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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

Singapore: half full or half empty?

Richard T Corlett

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Half Full or Half Empty?

Richard T. Corlett
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Menglun, Yunnan, China

SUMMARY its port and airport. Less positively, a recent global

review ranked Singapore worst for its environmental
Singapore has had an inluence on the development of impact in relation to total resource availability (Brad-
tropical Asian biology over the past 200 years that is shaw, Giam and Sodhi, 2010), although it can be
disproportionate to its size, through the many scientists argued that this is an inevitable consequence of the
who have been based there. Meanwhile, the island late twentieth-century model of development applied
itself was subject to largely uncontrolled deforestation successfully to an island city state.
and exploitation, leaving only small areas of protected Biogeographically, in contrast, Singapore is nothing
forest and a depleted native biota, while alien species special, being separated from the southern tip of the
dominate outside the nature reserves. Yet the biota is Asian mainland by shallow straits less than a kilometer
still very rich and new species continue to be found. wide at the narrowest point. As one would expect, there
Singapore has also proved immensely valuable as a are few endemic species and the local diversity in those
relatively well-documented case study of extreme groups of organisms for which comparable data are
human impacts in the equatorial tropics. available is lower than at equivalent sites on the main-
land or on the much larger neighboring islands of
Borneo and Sumatra. Singapore’s disproportionate
INTRODUCTION inluence on the development of biology in tropical
Asia relects not its own biota, therefore, but the efforts
Singapore was once described by the Indonesian Presi- of the people who have worked there since the modern
dent Habibie as a “little red dot” and this epithet has settlement was founded by Stamford Rafles in 1819.
subsequently been adopted by Singaporeans as a
symbol of the nation’s success, despite limitations of
size (704 km2), population (5.3 million), and natural NINETEENTH CENTURY: EXPLOITATION
resources (virtually none). That size is not everything AND DEFORESTATION
is shown by Singapore’s per capita gross domestic
product, which ranks it with the richer countries of the Rafles himself was an enthusiastic amateur biologist,
European Union, and the global top three rankings for but the best description of Singapore in 1819 comes

Conservation Biology: Voices from the Tropics, First Edition. Navjot S. Sodhi, Luke Gibson, and Peter H. Raven.
© 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Asia: Singapore 143

from his assistant, the surgeon–botanist William Jack,

in a letter to his family on June 20:

It is impossible to conceive anything more beautiful

than the approach to Singapore, through the archi-
pelago of islands that lie at the extremity of the
Straits of Malacca. Seas of glass wind among innu-
merable islets, clothed in all the luxuriance of tropi-
cal vegetation and basking in the full brilliance of a
tropical sky . . . I have just arrived in time to explore
the woods before they yield to the axe, and have
made many interesting discoveries, particularly
of two new and splendid species of pitcher-plant
[Nepenthes raflesiana and Nepenthes ampullaria], far
surpassing any yet known in Europe.

As Jack foresaw, the primeval forest rapidly did “yield

to the axe,” but nineteenth-century Singapore, with its
busy port, easily accessible habitats, and relatively
comfortable living conditions, continued to attract a
long list of famous – or soon to be famous – biological
visitors and residents (Ng, Corlett and Tan, 2011).
Most famous of all was Alfred Russel Wallace, who
stayed in Singapore several times between 1854 and
1862 during his collecting trips throughout the Malay
Archipelago. His local collections were mostly of beetles
(Figure 17.1):

In about two months, I obtained no less than 700

species of beetles, a large proportion of which were
quite new. . . . Almost all these were collected in one
patch of jungle, not more than a square mile in extent,
and in all my subsequent travels in the East I rarely if
ever met with so productive a spot. (Wallace, 1869)
Figure 17.1 Twelve new species of checkered beetles
This “patch of jungle” was Bukit Timah hill, at 164 m (Cleridae) collected by Alfred Russel Wallace “within a few
days after his arrival at Singapore” in 1854. Reproduced
the highest point in Singapore. Wallace attributed the
from Westwood (1855) Descriptions of some new species of
beetle diversity in a large part “to the labors of the Cleridae collected at Singapore by Mr. Wallace. Proceedings
Chinese wood-cutters” who had “furnished a continual of the Zoological Society of London 23, 19–26.
supply of dry and dead and decaying leaves and bark,
together with abundance of wood and sawdust, for the Such Crown forests as remain uncut are widely dis-
nourishment of insects and their larvae.” tributed in isolated patches over the island. These
Uncontrolled deforestation for cash crops (gambier, forest patches or clumps are of various sizes, from
pepper, and others) and exploitation of the remnants half an acre or so to about 25 acres [10 ha], and of
(for timber, rattans, irewood, and game) took its inevi- no particular shape; their distance from each other
table toll. By the time Nathaniel Cantley, Superintend- may average a quarter of a mile though often exceed-
ent of the Singapore Botanic Gardens, published his ing a mile. The interspace is generally waste grass-
Report on the Forests of the Straits Settlements, in 1884, land, which supports, as a rule, only the strongly
there were serious concerns about the timber supply growing grass known locally as “lalang” [Imperata
(Cantley, 1884). As Cantley reported: cylindrica].”
144 Conservation Biology

