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Traps in WFRP 4e

Converted from Graeme Davis' 3e The Enemy Within scenario (p.170)

These are the traps presented in the 3rd Edition The Enemy Within scenario (p170). These are hopefully
good ideas for use and creation of additional snares and traps. The GM should use applicable Perception
tests to see and avoid them.

Nothing - There is a hidden trigger mechanism here, but it is not connected to anything and there is no
wasy to disarm it. It is here purely to worry the PCs.

Oiled Pit Trap - A pressure plate causes an entire section of the floor to give way. The PC needs to make
a hard (-20) Athletics test to avoid dropping 15 feet onto a smooth oil-slicked pit. The fall causes 8 base
damage with another 2 damage per negative success level. A roll of 96-00 results in an applicable critical.
Attempts to climb out of the pit are difficult (-10) becasue the sides are covered in slippery oil.

Dart Trap - A fine wire stretched across the hallway causes a spread of darts to fire across the entire
passage when any PC walks into it. The GM rolls a simple ranged attack (BS 50) vs each PC inflicting
damage as a dart. Damage soak applies.

Poisoned Spear Trap - A pressure plate in the floor causes four long spears to spring out from a wall.
The PC, and any characters close to him, but make a successful hard (-20) Athletics test or suffer 8
damage and gain the Poisoned condition. A roll of 96-00 results in an applicable critical.

Falling Block - A pressure plate in the floor causes a stone block to fall from the ceiling. The PC, and any
characters close to him, must make a difficult (-10) Athletics test or he is hit on the head for 10 damage
and gains the Stunned condition.

Clashing Blocks - A tripwire causes stone blocks to slide out from either wall, potentially crushing
anyone caught between them. The PC, and any characters engaged with him, he must make a hard (-20)
Athletics test to avoid being crushed for 12 damage. Applicable items carried may also be crushed.

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