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VILLAROJO The ontological conditions of Sanguineti Juan PUSC Philosophy Rome 2001
Dennis Cabanada understanding : a study on the José
hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer in
the light of the encyclical Fides et ratio

BANAL Jose Un'analisi del legame tra gli abiti e la Lombo José Ángel PUSC Philosophy Rome 2002
Vaughn A. libertà in S. Tommaso d'Aquino
BARUT Adalbert The ethical implications of the dialogical Gahl Robert PUSC Philosophy Rome 2001
Recolizado anthropology of Karol Wojtyla

PADINJAREKUTT The principle of verification : a historical Huber Carlo PUG Philosophy Rome 1974
John study in logical positivism
DE GUZMÁN The concept of intention in John Finnis Fitte Hernán PASC Sacred Theology Rome 1997
Arnaldo Sison
CASTRO La contextualidad del conocimiento ARSC Philosophy Rome 1994
GUERRERO moral según Alasdair Macintyre
DOMAGALA L'ermeneutica dell'esperienza dell'amore PUSTA Philosophy Rome 2000
Edward in Max Scheler : l'itinerario verso la
comprensione dell'altro e il pensare
TRANCE Antecedent assumptions and affectivity Gahl Robert PUSC Philosophy Rome 1997
Emmanuel C. in Newman's moral epistemology

BELMANS Theo G. La spécification de l'agir humain par son de Finance Joseph PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1979
objet chez Saint Thomas d'Aquin
FESTÍN María Avreth, in the Nicomachean Ethics Flannery Kevin PUG Philosophy Rome 1998
Lorenz Moisés J.
EMAGALIT The personalistic philosophy of Edgar Mondin Battista PUU Philosophy Rome 1983
Zeverin W. Sheffield Brightman
GASTÓN Gregory The connection of the virtues in Peter Kaczynski Edward PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1997
Ramón D. Geach and in St. Thomas Aquinas : a
comparative study
FURGALSKA Fedeltà all'umano: responsibilità-per- PUSTA Philosophy Rome 2000
Beata l'altro nella filosofia di Emmanuel
AQUINO Oscar Vocation and admission to orders : a key Bride Andreas PUL Canon Law Rome 1967
Amando Aquino to postconciliar seminary renewal


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BURLAZA Leadership and personality development Bednarski PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1978
Bonifacio L. of filipino major seminarians through the Adalbertus Felix
process of enculturation in the light of
modern teaching and Vatican Council II

MANLÁPAZ Formation of major seminarians in the Goldie Rosemary PUL Sacred Theology Rome 1980
Wilfredo D. Philippines to work together with the
REYES Roque The role of spiritual counseling in the Aumann Jordan PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1983
Catriz formation of major seminarians : a
theologico-psychological study, with
application to the Church in the
URBINA Gilbert G. Liturgy in philippine priestly formation : Augé Matías PUL Sacred Theology Rome 1993
toward a program of liturgical formation

PETERCA L'immagine di Salomone nella Bibbia Le Déaut Roger PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1981
Vladimir hebraica e greca : contributo allo studio
del « Midrash »
CAJOT Rodel M. Salvation in Deutero-Isaiah Aguis Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1996
ZILONKA Paul Mark 15:34 in catholic exegesis and O'Collins Gerald PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1984
theology : 1911-1965
BROWN Schuyler Apostasy and perseverance in the Gnilka Joachim PIB Sacred Scriptures Rome 1969
theology of Luke
PAREJA Renato L. The motif of hearing in Luke-Acts : a Agius Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1994
study of its thematic configurations
REPOLE Renato Eschatology and ethics in the letters of Aletti Jean-Noël PUG Sacred Theology Rome 2002
St. Paul
YALUNG "God is at work in you" (Phil 2:13) : a Vanni Ugo PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1987
Crisostomo A. biblico-theological study of 'energei/n
and sunergei/n in Paul
KENDALL Robert 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 : an example of O'Collins Gerald PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1975
Daniel development of doctrine
LEYSON Inculturation in the Philippines through Blanco Arturo PASC Sacred Theology Rome 1997
Ildebrando Jesús Theological Instruction: An Analysis of
Aliño Some Questions Related to
Contextualized and Inculturizing


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MERCADO Towards inculturating theology in the Aumann Jordan PUSTA Sacred Theology Würzburg 1981
Thaddeus Fariñas philippine context
NAVARATNE The relationship between christology and Rosato Philip J. PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1987
Louis-Marie Nihal pneumatology in the writings of Yves
Congar, Karl Rahner and Jacques Dupuis

CRUZ Emmanuel The economy of the Holy Spirit in the Bliss Frederick M. PUSTA Sacred Theology Manila 2000
Ignacio life and mission of the Church in Asia
APOLLONIO Mariologia francescana: da san Francesco PFTM Sacred Theology Rome 1997
Alessandro Maria d'Assisi ai Francescani dell'Immacolata

PARROTTA Pietro La cooperazione di Maria alla redenzione Hauke Manfred Facoltà di Sacred Theology Lugano 2002
in Gabriele Maria Roschini Teologia di
BUKENYA The devotion to Mary in Uganda in the Meo Salvatore PUU Sacred Theology Rome 1980
BIRIBONWA John light of the doctrine of chapter VIII of
Mary Lumen gentium
PARADO Cornelio An expository analysis of the various Genovese Paul F. St. Mary's Sacred Theology Baltimore, 1960
Gumayon systems of sacramental causality University MD
CERBO Nestor Substantiality of the Body and Blood of Aumann Jordan PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1990
Cerda Christ in the Eucharist : an inquiry into
Aquinas's theology of transubstantiation

PIZARRO El Sacramento de la Eucaristía en el Saraiva Martins PUU Sacred Theology Cáceres 1981
JIMÉNEZ Tomás Maestro San Juan de Ávila José
TUMBOCON The necessity of means of the Eucharist Ciappi Aloysius M. PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1982
Alberto Cicerón according to St. Albert the Great
MANAYON A critique of Kohlberg's theory Giardini Fabio PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1985
Rolando Tumulak concerning the formation of conscience

ROSALES A Study of a 16th Century Tagalog Tremblay Real AA Sacred Theology Rome 1984
Antonio-Ma. Manuscript on the Ten Commandments:
Its Significance and Implications (Juan de
Oliver's Declaración de los
Mandamientos de la Ley de Dios)


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PADILLA The morality of human in vitro Mulhern Philip PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1983
Francisco fertilization : its impact on marriage,
Montecillo family and society based on the teachings
of Pius XII and Paul VI
NIEVA Constantino This Transcending God: The Teaching of Dumeige Gervaise PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1968
Sarmiento the Author of The Cloud of Unknowing

CAMPO, Maximo Individual Prayer according to John Belda Emanuele PUSC Sacred Theology Rome 2003
Añora Henry Cardinal Newman
CORREA Peter Being and living : the identity and Henchey Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1989
Mondejar sanctity of priests according to the
magisterium and philosophy of John Paul
II (Karol Wojtyla)
EKEZUIKE The importance of study (intellectual Phan Tan Thanh PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 2001
Vincent formation) in the life and ministry of the Joseph
priest (the spirituality of study for the
JAVIER Moisés Poverty and priesthood : a survey and Blanco Arturo PUSC Sacred Theology Rome 1998
Alexis Contreras analysis of recent documents, arguments
and proposal in current discussions

RAVANERA The parochial benefice in the Philippines Ortea Joseph PAIAngelicum Canon Law Rome 1953
Dominador M.
CROOKER The discipline of enclosure in clerical Risk James PUG Canon Law Toronto 1963
Roberto W. congregations and societies
BELIZAR Eutiquio John Paul II's vision of the local Church Henn William PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1994
Jr. Baula and its role in societal transformation

ROBREDILLO Jesusological foundations for a theology Paretsky Albert PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1992
Lope Coles of the transformation of society

LAGAREJOS The church of the poor : a moral- Demmer Klaus PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1998
Arnel F. theological investigation of its
development and incidence on the
relations between Church and State
AMANO Antonino Marriage as ordained to the family as a Miralles Antonio PUSC Sacred Theology Rome 1999
Abellar community of persons in the light of
recent theology


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NDUGBU Jude Peace in the magisterium of Pope John Colom Enrique PUSC Sacred Theology Rome 1996
Paul II with particular references to his
New Year messages
BLISS Frederick Understanding reception : a backdrop to PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1991
M. its ecumenical use
CASTRO Ramón La misión espiritual del representante Roest-Crollius Arij PIST Sacred Theology Rome 1989
pontificio : modelos históricos y
orientaciones del magisterio
KHORAICHE La Sacrée Congrégation des Sacrements : Bride Andreas PUL Canon Law Rome 1978
Albert histoire et activité
FULLER Orlando Women's ordination as a theological Giardini Fabio PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1985
Romero issue : a study of the controversy since
Inter insigniores
WUERL Donald W. The priesthood, the doctrine of the Third Grech Gundisalvus PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1974
Synod of Bishops and recent theological
BERIÑA Peter Presbyteral collegiality : its theological Puglisi James PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1999
Romeo M. bases
DEBERNARDI, Gerarchia e laicato nella Chiesa Goldie Rosemary PUL Sacred Theology Rome 1977
Pier Giorgio comunione : indagine sul magistero di
Paolo VI dal 1963 al 1975
MENDOZA Fe Basic ecclesial communities : authentic Roest Crollius Arij PUG Sacred Theology Rome 2001
Teresita formation and interreligious dialogue : a A.
lonerganian perspective
ROTOR Cecilio An analysis of the permanently Ramos Francisco PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1998
Julian Bruel established Apostolic Administration (in
the light of the 1983 CIC and other
documents) : a pastoral juridical structure
in a politically difficult situation

PROVOST James Interecclesial communion in the light of Faltin Daniel PUL Canon Law Rome 1967
H. the Second Vatican Council


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AUZA Bernardito The noninfallible magisterium and Henchey Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1990
Cleopas theological dissent : a study on the
contemporary phenomenon of theological
dissent from the Second Vatican Council
to the present from the perspectives of the
theology of the magisterium about itself
and of the theories of theological dissent
of some contemporary theologians

IRAN Rodolfo Woo Manic-depressive psychosis and the Castaño José PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1994
nullity of marriage : a canonical study of
an incapacity for marriage due to manic-
depressive personality
KANIAMPARAMB Competence of the Catholic Church in Gefaell Pablo PASC Canon Law Rome 1997
IL Joseph Thomas mixed marriages : the new vision of the
Oriental Code
LISTECKI Jerome Indissolubility and the United Methodist Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1981
MAGBANUA The M.P. Causas matrimoniales : Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1984
Antonio Bantillo towards a reformed matrimonial
procedural law in the new Code
MANAYON The relevance of Lawrence Kohlberg's Ramos Francisco PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1986
Rolando Tumulak theory on the preparation for marriage
MANANZAN The word consortium of canon 1055, § Hilbert Michael PUG Canon Law Rome 1995
Reginaldo M. 1 : its meaning in doctrine and
jurisprudence when cited in cases under
canon 1095, 3°
MONSANTO Rey Conjugal love and fear in the matrimonial Navarrete Urbano PUG Canon Law Rome 1979
Manuel S. consent : a study of the origin of the
invalidating efficacy of fear under the
light of conjugal love
VERGARA Romulo The nullity of marriage and neuroses (the Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1994
A. applicability of 1095, 3° to neuroses)

AMANDY Alex The legislation on general sacramental Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2006
Vargas absolution : its liturgical and pastoral Giuseppe
ASIS Joselito Cerna Canonical provisions for parish Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2000
catechetical instruction Giuseppe


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CALVO Randolph Consultation and the presbyteral council : Ramos Francisco PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1986
Roque Untalan new emphasis in the ratio legis

CATALÁN Understanding the "proper meaning" of Ramos Francisco PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2001
Arnaldo S. canon 750 §2 of the CIC : a theological
and juridical study
DE MAERE Luc J. La maturité psychique des candidats au Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1990
G. sacerdoce selon le Code de droit Giuseppe
canonique de 1983
FOX Joseph The personal prelature of the Second Said Mark PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1987
Edward Vatican Council : an historical canonical
KELLY Thomas C. Funeral churches for religious Castaño José PAIAngelicum Canon Law Rome 1963
MAGEE Peter Dispensation from the obligations of Versaldi Giuseppe PUG Canon Law Rome 1988
Gerard priestly celibacy : an interpretation of the
case of those who should not have
received priestly ordination according to
Per litteras, § 5a
McDONOUGH The moderator of the curia and curial Ramos Francisco PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1987
Kevin M. administration
MORROW W. The diocesan synod in the light of CIC Pinto Pio Vito PUU Canon Law Rome 1990
John 1983 : an expression of synodality

OKOLO Jude M.T. The Holy See : a moral person : the Pinto Pio Vito; PUU Canon Law Rome 1990
juridical nature of the Holy See in the Monni Pietro;
light of the present Code of Canon Law Girotti Gianfranco

PANTAS Benjamín The canonico-juridical procedure for Gänswein George PUSC Canon Law Rome 2001
doctrinal examination : a study of the
development of the competent
ecclesiastical forum for doctrinal
examination and the procedural norms in
its evaluation of doctrinal controversies
vis-à-vis the local legislations of the
Catholic Bishops' Conference of the

REMO Allan Roy The publication of the sentence : a Ramos Francisco PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2003
Espedido problem and a possible solution


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ROSARIO Wilmer The denial of Holy Communion because Nguyen Thang PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2005
Rivera of public scandal Joseph
RYAN Richard The Authority of the Residential Bishop Schmidt John Rogg CUA Canon Law Washington, 1973
Raymond in the Latin Rite to Dispense from the D.C.
General Laws of the Church
SANVICENTE The power of the diocesan Bishop to Esposito Bruno PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2000
Noel Odulio dispense in canon 87, § 1
SAYSON Leonardo The parochial vicar's faculty to assist at Serrano Ruiz José PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1998
Jr. D. marriages María
TRONQUED Procedures : loss of the clerical state Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1994
Ramón C. (from the 1917 CIC to the 1983 CIC)
UY, Vicente Ruga The principle of equity in the Code of Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2001
Canon Law : an historical and canonical
VALLE Nelson L. From adaptation to inculturation : the Bliss Frederick M. PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1999
development of the concept of liturgical
PAVILANDO Don Pax vobis: greetings of peace in gesture Rooney Marcel PASA Sacred Liturgy Rome 1991
Vito E. and word as celebrated in the Eucharist of
the roman tradition : a critical historical
study of their structure and theology

SALVADOR Sacerdos in the presbyteral ordination Carr E. PASA Sacred Liturgy Rome 1999
Florencio P. prayers
RECEPCIÓN God's global household : a theology of Crollius Arij Roest PUG Sacred Theology Rome 2006
Andrew Giménez mission in the context of globalization

TACORDA Linda Alfonso M. Nebreda, S.J. (1926- ) and Gianetto Ubaldo UPS Education Rome 1995
T. the missionary problem of pre-
GABRIEL Manuel John Paul II's missiological perspectives Wolanin Adam PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1989
G. in Asia
QUATRA Miguel Regno di Dio e missione della Chiesa nel Dupuis Jacques PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1998
Marcello contesto asiatico : uno studio sui
documenti della FABC (1970-1995)
GALVEZ José The apostolate of the lay in the early López-Gay Jesús PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1992
Antonio Santos evangelization of the Philippines


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KROEGER James Human promotion as an integral Wolanin Adam PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1985
H. dimension of the Church's mission of
evangelization : a philippine experience
and perspective since Vatican II - 1965-
LAROUSSE A local Church living for dialogue : Roest Crollius Arij PUG Sacred Theology Rome 2001
William muslim-christian relations in Mindanao- A.
Sulu (Philippines) : 1965-2000

PAGUIO Wilfredo Utilization of certain traditional cultural Sigmond Raimondo PUL Sacred Theology Rome 1978
C. values of tagalog Filipinos for the
EZEOKOLI Missionary catechesis : a turning point : Gianetto Ubaldo UPS Education Rome 1985
Martin Johannes Hofinger's (S.J.) writings in
Chukwubunna China and in Philippines (1940-1960)

RILEY John D. The religious novitiate and the diocesan Castaño José PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1991
propaedeutic period : a juridical-
historical study of the novitiate and an
examination of how canons 646-652 may
inspire a structure for the propaedeutic
year proposed by the 1990 World Synod
of Bishops

GALBINES Louie Thomas Merton's "worldly spirituality" : Giardini Fabio PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 2001
P. a new look at the christian's attitude
toward "the world"
ANTE Oscar A. Contextual evangelization in the Katholieke Sacred Theology Nijmegen 1991
Philippines : a filipino franciscan Universiteit te
experience Nijmegen
WOESTMAN The Missionary Oblates of Mary Castaño José PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1984
William H. Immaculate : a clerical religious
congregation with brothers
SAN PEDRO Catherine of Siena on suffering (human Cavallini Giuliana PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1991
Rodrigo F. suffering in the light of Christ crucified)

YU José Vidamor Inculturation of filipino-chinese culture Roest Crollius Arij PUG Sacred Theology Rome 2000
B. mentality A.


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PUTHIAKUNNEL Syro-malabar clergy and their general Pujol Clemens PUG Canon Law Ernakulam 1964
Thomas obligations : an historical-juridical study
in the light of canons 60-87 of the motu
proprio Cleri Sanctitati
CHAN Kim-Kwong Towards a contextual theology : the Peelman Achiel St. Paul Sacred Theology Hong Kong 1987
Catholic Church in the People's Republic University
of China (1979-1983) : its life and
theological implications
CASTRO Leandro Towards a filipino mariology at the González Pedro PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1999
N. advent of the third millennium : a Luis
theologico-pastoral analysis of the
filipinos' marian devotion in the light of
Tertio millennio adveniente
GUBUAN The basic christian communities in the Christian Robert PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1992
Woodrow C. Church in the Philippines : a historico-
theological reflection on the ecclesial
identity of basic chrisitian communities

PICARDAL Amado An ecclesiological perspective of the Henn William PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1995
L. basic ecclesial communities in the
VELARDE Higinio The Fourth Synod of Manila of 1979 : an Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1983
Candame historico-juridical study of its structures

MEJÍA, Marvin S. The contribution of Thomas A. Hendrick, Tanner Norman PUG Church History Doctorate Rome
the american bishop of Cebu (1903-
1909), to the Church in the Philippines

IDEM Emmanuel Inculturation of leadership in the nigerian Sanna Ignazio PUL Sacred Theology Rome 1988
Okon situation (focus on the laity)
YUHE Dominic The encounter of tiv religious and moral PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1978
Vaachia values with Catholicism in the time of
INYA Nazarenus A. The lay apostolate in East Africa : impact Goldie Rosa Maria PUL Sacred Theology Rome 1984
of the first African Leaders' Meeting
(Uganda 1953)
MUANZA Les sectes au diocèse de Mbujimayi PUL Sacred Theology Rome 1980
KALALA E. (Zaïre) : le dialogue au service de


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MWANSA André Dynamique d'une pastorale d'ensemble Goldie Rosemary PUL Sacred Theology Rome 1979
axée sur la mission des laïcs, selon
Vatican II : essai d'application à l'histoire
religieuse du Zaïre

MALLOY David The exercise of the teaching function by Sullivan Francis PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1990
John the american episcopate in the nineteenth
century, with particular regard for the
Provincial and Plenary Councils of
PRATICO Patrick The purpose and function of the diocesan Ramos Francisco PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1987
J. synod : a canonical analysis and critique
of the Second Synod of the Diocese of
BANTIGUE Pedro The Provincial Council of Manila of Kuttner Stephen CUA Canon Law Washington, 1957
N. 1771 : its text followed by a commentary D.C.
on Actio II, De Episcopis)

KINERK Eugene Death and desire : a study of the Dumeige Gervais PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1975
Edward experience of joy and practical spiritual
wisdom in the life and works of C. S.
LEE Linus Sang- The catholic human rights doctrine and PUG Social Sciences Rome 1997
Taek its encounter with the confucian social
CATALÁN The Prospect and perspectives of the Phan Tan Thanh PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1998
Arnaldo S. sense of faith in popular religion Joseph
CARMESINI Il Buddhismo Zen presentato Dinh Duc Dao PUU Sacred Theology Rome 1997
Maurizio all'occidente da D.T. Suzuki : euristica Joseph
missiologica del dialogo interreligioso
THACHIL José Man and his destiny in the theology of Dhavamony PUG Sacred Theology Cochin 1977
Swami Sivananda Mariasusai
CORTÉS Julito Illness and healing : a theologico- Hoeckman Remi PUSTA Sacred Theology Dumaguete 1990
Buhisan anthropological study with a case study
on sorcery and healing practices in


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NGUYEN VAN De l'antimoderne à l'humanisme intégral : Mondin Battista PUU Philosophy Rome 1980
TAI Pierre essai d'interprétation des idées socio-
politiques de Jacques Maritain à travers
ses écrits majeurs de 1921 à 1936

VILLASIS José Christian political philosophy in the Wilder Alfred PUSTA Philosophy Rome 1999
Gualberto I. thought of James Vincent Schall
JAÉN Excel N. The historical and juridical aspects of the Roest-Crollius Arij PUG Canon Law Rome 1992
normalization of diplomatic relations A.
between the Holy See and the People's
Republic of China
MONTALBO Work and man's self-realization (from Wilder Alfred PUSTA Philosophy Rome 1987
Melchor Jr. B. Rerum novarum to Laborem exercens) : a
philosophical study with an excursus on
Karol Wojtyla's philosophy of the person

AMADI Paddy C. International Monetary Fund (IMF) and PUSTA Social Sciences Rome 2005
the "third world" economic stability

BARRETT John A comparative study of the councils of CUA Canon Law Washington, 1932
Daniel Mary Baltimore and the Code of Canon Law D.C.

BRILLANTES The fundamental moral principle for Colom Enrique PUSC Sacred Theology Rome 2006
John B. armed service : defense of human life and
SOLIS Miguela Organization and administration of Hanna Paul R. Stanford Education Quezon City 1956
Macalinao elementary teacher education in the University
BAGOOD Albert The role of belief in scientific discovery: Agazzi Evandro UF Philosophy Fribourg 1998
Michael Polanyi and Karl Popper

TRIA Wilmer The epistemology of Thomas Kuhn Tavuzzi Michael PUSTA Philosophy Rome 1995
Joseph S.
KWAK SEUNG- Christ in his kenosis-fullness according Joos André PUU Sacred Theology Rome 1995
RYONG Pius to the later Dostoevsky
OSARENKHOE Sub-Saharan Africa news coverage by La Costa Giuseppe UPS Social Rome 2001
Agatha Repubblica, Corriere della Sera and Communications
Avvenire (1 January 1998 - 31 December
1999) : a content analysis


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KUTTIKADAN The Ultimate End of Man's Activity: An Sprokel Nico PUG Philosophy Rome 1994
LAZAR Analytical Study on the Ethics of
Aristotle - A Survey on Thirty Years'
Revival of Aristotelian Ethics Thirty
Year's Revival of Aristotelian Ethics
MIJARES Buddhism and the religious thought of Wilder Alfred PUSTA Philosophy Rome 1993
Emmanuel S. Kitaro Nishida as a development of his
theory of pure experience
MIOT Joseph Serge Critique de la conscience historique de Miccoli P. PUU Philosophy Rome 1982
notre temps : vers la transcendance de
l'autre avec Emmanuel Levinas
KANYIKE The principle of participation in african Furgalska Beata; PUSTA Philosophy Rome 2003
MAYANJA cosmology and anthropology Domagala Edward
MANANZAN The "language game" of confessing one's Huber Carlo PUG Philosophy Rome 1972
Guillermina (Sr. belief : a wittgensteinian-austinian
Mary-John osb) approach to the linguistic analysis of
creedal statements
BURLAZA Leadership and personality development Bednarski PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1978
Bonifacio L. of filipino major seminarians through the Adalbertus Felix
process of enculturation in the light of
modern teaching and Vatican Council II

LUENGO José Ma. Los estudios eclesiásticos en los Sanz Leandro Universidad de Philosophy Madrid 1968
Salutan seminarios diocesanos en Filipinas en el Tormo Madrid
siglo XIX : análisis histórico-pedagógico

MARTEJA Vicente Discipline and personality development Bednarski PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1970
Jr. Orlino in minor seminary education in the light Adalbertus Felix
of Vatican II
PRIELA Noriel A. The formation of clerics in the 1917 and Moya Rafael PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1989
1983 Codes of Canon Law : a historical-
juridical study
QUINTIA Vicente De elemento divino vocationis Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1964
P. sacerdotalis discernendo morali cum
certitudine secundum documenta


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REYES Roque The role of spiritual counseling in the Aumann Jordan PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1982
Catriz formation of major seminarians : a
theologico-psychological study, with
application to the Church in the
BALCE Sofío G. The poor in Amos Zerafa Peter PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1977

SISON Victor The verb mene,in in the theological Salguero J. PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1972
García context of the Fourth Gospel
MERCADO Towards inculturating theology in the Aumann Jordan PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1981
Thaddeus Fariñas philippine context
MARQUEZ Emilio The theological method according to Huerga Alvaro PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1977
Z. Lorenzo de Villavicencio, OESA
OLIVEROS José Structuralism and contemporary theology Wilder Alfred PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1982
Francisco : a critical study of structural analysis as a
theological method in the works of
contemporary authors
GREGORIO "Sensus fidelium" in the Church : a Huerga Alvaro PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1965
Camilo Diaz theological study
BALERITE Gaspar Violent revolution and Jesus' mission of Paretsky Albert PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1989
D. the kingdom of God : a biblical
ZAFE Pedro Marian devotion : its role in the Huerga Alvaro PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1968
Vásquez evangelization of the Philippines
BUKENYA The devotion to Mary in Uganda in the Meo Salvatore PUU Sacred Theology Rome 1980
BIRIBONWA John light of the doctrine of chapter VIII of
Mary Lumen gentium
BACANI Teodoro The teaching of Vatican II on the Paschal Grech Gundisalvus PUST Sacred Theology Rome 1971
Jr. Cruz Mystery
HOBAYAN Ángelo Confirmatio sacramentum apostolatus Violardo Jacobus PUL Canon Law Rome 1964
Tec-i laicorum
CERBO Nestor Substantiality of the Body and Blood of Aumann Jordan PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1990
Cerda Christ in the Eucharist : an inquiry into
Aquinas's theology of transubstantiation

MADAMANA Afterlife in the Old Testament Zerafa Paul P. PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1979
George J.


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PALMA José Death as an act : a dialogue in Wilder Alfred PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1987
eschatology with contemporary
FIGURA Juanito A re-appraisal of the christian moral Byrne Andrew P. H. ARSC Sacred Theology Rome 1994
Seidel norm in the light of inculturation
PADILLA The morality of human in vitro Mulhern Philip PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1983
Francisco fertilization : its impact on marriage,
Montecillo family and society based on the teachings
of Pius XII and Paul VI
PADILLA The Church and christian parents with Häring Bernard AA Sacred Theology Rome 1986
Reynaldo Amador genetic defects
NIEVA Constantino This Transcending God: The Teaching of Dumeige Gervaise PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1968
Sarmiento the Author of The Cloud of Unknowing

CAMPO, Maximo Prayer according to John Henry Cardinal Belda Emanuele PUSC Sacred Theology Rome 2002
Añora Newman
ARÉVALO José The Spirituality of the Diocesan Priest in Huerga Alvaro PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1968
Vano the Pastoral Ministry according to the
Mind of the II Vatican Council
CORREA Peter The identity of the ministerial priest and Henchey Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1989
Mondejar his call to holiness : a study in the light of
Karol Wojtyla's (John Paul II) philosophy
of the acting person
CRUZ Oscar V. Socialized administration of ecclesiastical Bride Andreas PUL Canon Law Rome 1969
goods or cumulate management of church
LACSON Antonio The 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Sastre-Santos PUU Canon Law Rome 1992
L. pastoral care of migrant workers with Eutimio
particular reference to the filipino
migrant workers in the Vicariate of
JUAN Marcial D. The role of the christian as witness Zerafa Peter Paul PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1969

LAMBINO Antonio The theology of liberty in Gaudium et Hamel Édouard PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1973
ATIENZA Antonio The concept of social justice in the social Hertz Anselm PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1987
V. encyclicals and the 1986 philippine


554612033.xls Page 16


LAGAREJOS The church of the poor : a moral- Demmer Klaus PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1998
Arnel F. theological investigation of its
development and incidence on the
relations between Church and State
REYES Gerónimo The mission of the christian family Castaño José F. PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1990
F. according to the new Code of Canon Law
(in the light of Vatican II and selected
post-conciliar teachings)
CALUSCOS Rafael Labor and the perfection of charity Huerga Alvaro PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1967

BLEWUSI Fidelis Le prêtre dans l'Église et dans le monde Saraiva Martins PUU Sacred Theology Rome 1982
K.A. d'aprés le Cardinal Suhard José
DIMACULANGAN The permanent formation of the clergy as PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1992
Rubén M. a «vocational journey»
AUZA Bernardito The noninfallible magisterium and Henchey Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1990
Cleopas theological dissent : a study on the
contemporary phenomenon of theological
dissent from the Second Vatican Council
to the present from the perspectives of the
theology of the magisterium about itself
and of the theories of theological dissent
of some contemporary theologians

AUZA Bernardito The noninfallible magisterium and Henchey Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1990
Cleopas theological dissent : a study on the
contemporary phenomenon of theological
dissent from the Second Vatican Council
to the present from the perspectives of the
theology of the magisterium about itself
and of the theories of theological dissent
of some contemporary theologians

ANATALIO Sacramental but not consummated Said Mark PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1975
Severino G. marriage cases (some points of procedure
which help to define the power of the
Pope in this field)


554612033.xls Page 17


IRAN Rodolfo Woo Manic-depressive psychosis and the Castaño José PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1993
nullity of marriage : a canonical study of
an incapacity for marriage due to manic-
depressive personality
MAGBANUA The M.P. Causas matrimoniales : Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1984
Antonio Bantillo towards a reformed matrimonial
procedural law in the new Code
MANAYON The relevance of Lawrence Kohlberg's Ramos Francisco PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1986
Rolando Tumulak theory on the preparation for marriage
MARABE José G. Simulated consent in marriage in the Castaño José PUL Canon Law Rome 1981
church law and the civil legislation of the
Philippines : a comparative study
MONSANTO Rey Conjugal love and fear in the matrimonial Navarrete Urbano PUG Canon Law Rome 1979
Manuel S. consent : a study of the origin of the
invalidating efficacy of fear under the
light of conjugal love
PADILLA Osbaldo Invalidating fear and the marriage Gordon Ignatius PUG Canon Law Rome 1972
Montecillo consent : towards an investigation of the
elements of proof in the light of rotal
PEIG Nilo Sotelo The dispensation of matrimonial Gauthier Albert PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1993
impediments by a confessor in the Code
of 1983
RIVAS Victorino Negative aspects of filipino values Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1984
Austero affecting matrimonial consent : a study of
marriage nullity in the light of rotal
jurisprudence on the ground of immature
VERGARA Romulo The nullity of marriage and neuroses (the Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1994
A. applicability of 1095, 3° to neuroses)

AMANDY Alex The legislation on general sacramental Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2006
Vargas absolution : its liturgical and pastoral Giuseppe
ASIS Joselito Cerna Canonical provisions for parish Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2000
catechetical instruction Giuseppe
HUHMANN John The Pastor's Power of Dispensing: A Cody John PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1957
Historical Synopsis and a Commentary


554612033.xls Page 18


PAGUIO Wilfredo A vicariate for catholic students in the Said Mark PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1977
C. Philippines : a proposed canonical
solution for the problem about catholic
education in the light of the Church's
solicitude, historical developments and
the present educational situation in the

PANGAN Edgardo Lack of due discretion of judgment or Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1987
P. immature judgment : a juridical ground
for dispensation of priests from the
obligations inherent to the priesthood
PÉREZ Enrique The appraisal of the juridical personality Álvarez-Menéndez PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1968
Bretaña of the laity in the post conciliar era Severino

REMO Allan Roy The publication of the sentence : a Ramos Francisco PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2003
Espedido problem and a possible solution
ROSARIO Wilmer The denial of Holy Communion because Nguyen Thang PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2005
Rivera of public scandal Joseph
SERRANO José Jr. The juridical remedies against Said Mark PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1977
M. administrative acts in the Church : a
historico-juridical study
TINOKO José Ma. Church and law (a critical study of the Crève Robert PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1973
B. different methodological approaches to
the question of the existence of the
juridical factor in the Church)
UY, Vicente Ruga The principle of equity in the Code of Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Rome 2001
Canon Law : an historical and canonical
VILLENA Ramón The administrative act in the Church Gordon Ignacio PUG Canon Law Rome 1980
VILLENA Ramón The administrative act in the Church Gordon Ignacio PUG Canon Law Rome 1980
PANTÍN Bernardo The priest as the minister of confirmation Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1990
Roldán : a historical-canonical study Giuseppe

MAGLEO Armand The history of the rite of the preparation Chupungco Anscar PASA Sacred Liturgy Rome 1987
F. of gifts in the roman Mass J.


554612033.xls Page 19


SERRANO Ricardo Towards a cultural adaptation of the rite Chupungco Anscar PASA Sacred Liturgy Rome 1987
J. T. of marriage : a study of the conciliar J.
reform and its application to the tagalog
rite of marriage
ALO Patricio H. The source, nature and spirituality of the Huerga Alvaro PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1965
lay apostolate
MAYNIGO Victor Evangelization and philippine culture in Grech Gundisalvus PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1978
A. the light of Vatican II
MONTALBA Evangelization and the liberation of the Hoeckman Remi PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1987
Robinson C. poor : theology and praxis : a theological
analysis with a case study of a pastoral
program for evangelization in Mindanao-
Sulu, Philippines

GUTIÉRREZ Paul VI and the magisterium : a study of Geenen Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1971
Dinualdo D. Pope Paul the Sixth's teachings on the
ecclesiastical magisterium (1963-1970)

ALVINO Ma. Women empowerment in the growth and Valeros-Gruenberg UST Development Manila 2002
Consuelo B. development of the Religious of the Estrella Education
Virgin Mary : some implications in the
present RVM formal formation program

SAN PEDRO Catherine of Siena on suffering (human Cavallini Giuliana PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1991
Rodrigo F. suffering in the light of Christ crucified)

KUZHINJALIL The disciplinary legislation of the Synod Rezac Joannes PIO Canon Law Rome 1975
Joseph of Diamper
CUMAN Fiorenzo L'apporto di Fra Tommaso da Olera per Lee Ting-Pong PUU Sacred Theology Rome 1980
Silvano la difesa della fede e la promozione della Ignazio
pietà popolare nel Tirolo della prima
metà del '600
BALQUIEDRA The development of the ecclesial and Nocent Adrien PASA Sacred Liturgy Rome 1982
Luis D. liturgical life in the spanish Philippines :
a case of interaction between liturgy, cult
of saints and extraliturgical religious
practices in the upbuilding of the filipino
Church in franciscan pueblos 1578-1870


554612033.xls Page 20


BALQUIEDRA The development of the ecclesial and Nocent Adrien PASA Sacred Liturgy Rome 1982
Luis D. liturgical life in the spanish Philippines :
a case of interaction between liturgy, cult
of saints and extraliturgical religious
practices in the upbuilding of the filipino
Church in franciscan pueblos 1578-1870

MAGNO Rafael The First Philippine Provincial Council Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1979
Sison (1771) : its controversies as reflected in
the unpublished documents of its
preparatory congregations
PABLO Sergio The religious life of the filipino people in Gieraths Gundolfus PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1968
Tolentino the 19th century
PALÍSOC Fidel P. The anthropology of popular catholicism Aumann Jordan PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1987
in a philippine village : a critical study in
the light of spiritual development

SANTIAGO The involvement of the Church in Hertz Anselm PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1990
Angelito Juliano philippine politics, 1972-1986 : a moral
SERRAON The involvement of the dominican friars López-Gay Jesús PUG Church History Rome 1992
Melquiades R. in the Pangasinan uprising (1762-1764)
(its religious and political controversies)

TAN Nemesio A historical study of the pastoral aspect Masi Roberto PUL Sacred Theology Rome 1964
Valbuena of the Plenary Council of the Philippines

VELARDE Higinio The Fourth Synod of Manila of 1979 (an Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Rome 1982
Candame historico-juridical study of its structures)

CINENSE The Iglesia ni Kristo : a psycho- Sigmond Raymond PUSTA Philosophy Rome 1973
Florentino F. sociological inquiry
REGALA Francisco Inculturation of popular religiosity : a Bliss Frederick M. PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1995
Jr. P. theologico-anthropological study of the
filipino-chinese devotion to the Black
Nazarene of Capalonga
THACHIL José Man and his destiny in the theology of Dhavamony PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1975
Swami Sivananda Mariasusai


554612033.xls Page 21


VELIYAKAM Dialectics and dynamics in the Seumois André PUU Sacred Theology Rome 1980
Jacob Thomas composition of the Bhagavad-Gita
CORTÉS Julito Illness and healing : a theologico- Hoeckman Remi PUSTA Sacred Theology Dumaguete 1990
Buhisan anthropological study with a case study
on sorcery and healing practices in
DUQUE Asterio T. The challenge of gay liberation Aumann Jordan PUSTA Sacred Theology Rome 1974

DEPRA Adolfo Value philosophy of the filipino family Wilder Alfred PUSTA Philosophy Rome 1981
Perlas and population control
BELTRÁN Rodolfo The "conservative" and "progressive" Wilder Alfred PUSTA Philosophy Rome 1990
F. catholics in the contemporary Church-
State relations : a philosophical
MONTALBO Work and man's self-realization (from Wilder Alfred PUSTA Philosophy Rome 1987
Melchor Jr. B. Rerum novarum to Laborem exercens) : a
philosophical study with an excursus on
Karol Wojtyla's philosophy of the person

BRILLANTES The fundamental moral principle for Colom Enrique PUSC Sacred Theology Rome 2006
John B. armed service : defense of human life and
CARANDANG Agricultural education and training Mulder Theodore PUG Social Sciences Rome 1973
Horacio M. towards agricultural development : an
evaluation of the vocational school for
agriculture of Zerobranco, Treviso
SARREAL Rolando Agricultural education in the Philippines Continho Boavida PUSTA Sociology Rome 1975
S. (institutional level)
ETTURUTHIL Action and contemplation in the Dumeige Gervais PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1981
Joseph spirituality of St. Thomas More
ETTURUTHIL Action and contemplation in the Dumeige Gervais PUG Sacred Theology Rome 1981
Joseph spirituality of St. Thomas More



Tesina 121 L9622 LUCAS Wilfredo A. The concept of prejudice as foundation of Babolin Sante PUG Philosophy Licentiate Rome 2005 ok, sb
understanding in Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutics

Tesina 122 P99 PUYAT Isidro Diaz Cause and effect in David Hume Huber Carlo PUG Philosophy Licentiate Rome 1998 ok hb
Tesina 128 C1139 CADAYONA Oscar The theory of man in the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer Martínez Rafael PUSC Philosophy Licentiate Rome 2007 ok sb
Tesina 128 C1915 CARIN George L. The human person in process from the thoughts of Sprokel Nico PUG Philosophy Licentiate Rome 1992 ok sb
Teilhard de Chardin
Tesina 170.42 B4112 BELEY Edwin S. "In the name of the progress, and of the technology and Sprokel Nico PUG Philosophy Licentiate Rome 1995 ok, hb
of the holy development. Amen." : the "environmental
activist" in Hans Jonas' The imperative of
responsibility, in search of an ethics for the
technological age
Tesina 171.2 Ig5 IGNACIO Elmer R. The moral absolutes : exposition of Moral absolutes : Carragher Michael PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1996 ok, sb sc
tradition, revision and truth by John Mitchell Finnis

Tesina 171.3 F4291 FESTÍN María Lorenz The good in the Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle Flannery Kevin PUG Philosophy Licentiate Rome 1995 ok, hb sc
Moisés J.
Tesina 176 P9698 PUNZALAN José Marriage as a basic human good according to Germain Arjonillo Rolando PUSC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2000 ok hb
Manuel Manolo A. Grisez Jr. B.
Tesina 192 G219 GASTÓN Gregory Exposition of The virtues by Peter T. Geach Kaczynski Edward PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1995 ok, hb sc
Ramón D.
Tesina 192 P653 PIÑERO Renee Genova MacIntyre, good life and friendship d'Avenia Marco PUSC Philosophy Licentiate Rome 2005 ok, hb
Tesina 193 C1139 CADAYONA Oscar The theory of man in the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer Martinez Rafael PUSC Philosophy Licentiate Rome 2007 ok, sb
Tesina 193 V423 VARELA Jimel D. Kant on transcendental deduction : an exposition of Mercado Juán PUSC Philosophy Licentiate Rome 2006 ok, sb
Kant's critical philosophy Andrés
Tesina 194 Or82 ORTEGA Liberato Participation and self-realization in Gabriel Marcel Delia Carmel C. PUG Philosophy Licentiate Rome 1991 ok, sb sc
Tesina 194 Su123 SUAREZ Venusto F. Maurice Merleau-Ponty's dialectics : beyond Marx, Gilbert Paul Pierre PUG Philosophy Licentiate Rome 2008 ok sb
through Hegel and against Sartre
Tesina 207.112 C1912 CARIASO Joel G. The significance of self-esteem in the spiritual Szentmártoni PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1999 ok, hb sc
formation of seminarians Mihály
Tesina 207.112 C2797 CASTRO Leandro N. A study of the status of formation in communications Giron Teresita S. UST Higher Religious Master of Manila 1994 ok hb
in the schools of theology of Luzon Studies Arts

Tesina 207.112 C67 COLASURDO Peter A canonical study of the theological formation of Provost James H. CUA Canon Law Licentiate Washington, 1982 ok, fb pc
Howard priests in light of Optatam totius D.C.
Tesina 207.112 D591 DIMACULANGAN Seminary formation, a "vocational journey" : Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1990 ok, sb sc
Ruben M. according to Rulla and the magisterium (focusing on Giuseppe
the conciliar and post-conciliar teachings)
Tesina 207.112 G11 GAA Roberto Orendain Psychological maturity of older seminarians in Szentmártoni PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2005 ok sb
formation in the light of the formative spirituality Mihály
corpus of Adrian van Kaam
Tesina 207.112 G213 GASPAR Raymund E. The significance of spiritual direction in spiritual Faricy Robert PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1996 ok, hb sc
formation in the context of a college seminary
Tesina 207.112 G683 GORRE Guillermo D. Psalms as christian prayer with an application to Faricy Robert PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1995 ok, hb sc, 2 copies
spiritual direction 2 cc
Tesina 207.112 H4301 HERNANDEZ Rosello The integration between psychological counseling and Alphonso Herbert PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1993 ok, hb sc, 2 copies
G. spiritual direction in the formation of late vocations : a 2 cc
theologico-spiritual reflection in the philippine context


Tesina 207.112 L8812 LOPEZ Romeo G. Modules for ongoing formation of priest-formators in Puglisi James F. PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2003 ok sb
major seminaries of the Philippines in the light of
Pastores dabo vobis nos. 70-80 and the Second
Plenary Council of the Philippines
Tesina 207.112 M3135 MANGALINAO José The importance of community life in priestly Faricy Robert PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1995 ok, hb sc
Elmer I. formation
Tesina 207.112 On3 ONGTIOCO Honesto A study on the effect of the Mother of Good Counsel Espino Iluminada G. SAIDI Organization Master of Manila 1983 ok, hb sc
Flores High School Seminary on priestly values formation Development and Arts
Tesina 207.112 P2734 PATES Julito The Eucharist and seminary spiritual formation in Faricy Robert PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2000 ok sb
Pastores dabo vobis
Tesina 207.112 Sy79 SYQUÍA José Francisco The application of psychology to the formation of Giardini Fabio PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2004 ok sb
C. major seminarians
Tesina 214 P982 PUTHUPARAMBIL The notion of evil according to Plato and Thomas Bagood Albert PUSTA Philosophy Licentiate Rome 1999 ok sb
Thomas Aquinas : where they differ and agree
Tesina 221.92 C2795 CASTRO Antonio A. The figure of Melchizedek in the Dead Sea scrolls and Paretsky Albert PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1993 ok, hb
in the Epistle to the Hebrews
Tesina 222.4092 Ag73 AGOO Santiago A. Eyeing for the throne : a study of the motif of Pisano Stephen PIB Sacred Scriptures Licentiate Rome 1995 ok, hb sc
deception in the history of David's rise
Tesina 223.8 V419 VAQUILAR Nick A. Qoheleth's message to the youth of today : an Calduch-Benages PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2004 ok, sb
exegetical-theological study of Qoheleth 11:7-12:8 Nuria
Tesina 224.2077 C124 CAJOT Rodel M. The problem of false prophecy in the Book of Jeremiah Agius Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1990 MISSING

Tesina 226.3 L455 LAYUG Jesus Jr. B. God's saving action in Jesus : rhetorical analysis of Mk Meynet, Roland PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2007 ok, sb
Tesina 226.3 V8257 VISITACIÓN Arnie Jesus, the fig tree and the Temple : pragmalinguistic Grilli Massimo PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2000
reading of Mark 11:12-25
Tesina 226.4092 B493 BILLANES Freddie B. The penitent criminal in Luke 23:39-43 : symbol of a Stock Klemens PIB Sacred Scriptures Licentiate Rome 2007 ok, sb
repentant Israel
Tesina 227.4 V7121 VILLAMIL Nicasio Jr. Galatians 5:22-23a : the ninefold fruit of the Spirit (an Garuti Paolo PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2002 ok sb
A. analytical survey of a pauline catalogue of "virtues")

Tesina 227.5 Sa597 SANTOS Bartolomé G. God's gift of grace and salvation (Ephesians 2:1-10) : Vanni Ugo PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1999 ok sb
an exegetical and theological analysis
Tesina 227.6 M3195 MANUEL Jacqueline "I want to know him" : a rhetorical, exegetico- Garuti Paolo PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2005 ok, sb
theological analysis of Ph 3:8-11
Tesina 227.9 T111 TABADA Edward L. Communion with God, belief to faithfulness : pragma- Beutler Johannes PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2002 ok sb
synchronic reading of 1 John 2:18-27
Tesina 228.06 N17 NASATAYA Gilbert S. The "christless" Church of Laodicea : a symbol of a Vanni Ugo PIB Sacred Scriptures Licentiate Rome 2002 ok sb
complacent modern Church (Rev 3:14-22)
Tesina 230.041 T2354 TEJADA Rodolfo C. A review of the historico-systematic method of biblical PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1967 ok sb
theology according to Dr. G. Ernest Wright
Tesina 230.095 B139 BACULI Samuel S. Inculturation in asian context according to the Byrne Andrew ARSC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1991 ok, sb sc
magisterium of John Paul II
Tesina 231.4 M1172 MACALISANG Juan D. The theological understanding of suffering and death Johnstone Brian AA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1990 ok, sb sc
in Richard A. McCormick and Stanley Hauerwas

Tesina 232.09045 Sa997 SAYMAN Roland F. Uniqueness of Jesus Christ : an evaluation of Scott O'Collins Gerald PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1998 ok, hb sc
Cowdell's work Is Jesus unique? A study of recent
Tesina 232.0922 R2653 REGONIEL Dominic A. Christ as primordial sacrament : an evaluation of O'Collins Gerald PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2004 ok, sb
Edward Schillebeeckx's work Christ the sacrament of
the encounter with God : a study of christology


Tesina 232.095 C8687 CRISOSTOMO Enrico Christology of the Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation O'Collins Gerald PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2004 ok sb
Ecclesia in Asia
Tesina 232.09599 B3288 BAUTISTA Floro B. Christology of the catholic bishops of the Philippines Dupuis Jacques PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1991 ok, hb sc
Tesina 232.91 C2797 CASTRO Leandro N. Mary in the mystery of Christ following Tertio McGuckin Terence PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1998 ok, hb sc
millennio adveniente
Tesina 232.91 P6971 PLATON Alvin Gerald Marian mediation in the light of Lumen gentium and Kochaniewicz PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2003
Parayno Redemptoris mater : a comparative study Boguslaw
Tesina 232.91 V236 VALERA Andres S. The image of "Mary as queen and mother of mercy" in Rooney Marcel PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1992 ok, hb sc
the collection of masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary of
John Paul II
Tesina 233.5 J311 JASON Joel Olvina The theology of the body of Pope John Paul II in his Schmitz Philipp PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2001 ok hb
General Audience Addresses from September 5, 1979
to May 6, 1981
Tesina 233.7 C138 CALSADO Benjamin S. The nobility of human freedom as envisioned by John Cannon Sean AA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2006 ok, sb
Paul II
Tesina 234.2 It19 ITCHON Elisar Faith and revelation according to John Henry Cardinal Vitali Dario PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2001 ok sb
Christopher M. Newman
Tesina 241.63 So688 SORIANO Nitodel A. The indissoluble character of conjugal love according Laffitte Jean PUL Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2004 ok sb
to the catechesis of John Paul II on human love

Tesina 241.63 Su772 SURBAN Denis S. The nature of conjugal union according to John Paul II Miralles Antonio PASC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1997 ok, hb sc

Tesina 241.6425 R3139 RETARDO Reynaldo The catholic doctrine on birth regulation and the Cannon Sean AA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2006 ok, sb
challenges it faces in the philippine context
Tesina 247.13 Oc12 OCANDO Gustavo La cathedra : estudio bíblico-litúrgico Federici Tommaso PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1973 ok, hb sc
Tesina 248.0599 Sa551 SÁNCHEZ Mario Understanding contemporary filipino spirituality from Orsuto Donna PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2001 ok sb
Dominic C. the perspective of Landas ng pagpapakabanal, the
Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines'
pastoral letter on filipino spirituality

Tesina 248.32 P2634 PASCUAL Ray Victor T. The role of music in prayer Giardini Fabio PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2001 ok sb

Tesina 248.482 L5233 LEGASPI Ambrosio An exposition and a theological appraisal of the Murray Paul PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1994 ok, sb sc
Nonato Collado extraordinary mystical phenomena in The interior
Tesina 248.84 R3307 REYES Gerónimo F. The mission of the christian family according to the Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1988 ok sb
new Code of Canon Law
Tesina 248.845 C8894 CRUZ GONZALES Caring for and educating a child from conception to Chalmeta Gabriel PIGP2SMF Marriage and Master of Rome 1994 ok, rb sc
María Corazón three years old in the teachings of the church (John Family Arts
Paul II and the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the
Philippines) with particular attention on filipinos

Tesina 253.2 B1932 BALDOZ Norman J. Understanding priestly ongoing formation in Pastores Orsuto Donna Lynn PUG Spirituality Licentiate Rome 2001 ok sb
dabo vobis as exemplified in the life and the selected
writings of Henri J.M. Nouwen
Tesina 253.2 B2343 BARBIETO Paciano Towards an understanding of priestly spirituality in the Bliss Frederick M. PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1998 ok sb
Alexander B. light of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Pastores
dabo vobis and its pastoral implications in the context
of the philippine Church
Tesina 254 G1141 GABRIEL Manuel G. A study of the decision-making of the laity within a SAIDI Organization Master of Manila 1981 ok hb
parish system using the SAIDI organization Development and Arts
development process adapted to basic christian Planning


Tesina 254 P351 PEIG Nilo Sotelo The pastoral council : a new cooperator of the diocesan Ramos Francisco J. PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1991 ok, sb sc
Tesina 254.8 M6667 MIÑON Narciso The diocesan finance council and the diocesan Geisenger Robert PUG Canon Law Licentiate Rome 2004 ok sb
Guirnalda oeconomus (cc. 492-494)
Tesina 254.8 N8894 NUEVO Domingo S. The diocesan finance council and the diocesan finance Castaño José F. PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1992 ok, fb pc
officer in the administration of ecclesiastical goods : a
study of the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law