Extinction from isolated forest fragments can be a slow established over the same period (Ridley, 1900). The
process and when H. N. Ridley, Cantley’s successor in extinction of native, mostly forest-dependent, species and
charge of the Botanic Gardens, described their fauna the establishment of alien, open-country species are
in 1895, they were still “haunted by numerous recurring themes in natural history publications on Sin-
mammals” (Ridley, 1895). Ridley describes the scene at gapore throughout the twentieth century (Corlett, 1992).
dusk when: Perhaps ironically, Ridley is most famous as the man
responsible for establishing the rubber industry in
[t]he wild pigs are making onslaughts on the pine- Southeast Asia, and it was largely thanks to him that
apple and tapioca ields, the deer come out to crop the patchwork of habitats described by Cantley in 1884
the shrubs on the edge of the woods, the tiger is had been replaced by the 1930s, over 40% of Singa-
moving quietly through the bushes in pursuit of the pore, by a rubber monoculture. F. N. Chasen, who later
pigs and deer, . . . the large red lying squirrel is became Director of the Rafles Museum, commented in
taking its surprising leaps from one lofty tree to the introduction to the irst comprehensive checklist
another, . . . [and] the great fox-bats are lapping of the birds of Singapore that “rubber estates are
slowly overhead. notoriously unproductive from a naturalist’s point of
view,” and went on to list bird species that had been
All these species were lost from the main island of Sin- lost since the nineteenth century, including all pheas-
gapore over the coming century (although pigs have ants (although Chasen doubted the validity of the
recently reinvaded). nineteenth-century records), hornbills, and trogons
This delay in extinction after the major period of (Chasen, 1923). Much of the unprotected forest that
nineteenth-century forest clearance is important still survived was on swampy ground, but most of this
because, with a few exceptions (such as the botanical freshwater swamp forest was cleared in the 1920s and
records of Jack and Wallich, and the insects collected 1930s. We would know nothing of its botanical com-
by Wallace), the period from 1870 to 1900, when position were it not for the efforts of E. J. H. Corner,
>80% of the forest had already gone, marked the start Assistant Director of the Singapore Botanic Gardens,
of serious biological collections and thus the “baseline” who used these fellings as an opportunity to make com-
on which later extinction estimates have been based. It prehensive collections of the trees, climbers, and epi-
is also important in predicting the ultimate fate of phytes (Corner, 1978).
present-day examples of recently cleared tropical land- The fact that any primary forest at all survived to the
scapes, where the diversity of forest vertebrates can present day is largely due to the efforts of Corner’s boss,
give a misleading impression of the long-term capacity the Director of the Gardens, Eric Holttum. In 1936,
of highly fragmented forests to support viable popula- when the forest reserves established by Cantley were
tions of forest animals. abolished, he managed to get Bukit Timah regazetted
(after a brief and damaging period without protection),
“on grounds of amenity . . . and botanical interest”: still
TWENTIETH CENTURY: EXTINCTIONS, a forest reserve in name, but a nature reserve in prac-
INVASIONS, AND CONSERVATION tice. Then, after World War II, Holttum again inter-
vened to stop the increasing threat from encroaching
Cantley’s report led to the establishment of a system of granite quarries and the resulting enquiry resulted in
forest reserves in Singapore. These eventually made up the Nature Reserves Act of 1951 and the formal crea-
10% of the land area, but they were by no means tion of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR). BTNR and
entirely forested. In any case, they were not taken seri- the adjacent Central Catchment Nature Reserve form
ously enough to apply much of a brake to the contin- the non-coastal component of the present nature
ued erosion of what little forest area remained. The reserve system, protecting all the surviving primary
biodiversity that had attracted so many biologists in the forest fragments (totaling circa 200 ha) and most of the
nineteenth century began to decline. When Ridley pub- native secondary forest (circa 1600 ha). The other
lished his Flora of Singapore in 1900, he commented reserves are Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve (130 ha),
that some forest species recorded by Danish botanist consisting largely of secondary coastal wetlands, and
Nathaniel Wallich in 1822 “appear to have quite van- Labrador Nature Reserve (10 ha), which contains sec-
ished” while many open-country aliens had become ondary dry coastal forest and cliff vegetation.
Asia: Singapore 145

