers of Imperial warriors fallen in the battlefield the Mourning Wolves are a terrifying presence. Wielding their Tangle Chains and Claws ofthe Wolf, @ pack of ‘Mourming Wolves can lay waste to even the most ruthless enemy heroes, SPECIAL RULES ‘Mourning Wolves leatn to work together, so much the better to gain vengeance against those who have taken thelr mates. They have the Teatn Tiaining ability. These deadly she-wolves wear very litle armor and have ‘been known to sneak up on Mishiman Shadow Walkers and even Morifcators. Mourning Wolves have the Commando ‘Training and Stealth special abilities. EQUIPMENT Mourning Wolves are armed with Tangle Chains and the Claws of the Wol (see Wolfbane armory). Any Mourning Wolf ean ‘exchange her Tangle Chain with a load of Iron Bolas. One Mourning Wolf, and the Mourning Wolf Chiefainess, may instead be armed with an Invader, THE VENGEFUL WHIRLWIND ‘Once engaged in close combat, the ambidextrous Mourning Wolves become a blur of chains and blades. When armed with Tangle Chain and Claws of the Wolf, a ‘Mourning Wolf may make two “free secondary attacks each turn, These secondary attacks need not be sequential in the turn, STRUCTURE “Mourning Wolves operate in squads of 25 \wartiors, plus a Mourning Wolf Chieftainess. The Chieftainess (often referred to as the ‘Alpha Bitch) has al the same abilities asthe Mourning Wolves MOURNING WOLF HEROINE SPECIAL RULES These vicious she-wolves have all the special powers of their squad: Team Training, ‘Commando Training, Stealth and the spectal Vengeful Whirlwind attack bonus. EQUIPMENT ‘Mourning Wolf Heroines can be armed with any equipment from the Imperial, Wolfbane ot General armoties, except hheavy weapons. They always carry a Tangle Chain, too. STRUCTURE ‘Mourning Wolf Heroines are inividual models. You need to hhave one squad of Mourning Wolves for every Mourning Wolf Heroine you wish to purchase for your force. NEW FIGURES | TANGLE CHAIN This I-handed weapon, a mass of hooked and barb-wired chains, is exclusively used by the Mourning Wolves. The Tangle Chain is used to perform a special TANGLE attack on any target ‘within 2” of the model. On a CC success all of target's stats except Aare cut in half round up). Attacker can choose to maintain the TANGLE. The defender must make a successful Breakaway roll to get out ofthe chain, Warriors cannot move for the duration ofthe tangle Warriors cannot TANGLE large models, cR MX RM DAM cost ion aks special 2 CLAWS OF THE WOLF CR MX RM DAM CosT cc et rey FEMALE ARCHINQUISITOR MORTIFICATOR NIKODEMUS FEMALE HERETIG FEMALE = REGULARCTRENCHER REGULAR/TRENCHER REGULAR/TRENCHER WIDESTROYER LMG om Ee her claws and through the flesh a she continued sas brood. ‘All the while, the Centurion was so natural voice. urtng out ofthe wound, but until she was covered in its the Mourning Wolves chopped them to pieces BACKGROUND Loud, fast, and dangerous, the Wolfbanes’ Fenris Bikes scream across the battlefield to quickly engage the enemy and harass idlen forces, Although a Fenris Bike is smell, poorly armored death trap, the Wolfbanes swear by them ‘TYPE: LighvWheeled/Open SPECIAL RULES: ‘The Fenris Bike may Charge into close combat, withthe driver { fighting from the back of the bike. Charge bonuses apply as normal + Fenris Bike drivers do not need to make a Breakaway rollin order to leave close combat “The Fents Bike may make any number of curns of any angle during a Mave action + Fenris Bikes cannot make Ram attacks. FENRIS BIKE My Ac W A cosT 8 4 Se Oe FENRIS BIKE Fenris Re (Er TYPE: Open Wheeled SIZE: Light (OTHER RULES: The Fenris ike may Charge ino d combat, with the driver fighting from the back ofthe bike Fenris Bike drivers donot need to make a Breakaway rl in ‘onder to leave close combat, The Fenris Bike may make any number of tums of any angle during a Move action, Fenris Bikes cannot make Ram attacks. Arressor fees td WEAPONS: The Fenris, Bike is not armed. However, the Bike driver handed any single zero-handed ‘weapon (such asa Howler grenade launcher) from the Imperial or General armories FIRING ARc: The may fire arget in any di STRUCTURE: Fentis Bikes operate in leaderless squads of 24 bikes per squad. They can be driven by any Woltbane Hera or Heroine, or by any Commando except Pathfinders ay is 40) L Re Se x SUNSET STRIKERS Under the hot surface of Mercury, Capitot's Sunset Strikers fight their constant war against the Mishima corporation. The Strikers are masters of Martial Arts, specialists at close combat fighting, Ever since they saved the Lord Heir from an assassination attempt, the entire Sunset Striker force has the right to wear and use ceremonial blades, an honor normally reserved for full Samurai. aes. SUNSET STRIKER =r SERGEANT "oa? SUNSET STRIKER HERO 8 SUNSET STRIKER 5 PLATOON ‘CAPTAIN JAMES HEWITT Profile Special F 2 Equipment: M50 Assault Rie, Genode Launcher, rag des, ceremonial Sword ant Auto Injector CORPORAL MIKE "MEDIC" JOHNSON Profile: War Medic sce Compendium 1 or Chronicles From the Warzone #2) Equipment: 13 Boleer ISTSTRIKER SQUAD “THE HOWLERS" AND 2ND STRIKER SQUAD. “THUNDERCLAP” Profile: Special Forces Trooper and Sergeant Equipment: M-50 Assault ile Grenade Launcher, rag Grenades, Ceremonial Sword Structure: sergeant and 4 trapers per squad PLATOON. ‘CAPTAIN MARK SPENCER Profile nant Captain Equipment: M316 Shotgun, Frag ISTINFANTRY SQUAD assault ile, Grenade Launcher Frag Grenades, M13 Bolen ‘Weapon Trooper — M606 IMG, M13 Roker Sergeant — M50 Assault Rie, Grenade Launches, Frag Grenades, Chanriper Structure: I sergeant and 8 2ND INFANTRY SQUAD Profile nfntry Trooper and Equipment: hoopers — MSO Asst Rill, Grenade Launcher, Frag Grenades, M3 Boler, Heavy