Tesina 261.7 P2141 PARDILLADA The moral guidelines for political formation in the Gallagher Raphael AA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2003 ok sb
Reynaldo M. Philippines in the light of catholic social teaching
Tesina 261.8342 Az16 AZARCON John Alston The pastoral care of the divorced and remarried : an Laffitte Jean PUL Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2002 1 copy
V. expository and pastoral-theological study of the
church's response in the light of Familiaris consortio
no. 84
Tesina 261.835 L869 LONTOC Ordelo The family as a "domestic church" : a historico- Botero José Silvio AA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1997 ok, hb sc
Norberto R. dogmatic analysis
Tesina 261.835 M2911 MALALUAN Benedikto The integrated concept of human dignity as the moral Ansaldo Aurelio ARSC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1993 ok, fb sc
O. foundation of responsible parenthood in the philippine
Tesina 261.873 L633 LINATOC Felixberto M. A moral study on active nonviolence : philippine Fuček Ivan PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1987 ok sb
Tesina 262.001 Z183 ZARAGOZA Nazer M. The ecumenical dialogue of the Church of Asia Antón Ángel PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2000 ok, sb
according to the Federation of Asian Bishops'
Conferences documents from 1970 to 1996
Tesina 262.02 B497 BILLONES Midyphil B. Harnessing the dynamism of communion ecclesiology Henn William PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2006 ok sb
within the Church today through synodality

Tesina 262.02 T1532 TAN Richard T. A comparative study of some aspects of the Henn William PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2007 ok sb
ecclesiologies of Henri de Lubac and Joseph A.
Tesina 262.05 F9525 FUENTES Arnold L. A new way of being Church in the documents of the Henn William PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2008 ok sb
Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC) and
in the post-synodal exhortation Ecclesia in Asia

Tesina 262.12 P1911 PAN Raul S. Collegiality in a Church as communio Bliss Frederick M. PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1993 ok, hb sc
Tesina 262.131 C8893 CRUZ Emmanuel The Church's charism of infallibility : a reinterpretation Bliss Frederick M. PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1993 ok, sb sc
Ignacio in the light of the Second Vatican Council

Tesina 262.14 Ig5 IGNACIO Yulito Q. Mary in the life of the priests according to the Toniolo Pietro PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1993 ok, hb sc
magisterium of Pope John Paul II
Tesina 262.14 M8795 M'RINKANYA Samson The relationship between common priesthood and Goyret Philip PUSC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2008 ok sb
Kigorwe ministerial priesthood : a theological analysis of the
Vatican II Council and post-Vatican II magisterial
Tesina 262.14 On3 ONGTIOCO Honesto John Paul II's perspectives on diocesan priestly Henchey Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1989 ok, sb sc
Flores charism and spirituality in some asian countries
Tesina 262.14 Sa135 SABILLO Benjamin Kenosis in the prayer life and ministry of the diocesan O'Driscoll Mary PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1986
Tesina 262.14 T188 TATLONGHARI Leadership for communion in the ecclesial spirituality Christian Robert PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2004 ok, sb
Godwin B. of the ordained priest
Tesina 262.15 P1911 PAMPOSA Rufino Regie Sacerdotium commune in Lumen gentium 10b : an Puglisi James PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1999 ok, sb sc
Aleligay investigation of its nature and formulation
Tesina 262.15 Q42 QUINAMOT Narciso E. The unity of life according to Christifideles laici and Belda Manuel ARSC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1994 ok sb


Tesina 262.15 R2435 RECEPCION Andrew Springtime in the Church : lay ecclesial movements Wolanin Adam PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2001 ok sb
Gimenez and new evangelization : case in point : Focolare
Movement's economy of communion and Couples for
Christ's family ministries in the Philippines
Tesina 262.15 Sa332 SALIDO Victor I. Filipino lay spirituality : a theologico-pastoral analysis Henchey Joseph PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2001 ok sb hb 2 copies
of the spirituality of the filipino laity in the light of
Christifideles laici
Tesina 262.15 V662 VICENTE Leonardo B.A historical study of the lay spirituality and its relation Aumann Jordan PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1986 ok, sb sc
to the development of the Church
Tesina 262.8 Au97 AUZA Bernardito The postconciliar theology of dissent from the García-Solis UST Sacred Theology Licentiate, Manila 1986 ok, hb sc
Cleopas noninfallible magisterium Bonifacio MA HRS
Tesina 262.94 As44 ASIS Joselito C. Catechetical instruction in the parish according to the Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1994 ok, fb pc
1983 Code of Canon Law Giuseppe
Tesina 262.94 Au97 AUZA Bernardito The procedure of doctrinal examination in the Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1989 ok, sb sc, 2 2 copies
Cleopas Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Giuseppe cc
Tesina 262.94 C1129 CABRISOS Cromwell T. Laicization in the new (1983) Code Testera Florencio UST Canon Law Licentiate Manila 1986 ok hb

Tesina 262.94 C4901 CIMAFRANCA Canon law and the emerging lay ministries in the Castaño José F. PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1989 ok, sb sc, 2 2 copies
Florendo N. BCCs : Diocese of Tagum cc
Tesina 262.94 J772 JOSÉ Jacinto A. The ministry of the word in the new Code of Canon Gangoiti Benito PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1985 ok, fb pc
Law and the biblical apostolate in the Philippines

Tesina 262.94 R128 RAGUDOS Rey Jose Pastors in solidum (can. 517 §1) Mosca Vincenzo PUG Canon Law Licentiate Rome 2003 ok, sb
Tesina 262.94 T15 TAM Francisco P. The sacramental seal in the sacrament of penance Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1996 ok, pb sc
according to the new Code of Canon Law Giuseppe
Tesina 263.9 C7351 COMIA Romulo C. The feast of the Nativity of Mary : an analysis of Chupungco Anscar PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1996 ok, hb sc
euchological texts J.
Tesina 264.02 V243 VALLES Romulo G. Sunday liturgy in the absence of a priest Chupungco Anscar PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1989 ok, fb pc
Tesina 264.02036 C8896 CRUZ Victor Naval Active participation in the writings of J. D. Crichton Chupungco Anscar PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1997 ok, hb sc
Tesina 264.02036 Y13 YALUNG Oliver De praefationes I-IV de Dominicis "per annum" in Leachman James PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 2006 ok, hb
Guevarra Missale Romanum 2002 : History and theology
Tesina 265.1 B433 BENDICO Victor B. The ministries and roles of parents and godparents in Rooney Marcel PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1992 ok, fb pc
the new rite of infant baptism
Tesina 265.1 C11 CAASI Joel C. The oil of catechumens in the celebration of the Carr Ephrem PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 2004 ok sb
sacrament of baptism in the roman tradition
Tesina 265.13 Ur19 URBINA Gilbert G. Ieiunium and abstinentia in the euchological texts of Chupungco Anscar PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1990 ok, fb cp
the Missal of Paul VI J.
Tesina 265.30599 R3306 REYES Antonio P. Revitalizing some hiligaynon collects based on the Carr Ephrem PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 2000 ok sb
Missale romanum, editio typica altera of 1975
Tesina 265.4 D6425 DIWA Genaro O. Anointing in presbyteral ordination Chupungco Anscar PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1995 ok, hb sc
Tesina 265.4 Sa383 SALVADOR Florencio Presbyter-sacerdos in the first three centuries with Chupungco Anscar PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1997 ok hb
Jr. P. special references to Traditio apostolica J.
Tesina 265.5 Se683 SERRANO Ricardo T. The adaptation of the Ordo celebrandi matrimonium : Chupungco Anscar PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1985 ok, sb sc
principles and possibilities : adaptation of the rite of J.
marriage articles 77-78 of Sacrosanctum Concilium
and the articles 12-13 of the praenotanda of the Ordo
celebrandi matrimonium

Tesina 265.6 G116 GADDI Julio Jr. O. "Ego te absolvo…": the role of the minister in the Leachman James G. PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 2004 ok sb
sacrament of reconciliation based on the formula of
absolution - Ordo paenitentiae 1974 no. 46


Tesina 266.2599 Ad84 ADRIATICO Cedric L. The jesuit mission of Dapitan in the seventeenth López-Gay Jesús PUG Church History Licentiate Rome 1989 ok, sb sc
Tesina 266.2599 G1397 GALVEZ José Antonio Lay missionary work in the Philippines López-Gay Jesús PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1991 ok, hb sc 2 copies
Tesina 266.2599 L476 LEAÑO Oscar I. Mission in the Second Plenary Council of the López-Gay Jesús PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1994 ok hb
Philippines (PCP-II)
Tesina 266.2599 M974 MUSÑGI Ariel G. The filipino migrants, agents of mission Roest Crollius Arij PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2003 ok sb
Tesina 266.2599 T4992 TIPLACA Arnulfo C. When a lumad culture encounters the Gospel message : Wolanin Adam PUG Missiology Licentiate Rome 2002
identifying some elements in the mansaka culture that
are points of contact for inculturated evangelization

Tesina 266.2599 Y901 YU José Vidamor B.

The evangelization among the chinese in the López-Gay Jesús PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1996 ok hb
Philippines : its problems and perspectives
Tesina 268 D3707 DE LA PROVIDENCIA The obligation of a post-baptismal formation in the Miralles Antonio PUSC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2003 ok hb
Joseph Antonio faith arising from the nature of infant baptism in the
light of post-Vatican II documents
Tesina 268.09599 C8896 CRUZ Rogelio Catechesis in the Second Plenary Council of the Urru Angelo PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1994 ok, fb cp 2 copies
Philippines : a canonico-pastoral presentation Giuseppe
Tesina 271.97 Ag28 AGDA María Corazón The shaping of the ignacian community MST Theological Studies Master of 1998 ok sb
D. Arts
Tesina 271.972 P2634 PASCUAL Celestino V. Christian asceticism in the life and writings of Saint Castellano Cervera PIST Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1987 ok, fb cp
Catherine of Siena Jesús
Tesina 271.972 Sa588 SAN PEDRO Rodrigo F. Reflections on suffering in the life and writings of St. O'Driscoll Mary PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1985 ok, sb sc
Catherine of Siena
Tesina 280.042 G117 GADRINAB Ronald G. Pope John Paul II and ecumenical dialogue : selected O'Callaghan Paul PASC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1998 ok hb
contents of the dynamics of John Paul II's addresses to
the evangelical communities
Tesina 282.595 H8604 HUAN KIN KWANG The spirituality and mission of the laity in the Orsuto Donna PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1994 ok, fb cp
Ignatius malaysian context
Tesina 282.595 Se496 SELVARAJOO Francis Eucharistic celebration and the unity of the Church in Chengalikavil Luke PASA Sacred Liturgy Licentiate Rome 1993 ok, sb sc
Xavier the malaysian context
Tesina 282.599 Al121 ALARCON Rex Andrew The status of the Diocese of Nueva Cáceres during the González Fernández PUG Church History Licentiate Rome 2001 ok, sb
C. incumbency of Bishop Francisco Gainza, O.P. (1862- Fidel
Tesina 282.599 Ap34 APIGO Abel C. The history of the jesuit mission in Mindanao during López-Gay Jesús PUG Church History Licentiate Rome 1999 ok hb
the 1850's up to the christianization of Davao (1850-
Tesina 282.599 Ar68 ARQUISOLA Aurora An appreciative study of the works of Father Miguel Mojares Resil B. University of Literature Master of 1973 ok sb
Caballero A. Bernad, S.J. San Carlos Arts
Tesina 282.599 C269 CASIÑO Patricio P. Jean-Marie Roger Tillard and the Catholic Church in Antón Ángel PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2000 ok hb
the Philippines : a study in communion ecclesiology

Tesina 282.599 D3783 DELFINO Gabriel Ma. The dominican hacienda of Santa Rosa de la Laguna : Lovison Filippo PUG Church History Licentiate Rome 2005 ok sb
life in a colonial religious rural society (1792-1927)

Tesina 282.599 Es658 ESPLANA Elino P. The pre-baptismal catechesis in the jesuit residences in Lovison Filippo PUG Church History Licentiate Rome 2004 ok hb
the seventeenth-century Philippines
Tesina 282.599 M6111 MILLAN Guillermo A. Lay participation in the life and mission of the Church López-Gay Jesús PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1991 ok, sb sc
(a theological and experiential exploration on the
participation of the laity in the life and mission of the
Church [Mindanao-Sulu experience, Philippines])


Tesina 282.599 P966 PULGO José Alan P. The Mindanao mission : a focus on the christianization Martínez-Ferrer PUSC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2001 ok sb
of Cagayan de Oro (1800-1951) Luis
Tesina 282.599 R5246 RIVERO Edgardo G. A difficult dialogue and a humble response : a Fuss Michael PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2002 ok, sb
muslim-christian dialogue experience of the church in
Basilan, southern Philippines
Tesina 282.599 R6619 ROMANILLOS The beginnings of christianity in Bohol : 1565-1605 López-Gay Jesús PUG Church History Licentiate Rome 1978 ok hb
Emmanuel Luis
Tesina 282.599 R685 ROQUE Reynaldo The Archdiocese of Davao communications office Mora Juan Manuel PUSC Social Licentiate Rome 2001 ok sb
(proposed organizational structure and functions) Communications
Tesina 282.599 R7469 ROTOR Cecilio Julian An analysis of the constitution of the Catholic Bishop's Ramos Francisco J. PUSTA Canon Law Licentiate Rome 1996 ok sb
Bruel Conference of the Philippines in the light of the 1983
Tesina 282.599 Sa598 SANTOS Ruperto C. The Archdiocese of Manila during the american period PUG Church History Licentiate Rome 1990 ok hb
: 1898-1949
Tesina 282.9595 B4343 BENEDICT Eugene The participation of the laity in basic ecclesial Orsuto Donna PUSTA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1995 ok, hb sc
communities as an expression of communion in the
church with reference to the Church in the Archdiocese
of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tesina 289.951 T1532 TAN Arnel Q. An evaluation on the identity of the pentecostal- Bliss Frederick M. PUST Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2008 ok sb
charismatic movement in China
Tesina 297.54 C1683 CANTINA Rolando A. Interpretation of the islamic law according to Doctor Zannini Francesco; PISAI Arabic and Islamic Licentiate Rome 2003 ok sb 5 copies
Muhammad Amara Borrmans Maurice Studies

Tesina 299.51 F3561 FENG Joseph Xinshe Is the "ethical path" of Confucius a journey in Alphonso Herbert PUG Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2002 ok sb 2 copies
"deepening interior freedom"? An evaluation of his
teachings in the Analects in the light of the Spiritual
Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Tesina 320.011 Am51 AMIDAR Venancio L. The fundamentals of John Rawls's concept of social Wilder Alfred PUSTA Philosophy Licentiate Rome 1994 ok, fb cp
Tesina 320.011 B7302 BRAGA Melchor Joseph The concept of the human agent in the political Salzano Giorgio PUG Philosophy Licentiate Rome 2007 ok, sb
Cacho philosophy of John Rawls
Tesina 331.62599 L69 LISONDRA Nestor G. The mobility of the filipino migrant workers in the Alford Helen PUSTA Social Sciences Licentiate Rome 2001 ok sb
European Union with special reference to domestic
workers in Rome
Tesina 355.22 B7697 BRILLANTES John Defense of human life and dignity : the fundamental Colom Enrique PUSC Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2002 ok hb
Bañas moral principle for armed service
Tesina 363.42 C4706 CHUA Nemer de Castro Morality of gambling : jueteng in the philippine McKeever Martin AA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2007 ok, sb
Tesina 613.9434 L8281 LOGAN David The psychological costs and benefits of natural family Zuanazzi PUL Marriage and Master of Rome 1999 sb
planning Gianfrancesco Family Arts
Tesina 782.292 P1933 PANGANIBAN Damaso The Magnificat antiphons in the old roman tradition Baroffio Bonifacio PIMS Gregorian Chant Master of Rome 1990 ok, sb sc
Jr. A. Arts
Tesina 933 Es14 ESCARIO Edison D. A historico-critical analysis of the life and death of Santos Ruperto C. San Carlos Sacred Theology Master of Makati 2005 ok, sb
Herod the Great GST Arts
Tesina 956.704421 H59 HINGONE Gilbert M. John Paul II in the Gulf War : an analysis of the Pope's Johnstone Brian AA Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 1994 ok, hb sc
teachings on peace, war and nonviolence
Tesina 959.9027 F735 FONTANILLA Edwin J. The establishment of the Philippine Independent Bliss Frederick M. PUST Sacred Theology Licentiate Rome 2008 ok sb
Church and its alliance with the Episcopal Church of
the U.S.A. (ECUSA) and the Anglican Communion

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Reference 016.2625 D69
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Reference 031 Am35
Reference 031 Am35
Reference 031 Am35
Reference 031 Am35
Reference 031 Am35
Reference 031 Am35
Reference 031 Am35
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Reference 031 Am35
Reference 031 Am35
Reference 031 Am35
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Reference 032 En19
Reference 032 En19
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Reference 032 En19
Reference 032 En19
Reference 032 En19
Reference 032 En19
Reference 032 En19
Reference 032 En19
Reference 032 En19
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Reference 035 N42
Reference 035 N42
Reference 035 N42
Reference 035 N42
Reference 035 N42
Reference 035 N42
Reference 035 N42
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Reference 230.03 L59
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Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
Reference 230.2 R12 Rahner, K.
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Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Reference 230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint

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Reference 238.2 C282 Catholic Church

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Reference 262.5 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation

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Reference 262.52 C2862 Catholic Church. Vatican
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Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862 Catholic Church. Vatican

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Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862

Reference 262.52 C2862 Catholic Church. Vatican

Council (2nd)
Reference 262.52 C2862 Catholic Church. Vatican
Council (2nd)
Reference 262.52 C2862
Reference 262.52 C2862
Reference 262.52 C2862
Reference 262.52 C2862
Reference 262.52 C2862
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Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
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Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
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Reference 270 F3
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Reference 270 F3
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Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
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Reference 270 F3
Reference 270 F3
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Reference 282.509045 F3177 Federation of Asian Bishops'
Reference 282.509045 F3177 Federation of Asian Bishops'
Title VV CC BB missing
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Archdiocesan Archives of Manila c.1 1
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The American Peoples Encyclopedia v.07 1
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The American Peoples Encyclopedia v.09 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia v.10 1
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The American Peoples Encyclopedia v.17 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia v.18 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia v.19 1
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The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1964 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1965 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1966 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1967 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1968 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1969 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1970 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1971 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1972 1
The American Peoples Encyclopedia Yearbook 1973 1
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Encyclopedia Britannica (1966) index; atlas 1
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Encyclopedia Britannica (1966) v.22 1
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Encyclopedia Britannica (1966) v.23 1
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Encyclopedia Britannica (1977) Micropaedia 5 v.25 1
Encyclopedia Britannica (1977) Micropaedia 6 v.26 1
Encyclopedia Britannica (1977) Micropaedia 7 v.27 1
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Encyclopedia Britannica (1977) Micropaedia 9 v.29 1
Encyclopedia Britannica (1977) Micropaedia 10 v.30 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1978 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1979 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1980 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1981 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1982 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1983 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1984 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1985 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1986 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1987 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1988 1
Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year 1989 1
Oxford illustrated encyclopedia of peoples and cultures 1
Oxford illustrated encyclopedia, v.3: World history from earliest 1
times to 1800
Oxford illustrated encyclopedia, v.4: World history from 1800 to 1
the present day
The University of the Philippines Cultural Dictionary for Filipinos 1

New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.01 1

New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.02 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.03 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.04 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.05 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.06 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.07 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.08 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.09 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.10 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.11 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.12 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.13 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.14 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.15 1
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New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.17 1
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New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.19 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale v.20 1
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale Annuario 1
Encyclopedico 1993
New Times Grande Enciclopedia Universale Annuario 1
Encyclopedico 1994
Encyclopedia of Philosophy vv.1-2 1
Encyclopedia of Philosophy vv.3-4 1
Encyclopedia of Philosophy vv.5-6 1
Encyclopedia of Philosophy vv.7-8 1
Truth v.1 1
Truth v.2 1
Truth v.3 1
Encyclopedia of Psychology v.1 1
Encyclopedia of Psychology v.2 1
Dictionary of Asian Philosophies 1
A latin-english dictionary of St. Thomas Aquinas c.1 1
A history of philosophy vv.1-3 c.1 1
A history of philosophy vv.4-6 c.1 1
A history of philosophy vv.7-9 c.1 1
Sacramentum Mundi v.1 c.1 1
Sacramentum Mundi v.2 c.1 1
Sacramentum Mundi v.3 c.1 1
Sacramentum Mundi v.4 c.1 1
Sacramentum Mundi v.5 c.1 1
Sacramentum Mundi v.6 c.1 1
The interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible sup. c.1 1
The interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible v.1 1
The interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible v.2 1
The interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible v.3 1
The interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible v.4 1
The interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible (supp.vol.) c.1 1
Dictionary of Biblical theology (updated 2nd ed.: 1988) 1
Dictionary of the Bible (1965) 1
Biblia Sacra utriusque testamenti. Editio hebraica et graeca 1
Nova vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum editio sacros. Oecum. 1
Concilii Vaticani II ratione habita iussu Pauli PP. VI recognita
auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgata. Editio typica altera
A Catholic commentary on Holy Scripture c.1 1
The Jerome Biblical commentary c.1 1
A new Catholic commentary on Holy Scripture c.1 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.01 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.02 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.03 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.04 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.05 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.06 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.07 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.08 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.09 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.10 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.11 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.12 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.13 1
Theological dictionary of the Old Testament v.14 1
Theological lexicon of the Old Testament v.1 1
Theological lexicon of the Old Testament v.2 1
Theological lexicon of the Old Testament v.3 1
Septuaginta id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX 1
Novum Testamentum e Codice Vaticano Graeco 1209 (Codex 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.01 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.02 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.03 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.04 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.05 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.06 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.07 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.08 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.09 1
Theological dictionary of the New Testament v.10 1
Novum Testamentum graece et latine 1
Dictionary of fundamental theology 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.01 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.02 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.03 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.04 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.05 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.06 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.07 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.08 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.09 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche v.10 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche: Konsil I c.1 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche: Konsil III 1
Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche: Register 1
Nuovo dizionario di teologia 1

A concise dictionary of theology (rev. exp. ed.) 1

Mysterium liberationis: fundamental concepts of liberation 1
Early Christian doctrines c.1 1
Dictionary of Third World Theologies c.1 1

Asian Christian theologies: a research guide to authors, v.1 1

movements, sources
Asian Christian theologies: a research guide to authors, v.2 1
movements, sources
Asian Christian theologies: a research guide to authors, v.3 1
movements, sources
The Christian faith in the doctrinal documents of the Catholic 1
Church. 6th ed.
Enchiridion symbolorum definitionum et declarationum de rebus 1
fidei et morum. Ed. XXXVIII. Edizione bilingue
Theological investigations v.01 1
Theological investigations v.02 1
Theological investigations v.03 1
Theological investigations v.04 1
Theological investigations v.05 1
Theological investigations v.06 1
Theological investigations v.07 1
Theological investigations v.08 1
Theological investigations v.09 1
Theological investigations v.10 1
Theological investigations v.11 1
Theological investigations v.12 1
Theological investigations v.13 1
Theological investigations v.14 1
Theological investigations v.15 1
Theological investigations v.16 1
Theological investigations v.17 1
Theological investigations v.18 1
Theological investigations v.19 1
Theological investigations v.20 1
Theological investigations v.21 1
Theological investigations v.22 1
Theological investigations v.23 1
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, index 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.01 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.02 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.03 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.04 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.05 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.06 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.07 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.08 1 bought
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964) new
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.09 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.10 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.11 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.12 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.13 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.14 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.15 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.16 1 bought
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964) new
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.17 1 bought
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964) new
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.18 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.19 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.20 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.21 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.22 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.23 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.24 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.25 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.26 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.27 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.28 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.29 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.30 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.31 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.32 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.33 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.34 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.35 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.36 1 bought
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964) new
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.37 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.38 1 bought
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964) new
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.39 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.40 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.41 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.42 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.43 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.44 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.45 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.46 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.47 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.48 1 bought
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964) new
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.49 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.50 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.51 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.52 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.53 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.54 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.55 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.56 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.57 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.58 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.59 1
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964)
Summa Theologiae : Latin text and English translation, v.60 1 bought
Introductions, Notes, Appendices and Glossaries (1964) new
Texts and documents 1969-1985 c.1 1

The SCM Press A-Z of Thomas Aquinas 1

Nuovo dizionario di mariologia 1
Congregatio de causis sanctorum : Index ac status causarum : 1

Congregatio de causis sanctorum : Index ac status causarum : 1

I Supplementum 2000-2007
Catechism of the Catholic Church (Revised edition) 1
Early Christian creeds 1
Catechismus Catholicae Ecclesiae. Catechismo della Chiesa 1
Commento teologico al Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica 1
Dizionario enciclopedico di teologia morale 1

Lexicon : ambiguous and debatable terms regarding family life 1

and ethical questions
Diccionario de Santa Teresa: doctrina e historia 1
A dictionary of Christian spirituality 1
Dizionario di mistica 1
The new dictionary of catholic social thought 1
Compendium of the social doctrine of the Church 1

Enchiridion on the family: a compendium of Church teaching on 1

family and life issues from Vatican II to the present

Ecclesia : a theological encyclopedia of the Church 1
Sínodo de Manila de 1582 : estudio introductorio, glosa y c.1 1
transcripción de los textos sinodales por José Luis Porras
Documenta inde a Concilio Vaticano secundo expleto edita 1

Dictionary of the Council 1

Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II appendix 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II indices 1
Schemata constitutionum et decretorum ex quibus in Concilio s.1 1
disceptanda seligentur
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 indices 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.1 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 app. 1
apparando p.1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 app. 1
apparando p.2
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 p.1 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 p.2 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 p.3 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 p.4 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 p.5 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 p.6 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 p.7 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.2 p.8 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.3 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.4 p.1.1 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.4 p.1.2 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.1 v.4 p.2 1
Schemata constitutionum et decretorum ex quibus in Concilio s.2 1
disceptanda seligentur
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.2 v.1 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.2 v.2 p.1 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.2 v.2 p.2 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.2 v.2 p.3 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.2 v.2 p.4 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.2 v.3 p.1 1
Acta ed documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II s.2 v.3 p.2 1
Schemata constitutionum et decretorum ex quibus in Concilio s.3 1
disceptanda seligentur
Schemata constitutionum et decretorum ex quibus in Concilio s.4 1
disceptanda seligentur
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.1 p.1 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.1 p.2 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.1 p.3 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.1 p.4 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.2 p.1 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.2 p.2 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.2 p.3 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.2 p.4 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.2 p.5 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.2 p.6 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.3 p.1 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.3 p.2 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.3 p.3 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.3 p.4 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.3 p.5 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.3 p.6 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.3 p.7 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.3 p.8 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.4 p.1 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.4 p.2 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.4 p.3 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.4 p.4 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.4 p.5 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.4 p.6 1
Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II v.4 p.7 1
Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.1 c.1 1
Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.2 c.1 1
Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.3 c.1 1
Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.4 c.1 1
Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.5 c.1 1
Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Decreta 1
Decrees of the ecumenical councils v.1 1
Decrees of the ecumenical councils v.2 1
The documents of Vatican II 1
Concilii Vaticani II synopsis in ordinem redigens schemata cum 1
relationibus necnon patrum orationes atque animadversiones :
Constitutio de Sacra Liturgia Sacrosanctum Concilium
Concilii Vaticani II synopsis in ordinem redigens schemata cum 1
relationibus necnon patrum orationes atque animadversiones :
Constitutio dogmatica de Divina Revelatione Dei Verbum
Concilii Vaticani II synopsis in ordinem redigens schemata cum 1
relationibus necnon patrum orationes atque animadversiones :
Constitutio dogmatica de Ecclesia Lumen gentium
Concilii Vaticani II synopsis in ordinem redigens schemata cum 1
relationibus necnon patrum orationes atque animadversiones :
Constitutio pastoralis de Ecclesia in mundo huius temporis
Gaudium et spes
Concilii Vaticani II synopsis in ordinem redigens schemata cum 1
relationibus necnon patrum orationes atque animadversiones :
Decretum de Oecumenismo Unitatis redintegratio
Concilii Vaticani II synopsis in ordinem redigens schemata cum 1
relationibus necnon patrum orationes atque animadversiones :
Decretum de Presbyterorum ministerio et vita Presbyterorum
History of Vatican II v.1 1
History of Vatican II v.2 1
History of Vatican II v.3 1
History of Vatican II v.4 1
History of Vatican II v.5 1
Vatican II : assessment and perspectives v.1 1
Vatican II : assessment and perspectives v.2 1
Vatican II : assessment and perspectives v.3 1
Il Concilio Vaticano II : recezione e attualità alla luce del 1
Codicis iuris canonici fontes v.1 1
Codicis iuris canonici fontes v.2 1
Codicis iuris canonici fontes v.3 1
Codicis iuris canonici fontes v.4 1
Codicis iuris canonici fontes v.5 1
Codicis iuris canonici fontes v.6 1
Codicis iuris canonici fontes v.7 1
Codicis iuris canonici fontes v.8 1
Codicis iuris canonici fontes v.9 1
Church renewal: proceedings and addresses of the National c.1 1
Pastoral Consultation on Church Renewal, San Carlos Pastoral
Formation Complex, Makati City, Philippines, 22-27 January
Schema Decretorum Primi Concilii Plenarii Insularum 1
Acts and decrees of the second Plenary Council of the c.1 1
Pastorales y disposiciones circuladas á los párrocos de esta v.1 1
Diócesis de Cebú ( y también á los de la de Jaro antes de su
separación) por los Señores Obispos ó sus Vicarios Generales

Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal index 1

1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.01 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.02 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.03 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.04 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.05 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.06 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.07 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.08 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.09 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.10 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.11 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Tutte le encicliche e i principali documenti pontifici emanati dal v.12 1
1740 : 250 anni di storia visti dalla Santa Sede
Papal pronouncements: a guide v.1 1
Papal pronouncements: a guide v.2 1
The Papal encyclicals v.1 1
The Papal encyclicals v.2 1
The Papal encyclicals v.3 1
The Papal encyclicals v.4 1
The Papal encyclicals v.5 1
Corpus iuris canonici. Editio lipsiensis secunda post Aemilii v.1 1
Ludouici Richteri curas ad librorum manu scriptorum et editionis
romanae fidem recognouit et adnotatione critica
Corpus iuris canonici. Editio lipsiensis secunda post Aemilii v.2 1
Ludouici Richteri curas ad librorum manu scriptorum et editionis
romanae fidem recognouit et adnotatione critica
Codex iuris canonici Pii X pontificis maximi iussu digestus 1
Benedicti Papae XV auctoritate promulgatus
The 1917 or Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law in english 1
translation with extensive scholarly apparatus
Leges Ecclesiae post Codicem iuris canonici editae v.1 1
Leges Ecclesiae post Codicem iuris canonici editae v.2 1
Leges Ecclesiae post Codicem iuris canonici editae v.3 1
Leges Ecclesiae post Codicem iuris canonici editae v.4 1
Leges Ecclesiae post Codicem iuris canonici editae v.5 1
Leges Ecclesiae post Codicem iuris canonici editae v.6 1
New commentary on the Code of Canon Law 1

Code of canon law annotated (2nd ed.; rev. and updated of the 1 1
6th spanish language ed.)
Code of Canon Law: latin-english edition: new english 1
The Code of Canon Law: A text and commentary c.1 1
Codex iuris canonici auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II c.1 1
promulgatus fontium annotatione et indice analytico-
alphabetico auctus
Commento al Codice di Diritto Canonico (Studium Romanae 1
Rotae. Corpus Iuris Canonici 1)
Commento al Codice dei Canoni delle Chiese Orientali 1
(Studium Romanae Rotae. Corpus Iuris Canonici 2)
Commento alla Pastor Bonus e alle norme sussidiarie della 1
Curia Romana (Studium Romanae Rotae. Corpus Iuris
Canonici 3)
Dizionario del Nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico 1
Index verborum ac locutionum Codicis Iuris Canonici 1
Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches. Latin-english edition. 1
New english translation
Handbook for liturgical studies. Vol. 1: Introduction to the liturgy v.1 1

Handbook for liturgical studies. Vol. 2: Fundamental liturgy v.2 1

Handbook for liturgical studies. Vol. 3: The Eucharist v.3 1
Handbook for liturgical studies. Vol. 4: Sacraments and v.4 1
Handbook for liturgical studies. Vol. 5: Liturgical time and space v.5 1

New dictionary of liturgy & worship 1

Nuovo dizionario di liturgia c.1 1

Enchiridion euchologicum fontium liturgicorum 1 po

Hebdomada Sancta. Vol. 1: Contemporanei textus liturgici, 1 po
documenta piana et bibliographia
Hebdomada Sancta. Vol. 2: Fontes historici, commentarius 1 po
Enchiridion documentorum instaurationis liturgicae 1
Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 1. La c.1 1
Liturgia, momento nella storia della salvezza
Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 2. La c.1 1
Liturgia, panorama storico generale
Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 3/1. La c.1 1

Liturgia, i sacramenti: teologia e storia della celebrazione

Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 3/2. La c.1 1
Liturgia, Eucaristia: teologia e storia della celebrazione
Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 4. Le c.1 1
Liturgie orientali
Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 5. c.1 1
Liturgia delle Ore
Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 6. c.1 1
L'anno liturgico: storia, teologia e celebrazione
Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 7. I c.1 1
sacramentali e le benedizioni
Les Ordines romani du haut moyen age. Vol. 1: Les manuscrits 1 po

Les Ordines romani du haut moyen age. Vol. 2: Les textes 1 po

(Ordines I-XIII)
Les Ordines romani du haut moyen age. Vol. 3: Les textes 1 po
(Ordines XIV-XXXIV)
Les Ordines romani du haut moyen age. Vol. 4: Les textes 1 po
(Ordines XXXV-XLIX)
Les Ordines romani du haut moyen age. Vol. 5: Les textes 1 po
(Ordo L)
Liber sacramentorum romanae aeclesiae ordinis anni circuli c.1 1
Le Pontifical romain au moyen-âge. Vol. 1: Le pontifical romain 1 po
du xiie siècle
Le Pontifical romain au moyen-âge. Vol. 2: Le pontifical romain 1 po
du xiiie siècle
Le Pontifical romain au moyen-âge. Vol. 3: Le pontifical romain 1 po
de Guillaume Durand
Les oraisons du missel romain v.1 1 po
Les oraisons du missel romain v.2 1 po
Codices liturgici latini antiquiores (Spicilegii Friburgensis v.1 1 po
Subsidia 1)
Codices liturgici latini antiquiores (Spicilegii Friburgensis v.2 1 po
Subsidia 1)
Prex Eucharistica : textus e variis liturgiis antiquioribus selecti. 1 po
2nd ed. (Spicilegium Friburgense 12)
Preci eucharistiche occidentali : testi dalle liturgie ambrosiana, 1 po

gallicana e ispanica : sintesi di uno studio letterario-dottrinale

Le Pontifical romano-germanique du dixième siècle. Vol. 1: Le v.1 1 po
texte (nn. i-xcviii)
Le Pontifical romano-germanique du dixième siècle. Vol. 2: Le v.2 1 po
texte (nn. xcix-cclviii)
Le Sacramentaire grégorien: ses principales formes d'après les v.1 c.1 1
plus anciens manuscrits
Le Sacramentaire grégorien: ses principales formes d'après les v.2 c.1 1
plus anciens manuscrits
Le Sacramentaire grégorien: ses principales formes d'après les v.3 c.1 1
plus anciens manuscrits
Sacramentarium veronense c.1 1
Alternative futures for worship. Vol. 1: General introduction v.1 1 po
Alternative futures for worship. Vol. 2: Baptism and v.2 1 po
Alternative futures for worship. Vol. 3: The Eucharist v.3 1 po
Alternative futures for worship. Vol. 4: Reconciliation v.4 1 po
Alternative futures for worship. Vol. 5: Christian Marriage v.5 1 po
Alternative futures for worship. Vol. 6: Leadership ministry in v.6 1 po
Alternative futures for worship. Vol. 7: Anointing of the sick v.7 1 po
Semana de Misiología de Barcelona (29.06 - 06.07.1930) vv.1-2 1
Dizionario di catechetica 1
The Fathers of the Church v.01 1
The Fathers of the Church v.02 1
The Fathers of the Church v.03 1
The Fathers of the Church v.04 1
The Fathers of the Church v.05 1
The Fathers of the Church v.06 1
The Fathers of the Church v.07 1
The Fathers of the Church v.08 1
The Fathers of the Church v.09 1
The Fathers of the Church v.10 1
The Fathers of the Church v.11 1
The Fathers of the Church v.12 1
The Fathers of the Church v.13 1
The Fathers of the Church v.14 1
The Fathers of the Church v.15 1
The Fathers of the Church v.16 1
The Fathers of the Church v.17 1
The Fathers of the Church v.18 1
The Fathers of the Church v.19 1
The Fathers of the Church v.20 1
The Fathers of the Church v.21 1
The Fathers of the Church v.22 1
The Fathers of the Church v.23 1
The Fathers of the Church v.24 1
The Fathers of the Church v.25 1
The Fathers of the Church v.26 1
The Fathers of the Church v.27 1
The Fathers of the Church v.28 1
The Fathers of the Church v.29 1
The Fathers of the Church v.30 1
The Fathers of the Church v.31 1
The Fathers of the Church v.32 1
The Fathers of the Church v.33 1
The Fathers of the Church v.34 1
The Fathers of the Church v.35 1
The Fathers of the Church v.36 1
The Fathers of the Church v.37 1
The Fathers of the Church v.38 1
The Fathers of the Church v.39 1
The Fathers of the Church v.40 1
The Fathers of the Church v.41 1
The Fathers of the Church v.42 1
The Fathers of the Church v.43 1
The Fathers of the Church v.44 1
The Fathers of the Church v.45 1
The Fathers of the Church v.46 1
The Fathers of the Church v.47 1
The Fathers of the Church v.48 1
The Fathers of the Church v.49 1
The Fathers of the Church v.50 1
The Fathers of the Church v.51 1
The Fathers of the Church v.52 1
The Fathers of the Church v.53 1
The Fathers of the Church v.54 1
The Fathers of the Church v.55 1
The Fathers of the Church v.56 1
The Fathers of the Church v.57 1
The Fathers of the Church v.58 1
The Fathers of the Church v.59 1
The Fathers of the Church v.60 1
The Fathers of the Church v.61 1
The Fathers of the Church v.62 1
The Fathers of the Church v.63 1
The Fathers of the Church v.64 1
The Fathers of the Church v.65 1
The Fathers of the Church v.66 1
The Fathers of the Church v.67 1
The Fathers of the Church v.68 1
The Fathers of the Church v.69 1
The Fathers of the Church v.70 1
The Fathers of the Church v.71 1
The Fathers of the Church v.72 1
History of the Church v.01 1
History of the Church v.02 1
History of the Church v.03 1
History of the Church v.04 1
History of the Church v.05 1
History of the Church v.06 1
History of the Church v.07 1
History of the Church v.08 1
History of the Church v.09 1
History of the Church v.10 1
A patristic greek lexicon 1
Patrology v.1 c.1 1
Patrology v.2 c.1 1
Patrology v.3 c.1 1
Patrology v.4 c.1 1
Patrology : the eastern Fathers from the Council of Chalcedon 1

(451) to John of Damascus (+750) (tr. A. Walford)

Enchiridion patristicum 1
Historia con visos de novela de nuestra prisión en Surigao 1
Beginnings of the Filipino Dominicans (rev.ed.) 1
Historia de los Pp. Dominicos en las Islas Filipinas y en sus v.1 1
misiones del Japón, China, Tung-kin y Formosa
Historia de los Pp. Dominicos en las Islas Filipinas y en sus v.2 1
misiones del Japón, China, Tung-kin y Formosa
Historia de los Pp. Dominicos en las Islas Filipinas y en sus v.3 1
misiones del Japón, China, Tung-kin y Formosa
Historia de los Pp. Dominicos en las Islas Filipinas y en sus v.4 1
misiones del Japón, China, Tung-kin y Formosa
Historia de los Pp. Dominicos en las Islas Filipinas y en sus v.5 1
misiones del Japón, China, Tung-kin y Formosa
Historia de los Pp. Dominicos en las Islas Filipinas y en sus v.6 1
misiones del Japón, China, Tung-kin y Formosa
Historia del Archipiélago y otros reynos v.1 1
Misioneros y colonizadores agustinos en Filipinas 1
Conquistas de las Islas Filipinas (1565-1615) 1
Labor evangélica: Ministerios apostólicos de los obreros de la v.1 1
Compañía de Jesús, fundación, y progresos de su provincia en
las Islas Filipinas
Labor evangélica: Ministerios apostólicos de los obreros de la v.2 1
Compañía de Jesús, fundación, y progresos de su provincia en
las Islas Filipinas
Labor evangélica: Ministerios apostólicos de los obreros de la v.3 1
Compañía de Jesús, fundación, y progresos de su provincia en
las Islas Filipinas
The Jesuits in the Philippines (1581-1768) 1
Misión de la Compañía de Jesús de Filipinas en el siglo xix. v.1 1
Relación histórica deducida de los documentos autógrafos,
originales e impresos relativos a la misma
Misión de la Compañía de Jesús de Filipinas en el siglo xix. v.2 1
Relación histórica deducida de los documentos autógrafos,
originales e impresos relativos a la misma
Misión de la Compañía de Jesús de Filipinas en el siglo xix. v.3 1
Relación histórica deducida de los documentos autógrafos,
originales e impresos relativos a la misma
Misiones jesuíticas de Filipinas. 1581-1768 y 1859-1924 1
Philippine Jesuits. 1581-1768 and 1859-1924 (tr. Cullum, L.A.) 1

Noticias biográficas del R. P. Juan Bautista Heras de la 1

Compañía de Jesús
Nuestra prisión en poder de los revolucionarios filipinos 1
Ensayo de una síntesis de los trabajos realizados por las v.1 1
corporaciones religiosas españolas de Filipinas
Ensayo de una síntesis de los trabajos realizados por las v.2 1
corporaciones religiosas españolas de Filipinas
Diccionario de San Juan de la Cruz 1
Los Dominicos en el Extremo Oriente 1

Dominicos donde nace el sol. 1

A dictionary of Asian Christianity 1
The Christianization of the Philippines 1
Martyrologium romanum ex decreto sacrosancti oecumenici 1
concilii vaticani ii instauratum auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II
promulgatum (editio altera)
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede s.1 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede s.2 (index) 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede s.3 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.01 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.02 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.03 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.04 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.05 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.06 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.07 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.08 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.09 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.10 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.11 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.12 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.13 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.14 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.15 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.16 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.17 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.18 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.19 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.20 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.21 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.22 1
Enchiridion Vaticanum: documenti della Santa Sede v.23 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.01 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.02 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.03 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.04 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.05 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.06 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.07 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.08 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.09 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.10 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.11 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.12 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.13 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.14 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.15 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.16 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.17 1
New Catholic encyclopedia v.18 1
Modern Catholic dictionary c.2 1
Fontes. Documenti fondamentali di Storia della Chiesa 1

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 1 : La chiesa primitiva v.01 1

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 2 : Dalla fine del II secolo alla pace v.02 1
costantiniana (313)
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 3 : Dalla pace costantina alla morte di v.03 p.1 1

Teodosio (313-395). Pt. 1

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 3 : Dalla pace costantina alla morte di v.03 p.2 1

Teodosio (313-395). Pt. 2

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 4 : Dalla morte di Teodosio all'avvento v.04 1

di S. Gregorio Magno (395-590)

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 5 : San Gregorio Magno, gli stati v.05 1
barbarici e la conquista araba (590-757)
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 6 : L'epoca carolingia (757-888) v.06 1
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 7 : L'epoca feudale. La Chiesa del v.07 1
particolarismo (888-1057)
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 8 : La riforma gregoriana e la v.08 1
riconquista cristiana (1057-1123)
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 9 : Dal Primo Concilio Lateranense v.09 p.1 1

all'avvento di Innocenzo III (1123-1198). Pt. 1

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 10 : La cristianità romana v.10 1

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 11 : La crisi del trecento e il papato v.11 1

avignonese (1274-1378)
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 12 : Le istituzioni ecclesiastiche della v.12 p.1 1

cristianità medievale (1130-1378). Pt. 1.

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 12 : Le istituzioni ecclesiastiche della v.12 p.2 1
cristianità medievale (1130-1378). Pt. 2.
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 13 : Il movimento dottrinale nei secoli v.13 1

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 14 : La Chiesa al tempo del grande v.14 p.1 1
scisma e della crisi conciliare (1378-1449). Pt. 1
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 14 : La Chiesa al tempo del grande v.14 p.2 1
scisma e della crisi conciliare (1378-1449). Pt. 2
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 14 : La Chiesa al tempo del grande v.14 p.3 1
scisma e della crisi conciliare (1378-1449). Pt. 3
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 15 : La Chiesa e il rinascimento (1449- v.15 1
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 16 : La crisi religiosa del secolo XVI v.16 1

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 17 : La Chiesa all'epoca del Concilio di v.17 1

Trento (1545-1563)
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 18 : La restaurazione cattolica dopo il v.18 p.1 1
Concilio di Trento (1563-1648)
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 18B : La Chiesa nell'età v.18 p.2 1
dell'assolutismo confessionale : dal Concilio di Trento alla pace
di Westfalia
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 19 : Le lotte politiche e dottrinali nei v.19 p.1 1
secoli XVII e XVIII (1648-1789). Pt. 1
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 19 : Le lotte politiche e dottrinali nei v.19 p.2 1
secoli XVII e XVIII (1648-1789). Pt. 2
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 20, Pt. 1 : La crisi rivoluzionaria v.20 p.1 1
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 20, Pt. 2 : La ristaurazione e crisi v.20 p.2 1
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 21 : Il pontificato di Pio IX (1846- v.21 p.1 1
1878). Pt. 1
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 21 : Il pontificato di Pio IX (1846- v.21 p.2 1
1878). Pt. 2
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 22 : La Chiesa e la società industriale v.22 p.1 1
(1878-1922). Pt. 1
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 22 : La Chiesa e la società industriale v.22 p.2 1
(1878-1922). Pt. 2
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 23 : I cattolici nel mondo v.23 1
contemporaneo (1922-1958)
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 24 : Dalle missioni alle Chiese locali v.24 1

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 25 : La Chiesa del Vaticano II (1958- v.25 p.1 1
1978). Pt. 1
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 25 : La Chiesa del Vaticano II (1958- v.25 p.2 1
1978). Pt. 2
Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 26 : I cattolici e le Chiese christiane v.26 1

durante il pontificato di Giovanni Paolo II (1978-2005)

Storia della Chiesa. Vol. 9 : Dal Primo Concilio Lateranense v.9 p.2 1

all'avvento di Innocenzo III (1123-1198). Pt. 2

Anales Ecclesiasticos de Philipinas : 1574-1682 (Philippine v.1 1
Church History: A summary translation)
Anales Ecclesiasticos de Philipinas : 1574-1682 (Philippine v.2 1
Church History: A summary translation)
Pastoral Letters 1945-1995 c.1 1

Breve reseña de lo que fue y de lo que es la Diócesis de Cebú c.1 1

en las Islas Filipinas
Abingdon dictionary of living religions 1
Grande dizionario delle religioni v.1 1
Grande dizionario delle religioni v.2 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences index 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.01 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.02 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.03 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.04 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.05 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.06 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.07 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.08 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.09 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.10 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.11 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.12 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.13 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.14 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.15 1
International encyclopedia of the social sciences v.16 1
Stroud’s judicial dictionary v.1 1
Stroud’s judicial dictionary v.2 1
Stroud’s judicial dictionary v.3 1
Stroud’s judicial dictionary v.4 1
Stroud’s judicial dictionary v.5 1
Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. 11th ed. 1
Webster’s third new international dictionary v.1 1
Webster’s third new international dictionary v.2 1
Webster’s third new international dictionary v.3 1
Cassell's new German dictionary c.1 1
Cassell's new French dictionary c.1 1
Dizionario italiano latino 1
Cassell’s Italian-English dictionary c.3 1
Larousse gran diccionario Español-Ingles 1
Lexicon abbreviaturarum: Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed 1
italiane (6th ed.)
A Latin dictionary 1
Lexicon Recentis Latinitatis vv.1-2 1
Cassell's Latin dictionary : latin-english english-latin (1968) 1
Vocabolario della lingua latina: IL: latino-italiano italiano-latina 1

A primer of ecclesiastical Latin 1

A greek-english lexicon (1940) 1

A greek-english lexicon of the New Testament and other early 1

christian literature
Theological lexicon of the New Testament v.1 1
Theological lexicon of the New Testament v.2 1
Theological lexicon of the New Testament v.3 1
English-Pilipino dictionary 1
Diccionario Tagalog-Hispano 1
English-Tagalog dictionary c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.01 c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.02 c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.03 c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.04 c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.05 c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.06 c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.07 c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.08 c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.09 c.1 1
Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.10 c.1 1
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 4th ed. 1
text rev.
Antiphonale missarum sextuplex 1
Familiar quotations 1
The voyage of Ferdinand Magellan (tr. P.G.H. Schreurs) 1
Webster's biographical dictionary (1st ed., 1943) 1
El Archipiélago Filipino. Colección de datos geográficos, v.1 1
estadísticos, cronológicos y científicos relativos al mismo,
estresacados de anteriores obras ú obtenidos con la propia
observación y estudio por algunos padres de la misión de la
Compañía de Jesús en estas islas
El Archipiélago Filipino. Colección de datos geográficos, v.2 1
estadísticos, cronológicos y científicos relativos al mismo,
estresacados de anteriores obras ú obtenidos con la propia
observación y estudio por algunos padres de la misión de la
Compañía de Jesús en estas islas
The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.01-03 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.04-06 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.07-09 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.10-12 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.13-15 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.16-18 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.19-21 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.22-24 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.25-27 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.28-30 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.31-33 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.34-35 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.36-38 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.39-41 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.42-44 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.45-47 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.48-50 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.51-53 c.1 1

The Philippine islands: 1493-1898 vv.54-55 c.1 1

Relacion de las Islas Filipinas: The Philippines in 1600 c.1 1

Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.01 1
Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.02 1
Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.03 1
Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.04 1
Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.05 1
Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.06 1
Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.07 1
Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.08 1
Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.09 1
Kasaysayan: History of the Filipinos. v.10 1
1872 (tr. Molina, A.) 1
Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descrubrimiento, v.1 1
conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones
españolas de últramar: Istlas Filipinas
Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descrubrimiento, v.2 1
conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones
españolas de últramar: Istlas Filipinas
Memorias del cautiverio (páginas de la revolución filipina) 1
Apuntes documentados de la revolución en toda la isla de c.1 1
La historia de las Islas e Indios Visayas del Padre Alcina 1
For all the peoples of Asia. Vol. 1: Documents from 1970 to v.1 1
For all the peoples of Asia. Vol. 4: Documents from 2002 to v.4 1
CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
001 Se6 Sertillanges, A.D. The intellectual life 1
004.03 D7593 Downing, D.; Covington, M. Dictionary of computer terms 1
004.165 G641 Gookin, D. PC for dummies per dos e windows 1
006.03 L8295 Logika: grande enciclopedia di informatica v.1 1
006.03 L8295 Logika: grande enciclopedia di informatica v.2 1
006.03 L8295 Logika: grande enciclopedia di informatica v.3 1
006.03 L8295 Logika: grande enciclopedia di informatica v.4 1
006.03 L8295 Logika: grande enciclopedia di informatica v.5 1
006.03 L8295 Logika: grande enciclopedia di informatica v.6 1
016.05 Un388 University Microfilms Serials and newspapers in microform. 1992/93 catalog 1
016.2302 C52 Clancy, T. English Catholic books, 1641 - 1700 : a bibliography. 1
016.23291 B46 Besuti, G. Bibliogafia Mariana 1978-1984 c.1 1
016.23291 B46 Besuti, G. Bibliogafia Mariana 1978-1984 c.2 1
016.26185 B32 Bauer, G. Towards a theology of development 1
016.26215 L14 Scola, A. et al. (eds.) Il laicato : rassegna bibliografica c.1 1
016.26215 L14 Scola, A. et al. (eds.) Il laicato : rassegna bibliografica c.2 1
016.2629 C91 Cunningham, R.G. An annotated bibliography of the Canon Law Society of 1
America 1965-1980
016.2717302 D5635 Diego Sánchez, M. Bibliografía sistemática de San Juan de la Cruz 1
016.282 H22 Hardon, J. The Catholic lifetime reading plan 1
016.30540208 P87 Powerful images: a women's guide to audiovisual 1
016.33332 L23 Food and Agriculture Bibliography on land tenure 1
Organization of the United
016.334 C7883 United Nations Organization. Select bibliography on cooperation 1
Food and Agriculture
016.94521 B6388 Bologna, G. Dediche della Trivulziana alla Comunità Europea 1
016.95 F46 Fenton, T.P.; Heffron, M.J. Asia and Pacific: a directory of resources 1
025.3 B47165 Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Norme per il catalogo degli stampati (3rd ed.) 1

