MIS 6v98.091 Syllabus Fall 2021

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Course Syllabus

MIS 6v98 Information Systems Internship

The Naveen Jindal School of Management
The University of Texas at Dallas

Course Information


Course Number MIS 6v98.091

Course Title Information Systems Internship
Term and Dates Fall 2021 – 2nd 8-week session

Professor Contact Information

Professor Mark Thouin, Ph.D.
Office Phone (972) 883 4011
Email Address mark.thouin@utdallas.edu
Office Location SOM 3.217
Office Hours Visit msitm.genbook.com

Professor Donna Nix – Program Specialist

Office Phone (972) 883 2320
Email Address donnan@utdallas.edu
Office Location SOM 3.704
Office Hours Open Door – M-F – 8:00am-5:00pm

About the Instructor

Mark Thouin is the Director of Graduate Information Systems Programs at the University of
Texas at Dallas where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses, and promotes academic
programs in information systems. His research interests include the study of the clinical and
administrative value of information technology in healthcare settings. He holds a Ph.D. from
Texas Tech University. Prior to joining UT Dallas, he worked for 13 years in a variety of
management, technical, and business development positions providing IT consulting services.

Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions

Students should work with the Career Center to be selected for an internship or to update the
Career Center on their internship before seeking approval to enroll in this course. After
receiving approval from the Career Center, students must also receive program level approval
to enroll in this course.
Graduate students must have completed a minimum of 18 hours of course credit in JSOM to be
eligible to enroll for an internship; this should include 12 hours from the core classes of the
student’s intended degree. (Please note: international students must also meet university
requirement for CPT authorization.)

Graduate students can earn up to 3 credit hours (maximum of 3 semesters per degree level) of
Internship/Co-op credit towards graduation if elective credits are available on the student’s
degree plan. Credit hours granted are based on minimum number of hours worked on
internship. Students may enroll for fewer credit hours if desired.
o 1 Credit Hour (80-159 work hours)
o 2 Credit Hours (160-239 work hours)
o 3 Credit Hours (240+ work hours)

Students currently employed full-time seeking to obtain credit via the internship program need
to receive PRIOR APPROVAL to enroll. A one-page document (signed by the supervisor)
identifying the scope of a new learning project must be submitted to the academic program
manager. Internship must be related to current major/program and degree level.

Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes/Due Dates

1. An internship will provide you with an opportunity to integrate career-related skills
learned in an academic setting into a supervised work experience.
2. You will obtain experience in your degree field.
3. You will have an opportunity to network and develop connections, observe different
leadership and decision-making styles and learn more about how a business functions.

Required Textbooks and Materials

Student Assessment
0 - 1 Credit Hour
Assignment Points Possible Percent of Total Due Date
Internship Role 100 30% October 31, 2021
Skills Survey 100 30% October 31, 2021
Internship Experience 100 40% December 3, 2021
Summary (Narrative) and
Video Assignment

2 Credit Hours
Assignment Points Possible Percent of Total Due Date
Internship Role 100 20% October 31, 2021
Skills Survey 100 20% October 31, 2021
Internship Experience 100 30% December 3, 2021
Summary (Narrative) and
Video Assignment
Internship Poster 100 30% December 6, 2021

3 Credit Hours
Assignment Points Possible Percent of Total Due Date
Internship Role 100 15% October 31, 2021
Skills Survey 100 15% October 31, 2021
Internship Experience 100 25% December 3, 2021
Summary (Narrative) and
Video Assignment
Internship Poster 100 25% December 6, 2021
Internship Journal 100 20% December 6, 2021

Grading Scale
Weighted Average of Points Earned Grade for Course
>= 70.0 Pass
Less than 70.0 Fail

Late Policy
Assignments submitted after the due date will be considered late. Please notify me if you have
extenuating circumstances that will mean your assignment will be late. A 10 point penalty per
day the assignment is late will be assessed on all late assignments.
Extra Credit
Opportunities to earn extra credit may be provided at the discretion of the Instructor.

Course & Instructor Policies

1. If you experience any problems that require our assistance or if your internship ends
suddenly for any reason, please contact your assigned faculty person immediately.
2. If you have any issues that might impact your completion of the requirements for this
course, please contact your assigned faculty person immediately.
3. You are expected to have read the syllabus before your first day of employment.
4. You are expected to check your email regularly and promptly read all messages from
your assigned faculty person.

Scholastic Honesty
The University has policies and discipline procedures regarding scholastic dishonesty. Detailed
information is available on the UTD Judicial Affairs web page. All students are expected to
maintain a high level of responsibility with respect to academic honesty. Students who violate
University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the
possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. Since such dishonesty
harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic
dishonesty will be strictly enforced.

Assignment Submission Instructions

Detailed instructions regarding all assignments may be found on eLearning and all assignments
must be submitted via eLearning. Please refer to the Help menu for more information on using
eLearning. Please note that each assignment link will be deactivated after the assignment due
time. After your submission is graded, you may click each assignment’s “Graded” tab to check
the results and feedback.

Course Evaluation
As required by UTD academic regulations, every student must complete an evaluation for each
enrolled course at the end of the semester. An online instructional assessment form will be
made available for your confidential use. A link to an online instructional assessment form will
be emailed to you for your confidential use.

University Policies

The information contained in the following link constitutes the University’s policies and
procedures segment of the course syllabus.

Please go to http://go.utdallas.edu/syllabus-policiesfor these policies.

These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor.

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