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Rev. 20200612
This Quick Guide applies to the software application SL Editor, that allows you to edit all the fea-
tures of the SL and also to access to parameters not avaiable on the instrument user interface.

To get the best out of this software, we recommend to read all details of this Guide and also the
SL Manual, to better understand the references between the instrument user interface and all the
detailed (and additional) editing features made possible by the EDITOR.

Start the SL Editor

Download SL Editor for your operating system from Studiologic web-
site. Open the file you have downloaded and install SL Editor. Then
open SL Editor from Start menu (Windows) or App launcher (Mac).

Main Page
The main page is designed to be very similar to the instrument’s display, where the four available
Zones are color-coded and each one contains all editable parameters, while the upper area inclu-
des the main Program settings.


Navigation bar

Page content

Keyboard status

SL88 Editor by Studiologic® 2

Global / Midi
SL Connection
Launch the program, making sure that the instrument is already switched on and connected to
the computer via USB.
On the GLOBAL/MIDI page, set “MIDI 2”, “SL Port 2” or “USB Speakers 2” as IN and OUT device and
then click CONNECT; this action will immediately set the communication between the SL and it’s
EDITOR and you will see the keyboard drawing, at the bottom of the Editor, painted with a diffe-
rent colour, for each one of the four Zones. From now on, any editing done on the software will be
immediately synchronized on the SL unit, with no need of other actions.
Please note that, once the SL is controlled by the Editor, the direct on-board editing is disabled.


Global parameters
The main Global parameter (of this Editor‘s version) is the
main TRANSPOSER; to change its value, click on the virtu-
al keyboard’s image and select the key you want to trans-
pose , that will also be displayed on the screen (range is
minus/plus 12 semitones).

Firmware Upgrade
Normally there is no need to update your SL, unless a
new firmware is published on our official website, with a
detailed list of improvements and/or new functions that
you want to install.
Before upgrading, it‘s recommended do a backup, saving
the SL internal memory in a PROJECT file (refer to page 6).
To update the instrument follow these instruction:
1. Turn off the SL;
2. Connect the SL to the computer via USB;
3. Turn on the SL while pressing the IN button: the diplay will show “FIRMWARE UPGRADE”;
4. Launch the SL Editor and set the instrument as IN and OUT (don’t click CONNECT);
5. Select the new firmware (.syx) that you have downloaded from our website and saved in a folder;
6. Click “TRANSMIT” and wait for the end of the procedure, then recycle the instrument (OFF then ON).

SL88 Editor by Studiologic® 3

Program Edit
On the top area of the SL Editor PROGRAM page, you can select and edit some parameters.



Clicking on the PROGRAM name (eg. “P001 SL 88 GRAND“) a new popup menu will be displayed,
showing all internal Programs list; move the cursor on the list and select the Program you want
to Edit.

Click this control to Store the complete setting of a Program in the related/selected position.

It allows to select the Source of the MIDI data that you want to “MERGE” to a selected Destination;
this application allows, for instance, to connect another MIDI keyboard and/or controller to the
SL and merge the MIDI data coming from the external device with the internal data, sending the
result to a selected Destination.

With this function you can decide the parameter (Sysex) to be filtered (out) from the merged
data and also on which MIDI channel the filter should be applied.

SL88 Editor by Studiologic® 4

Zone Edit
To enter in Zone Edit, double-click on the Zone you want to modify and the related display will
be selected, with all available parameters; to edit a parameter, simply move the cursor on it and
change the value by clicking and moving the cursor to reach the desired value.

The editing values will be immediately visible and transmitted to the SL, in order to allow you to
verify the result of the editing; some parameters will also be shown graphically and the KEY range
will be visible on the keyboard image (on the lower part of the EDITOR’s display) with the same
color of the edited Zone.
While you are setting a parameter, hold CTRL to have more precision. E
Once you have edited a Zone, you can go back to the MAIN/HOME by clicking the BACK function.

NOTE on Pedal 4
To this connection of the SL, you can connect special-multi pedal devices, allowing to use up to 3
pedals in one socket; once a multi pedal is selected on one Zone, the other Zones can only be set
to the same kind of multi-pedal or OFF, since two different kind of multi-pedals cannot be con-
nected at the same time.

SL88 Editor by Studiologic® 5

This is a very important function of the Editor, that allows to organize your Programs in a fast and
easy way.