028.5 M6351 Lenard, A. (tr.) Winnie ille pu: a latin version of A.A. Milne's Winnie-the- 1
032 F73 Bullock, A.; Stallybrass, O. The Fontana dictionary of modern thought 1
034.2 L7675 Le livre Guinness des records. Le livre officiel 1
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale app. 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.1 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.10 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.11 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.12 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.13 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.2 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.3 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.4 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.5 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.6 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.7 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.8 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 C7632 Conoscere : grande enciclopedia di cultura generale v.9 1
documentata completamente con illustrazioni a colori
035 N928 Nuovissima enciclopedia generale de Agostini v.1 1
035 N928 Nuovissima enciclopedia generale de Agostini v.2 1
035 N928 Nuovissima enciclopedia generale de Agostini v.3 1
035.1 C7632 Conoscere : dizionario enciclopedico illustrato v.1 1
035.1 C7632 Conoscere : dizionario enciclopedico illustrato v.2 1
035.1 C7632 Conoscere : dizionario enciclopedico illustrato v.3 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
035.1 C7632 Conoscere : dizionario enciclopedico illustrato v.4 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.1 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.10 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.11 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.12 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.13 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.14 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.15 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.16 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.17 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.18 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.19 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.2 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.20 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.21 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.22 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.3 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.4 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.5 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.6 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.7 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.8 1
036.1 L5919 Lexis 22 diccionario enciclopédico v.9 1
069.53 In821 International Centre for the ICCROM forum on living religious heritage : conserving 1
Study and Preservation and the sacred. Rome, 20-22 October 2003. Compilation of
Restoration of Cultural preliminary papers. Updated version (14 October 2003)
082 Z831 Zuck, R.B. The speaker's quote book : over 4,500 illustrations and 1
quotations for all occasions
082.1 H26 Harvard Classics. Sacred writings, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, v.1 1
098.11 B91 Burke, R.A. What is the Index 1
100 B6951 Boyer, C. Cursus philosophiae v.1 1
100 B6951 Boyer, C. Cursus philosophiae v.2 1
100 D61 di Napoli, I. Manuale philosophiae ad usum seminariorum v.1 1
100 D61 di Napoli, I. Manuale philosophiae ad usum seminariorum v.2 1
100 D61 di Napoli, I. Manuale philosophiae ad usum seminariorum v.3 1
100 D61 di Napoli, I. Manuale philosophiae ad usum seminariorum v.4 1
100 K26 Keilbach, W. Einübung ins philosophische Denken 1
100 M83 Morris, H. Philosophy for beginners 1
102 Z73 Zoffoli, E. Principi di filosofia 1
103 B83 Brugger, W. Diccionario de filosofía 1
104 M19 McKeon, R. Thought action and passion 1
109 B38 Beaucamp, Evode The Bible and the universe : Israel and the theology of 1
109 R12 Raeymaeker, L. Introduction to philosophy 1
109 Si157 Siegfried, F.P. Essentialia philosophiae 1
110 Al25 Alessi, A. Metafisica (Biblioteca di scienze religiose) 1
110 B6342 Bogliolo, L. Metafisica e teologia razionale 1
110 D9233 Duns Scotus, J. Prologo dell'Ordinatio. Traduzione italiana con testo 1
originale a fronte
111 Al88 Alvira, T. Metafisica 1
111 B63 Bobik, J. Aquinas on being and essence ... 1
111 R121 Raeymaeker, L. The philosophy of being 1
111.1 Ow2 Owens, J. An interpretation of existence 1
113 G774 Gratton, L. Cosmologia: la visione scientifica del mondo attraverso i 1
113 H1221 van Hagens, B. Filosofia della natura 1
113 Se49 Selvaggi, F. Filosofia del mondo- cosmologia 1
113 T23 Teilhard de Chardin The phenomenon of man 1
113 W5 Whitehead, A.N. Process and reality: an essay in cosmology 1
116 F84 Francoeur, R. Perspectives in evolution 1
121 B6108 Blandino, G. An outline of the philosophy of knowledge and science 1
121 K135 Kant, I. Critica del giudizio (tr. A. Gargiulo) 1
121 K135 Kant, I. Critica della ragion pura (trs. G. Gentile; G. Lombardo- 1
121 L7703 Llano, A. Gnoseology 1
121 L84 Lonergan, B. Insight: a study of human understanding 1
121 St32 Steenberghen, F. Epistemology 1
121.7 H52 Hick, J. Faith and the philosophers 1
121.8 F9892 Bindé, J. (ed.) The future of values : 21st-century talks 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
123.5 M13 MacConaill, M. Bodily structure and the will 1
128 V318 Vanier, J. Becoming human 1
128.2 H36 Heidegger, M. What is called thinking? 1
128.4 J61 John Paul II, Pope Osoba i czyn. Italian = Persona e atto ... 1
128.5 F323 Feifel, H. (ed.) The meaning of death 1
131.34 G28 Gemelli, A. Psychoanalysis today 1
131.342 F172 Faithfull, T. A handbook of self-analysis 1
131.342 St71 Storr, A. The integrity of the personality 1
131.3462 F89 Freud, S. Delusion and dream and other essays 1
132 C67 Coleman, J. Abnormal psychology and modern life 1
133 T23 Teilhard de Chardin The future of man 1
133.426 B1932 Balducci, C. Gli indemoniati 1
136.4973 R44 Riesman, D. The lonely crowd 1
136.763 Ai18 Aichorn, A. Wayward youth 1
137 C29 Catell, R. The scientific analysis of personality 1
142.7 M547 Merleau-Ponty, M. Phenomenology of perception. Tr. C. Smith 1
150 Ad59 Adler, M. What man has made of man 1
150 D71 Donceel, J.F. Philosophical psychology 1
150 G23 Gauld, A. Human action and its psychological investigation 1
150 K11 Kagan, J. Psychology : an introduction 1
150 P87 Powers, G. New outlooks in psychology 1
150 W58 Wittig, A. Psychology 1
150 W93 Wright, D.S. Introducing psychology: an experimental approach 1
150.13 Ir1 Irala, Narciso Achieving peace of heart. 1
150.13 M45 May, R. Man’s search for himself 1
150.19 R63 Rogers, C. A way of being 1
150.19432 W33 Watson, J. Behaviorism 1
150.195 F85 Frankl, V. Man's search for meaning : an introduction to logotherapy 1

150.1952 F89 Freud, S. Totem and taboo 1

150.1952 L379 Lauzun, G. Sigmund Freud : the man and his theories 1
150.1954 In66 Innocenti, E. Critica alla psicoanalisi (3rd ed.) 1
150.1954 In66 Innocenti, E. Critica alla psicoanalisi (4th ed.) 1
150.1982 K82 Kohler, W. Gestalt psychology 1
152.4 H19 Handly, R. Anxiety and panic attacks 1
152.452 B42 Bem, D. Beliefs, attitudes, and human affairs. 1
153.1 Os3 Osgood The measurement of meaning 1
153.6 El37 Elgin, S. The gentle art of verbal self-defense 1
153.8 B27 Barrett, E. Strength of will 1
155.4 T98 Tyrrell, T. Urgent longings 1
155.630882 K29 Kelsey, M. God, dreams and revelation 1
155.82 L57 Levy-Bruhl, L. The soul of the primitive… 1
155.93 K9515 Kübler-Ross, E. La morte e il morire. 11th ed. 1
157.2 M45 May, R. Love and will 1
158 D942 Dusay, J.M. Egograms : how i see you and you see me 1
158 P8711 Powell, J. Why am I afraid to love? 1
158.1 Al54 Allers, R. Self improvement 1
158.1 M7811 Moore, T. Care of the soul c.1 1
158.1 M7811 Moore, T. Care of the soul c.2 1
158.1 N46 Newman, M. How to be your own best friend 1
158.1 P33 Peck, M Further along the road less traveled 1
158.1 R49 Riso, D. R. The enneagram 1
158.1 St36 Stein, M.L. The T-factor: how to understand time and use it right 1
158.12 T34 A 3rd serving of chicken soup for the soul 1
158.2 Ar39 Argyle, M. The psychology of interpersonal behaviour 1
158.2 P8711 Powell, J.; Brady, L. Will the real me please stand up? (so we can all get to 1
know you!) 25 guidelines for good communication
158.4 H99 Hyde, D. Como formar dirigentes 1
158.7 L14 Laird, D. Psychology: Human relations and adjustment 1
158.9 H1401 Hall, B.P. The genesis effect : personal and organizational 1
160.8 Sa583 Sanguineti, J.J. Logica filosofica 1
169 K2954 Kelly, B. The metaphysical background of analogy 1
170 C28 Cathrein, V. Philosophia moralis 1
170 F63 Fletcher, J. Situation ethics 1
170 G48 Glenn, P. Ethics 1
170 K135 Kant, I. Critica della ragion pratica (tr. F. Capra) 1
170 L55 Lepp, I. The authentic morality: new insights on war and peace, 1
love and marriage, asceticism, lying, the common good, in
the light of depth psychology
170 M3663 Martínez del Campo, R. Etica (6th ed.) 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
170 R2276 Hall, B. et al. (eds.) Readings in value development 1
170 R73 Rosmini, A. Principles of ethics 1
170 W269 Was die Menschheit bewegt / Ce qui agite l'humanité / 1
Cosa muove l'umanità
170.202 V27 van Kaam, A. The participant self (sequel to The emergent self) v.2 1
170.20223 Sn92 Snyder, R. Young people and their culture 1
171 Oc5 O'Connor, D.J. Aquinas and natural law. 1
171.1 C76 Conway, J.D. Modern moral problems 1
171.1 H34 Healy, E. Moral guidance 1
171.1 V89 von Hildebrand, D. Christian ethics 1
171.5 B73 Brandt, R. Morality, utilitarianism and rights 1
172.4 Et373 Coicaud, J.-M.; Warner, D. Ethics and international affairs : extent and limits 1
174 P33 Peck, M. A world waiting to be born : civility rediscovered. 1
174.2 C23 Carroll, M.G. (tr.) New problems in medical ethics, n.3: Intersexuality, the 1
medical secret
174.2 H22 Haring, B. Manipulation: ethical boundaries of medical, behavioural 1
and genetic manipulation
174.2 H22 Haring, B. Medical ethics 1
174.2 H23 McCarthy, D.G. et al. Handbook on critical life issues (rev. ed., 1988) 1
174.2 L9592 Lozano Barragán, J. Metabioethics and biomedicine 1
174.2 L9592 Lozano Barragán, J. Metabioética y biomedicina 1
174.2 M3811 Mason, J.K.; McCall Smith, Law and medical ethics. 3rd ed. 1
174.2 Od5 O’Donnell, T. Medicine and christian morality 1
174.2 P36 Pellegrino, E. For the patient’s good 1
174.2 P37 Pence, G. Classic cases in medical ethics 1
174.2 P81 Pope John XXIII Medical Moral Genetic counseling, the church and the law. 1
Research & Education Center

174.2 W67 Pope John XXIII Medical Moral The interaction of Catholic bioethics and secular society 1
Research & Education Center

174.2 W89 Workshop for Bishops of the The new technologies of birth and death 1
United States and Canada
174.2 W89 Workshops … The splendor of truth and health care 1
174.24 C76 Conserving human life 1
174.24 M27 Maguire, D. Death of choice 1
174.25 An223 Ancora, G. et al. Biotecnologie animali e vegetali: nuove frontiere e nuove c.1 1
174.25 An223 Ancora, G. et al. Biotecnologie animali e vegetali: nuove frontiere e nuove c.2 1
174.4 C28 Catholic Church… At the service of the human community … 1
174.4 G5861 Gómez Pérez, R. What's right and wrong in business? (2nd ed., Ética 1
empresarial : teoría y casos)
176 R47 Pope John XXIII Center Reproductive technologies, marriage and the Church 1
176 T34 Thielicke, H. The ethics of sex. 1
176.19 H19 Hanigan, J.P. What are they saying about sexual morality? 1
179.5 H19 Hanghey, J. Should anyone say forever? 1
179.7 C13 Callahan, D. Abortion: law, choice and morality 1
179.9 P74 Plus, R. Simplicity 1
181.45 M2775 Maharaj, S. The Sār bachan : an abstract of the teachings of Swamiji 1
Maharaj, the founder of the Radha Swami system of
philosophy and spiritual science, the yoga of the sound
181.45 Si93 Sivananda, S. Sadhana 1
184 P6971 Plato Complete works (ed. J.M. Cooper) 1
185 B2624 Barnes, J. (ed.) The complete works of Aristotle. The revised oxford v.1 1
185 B2624 Barnes, J. (ed.) The complete works of Aristotle. The revised oxford v.2 1
185 B85 Buchdahl, G. Induction and necessity in the philosophy of Aristotle 1
187 Ep42 Epicurus Opere (ed. E. Bignone) 1
189.2 C54 Clark, M.T. Augustine : philosopher of freedom: a study in 1
comparative philosophy
189.4 D39 A latin-english dictionary of St. Thomas Aquinas c.2 1
189.4 D497 Devlin, C. The psychology of Duns Scotus 1
189.4 Ey55 van den Eynde, D. Essai sur la succession et la date des écrits de Hugues 1
de Saint-Victor
189.4 K69 Klocker, H. Thomism and modern thought 1
189.4 K76 Knowles, D. The historical context of the philosophical work 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
189.4 V33 Vann, G. Saint Thomas Aquinas 1
189.4 W17 Walz, A. San Tomaso d'Aquino : studi bibliografici sul dottore c.1 1
189.4 W17 Walz, A. San Tomaso d'Aquino : studi bibliografici sul dottore c.2 1
190 C79 Copleston, F. A history of philosophy vv.1-3 c.2 1
190 C79 Copleston, F. A history of philosophy vv.4-6 c.2 1
190 C79 Copleston, F. A history of philosophy vv.7-9 c.2 1
190 T85 Turner, W. History of philosophy 1
190.463 W53 Wetter, G. Dialectical materialism: a historical and systematic survey 1
of philosophy in the Soviet Union
190.463 W53 Wetter, G. El materialismo dialéctico: su historia y su sistema en la 1
unión soviética
190.8 G41 Gill, J. Philosophy today 1
190.9024 K89 Kristeller, P. Renaissance thought 1
191 H763 Hook, S. The quest for being 1
191 Sch58 Schneider, H. A history of American philosophy 1
192 Ay24 Ayer, J.A. Russell 1
192 R91 Pears, D.F. Bertrand Russell and the British tradition in philosophy 1
192 W784 Wittgenstein, L. Tractatus logico-philosophicus e Quaderni 1914-1916 (tr. 1
A.G. Conte)
192.2 M48 Mellert, R. What is process theology 1
193 H3618 Hegel, G.W.F. Fenomenologia dello spirito (tr. E. de Negri) v.1 1
193 H3618 Hegel, G.W.F. Fenomenologia dello spirito (tr. E. de Negri) v.2 1
193 H3618 Hegel, G.W.F. Encyclopedia delle scienze filosofiche in compendio (tr. B. 1
193 Scr84 Scruton, R. Kant 1
193 Si64 Singer, P. Hegel 1
193 St342 Stein, E. Life in a jewish family : her unfinished autobiographical 1
194 M547 Baldwin, T. (ed.) Maurice Merleau-Ponty : basic writings 1
194.2 M33 Maritain, J. Existence and the existent 1
195 B64411 Bonomi, G. G. Vailati v.1 1
195 B64411 Bonomi, G. G. Vailati v.2 1
195 B64411 Bonomi, G. G. Vailati v.3 1
195 G3139 Gerdil, G.S. Opere scelte del cardinale Giacinto Sigismundo Gerdil 1
195 L51 Leetham, C. Rosmini, priest, philosopher and patriot 1
198.9 Ar16 Arbaugh, G. Kierkegaard’s authorship 1
200 Al54 Allegro, J.M. The sacred mushroom and the Cross: a study of the 1
nature and origins of Christianity within the fertility cults of
the ancient Near East
200.1 Al 25 Alessi, A. Filosofia della religione. 1
200.1 B46 Bettis, J. Phenomenology of religion : eight modern descriptions ... 1

200.1 L25 Lang, Albert Wesen und wahrheit der religion. 1

200.1 Sa494 Samuel, H.; Dingle, H. A threefold cord: philosophy, science, religion. A 1
discussion between Viscount Samuel and Professor
Herbert Dingle
200.19 M58 Milanesi, Giancarlo Psicologia della religione. 1
200.19 W58 White, V. God and the unconscious 1
200.9 J23 James, E.O. Comparative religion 1
200.95 M61 Miller, R. Religious ferment in Asia 1
200.95 On18 Kroeger, J.H.; Thalman, E.F. Once upon a time in Asia : stories of harmony and peace 1
201 Au6 Auricchio, John The future of theology. 1
201 B21 Balthasar, H. A theology of history (Theologie der Geschichte) 1
201 B3911 Bednarski, A.F. Introduzione alla teologia della cultura 1
201 B53 Birnbaum, Norman Sociology and religion : a book of readings. 1
201 B91 Burgalassi, S. Italiani in Chiesa: analisi sociologica del comportamento 1
201 C4962 Circolo Nova Spes Verso un umanesimo della nuova speranza 1
201 C76 Consultation on Theology and In search of theology of development : papers from a 1
Development … consultation…
201 L96 Luckmann, Thomas The invisible religion : the problem of religion in modern... 1

201 M4265 Mathieu, V. Per una cultura dell'essere 1

201 P1968 Paoletti, L. Unità della persona 1
201 P36 Nicholls, W. Systematic and philosophical theology (Pelican guide to 1
modern theology v.1)
201 R2482 Reding, M. Der Aufbau der christlichen Existenz 1
201 T23 Teilhard de Chardin Le milieu divin 1
201 T23 Teilhard de Chardin The divine milieu 1
201.1 W82 Woelfel, J. Borderland Christianity 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
201.6 C55 Clark, Walter H. The psychology of religion : an introduction to religious 1
experience and behavior.
203 Sa14 Sacramentum Mundi v.1 c.2 1
203 Sa14 Sacramentum Mundi v.2 c.2 1
203 Sa14 Sacramentum Mundi v.3 c.2 1
203 Sa14 Sacramentum Mundi v.4 c.2 1
203 Sa14 Sacramentum Mundi v.5 c.2 1
203 Sa14 Sacramentum Mundi v.6 c.2 1
204 C28 Catholic approaches 1
207 C2862 Catholic Church. Second Declaratio de educatione christiana 1
Vatican Council
207.11 B46 Beyond theological tourism 1
207.11 C28 Catholic Church. Sacred The theological formation of future priests. c.1 1
Congregation for Catholic
207.11 C28 Catholic Church. Sacred The theological formation of future priests. c.2 1
Congregation for Catholic
207.11 C28 Catholic Church. Sacred The theological formation of future priests. c.3 1
Congregation for Catholic
207.11 C28 Catholic Church. Sacred The theological formation of future priests. c.4 1
Congregation for Catholic
207.11 C28 Catholic Church. Sacred The theological formation of future priests. c.5 1
Congregation for Catholic
207.11 C28 Catholic Church. Sacred The theological formation of future priests. c.6 1
Congregation for Catholic
207.11 C28 Catholic Church. Sacred The theological formation of future priests. c.7 1
Congregation for Catholic
207.11 C28 Catholic Church. Sacred The theological formation of future priests. c.8 1
Congregation for Catholic
207.11 W12 Wagoner, W.D. The seminary: Protestant and Catholic 1
207.112 Ar786 Artioli, N. Sessualità e vocazione per seminaristi dei corsi superiori 1

207.112 C28 Catholic Church. Congregatio Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis c.1 1
pro Institutione Catholica
207.112 C28 Catholic Church. Congregatio Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis c.2 1
pro Institutione Catholica
207.112 C28 Catholic Church. Congregatio The basic plan for priestly education. 1
pro Institutione Catholica
207.112 C28 Catholic Church. Congregation Guidelines for the study and teaching of the church's c.1 1
for Catholic Education social doctrine in the formation of priests

207.112 C28 Catholic Church. Congregation Guidelines for the study and teaching of the church's c.2 1
for Catholic Education social doctrine in the formation of priests

207.112 C28 Catholic Church. Congregation Guidelines for the study and teaching of the church's c.3 1
for Catholic Education social doctrine in the formation of priests

207.112 C28 Catholic Church. Congregation Guidelines for the study and teaching of the church's c.4 1
for Catholic Education social doctrine in the formation of priests

207.112 C28 Catholic Church. Congregation Guidelines for the study and teaching of the church's c.5 1
for Catholic Education social doctrine in the formation of priests

207.112 C28 Catholic Church. Congregation Guidelines for the study and teaching of the church's c.6 1
for Catholic Education social doctrine in the formation of priests

207.112 C28 Catholic Church. National The program of priestly formation. 1

Conference of Catholic
207.112 C2862 Suquía Goicoechea, A. (ed.) De formatione clericorum documenta quaedam recentiora v.2 1

207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Directives concerning the preparation of seminary c.1 1
for Catholic Education educators


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Directives concerning the preparation of seminary c.2 1
for Catholic Education educators

207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Directives on the formation of seminarians concerning 1
for Catholic Education problems related to marriage and the family

207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred L'ordinamento dei seminari da S. Pio X a Pio XII 1
Congregation for Seminaries
and Universities
207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Lineamenta : The formation of priests in the c.1 1
Bishops. Eighth Ordinary circumstances of the present day
General Assembly
207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Lineamenta : The formation of priests in the c.2 1
Bishops. Eighth Ordinary circumstances of the present day
General Assembly
207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Lineamenta : The formation of priests in the c.3 1
Bishops. Eighth Ordinary circumstances of the present day
General Assembly
207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Instrumentum laboris : De sacerdotibus formandis in 1
Bishops. Eighth Ordinary hodiernis adiunctis. Textus latinus-anglicus
General Assembly
207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Instrumentum laboris : De sacerdotibus formandis in 1
Bishops. Eighth Ordinary hodiernis adiunctis. Textus latinus-italicus
General Assembly
207.112 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Instrumentum laboris : The formation of priests in the 1
Bishops. Eighth Ordinary circumstances of the present day
General Assembly
207.112 C46 Christopher Study Week Apostolic renewal in the seminary ... 1
207.112 C92 « Mi ami tu? » (Gv 21,15) : Il Cuore di Cristo e la 1
formazione sacerdotale oggi. Atti del sesto convegno
sacerdotale internazionale della Lega Sacerdotale
Mariana svoltosi a Milano presso l'Università Cattolica dal
3 all'8 settembre 1989
207.112 F7652 XI Simposio Internacional de La formación de los sacerdotes en las circunstancias 1
Teología actuales
207.112 G93 Guasco, Maurilio Seminari e clero nel novecento. 1
207.112 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Esortazione apostolica postsinodale Pastores dabo vobis 1
sulla formazione dei sacerdoti nelle cirscostanze attuali

207.112 M18 Maciel, M. Integral formation of catholic priests 1

207.112 N78 Norms for priestly formation 1
207.112 P365 Pelliccia, G. La preparazione ed ammissione dei chierici ai santi ordini 1
nella Roma del secolo xvi : studio storico con fonti inedite

207.112 Sa551 Sánchez Sánchez, C. Selección y formación de los aspirantes al sacerdocio : 1

comentario a la Carta de la Sagrada Congregación con
motivo del III centenario de la muerte de San Vicente de
207.73 C28 NCCB The program of priestly formation. 1
207.73 M11 Maartil, Germaan Los seminarios hoy : problemas de formación sacerdotal. c.1 1

207.73 M11 Maartil, Germaan Los seminarios hoy : problemas de formación sacerdotal. c.2 1

208 L58 Lewis, C. Christian reflections 1

208 Sp48 Spirit as inquiry : studies in honor of Bernard Lonergan 1
208 T27 Teresa of Avila, Saint St. Teresa of Avila: Selected writings 1
208.1 B64 Bonaventure, St. Mystical Opuscula (The Works of Bonaventure v.1) 1
208.1 T27 Teresa of Avila, Saint The Life of Teresa of Jesus (tr. Peers, E.A.) 1
208.1 T27 Teresa of Avila, Saint The complete works of Saint Teresa of Jesus. 1
208.1 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint The pocket Aquinas : selections from the writings of St. 1
Thomas Aquinas
208.2 N39 Neuheausler, Engelbert Was ist theologie? 1
209 R47 Ring, George Cyril Gods of the Gentiles 1
209.046 Q5 Quoist, M. Christ is alive! c.1 1
209.046 Q5 Quoist, M. Christ is alive! c.2 1
209.2 F99 Fynn Mister God, this is Anna 1
209.22 M89 Muggeridge, M. A third Testament 1
209.4 C73 The common Christian roots of the European nations v.1 1
209.4 C73 The common Christian roots of the European nations v.2 1
209.8 G98 Gutierrez, G. We drink from our own wells 1
210 B2341 Barbiellini Amidei, G. La riscoperta di Dio 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
210 Sh359 Sheen, F.J. God and intelligence in modern philosophy: a critical study 1
in the light of the philosophy of Saint Thomas
211.6 V58 Verhalen, P.A. Faith in a secularized world: 1
211.8 B62 Bloch, Ernst Atheismus im Christentum 1
211.8 L11 Lacroix, J. The meaning of modern atheism 1
213 H87 Hulsbosch, A. God’s creation 1
213 P21 Parente, Pietro De creatione universali : de angelorum hominisque… 1
215 P534 Philberth, B. Revelation 1
215 R91 Russell, B. Religion and science 1
220 B47 La Sacra Bibbia v.1 1
220 B47 The Holy Bible v.1 1
220 B47 La Sacra Bibbia v.2 1
220 B47 La Sacra Bibbia v.3 1
220 B47 The Holy Bible v.3 1
220 B47 The Holy Bible v.4 1
220 B47 Holy Bible: Knox translation c.1 1
220 B47 Holy Bible: Knox translation c.2 1
220 B47 La Sacra Bibbia: edizione ufficiale della CEI 1
220 B47 The Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible. Revised 1
Standard Version. 2nd ed.
220 B81 Brown, R.E. Responses to 101 questions on the Bible. 1
220 W93 Wright, E.G. God who acts 1
220.016 M34 Marrow, S. Basic tools of biblical exegesis : students manual. 1
220.08822 S37 Béchard, D.P. (ed.) The Scripture documents: an anthology of official Catholic 1
220.12 B45 Bernini, I. Notae introductoriae in Sacram Scriptoram c.1 1
220.12 B45 Bernini, I. Notae introductoriae in Sacram Scriptoram c.2 1
220.13 R12 Rahner, K. Inspiration in the Bible 1
220.13 T75 Tromp, S. De Sacrae Scripturae inspiratione c.1 1
220.13 T75 Tromp, S. De Sacrae Scripturae inspiratione c.2 1
220.2 N42011 The New World dictionary-concordance to the New 1
American Bible
220.2 W63 Wigram, G. The word study concordance 1
220.3 In8 Crim, K. The interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible (supp.vol.) c.2 1
220.3 L55 Leon-Dufour, X. (ed.) Dictionary of Biblical theology (1967) 1
220.44 B47 Holy Bible (in Hebrew: OT) 1
220.44 B47 Holy Bible (in Hebrew: OT) 1
220.44 B47 Holy Bible (in Hebrew: OT) 1
220.44 B47 Holy Bible: Interlinear Hebrew, Greek, English 1
220.47 B47 Biblia Vulgata (3rd ed.) c.1 1
220.47 B47 Biblia Vulgata (3rd ed.) c.2 1
220.5 B47 La Bibbia (in lingua corrente) 1
220.5 B47 La Bible (en français courant) 1
220.52 B47 Martini, A. (ed.) La Sacra Bibbia secondo la Volgata v.1 1
220.52 B47 Martini, A. (ed.) La Sacra Bibbia secondo la Volgata v.2 1
220.52 B47 Martini, A. (ed.) La Sacra Bibbia secondo la Volgata v.3 1
220.52 B47 Martini, A. (ed.) La Sacra Bibbia secondo la Volgata v.4 1
220.52 B47 Martini, A. (ed.) La Sacra Bibbia secondo la Volgata v.5 1
220.52 B47 The Oxford annotated Bible 1
220.5204 Ox22 The Oxford annotated Bible with Apocrypha. Revised 1
Standard Version
220.520422 B47 The Holy Bible: revised standard version catholic edition 1

220.5205 B47 New American Bible. St. Joseph medium size edition 1
220.5205 B47 The Holy Bible (an ecumenical ed.) 1
220.5205 B47 The new American Bible (1970 ed.) 1
220.5205 B47 The new American Bible (with revised NT) 1
220.5206 B47 The new English Bible 1
220.5206 B47 The new English Bible (NT) 1
220.5206 B47 The new English Bible with Apocrypha 1
220.5207 B47 La Bibbia di Gerusalemme c.1 1
220.5207 B47 The Jerusalem Bible c.1 1
220.5207 B47 La Bibbia di Gerusalemme c.2 1
220.5207 B47 The Jerusalem Bible c.2 1
220.5207 B47 La sainte Bible 1
220.5207 B47 The Jerusalem Bible (popular ed.) 1
220.5207 Sa2 La sainte Bible 1
220.5208 B47 Good News Bible with Deuterocanonicals/NAB helps 1
220.5208 H7474 The Holy Bible: the messenger edition v.4 1
220.5209 B47 The Holy Bible (Knox version, 1957) 1
220.5209 B47 The Holy Bible (Knox version, 1961) 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
220.6 B47 Maertens, T. Bible themes v.1 1
220.6 B47 Maertens, T. Bible themes v.2 1
220.6 C28 Catholic Church. Pontificia Enchiridion Biblicum. 1
Commissio Biblica
220.6 C28 Enchiridion Biblicum (4th ed.) 1
220.6 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The interpretation of the Bible in the Church c.2 1
Biblical Commission
220.6 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The interpretation of the Bible in the Church 1
Biblical Commission
220.6 C2862 Pontifical Biblical Commission The jewish people and their Sacred Scriptures in the 1
Christian Bible
220.6 D28 Davidson, R.; Leaney A.R.C. Biblical criticism (Pelican guide to modern theology v.3) 1

220.6 F95 Fuller, R.H. Preaching the lectionary : the Word of God for the Church c.1 1
220.6 F95 Fuller, R.H. Preaching the lectionary : the Word of God for the Church c.2 1
220.6 F95 Fuller, R.H. Preaching the lectionary : the Word of God for the Church c.3 1
220.6 G5493 Delaney, R.J. (ed.) God's prophetic people. The proceedings of the III plenary 1
assembly of the World Catholic Federation for the Biblical
Apostolate (Bangalore, India; 12-24 August 1984)

220.6 L57 Levie, J. The Bible, Word of God in words of men c.1 1
220.6 L57 Levie, J. The Bible, Word of God in words of men c.2 1
220.6 L813 de Lubac, H. Scripture in the Tradition 1
220.6 M15 McVenue, S.E. The narrative style of the Priestly writer 1
220.601 C87 Croatto, J. S. Biblical hermeneutics 1
220.601 K29 Kelly, G.A. The new biblical theorists. 1
220.61 D74 Dougherty, J.J. Searching the Scriptures 1
220.67 B38 Beauchamp, P. Bible and inculturation (Inculturation n.3) 1
220.7 B47 Word Biblical commentary (Isa 34-66) v.25 1
220.7 B81 Brown , R.E. (ed.) The Jerome Biblical commentary c.2 1
220.7 B81 Brown , R.E. (ed.) The Jerome Biblical commentary c.3 1
220.7 C28 A Catholic commentary on Holy Scripture c.2 1
220.7 C28 A Catholic commentary on Holy Scripture c.3 1
220.7 N42 A new Catholic commentary on Holy Scripture c.2 1
220.7 N42 A new Catholic commentary on Holy Scripture c.3 1
220.7 T129 Taguchi, P.Y. The study of Sacred Scripture 1
220.82 Ah3 Ahern, Barnabas New horizons : studies in biblical theology. 1
220.91 N81 North, R. Stratigraphia geobiblica (3rd ed.) c.1 1
220.91 N81 North, R. Stratigraphia geobiblica (3rd ed.) c.2 1
220.91 N81 North, R. Stratigraphia geobiblica (3rd ed.) c.3 1
220.92 C1398 Calvocoressi, P. Who's who in the Bible 1
220.922 D73 Doré, G. I grandi personaggi della Bibbia 1
220.93 W93 Wright, E.G. Biblical archaeology 1
220.95 K28 Keller, W. The Bible as history 1
220.95 N48 Newton, W.L. Bible history 1
220.9505 B47137 Biblia pauperum. Riproduzione del Codice Palatino Latino 1
220.9505 B91 Burke, Carl F. God is for real, man : interpretations of Bible ... 1
221 G86 Grelot, Pierre Sens Chrétien de l'Ancien Testament… 1
221.3 L59 Lexicon hebraicum et aramaicum veteris testamenti 1
221.6 B38 Beaucamp, Evode The Bible and the universe. 1
221.6 C43 Childs, B.S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture 1
221.6 H36 Heinisch, Raul Theology of the Old Testament 1
221.6 H77 Hopfl, H. Introductio specialis in Vetus Testamentum (6th ed.) 1
221.6 Im8 van Imschoot, P. Theology of the Old Testament 1
221.6 M19 McKenzie, J.L. The two-edged sword 1
221.6 M82 Moriarty, F. Introducing the Old Testament 1
221.6 N81 North, R. Reges 1
221.6 R79 Rowley, Harold Henry The faith of Israel. 1
221.6 Sh3 Sheehan, J.F.X. The threshing floor 1
221.6 V89 von Rad, G. Old Testament theology v.1 1
221.6 V96 Vriezen, Th.C. An outline of Old Testament theology 1
221.61 B63 Boadt, L. Reading the Old Testament : an introduction 1
221.67 K12 Kalluveettil, P. Declaration and covenant 1
221.95 Ac5 Ackroyd, P.R. Exile and restoration (study ed.) 1
221.95 B65 Boschi, Bernardo Le origini di Israele nella Bibbia fra storia e teologia. 1
221.95 F81 Foster, R.S. The restoration of Israel 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
221.95 M2778 Maher, R. Il tempo è compiuto (Marco 1,15). Armonie nella storia del 1
Piano di Salvezza di Dio
221.9505 Ou7 Oursler, F. The greatest book ever written : the Old Testament story 1

222.06 Su54 Sullivan, Kathryn God's word and work the message of the… 1
222.106 M951 Murphy, R.E. Responses to 101 questions on the Biblical Torah : 1
reflections on the Pentateuch
222.10924 M2945 Malherbe, A.J.; Ferguson, E. Gregory of Nyssa : the life of Moses 1
222.1106 Am182 Ambrose Il giardino piantato a oriente 1
222.1106 D36 de Fraine, J. The Bible and the origin of man 1
222.1106 G2868 Genesi: agli inizi dell'umanita e di un popolo (In ascolto: 1
commento liturgico, 1)
222.1106 H11 Haag, Herbert The dawn of time. 1
222.1106 M75 Monro, M.T. Thinking about Genesis 1
222.1106 V47 Vawter, B. A path through Genesis c.1 1
222.1106 V47 Vawter, B. A path through Genesis c.2 1
222.1106 V47 Vawter, B. A path through Genesis c.3 1
222.1106 V89 von Rad, G. Old Testament library 1
222.3507 B47 Bible Commentaries. O.T. Ruth. 1
222.4306 M3667 Martini, C.M. Samuele : profeta religioso e civile 1
223.106 G98 Gutierrez, G. On Job – God talk and the suffering of the innocent 1
223.2 B47 Weber, R. (ed.) Psalterii secundum Vulgatam Bibliorum Versionem nova 1
recensio iuxta votum Synodi Generalis Abbatum Ordinis
S. Benedicti
223.2 B47 The Psalms (a new translation) c.1 1
223.2 B47 The Psalms (singing version) c.1 1
223.2 B47 The Psalms (a new translation) c.2 1
223.2 B47 The Psalms (singing version) c.2 1
223.2 B47 The Psalms (a new translation) c.3 1
223.2 B47 The Psalms (singing version) c.3 1
223.2 B47 The Psalms (singing version) c.4 1
223.2 B47 The Psalms (singing version) c.5 1
223.2 B47 The Psalms (singing version) c.6 1
223.2 C76 Connolly, Dermot A book of praises : workbook on the psalms. 1
223.2 D36 Deissler, A. I salmi: esegesi e spiritualità (=Die Psalmen) 1
223.2 M76 Montgomery, H. The splendor of the Psalms 1
223.206 Au456 Augustine of Hippo Commento ai Salmi di Lode c.1 1
223.206 Au456 Augustine of Hippo Commento ai Salmi di Lode c.2 1
223.206 Au456 Augustine of Hippo Commento ai Salmi di Lode c.3 1
223.206 D13 Dahood, M. Psalms II (51-100) v.17 1
223.206 D82 Drijvers, P. Les Psaumes: genres littéraires et thèmes doctrinaux 1
223.206 J6138 John Paul II Meditations and catechesis on the psalms and canticles of 1
Morning Prayer
223.206 J6138 John Paul II; Benedict XVI Meditations and catechesis on the psalms and canticles of 1
Evening Prayer
223.206 M36 Martini, C.M. Che cosa è l'uomo perché te ne curi? Pregare con i Salmi 1

223.907 B4567 Bernard of Clairvaux On the Song of Songs v.1 1

223.907 B4567 Bernard of Clairvaux On the Song of Songs v.2 1
223.907 B4567 Bernard of Clairvaux On the Song of Songs v.3 1
223.907 B4567 Bernard of Clairvaux On the Song of Songs v.4 1
224 Sp1 Spadafora, F. Il Libro Sacro v.2 p.2 1
224.106 Scu4 Scullion, J. Isaiah 40-66 1
224.107 H41 Herbert, A.S. The book of the prophet Isaiah 40-66 1
224.6 R11 Rad, G. von The message of the prophets. 1
225 B47 Il Nuovo Testamento con guida di lettura 1
225.02 Es1 Escrivá de Balaguer, J. Friends of God (=Amigos de Dios) 1
225.48 Z5 Zerwick, Max A grammatical analysis of the Greek New Testament. v.1 1
225.48 Z5 Zerwick, Max A grammatical analysis of the Greek New Testament. v.2 1
225.5 B47 Merk, A. Novum Testamentum (graece et latina) c.1 1
225.5 B47 Merk, A. Novum Testamentum (graece et latina) c.2 1
225.5 B47 Merk, A. Novum Testamentum (graece et latina) c.3 1
225.5 B47 The New Testament (ancient greek and TEV) 1
225.51 B47 Das Neue Testament / Novum Testamentum (tetraglotton) 1

225.5202 B47 New Testament (Douay-Rheims) 1

225.5202 B47 The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ (translated 1
from the Latin Vulgate)
225.5203 W63 The word study New Testament 1
225.52042 B47 The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ (RSV) 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
225.5205 B47 The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ (official 1
Catholic version)
225.5207 B47 Il Nuovo Testamento (La Bibbia di Gerusalemme) 1
225.5207 B47 La Bible: Nouveau Testament 1
225.5208 B47 Good News for Modern Man 1
225.5209 B47 The New Testament 1
225.5209 G81 The greatest is love 1
225.531 B47 Das Neue Testament c.1 1
225.531 B47 Das Neue Testament c.2 1
225.531 B47 Das Neue Testament c.3 1
225.531 B47 Das Neue Testament c.4 1
225.531 B47 Das Neue Testament c.5 1
225.561 B47 Nuevo Testamento 1
225.6 B64 Bonsirven, J. Theology of the New Testament c.1 1
225.6 B64 Bonsirven, J. Theology of the New Testament c.2 1
225.6 B64 Bonsirven, J. Theologie du Nouveau Testament 1
225.6 B81 Brown, R.E. The virginal conception and bodily resurrection of Jesus 1

225.6 B87 Bultmann, R. Theology of the New Testament v.1 1

225.6 D6612 Dodd, C.H. Conformément aux Écritures: l'infrastructure de la 1
théologie du Nouveau Testament
225.6 G74 Gozzo, S.M. Disquisitio critico-exegetica in parabolam Novi Testamenti 1
de perfidis vinitoribus
225.6 G91 Grossouw, W.K. Spirituality of the New Testament c.1 1
225.6 G91 Grossouw, W.K. Spirituality of the New Testament c.2 1
225.6 L49 Lebreton, J. The spiritual teaching of the New Testament c.1 1
225.6 L49 Lebreton, J. The spiritual teaching of the New Testament c.2 1
225.6 M19 MacKenzie, R. Introduction to the New Testament 1
225.6 M33 Mariani, B. Introductio in libros sacros Novi Testamenti 1
225.6 R54 Robert, A. Introduction to the New Testament 1
225.6 W64 Wikenhauser, A. New Testament Introduction 1
225.6 W75 Wright, N.T. The New Testament and the People of God 1
225.7 B47 La Sagrada Escritura v.1 1
225.7 B47 La Sagrada Escritura v.2 1
225.7 B47 La Sagrada Escritura v.3 1
225.7 G81 Grech, P. Le idee fondamentali del Nuovo Testamento 1
225.7 Z6 Zimmermann, H. Metodologia del Nuovo Testamento 1
225.817 Sch57 Schnackenburg, R. The moral teaching of the New Testament 1
225.83054 M36 Martini, C.M. Women and reconciliation 1
225.92 C89 Cullman, O. Peter : Disciple, Apostle, martyr 1
225.92 F115 Fabris, R. Paolo : l'apostolo delle genti 1
225.92 L31 Lapide, C. The personality of St. Paul. 1
225.924 C6769 Colella, P. Simon Pietro negli scritti del Nuovo Testamento 1
225.924 M3667 Martini, C.M. Stephen: servant and witness 1
225.95 H19 Hanson, K.C.; Oakman, D.E. Palestine in the time of Jesus 1
226 B35 Bea, A. The study of the synoptic Gospels 1
226 C83 Cox, R. The Gospel story 1
226 G69 The Gospel of Jesus c.1 1
226 G69 The Gospel of Jesus c.2 1
226 L13 Lagrange, M.J. L'Evangelo di Gesù Cristo 1
226 R18 Rasco, A. Synopticarum quaestiones exegeticae c.1 1
226 R18 Rasco, A. Synopticarum quaestiones exegeticae c.2 1
226 R195 Ravasi, G. I Vangeli di Pasqua 1
226 V29 Il Vangelo di Gesù 1
226 V29 Vangelo 1
226.06 B81 Brown, R.E. A crucified Christ in Holy Week 1
226.06 B81 Brown, R.E. A risen Christ in Eastertime 1
226.06 V27 Van Buren, P. The secular meaning of the Gospel 1
226.07 In66 Innocenti, E.; Vattuone, G. Vangelo e coscienza 1
226.07 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Catena Aurea v.1 1
226.07 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Catena Aurea v.2 1
226.07 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Catena Aurea v.3 1
226.07 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Catena Aurea v.4 1
226.1 H25 Hartdegen, S.J. A chronological harmony of the Gospels 1
226.2 B64 Bonhoeffer, D. The cost of discipleship 1
226.2 C67 Colecchia, F.L. Vangelo secondo Matteo 1
226.26 H12 Haggeney, F.J. The Savior as St. Matthew saw him v.2 1
226.26 H12 Haggeney, F.J. The Savior as St. Matthew saw him v.3 1
226.26 Sa1 Sabourin, L. Il Vangelo di Matteo (1975 ed.) v.1 1
226.26 Sa1 Sabourin, L. Il Vangelo di Matteo (1976 ed.) v.1 1
226.26 Sa1 Sabourin, L. Il Vangelo di Matteo (1976 ed.) v.2 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
226.27 M29 de Maldonado, J. Comentarios a los cuatro Evangelios: I. Evangelio de San 1
226.27 M31 Manson, T.W. The sayings of Jesus 1
226.27 St2 Stanley, D.M. The Gospel of St. Matthew 1
226.27 T185 Tassin, C. Vangelo di Matteo: commento pastorale 1
226.27 T73 Trilling, W. The Gospel according to St. Matthew for spiritual reading. 1

226.306 M2723 Maggioni, B. Il racconto di Marco 1

226.306 M36 Martini, C.M. L'itinerario spirituale dei Dodici nel Vangelo di Marco (2nd 1
226.306 M36 Martini, C.M. L'itinerario spirituale dei Dodici nel Vangelo di Marco (6th 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien a.1 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien a.2 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien a.3 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.1 p.1 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.1 p.2 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.1 p.3a 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.1 p.3b 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.1 p.4a 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.1 p.4b 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.1 p.5a 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.1 p.5b 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.10 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.11 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.12 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.14 p.1 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.14 p.2 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.15 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.16 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.17 p.1 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.17 p.2 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.17 p.3 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.19 p.1 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 A 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 B-C 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 D-E 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 F-K 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 L-M 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 N-O 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 p.1 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 p.2 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 P-Q 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 R 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 S 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 T-U 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.2 V 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.3 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.4 p.1 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.4 p.2 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.4 p.3 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.5 p.1 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.5 p.2 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.5 p.3 1
226.307 M2723 Georgeot, J.-M. De Saint-Marc jusqu'à Tertullien v.9 1
226.37 M29 de Maldonado, J. Comentarios a los cuatro Evangelios: II. Evangelios de 1
San Marcos y San Lucas
226.37 N42 Il Vangelo secondo Marco (in 5 languages) c.1 1
226.37 N42 Il Vangelo secondo Marco (in 5 languages) c.2 1
226.37 N62 Nineham, D.E. The Gospel of St. Mark 1
226.37 Sl5 Sloyan, G.S. The Gospel of St. Mark 1
226.4 Iw9 I will turn to the Father c.1 1
226.4 Iw9 I will turn to the Father c.2 1
226.4 Iw9 I will turn to the Father c.3 1
226.406 Ot6 O’Toole, R. The unity of Luke’s theology: an analysis of Luke-Acts 1
226.407 B47 The Gospel according to Luke I-IX v.28 1
226.407 B47 The Gospel according to Luke X-XXIV v.28A 1
226.4077 St6 Stöger, A. The Gospel according to St. Luke for spiritual reading 1
226.46 K23 Kerk, L.E. Studies in Luke-Acts 1
226.47 St9 Stuhlmueller, C. The Gospel of Saint Luke 1
226.506 R56 Robinson, J. The priority of John 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
226.56 B81 The Gospel according to John I-XII v.29 c.1 1
226.56 B81 The Gospel according to John I-XII v.29 c.2 1
226.56 B81 The Gospel according to John XIII-XXI v.29A 1
226.56 D37 de la Potterie, I. The Hour of Jesus: The Passion and the Resurrection of 1
Jesus according to John: text and spirit
226.56 D66 Dodd, C.H. The interpretation of the Fourth Gospel 1
226.56 V33 Vann, G. The eagle's word: a presentation of the Gospel according c.1 1
to St. John
226.56 V33 Vann, G. The eagle's word: a presentation of the Gospel according c.2 1
to St. John
226.57 Au457 Augustine of Hippo Commento al Vangelo di S. Giovanni v.1 1
226.57 Au457 Augustine of Hippo Commento al Vangelo di S. Giovanni v.2 1
226.57 B81 The Gospel of St. John and the Johannine Epistles 1
226.57 H83 Howard-Brook, W. Becoming children of God: John's Gospel and radical 1
226.57 M24 Howard-Brook, W. Invitation to John: a commentary on the Gospel of John 1
with complete text from the Jerusalem Bible
226.6 G49 Gli Atti degli Apostoli 1
226.6 V29 Vangelo e Atti degli Apostoli c.1 1
226.6 V29 Vangelo e Atti degli Apostoli c.2 1
226.6 V29 Vangelo e Atti degli Apostoli c.3 1
226.6 V29 Vangelo e Atti degli Apostoli c.4 1
226.6 V29 Vangelo e Atti degli Apostoli c.5 1
226.6 V29 Vangelo e Atti degli Apostoli c.6 1
226.6 W21 Ward, M. We saw his glory 1
226.6077 K96 Kürzinger, J. The Acts of the Apostles for spiritual reading (New 1
Testament for spiritual reading 5)
226.67 F61 Flanagan, N.M. The Acts of the Apostles 1
226.9 T27 Doheny, W.J. (tr.) The Pater Noster of St. Teresa: a commentary on the 1
Lord's Prayer
226.9 T27 Doheny, W.J. (tr.) The Pater Noster of St. Teresa: a commentary on the 1
Lord's Prayer together with a synopsis of the other matter
contained in "The Way of Perfection"
226.9306 Sch81 Schuller, R. The "Be happy attitudes" 1
226.93066 V33 Van, G. The divine pity: a study in the social implications of the 1
226.9606 G93 Guardini, R. The Lord’s Prayer c.1 1
226.9606 G93 Guardini, R. The Lord’s Prayer c.2 1
226.9606 L39 LaVerdiere, E. When we pray… Meditation on the Lord's Prayer 1
227 B83 Barclay, W. The mind of St. Paul 1
227 B85 Buckley, T.W. Apostle to the nations: the life and letters of St. Paul 1
227.06 M76 Montague, G.T. Maturing in Christ: Saint Paul's program for Christian 1
227.07 R44 Rigaux, B. Saint Paul et ses lettres 1
227.08 C33 Cerfaux, Lucien The church in the theology of St. Paul. 1
227.1 C16 Cantalamessa, R. La vita nella signoria di Cristo c.1 1
227.1 C16 Cantalamessa, R. La vita nella signoria di Cristo c.2 1
227.1 L56 San Paolo: Lettera ai Romani c.1 1
227.1 L56 San Paolo: Lettera ai Romani c.2 1
227.1 L56 San Paolo: Lettera ai Romani c.3 1
227.37 P35 Peifer, C.J. The First and Second Epistles of St. Paul to the 1
227.47 Ah3 Ahern, B.M. The Epistle to the Galatians and the Epistle to the 1
227.707 P88 Prat, F. The Theology of St. Paul v.1 1
227.707 P88 Prat, F. The Theology of St. Paul v.2 c.1 1
227.707 P88 Prat, F. The Theology of St. Paul v.2 c.2 1
227.827 V27 Vawter, B. Introduction to the Pauline Letters: First and Second 1
227.837 M3667 Martini, C.M. La via di Timoteo 1
227.837 Si7 Siebeneck, R.T. The Pastoral Epistles: First Timothy, Titus, Second 1
227.87 V31 Vanhoye, Albert A structured translation of the Epistle to the Hebrews. 1
227.9406 F43 Feuillet, A. Etudes Johanniques 1
227.94077 B47 Bible. N.T. The Epistles of John v.30 1
227.97 M29 Maly, E.H. The Epistles of Saints James, Jude, Peter 1
228 Ap4 Le mie profezie: commenti al Libro dell'Apocalisse 1
228 K86 Kramer, H.B. The book of destiny 1
228 V28 van der Meer, F. L'Apocalypse 1
228.07 R38 Richard, P. Apocalypse: a people's commentary on the Book of c.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
228.07 R38 Richard, P. Apocalypse: a people's commentary on the Book of c.2 1
230 B28 Barth, K. Dogmatics in outline 1
230 B28 Barth, K. The theology of Karl Barth 1
230 B95 Burtchaell, J.T. Philemon's problem: the daily dilemman of the Christian 1