Weapon Trooper — N89 HG, MIS Boker: Sergeant —M Assault Rie, Grenade Launcher, Frag Grenades, charg Secure: {sergeant and 7 troopers THE MISHIMAN FORCE HATAMOTO TAH ANIL MARA Profile: Hatamoto ier pment Shogun Assault Rie nde Launcher, Fag Grenades, (Ceremonial ade HATAMOTO SQUADS YODETOBO" AND “TORISOBO” Profile: Hatarnoto an! Hatamoto Leader equipment Shogun Assault Rife Grenade Launcher, Frag Grenades Ceremonial Bade Structure: 3 Hatamoro and t leader per squad SHADOW WALKER SQUAD AIRETSU" Profile: Shadow Walker Feqipment: Punisher Combo Structure: 2 Shadow Walkers SAMURAI CHUA TODO f SECHIWAN Profile: Sara Heso Equipment: Shogun Assault Rife Ceremonial lade SAMURAI SQUADS "GITAKI “HADJL” “JOHIRO,” AND. “JAGAWEN Profile: Semaral and Sanur Leder Equipment: Shogun Asaul Ri ‘Ceremonial lade Structure: 5 Samual and 1 Leader per squad ‘CAPITOL Each sub-foree has its own objectives, The Sunset Strikers want revenge on Anji Mara, while the Infantry’s main objective is to prevent the Mishima force from breaking through their lines. Fither Way, the Capitol player cannot win a major victory without completely eradicating the Hatamoto force, Reducing & Hatamato squad to 50% ofits original strength Completely eradicating a Hatamoto squad ach SamuraiShadow Walker squad reduced to 50% of ts original strength ive Fach SamuraiShadow Walker squad completely eradicated of Its ofthe utmost importance that Tali Angi Mara and his Hatamoto ‘warriors break through the Capitol lines. Ifthe Ta is killed or the Hatamoto foree is reduced to 50% of ts original strength, the Mishima player cannot win a major victory. least one Hatamoto squad within 6" ofthe Capitol player's table edge 2p Each Hatamoto squad not reduced to below 50! ofits original strength 2Ve Each tion-Hatamoto squad within 6" ofthe Capitol edge 1.VP Each non Hatamoto squad not reduced to below 50% of ts original strength THE DARKEST AGE IS YE? TO COME!!! HAVE FAITH! BACKGROUND Borm the youngest son of a commoner Bauhaus family, the man who would become Salvatore Nikodemus showed signs ‘of power in the Ar asa youngster, Having great faith in the Brotherhood, his family promptly turned him over to the Brotherhood where he grew in power and rose steadily through the ranks, christening himself "Nikodemus” after a early marty With his efficiency and skill in the Art, Nikodemus found ‘ways to make himself useful and was quickly promoted to the Second Directorate. After his initial Directorate training he was put under the tutelage of Archinquisitor Gabriel Vietorios, who taught him all he knows today. By the time he had proved himself on a dozen batlefelds, Inquisitor Nikodemus was Victorios’secondin-command, Then the fateful day arose when the Dark Legion attacked the Venusian city of Kanark, When Victorios was killed in the initial stages of the attack, Nikoclemus was lef to lead 96 wartors — Valkyries, Mortficators, Sacred Warriors, and regular troopers — against an enemy force consisting of over 2000 undead 1) Necromutants, several ‘ephartes, and other creatures from the hellholes of Venus. Somehow, ie managed to defeat the inhuman army, earning himself not only a promotion to Archinguisitor but the undying loyal ofa certain backwater village near Kanark {see “The Deathspears,” below) Today Archinguisitor Salvatore Nikodemusis one of the ‘most famous men in the Solar System. The Brotherhood. cannot spare him for anything but the most dificue pale sedi NIKODEMUS’ SACRED CRUSADERS BY JEREMY WEBE, THOMAS OSTERLE an SAMI SINERYA, NIKODEMUS WRITTEN BY CRIS CRUSADERS BLEDSOE and DAVE ONES ‘As equrroe NAODENUS watched his troops in battle, he thought ‘once again that there were no finer warrior in all recorded history He and his Sacred Crusaders had been called in to save a small Copitolian outpost,from an incursion of Heretics of Algeroth They had boarded their transports on Venus and rushed to Mars as {fast a they could push their engines; now they were engaged in the colossal battle forthe future ofthis foothold on Mars: ‘Nikodenus stood up in the seat of Natherte's Wrath, his personally-nodified Death Angel. Still ooking through his binoculars at the battle in the valley below, he whistled to himself. Then he turned to the Keeper ofthe Art beside the Death Angel and asked, “The cadets are doing rather well for themselves, ‘woun’ you say, Julius?” “Julius Christos removed his helmet, revealing his weather worn ‘Features, and took the glasses from his commander. “es, they do ‘seem to be making great strides, They're all going to make fie Inquisitor. The Deathspears aso seen tobe holding their own: You've done well once again, od friend.” ‘Nikodemus smiled and took back the binoculars. dn all ofthe Brotherhood, he had few personal friends, but julius Christos was ‘one of them. They had served together under legend, ArchingusitorVietorio, and had remained in service together ever since. This held true for most of the Crusaders missions, but keeps him on a loose rein when he is fighting Darkness, However, few really know thatthe secret behind his success is his own personal force of Sacred Crusaders, Consisting mainly ofthe survivors from Kanark, the Crusaders also include more mystical units which Nikodemus trains in his own estates high in the mountains ofthe Firering. APPEARANCE With the exception ofthe elite Black Mantis Guard, the Sacred Crusaders uniform is a purple helmet and armored leggings, a blue tunic, and blue shoulder pads with red insignia, Crusader weapons are often gilded. RANKS, INSIGNIA AND CHAIN OF COMMAND. Despite his force's diverse troop types, Nikodemus keeps a strict hierarchy within che Crusaders, Every soldier, whether hheis a Skullbearer ora