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Answer the following questions:

What is ergonomics?
Why is ergonomics important?
What is a musculoskeletal disorder?
2. Write T (true) or F (false) the statements.
a. Ergonomics can increase productivity. ___
b. Awkward posture don’t affect your musculoskeletal system. ___
c. You can feel fatigue, discomfort and pain when your musculoskeletal system is
affected. ___
d. Body’s muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves are part of your
musculoskeletal system.
e. Musculoskeletal disorders don’t occur immediately. ___

3. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Low cost measures for the office

• Adjust your computer ____________ to fit your body.
• Place the document ________ right next to the monitor so only your eyes move and
not your head.
• Avoid holding the phone with your neck. This places a lot of stress on your neck
• Move your computer monitor away from the window or tape cardboard around it to
reduce the glare, which can lead to _________.
• Adjust your ___________ before starting your shift and again after lunch. Your body
changes throughout the day and so should your environment.
• ________ your workstation so that items you frequently use are within close reach.
• Use books to raise your computer monitor if necessary so you’re looking at the top
third of the __________
• Place a pillow behind your back to create ________ support if the back on your work
chair won’t adjust.
4. Choose the correct verbs to complete the list of health and safety for a

1. Women should / must / shouldn’t wear high-heel shoes at work.

2. Stairs can / don’t have to / must be clear of obstacles.
3. All exits don’t have to / should / can’t be kept clear.
4. You have to / can / mustn’t leave any objects on the floor.
5. You should / mustn’t / don’t have to behave correctly at work.

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