230 C28 Catholic Church. Sacred Instruction on christian freedom and liberation. 1
Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith
230 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Instruction on christian freedom and liberation. c.2 1
Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith
230 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Instruction on christian freedom and liberation. c.3 1
Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith
230 C46 Christianity divided : Protestant and Roman Catholic 1
theological issues.
230 C91 Cullmann, O. Christ and time 1
230 D6612 Dodd, C.H. The apostolic preaching and its developments 1
230 D71 Donovan, V. Christianity rediscovered c.1 1
230 D71 Donovan, V. Christianity rediscovered c.2 1
230 D8 Dulles, A. The survival of dogma 1
230 F39 Fernan, J. Theology : a course for college students: I. Christ as v.1 1
prophet and king
230 G19 Garrigou-Lagrange, R. De Revelatione: per Ecclesiam Catholicam proposita v.2 1
230 G28 Gelpi, D.L. Experiencing God : a theology of human experience. 1
230 K15 Kasper, W. Theology and Church 1
230 K84 Koyoma, K. Mount Fuji and Mount Sinai: a critique of idols 1
230 M13 McCarthy, John F. The science of historical theology: I. Elements of a v.1 c.1 1
230 M13 McCarthy, John F. The science of historical theology: I. Elements of a v.1 c.2 1
230 M19 McKenzie, E.L. Myths and realities: studies in biblical theology 1
230 M37 Mascall, E.L. The Christian universe. 1
230 N22 Navone, J. A theology of failure 1
230 N42 Marty, E; Peerman, D.G. (eds.) New Theology no. 5: the best way into Bloch, Moltmann, 1
Pannenberg and the new talk of the future, hope and
230 N47 Newman, J.H. Essay on the development of Christian doctrine c.1 1
230 N47 Newman, J.H. Essay on the development of Christian doctrine c.2 1
230 P36 Pelikan, J. The Christian Tradition: a history of the development of v.1 1
230 P36 Pelikan, J. The Christian Tradition: a history of the development of v.3 1
230 P36 Daniélou, J.; Couratin, A.H.; Historical theology (Pelican guide to modern theology v.2) 1
Kent, J.
230 P91 Premm, M. Dogmatic theology for the laity c.1 1
230 P91 Premm, M. Dogmatic theology for the laity c.2 1
230 R12 Rahner, K. A theology of revelation 1
230 R18 Ratzinger, J. Introduction to Christianity 1
230 R27 Religious life 1
230 R38 Richard, R.L. Secularization theology 1
230 R56 Robinson, J.A.T. Honest to God c.1 1
230 R56 Robinson, J.A.T. Honest to God c.2 1
230 R56 Robinson, J.A.T. Honest to God c.3 1
230 R56 Robinson, J.A.T. Dieu sans Dieu (Honest to God) 1
230 R56 Robinson, J.A.T. The body: a study in Pauline theology 1
230 R56 Robinson, J.A.T. The Honest to God debate 1
230 Sch22 Scheeben, M.J. The mysteries of Christianity 1
230 Sch4 Schmaus, M. Dogma 2: God and creation v.2 1
230 Se3 Segundo, J.L. Theology and the Church: a response to Cardinal 1
Ratzinger and a warning to the whole Church
230 St9426 Studi e ricerche di scienze religiose in onore dei santi 1
apostoli Pietro e Paolo nel xix centenario del loro martirio

230 T15 Tanquerey Synopsis theologiae dogmaticae fundamentalis c.1 1

230 T15 Tanquerey Synopsis theologiae dogmaticae fundamentalis c.2 1
230 T34 Anderson, G.H.; Stransky, T.F. Third world theologies (Mission trends no. 3) 1
230 T34 Third world liberation theologies 1
230 T72 Trethowan, I. Process theology and the Christian tradition 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
230 W44 Welch, S.D. Communities of resistance and solidarity: a feminist 1
theology of liberation
230 W89 Burke, Patrick (ed.) The Word in history: the St. Xavier symposium 1
230.01 B46 Bevans, S.B. Models of contextual theology 1
230.01 H1255 Haight, R. Dynamics of theology 1
230.01 Se3 Segundo, J.L. The liberation of dogma 1
230.01 W6332 Wicks, J. Introduction to the theological method 1
230.01 Y19 Yap, K.H. Doing theology in a pluralistic world 1
230.018 B63 Boff, C. Theology and praxis: epistemological foundations 1
230.018 Sch7 Schreiter, R.J. Constructing local theologies 1
230.03 B7569 Bretzke, J.T. Consecrated phrases : a latin theological dictionary : latin 1
expressions commonly found in theological writings

230.03 L59lt Lexikon fur Theologie und kirche: Konsil I c.2 1

230.042 Om1 O’Mahony, G. Abba Father! a personal catechism 1
230.044092 W72 Wind, Renate A spoke in the wheel : a life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1
230.046 C73 Comblin, J. The Holy Spirit and liberation 1
230.046 G13 Galilea, Segundo The challenge of popular religiosity 1
230.046 L61 Liberation theologies 1
230.046 L61 Liberation theology: an introductory reader 1
230.046 M81 Moreno, F. Moral theology from the poor : moral challenges of the 1
theology of liberation
230.046 St8 Struggles for solidarity: liberation theologies in tension 1
230.0464095 Am131 Amaladoss, M. Life in freedom : liberation theologies from Asia 1
230.0711 C83 Coulson, J. Theology and the university: an ecumenical investigation 1

230.08995073 P43 Phan, P.C. Christianity with an asian face: asian american theology in 1
the making
230.09 Am18 Ambrosiaster de auctore 1
230.09 H12 Hagglund, B. History of theology 1
230.09 N515 Nichols, A. From Newman to Congar : the idea of doctrinal 1
development from the Victorians to the Second Vatican
230.09015 K29 Kelly, J.N.D. Early Christian doctrines c.2 1
230.0904 T34 Theologians of our time 1
230.091724 D56 Fabella, V.; Sugirtharajah, R.S. Dictionary of Third World Theologies c.2 1
230.091724 Ec9 Abraham, K.C. (ed.) Third world theologies: commonalities and divergences 1
230.092 As2 Aschcroft, M. Rudolf Bultmann 1
230.092 M12 McCarthy, D. Teilhard de Chardin 1
230.092 M3363 de Margerie, B. Reinhold Niebuhr: théologien de la communauté mondiale 1

230.092 O13 Olive, D.H. Wolfhart Pannenberg 1

230.0922 B67 Bowden, J. Who’s who in theology 1
230.0924 H88 Humphrey, E.J. Emil Brunner 1
230.095 As42 Asian voices in Christian theology 1
230.095 B32 Batumalai, S. Asian theology 1
230.095 So5 Song, C.S. Theology from the world of Asia 1
230.095 So5 Song, C.S. Third-eye theology 1
230.0968 N71 Nolan, A. God in South Africa 1
230.1 D22 Danielou, J. Gospel message and hellenistic culture 1
230.12 D227 Daniélou, J. Le origini del cristianesimo latino : storia delle dottrine 1
cristiane prima di Nicea
230.14 L34 The later christian fathers 1
230.14 P958 Pseudo-Dionysius the Pseudo-Dionysius : the complete works 1
230.14092 M7258 Mohler, J.A. A speechless child is the Word of God: An interpretation 1
of Saint Augustine on the Trinity, Christ, Mary, Church,
authority, sacraments, prayer, hope and the two cities

230.19 G35 Gibellini, R. The liberation theology debate c.1 1

230.19 G35 Gibellini, R. The liberation theology debate c.2 1
230.2 A1 Rahner, H. et al. The Church: readings in theology 1
230.2 Ad1 Adam, K. The spirit of Catholicism c.1 1
230.2 Ad1 Adam, K. The spirit of Catholicism c.2 1
230.2 B2172 von Balthasar, H.U. Epilogue 1
230.2 B32 Baum, G. Man becoming 1
230.2 B4343 Benedict XVI, Pope Insegnamenti di Benedetto XVI v.1 1
230.2 B479 Biffi, G. Esplorando il disegno: catechesi in università 1
230.2 B63 Boff, L.; Boff, C. Introducing liberation theology 1
230.2 B63 Bokenkotter, T. Essential Catholicism: dynamics of faith and belief 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
230.2 B81 Brown, R.E. Crises facing the Church 1
230.2 C21 Carmody, J. Contemporary Catholic theology 1
230.2 C28 Centi, T.S. Il dialogo della Divina Provvidenza 1
230.2 C2869 O'Collins, G.; Farrugia, M. Catholicism: the story of Catholic Christianity 1
230.2 C29 Catolicismo 1
230.2 C34 Chadwick, Owen Newman. 1
230.2 C42 Chenu, M.-D. Toward understanding Saint Thomas 1
230.2 C43 Chilson, Richard Full christianity : a catholic response … 1
230.2 C4625 Neuner, J.; Dupuis, J. (eds.) The Christian faith in the doctrinal documents of the c.1 1
Catholic Church. 4th ed.
230.2 C4625 Neuner, J.; Dupuis, J. (eds.) The Christian faith in the doctrinal documents of the c.2 1
Catholic Church. 4th ed.
230.2 C4625 Neuner, J.; Dupuis, J. (eds.) The Christian faith in the doctrinal documents of the 1
Catholic Church. 3rd ed.
230.2 C4625 Neuner, J.; Dupuis, J. (eds.) The Christian faith in the doctrinal documents of the 1
Catholic Church. 4th ed.
230.2 C73 Comblin, J. Cry of the oppressed, cry of Jesus 1
230.2 C76 The consecrated life and its role in the church… c.1 1
230.2 C76 The consecrated life and its role in the church… c.2 1
230.2 D438 Denzinger, H.; Hünnermann, Enchiridion symbolorum definitionum et declarationum de 1
P. rebus fidei et morum. Ed. XXXVIII. Edizione bilingue
230.2 D438 Denzinger, H.; Rahner, C. Enchiridion symbolorum definitionum et declarationum de 1
rebus fidei et morum. Ed. XXXI
230.2 F24 Farrell, Walter A companion to the summa v.1 1
230.2 F24 Farrell, Walter A companion to the summa v.2 1
230.2 F24 Farrell, Walter A companion to the summa v.3 1
230.2 F24 Farrell, Walter A companion to the summa v.4 1
230.2 F3275 Feiner, J.; Löhrer, M. (eds.) Mysterium salutis: nuovo corso di dogmatica come v.3 1
teologia della storia della salvezza
230.2 G33 Gesù rivelatore 1
230.2 G48 Glenn, Paul J. A tour of the summa c.1 1
230.2 G48 Glenn, Paul J. A tour of the summa c.2 1
230.2 G48 Glenn, Paul J. A tour of the summa c.3 1
230.2 G9379 Guerry, E. In the whole Christ: prayerful meditations on the mystery 1
of the Church
230.2 G98 Gutierrez, G. A theology of liberation 1
230.2 H33 Hayes, E. Catholicism and reason c.1 1
230.2 H33 Hayes, E. Catholicism and reason c.2 1
230.2 H33 Hayes, E. Catholicism and reason c.3 1
230.2 J61 John Paul II Talks of John Paul II 1
230.2 J8 Kavanaugh, K.; Rodriguez, O. The collected works of St. John of the Cross c.1 1
230.2 J8 Kavanaugh, K.; Rodriguez, O. The collected works of St. John of the Cross c.2 1
230.2 J87 Juan de la Cruz Obras completas (14th ed., BAC) 1
230.2 J87 Juan de la Cruz Obras completas (5th ed., Editorial de Espiritualidad) 1
230.2 J87 Juan de la Cruz Obras completas (7th ed., Editorial Monte Carmelo) 1
230.2 K15 Documentation on Dutch Catholicism 1
230.2 K51 Küng dialogue : documentation on the efforts of the 1
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
230.2 K555 Killgallon, J.; Weber, G. Life in Christ : instructions in the Catholic faith 1
230.2 L5223 Dietrich, D.J.; Himes, M.J. The legacy of Tübingen school : the relevance of 1
(eds.) nineteenth-century theology for the twenty-first century
230.2 M55 Merton, T. Disputed questions c.1 1
230.2 M55 Merton, T. Disputed questions c.2 1
230.2 N46 Newman, J.H. An essay in aid of a grammar of assent 1
230.2 N54 Nicolaus : brivista di teologia ecumenico patristica 1
230.2 Ot81 Ott, Ludwig Fundamentals of Catholic dogma. c.1 1
230.2 Ot81 Ott, Ludwig Fundamentals of Catholic dogma. c.2 1
230.2 Ot81 Ott, Ludwig Fundamentals of Catholic dogma. c.3 1
230.2 Ot81 Ott, Ludwig Fundamentals of Catholic dogma. c.4 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.1 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.1 c.1 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.1 c.2 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.10 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.11 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.11 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.12 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.13 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.14 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.15 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.16 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.2 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.2 c.1 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.2 c.2 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.2 c.3 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.3 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.3 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.4 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.4 c.1 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.4 c.2 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.5 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.5 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.6 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.6 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.7 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.7 c.1 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.7 c.2 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.8 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.8 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Insegnamenti di Paolo VI v.9 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope The teachings of Pope Paul VI v.9 1
230.2 P28 Paul VI, Pope Indice delle materie contenute nei primi dodici volumi di 1
Insegnamenti di Paolo VI: 1963-1974
230.2 P61 Pieris, A. An asian theology of liberation 1
230.2 P688 Pius X, Pope My words will not pass away : doctrinal writings 1
230.2 P91 Précis of official Catholic teaching on faith, revelation and 1
the Bible
230.2 P93 Principles of Cathlic theology 1
230.2 R12 Rahner, K. Foundations of Christian faith: an introduction to the idea 1
of Christianity
230.2 R1899 Ratzinger, J. Dio e il mondo : essere cristiani nel nuovo millennio 1
230.2 R86 Rumble, Leslie Radio replies in defense of religion … c.1 1
230.2 R86 Rumble, Leslie Radio replies in defense of religion … c.2 1
230.2 R86 Rumble, Leslie Radio replies in defense of religion … c.3 1
230.2 Sa2 St. Romain, Philip Catholic answers to fundamentalist questions. 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.1 c.1 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.1 c.2 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.2 p.1 c.1 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.2 p.1 c.2 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.3 p.1 c.1 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.3 p.1 c.2 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.3 p.2 c.1 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.3 p.2 c.2 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.4 p.1 c.1 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.4 p.1 c.2 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.4 p.2 c.1 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.4 p.2 c.2 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.5 c.1 1
230.2 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Katholische Dogmatik v.5 c.2 1
230.2 Se5 Manual of Christian doctrine 1
230.2 Sh3 Theology for beginners 1
230.2 Sh35 Sheed, F.J. Theology and sanity (1946) c.1 1
230.2 Sh35 Sheed, F.J. Theology and sanity (1946) c.2 1
230.2 Sh35 Sheed, F.J. Theology and sanity (1946) c.3 1
230.2 Sh35 Sheed, F.J. Theology and sanity (1946) c.4 1
230.2 Sh35 Sheed, F.J. Theology and sanity (1978) 1
230.2 Sh35 Sheed, Francis Joseph Theologians today. 1
230.2 T22 Wuerl, D.W. et al. (eds.) The teaching of Christ: a Catholic catechism for adults 1
(3rd ed.)
230.2 T22 The teaching of the Catholic Church 1
230.2 T264 Colombo, G. (ed.) Il teologo 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1948) v.1 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1953) v.1 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologica (1947) v.1 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1948) v.2 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1953) v.2 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologica (1947) v.2 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1948) v.3 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1953) v.3 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologica (1947) v.3 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1948) v.4 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1953) v.4 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1948) v.5 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1953) v.5 1
230.2 T36 Kreeft, P. (ed.) A Summa of the Summa: the essential philosophical 1
passages of St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica
edited and explained for beginners
230.2 T36 Paris, G.M. Synopsis totius Summae Theologicae S. Thomae 1
230.2 T36 Thomas Aquinas, Saint Summa Theologiae (1962) 1
230.2 T3614 Farrell, W.; Healy, M.J. My way of life: pocket edition of St. Thomas: the Summa c.1 1
simplified for everyone
230.2 T3614 Farrell, W.; Healy, M.J. My way of life: pocket edition of St. Thomas: the Summa c.2 1
simplified for everyone
230.2 T3614 Thomas Aquinas Summa theologiae : a concise translation (Ed. T. 1
230.2 T44 International Theological Texts and documents 1969-1985 c.2 1
230.2 V33 van Noort, G. The true religion v.1 c.1 1
230.2 V33 van Noort, G. The true religion v.1 c.2 1
230.2 V33 van Noort, G. Christ's Church v.2 c.1 1
230.2 V33 van Noort, G. Christ's Church v.2 c.2 1
230.2 V33 van Noort, G. Divine Faith v.3 c.1 1
230.2 V33 van Noort, G. Divine Faith v.3 c.2 1
230.2 V42 Varillon, Francois Announcing Christ through scripture to the church. 1
230.2 W58 White, T. Renewal of faith : adult instruction in the Catholic faith c.1 1
230.2 W58 White, T. Renewal of faith : adult instruction in the Catholic faith c.2 1
230.2 W64 Wilhelm, Anthony Christ among us : a modern presentation of the Catholic c.1 1
230.2 W64 Wilhelm, Anthony Christ among us : a modern presentation of the Catholic c.2 1
230.2 W64 Wilhelm, Anthony Christ among us : a modern presentation of the Catholic c.3 1
230.2 W829 Wojtyla, K. Alle fonti del rinnovamento: studio sull'attuazione del 1
Concilio Vaticano Secondo
230.2 Z73 Zoffoli, Enrico Mistero della sofferenza di Dio 1
230.2018 L35 Latourelle, René Introductio in sacram theologiam. c.1 1
230.2018 L35 Latourelle, René Introductio in sacram theologiam. c.2 1
230.2018 L65 Lonergan, B. Method in theology 1
230.207 H67 Hofinger, J. Pastoral catechetics 1
230.208 C76 Redfern, M. (ed.) Yves M.-J. Congar, O.P. (Theologians today) 1
230.208 L84 Lonergan, B. A second collection 1
230.208 L96 Redfern, M. (ed.) Henri de Lubac, S.J. (Theologians today) 1
230.208 R12 Redfern, M. (ed.) Karl Rahner, S.J. (Theologians today) 1
230.208 Sch3 Redfern, M. (ed.) Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P. (Theologians today) 1
230.2081 J29 Aumann, J. (ed.) Bede Jarrett anthology 1
230.2082 O5 O'Neill, J.E. The encounter with God 1
230.2092 B21 Balthasar, H. My work in retrospect 1
230.2092 N51 Nichols, A. The theology of Joseph Ratzinger 1
230.2092 O48 O'Meara, T.F. A theologian's journey 1
230.2092 Od5 O’Donnell, J. Hans Urs von Balthasar 1
230.20924 L96 de Lubac, H. Teilhard de Chardin : man and his ... 1
230.20924 M91 Mullady, B.T. The meaning of the term "moral" in St. Thomas Aquinas 1

230.20924 R12 Rahner, K. I remember c.1 1

230.20924 R12 Rahner, K. I remember c.2 1
230.20924 W179 Walz, A. Luoghi di San Tommaso 1
230.222 Sh3 Peace of soul 1
230.4 B87 Bultmann, r. Existence and faith 1
230.4 M88 Mueller, D.L. Karl Barth 1
230.40924 B67 Bowden, John Stephen Karl Barth. 1
230.43 F87 Freedom and discipleship 1
231 B23 Barbotin, E. The humanity of God 1
231 C93 Curran, C.E. Faithful dissent 1
231 D22 Danielou, J. God and the ways of knowing 1
231 D37 de la Taille The mystery of faith v.1 1
231 D37 de la Taille The mystery of faith v.2 1
231 D83 Drinkwater, F.H. The question of God 1
231 F11 Faber The Creator and the creature 1
231 F21 Faricy, R. The Lord’s dealing : the primacy of the feminine in 1
Christian spirituality
231 G19 Garrigou-Lagrange The love of God and the cross of Jesus 1
231 G47 Gleason, R. Yahweh the God of the Old Testament 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
231 G93 Guerry, Emile Maurice God the father. 1
231 K15 Kasper, W. The God of Jesus Christ 1
231 M46 Meany, James The image of God in man according to the doctrine of 1
Saint John Damascene.
231 N46 Newman, J.H. On consulting the faithful in matters of doctrine 1
231 P1933 Pangallo, M. Il Creatore del mondo : breve trattato di teologia filosofica 1

231 R97 Ryden, Vassula True life in God. v.1 1

231 R97 Ryden, Vassula True life in God. v.2 1
231 T72 Tresmontant, Claude Toward the knowledge of God. 1
231.044 B69 Boyer, Charles Synopsis praelectionum de SS. trinitate 1
231.044 H91 Hunt, A. The Trinity and the Paschal Mystery: a development in 1
recent Catholic theology (New theology studies v.5)
231.044 H9112 Hunt, A. Trinity : nexus of the mysteries of the Christian faith 1
(Theology in global perspective)
231.044 J64 John Paul II The Spirit: giver of life and love (A catechesis on the 1
creed v.3)
231.044 R35 Ricchetti, D. Nel dialogo delle tre Persone - Eucaristia e Trinità 1
231.044 T73 The Trinitarian controversy 1
231.08 M745 Mondin, B. I teologi della morte di Dio : storia del movimento 1
dell'ateismo cristiano e diagnosi delle sue dottrine
231.15 Sp42 Spidlik, T. The Spirituality of the Christian East : a systematic v.1 1
231.15 Sp42 Spidlik, T. The Spirituality of the Christian East : a systematic v.2 1
231.21 G93 Guardini, R. The living God 1
231.3 C28 John Paul II, Pope The holy spirit in the life of the church and the world 1
231.3 C2862 Catholic Church. Federation of The Spirit at work in Asia today (FABC Papers 81) 1
Asian Bishop's Conferences.
Office of Theological Concerns

231.3 D34 De Rosa, P. Not I, not I, but the wind that blows through me 1
231.3 F858 Franzelin, G.B. Tractatus de Deo Trino secundum personas 1
231.3 G40 Gihr, N. The Veni Sancte Spiritus: an explanation of the 1
pentecostal sequence
231.3 G76 Graham, B. The Holy Spirit 1
231.3 H29 Haughey, J. The conspiracy of God 1
231.3 J6138 John Paul II Encyclical letter Dominum et Vivificantem on the Holy c.1 1
Spirit in the life of the Church and the world
231.3 J6138 John Paul II Encyclical letter Dominum et Vivificantem on the Holy c.2 1
Spirit in the life of the Church and the world
231.3 M34 Marmion, C. The Trinity in our spiritual life 1
231.3 Sp42 Spicq, C. The Trinity and our moral life according to St. Paul 1
231.3 St71 Stott, J.R.W. Baptism and fullness: the work of the Holy Spirit today 1
231.3 T21 Taylor, J.V. The go between God 1
231.4 B64 Boros, L. The closeness of God 1
231.4 G35 Giardini, F. Loving awareness of God's presence in prayer 1
231.4 H237 Harrington, W. The tears of God : our benevolent Creator and human 1
231.4 H59 Hinnebusch, Paul Praise : a way of life. 1
231.4 N229 Navone, J. Enjoying God's beauty 1
231.4 N229 Navone, J. Toward a theology of beauty 1
231.5 G19 Garrigou-Lagrange, Reginald Providence 1
231.6 D641 Saraiva Martins, J. (ed.) Dives in misericordia : commento all'enciclica di Giovanni c.1 1
Paolo II
231.6 D641 Saraiva Martins, J. (ed.) Dives in misericordia : commento all'enciclica di Giovanni c.2 1
Paolo II
231.6 D641 Saraiva Martins, J. (ed.) Dives in misericordia : commento all'enciclica di Giovanni c.3 1
Paolo II
231.6 G91 Grou, J.N. Meditations on the love of God 1
231.6 M17 MacGregor, G. He who lets us be 1
231.6 Sp4 Spicq, C. Charité et liberté 1
231.7 H29 Haughton, R. The passionate God 1
231.72 F95 Fuellenbach,J. The kingdom of God 1
231.73 N189 Nasuti, N. The eucharistic miracle of Lanciano : historical, 1
theological, scientific and photographic documentation
231.73 Sa45 Sammaciccia, B. The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy: historical, c.1 1
mystical, scientific and photographic documentations
231.73 Sa45 Sammaciccia, B. Miracolo eucaristico di Lanciano ... c.1 1
231.73 Sa45 Sammaciccia, B. The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy: historical, c.2 1
mystical, scientific and photographic documentations


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
231.73 Sa45 Sammaciccia, B. Miracolo eucaristico di Lanciano ... c.2 1
231.73 Sa45 Sammaciccia, B. Miracolo eucaristico di Lanciano ... c.3 1
231.74 B2172 von Balthasar, H.U. Theo-logic : theological logical theory v.1 1
231.74 B2172 von Balthasar, H.U. Theo-logic : theological logical theory v.2 1
231.74 B2172 von Balthasar, H.U. Theo-logic : theological logical theory v.3 1
231.74 D88 Dulles, A. Models of revelation 1
231.74 G33 Gesu rivelatore teologia fondamentale 1
231.74 H29 Haught, J.F. Mystery and promise: a theology of revelation (New 1
theology studies v.2)
231.74 L25 Lang, Albert Die sendung Christi. 1
231.74 L35 Latourelle, R. Theology of revelation 1
231.74 L35 Latourelle, René Theologie de la révélation 1
231.74 M79 Moran, Gabriel Catechesis of revelation c.1 1
231.74 M79 Moran, Gabriel Catechesis of revelation c.2 1
231.74 R12 Rahner, K. Revelation and tradition. 1
231.74 W776 Witherup, R.D. Scripture : Dei Verbum (Rediscovering Vatican II) 1
231.765 H32 Hayes, Z. The gift of being: a theology of creation (New theology 1
studies v.10)
231.765 H32 The gift of being 1
231.8 Ev2 Evely, Louis Suffering. c.1 1
231.8 Ev2 Evely, Louis Suffering. c.2 1
232 Ad1 Adam, K. The Christ of faith 1
232 B4343 Benedict XVI, Pope Gesù di Nazaret 1
232 B74 Bredin, Eamon Rediscovering Jesus : challenge of discipleship. 1
232 C91 Cullman, Oscar The Christology of the New Testament 1
232 D53 Dhanis, E. Introductio in problema Christi. 1
232 D53 Dhanis, Edouard Testimonium Iesu de seipso. 1
232 D92 Dupuis, J. Jesus Christ at the encounter of world religions c.1 1
232 D92 Dupuis, J. Jesus Christ at the encounter of world religions c.2 1
232 G87 Grillmeier, A. Christ in Christian tradition c.1 1
232 G87 Grillmeier, A. Christ in Christian tradition c.2 1
232 G93 Giardini, R. The Lord c.1 1
232 G93 Giardini, R. The Lord c.2 1
232 Ig1 de Igartua, J.M. El Corazón abierto de Jesús 1
232 K15 Kasper, W. Jesus, the Christ 1
232 L38 Lavatori, R. Unigenito dal Padre 1
232 L84 Lonergan, B. De Verbo Incarnato v.1 c.1 1
232 L84 Lonergan, B. De Verbo Incarnato v.1 c.2 1
232 L84 Lonergan, B. De Verbo Incarnato v.2 1
232 L84 Lonergan, B. De Verbo Incarnato v.3 1
232 M2978 Maloney, G.A. Bright darkness : Jesus - the lover of mankind 1
232 M34 Marmion, C. Christ: the life of the soul 1
232 M73 Moltmann, Jeurgen The crucified God : the cross of Christ... 1
232 M77 Teilhard de Chardin y el misterio de Cristo 1
232 N71 Nolan, A. Gesù prima del Cristianesimo (un vangelo di liberazione) 1
(=Jesus before Christianity)
232 S1813 Santucci, L. Meeting Jesus: a new way to Christ 1
232 Sch65 Schoonenberg, P. The Christ c.1 1
232 Sch65 Schoonenberg, P. The Christ c.2 1
232 So1 Sobrino, J. Christology at the crossroads: a latin american approach 1

232 So67 Sopocko, M.; Domine, miserere nobis! De Christo Salvatore 1

Chrosciechowski, J. miserentissimo adorando et de sua misericordia generi
humano imploranda
232.0922 L99 Lyons, J.A. The cosmic Christ in Origen and Teilhard de Chardin: a 1
comparative study
232.098 So1 Sobrino, J. Jesus in Latin America 1
232.1 L88 Lopez, Margarito Dios y la criatura : Cristo : suma teologica. c.1 1
232.1 L88 Lopez, Margarito Dios y la criatura : Cristo : suma teologica. c.2 1
232.1 L88 Lopez, Margarito Dios y la criatura : Cristo : suma teologica. c.3 1
232.2 Ia6 I am your Jesus of mercy : lessons and messages to the v.1 1
world from our Lord...
232.2 Ia6 I am your Jesus of mercy : lessons and messages to the v.2 1
world from our Lord...
232.4 An81 Ansaldi, M. Il Sangue di Cristo in S. Alberto Magno 1
232.4 C7672 Contegiacomo, L. Il culto al Preziosissimo Sangue di nostro Signore Gesù 1
232.4 T7305 Triacca, A. (ed.) Il mistero del Sangue di Cristo e l'esperienza cristiana v.1 1
232.4 T7305 Triacca, A. (ed.) Il mistero del Sangue di Cristo nella liturgia e nella pietà v.1 1
232.4 T7305 Triacca, A. (ed.) Il mistero del Sangue di Cristo e l'esperienza cristiana v.2 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
232.4 T7305 Triacca, A. (ed.) Il mistero del Sangue di Cristo nella liturgia e nella pietà v.2 1
232.4 T7305 Triacca, A. (ed.) Il mistero del Sangue di Cristo e la catechesi 1
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia biblica (Roma, v.1 1
10-15 marzo 1980)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia biblica nella v.1 1
patristica (Roma, 23-28 novembre 1981)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nel medioevo v.1 1
(Roma, 25-30 novembre 1991)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella v.1 1
letteratura cristiana (Roma, 29 novembre - 4 dicembre
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella liturgia v.1 1
(Roma, 21-26 novembre 1983)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella teologia v.1 1
(Roma, 23-28 novembre 1987)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella teologia v.1 1
medievale (Roma, 27 novembre - 2 dicembre 1989)

232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia riti e culto v.1 1
(Roma, 26 novembre - 1 dicembre 1984)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia biblica (Roma, v.2 1
10-15 marzo 1980)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia biblica nella v.2 1
patristica (Roma, 23-28 novembre 1981)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nel medioevo v.2 1
(Roma, 25-30 novembre 1991)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella v.2 1
letteratura cristiana (Roma, 29 novembre - 4 dicembre
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella liturgia v.2 1
(Roma, 21-26 novembre 1983)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella teologia v.2 1
(Roma, 23-28 novembre 1987)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella teologia v.2 1
medievale (Roma, 27 novembre - 2 dicembre 1989)

232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia riti e culto v.2 1
(Roma, 26 novembre - 1 dicembre 1984)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella v.3 1
letteratura cristiana (Roma, 29 novembre - 4 dicembre
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella liturgia v.3 1
(Roma, 21-26 novembre 1983)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella teologia v.3 1
(Roma, 23-28 novembre 1987)
232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia nella teologia v.3 1
medievale (Roma, 27 novembre - 2 dicembre 1989)

232.4 V459 Vattioni, F. (ed.) Atti della settimana Sangue e antropologia riti e culto v.3 1
(Roma, 26 novembre - 1 dicembre 1984)
232.4 V527 Veglianti, T. (ed.) Testi patristici sul Sangue di Cristo v.1 p.1 1
232.4 V527 Veglianti, T. (ed.) Testi patristici sul Sangue di Cristo v.1 p.2 1
232.4 V527 Veglianti, T. (ed.) Testi patristici sul Sangue di Cristo v.2 p.1 1
232.4 V527 Veglianti, T. (ed.) Testi patristici sul Sangue di Cristo v.2 p.2 1
232.4 V527 Veglianti, T. (ed.) Testi patristici sul Sangue di Cristo v.2 p.3 1
232.5 D93 Durnell, F.X. The resurrection c.1 1
232.5 D93 Durnell, F.X. The resurrection c.2 1
232.5 G61 Goodin, A. The risen Jesus c.1 1
232.5 G61 Goodin, A. The risen Jesus c.2 1
232.5 L88 Lorenzin, T. Resurrection and discipleship 1
232.5 R14 Ramsey, Michael The resurrection of Christ. 1
232.8 L9616 Lubich, C. The Word of Life 1
232.8 M14 McDermott, B. Word become flesh: dimensions of christology (New 1
theology studies v.9)
232.8 M85 Mort, W.G. The consciousness of Christ c.1 1
232.8 M85 Mort, W.G. The consciousness of Christ c.2 1
232.8 So57 Son and saviour : divinity of Jesus... 1
232.9 Am18 Ambruzzi, A. Jesus "Yesterday and today and forever" 1
232.9 B4624 Bertolone, V. Quello sguardo (Il Volto di Cristo. Teologia, storia, arte e 1
spiritualità 1)


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
232.9 C7352 The coming of Christ 1
232.9 D22 Daniel-Rops Jesus and His times c.1 1
232.9 D22 Daniel-Rops Jesus and His times c.2 1
232.9 F24 Farrel, W. Only Son c.1 1
232.9 F24 Farrel, W. Only Son c.2 1
232.9 J3 Jesus: duemila anni d'attualità v.1 1
232.9 J3 Jesus: duemila anni d'attualità v.2 1
232.9 J3 Jesus: duemila anni d'attualità v.3 1
232.9 J3 Jesus: duemila anni d'attualità v.4 1
232.9 J3 Jesus: duemila anni d'attualità v.5 1
232.9 M47 Meier, J. A marginal Jew v.1 1
232.9 M47 Meier, J. A marginal Jew v.2 1
232.9 M47 Meier, J. A marginal Jew v.3 1
232.9 N85 Nouet, J. Meditations on the life of the Lord 1
232.9 P88 Prat, F. Jesus Christ v.1 c.1 1
232.9 P88 Prat, F. Jesus Christ v.1 c.2 1
232.9 P88 Prat, F. Jesus Christ v.2 c.1 1
232.9 P88 Prat, F. Jesus Christ v.2 c.2 1
232.9 Sh35 Sheen, F. Life of Christ. 1
232.9 Sl15 Slater, M. E. Jesus, son of David 1
232.9 Sm511 Smith, M.P. Waymakers : eyewitnesses to the Christ 1
232.9 So1 Sobrino. J. Jesus the liberator 1
232.9 St4 Sterck, L. For all to live by 1
232.9 V811 Viola, M. The great knight of the crimsoned cross : Jesus, the God- 1
232.901 B64 Boros, L. Meditations - Reflections on the Incarnation 1
232.901 Ob6 O'Brien, I. The life of Christ 1
232.901 P2898 Pax, W.E. Dove Lui è passato / Auf den Spuren Jesu 1
232.901 P2898 Pax, W.E. In the footsteps of Jesus : a pilgrimage to the scenes of 1
Christ's life
232.901 R35 Ricciotti. G. The life of Christ 1
232.901 Sa963 Saward, J. Redeemer in the womb: Jesus living in Mary 1
232.901 Sh3 Sheed, F.J. To know Christ Jesus c.1 1
232.901 Sh3 Sheed, F.J. To know Christ Jesus c.2 1
232.901 Sh3 Sheed, F.J. To know Christ Jesus c.3 1
232.901 V25 Valtorta, M. The poem of the man-God v.1 1
232.904 J72 Jones, L.B. Jesus in blue jeans 1
232.91 Al2 Alfaro, J. Adnotationes in tractatum de Beata Virgine Maria 1
232.91 Al7 de Ligouri, A. The glories of Mary 1
232.91 Am1 Amantini, C. Il mistero di Maria 1
232.91 B39 Bainert, W. Parlare di Maria oggi? 1
232.91 B39 National Conference of Behold your Mother : woman of faith. A pastoral letter on c.1 1
Catholic Bishops the Blessed Virgin Mary. 21 November 1973
232.91 B39 National Conference of Behold your Mother : woman of faith. A pastoral letter on c.1 1
Catholic Bishops the Blessed Virgin Mary. 21 November 1973
232.91 B39 National Conference of Behold your Mother : woman of faith. A pastoral letter on c.2 1
Catholic Bishops the Blessed Virgin Mary. 21 November 1973
232.91 B39 National Conference of Behold your Mother : woman of faith. A pastoral letter on c.2 1
Catholic Bishops the Blessed Virgin Mary. 21 November 1973
232.91 B47 Bifet, J.E. Maria memoria della Chiesa nel cammino missionario del 1
terzo millennio
232.91 B47 Bifet, J.E. Maria nel cammino missionario della Chiesa : le sfide del 1
terzo millennio
232.91 B47 Bifet, J.E. Maria, Madre de la Iglesia 1
232.91 B63 Bobichon, M. Maria 1
232.91 B77 Brindisi, O. Stabat Mater c.1 1
232.91 B77 Brindisi, O. Stabat Mater c.2 1
232.91 B83 Brunero, G. La Madre 1
232.91 C117 Caggiano, P.; Rak, M.; Sweet Mother 1
Turchini, A.
232.91 C23 Carretto, C. Blessed are you who believed 1
232.91 C28 Catholic Church. Congregatio Orientamenti e proposte per la celebrazione dell'anno 1
pro Culto Divino mariano.
232.91 C28 Paul VI, Pope Apostolic exhortation : Marialis cultus … c.1 1
232.91 C28 Paul VI, Pope Apostolic exhortation : Marialis cultus … c.2 1
232.91 C42 Chervin, R. Bringing the mother with you 1
232.91 C68 Colin, L. Our Lady 1
232.91 C76 Congar, Y.M.-J. Cristo, María y la Iglesia 1
232.91 D34 de Aldama, J.A. Maria en el tiempo actual de la Iglesia 1
232.91 D34 De quaestione Mariali 1
232.91 D36 de Fiores, S. Maria nella teologia contemporanea 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
232.91 D59 di Monda, A. Segno di speranza 1
232.91 D61 Denis, G. The reign of Jesus through Mary 1
232.91 Em62 Emmerich, A.C. The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1
232.91 F11 Faber, F.W. The foot of the Cross 1
232.91 F41 Ferraironi, A. La Madonna dell'Orto 1
232.91 F65 Flood, J.J. Mary 1
232.91 F95 Fuerst, C.J. Mariologia 1
232.91 G12 Gaffney, P. Mary's spiritual maturity 1
232.91 G26 Gibara, I. Mary, Mother of God, mother of the poor 1
232.91 G69 Gassmann, M.E. Die Verkündigung An Maria 1
232.91 G75 Graef, H. Mary: a history of doctrine and devotion 1
232.91 G87 Grignion de Montfort, L.-M. Traité de la vraie dévotion à la Sainte Vierge 1
232.91 G87 Grignion de Montfort, L.-M. True devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary 1
232.91 H86 Huault, P. The queen of may 1
232.91 J26 Jannucci, A. La triumphatrice de la mort 1
232.91 J6138 Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Mater on the Blessed Virgin c.1 1
Mary in the life of the pilgrim Church
232.91 J6138 Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Mater on the Blessed Virgin c.2 1
Mary in the life of the pilgrim Church
232.91 J6138 Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Mater on the Blessed Virgin c.3 1
Mary in the life of the pilgrim Church
232.91 J6138 Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Mater on the Blessed Virgin c.4 1
Mary in the life of the pilgrim Church
232.91 J6138 Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Mater on the Blessed Virgin c.5 1
Mary in the life of the pilgrim Church
232.91 K788 Knuvelder, L. Die vollständigen Botschaften der Frau aller Völker 1
232.91 L37 Laurentin, R. La question Mariale 1
232.91 L37 Laurentin, R. Our Lady and the Mass 1
232.91 L82 Lodi alla Madonna 1
232.91 M31 Manelli, S. Mariologia biblica c.1 1
232.91 M31 Manelli, S. Il Santo Rosario e i Santi c.1 1
232.91 M31 Manelli, S. Mariologia biblica c.2 1
232.91 M31 Manelli, S. Il Santo Rosario e i Santi c.2 1
232.91 M31 Manelli, S. Mariologia biblica c.3 1
232.91 M31 Manelli, S. Mariologia biblica c.4 1
232.91 M31 Manelli, S. Maria Santissima 1
232.91 M3129 Manelli, S.M. All generations shall call me blessed: biblical mariology 1

232.91 M36 Miravalle, M. Mary towards a papal definition v.1 1

232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.1 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.10 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.11 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.12 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.13 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.14 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.15 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.16 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Miravalle, M. Mary towards a papal definition v.2 c.1 1
232.91 M36 Miravalle, M. Mary towards a papal definition v.2 c.2 1
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.2 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.3 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Acta - Pontifice Academiae Marianae Internazionale v.3 1
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.4 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Marian Studies v.4 1
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.5
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.6 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.7 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.8 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Maria et Ecclesia : Acta congressus mariologici-mariani in v.9 1
civitate Lourdes anno MCMLVIII celebrati
232.91 M36 Manelli, S. La devozione alla Madonna c.1 1
232.91 M36 Manelli, S. La devozione alla Madonna c.2 1
232.91 M36 Manelli, S. La devozione alla Madonna c.3 1
232.91 M36 Maria, S. Le mie preghiere c.1 1
232.91 M36 Maria, S. Le mie preghiere c.2 1
232.91 M36 La Madonna - ai suoi sacerdoti prediletti c.1 1
232.91 M36 Mary - Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate c.1 1
232.91 M36 La Madonna - ai suoi sacerdoti prediletti c.2 1
232.91 M36 Mary - Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate c.2 1
232.91 M36 Mary - Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate c.3 1
232.91 M36 Mary - Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate c.4 1
232.91 M36 Mary - Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate c.5 1
232.91 M36 Ai sacerdoti figli prediletti della Madonna 1
232.91 M36 Alma Socia Christi 1
232.91 M36 Conclusiones Mariologicae 1
232.91 M36 De Mariologia et Oecumenismo 1
232.91 M36 La Madonna 1
232.91 M36 La visitazione d. S. Maria 1
232.91 M36 Maria - Études sur la Sainte Vierge 1
232.91 M36 Mater Christi 1
232.91 M36 Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia 1
232.91 M36 Sancta Maria Ecclesiae Mater 1
232.91 M3694 Mary at the foot of the cross - Acts of the second 1
international symposium on Marian coredemption
232.91 M3694 Mary at the foot of the cross - II: Acts of the second 1
international symposium on Marian coredemption
232.91 M3694 Mary at the foot of the cross - III: Mater unitatis. Acts of 1
the third international symposium on Marian coredemption

232.91 M3694 Mary at the foot of the cross - V: Redemption and 1

Coredemption under the sign of the Immaculate
Conception. Acts of the fifth international symposium on
Marian coredemption
232.91 M673 Miravalle, M. "With Jesus": the story of Mary co-redemptrix 1
232.91 M75 Monni, P. Maria: una riscoperta dell'uomo oggi 1
232.91 M85 Trouvé, M.L. (ed.) Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church : documents on 1
the Blessed Virgin Mary
232.91 N46 Newman, J.H. The mystical Rose 1
232.91 P17 Palazzini, P. La Santissima Vergine 1
232.91 P8468 Posto di Maria della nuova evangelizzazione 1
232.91 P853 Potter, M. Loves in the heart of Mary 1
232.91 P92 La presenza di Maria nella evangelizzazione 1
232.91 P93 Prions avec le Rosaire 1
232.91 R12 Ragazzini, S. La divina maternità di Maria 1
232.91 R12 Ragazzini, S. Maria vita dell'anima 1
232.91 R13 Rainero, A. Il messagio della Madonna dei poveri 1
232.91 R48 Ripley, F. The Priest and the Legion of Mary 1
232.91 R71 La Madre de Dios v.2 1
232.91 R73 Rosini, R. Mariologia del Beato Giovanni Duns Scoto c.1 1
232.91 R73 Rosini, R. Mariologia del Beato Giovanni Duns Scoto c.2 1
232.91 R73 Rosini, R. Mariologia del Beato Giovanni Duns Scoto c.3 1
232.91 Sch3 Schillebeeckx, E. Mary, Mother of the Redeemer 1
232.91 Sh35 Sheed, F.J. The Mary book 1
232.91 Sp1 Maria Santissima nella Sacra Scrittura 1
232.91 Sp3 Spedalieri Maria - studi e problemi 1
232.91 Sp3 Spedalieri Maria - studio diretto sulle fonti 1
232.91 T26 Theotokos 1
232.91 V83 La vita di Maria 1
232.910321 D5614 Dictionary of Mary : "behold your Mother" 1
232.9109676 B869 BUKENYA BIRIBONWA John The Devotion to Mary in Uganda in the light of the doctrine of c.2 1
Mary Chapter VIII of Lumen gentium
232.9109676 B869 BUKENYA BIRIBONWA John The devotion to Mary in Uganda in the light of the doctrine of c.2 1
Mary chapter VIII of Lumen gentium
232.9109676 B869 BUKENYA BIRIBONWA John The devotion to Mary in Uganda in the light of the doctrine of c.3 1
Mary chapter VIII of Lumen gentium
232.911 D59 di Monda Con l'Immacolata contro massoni e "nemici" della Chiesa 1
di Dio


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
232.914 D68 The Dogma of the Assumption 1
232.917 Ap4 The Apostolate of the Holy Motherhood 1
232.917 C88 Miraculous images of our Lady 1
232.917 C91 Il cuore che si dona a tutti 1
232.917 F95 Fukushima, F.M. Akita: Mother of God as Coredemptrix c.1 1
232.917 F95 Fukushima, F.M. Akita: Mother of God as Coredemptrix c.2 1
232.917 J64 Johnston, F. The wonder of Guadalupe 1
232.917 M36 Maddalena, C. Una guarigione a Lourdes 1
232.917 M36 Gruppo Mira Medjugorje per ringraziare Maria che viene 1

232.917 M36 La Madonna del Divino Amore 1

232.917 M36 Mary Queen of Peace stay with us 1
232.917 M36 Messages of our Lady to the parish of Medjugorje 1
232.917 Op2 Open your hearts to Mary Queen of Peace 1
232.917 Or4 Ori, A.S. Lourdes 1858 1
232.917 Ou7 Our Lady speaks to Her beloved priests v.1 1
232.917 Ou7 Our Lady speaks to Her beloved priests v.2 1
232.917 Ou7 Our Lady speaks to Her beloved priests v.3 1
232.917 Ou7 Our Lady speaks to Her beloved priests v.4 1
232.917 T55 To the priests, our Lady’s beloved sons 1
232.917 V74 Vincent, R. "Please come back to me and my Son" 1
232.9170944 M33 Maaria Nataalia The victorious queen of the world : the spiritual diary... 1
232.9170946945 W16 Walsh, W. T. Our Lady of Fatima 1
232.92 F11 Faber, F.W. Bethlehem c.1 1
232.92 F11 Faber, F.W. Bethlehem c.2 1
232.92 F11 Faber, F.W. Bethlehem c.3 1
232.921 B54 Bishop Jim The day Christ was born 1
232.93 L37 Laurentin, R. Queen of Heaven: a short treatise of Marian theology 1
232.93 L51 Leen, E. Our Blessed Mother 1
232.93 R12 Rahner, K. Mary Mother of the Lord 1
232.93 W42 Weiger, J. Mary Mother of faith 1
232.931 B45 Bernard, R. The mystery of Mary 1
232.931 D22 Daniel-Rops, H. The book of Mary 1
232.931 D71 Donovan, M.A. The mission of Mary 1
232.931 G93 Giordani, I. Mary of Nazareth a true portrait 1
232.931 H81 Houselander, Caryll The reed of God. 1
232.931 L37 Laurentin, R. A year of grace with Mary 1
232.931 M36 Martindale, C. Our Blessed Lady : sermons 1
232.931 M3694 Mary of Agreda City of God : popular abridgment of the divine history and 1
life of the Virgin Mother of God (tr. F. Marison)
232.931 N39 Neubert, E. Life of union with Mary 1
232.931 N89 Nugent, F. Nuevo derecho canónico: manual universitario por c.1 1
catedráticos de derecho canónico
232.931 N89 Nugent, F. Nuevo derecho canónico: manual universitario por c.2 1
catedráticos de derecho canónico
232.931 Ol4 Oliver, M. Fair as the moon 1
232.931 Sch22 Scheeben, M.J. Mariology v.1 1
232.931 Sch22 Scheeben, M.J. Mariology v.2 1
232.931 Se53 Semmelroth, O. Mary, Archetype of the Church 1
232.931 Z86 Zundel, M. Our Lady of Wisdom 1
232.932 Am188 Ambrosino, M. Chi è San Giuseppe: breve sintesi della dottrina cattolica 1
su san Giuseppe (in forma catechistica)
232.932 B149 Baij, M.C. The life of Saint Joseph 1
232.932 B4642 Bessières, A. Presenza di San Giuseppe 1
232.932 D17 Daly, E. J. Joseph, son of David. 1
232.932 Ey51 Eymard, P.J. Month of Saint Joseph 1
232.932 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Apostolic exhortation Redemptoris custos on the person 1
and mission of Saint Joseph in the life of Christ and of the
232.932 J77 Joseph, E. Joseph, Son of David 1
232.932 Oc1 O'Carroll, M. Joseph, son of David 1
232.932 R134 Rainero, A. S. Giuseppe : padre verginale di Gesù 1
232.95 G61 Goodier, A. The public life of Our Lord Jesus Christ v.1 c.1 1
232.95 G61 Goodier, A. The public life of Our Lord Jesus Christ v.1 c.2 1
232.95 G61 Goodier, A. The public life of Our Lord Jesus Christ v.2 c.1 1
232.95 G61 Goodier, A. The public life of Our Lord Jesus Christ v.2 c.2 1
232.95 G61 Goodier, A. The public life of Our Lord Jesus Christ vv.1-2 1
232.95 G61 Goodier, A. Witnesses to Christ 1
232.954 M95 Murray, R. Behold the Lamb of God: aspects of Our Lord's 1
personality from the Gospels
232.955 Sa13 Sabourin, Leopold The divine miracles discussed and defended 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
232.957 P44 Petrone, N. Il miracolo eucaristico di Lanciano 1
232.958 R241 Rebello, A. His last words 1
232.96 B21 Balthasar, H. The way of the cross c.2 1
232.96 B21 Balthasar, H. The way of the cross ... 1
232.96 B7409 Breault, W. The Lord's Way 1
232.96 D37 de Lai, G. The Passion of our Lord 1
232.96 D37 de Ligouri, A. The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ 1
232.96 G61 Goodier, A. The Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ 1
232.96 G68 Gorman, R. The last hours of Jesus 1
232.96 L45 Lazzarati, D. La Passione di Cristo 1
232.96 M3378 Marie Eugene of the Child Jesus : contemplation of the Paschal Mystery 1
232.96 M46 Mead, J. The plaints of the Passion: meditations on the reproaches 1
of the Good Friday Liturgy
232.96 P74 Plus, R. The folly of the Cross 1
232.96 St328 Steffen, B. (ed.) The Passion: photography from the movie The Passion of 1
the Christ
232.96 St4 Stephenson, W. Treading the winepress 1
232.96 V26 Van Zeller Approach to Calvary 1
232.96 W36 Pontifical Council for the The Way of the Cross during the Jubilee of families. 12 1
Family October 2000 in St. Peter's Square
232.96 W36 Way of the cross : meditations of Pope John Paul II 1
232.96 W36 Way of the cross : passion of Christ … 1
232.963 B23 Barbet, P. A doctor at Calvary c.1 1
232.963 B23 Barbet, P. A doctor at Calvary c.2 1
232.963 H81 Houselander, C. The Way of the Cross c.1 1
232.963 H81 Houselander, C. The Way of the Cross c.2 1
232.9635 W93 Wright, J.J. Words in pain 1
232.966 W95 Wuenschel, E. Self-portrait of Christ 1
233 V29 Vann, G. The heart of man 1
233.09 In784 Instituto Teológico Antropología y fe cristiana (Collectanea scientifica 1
Compostellano. IV Jornadas compostellana 15)
de Teología
233.14 D44 De Rosa, Peter Christ and original sin. c.1 1
233.14 D44 De Rosa, Peter Christ and original sin. c.2 1
233.14 D44 De Rosa, Peter Christ and original sin. c.3 1
233.14 F64 Flick, Maurizio Il creatore, l'inizio della salvezzac 1
233.144 K15 Kasujga, A. Polygenism and the theology of original sin today 1
233.2 L99 Lyonnet, Stanislas De peccato et redemptione. 1
233.2 R66 Rondet, H. The theology of sin 1
233.208 T21 Taylor, Michael The mystery of sin and forgiveness. 1
233.5 F11 Faber, F.W. Spiritual conferences 1
233.5 H88 Human sexuality and personhood 1
233.5 H8801 Monks of Solesmes (ed.) The human body 1
233.5 J6138 John Paul II The theology of the body : human love in the divine plan c.1 1