regula Ofcourse, among the warriors themselves, a Skullbearer is worth a lot more than a Nathanie!'s Flame, Still, to Nikodemus, every warrior is equally important. His squad leaders ae called Decirions. Each Decurion is directly subordinate to Nikodemus and Julios Christos, Nikodemus' aide-de-camp. Only Nikodemus’ own disciples, | the Inquisitor Cadets of the Cleansing Flame, are exempt from this chain of command, as Nikodemus commands them directly (This has no affect on the game rules.) trooper, is called a Crusader e 5 7 a : fachuniteypewithinthe [SaCRED CRUSADERS Cc MW PW LD AC W ST MV own distinctive insignia | Nikodemus bait 15 | te era es based on the standard ‘Skullbearers 16 4 16 4 1 3 3 Brotherhood logo. Black Mantis Guard 164 ise tai ee ae ems Decurionshave mentra | Nathaniel Flame Crusaders = 133 Stripebenesththeinsignia | \athaniet's Flame Decurions, = «13S SD on thet left shoulder pad Christos the Repentane Smeaton tan MRO SS 3 THE FORCE _ | Deathspeats Crusaders Sip eiaiaaths "ia. rae Sueno a List Deathspears Decurions eboney) ic) 9 eeu anes Sacred The Cleansing Flame Cadets 13 14 - 4 3 1 1 3 different from regular cians i ieee) 4 s Z gee Warzone forces, The Crusaders consis of wo isan expansion to Te Sacred Guard and worth 1200 point premade forces, each of which must be bought separate. | The Holy Crisaderscan never be Relded without Reding The The Sacred Guard, Nikodems' personal bodyguard, is worth | Sacred Guard as wel (or a total of 2200 pots 1000 points. Te Holy Crusaders, Nikoclemus' fighting force, THE SACRED GUARD Hae eee eee ae affected by a Dark Symmetry spell roll NIKODEMUS 1420. On a rol ofa I-10 the spell does Salvatore's graying hair accents his stern blue eyes. He Is Tot affect the model, On a oll of 11 Seldom seen without his battledress, and never appears onthe | 39 i works normally. field without Gabs SPECIAL RULES + Nikodemus is immune to panic and rout + Hehas Close Combat Training + He is trained in all aspects of the Art. EQUIPMENT Gabriel (see New Equipment below ) is already calelated into the cost of Fielding Nikademus + Tieat him as always possessing Lucky Fate STRUCTURE + INikodemus inspires his troops. While he is alive, all Nikodemus isa personality, soa rules Brotherhood troopers are partially immune tothe Dark for personalities apply, He's an Symmetry Anytime ¢ Brotherhood warrior of any kind is__|_ Individual model ‘The Inqusitor scanned the area that Christos pointed to, noting the Deathspears with satsfation as they eu ther bloody swath through the enemy. He tharked the Light once more for his fortune at being chosen to train and use these she- warriors, without a doubt the fiercest Valles he had evr sen. i, cere are wounded to tend to,” Christos sald, puting his helmet back on “Should speak to you later?” “es, after” replied Nikoderus, “Good hunting?” The Inquisitor shielded hs teel-bue eyes as Christos used te Ar of Kinetics to teleport into the fay. Now alone, he sipped back down onto his seat, doning hs own helmet and checking Gabriel, his Jusifer ‘symbol of command. He then gunmed th Wrath’ engine and sped down into the heat ofbtte himself Ashe approached the bated, Nkodenus noticed iercefghting oround the Copitolian hospital. The Netani Flame troopers vere golly defending the innocents, but the offensive appeared to be led by several Pretoria Stalkers and a Nephi. He skidded, fo a halt justin tne tose several members of his Skullbearers arriving t support the troopers, no doubt looking to add the Nephart's head to ther colction. Nikodemus grunted with satisfaction os they overpowered the beast, dsmembering i with afew wellplaced blows. The Bearer who delivered the death blow took his trophy and then moved on, scouring the bated ro find more Nepharies to eliminate. [ikoderus had to adit to ise tht the Stulbearer’ barbarism hed is battlefield uss Ne radioed the Nathaniel’ Flame quad leader and told him to prepare for aerial support, then sped awey ashe relayed the hospital’ coordinates to the Ierus fighter tiling above. The Archangel pilot acknowledged the transmission and banked into a tight tur, avin at che takers and strafing Liem wth his cannon, They were torn to pieces by the hal of high velocity shel from the learus, clearing the street in moments Nikoderus swerved around a comer and found himself face to face witha rampaging Biogiant. He took careful aim withthe Wrath’s modified Deotlockrum and opened fe, spraying the immense creature's knees with explosive ammunition. The Biogiant = bellowed in pain as its knees exploded in a shower of flesh and fut smelling fuds,cumbling forward and shattering its skal on the street. PA ae ae Continued on p.22 © lm NIKODEMUS' SACRED (CRUSADERS: SKULLBEARERS, BLACK MANTIS NATHANIEL’S. GUARD. FLAME DEATHSPEARS: Bein THE FIREBREATH - ARCHANGEL, Bie eu EeEan ers busca ney Pc oo, nh lo IBGGMI soscds ied neosestn can spec nis for soe aos. Skullbearers are the best ofthe best, Their EQUIPMENT H ; UME elinets ace painted a bluish tnt to mock ‘Skalbearers are equipped exactly ike regular Sacred Warriors RM he Nephrites of Algeroth defeated in their STRUCTURE fete, ne shlhearersquad of Stale. One of te models f SPECIAL RULES - is ostensibly the Decurion, though his profile is the same as }Skutbearrs organize themselves on the battlefield with the | the others. ‘sole purpose of hunting down any Nepharites present. i} THE BLACK MANTIS GUARD bearer models maintain squad coherency of ftom any ‘member of ther squad, rather than from the Decurion. This allows them to string themselves across the batlfield as they search for Nepharites, “As long as there isa Nepharite alive on the battlefield and the Skilearers can attack