Election Review - CXXXVIII

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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard  rsklaroff@gmail.com
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 November 5, 2021 – Guy Fawkes Day

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CXXXVIII] – Mastriano is Running

It may be recalled that my tentative battle-plan had been to work through Sen. Doug Mastriano
when seeking the forensic audit; he’s the only “horse” who has galloped faithfully for a year and
who continues to prioritize fixing 2020. I remain being a one-trick pony and endorsing accordingly;
those who attack him for not having “delivered” must appreciate the intensity of the opposition
that he received and continues to receive from “Jake the Snake” [RINO and GOPe] Sen. Corman
[who, as Majority Leader, stripped him of his staff, chairpersonship, and caucus membership].

Today, on WWDB @ Noon, he announced creation of an “exploratory committee” preparatory to

holding a $-raising radiothon [I believe he said, via Facebook] in a week; as far as I’m concerned,
he’s a “go” and this is particularly vital because, when opposing Corman, “You can’t beat someone
with no one.” It can be anticipated that this will be the axis around which the entire primary
campaign season will spin, notwithstanding a dozen other potential-players (who have varying
degrees of Trumpist affinities). It’s now possible to recognize how Corman can be leveraged to
push the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee to act; he’ll be pressured to produce.

I was attacked for evincing the equivalence of a “bromance” with Mastriano via this missive:

Election integrity was compromised by the creation of the mail-in ballots and
ballot harvesting that would not have existed in Pennsylvania but for the support
of elected officials, including your putative candidate, Colonel Mastriano.
Without the elected Republicans supporting the mail-in ballot, it wouldn't have
passed, become the tool of election fraud and dumped Pennsylvania into the
bowels of Bidenism. Instead of a pedigree that would suggest to voters that this
candidate is different, that he can think, that he has the intellect to discern a good
idea from a bad idea, he proved to be the same excrement, different receptacle.

After its author disavowed rhetorical vulgarity and was provided a sampling of his Bio, he wrote:

What’s vulgar is your refusal to face the question. Who more qualified to know
the impact of Act 77 than someone with his purportedly stellar CV? If your horse
had been a dog catcher elected to serve constituents, his blind obedience to a
moronic theory might have earned an excuse.

The very thing he signed into Law is the hinge pin [sic, should be “linchpin”] of
election integrity violations. Despite all the fawning you make over this horse, you
can’t point to more than verbal blather over what he has actually done to correct
the violations to election integrity that he is a co-author of.
He and his ilk need to be voted out of office as soon as possible and not rewarded
for facilitating the perversion of the political process in this state.

Your infatuation has distracted you from considering that, despite your tons of
email missives and visits to the political gatherings, no material action to
overcome Act 77 has crossed the finish line by your horse.

By the way, when I am truly vulgar as you alleged, you will know it.

You are presently incapable of considering alternatives to your narrative because

your emotional attachment to this second-rate politician renders you blind

When the realities of this candidate finally reveal, perhaps you can readjust.

The lessons of Toldot, the parsha for this Shabbat could help you understand if
you are willing to look.

Shabbat Shalom

This was my reply:

I don't know which message of Toldot you reference, so I chose this one:

The Torah does not decide whether a person is good only by his
deeds. The Torah looks deeper, into his neshamah, and searches
for the good which is there. Every Jewish neshamah is good,
because it is a part of HaShem. Even if a person may not do good
deeds, the goodness of his neshamah is there, and the Torah tells
us that it has the power to come out. Nothing can stand in the
way of the neshamah.


Applying this to Doug, you may recoil @ his 2019 vote and base your artifice upon
this error, but he led the charge to achieve the unique constitutional amendment
stripping Wolf of dictatorial power and is working to rescind Act 77 [“Proposing
separate and distinct amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, further providing for method of elections and secrecy in voting and
for absentee voting and providing for permanent list prohibited”]; had he
opposed it [bucking leadership with which he was trying to relate, newly-elected],
it wouldn't have mattered anyway in the short-/medium-/long-runs.

I would hardly think that supporting him - when you were mute when invited to
suggest a better candidate - is "vulgar" in any sense; this contrasts with your
reference to fecal matter, which fits a few of these characterizations.
My "horse" is the ONLY vehicle - for the past year - who has pushed the Forensic
Audit; the intensity of Corman's blockage in August illustrates the potency of his

There are points to which I'm privy that I cannot reveal after the troika of events
on Wednesday, but suffice to "say" that a concrete battle-plan emerged that
answered ALL of my educated/emotional concerns.

A pathway exists, to become manifest overtly by month's end; I've constantly

invited alternatives - including from yourself - but have received NOTHING that
would promote the forensic audit [and/or whatever will occur in Commonwealth
Court on 11/18 c/o DelCo's filing, as per page 2 of my 10/23/2021 memo].