233.5 J6138 John Paul II The theology of the body : human love in the divine plan c.2 1

233.5 J6138 John Paul II Man and woman he created them : a theology of the body 1
(tr. M. Waldstein)
233.5 T2797 Tertullian La testimonianza dell'anima 1
233.5 T34 Ashley, B. Theologies of the body 1
233.5 W52011 West, C. Theology of the body explained : a commentary on John 1
Paul II's "Gospel of the body"
233.7 Ag4 Augustine, Saint De libero arbitrio 1
234 M4591 Mazzella, C. De Gratia Christi praelectiones scholastico-dogmaticae 1

234 R63 Royo, Marain Antonio The theology of Christian perfection. 1

234 Sch4 Schmaus, M. Wahrheit als Hielsbegegnung 1
234 St4 Stevens, G. The life of grace 1
234 V26 van Roo, G. The myster 1
234.09 D87 Duffy, S.J. The dynamics of grace: perspectives in theological 1
anthropology (New theology studies v.3)
234.1 C98 Cuttaz, C. Our life of grace 1
234.1 F85 Fransen, P. Divine grace and man 1
234.1 G19 Garrigou-Lagrange, R. The theological virtues. v.1 1
234.1 G47 Gleason, R.W. Grace 1
234.1 J82 Journet, C. The meaning of grace 1
234.1 T81 Tugwell, S. Did you receive the spirit ? 1
234.1 W65 Williams, N.P. The grace of God 1
234.11 M4325 Matthews, J.V. Actual grace and the spiritual life 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
234.13 H43 Heron, B. Praying for healing : the challenge 1
234.16 Ey5 Eymard, J. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament c.1 1
234.16 Ey5 Eymard, J. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament c.2 1
234.16 F11 Faber, F.W. The Blessed Sacrament c.1 1
234.16 F11 Faber, F.W. The Blessed Sacrament c.2 1
234.16 G99 Guzie, T. The book of sacramental basics 1
234.16 H36 Hellwig, Monika The meaning of the sacraments 1
234.16 M359 Marsili, S. I segni del mistero di Cristo : teologia liturgica dei 1
234.16 V26 van Roo, G. De sacramentis in genere 1
234.16 V67 Vorgrimler, H. Sacramental theology 1
234.162 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Rediscovering Confirmation (Laity Today 3) 1
Council for the Laity
234.163 B4343 Benedict XVI, Pope Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Sacramentum caritatis c.1 1
on the Eucharist as the source and summit of the
Church's life and mission
234.163 B4343 Benedict XVI, Pope Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Sacramentum caritatis c.2 1
on the Eucharist as the source and summit of the
Church's life and mission
234.163 B64 Borres, C. One bread, one body, one people 1
234.163 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Rediscovering the Eucharist (Liaty Today 7) 1
Council for the Laity
234.163 D3684 Deiss, L. It's the Lord's Supper : the Eucharist of Christians 1
234.163 Ey5 Eymard, J. Holy communion c.1 1
234.163 Ey5 Eymard, J. The Eucharist and Christian perfection c.1 1
234.163 Ey5 Eymard, J. Holy communion c.2 1
234.163 Ey5 Eymard, J. The Eucharist and Christian perfection c.2 1
234.163 Ey5 Eymard, J. Eucharistic handbook 1
234.163 H93 Hurley, M. Church and eucharist 1
234.163 Ir95 Irwin, K.W. Models of the Eucharist 1
234.163 K13 The school of love 1
234.163 K54 Kilmartin, E.J. Church, Eucharist and Priesthood: a theological 1
commentary on The Mystery and Worship of the Most
Holy Eucharist
234.163 M31 Manelli, S. Gesù eucaristico amore (Jesus our eucharistic love). c.1 1
234.163 M31 Manelli, S. Gesù eucaristico amore (Jesus our eucharistic love). c.2 1
234.163 M31 Manelli, S. Gesù eucaristico amore (Jesus our eucharistic love). c.3 1
234.163 M31 Manelli, S. Gesù eucaristico amore (Jesus our eucharistic love). c.4 1
234.163 M31 Manelli, S. Gesù eucaristico amore (Jesus our eucharistic love). c.5 1
234.163 M31 Manelli, S. Gesù eucaristico amore (Jesus our eucharistic love). c.6 1
234.163 M31 Manelli, S. Gesù eucaristico amore (Jesus our eucharistic love). c.7 1
234.163 M91 Muller, M. The Blessed Eucharist c.1 1
234.163 M91 Muller, M. The Blessed Eucharist c.2 1
234.163 M91 Muller, M. The Blessed Eucharist c.3 1
234.163 M9994 On the mystery and worship of the Holy Eucharist 1
234.163 P2819 Paul VI, Pope Encyclical letter Mysterium fidei on the doctrine and 1
worship of the Holy Eucharist
234.163 Sch4 Schmaus, M. Actuelle Fragen zur Eucharistie 1
234.163 Sy77 Synod of Bishops. XI Ordinary Eucharistia : fons et culmen vitae et missionis Ecclesiae : 1
General Assembly Nuntius
234.163 T7251 Trese, L. God's crowning gift 1
234.163 V87 Voillaume, R. Source of life : eucharist and … 1
234.16308822 M31 Manelli, S. Jesus our Eucharistic love c.1 1
234.16308822 M31 Manelli, S. Jesus our Eucharistic love c.2 1
234.16308822 M31 Manelli, S. Jesus our Eucharistic love c.3 1
234.16309015 L39 LaVerdiere, E. The breaking of the bread: the development of the 1
Eucharist according to Acts
234.164 M6921 Mitchell, N. Mission and ministry : history and theology in the 1
sacrament of order (Message of the Sacraments 6)
234.165 B43 Byrnes, M. Matrimony 1
234.166 B85 Buckley, F. "I confess" 1
234.166 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Conversion and Reconciliation (The Laity Today 29) 1
Council for the Laity
234.166 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Conversión y reconciliación (Los Laicos, Hoy 29) 1
Council for the Laity
234.2 F85 Fransen, P. Faith and the sacraments 1
234.2 H36 Heenan, J.C. Our faith 1
234.2 N46 Newman, J.H. Fifteen sermons preached before the university … 1
234.2 Ob6 O'Brien, J.A. The faith of millions 1
234.2 R837 Ruemmer, F. The true life: a little book on grace 1
234.3 F65 Flood, Edmund In memory of me : God's plan for men… 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
234.3 H44 Herzog, C. Channels of redemption 1
234.3 H44 Herzog, C. God the redeemer 1
234.5 C28 John Paul II, Pope Reconciliatio et paenitentia: Reconciliation and penance 1
in the mission of the church today
234.5 L1331 Lafitte, J. L'offense désarmée : essai sur le pardon chrétien 1
234.5 Sch7 Schreiter, R.J. Reconciliation 1
234.608 D26 Daughters of St. Paul Obedience : the greatest freedom. 1
234.608 L97 Lumbreras, P. La obediencia: problemas de actualidad 1
234.608 R1298 Rahner, K. et al. Nuovo stile di obbedienza c.1 1
234.608 R1298 Rahner, K. et al. Nuovo stile di obbedienza c.2 1
234.9 F24 Farrelly, J. Predestination, grace and free will 1
234.9 G93 Guardini, R. The focus of freedom 1
234.9 L9616 Lubich, C. Our "yes" to God 1
234.9 P57 Piñon, M. Predestination and salvation. 1
235.24 C165 Woestman, W.H. (ed.) Canonization: theology, history, process 1
235.24 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation New laws for the causes of saints promulgated in 1983 1
for the Causes of Saints

235.3 C3867 Chase, S. (tr.) Angelic spirituality : medieval perspectives on the ways of 1
235.3 D22 Danielou, J. The angels and their missions 1
235.47 M9994 Faroni, A. (ed.) The mystery of iniquity 1
236 B4562 Bermejo, L.M. Light beyond death: the risen Christ and the 1
transformation of man
236 B72 Braaten, C.E. Christ and counter-Christ: apocalyptic themes in theology 1
and culture
236 C66 Cohn, N. The pursuit of the millennium 1
236 C91 Culleton, G. The reign of antichrist 1
236 G47 Gleason, R.W. The world to come 1
236 H32 Hayes, Z. Visions of a future: a study of Christian eschatology (New 1
theology studies v.8)
236 K2952 Kelly, A. Eschatology and hope (Theology in global perspective) 1
236 L54 Lennerz, H. De Deo uno : de novissimis 1
236 M29 Maloney, G.A. Death where is thy sting? 1
236 M73 Moltmann, J. Theology of hope 1
236 P4156 Pérez Hernández, R. ¿Qué hay más allá de este aquí? 1
236 R12 Rahner, K. On the theology of death 1
236.1 B64 Boros, L. The moment of truth 1
236.1 V897 von Speyr, A. The mystery of death 1
236.2 S78 Studer, G.C. After death, what? 1
236.5 Ar3 Arendyen, J.P. Purgatory and heaven 1
236.5 Sch6 Shouppe, F.X. Purgatory c.1 1
236.5 Sch6 Shouppe, F.X. Purgatory c.2 1
236.9 Em48 Eminyan, M. Signs of the times 1
238 Ap46 Link, H.-G. (ed.) Apostolic faith today: a handbook for study 1
238 C28 Il Catechismo dei fanciulli v.2 1
238 C28 Fisichella, R. (ed.) Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica : testo integrale e 1
commento teologico
238 C28 Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica c.1 1
238 C28 Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica c.2 1
238 C28 Catechism of the Catholic Church 1
238 C28 Catechism of the Catholic Church (complete unabridged) 1

238 C28 Catéchisme de l'Église Catholique 1

238 C73 The Common Catechism 1
238 H83 Howe, G.E. The Catechist 1
238 M12 McCarthy, D.J. Old Testament covenant 1
238.11 Oc5 O’Collins, G. Friends in faith 1
238.2 C28 Catechismo della dottrina cattolica 1
238.2 C282 A Catechism of Christian Doctrine prepared and enjoined 1
by order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore. No. 2

238.2 C282 A Catechism of Christian Doctrine. Revised edition of the 1

Baltimore Catechism. A text for secondary schools and
colleges. No. 3
238.2 C282 The new confraternity edition of the Revised Baltimore 1
Catechism and Mass. No. 3
238.2 C2862 Catholic Church Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church c.1 1
238.2 C2862 Catholic Church Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church c.2 1
238.2 F24 Farrell The parish catechism 1
238.2 G21 Gasparri, Pietro Catechismus catholicus … c.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
238.2 G21 Gasparri, Pietro Catechismus catholicus … c.2 1
238.2 H43 Hernandez, P.M. Catechismo romano 1
238.2 In8 International… Teaching all nations 1
238.2 P59 Pieper, Josef What Catholics believe : a primer of the Catholic faith 1
239 B62 Bloom, A. God and man 1
239 F17 Faith, reason and the Gospels 1
239 G214 Gasquet, F.A. Breaking with the past: Catholic principles abandoned at 1
the Reformation
239 G48 Glenn, P.J. Apologetics c.1 1
239 G48 Glenn, P.J. Apologetics c.2 1
239 G8751 Griffin, R.J. Where is the truth? 1
239 H91 Hunt, David Beyond seduction : a return to biblical christianity 1
239 J4997 Pontifical Council for Culture; Jesus Christ, the bearer of the water of life. A Christian c.1 1
Pontifical Council for reflection on the "New Age"
Interreligious Dialogue
239 J4997 Pontifical Council for Culture; Jesus Christ, the bearer of the water of life. A Christian c.2 1
Pontifical Council for reflection on the "New Age"
Interreligious Dialogue
239 J98 Justin, Mary, St. Le due apologie … 1
239 L5865 Lewis, H.D. Our experience of God 1
239 P2607 Pascal, B. I pensieri (estratti) (tr. M.F. Sciacca) 1
239 P2607 Pascal, B. Pensieri (tr. P. Serini) 1
239 R55 Robinson, W.F. The bedrock of belief 1
239 Sa581 Sangalli, S. Rendere ragione : oggi è credibile l'atto di fede? 1
239 T27 Tertullian Apologeticum, Verteidigung des Christentums… 1
239.3 Ag97 Augustine, Saint Introduction to St. Augustine : the city of God … 1
239.3 Au44 Augustine, Saint The city of God c.1 1
239.3 Au44 Augustine, Saint The city of God c.2 1
239.3 Au44 Augustine, Saint The city of God c.3 1
240 An868 Anthony of Sourozh God and man 1
240 Au2 Aumann, J. Spiritual theology 1
240 P19 Panteghini, G. La religiosità popolare: provocazioni culturale ed ecclesiali 1

240.03 P17 Palazzini, P. Dictionarium morale et canonicum v.1 1

240.2 T61 Toohey, William Rebuilding faith : values that endure 1
240.2 W52 Westow, Theo The variety of Catholic attitudes 1
240.213 T72 Trese, L. The faith explained 1
240.219 B32 Baum, G. Faith and doctrine 1
240.245 V27 van Kaam, A. Fulfillment in the spiritual life 1
240.264 T75 Tromp, Sebastian De revelatione christiana. 1
240.302 B16 Bainvel, J.V. De ecclesia Christi. 1
240.302 D26 Daughters of St. Paul Visible community of love. 1
240.302 N46 Newman, J.H. The mystery of the church 1
240.302 Z1 Zapelena, Timothy De ecclesia Christi. 1
240.33 B21 Baltazar, E. God within process 1
240.4 F75 Ford, John C. Religious superiors, subjects and psychiatrists. 1
240.4 Sa1 Sacred Congregation of Priestly vocations in the world of today. 1
Seminaries and Universities
240.5 Ar4 Arintero, J.G. The mystical evolution v.1 c.1 1
240.5 Ar4 Arintero, J.G. The mystical evolution v.1 c.2 1
240.5 Ar4 Arintero, J.G. The mystical evolution v.2 c.1 1
240.5 Ar4 Arintero, J.G. The mystical evolution v.2 c.2 1
240.5 Ar4 Arintero, J.G. The mystical evolution v.2 c.3 1
240.5 Ar4 Arintero, J.G. La evolución mística 1
240.505 D88 Dulles, A. The resilient church : the necessity and limits of 1
240.531 B69 Boyer, C. Tractatus de gratia divina. 1
240.572 L84 Lonergan, Bernard De Deo Trino v.1 c.1 1
240.572 L84 Lonergan, Bernard De Deo Trino v.1 c.2 1
240.572 L84 Lonergan, Bernard De Deo Trino v.2 1
240.6 D46 Desplanques, F. Christ at every crossroad 1
240.618 G93 Guardini, R. The world and the person 1
240.688 B68 Bowman, David The Word made flesh 1
240.708 R56 Robinson, William His only son : the truth of the divinity of Christ. 1
240.8 G76 Grasso, D. L'annunzio della salvezza 1
240.8 G76 Grasso, Domenico Proclaiming God's message … c.1 1
240.8 G76 Grasso, Domenico Proclaiming God's message … c.2 1
241 Ae84 Aertnys, J. Theologia moralis secundum doctrina S. Alfonsi de Ligo 1

241 Ar6 Zalba-Arregui Compendio de teología moral 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
241 B63 Bolton, M. A way to achievement. 1
241 B64 Bonhoeffer, D. Ethics. c.1 1
241 B64 Bonhoeffer, D. Ethics. c.2 1
241 C28 John Paul II, Pope The splendor of truth. c.1 1
241 C28 John Paul II, Pope The splendor of truth. c.2 1
241 D63 The distinctiveness of Christian ethics 1
241 F39 Fernando, da For the love of life : Gianna Beretta Molla, doctor and... c.1 1
241 F39 Fernando, da For the love of life : Gianna Beretta Molla, doctor and... c.2 1
241 F75 Ford, J.C.; Kelly, G. Contemporary moral theology v.1 1
241 F75 Ford, J.C.; Kelly, G. Problemas de teología moral contemporanea. Tomo 2. v.2 1
Cuestiones matrimoniales
241 G76 Graham, A. The love of God: an essay in analysis 1
241 G935 Günthör, A. Chiamata e risposta: una nuova theologia morale 1
241 G94 Guindon, A. The sexual language 1
241 G97 Gustafson, J. The church as moral decision-maker 1
241 G9948 Guzzetti, G.B. La morale cattolica v.3 1
241 G9948 Guzzetti, G.B. La morale cattolica v.4 1
241 G9948 Guzzetti, G.B. La morale cattolica v.5 1
241 H19 Handbuch der moraltheologie v.1 1
241 H19 Handbuch der moraltheologie v.10 1
241 H19 Handbuch der moraltheologie v.11 1
241 H19 Handbuch der moraltheologie v.4 1
241 H19 Handbuch der moraltheologie v.6 1
241 H19 Handbuch der moraltheologie v.9 1
241 H22 Haring, B. Christian renewal in a changing world 1
241 J69 Moral theology c.1 1
241 J69 Moral theology c.2 1
241 K54 Kiely, B. Psychology and moral theology 1
241 M21 The magisterium and morality 1
241 N715 Noldin, H. (ed.) Summa theologiae moralis v.1 1
241 N715 Noldin, H. (ed.) Summa theologiae moralis v.2 1
241 N715 Noldin, H. (ed.) Summa theologiae moralis v.3 1
241 P67 Piscetta, A. Sommario di teologia morale 1
241 R26 Regan, G.M. New trends in moral theology 1
241 R58 Rock, A. Sex, love and the life of the Spirit 1
241 V89 von Hildebrand, D. In defense of purity 1
241.02 L29 Lanza, A.; Palazzini, P. Theologia moralis v.1 1
241.042 Al7 de Ligouri, A.M. Theologia moralis v.2 1
241.042 Al7 de Ligouri, A.M. Theologia moralis v.3 1
241.042 C11 Cafferra, C. Living in Christ. 1
241.042 C1733 Capone, D. La proposta morale di Sant'Alfonso : sviluppo e attualità 1

241.042 C24 Carter, E. The spirit is present 1

241.042 C73 Communicating the Catholic vision of life 1
241.042 F34 Press, M.; Brown, N. Faith and culture: a pastoral perspective 1
241.042 F95 Fuchs, Josef Human values and Christian morality. 1
241.042 G88 Grisez, G. The way of the Lord Jesus. Vol. 1. Christian moral v.1 c.1 1
241.042 G88 Grisez, G. The way of the Lord Jesus. Vol. 1. Christian moral v.1 c.2 1
241.042 H35 Häring. B. La predicazione della morale dopo il Concilio. 1
241.042 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Encyclical letter Veritatis splendor c.1 1
241.042 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Encyclical letter Veritatis splendor c.2 1
241.042 K19 Keane, P. Christian ethics and imagination. 1
241.042 M79 Moral theology today: certitudes and doubts 1
241.042 P43 Peschke, K.H. Etica Cristiana: teologia morale alla luce del Vaticano II v.1 1
(=Christian ethics: moral theology in the light of Vatican II)

241.042 W52 Westley, D. Morality and its beyond 1

241.0420924 Ab19 Abba, G. Lex et virtus 1
241.08996073 W15 Walter, T. Empower the people 1
241.1 Ab57 Abignente, D. Conversione morale nella fede: una riflessione etico- 1
teologica a partire da figure di conversione del vangelo di
241.1 C28 Catholic conscience foundation and formation 1
241.1 C7651 Curran, C.E. (ed.) Conscience (Readings in moral theology n. 14) 1
241.1 M2889 Majorano, S. La coscienza : per una lettura cristiana 1
241.1 R73 Rosmini, A. Conscience 1
241.196 L54 Lennerz, H. De Virtutibus theologicis : ad usum auditorum. 1
241.2 F95 Fuchs, J. Lex naturae: zur Theologie des Naturrechts. 1
241.2 R34 Rhymer, Joseph The prophets and the law. 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
241.238 P21 Parado, C The sacraments our encounter with Christ. 1
241.3 F16 Fairlie, H. Seven deadly sins today. 1
241.3 F16 Fairlie, H. The seven deadly sins 1
241.4 Ab19 Abba, G. Felicità, vita buona e virtù : saggio di filosofia ... c.1 1
241.4 Ab19 Abba, G. Felicità, vita buona e virtù : saggio di filosofia ... c.2 1
241.4 B64 Boros, L. Living in hope 1
241.4 B99 Byrne, A.P.H. Faith and culture 1
241.4 C28 John Paul II, Pope Dives in misericordia (rich in mercy) 1
241.4 K29 Kelsey, M. Caring : how can we love one another? 1
241.4 M56 Metz, J.B. Poverty of spirit. 1
241.6 C86 Crisis in morality : the Vatican speaks out ... 1
241.63 M21 Mackin, T. Divorce and remarriage. 1
241.642 G87 Griese, O.N. Catholic identity in health care: principles and practice 1
241.642 Sca7 Scarce medical resources and justice 1
241.642 W89 Critical issues in contemporary health care 1
241.6425 F43 The fetal tissue issue 1
241.66 C28 Catholic Church Declaration on certain... 1
241.66 C28 Human sexuality 1
241.66 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Declaration on certain questions concerning sexual ethics 1
Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith
241.66 J61 John Paul II, Pope Fruitful and responsible love. 1
241.66 J61 John Paul II, Pope Reflections on "Humanae Vitae": conjugal morality and 1
241.66 M22 Sexuality: theological voices 1
241.66 M91 Mulligan, J.J. Choose life 1
241.66 P2819 Paul VI, Pope Encyclical letter Humanae vitae on the regulation of birth c.1 1

241.66 P2819 Paul VI, Pope Encyclical letter Humanae vitae on the regulation of birth c.2 1

241.66 P2819 Paul VI, Pope Humanae vitae : a challenge to love 1

241.66 Q29 Quay, P.M. The Christian meaning of human sexuality 1
241.66 Sy6 Trust the truth 1
241.6608822 D54 Moral theology no. 8: Dialogue about Catholic sexual 1
241.66219 L42 Lawler, R. Catholic sexual ethics c.1 1
241.66219 L42 Lawler, R. Catholic sexual ethics c.2 1
241.66219 L42 Lawler, R. Catholic sexual ethics c.3 1
241.6762 B6438 Bonnici, J.S. Person to person: friendship and love in the life and 1
theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar
241.677 Es7 Essays on the love commandment 1
241.691 C83 Covenant for a new creation 1
241.697 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Encyclical letter Evangelium vitae 1
241.697 V651 Vial Correa, J.; Sgreccia, E. Evangelium vitae: Five years of confrontation with the 1
society (proceedings of the sixth assembly of the
Pontifical Academy for Life)
241.6976 Ab7 Abortion 1
241.716 H22 Haring, B. Law of Christ. v.1 c.1 1
241.716 H22 Haring, B. Law of Christ. v.1 c.2 1
241.716 H22 Haring, B. Law of Christ. v.2 c.1 1
241.716 H22 Haring, B. Law of Christ. v.2 c.2 1
241.785 C67 Colin, L. Love the Lord thy God 1
242 A94 à Kempis, T. The imitation of Christ 1
242 A94 à Kempis, T. The imitation of Christ 1
242 Au38 Die Sichtbarmachung und Aufopferung der Wunden Jesu: 1
Das letzte Rettungmittel für die Welt
242 Au45 Augustine, Saint The confessions of St. Augustine c.1 1
242 Au45 Augustine, Saint The confessions of St. Augustine c.2 1
242 Au45 Augustine, Saint Le confessioni (tr. A. Landi) 1
242 B32 Battersby, W.J. La Sallian meditations 1
242 B64 Borromeo, C. Sancti Caroli Borromaei Orationes XII ad usum 1
episcoporum in concilium oecum. Vaticancum II
convenientum Pauli VI Pont. Max. iussu denuo editae
242 C14 Camara, H. Hoping against all hope 1
242 C23 Carretto, C. Summoned by love 1
242 C23 Carretto, Carlo Letters from the desert. 1
242 C31 de Caussade, J.P. On prayer 1
242 C6861 Colledge, E.; Walsh, J. (trs.) Julian of Norwich : Showings 1
242 C69 Collins, J.H. Soul of Christ: meditations on the Anima Christi 1
242 C83 Courtois, G. Fruitful activity: Spiritual conferences for educators 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
242 C87 Croiset, J. The devotion to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ 1

242 C8895 Cruz, M.M. The glory of the cross 1

242 D39 de Mello, A. The prayer of the frog: a book of story meditations v.1 1
242 En9 Enzler, Clarence My other self : in which Christ speaks to the soul... 1
242 G61 Goodier, A. The life that is light v.1 1
242 G61 Goodier, A. The life that is light v.2 1
242 G61 Goodier, A. The life that is light v.3 1
242 G619 Goodier, A. The school of love, and other essays 1
242 G94 Guillerand, A. They speak by silences 1
242 H22 Haring, B. Celebrating joy 1
242 H87 Hufstader, Anselm God's time is the best time. 1
242 J17 de Jaegher, P. The virtue of love c.1 1
242 J17 de Jaegher, P. The virtue of love c.2 1
242 L33 de la Salle, J.-B. Meditations (ed. Battersby, W.J.) 1
242 L33 de la Salle, J.-B. Meditazioni (tr. Barbaglia, S.) 1
242 L51 Leen, J. By Jacob's well: A planned retreat 1
242 L5181 Leen, E. My last retreat 1
242 L9616 Lubich, C. The Christian eye 1
242 L99 Lynch, F. Come, take up your cross: the practical responsibilities of 1
Christians today
242 M131 Maccise, C. Le vie del Signore 1
242 M4599 McEvoy, H. Work and worship : daily readings and prayers 1
242 M52 Menendez, J. Christ's appeal for Love (revised abridged edition of The 1
way of divine Love)
242 M52 Menendez, J. The way of divine love ... 1
242 M55 Merton, T. The new man 1
242 M55 Merton, T. Thoughts in solitude 1
242 M558A Merton, T. The ascent to truth c.1 1
242 M558A Merton, T. The ascent to truth c.2 1
242 M77 Mooney, P. Praise to the Lord of the morning: Three prayer 1
242 M78 Moore, S. Before the deluge 1
242 N17 Nash, Robert The seminarian at his prie-dieu. 1
242 N46 Newman, J.H. Meditations and devotions 1
242 Or8 Orsy, L. The Lord of confusion 1
242 P25 Parsch, P. L'anno liturgico 1
242 P25 Parsch, P. Seasons of grace 1
242 P2819 Paul VI, Pope Pensiero alla morte. Testamento. Omelia nel xv 1
anniversario dell'incoronazione
242 P35 Peirce, F. Ponder slowly 1
242 P489 Péguy, C. God speaks: religious poetry 1
242 P74 Plus, R. Radiating Christ, an appeal to militant Catholics. c.1 1
242 P74 Plus, R. Radiating Christ, an appeal to militant Catholics. c.2 1
242 P74 Plus, R. Inward peace 1
242 Q5 Quoist, M. I've met Jesus Christ 1
242 Q5 Quoist, M. Prayers of life 1
242 R12 Rahner, C. Encounters with silence 1
242 R13 Raines, R. A faithing oak: Meditations from the mountain 1
242 R1899 Ratzinger, J. Images of hope : meditations on major feasts 1
242 Sa936 Savary, L.M. (ed.) A time for salvation. Reflections on a redeemed universe 1

242 Sca17 Scabelloni, A.M. Manuale pratico della meditazione 1

242 T698 Travert, P. Sous le signe de Ste Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus 1
242 Ur8 Urteaga, Loida Man, the saint. 1
242 V23 Valensin, A. Joy in the faith 1
242 V24 Valles, C. Tales of the city of God 1
242 V27 Van Breemen, P. Certain as the dawn. c.1 1
242 V27 Van Breemen, P. Certain as the dawn. c.2 1
242 V33 Vann, G. Of his fullness: A Christian review 1
242 V39 van Zeller, H. Moments of light c.1 1
242 V39 van Zeller, H. Moments of light c.2 1
242 V61 Verses meditations c.1 1
242 V61 Verses meditations c.2 1
242 V87 Voillaume, R. Christian vocation 1
242 V89 von Balthasar, H.U. You have words of eternal life: scripture meditations 1
242.105 D143 Daily guideposts, 2000 1
242.188 C17 Capon, R.F. An offering of uncles : the priesthood of Adam and the 1
shape of the world
242.188 M55 Merton, T. No man is an island c.1 1
242.188 M55 Merton, T. No man is an island c.2 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
242.19 M82 Morneau, R.F. Mantras for the evening: the experience of holistic prayer 1

242.2 Al1 Alberione, J. Daily meditations: The great truths c.1 1

242.2 Al1 Alberione, J. Daily meditations: The great truths c.2 1
242.2 C34 Chabanel, Mother. Gospel initiations for each Sunday... 1
242.2 D68 Grace in every season: Through the year with Catherine 1
242.2 J94 Julian of Norwich Enfolded in love daily readings 1
242.2 P9422 Proctor, P. 201 inspirational stories of the Eucharist 1
242.2 R71 Rosage, D. Speak, Lord, your servant is listening 1
242.2 V838 ¡Vivimos de Ti! : oraciones eucarísticas sobre el texto de 1
la Encíclica "Ecclesia de Eucharistia" de S.S. Juan Pablo
242.259 L51 Leen, E. Progress through mental prayer c.1 1
242.259 L51 Leen, E. Progress through mental prayer c.2 1
242.299 W11 Wade, J. Sexuality, chastity & personal hang-ups 1
242.3 B2968 Bastin, M.; Pinckers, G.; God day by day : following the weekday lectionary v.2 1
Teheux, M.
242.3 B66 Boultwood, A. Into his splendid light 1
242.3 C7363 Commento esegetico-spirituale al lezionario festivo v.2 1
242.3 C7363 Commento esegetico-spirituale al lezionario feriale v.5 1
242.3 D71 Donders, J.G. Beyond Jesus: Reflections on the Gospels for the B-cycle 1

242.3 D71 Donders, J.G. Jesus, hope drawing near: Reflections on the Gospels for 1
the C-cycle
242.3 D71 Donders, J.G. The Jesus community: Reflections on the Gospels for the 1
242.3 D71 Donders, J.G. The Jesus option: Reflections on the Gospels for the C- 1
242.3 K97 Kwatra, M. Prayers at meals. 1
242.3 L33 de la Salle, J.-B. Meditations for the time of retreat 1
242.305 D26 Daughters of … Religious life in the light of Vatican II 1
242.33 D68 Donkey bells: Advent and Christmas with Catherine 1
242.33 H3342 Hays, E. Make straight the crooked ways : daily reflections for c.1 1
242.33 H3342 Hays, E. Make straight the crooked ways : daily reflections for c.2 1
242.33 H3342 Hays, E. Make straight the crooked ways : daily reflections for c.3 1
242.33 N858 La novena di Natale con Benedetto XVI 1
242.33 St9 Stuhlmueller, Carroll Biblical meditations for advent and the Christmas season. 1

242.33 T446 Tietjen, M.L. The Bethlehem tree : a family advent resource book 1
242.34 F75 Ford, J.M.; Keifer, R.A. We are Easter people: a commentary for the time of 1
242.34 K277 Kelemen, J. Lent is for children : stories, activities, prayers. Revised 1
and expanded
242.34 M18 McIlhon, J. Forty days plus three: Daily reflections for Lent and Holy 1
242.5 C83 Courtois, G. Before his face: Meditations for priests and religious v.1 1
242.5 C83 Courtois, G. Before his face: Meditations for priests and religious v.2 1
242.5 V27 van Kaam, A. The mystery of transforming love c.1 1
242.5 V27 van Kaam, A. The mystery of transforming love c.2 1
242.598 J29 Jarrett, B. Our Lady of Lourdes … 1
242.62 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Letter to children in the year of the family 1
242.69 J61 John Paul II, Pope Sign of contradiction. 1
242.692 C83 Courtois, G. You who are sent : prayers for the apostolate 1
242.694 M55 Merton, T. Contemplative prayer. 1
242.7 V28 Vandeur, E. Living the Lord's Prayer 1
242.74 B2938 Bassadonna, G. La preghiera del rosario 1
242.74 D39 de Montfort, L. The secret of the Rosary 1
242.74 J6138 John Paul II Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae to bishops, 1
clergy and faithful on the most holy Rosary
242.74 P9422 Proctor, P. 101 inspirational stories of the Rosary 1
242.74 R712 Rosario: preghiera prediletta c.1 1
242.74 R712 Rosario: preghiera prediletta c.2 1
242.74 R712 Rosario: preghiera prediletta c.3 1
242.74 R7357 Rossi, M.R. Meditiamo il Santo Rosario 1
242.74 W21 Ward, M. The splendor of the Rosary 1
242.742 W21 Ward, N. Five for sorrow ten for joy 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
242.8 H72 Hollings, M.; Gullick, E. The One who listens: a book of prayer 1
242.802 In15 In preghiera con Padre Annibale 1
242.83 H51 Heyer, R. Discovery in prayer 1
243.135 L58 Lewis, E. Children and their religion 1
243.16 K25 Keeping up with our Catholic faith: Explaining changes in v.1 1
Catholic teaching since Vatican II
243.415 W46 Welty, E. A handbook of christian social ethics v.1 1
243.533 R15 Ranaghan, K. Catholic Pentecostals 1
244.192 N67 Nocent, A. The liturgical year v.1 1
244.192 N67 Nocent, A. The liturgical year v.4 1
245 R6629 Romanus Melodus Inni 1
246 R1899 Ratzinger, J. Il volto di Cristo 1
246.5 B76 Bridge A.C. Images of God: An essay on the life and death of symbols 1

246.66 B64 Boros, Ladislaus Pain and providence 1

246.9582 F198 Falsini, R. et al. Gli spazi della celebrazione rituale 1
246.9582 Si571 Simons, T.G.; Fitzpatrick, J.M. The ministry of liturgical environment 1

247 C285 Pontifical Commission for the Cathedral workshops on religious arts and crafts. 1
Cultural Heritage of the Church Proceedings.

247 P28 He's put the whole world in her hands 1

248 Ac75 Acquaviva, C. Therapy for illnesses of soul (Industriae ad curandos 1
animae morbos)
248 B6403 Bonaventura da Bagnoregio La vita mistica (tr. Mario Spinelli) 1
248 C1621 Cane, B. Through crisis to freedom 1
248 C28 Catherine of Siena, Saint The dialogue of the seraphic virgin Catherine of Siena c.1 1
248 C28 Catherine of Siena, Saint The dialogue of the seraphic virgin Catherine of Siena c.2 1
248 C28 Catherine of Siena, Saint The dialogue of the seraphic virgin Catherine of Siena c.3 1
248 C61 Cliffe, A. Let go and let God: steps in victorious living 1
248 C6613 de Cea, E. Compendium of spirituality v.1 1
248 C6613 de Cea, E. Compendium of spirituality v.2 1
248 C8 Cuskelly, E.J. A Heart to Know Thee: a practical summa of the spiritual 1
248 C961 Cusmano, G. Servire i poveri è servire Gesù 1
248 D49 Devas, F. The law of love 1
248 Es196 Escrivá de Balaguer, J. The way 1
248 F22 Faricy, R. Christian Faith and my everyday life: the spiritual doctrine 1
of Teilhard de Chardin
248 F82 Six, J.-F. (ed.) Spiritual autobiography of Charles de Foucauld c.1 1
248 F82 Six, J.-F. (ed.) Spiritual autobiography of Charles de Foucauld c.2 1
248 G76 Summa of the Christian life v.1 c.1 1
248 G76 Summa of the Christian life v.1 c.2 1
248 G76 Summa of the Christian life v.2 c.1 1
248 G76 Summa of the Christian life v.2 c.2 1
248 G76 Summa of the Christian life v.3 c.1 1
248 G76 Summa of the Christian life v.3 c.2 1
248 G82 Greene, G.P. The prophet child 1
248 G93 Guelley, R. Christian commitment to God and to the world 1
248 H37 Hemphill, B. The joy of serving God 1
248 H59 Hinnebusch, Paul Like the Word : to the Trinity through Christ 1
248 H6758 Hoffmann, J. Practical union with God 1
248 H7413 Hollings, M. I will be there 1
248 J17 de Jaegher, P. The Lord is my joy 1
248 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Lettera sull'adorazione eucaristica 1
248 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Lettera sull'adorazione eucaristica 1
248 J741 Joos, A. Spiritualità della "Presenza": originalità dell'Adorazione 1
Eucaristica in spirito e verità
248 K54 Kierkegaard, S. Purity of heart is to will one thing 1
248 K7438 Knight, D.M. Lift up your eyes to the mountain: a guide to the spiritual 1
248 L6484 Link, M. Breakaway: twenty-eight steps to a more reflective life 1
248 L9616 Lubich, C. Man's yes to God 1
248 M29 Maloney, G.A. (tr.) Intoxicated with God: the fifty spiritual homilies of 1
248 M33 Marie-Eugene I am a daughter of the Church: A practical synthesis of v.2 1
Carmelite spirituality
248 M55 Merton, T. Seeds of contemplation 1
248 M554 Merry del Val, R. Pensieri ascetici 1
248 M57 Meyer, B. Lend me your hands 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
248 M72 Moffat, J.E. Ave Maria : thoughts on the mysteries of the holy Rosary 1

248 P4458 Petitot, H. Saint Teresa of Lisieux : a spiritual renascence 1

248 P539 Philips, G. Achieving Christian maturity 1
248 P74 Plus, R. Progress in divine union c.1 1
248 P74 Plus, R. Progress in divine union c.2 1
248 P977 The Pursuit of Wisdom and other works by the author of 1
The Cloud of Unknowing
248 R12 Rahner, K. Everyday things. 1
248 R6183 Rodriguez, A. Practice of perfection and Christian virtues v.1 1
248 R6183 Rodriguez, A. Practice of perfection and Christian virtues v.2 1
248 R6183 Rodriguez, A. Practice of perfection and Christian virtues v.3 1
248 Sch728 Schreiter, R.J. Con acqua e sangue: una spiritualità di solidarietà e di 1
248 Sh35 Sheen, F. Life is worth living 1
248 Sh35 Sheen, F. Way to happiness 1
248 So1 Sobrino, J. Spirituality of liberation: Toward political holiness 1
248 T15 Tanquerey, A. The spiritual life 1
248 T27 Teresa of Avila The collected works of St. Teresa of Avila v.1 1
248 T27 Teresa of Avila The collected works of St. Teresa of Avila (1976) v.1 1
248 T27 Teresa of Avila The collected works of St. Teresa of Avila v.2 1
248 T27 Teresa of Avila The collected works of St. Teresa of Avila v.3 1
248 T272 Poveda, P. Avisos espirituales de Santa Teresa de Jesús 1
248 T272 Teresa de Jesús Obras completas (5th ed., Editorial de Espiritualidad) 1
248 T272 Teresa de Jesús Obras completas (9th ed., BAC) 1
248 V32 van Kaam, A. Personality fulfillment in the spiritual life. 1
248 V32 van Kaam, A. Religion and personality. 1
248 V39 van Zeller, H. Famine of the Spirit c.1 1
248 V39 van Zeller, H. Famine of the Spirit c.2 1
248 V39 van Zeller, H. The choice of God 1
248 V39 van Zeller, H. We work while the light lasts. 1
248 V89 von Hildebrand, D. Transformation in Christ c.1 1
248 V89 von Hildebrand, D. Transformation in Christ c.2 1
248 V89 von Hildebrand, D. Transformation in Christ c.3 1
248 V89 von Hildebrand, D. Transformation in Christ c.4 1
248 W755 Wiseman, J.A. Spirituality and mysticism : a global view (Theology in 1
global perspective)
248 Z38 van Zeller, H. The will of God in other words : a presentation for 1
248.03 W5281 Wakefield, G.S. (ed.) The Westminster dictionary of christian spirituality 1
248.08822 L24 Lane, George Christian spirituality : an historical sketch. 1
248.09 G752 Grabmann, M. Mittelaterliches Geistesleben v.2 1
248.09 G752 Grabmann, M. Mittelaterliches Geistesleben v.3 1
248.09 T818 Tugwell, S. Ways of imperfection : An exploration of christian 1
248.0902 C248 Carthusian spirituality : the writings of Hugh of Balma and 1
Guigo de Ponte (tr. D.D. Martin)
248.095 A54 Asian Christian spirituality: Reclaiming traditions 1
248.2 Au5 Aumann, J. Christian spirituality in the Catholic tradition 1
248.2 M22 McLaughlin, B. Nature, grace, and religious development 1
248.2 Su24 Henry Suso : The exemplar, with two german sermons (tr. 1
F. Tobin)
248.2 W11 Wach, J. Types of religious experience: Christian and non-Christian 1

248.201 K29 Kelsey, M. Encounter with God 1

248.22 B15 Bailey, R. Thomas Merton on mysticism 1
248.22 B94 Burrows, R. Guidelines for mystical prayer 1
248.22 C31 de Caussade, J.P. Abandonment to Divine Providence 1
248.22 C324 Cecilia del Nacimiento Obras completas 1
248.22 C49 Cisneros, G. Book of exercises for the spiritual life. 1
248.22 C62 The Cloud of unknowing and the Book of privy counseling 1

248.22 C62 The Cloud of unknowing and the Book of privy counseling 1

248.22 Ec577 Colledge, E. and B. McGinn Meister Eckhart : the essential sermons, commentaries, 1
(trs.) treatises and defense
248.22 H545 Bowie, F.; Davies, O. (eds.); Hildegard of Bingen : mystical writings 1
Carver, R. (tr.)
248.22 J8 John of the Cross Ascent of Mount Carmel (tr. E. Allison Peers) 1
248.22 J8 John of the Cross Dark Night of the Soul (tr. E. Allison Peers) 1
248.22 J8 John of the Cross Living Flame of Love (tr. E. Allison Peers) 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
248.22 J8 John of the Cross The Spiritual Canticle and Poems (tr. E. Allison Peers) 1
248.22 L341 Lataste, G. Dialogo in un carcere 1
248.22 L341 Lataste, G. Prospettive oltre le sbarre 1
248.22 L341 Lataste, G. Sulle orme della misericordia 1
248.22 L62 Light from Light: An anthropology of Christian mysticism 1

248.22 N685 Noffke, S. (tr.) Catherine of Siena : the dialogue 1

248.22 T34 Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus Manuscrits autobiographiques 1
248.22 T76 Truhlar, C.V. L'esperienza mistica: saggio di teologica spirituale 1
248.22092 P8105 Pope, H. The teaching of St. Augustine on prayer and the 1
contemplative life
248.22092 Q37 Quesnel, R. Charles de Foucauld , les étapes d'une recherche. 1
248.220924 H1931 Haneman, M.A. The spirituality of St. Teresa of Avila 1
248.24 St4 Stern, G.B. The way it worked out 1
248.24 W37 Weaver, Francis J. Hints for the instruction of converts. 1
248.2420922 Ob6 O’Brien, J. The road to Damascus 1
248.25 G89 Groeschel, B. Reform of renewal 1
248.27 M29 Maloney, G.A. Following Jesus in the real world 1
248.3 Ab47 Abhishiktananda, Swami Prayer 1
248.3 B21 Balthasar, H. Prayer 1
248.3 B62 Bloom, A. Living prayer 1
248.3 B63 Boase, Leonard The prayer of faith. 1
248.3 B66 Boulding, M. Prayer : our journey home 1
248.3 D64 Divarkar, P. The path of interior knowledge 1
248.3 En36 English, John J. Choosing life. 1
248.3 F58 Fitzmyer, J.A. Spiritual exercises based on Paul's Epistle to the Romans 1

248.3 H20 Happold, F.C. The journey inwards: a simple introduction to the practice 1
of contemplative meditation by normal people
248.3 H22 Haring, B. Prayer : the integration of faith and life 1
248.3 Ig5 Fleming, D.L. (ed.) Ignatian exercises: Contemporary annotations (The best 1
of the Review 4
248.3 J61 Wojtyla, K. The way to Christ: spiritual exercises 1
248.3 K22 Keating, Thomas Open mind, open heart : the contemplative dimension of 1
the Gospel
248.3 L1346 Lafrance, J. Pray to your Father in secret 1
248.3 L423 Lawler, W.R. (ed.) The Rosary of Mary: translations of the encyclical and 1
apostolic letters of Pope Leo XIII
248.3 L6484 Link, M. Vision: praying Scripture in a contemporary way: Year A 1

248.3 N67 Fleming, D.L. (ed.) Notes on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola 1
(The best of the Review 1)
248.3 P44 Peters, AM The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius : Exposition and 1
248.3 P44241 Peters, W.A.M. The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius: workbook and c.1 1
248.3 P44241 Peters, W.A.M. The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius: workbook and c.2 1
248.3 P44241 Peters, W.A.M. The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius: workbook and c.3 1
248.3 P762 Pollard, M. The laughter of God: at ease with prayer 1
248.3 R12 Raguin, Y. Paths to contemplation (The religious experience series 1
248.3 R713 The Rosary of migrants and itinerant people 1
248.3 St25 Stanley, D. A modern scriptural approach to the Spiritual Exercises 1

248.3 V39 Van Zeller, H. The current of spirituality 1

248.3 W53 Whelan, J.P. Benjamin: essays in prayer 1
248.32 B62 Bloom, A. Courage to pray 1
248.32 C24 Carter, E. Prayer perspectives c.1 1
248.32 C24 Carter, E. Prayer perspectives c.2 1
248.32 G82 Green, T. Darkness in the marketplace: The Christian at prayer in 1
the world
248.32 H27 Hassel, D.J. Radical prayer: creating a welcome for God, ourselves, 1
other people and the world
248.32 M36 Martin, R. Hungry for God : practical help in personal prayer 1
248.32 N125 Nadine, M. Interceding with Jesus 1
248.32 T2797 Tertullian La preghiera 1
248.32 T63 Torkington, R. Peter Calvay - Prophet: the inner meaning of prayer 1
248.32 T81 Tugwell, S. Prayer – living with God 1
248.34 B6485 Borst, J. Contemplative prayer: a guide for today's Catholic 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
248.34 C214 Callahan, W.R. Noisy contemplation: deep prayer for busy people 1
248.34 F22 Faricy, R. Contemplazione e discernimento 1
248.34 F22 Faricy, R. Seeking Jesus in contemplation and discernment 1
248.34 F87 Freeman, L. Light within : the inner path of meditation… 1
248.34 P61 Pieper, J. Happiness and contemplation 1
248.4 C23 Carretto, C. I sought and I found: My experience of God and the 1
248.4 C76 Duquoc, C. (ed.) The concrete Christian life (Concilium v. 69: Spirituality) 1

248.4 F4975 Finney, J. Understanding leadership 1

248.4 G47 Gleason, R. Christ and the Christian 1
248.4 G764 de Grandmaison, L. Come Holy Spirit: meditations for apostles 1
248.4 G899 Groote, G. The following of Christ: the spiritual diary of Gerard 1
Groote (1340-1384) founder of the brethren and sisters of
the common life (tr. Joseph Malaise)
248.4 H27 Has change shattered our faith? A hopeful look at the 1
Church today
248.4 H38 Henaghan, J. The secret scripture of the poor 1
248.4 J176 de Jaegher, P. The virtue of trust: meditations 1
248.4 L51 Levi, A. Religion in practice: an outline of Christian religious 1
teaching in the light of the religious relevance of humane
standards of conduct
248.4 L76 Living our faith after the changes: Explaining Catholic 1
teaching since Vatican II
248.4 L95 Lozano, Juan Discipleship : towards an understanding … 1
248.4 L9616 Lubich, C. Disegni di luce : meditazioni e immagini 1
248.4 M2978 Maloney, G.A. Listen, prophets! 1
248.4 M37 Marriage and family in today's world c.1 1
248.4 M37 Marriage and family in today's world c.2 1
248.4 M37 Marriage and family in today's world c.3 1
248.4 M37 Marriage and family in today's world c.4 1
248.4 M37 Marriage and family in today's world c.5 1
248.4 M37 Marriage and family in today's world c.6 1
248.4 M4599 McGarrigle, F.J. My Father's Will 1
248.4 Oc5 O'Connor, E. Eighth day of creation 1
248.4 P27 Fleming, D.L. (ed.) Paths of renewal for religious (The best of the Review 2). 1

248.4 P31 Peale, N.V. Dynamic imaging 1

248.4 P39 Pepler, C. Riches despised: A study of the roots of religion 1
248.4 P8711 Powell, J. Unconditional love : love without limits 1
248.4 Si5 Simon, M.R. Hammer and fire: Toward divine happiness and mental 1
248.4 W37 Weaver, B. Joy 1
248.4 W65 Wilkersen, D. Hungry for more of Jesus: experiencing his presence in 1
these troubled times.
248.42 B87 Buscaglia, L. Love 1
248.42 K38 Kennedy, E. The pain of being human 1
248.47 B46 Bertrams, Wilhelm Celibato sacerdotale : significato e motivi. 1
248.47 B61 Blenkinsopp, J. Celibacy, ministry, Church 1
248.47 D85 Dubay , T. "...And you are Christ's": the charism of virginity and the 1
celibate life
248.47 Es197 Escudero, G. El voto de pobreza 1
248.47 G19 Garrigou-Lagrange, R. The three ages of the interior life: Prelude of eternal life v.1 1
248.47 G19 Garrigou-Lagrange, R. The three ages of the interior life: Prelude of eternal life v.2 1
248.47 H29 Hausherr, I. Direction spirituelle en Orient autrefois 1
248.47 P869 Istituto di Teologia della Vita La povertà religiosa c.1 1
Religiosa « Claretianum »
248.47 P869 Istituto di Teologia della Vita La povertà religiosa c.2 1
Religiosa « Claretianum »
248.48 V89 von Balthasar, H.U. The Christian state of life 1
248.48 W36 The Way of the pilgrim. 1
248.4814 D7373 Dorotheus of Gaza Scritti e insegnamenti spirituali 1
248.4814094 L9683 Luibheid, C.; Russell, N. (trs.) John Climacus : The ladder of divine ascent 1

248.4819 P64 The pilgrim continues his way (tr. R.M.French) 1

248.482 B2172 von Balthasar, H.U. The moment of Christian witness 1
248.482 B3928 Beesing, M; Nogosek, R.J.; The enneagram : a journey of self-discovery 1
O'Leary, P.H.
248.482 B64 Boros, L. Being a Christian today 1
248.482 C1111 Caballero, N. Silence and the liberation of consciousness (tr.C.J. Dees) 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
248.482 C14 Camara, H. The desert is fertile 1
248.482 C23 Carswell, Pamela Offbeat spirituality. 1
248.482 C39 Chautard, Jean B. The soul of the apostolate c.1 1
248.482 C39 Chautard, Jean B. The soul of the apostolate c.2 1
248.482 C39 Chautard, Jean B. The soul of the apostolate c.3 1
248.482 D68 Doherty, C. Dearly beloved: Letters to the children of my spirit v.1 1
248.482 D68 Doherty, C. Sobornost: eastern unity of mind and heart for western 1
248.482 D68 O Jesus: Prayers from the diaries of Catherine de Hueck 1
248.482 D7135 Dominian, J. Affirming the human personality : psychological essays in 1
christian living
248.482 Es68 Esquerda Bifet, J. Sowers of peace: apostolic identity c.1 1
248.482 Es68 Esquerda Bifet, J. Sowers of peace: apostolic identity c.2 1
248.482 Es68 Esquerda Bifet, J. Missionary spirituality 1
248.482 Ev2 Evely, L. That man is you 1
248.482 Ev22 Evely, L. We are all brothers 1
248.482 F76 Foresi, P. Reaching for more 1
248.482 F7616 Foresi, P. Reaching for more (Conversazioni con i focolarini) 1
248.482 G1218 Gagliano, G. Too many souls are going to hell c.1 1
248.482 G1218 Gagliano, G. Too many souls are going to hell c.2 1
248.482 G349 Giardini, F. Alla presenza di Dio 1
248.482 H44 Hertsens, M. Lord, your servant listens 1
248.482 H45 Heschel, A. Man's quest for God 1
248.482 H88 Hume, B. To be a pilgrim: a spiritual notebook 1
248.482 Ig5 Ambruzzi, A. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with a commentary 1

