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N103 Lecture Notes

Monday, June 19th

1. Queering curriculum (wants suggestions for ABSN cohort in regard to curriculum

2. Why are some neighborhoods healthier than others? (Virginia Commonwealth
a. Unhealthy housing; food security and access to healthy food
b. Opportunities for residents to exercise, walk, or cycle
c. Proximity to highways, factories, or other sources of toxic agents
d. Access to primary care doctors and good hospitals
e. Unreliable or expensive public transit can isolate residents from good jobs,
health and child care, and social services
f. Residential segregation and features that isolate communities (e.g., highways)
can limit social cohesion, stifle economic growth…
3. More than 130 million Americans suffer from chronic conditions, a number that will
continue to rise
a. Chronic dz cause 7/10 deaths
4. Built environment interventions
a. The Circuit: Greater Philadelphia’s Regional Trail Network
b. “The Negro Problem” study assigned to W.E.B. Du Bois “The Seventh Ward”
i. Housing/bathrooms/water/alley dwelling
5. Health impact pyramid
a. Downstream (increasing individual effort needed) vs. upstream (increasing
population impact)
i. Counseling and education -> clinical interventions -> long-lasting
protective interventions (immunizations, fluoride in water, etc.) ->
changing the context to make individuals’ default decisions healthy (built
environment focused on this tier; fails to ignore human behavior and how
people actually respond to environmental changes) -> socioeconomic
factors (poverty, racism, other forms of discrimination)
6. The Weathering Hypothesis: Impact of dealing with disadvantage through the life course
wears down the body’s organs and tissues, particularly the cardiovascular system,
causing advanced health deterioration and early death
a. Cumulative exposure of stressful environments wears down body systems and
leads to early death
7. Embodiment
a. How racism gets under one’s skin
b. Daily micro-aggressions and indignities faced d/t institutional discrimination
8. Increased park use -> increase in physical activity (improved cardiovascular health which
leads to decrease in BMI), exposure to nature (reduced stress which leads to improved
mental and physical health), and exposure to people (increased social
cohesion/collective efficacy which leads to improved mental and physical health;
increased interracial contact which leads to reduced racial discrimination)
a. WIC q3mo and you get coupons for certain kinds of food. Go in for counseling
and blood tests
b. Food stamps are monthly generic allocations
9. Health Impact Assessments (HIA)
a. Federally mandated if you, for ex., build a new wing of an airport, new highline
park area, new bikeshare areas
b. Screening -> scoping -> assessment -> recommendations -> reporting ->
monitoring and evaluation
c. How does this impact marginalized/minority communities?
10. Tuesday, June 20th be ready at 12:00pm for bus tour

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