they mast spend wo full move actions every turn to move against the closest nepharite, ‘until the nepharite is within range of the Skullbearers’ missile or close combat weapons. q ‘Once hopefls forthe Ftoiles Mortant, these ‘women showed a great alent forthe Art at an early age. They were handed over to the Brothethood by Bauhaus and received ‘raining as Mortificators under the tutelage ‘of Crenshaw himself, After learning the at ‘of mortification, they were picked ‘ikodemus for his personal bodyguard. ye NIKODEMUS' SACRED SPECIAL RULES black Mantis follow the Warzone special niles for both Mortificators and Assassins. EQUIPMENT ‘Every Black Mantis Guard is armed with a silenced Nemesis "handgun (Warzone p. 106), Mortis Sword (same as Punisher sword) and the Mantis’ Sting (See "New Equipment,” below), sTRUCTURE One Black Mantis Guard squad consisting of 4 female Mortiticators and female Assassin squad leader (same stats and rules as the normal Assassin in the Warzone rules book). ‘The Female Assassin squadleader is counted against the numberof individuals in a Brotherhood force, but because the Black Mantis guard is counted as. squad, they take each other out i. The Black Mantis Guard isa Squad, with an vidual model included) THE HOLY CRUSADERS CHRISTOS THE REPENTANT Julius Christos was a disillusioned Bauhaus youth with no interest in the family publishing business. Instead, he leaned toward the playboy lifestyle of fast cars, fine othing, and easy women, Saying he preferred private prayer, he even neglected daily Worship at the Heimburg Cathedral. ‘All that changed when he befriended a group of teens who tried to recruit him into the cult of Semai, When Christos refused, the cultists slaughtered his family: He himself was only saved by Archinquisitor Gabriel Victorios, who instructed him {0 repent his sloth and ‘ateee life and do penance hy studying and serving the Art Remorseful at causing his family’s (Christos estates and donated everything to thy Christos is still trying to repent for his mist feels thatthe only way to ensure his family’s forgiveness in the afterlife is to prevent other innocents from joining them Jn death. Christos now serves as Nikodemus' friend and aide ddecamp, going to great lengths to protect him and his men, SPECIAL RULES: Christos knows the arts of Changeling, Exorcism, and Kinetics. EQUIPMENT Christos carries a specially modified Power Stabilizer an old relic once owned by Victorios. With it, he can perform two Use Special Power actions per turn, at least one of which must be an Art spell, For the second spell Christos casts in a round, roll 1420. Ifthe roll is 5 or les, the Power Stabilizer CRUSADERS NATHANIEL’S FLAME ‘These “regular” elite troopers have been attached to Nikodemus’ personal force for some time, serving with honor. SPECIAL RULES The same as Brotherhood Elite Troopers. EQUIPMENT ‘Nathaniet's Flame are armed with Volcano Assault carbines and Nemesis sidearms. One Crusader per squad will have a HAC-20 instead of the Volcano, and the Decurions have Punisher handguns and Chaintippers STRUCTURE 2 squauls, each consisting of 5 Crusaders and | Decurion. has temporarily broken down and cannot be used again during this batle, Otherwise, the Power Stabilizer works normally. With the exception of Art of Exorcism: Exorcise Wound, Christos cannot use the same spell wice per round, Because Christos acts as the Sacred Crusader's medic, if there are wounded (not dead) on the table (including himself) and hhe has LOS to them, he must spend one action using the Art of Exorcism: Exorcise Wound Christos caries a Punisher Combo but prefers to use his spells, STRUCTURE Christos is an individual model and a Personality NIKODEMUS' SACRED wen NEW EQUIPMENT During the Archinguisitor’s career he has instituted many reforms and ideas that will lat for hundreds of years. The new equipment below was made by Nikodemus for special use in his personal force. GABRIEL, Nikodemus caries a deadly artifact based on the AC-40. Named Gabriel, this weapon was the personal armament of the first Inguisitor and has since been carried into battle by many other _great Inquisitor. In addition to its chain bayonet, Gabriel includes an integrated flamethrower Gabriel's stats are as follows: CR MX RM_—DAM Justifier Gye ee ke Famethrower Template, — 14 Chain Bayonet” CC 1342) Gabriel has already been figured into Nikedemus point cost NATHANIEL’S WRATH Nathaniel's Wrath isa Dark Angel customized by Nikodemus for his own use ‘VEHICLE PROF MYA vAG "| aw PA Nathaniel's Wrath 8 4 4 30 TYPE: Wheeled/OpewNormal WEAPONS Modified Deathlockdrum — Deathlockdrum Mk. ll Explosive ammunition. Place the Grenade template on models hit by this ‘yeapon. All models under the template take DAM 16 (3), SPECIAL RULES Once during the course of a game, the owner of the Death Angel ‘may declare that any one shot that hits the Death Angel has been “caught” by the omamental statue of Nathaniel mounted ‘on the Wrath, When this happens, the Death Angel and its driver {ake no damage whatsoever, although template weapons will affect the surroundings. This effect must be declared before the Hit Location roll is made, STRUCTURE The only model that may enter the Death Angelis Nikodemus.Ifhe eaves the Death Angel ors killed, no other model may enter it. THE MANTIS STING ‘The helmets of the Black Mantis are equipped with these builtin taser weapons, Whenever a Mantis is engaged in close combat she may take a Use Special Power action to fire the Sting at her opponent, sending a high voltage electrical charge into the enemy and temporary paralyzing them. A model hit by the Sting Imust make a Leadership test (vith Small models getting 2 on