248.482 J6137 John of Avila Audi, filia - Listen, O Daughter (tr. J.F. Gromley) 1
248.482 L4351 Brother Lawrence The practice of the presence of God 1
248.482 L49 Leclercq, J. Christians in the world 1
248.482 L51 Leen, E. In the likeness of Christ 1
248.482 L96 Lubich, C. L'attrativa del tempo moderno 1
248.482 M22 McMahon, E. Becoming a person in the whole Christ 1
248.482 M27 Magsam, C. The experience of God: outlines for a contemporary 1
248.482 M274 Magni, P. Vigila già il calicanto 1
248.482 M29 Maloney, G.A. Called to intimacy: Living in the indwelling presence 1
248.482 M2978 Maloney, G.A. The silence of surrendering love : body, soul, spirit 1
248.482 M3378 Marie Eugène de l'Enfant Au souffle de l'Esprit: prière et action 1
248.482 M36 Martelet, G. The Church's holiness and religious life 1
248.482 M3665 Martínez, L.M. Secrets of the interior life 1
248.482 M37 Mas, J. When did we see you? The weightier things in a Christian 1
spirituality today
248.482 M5232 Mendiola, F.A. Three things : themes for meditation and group discussion 1

248.482 M5682 Metz, B.; Burchill, J. The enneagram and prayer : discovering our true selves 1
before God
248.482 M76 Montcheuil, Y. For men of action 1
248.482 N125 Nadine, M. God's armor 1
248.482 N8561 Nouwen, H.J.M. Making all things new : an invitation to the spiritual life 1
248.482 Os8 O'Sullivan, K. Light out of darkness 1
248.482 P276 Patron, J. A glimpse of the interior castle : the first and fourth 1
mansions of Teresa of Avila's Interior castle
248.482 P65 Pinsk, J. Towards the centre of Christian living: a liturgical 1
248.482 P688 Quinlan, M. (ed.) Guide for living: selected addresses and letters of His 1
Holiness Pope Pius XII
248.482 P96 Puls, J. Every bush is burning : spirituality for our times c.1 1
248.482 P96 Puls, J. Every bush is burning : spirituality for our times c.2 1
248.482 R27 Reiser, W. Into the needle’s eye 1
248.482 R33 Reynolds, B. Draw your strength from the Lord. 1
248.482 T76 Truhlar, C.V. Structura theologica vitae spiritualis 1
248.482 T818 Tugwell, S. (ed.) Albert and Thomas : selected writings 1
248.482 Un3 Union of Superiors General Consecrated life today : charisms in the church for the 1
248.482 V27 van Kaam, A. Spirituality and the gentle life 1
248.482 V274 Van Breemen, P. As bread that is broken c.1 1
248.482 V274 Van Breemen, P. As bread that is broken c.2 1
248.482 V274 Van Breemen, P. As bread that is broken c.3 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
248.482 V31 Vanier, J. Be not afraid 1
248.482 W64 Wild, R. Love, love, love: The "little mandate" of Catherine de 1
Hueck Doherty
248.4822 M98 Muto, S.A. A practical guide to spiritual reading 1
248.483 Sm6 Smith, J. The bush still burns: How God speaks to us today 1
248.483 V86 Vogel, A. God's presence in man's world 1
248.483 V86 Vogel, A. The power of His resurrection: the mystical life of 1
248.6 Ea76 Earth is the Lord’s : essays on stewardship 1
248.8 B4684 Beyer, J. Alone with God: thirty Eucharistic meditations 1
248.8 D58 Dillenschneider, Clement Christ the one priest, and we His priests v.1 1
248.8 D58 Dillenschneider, Clement Christ the one priest, and we His priests v.2 1
248.8 L4965 Leclercq, J. Alone with God 1
248.82 M5754 Meyer, F. Youth's pathfinder: heart to heart chats with catholic 1
young men and women
248.83 G1216 von Gagern, F. Difficulties in married life 1
248.83 G278 Geissler, E.S. The meaning of marriage 1
248.84 Oc51 O'Collins, G. The second journey : spiritual awareness and the mid-life 1
248.842 V27 Van Breemen, P. Called by name. c.1 1
248.842 V27 Van Breemen, P. Called by name. c.2 1
248.842 V27 Van Breemen, P. Called by name. c.3 1
248.844 T36 Thomas, J. Beginning your marriage. 1
248.89 B65 Boston Psychological Coping : issues of emotional living in an age of stress for 1
Symposium clergy and religious.
248.89 T46 Tillard, J.M. A gospel path : the religious life. 1
248.892 H36 Wicks, R.J. (ed.) Handbook of spirituality for ministers v.1 1
248.892 H36 Wicks, R.J. (ed.) Handbook of spirituality for ministers v.2 1
248.892 Se2 Secular priest in the new Church 1
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.1 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.10 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.11 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.2 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.3 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.4 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.5 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.6 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.7 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.8 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di v.9 1
meditazioni e istruzioni trascritte dalle registrazioni su
nastro magnetico
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di 1
meditazioni e istruzioni : anni 1946-1947
248.894 Al141 Alberione, G. Alle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro: raccolta di 1
meditazioni e istruzioni: anni 1946-1947
248.894 B63 Boff, L. God's witnesses in the heart of the world 1
248.894 B78 Broccolo, Gerard Spiritual renewal of the American priesthood. 1
248.894 C16 Canadian Religious … Psychological realities and religious life (Vita evangelica 1
248.894 C25 Cary-Elwes, C. Monastic renewal 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
248.894 C54 Clark, K. An experience of celibacy: a creative reflection on 1
intimacy, loneliness, sexuality and commitment
248.894 D71 Dondero; Frary New pressures, new responses in religious life 1
248.894 G14 Gambari, E. The global mystery of religious life 1
248.894 H22 Haring, B. Acting on the word 1
248.894 H67 Hogan, William F. No race apart : religious life in the mystical body. 1
248.894 L52 Legrand, L. The biblical doctrine of virginity 1
248.894 M21 Mackrell, Gerard F. Thoughts for religious. 1
248.894 M43 Maturity and religious life 1
248.894 M73 Moloney, F. Disciples and prophets: A biblical model for the religious 1
248.894 N21 National Congress of Religious Proceedings of the second national congress of the 1
of the United States religious of the United States

248.894 Om8 O'Murchu, D. Religious life: A prophetic vision 1

248.894 R12 Rahner, K. Meditations on priestly life 1
248.894 V31 Vanier, John Followers of Jesus. 1
248.894 V87 Voillaume, R. Religious life in today's world (Vita evangelica 4) 1
248.894 W38 Weber, C. The time of the fugitive: From ritual to self-discovery 1
248.8942 D59 The dimensions of priesthood 1
248.8942 G54 Godin, A. The psychology of religious vocation: Problems of 1
religious life
248.8942 H37 Hemrick, Eugene Seminarians in theology : the national profile 1
248.8942 On2 O'Neill, A.B. Priestly practice 1
248.8942 P89 The prayer of love and silence 1
248.8942 R19 Ravasi, Ladislao De vocatione religiosa et sacerdotali. c.1 1
248.8942 R19 Ravasi, Ladislao De vocatione religiosa et sacerdotali. c.2 1
248.8942 R86 Rulla; Ridick; Imoda Anthropology of the Christian vocation v.1 1
248.8942 R86 Rulla; Ridick; Imoda Anthropology of the Christian vocation v.2 1
248.8942 R86 Rulla, L.M. Depth psychology and vocation: A psycho-social 1
248.8942 St6 Stockums, W. The priesthood 1
248.8942 W62 Why i became a priest 1
248.8943 Al1 Alberione, J. The superior follows the master 1
248.8943 C83 Courtois, Gaston An hour with Jesus : meditations for religious. 1
248.8943 D37 de Ligouri, A. The true spouse of Jesus Christ c.2 1
248.8943 D37 de Ligouri, A. The true spouse of Jesus Christ 1
248.8943 D77 Doyle, C.H. Leaven of holiness: Conferences for religious 1
248.8943 T27 Teresa of Avila, Saint The way of perfection 1
248.92 T3435 Thérèse of Lisieux Consigli e ricordi 1
249 A47 Pontifical Council for the 1994 - l'anno della famiglia nella Chiesa 1
249 B4141 Bellagamba, A. Marriage enrichment 1
249 C2862 Pontifical Council for the I figli, primavera della famiglia e della società (Giubileo c.1 1
Family delle famiglie. III incontro mondiale del Santo Padre con le
249 C2862 Pontifical Council for the I figli, primavera della famiglia e della società (Giubileo c.2 1
Family delle famiglie. III incontro mondiale del Santo Padre con le
249 C2862 Pontifical Council for the I figli, primavera della famiglia e della società (Giubileo c.3 1
Family delle famiglie. III incontro mondiale del Santo Padre con le
249 C2862 Pontifical Council for the La famiglia cristiana: una buona novella per il terzo 1
Family millennio (IV incontro mondiale delle famiglie, Manila, 22-
26 gennaio 2003)
249 C7654 Consejo Episcopal Sida 1
Latinoamericano. Sección de
Pastoral Familiar
249 F2103 Caritas Internationalis The family, a resource for Church and for society 1
249 G229 Gatti, G. Genitori: Vangelo vivo per i figli. 1
249 L8812 López Trujillo, A. Familia, vida y nueva evangelización c.1 1
249 L8812 López Trujillo, A. Familia, vida y nueva evangelización c.2 1
249 L8812 López Trujillo, A. Familia, vida y nueva evangelización c.3 1
250 B2315 Baranowski, A.R. Creating small faith communities : a plan for restructuring 1
the parish and renewing catholic life
250 B3285 Bausch, W.J. The hands-on parish : reflections and sugestions for 1
fostering community
250 Oh13 O'Halloran, J. Living cells : developing small christian community 1
250 R88 Rural life in the light of "Mater et magistra". c.2 1
250 R88 Rural life in the light of "Mater et magistra". c.3 1
250 R88 Rural life in the light of "Mater et magistra". 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
251 H88 Humbert of Romans Treatise on preaching 1
251 N758 Nordkamp, B.; Balink, L.; Training for preaching 1
Slattery, H.
251 Se492 Selner, J.C. Fundamental course in sacred eloquence 1
251 Se53 Semmelroth, O. The preaching word... c.1 1
251 Se53 Semmelroth, O. The preaching word... c.2 1
251 Sp41 Spiazzi, R. Verbum salutis: storia e teologia della predicazione 1
251 V23 Valentine, F. The art of preaching : a practical guide. 1
251.02 B7581 Breviario familiare v.1 1
251.02 B7581 Breviario familiare v.2 1
251.02 B91 Burgaleta, J.T. Moniciones de la nueva Misa v.2 1
251.02 C16 Canadian Catholic Homily aids for Lent 1
Conference. National Liturgical
251.02 C166 Cantalamessa, R. La Parola e la Vita: riflessioni sulla Parola di Dio delle v.1 1
Domeniche e delle Feste dell'anno
251.02 C166 Cantalamessa, R. La Parola e la Vita: riflessioni sulla Parola di Dio delle v.2 1
Domeniche e delle Feste dell'anno
251.02 C166 Cantalamessa, R. La Parola e la Vita: riflessioni sulla Parola di Dio delle v.3 1
Domeniche e delle Feste dell'anno
251.02 C7177 Colombo, G. Pensieri sui Vangeli e sulle Feste del Signore e dei Santi 1

251.02 K683 Klimek, S.J. Il vangelo nella vita dei fanciulli v.1 c.1 1
251.02 K683 Klimek, S.J. Il vangelo nella vita dei fanciulli v.1 c.2 1
251.02 K683 Klimek, S.J. Il vangelo nella vita dei fanciulli v.2 c.1 1
251.02 K683 Klimek, S.J. Il vangelo nella vita dei fanciulli v.2 c.2 1
251.02 K683 Klimek, S.J. Il vangelo nella vita dei fanciulli v.3 c.1 1
251.02 K683 Klimek, S.J. Il vangelo nella vita dei fanciulli v.3 c.2 1
251.02 L7611 The Living Word c.A p.1 1
251.02 L7611 The Living Word c.A p.2 1
251.02 L7611 The Living Word c.A p.3 1
251.02 L7611 The Living Word c.A p.4 1
251.02 L7611 The Living Word c.B p.1 1
251.02 L7611 The Living Word c.B p.3 1
251.02 L7611 The Living Word c.C p.1 1
251.02 L7611 The Living Word c.C p.2 1
251.02 L7611 The Living Word c.C p.3 1
251.02 M4599 McCarthy, F. New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies v.3 1
251.02 R195 Ravasi, G. Celebrare e vivere la Parola: commento al lezionario 1
festivo. Anni A-B-C.
251.02 R27 Preaching through the Christian year v.1 1
251.02 R27 Preaching through the Christian year v.2 1
251.02 R27 Preaching through the Christian year v.3 1
251.02 W38 Weber; Killgallon Liturgical sermons c.1 1
251.02 W38 Weber; Killgallon Liturgical sermons c.2 1
251.08 L64 Link, M. 100 stories for special occasion homilies. 1
252 An868 Anthony of Padua, St. Seek first his kingdom: an anthology of the sermons of the 1
saint (ed. L. Poloniato)
252 C46 Chromatius, St. Sermoni liturgici. 1
252 F444 Fichtner, J. Proclaim His Word : homiletic themes for Sundays and v.1 c.C 1
252 F84 The sermons of St. Francis de Sales on Our Lady 1
252 F84ad The sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Advent and 1
252 F84le The sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Lent given in 1
252 F84p The sermons of St. Francis de Sales on prayer 1
252 J6138 John Paul II Memory and identity : personal reflections 1
252 M345 Marmion, C. Christ in his mysteries: spiritual and liturgical conferences 1

252 M4599 McEnniry, C.D. Father Tim's talks with people he met v.1 1
252 M4599 McEnniry, C.D. Father Tim's talks with people he met v.3 1
252 M4599 McEnniry, C.D. Father Tim's talks with people he met v.4 1
252 M4599 McEnniry, C.D. Father Tim's talks with people he met v.6 1
252.02 B3285 Bausch, W.J. Storytelling the Word : homilies and how to write them 1
252.02 C93 Curran, C. The word becomes flesh : a psychodynamic approach to v.2 1
homiletics and catechetics and meditation
252.02 C93 Curran, C. The word becomes flesh : a psychodynamic approach to v.7 1
homiletics and catechetics and meditation
252.02 D49 Devine, G. If I were to preach. 1
252.02 D83 Drinkwater, F.H. New sermons and readings 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
252.02 Ec577 McGinn, B. (ed.) Meister Eckhart: Teacher and preacher 1
252.02 G484 Glemp, J. «Let my call come to you» a selection of homilies and 1
addresses (1981-1987)
252.02 L51 Leen, Edward The voice of the priest. c.1 1
252.02 L51 Leen, Edward The voice of the priest. c.2 1
252.02 N46 Newman, J.H. Discourses addressed to mixed congregations. 1
252.02 N46 Newman, J.H. Semons preached on various occasions 1
252.02 N46 O'Connell, D.M. (ed.) Favorite Newman sermons 1
252.02 P94371 Prohászka, O. Meditations on the Gospels 1
252.02 Sl59 Sloyan, G. Nothing of yesterday preaches: Homilies for 1
252.02 T19 Tauler, J. Sermons (tr. Maria Shrady) 1
252.03 N46 Newman, J.H. Parochial and plain sermons in eight volumes v.1 1
252.03 N46 Newman, J.H. Parochial and plain sermons in eight volumes v.2 1
252.03 N46 Newman, J.H. Parochial and plain sermons in eight volumes v.3 1
252.03 N46 Newman, J.H. Parochial and plain sermons in eight volumes v.4 1
252.03 N46 Newman, J.H. Parochial and plain sermons in eight volumes v.5 1
252.03 N46 Newman, J.H. Parochial and plain sermons in eight volumes v.6 1
252.03 N46 Newman, J.H. Parochial and plain sermons in eight volumes v.7 1
252.03 N46 Newman, J.H. Parochial and plain sermons in eight volumes v.8 1
252.058 M3639 Martin, G. Growing in the Spirit 1
252.55 F4292 A festival of hope: Youth Jubilee in Rome 1
252.55 I12 I care: xv giornata mondiale della gioventù, Roma, 15-20 1
agosto 2000
252.6 G9948 Guzzetti, G.B. (ed.) Manuale di predicazione per i Vangeli domenicali e festivi 1

252.6 L63 Ligouri, A. Sermons of St. Alphonsus Ligouri for all the Sundays of 1
the year
252.62 As354 Quinn, A.J.; Griffin, J.A. (eds.) Ashes from the cathedral : liturgical reflections for the 1
lenten weekdays
252.62 M23 Maestri, W.F. A time to be (re)born: a biblical journey through Lent 1
252.92 H578 Holzner, Joseph Paul of Tarsus 1
253 Al7 de Ligouri, A. Dignity and duties of the priest c.4 1
253 Al7 de Ligouri, A. Dignity and duties of the priest c.1 1
253 Al7 de Ligouri, A. Dignity and duties of the priest c.2 1
253 Al7 de Ligouri, A. Dignity and duties of the priest c.3 1
253 As43 AsIPA General Assembly II: A new way of being Church 1
in the new millennium
253 As43 AsIPA General Assembly III: SCCs/BECs - Empowering 1
people to serve
253 As43 AsIPA Texts 1
253 B32 Bausch, W. Take heart, Father 1
253 B3285 Bausch, W.J. The christian parish : whispers of the risen Christ 1
253 B4775 Bierbaum, A. Pusillum: a vademecum of sacerdotal virtue in brief 1
253 B81 Brown, R.E. Priest and bishop : biblical reflections 1
253 C232 Carré, A.M. The everlasting priest 1
253 C232 Carré, A.-M. El sacerdocio de los fieles. Conferencias de Notre-Dame 1
de París, 1960
253 C28 Catholic Church… Church and people on the move. c.1 1
253 C28 Catholic Church… Church and people on the move. c.2 1
253 C28 Catholic Church… Church and people on the move. c.3 1
253 C28 Catholic Church… Church and people on the move. c.4 1
253 C28 Catholic Church… Church and people on the move. c.5 1
253 C28 Catholic Church… Church and people on the move. c.6 1
253 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Der Priester, Hirte und Leiter der Pfarrgemeinde 1
for the Clergy
253 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation The priest and the third christian millennium: teacher of 1
for the Clergy the word, minister of the sacraments and leader of the
253 C595 Clergy in Church and society / Le clergé dans l'Église et la 1
société. Actes de la IX Conference Internationale de
Sociologie Religieuse (Montréal, 1-4 Août 1967)
253 C92 Il Cuore di Cristo e il sacerdozio comune e ministeriale : c.1 1
atti del quinto convegno sacerdotale internazionale della
Lega Sacerdotale Mariana, tenutosi a Meriazell-Austria
dal 6 all'11 settembre 1986
253 C92 Il Cuore di Cristo e il sacerdozio comune e ministeriale : c.2 1
atti del quinto convegno sacerdotale internazionale della
Lega Sacerdotale Mariana, tenutosi a Meriazell-Austria
dal 6 all'11 settembre 1986


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
253 C92 Il Cuore di Cristo e il sacerdozio comune e ministeriale : c.3 1
atti del quinto convegno sacerdotale internazionale della
Lega Sacerdotale Mariana, tenutosi a Meriazell-Austria
dal 6 all'11 settembre 1986
253 C92 Il Cuore di Cristo e il sacerdozio comune e ministeriale : c.4 1
atti del quinto convegno sacerdotale internazionale della
Lega Sacerdotale Mariana, tenutosi a Meriazell-Austria
dal 6 all'11 settembre 1986
253 D7185 Donnelly, D. Team : theory and practice of team ministry 1
253 F13 Fagiolo, Vincenzo Il presbiterio della chiesa locale… 1
253 H28 Hater, Robert The ministry explosion : a new awareness … 1
253 H72 Hoge; Potvin; Ferry Research on men's vocations to the priesthood and the c.1 1
religious life
253 H72 Hoge; Potvin; Ferry Research on men's vocations to the priesthood and the c.2 1
religious life
253 H725 Hollings, M. Living priesthood. 1
253 J87 Juan de Ávila Escritos sacerdotales (ed. Juan Esquerda Bifet) c.1 1
253 J87 Juan de Ávila Escritos sacerdotales (ed. Juan Esquerda Bifet) c.2 1
253 K52 Keyes, P. Pastoral presence and the diocesan priest 1
253 M34 Marmion, C. Christ : the ideal of the priest. 1
253 M378 Masi, R. Il sacerdozio cristiano 1
253 M57 Meyer, Charles R. Man of God : a study of the priesthood. 1
253 M5831 Michonneau, G.; Rétif, L.; El equipo sacerdotal 1
Bouchaud, J.
253 M61 Millet, P. Jesus living in the priest. c.1 1
253 M61 Millet, P. Jesus living in the priest. c.2 1
253 M61 Mosshamer Ottilie The priest and womanhood 1
253 Od5 O'Donnell, T. The priest of to-day: His ideas and his duties 1
253 R11 Rademacher, W.J. Lay ministry: a theological, spiritual and pastoral 1
253 R12 Rahner, K. Christian in the market place 1
253 Si23 Sigg, K.B. Duc in altum: Tiefensicht und Höhenschau für den 1
253 Si78 Siri, G. A te sacerdote II c.1 1
253 Si78 Siri, G. A te sacerdote II c.2 1
253 So232 Sofield, L.; Juliano, C. Collaborative ministry : skills and guidelines 1
253 Sp41 Spiazzi, Raimondo Scientia salutis : fondamenti teologici del ministero 1
253 T179 Tartre, R.A. The priesthood is a call 1
253 V2427 Vallejo, A. Melquísedek o el sacerdocio real 1
253 W16 Walsh, J. Evangelization and justice: New insights for Christian c.1 1
253 W16 Walsh, J. Evangelization and justice: New insights for Christian c.2 1
253 Z1 Spiazzi, R. Teologica pastorale odegetica (Manuali di pastorale 3) 1
253 Z1 Zavalloni, R. Psicologia pastorale (Manuali di pastorale 7) c.1 1
253 Z1 Zavalloni, R. Psicologia pastorale (Manuali di pastorale 7) c.2 1
253.019 R86 Rulla, Luigi Entering and leaving vocation : intrapsychic dynamics. 1
253.2 An21 Ancel, A. La pobreza del sacerdote según la vida y escritos del 1
venerable Antonio Chevrier
253.2 Au2 Audet, Jean-Paul Structures of Christian priesthood : a study of home, 1
marriage and celibacy in the pastoral service of the
253.2 B46 Bertrams, W. The celibacy of the priest 1
253.2 B91 Burgalassi, Silvano Preti in crisi? Tendenze sociologiche del clero italiano 1
253.2 C28 Giovanni Paolo II Pastores dabo vobis 1
253.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Directorium pro presbyterorum ministerio et vita c.1 1
for the Clergy
253.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Directorium pro presbyterorum ministerio et vita c.2 1
for the Clergy
253.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Directorium generale pro ministerio pastorali quoad 1
Congregation for the Clergy turismum
253.2 C4305 Forrest, T. (ed.) Chiamati alla santità : la vocazione al sacerdozio oggi. 1
Esercizi spirituali predicati a Roma a seimila sacerdoti
provenienti da ogni parte del mondo
253.2 C8594 Crawley-Boevey, M. Father Mateo speaks to priests on priestly perfection 1
253.2 C8594 Crawley-Boevey, M. Priests : "shepherds after my own heart" (Jeremiah 3:15) 1

253.2 D27 D'Avack, G. Spiritualità sacerdotale : la crisi del sacerdote oggi e il 1

253.2 D59 Dimensions of the priesthood 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
253.2 Es68 Esquerda Bifet, J. Spiritualità e missione dei presbiteri : segni del Buon 1
253.2 F76 Formation of priests in circumstances of the present day: 1
Lay contributions
253.2 G55 Goergen, D. The sexual celibate c.1 1
253.2 G55 Goergen, D. The sexual celibate c.2 1
253.2 G812 Greeley, A.M. Priests in the United States : reflections on a survey 1
253.2 G866 Greshake, G. Essere preti : teologia e spiritualità del ministero 1
253.2 G93 Guerrette, R. A new identity for the priest 1
253.2 In12 In imitation of Christ, the victim priest 1
253.2 J6137 John Paul II Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Pastores dabo vobis to c.2 1
the bishops, clergy and faithful on the formation of priests
in the circumstances of the present day

253.2 J6137 John Paul II Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Pastores dabo vobis to 1
the bishops, clergy and faithful on the formation of priests
in the circumstances of the present day

253.2 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Letter to priests for Holy Thursday 2002 c.1 1
253.2 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Letter to priests for Holy Thursday 2002 c.2 1
253.2 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Carta a los sacerdotes para el Jueves Santo de 2002 1
253.2 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Letter to priests for Holy Thursday 1990 1
253.2 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Letter to priests for Holy Thursday 1995 1
253.2 K882 Krenik, T.W. Formation for priestly celibacy : a resource book 1
253.2 L4964 Leclercq, J. Le prêtre devant Dieu et devant les hommes 1
253.2 M4599 McGinnity, G. Christmen: experience of priesthood today 1
253.2 P93 The Bishops' Committee on The priest and stress 1
Priestly Life and Ministry
253.2 R48 Ripley, F.J. Priest of Christ 1
253.2 R86 Rulla, L.M. et al. Psychological structure and vocation: a study of the 1
motivations for entering and leaving the religious life
253.2 Sa142 Coppens, J. (ed.) Sacerdocio y celibato 1
253.2 Sh35 Sheen, F. Those mysterious priests 1
253.2 So471 Solo per amore: riflessioni sul celibato sacerdotale 1
253.2 V83 La vita spirituale del presbitero diocesano oggi : problemi 1
e prospettive. Atti del terzo convegno nazionale
organizzato dalla Commisione Episcopale del Clero della
C.E.I. in collaborazione con la Commissione Presbiterale
Italiana, Roma, 24-27 gennaio 1989

253.252 An2376 Anderson, J. Priests in love : Roman Catholic clergy and their intimate 1
friendships (Theology in global perspective)
253.25273 St259 Stanosz, P. The struggle for celibacy : the culture of catholic seminary 1
253.5 H32 Hayden, Jerome Religion and psychiatry : a historical perspective. 1
253.5 N8561 Nouwen, H.J.M. Intimacy: pastoral psychological essays 1
253.5 T98 Tyrrell, B. Christotherapy II: A new horizon for counsellors, spiritual 1
directors and seekers of healing and growth in Christ

253.53 C48 Fleming, D.L. (ed.) The Christian ministry of spiritual direction (The best of 1
the Review 3)
253.7 H8741 Hughes, A.C. Preparing for Church ministry. A practical guide to spiritual 1
253.73 C74 Rakoczy, S. (ed.) Common journey, different paths: spiritual direction in 1
cross-cultural perspective
254 Az52 Aznar Gil, F.R. La administración de los bienes temporales de la Iglesia: 1
Legislación universal y particular española
254 D171 Dalton, W. Parish pastoral councils : a handbook including a 1
formation course for members
254.3 B2309 Baragli, E. Elementi di sociologia pastorale sugli strumenti della 1
comunicazione sociale
254.8 B4672 Beurms, C.J. Ecclesiastical financial management : a practical outline of 1
parochial and diocesan administration
255 C116 Caesarius of Arles La vita perfetta: scritti monastici 1
255 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Instruction Starting afresh from Christ : a renewed 1
for Institutes of Consecrated commitment to consecrated life in the third millennium
Life and Societes of Apostolic


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
255 C2862 Catholic Church. Second Constitutio dogmatica de Ecclesia 1
Vatican Council
255 C2862 Catholic Church. Second Costituzione dogmatica sulla Chiesa 1
Vatican Council
255 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Elenchus participantium 1
Bishops. Ninth Ordinary
General Assembly
255 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Instrumentum laboris : De vita consecrata deque eius 1
Bishops. Ninth Ordinary munere in Ecclesia et in mundo
General Assembly
255 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Nuntius : De vita consecrata deque eius munere in 1
Bishops. Ninth Ordinary Ecclesia et in mundo
General Assembly
255 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Vademecum Synodi 1
Bishops. Ninth Ordinary
General Assembly
255 C33 John Cassian The Conferences (Ancient Christian Writers no. 57) 1
255 C33 John Cassian The Institutes (Ancient Christian Writers no. 58) 1
255 C86 The crisis in religious vocations: An inside view 1
255 C87 Crooker, Robert The discipline of enclosure in clerical congregations and 1
societies ...
255 F95 Huizing, P.; Bassett, W. (eds.) The future of the religious life (Concilium New Series v.7, 1
255 J61 John Paul II, Pope John Paul II speaks to religious v.1 1
255 J61 John Paul II, Pope John Paul II speaks to religious v.2 1
255 J61 John Paul II, Pope John Paul II speaks to religious v.3 1
255 J61 John Paul II, Pope John Paul II speaks to religious v.4 1
255 J61 John Paul II, Pope John Paul II speaks to religious v.5 1
255 J61 John Paul II, Pope John Paul II speaks to religious v.6 1
255 J61 John Paul II, Pope John Paul II speaks to religious v.7 1
255 L9616 Lubich, C. Where two or three 1
255 M3373 Maria Angelica di S. Michele Vita religiosa vita angelica 1
255 M3693 Mary Francis Marginals : commentary on Vatican II decree "on the 1
appropriate renewal of religious life"
255 M4296 Mattam, J. Religious life within a Christian vision of reality 1
255 M56 Metz, J.B. Followers of Christ: the religious life and the Church 1
255 M7338 Molinari, P.; Gumpel, P. Chapter VI of the dogmatic constitution Lumen gentium on 1
religious life: the doctrinal content in the light of the official
255 P2674 Passion for Christ, passion for humanity : acts of the 1
congress on consecrated life
255 R2798 Congregation for Religious and Religious in the footsteps of Mary 1
for Secular Institutes
255.008 D66 Documents on renewal for religious 1
255.019 H1838 Hammett, R.; Sofield, L. Inside christian community 1
255.095 B46 Beyer, Jean Religious life or secular institute. 1
255.1 H88 Hume, B. Searching for God 1
255.1 P172 Palau y Quer, F. My relations with the Church 1
255.12 M558 Merton, T. The silent life c.1 1
255.12 M558 Merton, T. The silent life c.2 1
255.2 Ea7 Tugwell, S. (ed.) Early Dominicans: selected writings 1
255.5 E5 Ignatius of Loyola The constitutions of the Society of Jesus (tr. Ganss, G.E.) 1

255.53 Os8 Osuna, Javier Friends in the Lord c.1 1

255.53 Os8 Osuna, Javier Friends in the Lord c.2 1
255.53 V24 Valles, C. Living together 1
255.73 C76 Contemporary psychology and Carmel (Carmelite studies 1
255.75 Ei55 Eilers, F.J.; Helf, H. Arnold Janssen: 1837-1909: a pictorial biography 1
255.79 B64 Bornemann, F. A history of the Divine Word Missionaries 1
255.79 B64 Bornemann, F. Arnold Janssen: Fondatore dei Missionari del Verbo 1
Divino (1837-1909)
255.79 B64 Bornemann, F. Arnold Janssen: founder of three missionary 1
congregations (1837-1909): a biography
255.9 S36 Schneiders, S.M. Finding the treasure: locating Catholic religious life in a 1
new ecclesial and cultural context (Religious life in a new
millennium v.1)
255.9 S36 Schneiders, S.M. Selling all: commitment, consecrated celibacy and 1
community in Catholic religious life (Religious life in a new
millennium v.2)


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
255.9 T34 The Theme song of Assunta. 1
257.008 K7437 Knight, D. Cloud by day, fire by night : the religious life as passionate c.1 1
response to God. Vol. 1 : Celibacy, community, general
257.008 K7437 Knight, D. Cloud by day, fire by night : the religious life as passionate c.1 1
response to God. Vol. 1 : Celibacy, community, general
257.008 K7437 Knight, D. Cloud by day, fire by night : the religious life as passionate c.2 1
response to God. Vol. 1 : Celibacy, community, general
257.008 K7437 Knight, D. Cloud by day, fire by night : the religious life as passionate c.2 1
response to God. Vol. 1 : Celibacy, community, general
257.008 K7437 Knight, D. Cloud by day, fire by night : the religious life as passionate 1
response to God. Vol. 2 : The ideal and value of religious
257.008 K7437 Knight, D. Cloud by day, fire by night : the religious life as passionate 1
response to God. Vol. 3 : Religious obedience and
spiritual government
258 P58 Abbe Pierre speaks 1
258.02 An435 Angelini, F. Quel soffio sulla creta c.1 1
258.02 An435 Angelini, F. Quel soffio sulla creta c.2 1
259.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical 15th World Youth Day, Youth Jubilee, Rome, 15-20 1
Council for the Laity August 2000; 7th International Youth Forum, Rome, 12-15
August 2000 (Series Youth 2)
259.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Together on the european roads. Proceedings of the 2nd 1
Council for the Laity European Meeting on Youth Ministry, Loreto, 12-16
September 1995 (Laity Today 31)
259.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Together on the european roads. Third european meeting 1
Council for the Laity on youth ministry, Paderborn, 21-24 September 1998
(Series Youth 1)
259.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Youth and university : witnessing to Christ in the university 1
Council for the Laity world. International Youth Forum, Rocca di Papa, 31
March - 4 April 2004 (Series Youth 3)
259.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Czestochowa '91. VI World Youth Day 1
Council for the Laity. Youth
259.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Denver '93. VIII World Youth Day 1
Council for the Laity. Youth
259.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Paris '97. XII World Youth Day 1
Council for the Laity. Youth
259.2 J6138 John Paul II, Pope The Holy Father speaks to youth 1980-1985 (Laity Today 1
260 B48 Bigo, P. Doctrina social de la Iglesia: búsqueda y diálogo (=La c.1 1
doctine social de l'Église)
260 B48 Bigo, P. Doctrina social de la Iglesia: búsqueda y diálogo (=La c.2 1
doctine social de l'Église)
260 B86 Buhlman, W. The coming of the third church 1
260 R86 Rumble, L. That Catholic Church: A radio analysis 1
260 Su5 Sullivan, F. De Ecclesia v.1 c.1 1
260 Su5 Sullivan, F. De Ecclesia v.1 c.2 1
261 A11 Pontifical Council for Justice I seminario brasileiro de justiça e paz / IV encontro 1
and Peace Brazilian section regional latino-americano
261 Au33 Auer, Alfons The Christian and the world : readings in theology 1
261 Az25 Azevedo, Marcello Inculturation and the challenges of modernity c.1 1
261 Az25 Azevedo, Marcello Inculturation and the challenges of modernity c.2 1
261 B3968 On being Church in a modern society (Inculturation n. 2) 1

261 C23 Carrier, H. Gospel message and human cultures: from Leo XIII to 1
John Paul II
261 C28 Catholic Church. The Church and the reconstruction of the modern world: 1
The social encyclicals of Pius XI
261 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Gaudium et spes thirty years later. World meeting, Loreto, 1
Council for the Laity 9-11 November 1995 (Laity Today 39)
261 C46 The Christian social conscience (Saint-Severin catechism 1
for adults v.4)
261 C47 Gremillion, J. (ed.) The Church and culture since Vatican II: The experience c.1 1
of North and Latin America


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
261 C47 Gremillion, J. (ed.) The Church and culture since Vatican II: The experience c.2 1
of North and Latin America
261 C47 Church and culture: Singapore context 1
261 C76 Congresso del Ventenno Portare Cristo all'uomo… v.1 1
261 C76 Congresso del Ventenno Portare Cristo all'uomo… v.2 1
261 C76 Congresso del Ventenno Portare Cristo all'uomo… v.3 1
261 C8183 Corta, J.F. Libertad o esclavitud: el reparto equitativo del 1
presupuesto escolar
261 C86 Creative inculturation and the unity of faith 1
261 D22 Daniélou, J. The scandal of truth 1
261 D62 Dirksen, Cletus F. Catholic social principles. c.1 1
261 D62 Dirksen, Cletus F. Catholic social principles. c.2 1
261 D89 Dumais, M. Cultural change and liberation in a christian perspective 1

261 F172 Faith and culture: the role of the catholic university 1
(Inculturation n. 11)
261 F58 Fitzpatrick, J. One Church many cultures: The challenge of diversity c.1 1
261 F58 Fitzpatrick, J. One Church many cultures: The challenge of diversity c.2 1
261 G13 Gallagher, M.P. Clashing symbols: an introduction to faith and culture 1
261 G44 Girardi, G. Cristianesimo liberazione umana lotta 1
261 G75 Grabowski, S. The Church: An introduction to the theology of St. 1
261 H81 Houtart, Francois The challenge to change : the church confronts … 1
261 In217 L'inculturation et la sagesse des nations (Inculturation n. 1
261 K85 Kraft, C. Christianity in culture: A study in dynamic biblical c.1 1
theologizing in cross-cultural perspective
261 K85 Kraft, C. Christianity in culture: A study in dynamic biblical c.2 1
theologizing in cross-cultural perspective
261 K96 Küng, H. The living Church 1
261 L97 Luzbetak, L The Church and cultures: An applied anthropology 1
261 L99 Lynch, W.F. Christ and Prometheus: a new image of the secular 1
261 N22 Naughton, James Pius XII on world problems. 1
261 P2883 Pavan, P. Chiesa fermento 1
261 P778 Pontifical Council for Culture Towards a pastoral approach to culture 1
261 R6294 Roest Crollius, A; What is so new about inculturation? (Inculturation: c.1 1
Nkéramihigo, T. Working papers on living faith and cultures n. 5)
261 R6294 Roest Crollius, A; What is so new about inculturation? (Inculturation: c.2 1
Nkéramihigo, T. Working papers on living faith and cultures n. 5)
261 St56 Stindl, E. 100 Worte Soziallehre: Gemeinsamkeiten und 1
Gegensãtze zwischen Liberalismus, Sozialismus und
christlicher Soziallehre
261 T1578 Tanner, N. The Church and the world : Gaudium et spes, Inter 1
mirifica (Rediscovering Vatican II)
261 T34 Theology meets progress : human implications of 1
261 W93 Wright, J. The Church: Hope of the world 1
261.094 C8689 Cristianesimo e cultura in Europa : memoria, coscienza, 1
progetto. Atti del simposio presinodale, Vaticano, 28-31
ottobre 1991
261.0968 B31 Bate, S. Evangelization in the South African content 1
261.2 Ab39 Abeyasingha, N. A theological evaluation of non-Christian rites 1
261.2 Ab47 Abhishiktananda, Swami Saccidaananda : a Christian approach to advaitic 1
261.2 As42 Asian religious traditions and christianity. 1
261.2 B86 Bühlmann, W. All have the same God: An encounter of the peoples and 1
religions of Asia
261.2 C2732 Cassidy, E.I. Ecumenism and interreligious dialogue : Unitatis 1
redintegratio, Nostra aetate (Rediscovering Vatican II)
261.2 C28 Secretariatus pro non- Guidelines for a dialogue between Muslims and Christians 1
261.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Second Declaratio de Ecclesiae habitudine ad religiones non- 1
Vatican Council christianas
261.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Secretariat The attitude of the Church towards the followers of other 1
for non-Christians religions: reflections and orientations on dialogue and
261.2 C46 Kasper, W.; Küng, H. Christians and Jews. 1
261.2 D5414 Federation of Asian Bishops' Dialogue: Resource manual for Catholics in Asia 1
Conferences. Office of
Ecumenical and Interreligious


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
261.2 D87 Dupuis, J. Christianity and the religions: from confrontation to 1
261.2 Et26 Eterović, N. Cristianesimo e religioni secondo H. de Lubac 1
261.2 F39 Fernando, A. The Christians’ attitude toward world religions: responding 1
to the idea that Christianity is just another religion

261.2 F5766 Fitzgerald, M.L.; Borelli, J. Interfaith dialogue : a catholic view 1

261.2 G58 Goldsmith, M. What about other faiths? 1
261.2 K74 Knitter, P. No other name? A critical survey of Christian attitudes c.1 1
toward the world religions
261.2 K74 Knitter, P. No other name? A critical survey of Christian attitudes c.2 1
toward the world religions
261.2 P65 Pinay, Maurice The plot against the church. 1
261.2 St81 Straelen, H. Our attitude towards other religions. 1
261.21 K9554 Kuhn, A. Die Kirche im Ringen mit dem Sozialismus 1803-1848: 1
Eine historische Studie
261.21 P865 Poupard, P. (ed.) La Chiesa davanti alla sfida dell'ateismo contemporaneo 1

261.243 P61 Pieris, A. Love meets wisdom: A Christian experience of Buddhism 1

261.245 St1 Staffner, Hans Jesus Christ and the Hindu community 1
261.245 St133 Staffner, H. The significance of Jesus Christ in Asia 1
261.27 C84 Cragg, K. Muhammad and the Christian: A question of response 1
261.27 R24 Catholic Church. Pontifical Recognize the spiritual bonds which unite us: 16 years of c.1 1
Council for Interreligious Christian-Muslim dialogue
261.27 R24 Catholic Church. Pontifical Recognize the spiritual bonds which unite us: 16 years of c.2 1
Council for Interreligious Christian-Muslim dialogue
261.27 R24 Catholic Church. Pontifical Recognize the spiritual bonds which unite us: 16 years of c.3 1
Council for Interreligious Christian-Muslim dialogue
261.5 C28 Pontifical Council for Social The Church and internet 1
261.5 L9591 Lozano Barragán, J. Teologia e medicina c.1 1
261.5 L9591 Lozano Barragán, J. Teologia e medicina c.2 1
261.515 Im69 Imoda, F. Human development: psychology and mystery (Studies in 1
sprituality, Supplement 2)
261.515 J68 Imoda, F. (ed.) A journey to freedom: an interdisciplinary approach to the 1
anthropology of formation (Studies in spirituality,
supplement 5)
261.515 M4262 Mathias, G.J. Moral development and psychosocial development 1
261.57 B46 Bevilacqua, Mario Santa Caterina da Siena a Magnanapoli 1
261.6 A18 15-21 May 1989. European ecumenical assembly. Peace 1
with justice. Study documents
261.6 H7478 Pontifical Council for Justice The Holy See at the service of peace: Pope John Paul II c.1 1
and Peace addresses to the diplomatic corps (1978-1988)
261.6 H7478 Pontifical Council for Justice The Holy See at the service of peace: Pope John Paul II c.2 1
and Peace addresses to the diplomatic corps (1978-1988)
261.6 H7478 Pontifical Council for Justice The Holy See at the service of peace: Pope John Paul II c.3 1
and Peace addresses to the diplomatic corps (1978-1988)
261.60914 Sa592 La Santa Sede per la pace nei Balcani 1
261.6096 C3523 Pontifical Council for Justice The challenge of justice and peace. The response of the 1
and Peace Church in Africa today (Harare, Zimbabwe, 29 July - 1
August 1996). Proceedings.
261.7 As75 Assisi : world day of prayer for peace… 1
261.7 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Human rights and the Church: historical and theological 1
Council for Justice and Peace reflections

261.7 C495 Cipriotti, P. Spunti comparativi in materia di libertà d'insegnamento 1

(Persona y derecho 6 (1979) 411-426)
261.7 D22 Danielou, J. The Lord of history 1
261.7 F14 Fahey, Denis The mystical body of Christ in the modern world. 1
261.7 H8806 Human rights and the global mission of the Church 1
(Boston Theological Institute Annual Series, v.1)
261.7 In11 In prayer for peace, Assisi, 24 January 2002 1
261.7 Ot82 Ottaviani, A. Duties of the catholic state in regard to religion 1
261.7 Sl58 Slovaak, Cyril Eroi o traditori ? 1
261.7 W15 Wallis, J. The soul of politics: A practical and prophetic vision for 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
261.708822 D765 Filibeck, G. Human rights in the teaching of the Church: from John c.1 1
XXIII to John Paul II
261.708822 D765 Filibeck, G. Human rights in the teaching of the Church: from John c.2 1
XXIII to John Paul II
261.70924 M82 Morino, Claudio Chiesa e stato nella dottrina di S. Ambrogio (church and 1
261.7098 P41 Esquivel, A.P. Christ in a poncho: Witnesses to the nonviolent struggles 1
in Latin America
261.72 B35 Bea, A., Colombo, C., Commento alla Dichiarazione sulla libertà religiosa 1
Lefebvre, G.
261.72 H178 Hamer, J.; Riva, C. La libertà religiosa nel Vaticano II : genesi storico- 1
dottrinale, testo latino e traduzione italiana, esposizione e
261.72 L88 Lopez Jordan, R. Libertad de cultos y de propaganda religiosa 1
261.77 C84 Cragg, K. The call of the minaret 1
261.8 Ac87 Acts of the World Congress on Charity (Rome, 12-15 May 1
261.8 Al28 Alfaro, J. Theology of justice in the world. c.1 1
261.8 Al28 Alfaro, J. Theology of justice in the world. c.2 1
261.8 Am1 Ambrosio, Gianni La Dottrina sociale della chiesa: Criterio e guida dell'agire 1
dell'economo/a religioso/a
261.8 Ar71 Ars caritatis: The thirtieth anniversary of the foundation of 1
the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" (1971-2001)
261.8 As77 Assmann, H. Practical theology of liberation 1
261.8 C14 Camara, Helder Church and colonialism 1
261.8 C23 Carrier, H. The social doctrine of the church revisited : guide for 1
261.8 C28 Catholic Church… The church speaks to the modern world: The social 1
teaching of Leo XIII
261.8 C28 Chiesa e mobilità umana: Documenti della Santa Sede c.1 1
dall 1883 a 1983
261.8 C28 Chiesa e mobilità umana: Documenti della Santa Sede c.2 1
dall 1883 a 1983
261.8 C28 Catholic social thought : the documentary heritage 1
261.8 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of La justicia en el mundo 1
Bishops. Second Ordinary
General Assembly
261.8 C2862 Catholic Church: Pontifical World development and economic institutions c.1 1
Council for Justice and Peace

261.8 C2862 Catholic Church: Pontifical World development and economic institutions c.2 1
Council for Justice and Peace

261.8 C2862 Catholic Church: Pontifical World development and economic institutions c.3 1
Council for Justice and Peace

261.8 C2862 Sacred Congregation for the Istruzione su alcuni aspetti della «teologia della 1
Doctrine of the Faith liberazione»
261.8 C38 Charles, Rodger The Christian social conscience 1
261.8 C83 Cox, H. God’s revolution and man’s responsibility c.1 1
261.8 C83 Cox, H. God’s revolution and man’s responsibility c.2 1
261.8 C88 Cronin, J. Social principles and economic life c.1 1
261.8 C88 Cronin, J. Social principles and economic life c.2 1
261.8 D73 Dorr, D. Option for the poor ... 1
261.8 D7374 Dorr, D. The social justice agenda: justice, ecology, power and the 1
261.8 F22 Farina, Marcella Chiesa di poveri e chiesa dei proveri 1
261.8 H39 Henriot, P. Catholic social teaching : our best kept secret. 1
261.8 In8 The challenge of basic Christian communities 1
261.8 J8 Linscott, M. Justice in the world: Synod of bishops (v.4: Education and v.4 1
261.8 J8 Ward, B. Justice in the world: Synod of bishops (v.5: a new v.5 c.1 1
creation? reflections on the environmental issue)
261.8 J8 Ward, B. Justice in the world: Synod of bishops (v.5: a new v.5 c.2 1
creation? reflections on the environmental issue)
261.8 J8 Ward, B. Justice in the world: Synod of bishops (v.5: a new v.5 c.3 1
creation? reflections on the environmental issue)
261.8 J8 Land, P. Justice in the world: Synod of bishops (v.1: an overview) 1

261.8 J984 Álvarez Verdes, L.; Vidal, M. La justicia social : homenaje al Prof. Julio de la Torre 1
(eds.) (Estudios de ética teológica)


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
261.8 M47 Meehan, F. X. A contemporary social spirituality 1
261.8 M5808 Miano, V. Continuidad y evolución en la enseñanza del Magisterio 1
en torno al comunismo, socialismo y marxismo

261.8 M91 Muller, R. New Genesis: Shaping a global spirituality 1

261.8 P2819 Paul VI Apostolic letter Octogesima adveniens 1
261.8 P41 Per una pastorale dei migranti: contributi in occasione del 1
75o della morte di mons. G.B. Scalabrini
261.8 P64t Pilarczyk Twelve tough issues: What the Church teaches and why 1

261.8 P65 Pin, E. Las clases sociales 1

261.8 P778 Pontifical Council for the Christians living on board ship. Proceedings of the XIX 1
Pastoral Care of Migrants and World Congress Apostleship of the Sea
Itinerant People
261.8 P778 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral guidelines for the pastoral care of civil aviation. 1
Pastoral Care of Migrants and Proceedings of the VIII international seminar of catholic
Itinerant People chaplains and chaplaincy teams of civil aviation (Rome, 4-
7 May 1993)
261.8 P778 Pontifical Council for the Walk towards the splendour of God; your God walks with 1
Pastoral Care of Migrants and you. Proceedings of the First World Congress on the
Itinerant People Pastoral Care of Shrines and Pilgrimages
261.8 R87 Runes, D. The Jew and the cross 1
261.8 Sh35 Sheed, Francis Joseph Society and sanity c.1 1
261.8 Sh35 Sheed, Francis Joseph Society and sanity c.2 1
261.8 T22 Technological power and the person: Nuclear energy 1
261.8 Ut9 Utz, A.-F.; Groner, J.-F. (eds.) Aufbau und entfaltung des gesellschaftlichen lebens : v.1 1
soziale summe Pius XII
261.8 Ut9 Utz, A.-F.; Groner, J.-F. (eds.) Aufbau und entfaltung des gesellschaftlichen lebens : v.2 1
soziale summe Pius XII
261.8 Ut9 Utz, A.-F.; Groner, J.-F. (eds.) Aufbau und entfaltung des gesellschaftlichen lebens : v.3 1
soziale summe Pius XII
261.8 W21 Ward, Barbara The angry seventies ... c.1 1
261.8 W21 Ward, Barbara The angry seventies ... c.2 1
261.8 W21 Ward, Barbara The angry seventies ... c.3 1
261.8 W21 Ward, Barbara The angry seventies ... c.4 1
261.802 En17 Pontificio Consiglio per la Enchiridion della famiglia: documenti magisteriali e 1
Famiglia pastorali su famiglia e vita, 1965-1999
261.808822 G93 Giordani, I. (ed.) Le encicliche sociali dei Papi da Pio IX a Pio XII (1864- c.1 1
261.808822 G93 Giordani, I. (ed.) Le encicliche sociali dei Papi da Pio IX a Pio XII (1864- c.2 1
261.808822 G93 Giordani, I. (ed.) Le encicliche sociali dei Papi da Pio IX a Pio XII (1864- c.3 1
261.808822 G93 Giordani, I. (ed.) Le encicliche sociali dei Papi da Pio IX a Pio XII (1864- c.4 1
261.8095 B183 Balasuriya, T. Culture, development, Christianity 1
261.8096 El1 Ela, J.-M. African cry 1
261.8097284 So1 Sobrino; Pico Theology of Christian solidarity 1
261.8098 F92 Frontiers of theology in Latin America 1
261.8098 Id5 Richard, P. et al. The idols of death and the God of life 1
261.83 An888 Antonisamy, A.S. Wisdom for all times - Mahatma Gandhi 1920 and Pope 1
Paul VI 1968 - on birth regulation
261.83 B9967 Byrne, T. Working for justice and peace: a practical guide 1
261.83 C28 Catholic Church Respect life. 1
261.83 C28 John Paul II, Pope Encyclical letter Sollicitudo rei socialis for the twentieth c.1 1
anniversary of Populorum progressio
261.83 C28 John Paul II, Pope Encyclical letter Sollicitudo rei socialis for the twentieth c.2 1
anniversary of Populorum progressio
261.83 C28 John Paul II, Pope Encyclical letter Sollicitudo rei socialis for the twentieth c.3 1
anniversary of Populorum progressio
261.83 C28 John Paul II, Pope Encyclical letter Sollicitudo rei socialis for the twentieth c.4 1
anniversary of Populorum progressio
261.83 C35 The challenge of Mater et magistra 1
261.83 D56 Digan, P. Churches in contestation: Asian Christian social protest 1