Is there a reality of Doug that I'm missing of which you're aware? Is there another
pathway to an audit of which you know that I've never noted? Is there a superior
gubernatorial candidate? You insinuate that his CV is only "purportedly" stellar;
do you know something I don't know? Does not Doug comply with your vision
of Toldot?

If you cannot provide cogent answers to these derivative queries, you

should acknowledge ignorance and the tendency to attack without harboring a
reasonable alternative.

Be forewarned that I've chatted [in one case, during the past quarter-century]
with a bunch of the alternatives; have you interviewed anyone except Zama?

...all kinds of Republicans want to run for governor, some with more
familiar names than others.
That list includes Lou Barletta, Luzerne County; Guy Ciarrocchi, Chester
County; Joe Gale, Montgomery County; Charlie Gerow, Cumberland
County; Bill McSwain, Chester County; Jason Monn, Erie County; Jason
Richey, Allegheny County; John Ventre, Westmoreland County; Dave
White, Delaware County; and Nche Zama, Monroe County.
Among those who many announce soon are Jake Corman, Centre County;
Scott Martin, Lancaster County; Doug Mastriano, Franklin County;
and Dan Laughlin, Erie County.

Not surprisingly, he has failed to reply to this final e-mail during the past six hours. Why this
impromptu colloquy has been conveyed is not only to have replied to this diatribe, but also to
capture the surprising level of resistance to his gubernatorial aspirations from “our side.” And
deferred was review of his conservative policies, all of which are superb and clearly articulated.
Thus, it’s necessary to convey another explanatory excerpt from my e-mails this-a.m. that conveys
what I know from others AND what he said during his Wednesday appearances:

Had he voted against, it still would have passed; he had no control over how its
tenets were to be corrupted by the Supremes.
The key-event was the swap by R's [allowing absentee] with D's [disposing of
party-lever]; the latter was desirable by never-Trumper Corman because he didn't
want The Donald to hurt down-ticket candidates [as per remarks by...and an
article in his magazine by...Sam Faddis, with whom I've chatted thrice].

The rest was subject to an unconstitutional rewrite by the Supreme Court.

I agree this was an opening for fraud, and immediately told [and e-mailed] the
MCRC’s Liz Havey my reaction after she'd touted it during a Sunday chat-show.
No other putative candidate - including Lou, whom I've adored for ~15 years -
approaches his focus on issue #1, election integrity.

It is often said that 99% of the most potent info of a presentation is conveyed during the final 1%
of an exchange; perceptive readers may recall that I’d been unable to chat with Mastriano and/or
his staff @ the Bradford event “due to circumstances beyond my control.” The specific factor was
that I was to be retrieved by the spouse of this author @ 10:30 for an event starting @ 11, but
wasn’t retrieved until it was almost over [arriving @ ~1 p.m.]; I chatted with everyone available
[in the rain], but the priority was to discern why Mastriano hadn’t initiated a forensic audit process
[as he had intimated he was going to do shortly after the start of the summer recess, during one
of his June campaign events]. The attacking-individual was reminded of this reminiscence, thusly:

And, yes, I still feel the inability to chat with Mastriano 1/3-year ago continues to
carry import, for he was already showing indicia that his June optimism [when
seen thrice to be loaded-for-bear] was fading [recalling the cool reception to his
non-Committee letters to Tioga/Lancaster/Philly that were doomed]; remember,
Corman didn't flip until 8/20.

The reply reflected not only anticipated defensiveness, but another ad hominem attack, for he
wrote that I’d been “Operating under the fantasy that you can force an outcome with a politician
if only you can confront him with your brilliance. What you are seeking is Alchemy, turning shit
into gold, and the politician you seek to do this with won’t make that transformation. Only you
can self-correct or continue to escape.” What he ignored is the potential impact of this oeuvre
[starting with Memo “IV” – which continues to be the only PA-specific confessions by the perps
that resulted from grunt-work based upon review of 9/10 hearing transcripts/attachments].

Indeed, falsely assuming that Mastriano is a typical-politician is the major force-at-play, here, and
it is this mindset that threaded through all of today’s e-mails; the calmer I was, the more profane
he became. It may have been possible, for example, for a “delegated task” to have been acquired;
also, I’d have advised against killing July procedurally by awaiting anticipated “NO” responses to
the requests from three counties. [Raising this discussion-point may very well have revealed a hint
as to his friction with Corman; the reader will note that I dutifully reported this effort while truly
wondering why he couldn’t convene a committee-meeting.] Note how the attacker “kills with
faint praise” by citing the “fantasy” of my “brilliance”; all I was doing was “diagnosing/treating.”

You, the reader, can weigh all of these raw data and attempt to draw any conclusion beyond that
which has animated these memos; Doug has repeatedly demonstrated that he’s “The Man” and
he SHOULD merit the STRONG support from ANYONE who is properly fixated on Election Integrity.
THUS, the reader is invited to reply to the italicized queries on page 3 … or commit to Doug.

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