their LD, Large ones getting +2, and Giants getting +4) or else be unable to take any actions forthe rest of the turn, Place Fide template upside down next to a paralyzed model. f paralyzed enemies are hit again, they still get Armor roll, but no other actions CR OMX RM DAM Mantis'sting CC — Special MEPHISTO The Mephisto sniper rifle is one ofthe best sniper rifles inthe ‘whole solar system, used by both Brotherhood Mortificators and the famous Doomtroopers. From time to time, the Mephisto has seen use inthe hands of other Brotherhood units, but this is rare, CR OMX ORM—«DAM Cost Mephisto 40-80 BS Just then Nikodermus was knocked from the Wrath by « powerful blow to his side. His head swam as he struggled to his feet, seeing the = : ‘Centurion that had clubbed him with its Kratach. Realizing his beloved Gabriel was stil clipped to its holster on the Wrath, Nikoderms } prepared to cast on Art spell at the demon. Suddenly, however, his own Black Mantis bodyguards materialized between the creature and himself. ‘The frst Mantis to appear rushed the Centurion, parrying its Skalak blade long enough for her to fire a Mantis Sting into its face. The | ‘win barbs bit deep into the Centurion’s flesh, sending waves of high voltage elecricity into the hapless creature's body and paralyzing it | instantly. The other Black Mantises stepped up and quickly dispatched the beast. The Mantis leader rushed to Nikodemnus side and asked, “Are you allright, Inquisitor? : "Yes, Decurion, Iam fine. How did you get teleported here?” “I was Christos the Repentant, my lord,” replied the assassin. “He saw your peril and immediately teleported us to you. \Nikodemus stood up and walked back to his vehicle, rubbing hs sre ribs where the Centurion had struck him. “Any news of the battle fat I should be aware of?” he asked her as she followed beside him. “The Mantis Decurion reported that the Crusaders had retaken the outpost. The Deathspears and Nathanie’s Flame units were even nOWe== a nged in pursuia the fleeing heretics and Algeroth creatures into the Rust Desert ‘Nathaniel nodded and said, “Very wel, see to it that Keeper Cstos i informed of my wellbeing and tll him that J want full ears Support for our pursuing units,” "Yes, archinguisitor,” replied the Mortificator as she bowed and turned to camry out his orders. NIKODEMUS* SACRED NATHANIEL’S WRATH The original Death Angel design was one of Archinguistor ‘Nikodemus' own ideas. Naturally, he insisted that the Imperial Miltary Design Artisans make a special Death Angel for his own use, with additional components and an extra powerful Deathlockdrum (see "New Equipment,” below). ‘When he fields his complete force, he brings along this custom Death Angel for additional mobility THE DEATHSPEARS In the jungle surrounding Kanark lives a warlike tribe knowin for is Amazonian warriors. When Nikodemus saved them from the Dark L they showed their gratitude by sending a squad ‘of warriors to serve him for as long as he ‘deemed fit, with aditionalreruits in the ‘event of casualties, Nikodemuss immediately pt the she-warrirs into Valkyrie traning at his personal estate and traning fac and they have served ever since SPECIAL RULES The Deathspears are trained in the Art of Mentalism, but since most are not adept in the At, they can only use two. spells: Flight and Strength. Only the Deathspear Decurion is hot subject to this restriction. The Deathspears train in loose formation, without needing a squac! leader. Each model must be within 6” of any other squad member to be within command distance, with the sniper needing to be within 12" of aay other Deathspear As long asthe Decurion is within command distance of the entire squad, she can act as a regular squad leader anyway, EQUIPMENT The Deathspears, including the Decurion, are all armed with Castigator Combos (see Warzone, p.107). The sniperis armed with a Mephisto (see "New Equipment,” below). STRUCTURE ‘A squad of 5S Deathspears, one of which Isa sniper, The squad is"lead” by 1 Decurion, profiled by an individual model. THE CLEANSING FLAME Every Inquisitor teaches cadets for the Second Directorate, and Nikodemus is no ‘exception, He trains his cadets on his remote estates, mustering them into the ‘Cleansing Flame squad when he feels they are ready for battle. Only after tral by | combat does he allow his cadets to enter the Second Directorate The cadets ofthe Cleansing Flame know almost no feat They are fanatical warios, eager to show their prowess and either fin entrance into the Second Directorate or de in the attempt SPECIAL RULES The Cleansing Flame may rexoll all panic and rout tests once due to their fanaticism. However, they are also so eager to show their prowess that they wil always close withthe enemy The cadets must charge into close combat ifthey are Within one move of an enemy model, or else at least spend ‘one Move action to close with the enemy. EQUIPMENT The Cleansing Flame are armed with the Inquistion’s standard issue AC-40, STRUCTURE The Cadets actin a leadertess squad of 4 models CRUSADERS NATHANIEL’S FLAME The Holy Crusaders includes two addtional Nathaniel's Flame squads, Their Special Rules, Equipment and Structure are the same as their counterparts inthe Sacred Guard fueraceena HEFIRESREATH Mle ews, Hees One ci Use Special Power action ordering the Ba orca Horak make eee ca eye mune meeetinccmig ete gud ve pte thom rua dereel cence, sine eno pa cn cna wa ui ase iar is unbe tinsag science heed ape rt Reet eon Lai a eto ins tems eed nde fae ebeenisacp a pce mece Pes peter tt pee te dae ep ino x mum ismah mi cnt ee mec ah aca mine mana ls tn du ite ere py as tauren eon ‘sn ee sai cine hii wi he ted oh pan ee ee eer teil