Open a PROJECT file saved into your computer.

Save all PROGRAM and GROPUS of the SL internal memory in a PROJECT file.

It allows to import or export all PROGRAMS and GROPUS. When you click on the SYNC button,
a popup allows you to choose between SYNC OUT (to export the NEW PROJECT to the SL) and
SYNC IN (to import all PROGRAMS and GROPUS from the SL).

It shows a PROJECT of a opened file. You can copy a PROGRAM or GROUP from the opened PRO-
JECT to the SL internal memory by drag and drop them.
You can also select more than one element at the time, by keeping hold the SHIFT control.

It shows a NEW PROJECT. You can add elements from an opened PROJECT or import all PRO-
GRAMS and GROPUS form the SL internal memory using the SYNC function. Each elements can
be moved, renamed or deleted by clicking on the FUNCTION BAR.

SL88 Editor by Studiologic® 6

SL Touch
This page of the Editor allows to edit parameters (not listed in the SL internal editing functions)
and represents one of the most innovative features of the SL new line and related EDITOR. In this
area of the software you can either change, load or modify the internal VELOCITY CURVES accor-
ding to your personal taste and playing preferences, as well as balance the keyboard to your taste
and musical needs.

In this area you can manage the VELOCITY CURVES (selectable by ZONE EDIT). The are 3 internal
curvers (SOFT-MEDIUM-HARD) and 6 free USER memories to save your personal cuvers (4-9).

To edit a curve, select “Edit this curve“ by clicking the icon

In the curve graph you can:
• add/remove points (8) by right-clicking mouse;
• move a point by drag and drop.

Note: If you move a point UP, the response will be softer (more velocity with the same force);
if you move it DOWN the response will be harder (less velocity with the same force).

A selection of dedicated curves can be visualized in the left area of the display, if programmed, al-
lowing to start from a pre-programmed curve (that can also be made for a specific device, module
or VST sound), import and edit it as one of the free programmable USER‘s curves.
To add your curves to the library, click “Add this curve“ by clicking the icon

SL88 Editor by Studiologic® 7

SL Touch
The SL keyboards are perfectly tested and balanced in our factory, with both mechanical and elec-
tronic “state of the art“ tests and procedures; however the EDITOR also allows to further control the
overall balance of the keyboard, key by key, and modify any subtle velocity response according to
your taste and playing technique.


A very easy BLACK/WHITE keys BALANCE control allows to slightly change the related balance,
using a MIDI METER as a visual guide. The keyboards are factory-set to be balanced with a ZERO E
percentage value, but you can explore other values to your taste.


Together with the Curves, also your KEY-BALANCE setting can be stored on one of avaible memories.
To save a KEY-BALANCE setting, press and hold one of the memory buttons.
To open a saved KEY-BALANCE setting, click the corresponding memory button.

SL88 Editor by Studiologic® 8

SL Touch
The graph shows the key-balance active in that moment.
You can draw your personal curve in 2 ways:
Move te cursor on the BALANCE LINE and drag and drop single key to the desired value (up for
more sensivity or down for less sensivity).
During the editing, you can play on the SL keyboard to verify in real time the result of your setting.
Click on any key (we suggest to start from the left key) and keep the click pressed while drawing
a new CURVE, moving the cursor all over the BALANCE area; you will obtain a new curve, that can
also be futher edited key by key.

NOTE: while you are drawing a curve, you can keep holding the SHIFT control to fix the same value
for all selected keys, or keep holding the CTRL button to fix the key and avoid to modify side keys.


The SL Editor contains 6 default key-balance settings divided in 3 linear and 3 non-linear curves,
as it follows:

1 - FLAT
Original factory BALANCE.

The keyboard response changes from harder (A0) to softer (C8) enhan-
cing the natural graded mechanical feeling of the SL keyboard, to be
more similar to acoustic GRAND piano actions.

The keyboard’s velocity response changes from softer (A0) to harder (C8)
and this software control almost makes the keyboard’s response uniform
(zeroing the mechanical graded action).

A more challenging response, with an exponential graded curve from left E
to right.

Subtle balanced curve for a more agile playing technique.

A non linear curve, that makes the keyboard less sensitive
(more pianistic).

SL88 Editor by Studiologic® 9

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