When Navjot Sodhi arrived in Singapore in 1995, he tional threat that we are a long way from being able to
became interested in the island’s potential as a well- quantify (Corlett, 2011, 2012). The nature reserves
documented “worst-case scenario” from which general are well protected, but occupy less than 5% of Singa-
conservation principles could be derived. He started pore’s land area and have no marine counterparts, so
with an analysis of bird extinctions (65 more species the future for Singapore’s native biodiversity does not
had gone since Chasen’s 1923 list) (Castelletta, Sodhi look bright.
and Subaraj, 2000). Over the next decade, he and his But there are other ways of looking at Singapore.
students looked at bees (Liow, Sodhi and Elmqvist, First, it is still stunningly rich in native species for a tiny
2001), butterlies (Koh, Sodhi and Brook, 2004), dung (704 km2), largely urbanized, island city state. There
beetles (Lee et al., 2009), and angiosperms (Sodhi et al., are still around 1600 extant species of native vascular
2008). Data on decapods, phasmids, ishes, amphibi- plants, 350 birds, 26 mammals, 117 reptiles, 25
ans, reptiles, and mammals were added in the classic amphibians, 35 freshwater ish, 300 butterlies, 124
paper, “Catastrophic extinctions follow deforestation in dragonlies, and so on (Ng, Corlett and Tan, 2011).
Singapore” (Brook, Sodhi and Ng, 2003), which sum- With these numbers, it is not hard to see Singapore as
marized the lessons learned from Singapore. These half full. Moreover, species new to science are discov-
lessons included the high overall extinction rates (28– ered almost every month, by both resident and visiting
73%, depending on assumptions made about extinc- scientists. More than a hundred such species have been
tions before the irst reliable species records in the described in the last few years, including new species
1870s), the great variation between taxonomic groups of mosses, fungi, lichens, ishes, nematodes, spiders,
(5–43%, for observed extinctions), the greater vulner- mites, harvestmen, wasps, beetles, bugs, lies, shrimps,
ability of forest than non-forest species (33% versus 7% barnacles, and crabs (Ng and Corlett, 2011).
for observed extinctions), and the concentration of the Second, its value as a case study – as recognized by
survivors (>50%) in the tiny nature reserves. The paper Navjot Sodhi – has grown with time. Singapore may be
then goes on to infer likely extinctions resulting from the worst-case scenario for tropical continental biodi-
deforestation elsewhere in Southeast Asia over the next versity, but the fact that so much has survived – so far
century. – suggests that extinction is at least slower than we had
feared. Attempts to use Singapore to identify traits that
predict vulnerability to extinction have had varied
TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SINGAPORE: degrees of success (Castelletta, Sodhi and Subaraj,
HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY? 2000; Koh, Sodhi and Brook, 2004; Sodhi et al. 2008),
but this is a useful lesson, suggesting either that we are
The pessimistic (half-empty) case for Singapore biodi- investigating the wrong traits, or that extinction can
versity is easy to make. Most of the people mentioned sometimes be trait-neutral. Moreover, Singapore’s
earlier made their names for work on a larger regional urbanization has interest beyond its importance as a
stage. Singapore was important as a base and, in some driver of extinction. By 2030, the percentage of the
cases, a training ground, but much less so as a study total population that is urban in the Asian, African,
area. Singapore’s biota was never particularly rich by and American tropics is projected to be 52%, 59%, and
regional standards and around half of it has subse- 84%, respectively (Montgomery, 2008; DeFries et al.,
quently been lost. Moreover, approximately half of the 2010). Indeed, most global population growth is now
surviving species in well-studied groups are nationally in tropical cities and lessons learned in Singapore (e.g.,
endangered (Davison, Ng and Ho, 2008). Deforested on invasive urban birds; Lim et al., 2003) can have wide
areas were initially occupied by tolerant native plants application.
and animals, mostly of coastal origin, in the nineteenth Despite these factors that highlight the value of
and early twentieth centuries, but these have now been Singapore’s natural assets, Singapore has been unchar-
largely displaced by aliens, which dominate most habi- acteristically timid when it comes to biodiversity con-
tats outside the nature reserves. It is not yet clear if this servation, so that many tools in the modern
alien dominance can ever be reversed, or, conversely, conservation toolbox remain unused. Aliens have had
if it threatens the last areas of native forest (Corlett, a free run outside the nature reserves, ecological resto-
2010). Climate change, in the form of a predicted ration has been ad hoc and small scale, and there has
3–4°C warming by the end of this century, is an addi- been no systematic attempt to reintroduce species lost
146 Conservation Biology