261.83 Eg68 Egner, G. Birth regulation and catholic belief: a study in problems 1
and possibilities
261.83 G86 Gremillion, J. The gospel of peace and justice: Catholic social teaching 1
since Pope John
261.83 J289 Jarlot, G. L'enciclica Populorum progressio di Paolo VI 1
261.83 J61 John Paul II, Pope The theme of violence … 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
261.83 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Encyclical letter Centesimus annus on the hundredth 1
anniversary of Rerum novarum
261.83 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Encyclical letter Sollicitudo rei socialis for the twentieth 1
anniversary of Populorum progressio
261.83 J6139 John XXIII Encyclica Mater et Magistra 1
261.83 J6139 John XXIII, Pope Lettera enciclica Mater et magistra 1
261.83 M35 Marshall, J. Catholics, marriage and contraception 1
261.83 M897 Mulder, T. L'enciclica sociale Mater et magistra 1
261.83 P2819 Paul VI, Pope Litterae encyclicae de populorum progressione 1
261.83 Sh4 Sheppard; Worlock Better together 1
261.83 Un313 Unione Cristiana Imprenditori Convegno UCID Mater et Magistra 1
261.83 V58 Verkuyl; Nordholt Responsible revolution: Means and ends for transforming 1
261.8308 C76 The church in the changing city 1
261.830943 Os56 Osner, K. 1
Kirchen und Entwicklungshilfe. Ziele, Leistungen und
Arbeitsweise kirchlicher Organisationen in Deutschland
261.8321 D68 Dolentium hominum 1
261.8321 K17 Kavanaugh, J. Faces of poverty, faces of Christ 1
261.8321 So687 Soria, G.L. Medicina pastorale 1
261.8325 B6485 Borst, J. Jesus: His option for the poor. A biblical perspective 1
261.8341 H88 Human sexuality in our time: What the Church teaches c.1 1

261.8341 H88 Human sexuality in our time: What the Church teaches c.2 1

261.834157 W55 What you should know about homosexuality 1

261.83417 D71 Dominian, J. The church and the sexual revolution 1
261.83417 K19 Keane, P. Sexual morality a catholic perspective. 1
261.83417 Z82 Zuccaro, C. Morale sessuale: nuovo manuale di teologia morale 1
261.8342 K15 Kasper, W. Theology of christian marriage. 1
261.8342 K57 Kindregan, C. Marriage and sex 1
261.8342 Sch331 Schillebeeckx, E. Marriage : human reality and saving mystery 1
261.8342 Sco851 Scott, M.J. You and yours: practical talks on family life 1
261.83426 B69 Boyle, J.P. The sterilization controversy: a new crisis for the Catholic 1
261.83426 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The dignity of older people and their mission in the 1
Council for the Laity Church and in the world
261.8344 C28 John Paul II, Pope Apostolic letter Mulieris dignitatem on the dignity and c.1 1
vocation of women
261.8344 C28 John Paul II, Pope Apostolic letter Mulieris dignitatem on the dignity and c.2 1
vocation of women
261.83442 Od2 Oddie, W. What will happen to God? Feminism and the 1
reconstruction of Christian belief
261.83456 T15 Tamez, E. Bible of the oppressed 1
261.8348 C28 Catholic Church. Pontifical The church and racism : towards a more fraternal society c.1 1
Commision Iustitia et Pax
261.8348 C28 Catholic Church. Pontifical The church and racism : towards a more fraternal society c.2 1
Commision Iustitia et Pax
261.8348 C28 Catholic Church. Pontifical The church and racism : towards a more fraternal society c.3 1
Commision Iustitia et Pax
261.8348 C28 Catholic Church. Pontifical The church and racism : towards a more fraternal society c.4 1
Commision Iustitia et Pax
261.8348 C28 Catholic Church. Pontifical The church and racism : towards a more fraternal society c.5 1
Commision Iustitia et Pax
261.8348 H3557 Heckel, R. The struggle against racism: some contributions of the c.1 1
261.8348 H3557 Heckel, R. The struggle against racism: some contributions of the c.2 1
261.835 M3198 Many homes - one family: religious congregations at the 1
service of the family. Rome, 4-7 December 1973.
261.835 M69 Mixed marriages pastoral and liturgical… 1
261.835 W13 Wakefield, John C. Artful childmaking : artificial insemination in catholic 1
261.8357 H67 Hogan, R.M.; LeVoir, J.M. Covenant of love: Pope John Paul II on sexuality, 1
marriage and family in the modern world
261.83581 B91 Burke, C. Covenanted happiness: Love and commitment in 1
261.83581 R56 Robinson, G. Marriage, divorce and nullity 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
261.83585 B6337 Boffi, P. (ed.) La pastorale familiare in Italia : una ricerca nazionale a 1
dieci anni dal Direttorio di pastorale familiare
261.83585 C2862 Catholic Church. Conferenza Direttorio di pastorale familiare per la Chiesa in Italia 1
Episcopale Italiana
261.83585 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Family: hope for the world c.1 1
Council for the Family
261.83585 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Family: hope for the world c.2 1
Council for the Family
261.83585 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The family and human rights 1
Council for the Family
261.83585 F21 The family today and tomorrow: The Church addresses 1
her future
261.83585 L8819 López Trujillo, A. La grande sfida : famiglia, dignità della persona e 1
261.83585 W89 Faith and challeges to the family 1
261.83588 C29 Catoir, J. Catholics and broken marriage 1
261.836 M14 McDonagh, S. The greening of the church. 1
261.8362 H25 Hart, J. The spirit of the earth: A theology of land 1
261.8366 A81 International Federation for V international congress: Health and child spacing 1
Family Life Promotion through natural family planning and family life education.
261.8366 K62 Kippley, J. Birth control and Christian discipleship. c.1 1
261.8366 K62 Kippley, J. Birth control and Christian discipleship. c.2 1
261.8366 M4599 McCarthy, J. In defense of human life 1
261.83666 At54 Atkinson, G. A moral evaluation of contraception and sterilization: a 1
dialogical study
261.83666 P94 Pro-life catechism 1
261.85 B32 Baum, G. The priority of labor : a commentary on Laborem 1
exercens, encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II
261.85 C42 Chenu, M.-D. The theology of work : an exploration 1
261.85 J98 Justice in the marketplace 1
261.85 Sy68 Symposium... Rerum Novarum, Laborem Exercens, 2000 Symposium 1

261.850973 L61 NCCB Economic justice for all: Pastoral letter on Catholic social 1
teaching and the U.S. economy
261.87 J61 John Paul II, Pope Apostolic letter on the fiftieth anniversary of the outbreak c.1 1
of World War II
261.87 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Apostolic letter on the fiftieth anniversary of the outbreak c.2 1
of World War II
261.87 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Lettera apostolica in occasione del cinquantesimo 1
anniversario dell'inizio della seconda guerra mondiale
261.87 W36 Ways of peace : Papal messages for the World Days of 1
261.873 C28 Catholic Church The challenge of peace : God's promise and our 1
261.873 C28 Catholic Church… International arms trade : an ethical reflection. c.1 1
261.873 C28 Catholic Church… International arms trade : an ethical reflection. c.2 1
261.873 J6139 John XXIII, Pope Lettre encyclique Pacem in terris sur la paix entre toutes 1
les nations fondée sur la verité, la justice, la charité, la
261.873 Oc5 O'Connor, J. In defense of life. 1
262 Ar2 Archiepiscopal and patriarchal autonomy 1
262 B43 Bender, Ludovicus Ius publicum ecclesiasticum c.1 1
262 B43 Bender, Ludovicus Ius publicum ecclesiasticum c.2 1
262 B6336 Boff, L. Church : charism and power : liberation theology and the 1
institutional Church
262 D88 Dulles, A. A Church to believe in: discipleship and the dynamics of 1
262 H55 Hillman, E. The wider ecumenism: Anonymous Christianity and the 1
262 M4591 Mazzella, C. De religione et ecclesia praelectiones scholastico- 1
262 M87 Moya, R. De magistero ecclesiastico c.1 1
262 M87 Moya, R. De magistero ecclesiastico c.2 1
262 M87 Moya, R. De magistero ecclesiastico c.3 1
262 P65 Pinto, Joseph Prasad Inculturation through basic communities: an indian 1
262 R18 Ratzinger, J. Church, ecumenism and politics c.1 1
262 R18 Ratzinger, J. Church, ecumenism and politics c.2 1
262 R18 Ratzinger, J. The Ratzinger report 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262 T19 Tavard, G.H. The Church, community of salvation: an ecumenical 1
ecclesiology (New theology studies v.1)
262.001 An8 Antinucci, L. Ecumenismo 1
262.001 C3149 Cavatassi, N. The ecumenical movement today 1
262.001 C54 Clark, Stephen Building christian communities: strategy for renewing the 1
262.001 F334 Felici, P. (ed.) Concilio vitam alere. Meditationes super decretis concilii 1
vaticani ii
262.001 F334 Felici, P. (ed.) Nourish your life with the Council. Meditations on the 1
Decrees of Vatican Council II
262.001 F83 Fox, R. Renewal for all God's people 1
262.001 K153 Kasper, W. A handbook of spiritual ecumenism 1
262.0011 G44 Girault, René One church one faith one Lord : new perspective 1
262.00681 C4739 McKenna, K.E. et al. (eds.) Church finance handbook 1
262.02 B6336 Boff, L. Ecclesiogenesis : the basic communities reinvent the 1
262.02 D888 Dulles, A. A half century of ecclesiology 1
262.02 G48 Phan, P.C. (ed.) The gift of the Church: a textbook on ecclesiology 1
262.02 H353 Hebblethwaite, P. In the Vatican c.1 1
262.02 H353 Hebblethwaite, P. In the Vatican c.2 1
262.02 L96 Lubich, C. Servants of all / Uomini al servizio di tutti. c.1 1
262.02 L96 Lubich, C. Servants of all / Uomini al servizio di tutti. c.2 1
262.02 L96 Lubich, C. Uomini al servizio di tutti. 1
262.02 Su24 Suenens, L.-J. Coresponsibility in the Church c.1 1
262.02 Su24 Suenens, L.-J. Coresponsibility in the Church c.2 1
262.02 V238 La validità del provvedimento amministrativo e le garanzie 1
amministrative nella Chiesa dopo il Vatican II
262.02 V45 Flannery, A. (ed.) Vatican II on the church 1
262.05 T389 Thoppil, J. Towards an asian ecclesiology : the understanding of the 1
Church in the documents of the FABC (1970-2000)
262.1 C67 Colagiovanni, E. Le strutture orizzontali della Chiesa locale dopo il Concilio 1
Vaticano II
262.1 C76 Congregation for Catholic Instruction on the study of the fathers of the church in the c.1 1
Education formation of priests.
262.1 C76 Congregation for Catholic Instruction on the study of the fathers of the church in the c.2 1
Education formation of priests.
262.1 C76 Congregation for Catholic Instruction on the study of the fathers of the church in the c.3 1
Education formation of priests.
262.1 G13 Galot, Jean Teologia del sacerdozio (Theology of the priesthood) 1
262.1 M19 McKenzie, J. Authority in the Church 1
262.1 M52 Menasce, G. Discorso sull'autorità 1
262.1 P94 Problems of authority 1
262.1 Su5 Sullivan, F. Magisterium: Teaching authority in the Catholic Church 1

262.109015 F7619 Forestell, J.T. As ministers of Christ : the christological dimension of 1

ministry in the New Testament
262.12 An2 Anciaux, Paul The episcopate in the church. 1
262.12 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Nuntius : Episcopus minister Evangelii Iesu Christi propter 1
Bishops. Tenth Ordinary spem mundi
General Assembly
262.12 C2862 Congregation for Bishops Directory for the pastoral ministry of bishops 1
262.12 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Pastores gregis on the 1
bishop, servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the hope
of the world
262.12 P3641 Pellegrinaggio alla tomba di San Pietro : incontro di 1
riflessione per i nuovi vescovi dal 17 al 25 settembre 2006

262.12 R12 Rahner, K. The Episcopate and the primacy 1

262.12 R6649 Romita, F. Facultates et privilegia a S. P. Paulo VI Episcopis 1
concessa Lit. Ap. Pastorale munus. Brevis commentarius
cum formulariis
262.12 Sw5 Swidler, Leonard. Bishops and people. 1
262.12 W6758 Williams, T. (ed.) Testimoni e servitori della speranza 1
262.1213 Su54 Sullivan, F. From Apostles to bishops 1
262.12219 B54 Bishops, but what kind ? : reflections on episcopacy. 1
262.13 M23 McNabb, V. St. Thomas Aquinas and Law 1
262.13 P185 Palmieri, D. Tractatus de Romano Pontifice 1
262.13 R25929 Reese, T.J. Inside the Vatican : the politics and organization of the 1
Catholic Church
262.13 Ul4 Ullmann, W. The medieval papacy, St. Thomas and beyond 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.13 W58 White, V. Holy teaching: The idea of theology according to St. 1
Thomas Aquinas
262.1309 Ar15 Araujo, R.J.; Lucal, J.A. Papal diplomacy and the quest for peace : the Vatican 1
and International Organizations from the early years to the
League of Nations
262.1309 C1734 Caporelli, M. The popes, the ecumenical councils, the jubilees, the holy 1
262.1309 D8741 Duffy, E. Saints and sinners : a history of the popes 1
262.1309 En192 Coppa, F.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Vatican and Papacy 1
262.1309 P1972 Kent, P.C.; Pollard, J.F. (eds.) Papal diplomacy in the modern age 1

262.1309015 P93 Maccarone, M. (ed.) Il primato del Vescovo di Roma nel primo millennio: 1
ricerche e testimonianze (atti del symposium storico-
teologico, Roma, 9-13 ottobre 1989)
262.1309024 L234 Landi, A. Le radici del conciliarismo 1
262.130924 An26 Andrews, J. Paul VI : critical appraisals 1
262.130924 El58 Elliott, L. I will be called John , a biography of Pope John 1
262.136 C2798 CASTRO Ramón La misión espiritual del representante pontificio : modelos c.2 1
históricos y orientaciones del magisterio
262.136 J6137 John Paul II, Pope Costituzione apostolica Pastor bonus sulla Curia romana 1

262.136 Ol4 Oliveri, M. The representatives: the real nature and function of papal 1
262.14 B69 Boylan, M. Eugene The spiritual life of the priest. c.1 1
262.14 B69 Boylan, M. Eugene The spiritual life of the priest. c.2 1
262.14 B94 Burrows, W. New ministries: The global context 1
262.14 F77 Forrestall, J. Where are the priests? 1
262.14 In7 Institute of Spirituality Impact of renewal on priests and religious. 1
262.14 Se92 Hanson, R.K. et al. (eds.) Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church: Scientific and legal c.1 1
perspectives. Proceedings of the conference "Abuse of
children and young people by Catholic priests and
religious" (Vatican City, 2-5 April 2003)
262.14 Se92 Hanson, R.K. et al. (eds.) Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church: Scientific and legal c.2 1
perspectives. Proceedings of the conference "Abuse of
children and young people by Catholic priests and
religious" (Vatican City, 2-5 April 2003)
262.14 Su3 Suhard, Emmanuel-Caelestin Priests among men / Prêtre dans la … 1
262.142 B46 Bertola, C. Fraternità sacerdotale: aspetti sacramentali, teologici ed c.1 1
262.142 B46 Bertola, C. Fraternità sacerdotale: aspetti sacramentali, teologici ed c.2 1
262.142 B46 Bertola, Carlo. I have called you friends : sacramental, theological and c.1 1
existential aspects of priestly fraternity
262.142 B46 Bertola, Carlo. I have called you friends : sacramental, theological and c.2 1
existential aspects of priestly fraternity
262.142 B46 Bertola, Carlo. I have called you friends : sacramental, theological and c.3 1
existential aspects of priestly fraternity
262.142 B46 Bertola, Carlo. I have called you friends : sacramental, theological and c.4 1
existential aspects of priestly fraternity
262.142 B46 Bertola, Carlo. I have called you friends : sacramental, theological and c.5 1
existential aspects of priestly fraternity
262.142 C76075 Confoy, M. Religious life and priesthood : Perfectae caritatis, Optatam 1
totius, Presbyterorum ordinis
262.142 D43 Dent, Barbara The gifts of lay ministry. 1
262.142 D6859 Dolan, T.M. Priests for the third millennium 1
262.142 D9221 Dunn, P.J. Priesthood : a re-examination of the roman catholic 1
theology of the presbyterate
262.142 G123 Gaidon, M. Prêtre selon le Cœur de Dieu 1
262.142 Id2 Identità e missione del sacerdote. 1
262.142 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Priesthood in the third millennium : addresses of Pope 1
John Paul II 1993 (ed. James Socias)
262.142 N21 National Opinion Research The Catholic priest in the United States : sociological 1
Center, University of Chicago investigations.
262.142 Os17 Osborne, K.H. Orders and ministry : leadership in the world church 1
(Theology in global perspective)
262.142 Sa142 Sacerdoti, forgiatori di santi per il nuovo millennio : sulle c.1 1
orme dell'apostolo Paolo : atti del vi convegno
internazionale dei sacerdoti, Malta, 18-23 ottobre 2004
262.142 Sa142 Sacerdoti, forgiatori di santi per il nuovo millennio : sulle c.2 1
orme dell'apostolo Paolo : atti del vi convegno
internazionale dei sacerdoti, Malta, 18-23 ottobre 2004


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.14273 H6791 Hoge, D.; Wenger, J.E. Evolving visions of the priesthood: changes from Vatican 1
II to the turn of the new century
262.14273 H6791 Hoge, D.R. The first five years of the priesthood : a study of newly 1
ordained catholic priests
262.15 B7401 Breña, J.S. You called me. I am here! (1 Sam. 3:5) 1
262.15 C28 Catholic Church … Post- Synodal Apostolic exhortation … 1
262.15 C28 Catholic Church… The Pontifical Council for the laity. 1
262.15 C28 Catholic Church… Une nouvelle evangelisation pour la construction. 1
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The formation of the laity c.1 1
Council for the Laity
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The formation of the laity c.2 1
Council for the Laity
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical All branches of the one vine (Documentation Service 28) 1
Council for the Laity
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Christifideles laici : comments and reflections (Laity Today 1
Council for the Laity 32-33)
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Dialogue a l'intereur de l'Eglise 1
Council for the Laity
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Espérer c'est s'engager. 1er congrès des laïcs 1
Council for the Laity catholiques du Moyen-Orient, Beyrouth (Liban), 10-14 juin
1997 (Laïcs Aujourd'hui 32)
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Lay voices at the Synod (Documentation Service 19) 1
Council for the Laity
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Priests within associations of the faithful 1
Council for the Laity
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Springtime for the Gospel (Documentation Service 26) 1
Council for the Laity
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The Congress of Catholic Laity, Rome, 2000 (Laity Today 1
Council for the Laity 5)
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The laity in the Church's life and mission in asian society 1
Council for the Laity (Documentation Service 14)
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Una nueva evangelización para la construcción de una 1
Council for the Laity nueva sociedad. Consulta mundial con vista al Sínodo de
los Obispos 1987, Rocca di Papa (Roma), 21-25 de mayo
de 1987 (Servicio de Documentación 18)
262.15 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Instrumentum laboris : Vocation and mission of the laity in 1
Bishops. Seventh Ordinary the Church and in the world twenty years after the Second
General Assembly Vatican Council
262.15 C83 Coughlan, P. The hour of the laity: Their expanding role 1
262.15 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Gli "Angelus" di Giovanni Paolo II verso il Sinodo sul c.1 1
laicato (Quaderni de « L'Osservatore Romano » 5)
262.15 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Post- Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles laici on c.1 1
the lay members of Christ's faithful people
262.15 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Gli "Angelus" di Giovanni Paolo II verso il Sinodo sul c.2 1
laicato (Quaderni de « L'Osservatore Romano » 5)
262.15 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Post- Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles laici on c.2 1
the lay members of Christ's faithful people
262.15 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles laici on c.3 1
the vocation and the mission of the lay faithful in the
Church and in the world
262.15 L14 Sacred Congregation for El laico católico testigo de la fe en la escuela 1
Catholic Education
262.15 L146 Roman Catholic - Laity in the Church and in the world: resources for 1
Presbyterian/Reformed ecumenical dialogue
262.15 L45 Lay voices at the Synod 1
262.15 L451 Proceedings of the third world congress for the lay v.1 c.1 1
262.15 L451 Proceedings of the third world congress for the lay v.1 c.2 1
262.15 L451 Proceedings of the third world congress for the lay v.2 c.1 1
262.15 L451 Proceedings of the third world congress for the lay v.2 c.2 1
262.15 L451 Proceedings of the third world congress for the lay v.3 c.1 1
262.15 M47 Steidl-Meier, P. Social justice ministry: Foundations and concerns 1
262.15 R1862 Rastouil, L. L'apostolato dei laici nell'unico sacerdozio di Cristo per 1
mezzo della cresima
262.15 Sch43 Schmaus, M. Theologie Im Laienstand 1
262.15 W89 World consultation Holy Year 1975 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.15016 D72 Doohan, L. The Laity: a bibliography 1
262.1508822 Os1 Osborne, K. Ministry: Lay ministry in the Roman Catholic Church 1
262.152 L4957 Leckey, D.R. The laity and christian education : Apostolicam 1
actuositatem, Gravissimum educationis (Rediscovering
Vatican II)
262.2 B62 Blochlinger, Alex The modern parish community 1
262.2 P243 La parocchia: documenti. Funzioni e strutture della Chiesa 1
in un mondo secolarizzato
262.26 V544 Veling, T.A. Living in the margins : intentional communities and the art 1
of interpretation
262.3 Ep46 Reese, T. Episcopal Conferences: Historical, canonical and 1
theological studies
262.4 C28 Catholic Church… Prima romana synodus… c.1 1
262.4 C28 Catholic Church… Prima romana synodus… c.2 1
262.5 A45 McNamara, K. (ed.) The Church: a theological and pastoral commentary on 1
the Constitution on the Church
262.5 C28 Catholic Church… Documenta inde a Concilio Vaticano secundo expleto 1
edita (1966-1985)
262.5 C76 Congar, Y.M.-J. Le Concile au jour le jour. 1
262.5 D44 Deretz, Jacques Dizionario dei testi conciliari 1
262.5 D44 Deretz, Jacques Synopse des textes conciliaires 1
262.5 D67 Dogmatic constitution on the Church (De Ecclesia) 1
262.5 F846 Franchi, A. Il Concilio II di Lione (1274) secondo la Ordinatio Concilii 1
Generalis Lugdunensis
262.5 G13 Galassi, Paluzzi Breviarium a primo Christi ecclesiae concilio… c.1 1
262.5 G13 Galassi, Paluzzi Breviarium a primo Christi ecclesiae concilio… c.2 1
262.5 G13 Galassi, Paluzzi Breviarium a primo Christi ecclesiae concilio… c.3 1
262.5 H35 Hearing, Bernhard Road to renewal 1
262.5 J34 Jedin, Hubert History of the Council of Trent v.2 1
262.5 K11 Kaiser, R. Inside the Council: the story of Vatican II 1
262.5 N85 Novak, M. The open Church 1
262.5 P28 Paul VI, Pope Norms for implementation of four council decrees ... 1
262.5 T19 The dogmatic constitution on Divine Revelation of Vatican 1
Council II
262.5 W5 Wiltgen, R.M. The Rhine flows into the Tiber: the unknown council 1
262.5016 In275 Indices verborum et locutionum decretorum Concilii v.1 1
Vaticani II
262.5016 In275 Indices verborum et locutionum decretorum Concilii v.12 1
Vaticani II
262.5016 In275 Indices verborum et locutionum decretorum Concilii v.14 1
Vaticani II
262.5016 In275 Indices verborum et locutionum decretorum Concilii v.16 1
Vaticani II
262.5016 In275 Indices verborum et locutionum decretorum Concilii v.4 1
Vaticani II
262.5016 In275 Indices verborum et locutionum decretorum Concilii v.6 1
Vaticani II
262.5016 In275 Indices verborum et locutionum decretorum Concilii vv.10,13 1
Vaticani II
262.5016 In275 Indices verborum et locutionum decretorum Concilii vv.8,15 1
Vaticani II
262.52 Ab2 Documents of Vatican II c.1 1
262.52 Ab2 Documents of Vatican II c.2 1
262.52 Ab2 Documents of Vatican II c.3 1
262.52 Ab2 Documents of Vatican II c.4 1
262.52 Ac7 Schönmetzer, A. (ed.) Acta Congressus internationalis de theologia Concilii 1
Vaticani II Romae diebus 26 septembris - 1 octobris 1966
262.52 Al141 Alberigo, G. A brief history of Vatican II 1
262.52 At85 Atto accademico per la presentazione di Vaticano II: 1
bilancio e prospettive: Venticinque anni dopo (1962-1987)
(Roma, 19 gennaio 1988)
262.52 C31 Cavallari, A. Il Vaticano che cambia 1
262.52 C73 Vorgrimler, H. Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.1 c.2 1
262.52 C73 Vorgrimler, H. Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.2 c.2 1
262.52 C73 Vorgrimler, H. Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.3 c.2 1
262.52 C73 Vorgrimler, H. Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.4 c.2 1
262.52 C73 Vorgrimler, H. Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.4 c.3 1
262.52 C73 Vorgrimler, H. Commentary on the documents of Vatican II v.5 c.2 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.52 C74 Concilio Vaticano II: Constituciones, decretos, 1
declaraciones, documentos pontificios complementarios

262.52 C74 De Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II Studia 1

262.52 C74 I Concili Ecumenici 1
262.52 C83 De Ecclesia: The constitution on the Church of Vatican c.1 1
Council II
262.52 C83 De Ecclesia: The constitution on the Church of Vatican c.2 1
Council II
262.52 F61 Vatican II: More post conciliar documents c.1 1
262.52 F61 Vatican II: The conciliar and post conciliar documents c.1 1
262.52 F61 Vatican II: More post conciliar documents c.2 1
262.52 F61 Vatican II: The conciliar and post conciliar documents c.2 1
262.52 F61 Vatican II: More post conciliar documents c.3 1
262.52 F61 Vatican II: The conciliar and post conciliar documents c.3 1
262.52 F61 Vatican II: More post conciliar documents c.4 1
262.52 F61 Documents of Vatican II 1
262.52 F9259 Bulman, R.F.; Parrella, F.J. From Trent to Vatican II : historical and theological 1
(eds.) investigations
262.52 M24 McRedmond, L. The council reconsidered. 1
262.52 P17 Palazzini, P. Alla vigilia del Concilio ecumenico vaticano II… v.1 1
262.52 T91 The 25th anniversary of Vatican II: A look back and a look 1
262.52 V13 Vacchini, Francisco Aula sancta Concilii … 1
262.52 V45 Vatican II: Pour construire l'église nouvelle v.1 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II v.1 p.1 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II v.1 p.2 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II v.2 1
262.52 V45 Vatican II: Pour construire l'église nouvelle v.2 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II v.3 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II v.3 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II v.4 c.1 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II v.4 c.2 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II v.4 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II v.5 1
262.52 V45 Flannery, A. (ed.) Vatican Council II: The conciliar and post conciliar 1
262.52 V45 Il Concilio Vaticano II: La prima intersessione 1
262.52 V45 Vatican Council II: The conciliar and post conciliar 1
documents: Study edition
262.52 V45 Vatican II: Open questions and new horizons 1
262.52 W32 Watkin, E. I. The church in council 1
262.526 Af83 African Synod… Many voices one Church: New People articles on the c.1 1
African Synod
262.526 Af83 African Synod… Many voices one Church: New People articles on the c.2 1
African Synod
262.7 D88 Dulles, A. Models of the church: a critical assessment of the Church 1
in all its aspects
262.7 G4492 Giussani, L. Why the Church? 1
262.7 K38 Kennedy, Eugene C Fashion me a people : man, woman ... 1
262.7 N559 van Nieuwenhove, J. Church and theology in Puebla: thoughts on the Latin- c.1 1
American Bishops' Message to the Universal Church
262.7 N559 van Nieuwenhove, J. Church and theology in Puebla: thoughts on the Latin- c.2 1
American Bishops' Message to the Universal Church
262.7 R1899 Ratzinger, J. Pilgrim fellowship of faith : the Church as communion 1
262.8 D63 Readings in moral theology no. 6: Dissent in the Church 1

262.8 K96 Küng, H. The Church - maintained in truth: A theological meditation 1

262.8 M91 Mulligan Theologians and their authority in the living Church 1
262.8 R44 Riga, Peter J. Peace on earth : commentary on Pope John's encyclical 1

262.8219 C33 Celeghin, Adriano Origine e natura della potestà sacra : posizioni 1
262.9 Al867 Alvarez-Menendez, S. Varia of S. Alvarez-Menendez, O.P. 1
262.9 C17 Capello, Felice M. Summa iuris canonici in usum scholarum concinnata v.1 c.1 1
262.9 C17 Capello, Felice M. Summa iuris canonici in usum scholarum concinnata v.1 c.2 1
262.9 C17 Capello, Felice M. Summa iuris canonici in usum scholarum concinnata v.2 c.1 1
262.9 C17 Capello, Felice M. Summa iuris canonici in usum scholarum concinnata v.2 c.2 1
262.9 C17 Cappello, F. Summa iuris publici ecclesiastici : ad normas Codicis iuris c.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.9 C17 Cappello, F. Summa iuris publici ecclesiastici : ad normas Codicis iuris c.2 1
262.9 C17 Cappello, F. Summa iuris publici ecclesiastici : ad normas Codicis iuris c.3 1
262.9 C2755 Castaño, J.F. Ius ecclesiae constitutionale 1
262.9 C2862 Catholic Church Synodus episcoporum c.1 1
262.9 C2862 Catholic Church Synodus episcoporum c.2 1
262.9 C2862 Catholic Church Synodus episcoporum c.3 1
262.9 C495 Cipriotti, P. De personae humanae fundamentalibus iuribus tuendis, 1
quid schemata futuri Codicis iuris canonici caveant
(Analecta cracoviensia VIII (1976) 247-253)
262.9 C495 Cipriotti, P. Stato attuale e prospettive della giustizia amministrativa 1
262.9 C62 Coccopalmerio, F. et al. Il codice del Vaticano II - 1. Perché un codice nella Chiesa 1

262.9 C62 Longitano, A. et al. Il codice del Vaticano II - 5. Chiesa particolare e strutture 1
di comunione
262.9 C62 Serrano Ruiz, J.M. et al. Il codice del Vaticano II - 7. Matrimonio canonico fra 1
tradizione e rinnovamento
262.9 C64 Code, community, ministry : selected studies for the 1
parish minister…
262.9 C8131 Coriden, J.A. An introduction to canon law 1
262.9 D67 Dogmatic canons and decrees of the Council of Trent and c.1 1
Vatican Council I plus the Decree on the Immaculate
Conception and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX

262.9 D67 Dogmatic canons and decrees of the Council of Trent and c.2 1
Vatican Council I plus the Decree on the Immaculate
Conception and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX

262.9 F385 Ferme, B.E. Introduzione alla storia del diritto canonico. I - Il diritto v.1 1
antico fino al Decretum di Graziano
262.9 F98 The future of Canon Law 1
262.9 G891 Grocholewski, Z.; Carcel Orti, Dilexit iustitiam: studia in honorem Aurelii Card. Sabattini 1
262.9 In898 Investigationes theologico-canonicae 1
262.9 L45 Lazzarato, Damiano Jurisprudentia pontificia 1
262.9 L62 Liermann, Hans Kirchen und staat v.1 1
262.9 L62 Liermann, Hans Kirchen und staat v.2 1
262.9 N89 de Echeverría, L. (ed.) Nuevo derecho canónico: manual universitario por 1
catedráticos de derecho canónico
262.9 Or82 Örsy, L. The profession of faith and the oath of fidelity 1
262.9 Or82 Örsy, L. Theology and canon law : new horizons for legislation and 1
262.9 Ot8 Ottaviani, A. Institutiones iuris publici ecclesiastici v.1 1
262.9 Ot8 Ottaviani, A. Institutiones iuris publici ecclesiastici v.2 1
262.9 P94 Cappellini, E. (ed.) Problemi e prospettive di diritto canonico 1
262.9 Q385 Questioni canoniche: miscellanea in onore del professore 1
P. Esteban Gomez O.P.
262.9 Q385 Questioni canoniche: miscellanea in onore del professore 1
P. Severino Alvarez Menendez O.P.
262.9 R32 Revisione del Concordato 1
262.9 Sch7 The canons and decrees of the Council of Trent 1
262.9 St51 Stickler, Alphonso Historia iuris canonici latini… c.1 1
262.9 St51 Stickler, Alphonso Historia iuris canonici latini… c.2 1
262.9 St51 Stickler, Alphonso Historia iuris canonici latini… c.3 1
262.9 W49 Wernz, F. Ius canonicum (v.4: De rebus) 1
262.9 W91 Practical commentary on the Code of Canon Law 1
262.9051 C2868 Catholic Diocese of Hong Diocesan synod documents from 4th March 2000 to 30th 1
Kong December 2001
262.909599 C79 Coquia, F. Church and State Law … 1
262.91 C27 Castellano, M. Lectiones iuris concordatarii comparati c.1 1
262.91 C27 Castellano, M. Lectiones iuris concordatarii comparati c.2 1
262.91 C27 Castellano, M. Lectiones iuris concordatarii comparati c.3 1
262.91 C28 Catholic Church The Papal encyclicals in their historical context c.1 1
262.91 C28 Catholic Church The Papal encyclicals in their historical context c.2 1
262.91 En1 Sacra Congregatio pro Enchiridion clericorum c.1 1
Institutione Catholica
262.91 En1 Sacra Congregatio pro Enchiridion clericorum c.2 1
Institutione Catholica
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.10 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.10 p.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.10 p.3 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.11 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.11 p.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.11 p.3 c.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.11 p.3 c.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.11 p.4 c.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.11 p.4 c.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.12 p.1 c.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.12 p.1 c.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.12 p.2 c.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.12 p.2 c.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.13 p.1 c.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.13 p.1 c.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.13 p.2 c.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.13 p.2 c.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.14 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.14 p.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.2 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.2 p.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.3 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.3 p.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.4 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.4 p.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.5 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.5 p.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.5 p.3 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.6 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.6 p.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.7 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.7 p.2 c.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.7 p.2 c.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.8 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.8 p.2 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.9 p.1 1
262.91 J61 John Paul II, Pope Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II v.9 p.2 1
262.91 K63 Leo XIII Rerum novarum 1
262.91 K96 Küng, H. The Council and reunion 1
262.91 Se4 Selected documents of His Holiness Pope Pius XII: 1939- 1
262.91 Si9 Sixteen encyclicals of His Holinesss Pope Pius XI: 1926- 1
262.92 B46 Berutti, C. Institutiones Iuris Canonici 1
262.922 K9693 Kuttner, S. Gratian and the schools of law 1140-1234 1
262.922 St9431 Studia Gratiana post octava decreti saecularia v.11 1
262.922 St9431 Studia Gratiana post octava decreti saecularia v.12 1
262.922 St9431 Studia Gratiana post octava decreti saecularia v.9 1
262.93 B66 Bouscaren; O'Connor Canon law digest for religious v.1 1
262.93 C16 Codex Iuris Canonici 1
262.93 D71 Cabreros, Alonso, Miguélez Código de derecho canónico y legislación c.1 1
complementaria (1957)
262.93 D71 Cabreros, Alonso, Miguélez Código de derecho canónico y legislación c.2 1
complementaria (1957)
262.93 D71 Cabreros, Alonso, Miguélez Código de derecho canónico y legislación c.3 1
complementaria (1957)
262.93 D71 Cabreros, Alonso, Miguélez Código de derecho canónico y legislación c.4 1
complementaria (1957)
262.93 D71 Cabreros, Alonso, Miguélez Código de derecho canónico y legislación 1
complementaria (1962)
262.93 M3492 Doyle, T.P. (ed.) Marriage studies : reflections in canon law and theology v.1 c.3 1

262.93 M3492 Doyle, T.P. (ed.) Marriage studies : reflections in canon law and theology v.2 1

262.93 M3492 Doyle, T.P. (ed.) Marriage studies : reflections in canon law and theology v.3 c.1 1

262.93 M43 Doyle, T.P. (ed.) Marriage studies : reflections in canon law and theology v.1 c.1 1

262.93 M43 Doyle, T.P. (ed.) Marriage studies : reflections in canon law and theology v.1 c.2 1

262.93 R26 Regatillo, E. Institutiones iuris canonici 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.93 R2618 Regatillo, E. Casos canónicos v.1 1
262.93 Se68 Serrano Ruiz, J.M. Nulidad de matrimonio coram Serrano c.1 1
262.93 Se68 Serrano Ruiz, J.M. Nulidad de matrimonio coram Serrano c.2 1
262.93 Se68 Serrano Ruiz, J.M. Nulidad de matrimonio coram Serrano c.3 1
262.93 W92 Wrenn, L.G. Annulments c.1 1
262.93 W92 Wrenn, L.G. Annulments c.2 1
262.931 B43 Blender, P. Institutiones generales iuris canonici 1
262.932 Is78 Navarro, L. (ed.) L'istituto dell'incardinazione : natura e prospettive 1
262.932 L66 Liotta, F. La Continenza dei chierici nel pensiero canonistico … 1
262.933 H86 Hudson, J.E. Handbook for marriage nullity cases 1
262.933 M3324 Marchetta, B. Scioglimento del matrimonio canonico per 1
262.933 Or82 Örsy, L. Marriage in canon law : texts and comments, reflections 1
and questions
262.933 P82 Pospishil, V.J. Code of Oriental Canon Law: the law on marriage: 1
interritual marriage law problems
262.933 Si15 Siegle, B.A. Marriage today : a commentary on the Code of Canon c.1 1
262.933 Si15 Siegle, B.A. Marriage today : a commentary on the Code of Canon c.2 1
262.933 T21 Taylor, G. Catholic marriage tribunal procedure… 1
262.933 T2121 Taylor, G.; de Bekker, E. Parish priests and marriage cases. Rev. ed. accdg. to the c.1 1
New Code
262.933 T2121 Taylor, G.; de Bekker, E. Parish priests and marriage cases. Rev. ed. accdg. to the c.2 1
New Code
262.933 T444 Tierney, T.E. Annulment 1
262.933 Ur7 Urru, A. La funzione di insegnare della Chiesa c.1 1
262.933 Ur7 Urru, A. La funzione di insegnare della Chiesa c.2 1
262.933 Ur7 Urru, A. La funzione di santificare della Chiesa 1
262.933 W822 Woestman, W.H. Special marriage cases : non-consummation, pauline 1
privilege, favor of the faith, separation of spouses,
validation-sanation, presumed death
262.933 W822 Woestman, W.H. The sacrament of orders and the clerical state: a 1
commentary on the Code of Canon Law
262.933 W92 Wrenn, L.G. Decisions (1980) 1
262.933 W92 Wrenn, L.G. Decisions. 2nd ed. (1983) 1
262.934 L5223 Lega, M. Commentarius in iudicia ecclesiastica iuxta Codicem iuris v.1 1
262.934 L5223 Lega, M. Commentarius in iudicia ecclesiastica iuxta Codicem iuris v.2 1
262.934 L5223 Lega, M. Commentarius in iudicia ecclesiastica iuxta Codicem iuris v.3 1
262.934 P32 Paventi, Xaverius Breviarium iuris missionalis 1
262.935 P371 Dugan, P.M. (ed.) The penal process and the protection of rights in Canon 1
Law : proceedings of a conference held at the Pontifical
University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 25-26, 2004

262.935 Ur7 Urru, A. Sanzioni penali nella Chiesa 1

262.94 Al722 Alonso, J.M. Derechos de la conciencia erronea y otros derechos : v.2 1
diálogo para nuestro tiempo
262.94 An29 Andrés, D.J. Il diritto dei religiosi: commento al codice 1
262.94 Ar7 Canon Law Society of America The art of interpretation: Selected studies on the c.1 1
interpretation of Canon Law
262.94 Ar7 Canon Law Society of America The art of interpretation: Selected studies on the c.2 1
interpretation of Canon Law
262.94 B6436 Bonnet, P.A.; Ghirlanda, G. De Christifidelibus de eorum iuribus, de laicis, de 1
consociationibus adnotationes in Codicem
262.94 B66 Bouscaren; Ellis Canon Law: A text and commentary c.1 1
262.94 B66 Bouscaren; Ellis Canon Law: A text and commentary c.2 1
262.94 B66 Bouscaren; Ellis; Korth Canon Law: A text and commentary 1
262.94 B81 Brown, R.E. Marriage annulment in the catholic church. c.1 1
262.94 B81 Brown, R.E. Marriage annulment in the catholic church. c.2 1
262.94 B9172 Burke, R.L.; Grocholewski, Z.; Incapacity for marriage : jurisprudence and interpretation. 1
Pompedda, M.F.; Versaldi, G. Acts of the III Gregorian Colloquium

262.94 C1129 Cabreros de Anta, M.; Alonso Comentarios al Código de Derecho Canónico v.1 1
Lobo, A.; Alonso Morán, S.

262.94 C1129 Cabreros de Anta, M.; Alonso Comentarios al Código de Derecho Canónico v.4 1
Lobo, A.; Alonso Morán, S.


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.1 1
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.10 1
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.2 1
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.3 1
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.4 1
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.5 1
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.6 1
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.7 1
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.8 1
262.94 C16 The Code of Canon Law in english translation c.9 1
262.94 C16 Index to the Code of Canon Law in english translation 1
262.94 C2702 da Casola, M. Compendio di diritto canonico 1
262.94 C2755 Castaño, J.F. Il sacramento del matrimonio 1
262.94 C595 Calvo, R.R.; Klinger, N.J. Clergy procedural handbook 1
262.94 C626 Espelage, A.J. (ed.) CLSA advisory opinions 2001-2005 1
262.94 C64 Canon Law Society of America Code of Canon Law: latin-english edition c.1 1

262.94 C64 Canon Law Society of America Code of Canon Law: latin-english edition c.2 1

262.94 C64 Canon Law Society of America Code of Canon Law: latin-english edition c.3 1

262.94 C64 Canon Law Society of America Code of Canon Law: latin-english edition c.4 1

262.94 C64 Coriden; Green; Heintschel The Code of Canon Law: A text and commentary c.2 1
262.94 C6487 Catholic Church. Pontificia Codex iuris canonici auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II c.2 1
Commissio Codici Iuris promulgatus fontium annotatione et indice analytico-
Canonici Authentice alphabetico auctus
262.94 C6851 Catholic Church. Congregatio Collectanea documentorum ad causas pro dispensatione 1
de Cultu Divino et Disciplina super «rato et non consummato» et a lege sacri
Sacramentorum coelibatus obtinenda inde a Codice Iuris Canonici anni
262.94 D4404 de Paolis, V.; Cito, D. Le sanzioni nella Chiesa : commento al Codice di diritto 1
canonico Libro VI
262.94 D4404 de Paolis, V.; Cito, D. Le sanzioni nella Chiesa : commento al Codice di Diritto 1
Canonico Libro VI
262.94 D5697 Catholic Church. Pontificium Instructio Dignitas connubii servanda a tribunalibus 1
Consilium de legum textibus dioecesanis et interdioecesanis in pertractandis causis
nullitatis matrimonii
262.94 D772 Doyle, T.P. Rights and responsibilities : a catholic's guide to the new 1
Code of Canon Law
262.94 F769 Fornés, J. La noción de "status" en Derecho Canónico 1
262.94 G448 del Giudice, F.; Mariani, F. Il Diritto Canonico dopo l'emanazione del nuovo Codice 1
262.94 G76 Gramunt, I.; Hervada, J.; Canons and commentaries on marriage c.1 1
Wauck, LR.A.
262.94 G76 Gramunt, I.; Hervada, J.; Canons and commentaries on marriage c.2 1
Wauck, LR.A.
262.94 H87 Huels, J. The pastoral companion: A Canon Law handbook for the 1
pastoral ministry
262.94 In8 Canon Law Society of An introduction to the new Code of Canon Law 1
Australia and New Zealand
262.94 J979 Alesandro, J.A. et al. (eds.) Jurisprudence: A collection of U.S. tribunal decisions 1
262.94 L7861 Lobo, G.V. The new marriage law 1
262.94 M14 McDonough, E. Religious in the 1983 code : new approaches to the law 1

262.94 N228 Navarro, L. Diritto di associazione e associazioni di fedeli 1

262.94 N7896 Cappellini, E. (ed.) La normativa del nuovo Codice 1
262.94 N92 Il nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico: novità, motivazione e c.2 1
262.94 N92 Il nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico: novità, motivazione e 1
262.94 P29 Pazhayampallil, T. A commentary on the new Code of Canon Law 1
262.94 P618 Pietrzyk, S. A practical formulary in accordance with the Code of 1
Canon Law. 2nd ed.
262.94 P9411 Joyce, M. et al. (eds.) Procedural handbook for institutes of consecrated life and 1
societies of apostolic life
262.94 R5601 Robinson, G. Marriage, divorce and nullity : a guide to the annulment 1
process in the Catholic Church
262.94 Si15 Siegle, B.A. Marriage according to the new Code of Canon Law 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.94 St9436 Dugan, P.M.; Navarro, L. Studies on the instruction Dignitas Connubii. Proceedings 1
(eds.) of the Study Day held at the Pontifical University of the
Holy Cross, Rome, 19 January 2006.
262.94 Su11 Suárez, E. De remotione parochorum : aliisque processibus tertiae 1
262.94 W92 Wrenn, L.G. Procedures 1
263.042394 Eg2 Egeria Pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa 1
263.04243712 N341 Nemec, L. The great and little One of Prague 1
263.04245632 H7474 Holy Rome : a millennium guide to the christian sights 1
263.04245632 N68 Noe, V. The Holy Door in St. Peter's 1
263.04245632 P643 Pilgrims in Rome: the official Vatican guide for the Jubilee 1
Year 2000
263.0424611 B2775 Barrio Barrio, J. «Peregrinar en espíritu y en verdad» : Escritos Jacobeos 1
(Collectanea scientifica compostellana 16)
263.0424611 L9632 Luces de peregrinación (Xacobeo 2004, Galicia) 1
263.0424611 Se598 Sentimientos de camino (Xacobeo 2004, Galicia) 1
263.063 M5886 Conferenza Episcopale Migrazioni: Vangelo, solidarietà, legalità nella Giornata 1
Italiana. Fondazione Migrantes Nazionale delle Migrazioni (Emilia Romagna 2003)
(Quaderni di «Servizion Migranti» nr. 43)
263.9 Ad13 Adam, A. The liturgical year : its history and its meaning after the 1
reform of the liturgy
263.9 B187 Balboni, D. La Cattedra di San Pietro : note storico-liturgico 1
sull'origine della festa «Natale Petri de Cathedra» e sul
culto alla «Cathedra Petri»
263.9 C2764 Castellano Cervera, J. L'anno liturgico : memoriale di Cristo, mistagogia della 1
263.9 C73 Comitato centrale per l'anno Santo. 1
263.9 F35 Fenichell, S. The Vatican and Holy year. 1
263.9 G438 Levi, V. Giorni dell'Anno Santo 1975 1
263.9 J32 Jaubert, A. The date of the Last Supper : the biblical calendar and 1
christian liturgy
263.9 L22 L'anno liturgico : storia teologia ... v.1 1
263.9 L22 L'anno liturgico : storia teologia ... v.2 1
263.9 L22 L'anno liturgico : storia teologia ... v.3 1
263.9 L22 L'anno liturgico : storia teologia ... v.4 1
263.9 R111 Raas, B. Liturgical year v.2 1
263.9 T145 Talley, T.J. The origins of the liturgical year 1
263.91 C3302 Heyer, R. (ed.) Celebrating Advent 1
263.97 An781 L'Anno Santo della Redenzione : 25 marzo 1983 - 22 c.1 1
aprile 1984
263.97 An781 L'Anno Santo della Redenzione : 25 marzo 1983 - 22 c.2 1
aprile 1984
263.97 An781 L'Anno Santo della Redenzione : 25 marzo 1983 - 22 c.3 1
aprile 1984
263.97 An781 L'Anno Santo della Redenzione : 25 marzo 1983 - 22 c.4 1
aprile 1984
263.97 P3642 Pellegrini del duemila v.1 1
263.97 P3642 Pellegrini del duemila v.2 1
263.97 P3642 Pellegrini del duemila v.3 1
263.97 Z162 Zanelli, L. Anni Santi. Croniche giubilari sacre e profane. A.D. 2000. 1
Le profezie del terzo millennio di S. Giovanni Ev., S.
Malachia, Nostradamus
263.98 L8218 Lodi, E. Saints of the roman calendar including feasts proper to 1
the english-speaking world
264 F3179 Federici, T. Bibbia e liturgia 2 1
264 F5311 Fisher, E.J. (ed.) The jewish roots of christian liturgy 1
264 H632 Hitchcock, H.H. (ed.) The politics of prayer: Feminist language and the worship 1
of God
264 R18 Ratzinger, Joseph The feast of faith : approaches to theology and liturgy 1
264 Sch43 Schmaus, M.; Forster, K. Der Kult und der heutige Mensch 1
264 Se58 Senn, F.C. Christian worship and its cultural setting 1
264 Sp487 Congregation for Divine Spiritus et sponsa: atti della giornata commemorativa del c.1 1
Worship and the Disciplines of XL della "Sacrosanctum concilium"
the Sacraments
264 Sp487 Congregation for Divine Spiritus et sponsa: atti della giornata commemorativa del c.2 1
Worship and the Disciplines of XL della "Sacrosanctum concilium"
the Sacraments
264 St9481 Jones, C.; Wainwright, G.; The study of liturgy 1
Yarnold, E. (eds.)
264.001 L25 Lang, O. Spiritualità liturgica : questioni e problemi scelti 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
264.003 N928 Sartore, D.; Triacca, A.M. Nuovo dizionario di liturgia c.2 1
264.003 N928 Sartore, D.; Triacca, A.M. Nuovo dizionario di liturgia c.2 1
264.0082 Sh49 Sheppard, L. True worship (The fifth Downside Symposium) 1
264.009 L8218 Lodi, E. Enchiridion euchologicum fontium liturgicorum 1
264.009 M26 Maertens, T. Assembly for Christ: from biblical theology to pastoral 1
theology in the twentieth century
264.009 W421 Wegman, H. Christian worship in east and west : a study guide to 1
liturgical history
264.009 W678 Willimon, W.H. Word, water, wine and bread : how worship has changed 1
over the years
264.011 D3684 Deiss, L. Springtime of the liturgy : liturgical texts of the first four 1
264.011 J958 Jungmann, J.A. The early liturgy to the time of Gregory the Great 1
264.015 F4971 Finn, E.E. These are my rites : a brief history of the Eastern Rites of 1
Christianity. Rev. ed.
264.019 M6121 Miller, W.D. Revised ceremonial of Holy Week 1
264.019 R12 Raes, A. Introductio in liturgiam orientalem. 1
264.02 Al145 Alberta, M. (ed.) Textus liturgici selecti graci et latini c.1 1
264.02 Al145 Alberta, M. (ed.) Textus liturgici selecti graci et latini c.2 1
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 1. c.2 1
La Liturgia, momento nella storia della salvezza
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 2. c.2 1
La Liturgia, panorama storico generale
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. c.2 1
3/1. La Liturgia, i sacramenti: teologia e storia della
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. c.2 1
3/2. La Liturgia, Eucaristia: teologia e storia della
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 4. c.2 1
Le Liturgie orientali
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 5. c.2 1
Liturgia delle Ore
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 6. c.2 1
L'anno liturgico: storia, teologia e celebrazione
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 7. c.2 1
I sacramentali e le benedizioni
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 1. c.3 1
La Liturgia, momento nella storia della salvezza
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. c.3 1
3/1. La Liturgia, i sacramenti: teologia e storia della
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. c.3 1
3/2. La Liturgia, Eucaristia: teologia e storia della
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 5. c.3 1
Liturgia delle Ore
264.02 An1 Anamnesis: introduzione storico-teologica alla Liturgia. 6. c.3 1
L'anno liturgico: storia, teologia e celebrazione
264.02 Au41 Augé, M. Liturgia: storia, celebrazione, teologia, spiritualità 1
264.02 B23 Barden, W. What happens at the Mass 1
264.02 B7366 Brasó, G.M. Liturgy and spirituality 1
264.02 B7366 Brasó, G.M. Liturgy and spirituality. 2nd ed. 1
264.02 B86 Bugnini, A. The simplification of the rubrics: spirit and practical 1
consequences of the Decree of the Sacred Congregation
of Rites March 23, 1955
264.02 B866 Bugnini, A. De sacra liturgia in prima periodo Concilii Oecumenici 1
Vaticani II
264.02 B889 Buono, A.M. Liturgy : our school of faith 1
264.02 C27 Castellano, Mario Ad novam disciplinam circa ieiunium.. 1
264.02 C2862 Catholic Church Caerimoniale Episcoporum ex decreto Sacrosancti 1
Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate
Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgatum. Editio typica
264.02 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation The roman liturgy and inculturation. IVth instruction for the 1
for Divine Worship and the right application of the conciliar constitution on the liturgy
Discipline of the Sacraments (nn. 37-40)