Seed rannape eter feopern mreeehe HERESY Ks identical ‘The underlying situation behind has fallen under the control of Dark Despite Imperial i ‘components in “HERESY By Thoms sei and Jeremy Web THE SCENARIO thee player scenario, but may be Ina two player game, the Cybertron the electronic computer brain ‘components have male the troop vulnerable tothe Dark Symmet ft HERESY HERESY THE BATTLEFIELD Vegetation is sparse in the barren deserts around Cliff's Rock, The Bares River, once one of the main waterways of Southern Mars, dried up after the devastation of the South Martian Wars when Mishima, Imperial, andl Capitol fought for control over this once-rich fegion. Today, the area is a wasteland, and the river is but a shallow stream, Rocks that once litered the riverbed are today scattered all lover the floor ofthe gorge. Aquatic plants have been replaced by desert plants and scrub clinging to the bizare rocky outcroppings formed by the now-vanished river current eresy is best suited for a tabletop at least 6 x 4 in size, Don't worry too much about recreating the battlefield in every detail Just ‘make sure you get the basic tactical features right: the river running from north to south, the major rock formations, the rocky river banks, As long as you have fun, everything's fine DEPLOYMENT The deployment zones are marked on the battlefield map, Since the Cybertronic force has been stationary for some time, the Brotherhood player determines which side deploys frst, Otherwise setup deployment is handled as described in Warzone, p. 42. Because the Dark Legion force arrives asa delayed reaction to the Brotheshood assault, they do not deploy until turn six. The Dark Legion deploys within the Cybertronic deployment zone, but each unit may only be deployed as far from the southern table edge as ‘one regular Move action would cake i. This simulates the fact that the Legion is arriving ate on the scene, NIKODEMUS’ SACRED CRUSADERS. Afirst they were rumors, but they were old rumors you'd heard a thousand times before, Cybertronic as an envoy of Darkness, but ‘now itooks lke the Imperials might actually have been right ‘Something has gone wrong in the Bares River gorge situation. Why Ai the Cybertrone force withdraw without prior orders or any sign ofa Dark Legion attack? You've weighed all the factors, and there can be only one conclusion: the Barnes River Cybertonic force has been contuptd by its enemy and must be driven out ofthe area or destroyed, areas st Forti ack ou, Nlodetas, wil mous your tne person fre he Nikon Sed russes ice nahi eri aise eee aoa 10 per ih you ca bay one Rissa nnn AcTION ve oberon exon me emxed ge Uta and pth l avingCyberonc nd Ur Lp es bac {iedeploment ane HERESY raat Ts Patoon Epes GehetnsPer, Cemetic uipnent sc San "piper: ARO, Grenade Lahr Mk Fag renaes one Cnncur vl ao he havea SSWA200° hse Squad ea eae ee Debian Enno Elmeed Corman ip ie Pre Dan (pein Own War alpen: 100 gun ena nator LNG Sci Profs rdatorDethld ema t e Fgapmen Tse Megabit iateath Fupment ARSDOO, CSA 44, Tica (ee aoe Inpoe Pr: t4500 ieee rd Ite f ung the er Wzone vcr point ks, the Oberon per wt one ACTION ve ‘ing AchengustorNakocemis curt) ‘teen of eam en, he baron aye wx mo cry eh the os tary tes norer form towns mao yh as ve theme VP tl an push Bing Bothered forces back I th depone 2oe, hen the Cartel ordered them out of the gorge a 1k ago, the order was greeted with a prompt but flat efusal: "We are stronger than ever in our new position. A human farce set into relieve us will never be able to withstand the pressure of Darkness.” After that, silence, ‘You warned them wo days ago that you were preparing to attack, but they sil refused to move. They have certainly been corrupted. Now, your Sacred Crusaders are assembled and the Archangels are ying. You turn around to face your troops, grim determination written on their faces, Pride wells up within you, and you yell out over the roaring of Nathaniel's Weath: “Change! SPECIAL RULES ICARUS AIR STRIKES The gorge is bordered to the east and west by stark cliffs rising a thousand feet straight up into the air. These natural hazards make Icarus airstrikes from the east and west extremely difficult. Treat any model caling in an east-west, Icarus ar strike ashaving a8 twits Leadership score for purposes of the strike On the other hand, they also render the Archangels practically Impossible t hit wth ground weapons fited atthem from within the gorge itself Any model within the gorge firing atthe Icarus will have a-6 modifier to thei Missile ‘eros the amg soi ges Weapon roll to aon 2 Naturally, uh 5 pos opr thereof of rthertod made remenedfom py 1 | these eh 5 ols part hereof Cerne models one antares pera 1 | reversed for ‘Auth ond oft tenth Diego plyer wins minor cry the] north-south treme oes Inodertorhsto wma vier ease the | attacks Neher vital an the betas permustlne ie econ ichesswst | Attacking up oF down the river gorge is extremely easy for the Icarus fighters, with the extraordinarily dear line of sight allowing a +2 to the Leadership of the model calling in the strike. However, enemy fre agaist the fighters will also be at a +2 modifier MEMORY BANK ‘SALVAGE, In order to pro Jeremy Hawthome's ‘accusations and to justify his atack on the {ibertronic Force Nikodemus needs to find clea evidence of Gybertronics treachery The best and easiest way of doing this s through salvaging a ‘memory bank from a fallen Eradicator Ifan Eradicator is destroyed, don't remove the model from the table, but instead carefully place it on its side, Thereafter, any Brotherhood model that remains in stationary base-to-base contact with the fallen Dara Compression 2mm Pree Profinet Fury apm tur ‘Sete NecomntanSqt Pre Neamt and Centon upmen: Recomm — ele Getron ore, “2sqds of Unde usonaes rote Ua Legionnae and comet "qupmen agionstes — ‘tac Nectar earch Deathdroid for two turns can salvag bank. On the third turn, when the salvagi activated, place a marker near it to indicate that i is carry the memory bank ‘Any models carrying memory banks must be within the Brothertiood deployment zone at the end of turn en in order forthe Brotherhood player to daim memory bank victory points. IFthe salvaging model is killed, the victory points are lost. CYBERTRONIC FORCE AT BARNES RIVER Bast the Brotherhood! Why do they insist on medaling in Cartel business? This isa Cybertronic security zone, and they have no right to do as they please here. We will never give in to those zealots, those humans. We have to protect this place. No matter what the cost THE NEPHARITE FORCE Even the bestaid plans of Apostles and Nepharites are bound to fail ifyou rely on humans. They never do anything ight, even when they're under your control Allowing the Brotherhood to come here o attack the possessed Cybertronic force has been a disastrous fale. Now you need to leave the Citadel to clean up the mess, but by the time you approach the battlefield, you can hear that th: fighting has already begun, The plan must be protected. VARIATIONS Heresy shows a quite classical tactical situation inthe Solar System's warzones, By rewriting the storyline slightly, you can easily replace the forces presented above with the forces fiom other corporations (or even the Dark Legion). The attacking and possessed forces can even come from the same corporation. You can even pit corporations against the Cartel, ifyou have a good enough explanation forthe battle. The defending force should be built using 1500 points for the main force and 600 or the backup force. The attacking force is built with 2300 points. PAINT THEM! Asyoutve probably already seen, the long-awaited Official Warzone Paint Sets “have arrived. The fist three sets include all the basic colors needed for Warzone Figures, with additional sets coming soon to add artistic ance to your color ‘schemes and make your painting work even simpler. Al pats are waterbased nontoxic acrylic colors, ‘esigned to be mixed together for addtional color PAINT SET #1 — "Basic (#5101) “The Basie Paint set includes allthe colors you need to ‘Mortis Black, Bauhaus Blue, ‘Cartel Yellow. Mishima Red, and Graveron Tan, Both Luna “White and Mortis Black are designed to be great ‘undercoat colors, and by Look forall ofthese colors in well sehen nt une aeons met | Sed eo lyn need, Graveton fan is handy for painting skin tones, and by | sperefaine are or ee ter ‘mixing Bauhaus Blue, Cartel Yellow, and Mishima Red you can | pack focre Shea ae the precise shades you need to star painting your Bbc recat nea crite figures. colors are coming soon! Watch for PAINT SET #2 — METALLIC (#5102) Martian Desert (#5104), Algeroth Here's the set where you'll find all the metallic colors needed (#5105), and Dark Symmetry (#5106). for painting equipment, jewelry, smal details, weapons, ‘chides, and more. I you mix some of these coors (Violator eral, Temple Gard Gold, Teron Bronze, Cyber Stee, Gunmetal, Technomancer Copper together, you can make ven “len” colors Esperiment! PAINT SET #3 — VENUSIAN JUNGLE (5103) We designed the Venusian paint set to meet the needs ofthe experienced painter, but they're at least as important for the beginner. With the greens and browns found inthis package Gungle Green, Foliage Green, Venusian Green, Wolfbane ; = Leather, Trench Brown and cee ana “Thee Bark), youl be able to make any camouflage scheme _youllever need on any planet in the System, and a ‘ocor dierent good looking “bases. = coLeorna aS The Dark Legion approaches, leaving a wave of destruction in its path. New Citadels are erected, some even crushing outposts that were loyal to their Dark Soul. Can nothing stop their quest for dominance? To answer this onslaught the Cartel is establishing their own line of defense. A Cartel affliated retail store is knowledgeable about the MUTANT CHRONICLES universe, especially WARZONE and DOOMTROOPER. They also stock a good selection of Heartbreaker products and hold Heartbreaker events year ‘round, More outposts will be formed every month. STORE MANAGERS: FOR INFO ON THIS PROGRAM CONTACT HEARTBREAKER WAR 8 PIECES, (GREENHOUSE GAMES ‘THINGS FOR 7, South Main St 279 Harrison Ave. “THINKERS #1 WHareford, CT. 061 Gardiner, ME 04345 4500 E. Speedway Suite #400 (860) 232-0608 (207) 582-5486 ‘Tucson, AZ 85712, * Calli about Warzone Lengues* Mutant Chronicle event every (520) 326-7679 month * Contact -Lorna MYTHICAL REALMS 12909 US. 71 He MeCORMICK’S ‘THE GOBLINS LAIR Grand View, MO 64030 (MINIATURES + HOBBIES 12914 - 97th St (16) 763-5075 1600-D Mangrove Ave Edmonton, AB Canada * Warzone every’ Saturday morning Chico, CA 95926 (403) 413-8042 TSE 43 (16) 345-3949 * Contact - LB. [MISSION GAMES * Contact - Steve 33128 First Ave Wak Docs Mission B.C. V2V 1G4 CANADA GAMING REALM 2580 Atlantic Bl. (604) 820.3324 669 S. Market St Jacksonville, FL32207, * Callorinfoonthe Mission —_-Frederick, MD 21701 904) 399.1975 Games rg andthe Wirzone league (301) 662-4263 * Contact -Joe or Rich * Contact - Tony LEGENDS, FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX 376 State St. “THINGS FOR THINKERS 18473 Waters Ave. North Haven, CT 06473 2155 E, University Dr. #101 Savannah, GA31406 (203) 230-3686 Tempe, AZ 85281 (912)354:7079 * Warzone League every Friday (602) 968-8819 * Contac James ‘on awesome do-tables! * Contact John Bass THE GAME PLACE 12107 Damestown Ra. Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (G01) 208-1970 SHOWCASE COMICS 1 874 W. Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mavr, PA 19010 (610) 527-6236 * Contact - Mike ‘SHOWCASE COMICS I Granite Run Mall Media, PA 19063 (610) 891-9229 SHOWCASE COMICS II 620 South st. Philadelphia, PA 19147 (215) 625 9613 WANTED! FREELANCERS The Solar System is a mayhem of chaos. The Dark Legion's heretical minions conspire and makes war anywhere possible. Desperate humans try to do anything to protect themself from the growing anarchy. Though, the darkest age is yet to come!!! But there lies faith in the number of still anonumous warriors that can be found all over the Solar System. The Freelancers! A Freelancer is knowledgeable of at least one of Heartbreaker’s games, featuring the Mutant Chronicles universe: Warzone TTG, Doomtrooper CCG, Mutant Chronicles RPG among other.A Freelancer is willing to travel through land and country to gamestores and conventions to do demos. Of course, as a Freelancer, you always get paid in some sort of way. For your services you get figures, products, and the latest information from the Mutant Chronicles universe. «SO YOU’RE INTERRESTED? WELL, THEN WHY DON’T YOU GET AN APPLICATION PACKAGE FROM HEARTBREAKER.” WRITE OR E-MAIL US NOW! [SORRY! U.S. & CANADA ONLY!] FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW TO GET YOUR HANDS ON A COPY OF WARZONE, A COMPLETE UPDATED LIST OF AVAILABLE FIGURES, OR INFO ON THE FREELANCER/CARTEL AFFILIATED STORE PROGRAM, PLEASE CONTACT: Heartbreaker Heartbreaker RO. Box 105 oo Gamecraft Folsom, PA 19033 16 Gardner’s Row USA. Liverpool, 13 6JT ENGLAND, Email: Heartbreaker c/o Walrus & Carpenter 1 st Floor 97-99 Argyle St. Parramatta, N.S.W. 2150 AUSTRALIA BURN, BABY BURN! VAN oom BURN, BABY, BURN! NEW RELEASES FROM THE ARMORY By Jonathan W Cait wih contin tom Sa Sine Inthe never-ending war against the Dark Legion, the continued survival ofthe Brothethood and the megacorporations depends on new and upgraded ‘equipment, Some of the most useful types of new ammunition ae the incendiary shells, capable of destroying ren the most fearsome Dark Legion beasts. As General GK. Robinson once said, Even the Dark Legion can survive being burnt, and napalm makes anything bur. So Far only the corporations and the Cartel have the technological capacity to manufacture incendiary shell, which they were quick to use against each other as well as against the Dark Legion, Although each corporation uses its ‘own version ofthese weapons, there are no real differences between these corporate variants, The general specifications tsed here should work for incendiaties manufactured by any corporation MISSILES Missiles may be purchased for any model that is carrying a rocket launcher, Unlike grenades, the missile cost is for a single misile in addition to the basic unlimited supply of normal ammunition bought with the rocket launcher Each squad figure carrying rocket launcher ‘may buy one missile individual Figures may buy Lup to three, Missiles may be fired in any combat action NAPALM MISSILE: The Napalm missile is a very powerful missile which creates a selfsustaining Fireball Place the Napalm template in the spot where the missile explodes. Any ‘model beneath the template is set on fire and takes damage asifhit bya flamethrower. Lave the template in place, At the beginning of the next turn, before any units a activated, roll 120 to see whether the napalm continues to burn IFthe roll is even divide it by two and move the template this ‘umber of inches away from the figure firing the missle (use the small red arrow on the Napalm template for help in determining direction), Any mode the fiteball comes int contact with during and in the end ofits move will be that ignited and will take flamethrower damage. If the roll is od, femove the template from the table. (CHAIN FRAG: The Chain Frag releases a chain of five Type | frag grenades (see p. 111 in the Warzone Rulebook}, Roll to hitas normal to determine where the fist grenade lands, checking for deviation iftecessary. Place the standard grenade template atthe blast location. Now, roll 1420 and consult the deviation table to determine the direction in. ‘which the rest of the chain wil land. Take four more templates and lay them out in a straight line in this direction, ‘with each template touching the previous one. Work out ‘damage for any ofthe models under the templates as normal TYPE cR MX -RM_—DAM_ Cost Napalin Missile 7 1325 Chain Frag T 2 Pe msi NAPALM TEMPLATE THE CASUA CASUALTIES OF WAR The Dark Legion are enemies of all humanity, The struggle against the forces of Darkness can never end, and so the desperate human troops fight on. No matter what their corporate loyalties are, they know that if they fail, the Dark Legion will destroy unprotected human settlements all over the solar system. The war is total. Everywhere you find humans, you can find Casualties of War. ‘CASUALTIES OF WAR is the third volume in the Warzone Compendium series. Volume One, DAWN OF WAR, concentrated on the leaders ‘and famous warriors of the Mutant Chronicles. Volume Two, BEASTS OF WAR, took a hard look at the vehicles. Now, in CASUALTIES OF WAR, we get back fo the troops. We've been saving all the new troop types for this book, including several that you've always wanted but never had rules for. In addition, we've included a special rules clarification section, lots of new weapons, vehicles, and a lot more. WARZONE COMPENDIUM VOLUME 3: CASUALTIES OF WAR. Available soon at a store near you! co Turi) L OAV aa Cadet ee el dT MUTANT GHRONIGLES RETURNS TO FORSAKEN EARTH NEW COLLECTABLE GARD GAME Capes tc aes ees see Co BHA A CRIES

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