from Singapore that still survive in the immediately Brook, B. W., Sodhi, N. S. and Ng, P. K. L. (2003) Catastrophic
adjacent areas of Malaysia and Indonesia. A serious extinctions follow deforestation in Singapore. Nature, 424,
attempt to expand the area of native-dominated forest, 420–423.
perhaps to 10% of Singapore, to control the most inva- Cantley, N. (1884) Report on the Forests of the Straits Settle-
ment. Singapore Printing Ofice, Singapore.
sive of the aliens, and to reintroduce those species that
Castelletta, M., Sodhi, N. S. and Subaraj, R. (2000) Heavy
succumbed to threats, such as hunting, which have extinctions of forest-dependent avifauna in Singapore:
now been controlled, could transform the situation. We lessons for biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia.
need to learn how to do these things in the lowland Conservation Biology, 14, 1870–1880.
tropics and Singapore is an excellent place to start. Chasen, F. N. (1923) An introduction to the birds of Singapore
Climate change may yet overshadow all other threats Island. Singapore Naturalist, 2, 87–112.
to lowland tropical biodiversity, in Singapore and Clark, D.A. and Clark, D.B. (2011) Assessing tropical forests’
elsewhere (Corlett, 2011, 2012), but this again is climatic sensitivities with long-term data. Biotropica, 43,
an opportunity for the world’s only all-equatorial, 31–40.
all-lowland nation to make a globally signiicant con- Corlett, R. T. (1992) The ecological transformation of Singa-
pore: 1819–1990. Journal of Biogeography, 19, 411–420.
tribution. The close proximity of lowland rainforest
Corlett, R. T. (2010) Invasive aliens on tropical East Asian
fragments and world-class laboratories makes Singa- Islands. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19, 411–423.
pore a logical center for research into the potential Corlett, R. T. (2011) Impacts of warming on tropical lowland
impacts of climate change. Rigorous, quantitative, rainforests. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 26, 606–613.
long-term monitoring of tree growth, survival, and Corlett, R. T. (2012) Climate change in the tropics: the end of
fecundity would be a good start (Clark and Clark, the world as we know it? Biological Conservation, 151,
2011), but the biggest gap in our current knowledge is 22–25.
information on thermal tolerances and acclimation Corner, E. J. H. (1978) The freshwater swamp-forest of South
capacity needed to predict the future of equatorial bio- Johore and Singapore. Gardens’ Bulletin, Singapore, Supple-
diversity in a warming world (Corlett, 2011). ment 1, 1–266.
Davison, G. W. H., Ng, P. K. L. and Ho, H. H. (2008) The Sin-
Finally, the lowland ecosystems of Malaysia and
gapore Red Data Book: Threatened Plants and Animals of Sin-
Indonesia have experienced catastrophic human gapore, 2nd edn. Nature Society, Singapore.
impacts over recent decades, with vast areas now DeFries, R., Rudel, T. K., Uriarte, M. and Hansen, M. (2010)
under industrial crop monocultures or expanding Deforestation driven by urban population growth and agri-
urban areas (Miettinen, Shi and Liew, 2011). It is no cultural trade in the twenty-irst century. Nature Geoscience,
longer safe to assume that a non-endemic species lost 3, 178–181.
from Singapore still persists elsewhere in the region. Koh, L.P., Sodhi, N. S. and Brook, B. W. (2004) Coextinction
Singapore’s nature reserves are tiny and fragmented, of tropical butterlies and their host plants. Biotropica, 36,
but they are safe from conversion, logging, and hunting. 272–274.
If Singapore plays its cards right, it will still be half full Lee, J. S. H., Lee, I. Q. W., Lim, S. L.-H., Huijbregts, J. and Sodhi,
N. S. (2009) Changes in dung beetle communities and asso-
a century from now.
ciated dung removal services along a gradient of tropical
forest disturbance in South-East Asia. Journal of Tropical
Ecology, 25, 677–680.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Lim, H. C., Sodhi, N. S., Brook, B. W. and Soh, M. C. K. (2003)
Undesirable aliens: factors determining the distribution of
This essay beneited greatly from many years of discus- three invasive bird species in Singapore. Journal of Tropical
sions with Navjot Sodhi, and also with Hugh Tan, Peter Ecology, 19, 685–695.
Ng, and many other friends and colleagues in Liow, L. H., Sodhi, N. S. and Elmqvist, T. (2001) Bee diversity
along a disturbance gradient in tropical lowland forests of
Southeast Asia. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38, 180–192.
Miettinen, J., Shi, C. and Liew, S. C. (2011) Deforestation rates
in insular Southeast Asia between 2000 and 2010. Global
REFERENCES Change Biology, 17, 2261–2270.
Montgomery, M. R. (2008) The urban transformation of the
Bradshaw, C. J. A., Giam, X. and Sodhi, N. S. (2010) Evaluat- developing world. Science, 19, 761–764.
ing the relative environmental impact of countries. PLoS Ng, P. K. L. and Corlett, R. T. (2011) Biodiversity in Singapore:
One, 5, e10440. an overview, in Singapore Biodiversity: An Encyclopedia of the
Asia: Singapore 147

Natural Environment and Sustainable Development (eds P. K. L. Sodhi, N. S., Koh, L. P., Peh, K. S.-H., Tan, H. T. W., Chazdon,
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