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
264.02 C2862 Catholic Church. International Ceremonial of Bishops revised by decree of the Second 1
Commission on English in the Vatican Ecumenical Council and published by authority of
Liturgy Pope John Paul II
264.02 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Instruction for the proper implementation of the 1
Congregation of Rites Constitution on the sacred Liturgy
264.02 C2862 Catholic Church. Second Constitutio de sacra Liturgia die 4 decembris 1963 1
Vatican Council promulgata
264.02 C2862 Catholic Church. Second Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 1
Vatican Council
264.02 C2862 Catholic Church. Second Costituzione conciliare Sacrosanctum concilium sulla 1
Vatican Council sacra liturgica
264.02 C2862 Instructions on the revised roman rites 1
264.02 C47299 Chupungco, A.J. (ed.) Scientia liturgica: manuale di liturgia v.1 1
264.02 C47299 Chupungco, A. L'adattamento della Liturgia tra culture e teologia (Cultural 1
adaptation of the Liturgy)
264.02 C62 Clynes, R. Liturgy and Christian life. 1
264.02 C8675 Crichton, J.D. Christian celebration : the Mass, the Sacraments, the 1
Prayer of the Church
264.02 D38 Della Torre, L. Corso di Liturgia 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.1 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.2 c.1 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.2 c.2 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.2 c.3 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.3 c.1 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.3 c.2 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.3 c.3 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.4 c.1 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.4 c.2 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.4 c.3 1
264.02 Eg5 Martimort, A. The Church at prayer v.4 c.4 1
264.02 In828 International Commission on The Rites of the Catholic Church as revised by decree of v.2 1
English in the Liturgy the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and published by
authority of Pope Paul VI
264.02 In828 International Commission on Documents on the Liturgy, 1963-1979 : conciliar, papal 1
English in the Liturgy and curial texts
264.02 In828 International Commission on The Rites of the Catholic Church as revised by decree of 1
English in the Liturgy the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and published by
authority of Pope Paul VI. Study ed.
264.02 M3389 Marini, P. Il quarantesimo della Sacrosanctum Concilium : memoria 1
di una esperienza
264.02 M362 Martimort, A.G. La documentation liturgique de Dom Edmond Martène 1
264.02 M362 Martimort, A.G. The Church at prayer : introduction to the liturgy 1
264.02 M6919 Mistrorigo, A. Dizionario liturgico-pastorale : dai documenti del Concilio 1
Vaticano II e dagli altri documenti ufficiali fino al 1977

264.02 M7258 Mohlberg, L.C. (ed.) Liber sacramentorum romanae aeclesiae ordinis anni c.2 1
264.02 M78 Moore, T. Beyond the altar rail 1
264.02 M88 Mueller, J.B. Handbook of ceremonies for priests and seminarians 1
264.02 N3979 Neunheuser, B. Storia della liturgia attraverso le epoche culturali 1
264.02 N3979 Neunheuser, B. Storia della liturgia attraverso le epoche culturali 1
264.02 Os8 O'Sullivan, E. In his presence 1
264.02 P688 Pius XII Lettera enciclica Mediator Dei sulla liturgia c.1 1
264.02 P688 Pius XII Lettera enciclica Mediator Dei sulla liturgia c.2 1
264.02 P93 Priest’s guide to parish worship 1
264.02 R1899 Ratzinger, J. The spirit of the liturgy 1
264.02 R216 Raymond, M. This is love 1
264.02 R4482 Riforma liturgica : tra passato e futuro. Atti della XIII 1
settimana di studio dell'Associazione Professori di
Liturgia, Cassano Murge (Bari), 27-31 agosto 1984
264.02 R518 Rituale dei sacramenti e dei sacramentali 1
264.02 Sa773 Sartor, D.M. Introduzione alla liturgia 1
264.02 Sch5 Schmitz, W. Liturgikon : pastoral ministrations c.2 1
264.02 Sch5 Schmitz, W. Liturgikon 1
264.02 Sch54 Schmidt, H. Introductio in liturgiam occidentalem. 1
264.02 Sch54 Schmidt, H. La costituzione sulla Sacra Liturgia: testo, genesi, 1
commento, documentazione (=Die Konstitution über die
heilige Liturgie)
264.02 Se27 Catholic Church. Office for the Sede apostolica vacante. Storia, legilazione, riti, luoghi e 1
Liturgical Celebrations of the cose
Supreme Pontiff


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
264.02 Se784 Settimana Santa 1
264.02 Se784 Settimana Santa: Riti e Liturgia delle Ore 1
264.02 T7257 Trethowan, I. Christ in the liturgy 1
264.02 V17 Vagaggini, C. Theological dimensions of the liturgy : a general treatise 1
on the theology of the liturgy
264.02 V58 Verheul, A. Introduzione alla Liturgia: saggio di teologia del culto 1
264.02 V587 Verheul, A. Introduction to the liturgy : towards a theology of worship 1

264.02 W4586 Weller, P.T. The roman ritual. Complete edition 1

264.02 W63 Wickey, H.J. The living mass 1
264.0200711 C28 National Conference of Liturgical formation in seminaries: a commentary 1
Catholic Bishops, Secretariate
of the Bishops' Committee on
the Liturgy, Bishops'
Committee on Priestly

264.02009 K668 Klauser, T. A short history of the western liturgy : an account and 1
some reflections. 2nd ed.
264.02009 Se178 Seasoltz, R.K. New liturgy, new laws 1
264.0200904 B866 Bugnini, A. La riforma liturgica (1948-1975) 1
264.0200904 B866 Bugnini, A. The reform of the liturgy : 1948-1975 1
264.0201 C83 Coughlan, P. A prayer book for the Holy Year 1
264.0201 K928 Krosnicki, T.A. Ancient patterns in modern prayer (Studies in Christian 1
Antiquity 19)
264.0203 Al72 Alonso-Schoekel, L. Celebrating the eucharist: biblical meditations 1
264.0203 An437 D'Angelo, E. Guida alla celebrazione eucaristica v.1 1
264.0203 B755 Brèthes, C. Liturgia della festa. Anno A 1
264.0203 B755 Brèthes, C. Liturgia della festa. Anno C 1
264.0203 M26 Maertens, T. Guide for the Christian assembly: rev. ed. Lent-Easter 1
264.0203 M26 Maertens, T. Guide for the Christian assembly. v.1 c.1 1
264.0203 M26 Maertens, T. Guide for the Christian assembly. v.1 c.2 1
264.0203 M26 Maertens, T. Guide for the Christian assembly. v.2 c.1 1
264.0203 M26 Maertens, T. Guide for the Christian assembly. v.2 c.2 1
264.0203 M26 Maertens, T. Guide for the Christian assembly. v.2 1
264.0203 M26 Maertens, T. Guide for the Christian assembly. v.3 1
264.0203 M26 Maertens, T. Guide for the Christian assembly. v.4 1
264.0203 V568 Venturi, G. (ed.) Avvento e Natale: riflettere, progettare, celebrare 1
264.02034 Ed57 Edmonds, P. A companion to the Sunday missal - Year A-B-C 1
264.02036 G31 Gerken, Alexander Teologia dell'Eucaristia 1
264.02036 H72 Hollings, M. His peoples’ way of talking 1
264.02036 J95 Jungmann, J. The Mass of the roman rite: Its origins and development v.1 c.1 1
264.02036 J95 Jungmann, J. The Mass of the roman rite: Its origins and development v.1 c.2 1
264.02036 J95 Jungmann, J. The Mass of the roman rite: Its origins and development v.2 c.1 1
264.02036 J95 Jungmann, J. The Mass of the roman rite: Its origins and development v.2 c.2 1
264.02036 J95 Jungmann, J. The Mass of the roman rite: Its origins and development 1
264.02036 J95 Jungmann, J. The Mass of the roman rite: Its origins and development 1
264.02036 Sh17 Shamon, A.J. Behind the mass 1
264.02085 C35 Champlin, JM Together for life c.1 1
264.02085 C35 Champlin, JM Together for life c.2 1
264.02085 C3588 Champlin, J.M. Together for life : a preparation for marriage and for the 1
264.02085 C3588 Champlin, J.M. Together for life : a preparation for marriage and for the 1
ceremony. Special edition for marriage outside Mass
264.021 C28 Catholic Church… Haurietis aquas: The Sacred Heart encyclical of pope 1
Pius XII
264.021 M17 McGarry, W.J. He cometh (Devotion and the liturgy, I. Advent) 1
264.021 P25 Parsch, P. The Church's year of grace 1
264.021 P688 Pius XII Lettera enciclica Haurietis aquas sul culto al Cuore di 1
264.023 Ab13 Abad, J.A.; Guitiérrez, J.L. Nuevo misal popular iberoamericano v.1 1
264.023 Ab13 Abad, J.A.; Guitiérrez, J.L. Nuevo misal popular iberoamericano v.2 1
264.023 B1471 Bagot, J.P. (ed.) Le missel emmaüs des dimanches 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
264.023 B4194 Beltrame Quattrocchi, P. (ed.) Messale quotidiano 1

264.023 C28 Catholic Church Messale quotidiano domenicale-festivo e feriale 1

264.023 C28 Catholic Church Missale romanum ex decreto sacrosanti oecumenici 1
concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI
promulgatam (1970)
264.023 C28 Catholic Church New St. Joseph weekday missal for 1972 1
264.023 C28 Catholic Church Nuevo misal del Vaticano II 1
264.023 C28 Catholic Church Vatican II Sunday missal (millennium edition) 1
264.023 C28 Catholic Church Vatican II weekday missal (2001) 1
264.023 C28 Catholic Church Collection of masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1
264.023 C2862 Catholic Church Messale dell'assemblea cristiana 1
264.023 C2862 Catholic Church Messalino festivo 1
264.023 C2862 Catholic Church Missale romanum ex decreto sacrosanti oecumenici 1
concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI
promulgatam. Editio typica altera (1975)
264.023 C2862 Roman Seraphic missal; containing the mass text from 1
the Roman Seraphic missal and the prayers of the
celebrant together with the ordinary of the mass from the
English-Latin Sacramentary
264.023 J824 Jounel, P. (ed.) Missel de la semaine 1
264.023 M3399 Marivoet, C.J. General intercessions: prayers of the faithful for Sundays, 1
feasts and special occasions
264.023 P89 Prayers of the faithful for Sundays, holydays and week 1
264.023 P89 The Prayer of the faithful for weekdays 1
264.025 An28 Andrieu, M. Le Pontifical romain au moyen-âge. Vol. 4: Tables 1
264.025 C2862 Missale romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini c.1 1
restitutum S. Pii V pontificis maximi jussu editum aliorum
pontificum cura recognitum a Pio X reformatum et
Benedicti XV auctoritate vulgatum. Editio xviii (1958)

264.025 C2862 Missale romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini c.1 1

restitutum summorum pontificum cura recognitum. Editio
xix (1961)
264.025 C2862 Roman missal : missale romanum ex decreto sacrosancti c.1 1
concilii tridentini restitutum summorum pontificum cura
recognitum cum versionibus lingua anglica exaratis et a
Coetu Episcoporum Civitatum Foederatarum Amerciae
Septentrionalis rite approbatis actis ab Apostolica Sede
confirmatis (1964)

264.025 C2862 Missale romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini c.2 1

restitutum S. Pii V pontificis maximi jussu editum aliorum
pontificum cura recognitum a Pio X reformatum et
Benedicti XV auctoritate vulgatum. Editio xviii (1958)

264.025 C2862 Missale romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini c.2 1

restitutum summorum pontificum cura recognitum. Editio
xix (1961)
264.025 C2862 Roman missal : missale romanum ex decreto sacrosancti c.2 1
concilii tridentini restitutum summorum pontificum cura
recognitum cum versionibus lingua anglica exaratis et a
Coetu Episcoporum Civitatum Foederatarum Amerciae
Septentrionalis rite approbatis actis ab Apostolica Sede
confirmatis (1964)

264.025 C2862 Roman missal : missale romanum ex decreto sacrosancti c.3 1

concilii tridentini restitutum summorum pontificum cura
recognitum cum versionibus lingua anglica exaratis et a
Coetu Episcoporum Civitatum Foederatarum Amerciae
Septentrionalis rite approbatis actis ab Apostolica Sede
confirmatis (1964)

264.025 C2862 Missale romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini 1

restitutum S. Pii V pontificis maximi jussu editum aliorum
pontificum cura recognitum a Pio X reformatum et
Benedicti XV auctoritate vulgatum. Editio xiv (1957)

264.025 D227 Daniélou, J. The Bible and the Liturgy 1

264.025 H83 Howell, C. The Mass commentator's handbook 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
264.025 K263 Keifer, R.A. To give thanks and praise : General Instruction of the 1
Roman Missal with commentary for musicians and priests

264.025 P69 Plassmann, T. From Sunday to Sunday 1

264.025 W687 Wilmart, A. Le lectionnaire d'Alcuin 1
264.027 G61 Goodier, A. 50 meditations on the Passion 1
264.0272 C28 Catholic Church … The new holy week book 1
264.0274 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Directory for Sunday celebrations in the absence of a 1
for Divine Worship priest

264.0274 L737 Ufficio delle Celebrazioni Liturgie dell'Oriente Cristiano a Roma nell'Anno Mariano c.1 1
Liturgiche del Sommo 1987-88. Testi e studi
264.0274 L737 Ufficio delle Celebrazioni Liturgie dell'Oriente Cristiano a Roma nell'Anno Mariano c.2 1
Liturgiche del Sommo 1987-88. Testi e studi
264.029 C83 Coughlan, P. Commentary on the Sunday lectionary yB c.1 1
264.029 C83 Coughlan, P. Commentary on the Sunday lectionary yB c.2 1
264.029 G95 Gunstone, J. Commentary on the new lectionary. v.1 1
264.029 G95 Gunstone, J. Commentary on the new lectionary. v.2 1
264.029 Os8 O'Sullivan, K. The Epistles and Gospels for Sunday explained: The text 1
and commentary
264.029 Sc34 Scripture services : eighteen bible themes. 1
264.029 Sl5 Sloyan, G. Commentary on the new lectionary. 1
264.03 C4623 Christian readings : additional biblical and non-biblical v.2 y.2 1
readings to be used with the Prayer of Christians
(American Interim Breviary)
264.03 C4623 Christian readings : additional biblical and non-biblical v.3 y.1 1
readings to be used with the Prayer of Christians
(American Interim Breviary)
264.036 M95 Murphy, R. The Sunday Epistles 1
264.1 B29 Basset, B. Let’s start praying again 1
264.1 B664 Bouley, A. From freedom to formula : the evolution of the Eucharistic 1
Prayer from oral improvisation to written texts (The
Catholic University of America Studies in Christian
Antiquity 21)
264.1 J958 Jungmann, J. The place of Christ in liturgical prayer 1
264.1 L31 Laplace, J. Prayer according to the Scriptures 1
264.1 L6168 Libro della preghiera con appendice locale per le diocesi 1
della regione toscana
264.1 M3663 Martínez de Antoñana, G. Manual de liturgía sagrada 1
264.1 P653 Pinell, J. La Liturgie delle Ore. 3rd ed. 1
264.1 P87 Powell, John J. He touched me : my pilgrimage of prayer. 1
264.1 T125 Taft, R. The Liturgy of the Hours in east and west : the origins of 1
the Divine Office and its meaning for today
264.16 R4186 Richter, K. The meaning of the sacramental symbols: answers to c.1 1
today's questions
264.16 R4186 Richter, K. The meaning of the sacramental symbols: answers to c.2 1
today's questions
264.16 R4186 Richter, K. The meaning of the sacramental symbols: answers to 1
today's questions
264.3 R691 Rordorf, W. et al. The Eucharist of the early christians 1
264.31 D459 Deshusses, J. Le Sacramentaire grégorien: ses principales formes v.1 c.2 1
d'après les plus anciens manuscrits.
264.31 D459 Deshusses, J. Le Sacramentaire grégorien: ses principales formes v.2 c.2 1
d'après les plus anciens manuscrits.
264.31 D459 Deshusses, J. Le Sacramentaire grégorien: ses principales formes v.3 c.2 1
d'après les plus anciens manuscrits.
264.31 M7258 Mohlberg, L.C. (ed.) Sacramentarium veronense c.2 1
264.34 G76 Themes, prayers and intercessions: Cycle A of the 1
264.36 C83 Coughlan, P. Le nuove Preghiere Eucaristiche 1
264.36 C83 Coughlan, P. The new Eucharistic Prayers: the latin texts together with 1
an english translation and commentary
264.36 L55 Leonard of Port Maurice, Saint The hidden treasure : holy mass. c.1 1

264.36 L55 Leonard of Port Maurice, Saint The hidden treasure : holy mass. c.2 1

264.36 N42 Patino, J. (ed.) The New order of the mass 1

264.3609 D64 Dix, G. The shape of the Liturgy c.1 1
264.3609 D64 Dix, G. The shape of the Liturgy c.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
264.3609 D64 Dix, G. The shape of the Liturgy c.2 1
264.3609 D64 Dix, G. The shape of the Liturgy c.2 1
264.3609015 L5514 Léon-Dufour, X. Sharing the Eucharistic bread : the witness of the New 1
264.7 C85 Crawley-Boevey, M. Holy hour 1
264.7 Ob6 O'Brien I. Holy hour 1
265 C77 Cooke, B. Christian sacraments and christian personality 1
265 D34 De Reeper, J. The sacraments on the mission 1
265 H22 Häring, B. A sacramental spirituality c.1 1
265 H22 Häring, B. A sacramental spirituality c.2 1
265 H83 Howard, R. Liturgical retreat 1
265 K25 Keenan, A. Neuroses and sacraments 1
265 L51 Leeming, Bernard Principles of sacramental theology (1956) 1
265 L51 Leeming, Bernard Principles of sacramental theology (1960) 1
265 L54 Lennerz, H. De sacramento ordinis 1
265 P53 Philipon, M. The sacraments in the Christian life. 1
265 R63 Roguet, A.-M. Christ acts through sacraments 1
265 Sa714 Saraiva Martins, J. The sacraments of the New Alliance 1
265 Sa746 Sarno, R.A. Let us proclaim the Mystery of Faith 1
265 Sch3 Schillebeeckx, E. Christ, the sacrament of the encounter with God. 1
265.109 W5801 Whitaker, E.C. Documents of the baptismal liturgy 1
265.12 B2291 Dickinson, F. (ed.) The baptism book 1
265.12 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo baptismi parvulorum. Editio typica altera (Rituale 1
romanum ex decreto sacrosanctii Oecumenici Concilii
Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI
265.1209 M77 Moody, D. Baptism : foundation for christian unity 1
265.13 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo initiationis christianae adultorum. Editio typica 1
(Rituale romanum ex decreto sacrosanctii Oecumenici
Concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI
265.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo confirmationis. Editio typica (Rituale romanum ex 1
decreto sacrosanctii Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II
instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI promulgatum
265.2 M83 Morris, J. Confirmation: A sacrament renewed! 1
265.2 T42 Thurian, M. Consecration of the layman: New approaches to the 1
sacrament of confirmation
265.3 B4562 Bermejo, L.M. Body broken and blood shed 1
265.3 B6697 Bouyer, L. Eucharist : theology and spirituality of the Eucharistic 1
265.3 C1469 Camiré, B.J. Living bread : reflections for eucharistic prayer 1
265.3 C2764 Castellano, M. La nuova disciplina del digiuno eucaristico e delle messe 1
265.3 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo cantus Missae. Editio typica (Rituale romanum ex 1
decreto sacrosanctii Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II
instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI promulgatum
265.3 C4309 Chiaravino, J.L. The greatest treasure: considerations on the daily Mass 1

265.3 C4681 Christus lumen gentium: Eucharistia et evangelizatio. XLV 1

conventus eucharisticus internationalis. Sevilla, 7-
265.3 Eu2 The Eucharist in the New Testament : a symposium. 1
265.3 Eu21 The Eucharist : God's gift for the life of the world. 1
Foundational theological document for the 49th
International Eucharistic Congress 2008, Quebec City,
Canada - June 15th to 22th, 2008
265.3 G3352 Gesù Cristo unico salvatore del mondo pane per la nuova 1
vita. Atti del 47o Congresso Eucaristico Internazionale
Roma 18-25 giugno 2000
265.3 G5891 González Fuente, A. Visione liturgica della celebrazione e teologia 1
265.3 J958 Jungmann, J. The Mass : an historical, theological and pastoral survey 1

265.3 M558 Merton, T. The living bread c.1 1

265.3 M558 Merton, T. The living bread c.2 1
265.3 M558 Merton, T. The living bread c.3 1
265.3 M558 Merton, T. The living bread c.4 1
265.3 Sa148 Pagano, S.M. (ed.) Sacramentarium sublacense (Roma, Cod. Vallic. B 24, cc. 1
1-99, sec. XI)
265.3 So682 Sorci, P. L'Eucaristia per la remissione dei peccati : ricerca nel 1
sacramentario veronese


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
265.3 T278 Terrizzi, F. Il sacramentario di Palermo. Vol. 1 1
265.3 T278 Terrizzi, F. Il sacramentario di Palermo. Vol. 2 1
265.30621 In8 International Eucharistic Statio Orbis: Eucharistischer Weltkongreß 1960 in v.1 1
Congress 1960 München
265.30621 In8 International Eucharistic Statio Orbis: Eucharistischer Weltkongreß 1960 in v.2 1
Congress 1960 München
265.4 C2862 Catholic Church De ordinatione diaconi, presbyteri et episcopi. Pontificale 1
Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti oecumenici concilii
Vaticani ii instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI
promulgatum. Editio typica
265.4 C2862 Catholic Church De ordinatione episcopi, presbyterorum et diaconorum 1
(Pontificale romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii
Vaticani II renovatum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI editum
Ioannis Pauli PP. II cura recognitum. Editio typica altera

265.4 Ec43 Echlin, Edward The story of Anglican ministry 1

265.5 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo celebrandi matrimonium. Editio typica (Rituale 1
romanum ex decreto sacrosanctii Oecumenici Concilii
Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI
265.6 B118 Babolin, S. Riconciliazione e penitenza 1
265.6 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo paenitentiae. Editio typica (Rituale romanum ex 1
decreto sacrosanctii Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II
instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI promulgatum
265.6 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Lineamenta : De reconciliatione et paenitentia in missione c.1 1
Bishops. Sixth Ordinary Ecclesiae
General Assembly
265.6 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Lineamenta : De reconciliatione et paenitentia in missione c.2 1
Bishops. Sixth Ordinary Ecclesiae
General Assembly
265.6 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Lineamenta : Reconciliation and penance in the mission 1
Bishops. Sixth Ordinary of the Church
General Assembly
265.6 C8676 Crichton, J.D. The ministry of reconciliation: a commentary on the order 1
of penance 1974
265.6 L6694 Liptak, D.Q. Back to confession : an explanation of Pope John Paul II's 1
apostolic exhortation "Reconciliation and Penance"
(Reconciliatio et Paenitentia) 2 December 1984 (with a
summary of the New Rite and Canon Law)
265.6 R1477 Ramos-Regidor, J. Il sacramento della penitenza : riflessione teologica 1
biblico-storico-pastorale alla luce del Vaticano II
265.6 R50 United States Catholic Rite of penance (study edition) 1
265.6 Sy77 Synod of Bishops Reconciliation and penance in the mission of the Church: 1
unofficial translation of the Working Document for the
Sixth General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops 1983

265.6 V39 van Zeller, H. Approach to penance 1

265.62 B32 Bausch, W. It is the Lord : sin and confession… 1
265.62 B46 Betz, O. Making sense of confession 1
265.62 Sca63 Scanlan, Michael The power in penance : confession and the Holy Spirit. c.1 1
265.62 Sca63 Scanlan, Michael The power in penance : confession and the Holy Spirit. c.2 1
265.66 R1142 Christopher, J.P.; Spence, The raccolta or A manual of indulgences prayers and 1
C.E.; Rowan, J.F. (eds.) devotions enriched with indulgences in favor of all the
faithful in Christ or of certain groups of persons and now
opportunely revised
265.7 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo unctionis infirmorum eorumque pastoralis curae. 1
Editio typica (Rituale romanum ex decreto sacrosanctii
Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate
Pauli PP. VI promulgatum
265.85 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo exsequiarum. Editio typica (Rituale romanum ex 1
decreto sacrosanctii Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II
instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI promulgatum
265.9 R93 Rutledge, Denys Cosmic theology : the ecclesiastical hierarchy … 1
265.91 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo consecrationis virginum. Editio typica (Rituale 1
romanum ex decreto sacrosanctii Oecumenici Concilii
Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
265.92 C2862 Catholic Church. Ordo dedicationis ecclesiae et altaris. Editio typica 1
(Rituale romanum ex decreto sacrosanctii Oecumenici
Concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI
265.94 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Rituale romanum de exorcismis et supplicationibus 1
for Divine Worship quibusdam ex decreto Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii
Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II
266 Am131 Amaladoss, M. Mission today: reflections from an ignatian perspective 1
266 C43 Chiesa in cammino 1
266 C73 Comblin, J. The meaning of mission: Jesus, Christians and the 1
wayfaring Church
266 F72 Following Christ in mission c.1 1
266 F72 Following Christ in mission c.2 1
266 M72 Mohabir, Philip Worlds within reach : building across cultur 1
266 R5645 Robinson, M.; Christine, S. Planting tomorrow's churches today. A comprehensive 1
266.001 Ar1 Arbuckle, G.A. Earthing the Gospel: An inculturation handbook for c.1 1
pastoral workers
266.001 Ar1 Arbuckle, G.A. Earthing the Gospel: An inculturation handbook for c.2 1
pastoral workers
266.001 B65 Bosch, D. Transforming mission: Paradigm shifts in the theology of c.2 1
266.001 B65 Bosch, D. Transforming mission: Paradigm shifts in the theology of 1
266.001 K85 Kraft, M. Understanding spiritual power: A forgotten dimension of 1
cross-cultural mission and ministry
266.001 N42 New directions in mission and evangelization 1: Basic 1
statements (1974-1991)
266.001 Se5 Senior, D. The biblical foundations for mission 1
266.00951 C83 Covell, R. Confucius, the Buddha and Christ: A history of the Gospel 1
in Chinese
266.022 C7677 Conti, B. (ed.) Missioni al popolo per la nuova evangelizzazione 1
266.023 M22 McMahon, H. Builders of bridges : today's missionaries. c.1 1
266.023 M22 McMahon, H. Builders of bridges : today's missionaries. c.2 1
266.023 M22 McMahon, H. Builders of bridges : today's missionaries. c.3 1
266.0231724 D36 Degrijse, O. Going forth: Missionary consciousness in the third world 1
catholic Churches
266.063 Se52 Colombo, D. (ed.) IV Sinodo dei Vescovi: I semi del Vangelo: studi e 1
interventi dei vescovi d'Asia.
266.2 B41 Bellagamba, a. Mission and ministry… in the global Church 1
266.2 B95 Burton, K. According to the pattern: the story of Dr. Agnes McLaren 1
and the Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries

266.2 C33395 A century of mission service - Cien años al servicio de las 1

misiones - Ein jahrenhundert im dienst der mission
266.2 C42 Chew, J. When you cross cultures: vital issues facing Christian 1
266.2 C47 The church as mission 1
266.2 C7677 Conti, B. Il metodo delle missioni al popolo secondo S. Gaspare del 1
266.2 F181 Falciola, P.G. Evangelization according to the mind of Paul VI 1
266.2 H39 Henry, A.M. A mission theology 1
266.2 K28 Keller, James The priest and a world vision. 1
266.2 M13 McCoy, J. Advice from the field 1
266.2 M91 Müller, K. Mission theology: An introduction 1
266.2 N341 da Nembro, M. Le misioni: temi di teologia e pastorale 1
266.2 P689 Pizzaro Jiménez, T. Horizontes misioneros 1
266.2 P778 Pontifical Council for Dialogue and proclamation: reflections and orientations on c.1 1
Interreligious Dialogue; interreligious dialogue and the proclamation of the Gospel
Congregation for the of Jesus Christ
Evangelization of Peoples
266.2 P778 Pontifical Council for Dialogue and proclamation: reflections and orientations on c.2 1
Interreligious Dialogue; interreligious dialogue and the proclamation of the Gospel
Congregation for the of Jesus Christ
Evangelization of Peoples
266.2 P778 Pontifical Council for Dialogue and proclamation: reflections and orientations on c.3 1
Interreligious Dialogue; interreligious dialogue and the proclamation of the Gospel
Congregation for the of Jesus Christ
Evangelization of Peoples


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word SVD Mission 2000 : province reports for the XV general 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word SVD Word in the world 1991/92 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word SVD Word in the world 1992/93 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries 1875- 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries 1965 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries 1966 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries 1968 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries 1969 1
New Guinea
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries 1969 1
New Guinea
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries 1971 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries '72 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries '73 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries '74 1
266.2 So1366 Society of the Divine Word The Word in the world : Divine Word Missionaries '76 1
black apostolate
266.2 T72 Jenkinson, W. Trends in mission towards the third millennium 1
266.2 Y886 Your will be done: mission in Christ's way. Study material 1
and biblical reflection
266.201 C15 Campbell, R. The church in mission 1
266.201 C5919 Clements, T. Missionary spirituality for the praise of his glory 1
266.206 D71 Donders, J.G. Jesus, heaven on earth: Reflections on the Gospels for 1
the A-cycle
266.20917 Ev148 Actas del simposio internacional La Evangelización del 1
Nuevo Mundo. Roma, 6-8 de abril de 1992
266.2092 B6488 Bortone, F. P. Matteo Ricci S.I.: il "saggio d'occidente" 1
266.2092 D6422 Divine Word Missionaries in Papua New Guinea 1896- 1
1996. Festschrift
266.2092 F268 Father Damian: the vigour of God's love on the island of 1
266.2092 J825 Jourdan, V. Le Père Damien de Veuster de la Congrég, des Sacrés- 1
Coeurs (Picpus), apôtre des lépreux (1840-1889)

266.2092 M13 McCoy, R. Great things happen 1

266.2099 W5 Wiltgen, R.M. The Founding of the Roman Catholic Church in Oceania 1
266.25 F22 The Far East: cultures, religions and evangelization (Hua- 1
hin, 29 March - 4 April 1989)
266.251 D9227 Dunne, G.H. Generation of giants: the story of the Jesuits in China in 1
the last decades of the Ming Dynasty
266.25487 F4178 Ferroli, D. I saniassi romani : o, Storia di una missione dimenticata 1

266.25990924 St2 Stannard B. Poor man's priest: The Fr. Brian Gore story 1
266.266 G158 Gantly, P.; Thorp, E. For this cause: the life of Melchior de Marion Brésillac 1
266.27 T275 Terradas Soler, J. Una epopeya misionera: la conquista y colonización de 1
America vistas desde Roma
266.273 N42 Boyack, K. The new catholic evangelization 1
266.28 B63 Boff, L. New evangelization: Good news to the poor 1
266.28 Ev1 Dhavamony, M. Evangelisation 1
266.28 Ev148 Catholic Church. Pontificia Los evangelizadores : obispos, sacerdotes, diáconos, 1
Comisión para América Latina religiosos, religiosas, laicos = Os evangelizadores :
bispos, sacerdotes, diáconos, religiosos, religiosas,
267.1 At7 Atrio, C. 50 testimonios sobre los cursillos 1
267.1 C2862 Pontifical Council for the Laity Movements in the Church (Laity today, 2) 1

267.1 C2862 Pontifical Council for the Laity The ecclesial movements in the pastoral concern of the 1
bishops (Laity today, 4)
267.1 H44 Hervas, J. Leaders' manual for cursillos in Christianity 1
267.182 B6412 Bonelli, A. et al. (eds.) Iubilaeum internationale confraternitatum - 1984 : Acta 1
267.182 In775 Commentarium pro religiosis De institutis saecularibus documenta pontificia necnon v.1 1
studia dogmatica, iuridica, historica, practica
267.182 L46 Le Tourneau, D. What is Opus Dei? 1
267.182 L5246 Legio Mariae Manuale ufficiale della Legione di Maria (1993) 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
267.182 L5246 Legio Mariae Official handbook of the Legion of Mary (1953) 1
267.182 L5246 Legio Mariae Official handbook of the Legion of Mary (1975) 1
267.182 L5246 Legio Mariae Official handbook of the Legion of Mary (1985) 1
267.182 L96 Lubich, C. May they all be one / Tutti siano uno. 1
267.182 N553 Niehaus, J. New vision and life: the founding of Schoenstatt (1912- 1
267.182 N553 Niehaus, J. The 31st of May: the third milestone 1
267.182 Op25 Opera Madonna del Divino Arciconfraternite e confraternite : la società cristiana a 1
Amore Seconda - Roma Roma e in Italia dalla Riforma ai giorni nostri
267.182 Se261 World Conferece of Secular Secular Institutes in the Magisterium of the Church 1
267.182 Ur6 Urquhart, G. The Pope's armada 1
267.182092 H36 Helming, D. Footprints in the snow : a pictorial biography of Escriva 1
267.242730922 Si648 Singular, S. By their works : profiles of men of faith who made a 1
268 B22 Bundas, R. Religion teaching and practice 1
268 B61 Bligh, J. Historical information for New Testament students 1
268 B7403 Hinman, K.M.; Sinwell, J.P. Breaking open the Word of God : resources for using the 1
(eds.) lectionary for catechesis in the RCIA - cycle a
268 C28 Catechismo della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana v.3 1
268 C28 Catechismo della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana v.4.1 1
268 C28 Catechismo della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana v.4.2.1 1
268 C28 Catechismo della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana v.4.2.2 1
268 C28 Catechismo della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana v.4.2.3 1
268 C28 Catechismo della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana v.4.2.4 1
268 C47 The Church teaches: Documents of the Church in english c.1 1
268 C47 The Church teaches: Documents of the Church in english c.2 1
268 F19 Falque, F. Christ our redeemer (Catholic truth on survey, v.2) 1
268 H2401 Harris, M. Fashion me a people : curriculum in the Church 1
268 H67 Hofinger, J. The art of teaching christian doctrine 1
268 In8 Taylor, M. An introduction to Christian education 1
268 M83 Morrow, L. My Catholic faith 1
268 V47 van Caster, M. The structure of catechetics 1
268.4 C27 Cassilly, F. Religion: Doctrine and practice 1
268.43 B17 Baker, R. The catechist's primer 1
268.433 B11 Babin, Pierre Crisis of faith : religious psychology of adolescence 1
268.6 C28 Sacra Congregatio pro Clericis Directorium catechisticum generale (1971) 1

268.6 C28 Sacra Congregatio pro Clericis General directory for catechesis (1997) 1

268.6 G367 Giglioni, P. (ed.) Catechisti per una Chiesa missionaria: linee di 1
268.6 H676 Hofinger, J. Our message is Christ: the more outstanding elements of 1
the Christian message
268.6 M36 Marthaler, B. Catechetics in context 1
268.635 Au2 Babin, P. (ed.) The audio-visual man 1
268.82 B11 Babin, Pierre Options : approaches for the religious education … 1
268.82 Sch861 Schumacher, M.A. I teach catechism. A manual for priests, teachers and 1
normal schools
268.86 G56 "Going, teach..." Commentary on the apostolic exhortation 1
Catechsi tradendae of John Paul II
269 Su24 Suenens, L.-J. The gospel to every creature 1
269.2 Am13 Amalorpavadass, D.S. Approach, meaning and horizon of evangelization. 1
269.2 C28 Paul VI, Pope Apostolic exhortation : Evangelii nuntiandi… 1
269.6 C1731 Capó, J. Lower your nets 1
269.6 C1731 Capó, J. The group reunion: theory and practice 1
269.6 C2755 Castaño, H. New men 1
269.6 D9311 Duran, A.M.; Bonnin, E. The essence and purpose. The how and the why 1
269.6 H23 Harrington, W. Come, Lord Jesus a Biblical retreat 1
269.6 V317 Vanhoye, A. Il Sangue dell'Alleanza: corso di esercizi spirituali biblici 1

269.6 W14 Walchars, J. The call from beyond: Thoughts for a retreat 1
269.64 B64 Bonnin, Eduardo Structure of ideas … 1
269.64 H44 Hervaas, Juan Cursillos in christianity : instrument of christian renewal 1

269.64 H44 Hervaas, Juan Questions and problems concerning cursillos … 1

269.692 K77 Knox, Ronald A retreat for priests. 1
270 Al7 Altaner, B. Patrology 1
270 C3143 Cavalli, L. Max Weber : religione e società 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
270 C73 Comby, J. How to read Church history 1
270 D3888 Delumeau, J. (ed.) Storia vissuta del popolo cristiano 1
270 D89 Dumeise, G. Notae Patrologiae 1
270 F85 Franzen, A. A history of the Church 1
270 F85 Franzen, A. Breve storia della Chiesa 1
270 K76 Knowles, David The middle ages. (The Christian centuries, v.2) 1
270 L5446 Lemonnier, M. Storia della Chiesa 1
270 L77 Historia de la Iglesia v.1 1
270 L77 Historia de la Iglesia v.2 1
270 L89 Lortz, Joseph Histoire de l’Eglise. 1
270 M17 McGinley, P. Saint watching 1
270 P86 Poulet, C. A history of the Catholic Church v.1 1
270 P86 Poulet, C. A history of the Catholic Church v.2 1
270 Se4824 A select library of nicene and post-nicene Fathers of the v.12 1
Christian Church. Second series. Vol. 12: Leo the Great,
Gregory the Great
270 W95 Wuerl, D.W. Fathers of the Church 1
270.0202 W17 Walton, R. Chronological and background charts of Church history 1
270.082 P93 Priests for Equality Toward a full and equal sharing… 1
270.1 B3807 Beatrice, P.F. Introduzione ai Padri della Chiesa : sussidio didattico a 1
270.1 B4343 Benedict XVI, Pope I Padri della Chiesa : da Clemente Romano a 1
270.1 B46 Bettenson, H. The early christian fathers 1
270.1 B6591 Botte, B. La tradition apostolique de Saint Hippolyte; essai de 1
270.1 C34 Chadwick, H. The early church 1
270.1 D44 D'Ercole, G. Communio-collegialita primato e sollicitudo omnium 1
ecclesiarum …
270.1 Es99 Eszer, A. Spirituality in the age of the Fathers 1
270.1 Eu8 Eusebius of Caesarea Storia ecclesiastica e i martiri della palestina (tr. del Ton, 1
270.1 L29 Lanslots, D.I. The primitive Church 1
270.1 N7111 di Nola, G. (ed.) La dottrina eucaristica dei secoli i-iv : Clemente Romano - 1
270.1 N7111 di Nola, G. (ed.) La dottrina eucaristica dei secoli i-iv. Vol. 4: Da Afraate il 1
Saggio a Didimo il Cieco
270.1 N7111 di Nola, G. (ed.) La dottrina eucaristica di Giovanni Crisostomo 1
270.1 N7111 di Nola, G. (ed.) La dottrina eucaristica di Sant'Agostino 1
270.1 Q28 Quasten, J. Patrology v.1 c.2 1
270.1 Q28 Quasten, J. Patrology v.2 c.2 1
270.1 Q28 Quasten, J. Patrology v.3 c.2 1
270.1 Q28 Quasten, J. Patrology v.4 c.2 1
270.1 T2889 Testini, P. Archeologia cristiana : nozioni generali dalle origini alla 1
fine del sec. vi. 2nd ed.
270.1 W29 Wataghin Cantino, G. Problemi di archeologia cristiana 1
270.1092 Sm26 Smaridge, N. Saint Helena 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.10 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.11 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.12
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.13 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.2 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.3 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.4 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.5 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.6 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.7 1
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.8 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
270.2 Au456 Augustine, Saint The works of Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo: a new v.9 1
270.2 B4618 Berthold, G. (tr.) Maximus Confessor : selected writings 1
270.2092 Au45 Augustine today 1
270.30922 G8898 Grivec, F. Santi Cirillo e Metodio 1
270.30922 V85 Vodopivec, J. Santi fratelli Cirilo e Metodio = the holy brothers ... 1
270.5 M5796 Mezzadri, L. Storia della Chiesa tra medioevo ed epoca moderna v.1 1
270.6 D22 Daniel-Rops, H. The protestant reformation v.1 1
270.6 D22 Daniel-Rops, H. The protestant reformation v.2 1
270.6 R44 Janz, D.R. (ed.) A Reformation reader: primary texts with introductions 1
270.6 W6766 Williamson, H.R. The beginning of the english reformation 1
270.7 H13 Hales, E.E.Y. The Catholic Church in the modern world 1
270.81092 N46 Newman, J.H. Cardinal John Newman Henry 1
270.82 Ai21 Aid to the Church in Need : 1947-1987 : Forty years of aid 1
to persecuted and oppressed Christians
270.82 B81 Brown, R.E. The ecumenical revolution 1
270.82 Ec9 Ecumenical experiences 1
270.82 K542 Kiefer, W.; Risse, H.T. Misereor 1
270.82 L89 Lorit, S. Focolare after 30 years. 1
270.82 St8 Straaten, Werenfried van Where God weeps. c.1 1
270.82 St8 Straaten, Werenfried van Where God weeps. c.2 1
270.82 V366 van Straaten, W. Where God weeps. c.3 1
270.82 V366 van Straaten, W. Where God weeps. c.4 1
271 K29 Kelly, G.A. Guidance for religious 1
271 V39 van Zeller, H. The yoke of divine love: A study of conventual perfection c.1 1

271 V39 van Zeller, H. The yoke of divine love: A study of conventual perfection c.2 1

271 V39 van Zeller, H. The yoke of divine love: A study of conventual perfection c.3 1

271.01 G93 Guichon, A.M. Contemplative life in the world 1

271.0103 P21 Pardilla, A. Vita consacrata per il nuovo millennio: concordanze, fonti 1
e linee maestre dell'Esortazione Apostolica "Vita
271.049 B4171 Bellido, J. Il santo 'peccatore': vita di Giovanni Grande 1
271.069 G47 Gleason, R.W. To live is Christ: Nature and grace in the religious life 1
271.069 P94 Provera, Paolo Live your vocation. 1
271.0692 F44 Fichter, Joseph H Religion as an occupation : a study in the sociology of 1
271.1045622 F226 Farina, F.; Fornari, B. Storia e documenti dell'Abbazia di Casamari (1036-1152) 1

271.1096431 B35 Beach, P. Benedictine and moor 1

271.12 M558 Merton, T. The last of the Fathers: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and 1
the encyclical letter, Doctor mellifluus
271.1202 V83 Vita et miracula divi Bernardi Clarevalensis Abbatis. 1
Romae 1587
271.125 M55 Merton, T. The sign of Jonas 1
271.125 M55 Merton, T. The waters of Siloe 1
271.125024 M55 Merton, T. La montagna dalle sette balze 1
271.125024 M55 Merton, T. Words, shore, desert 1
271.125024 R36 Rice, E. The man in the sycamore tree: the good times and hard 1
life of Thomas Merton
271.2 Ab293 Abbrescia, D.M. Laici domenicani 1
271.2024 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Supplemento alla posizione per il dottorato di S. Antonino 1
for the Causes of Saints O.P., Arcivescovo di Firenze (1389-1459)

271.2024 D533 Dezani, A. Sant'Alberto Magno 1

271.2024 K8492 Koudelka, V. Dominic 1
271.2024 P1 P. Domenico Galluzzi O.P.: un domenicano nella Chiesa 1
di fronte alla Chiesa
271.2024 P573 Pianterò una tenda: P. Giocondo Lorgna o.p. 1
271.2024 Sh49 Sheppard, L. Lacordaire: a biographical essay 1
271.2024 V2347 Valentine, F. Father Vincent McNabb, O.P. : the portrait of a great 1
271.2024 V519 van Veen, O. Vita illustrata di S. Tommaso d'Aquino 1
271.3 L11 Laazaro, cde Aspurz, Padre, Vocazione Francescana : sintesi degli ideali de San 1
O.F.M. Francesco e di Santa Chiara.
271.3 R7353 Rossetti, F. L'abito francescano 1
271.302 B63 Bodo, M. Francis : the journey and the dream c.1 1
271.302 B63 Bodo, M. Francis : the journey and the dream c.2 1
271.302 B63 Bodo, M. Francis : the journey and the dream c.3 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
271.302 M43 Matt, L. St. Francis of Assisi : a pictorial biography 1
271.3022 Ar584 Armstrong, R.J.; Brady, I.C. Francis and Clare : the complete works 1
271.3024 Al1 I fioretti di San Francesco 1
271.3024 B2964 Bastiani, A. …dietro a Francesco 1
271.3024 C23 Carretto, C. I, Francis 1
271.3024 F681 Focci, G. Il cembalo di Dio: civiltà e religiosità tra medioevo e 1
rinascimento in Bernardino degli Albizzeschi
271.3024 G156 Gannon, D. Father Paul of Graymoor 1
271.3024 G82 Green, J. Frere François 1
271.3024 L6264 Life of St. Anthony "Assidua" by a contemporary 1
271.3024 L8383 Lombardi, T. Il dottore evangelico: S. Antonio di Padova. Dottrina 1
teologica e spirituale
271.3024 M3129 Manelli, S.M. Beato Giovanni Duns Scoto: dottore mariano 1
271.3024 Ob6 O'Brien, I. Francis of Assisi : mirror of Christ. 1
271.3024 P2193 Parisi, G. La serva di Dio Suor M. Teresa Cortimiglia, fondatrice 1
dell'Istituto Suore di S. Chiara
271.3024 P57 Piacentini, E. Il Servo di Dio P. Leone Veuthey OFMConv 1
271.3024 T71 Treece, P. A man for others : Maximilian Kolbe 1
271.3024 V233 da Valdiporro, P. Il Servo di Dio P. Leopoldo da Castelnovo, Cappuccino 1
271.3024 V233 da Valdiporro, P. The Servant of God Fr. Leopoldo of Castelnovo, Capuchin 1
: a hero of the confessional
271.3024 W73 Winowska, M. The death camp proved him real: the life of Father 1
Maximilian Kolbe, Franciscan
271.3082 F84 Franciscans … Early Franciscan classics. 1
271.3602 Ag75 Agostino da S. Marco in Lamis Diario 1

271.3602 N16 Napolitano, F. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina: a brief biography c.1 1

271.3602 N16 Napolitano, F. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina: a brief biography c.2 1
271.3602 N16 Napolitano, F. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina: a brief biography c.3 1
271.3602 P2156 Parente, A. Padre Pio: our good samaritan v1 1
271.3602 P6589 Pio of Pietrelcina Letters. Vol I: Correspondence with his spiritual directors 1
271.36024 B4568 Bernardi, P.E. Leopoldo Mandić: santo della riconciliazione c.1 1
271.36024 B4568 Bernardi, P.E. Leopoldo Mandić: santo della riconciliazione c.2 1
271.36024 F22 da Fara, L. A poor man and his hope: the ecumenicalism of St. 1
Leopold Mandić
271.4024 H574 Himlstejn, Ae.; de Groos, H. Virorum illustrium arctioris discalceatorum instituti in 1
eremitano divi Augustini ordine athletarum exegesis
271.4024 M3631 Martín Abad, J. Dare la vita per amore. Anselmo Polanco, OSA (1881- 1
1939) vescovo di Teruel e Albarracín [Spagna] e Filippo
Ripoll (1878-1939) vicario generale della diocesi
271.4024 M3631 Martín Abad, J. Elías del Socorro Nieves. 1882-1928. Agustino, pastor y 1
271.4072 L494 Lecceto e gli eremi agostiniani in terra di Siena 1
271.50924 Sca24 Scaduto, M. Il mondo di Luigi Gonzaga 1
271.50924 T23 Teilhard de Chardin Letters to Leontine Zonta 1
271.53 Ar67 Arrupe, P. A planet to heal: reflections and forecasts c.1 1
271.53 Ar67 Arrupe, P. A planet to heal: reflections and forecasts c.2 1
271.53 Ar67 Arrupe, P. A planet to heal: reflections and forecasts c.3 1
271.53 Ar67 Arrupe, P. A planet to heal: reflections and forecasts c.4 1
271.53 M36 Martin, M. The Jesuits 1
271.53 M4717 Meenan, D.F.X. Ignatian insight : vision or chimera? 1
271.5302 C49 Ciszek, W. With God in Russia 1
271.5302 Ig5 Ignaitus of Loyola Obras (ed. Iparraguirre, I; de Dalmases, C.; Ruiz Jurado, 1
271.53024 C73818 Companions of Jesus. Spiritual profiles of the Jesuit 1
saints and beati (2nd ed.)
271.53024 G5893 González, C.I. Los dos a la cumbre. En memoria de mi ordenación 1
271.53024 If1 If the grain of wheat dies… Fr. Francis Xavier Chu Shu- 1
Teh S.J.
271.53024 Ig5 Ignaitus of Loyola The autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola with related 1
documents and his spiritual journal (February 1544 -
February 1545)
271.53024 Ig5 Ignatius of Loyola A pilgrim’s testament: the memoirs of Ignatius of Loyola 1
(tr. P.R. Divarkar)
271.53024 Ig5 Ignatius of Loyola Racconto di un pellegrino (ed. De Gennaro, G.) 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
271.53024 Ig5 Ignatius of Loyola Testament and testimony: the memoirs of Ignatius of 1
Loyola (tr. P.R. Divarkar)
271.53024 L8842 Lord, D.A. Played by ear: the autobiography of Daniel A. Lord, S.J. 1

271.53024 R54 Roberts, Kenneth Playboy to priest. 1

271.54 F66399 Florilegio Somasco p.2 1
271.55045 B7399 Brazzarola, B. Madre Maria Domenica Brun-Barbantini. Fondatrice delle 1
Ministre degli Infermi di S. Camillo. 1789-1868
271.58 L111 Labarta, M.L. Educadoras y mártires escolapias, 1936 1
271.6202 P26 Letters of St. Paul of the Cross 1
271.62024 St22 Mead, J. (ed.) St. Paul of the Cross: a source/workbook for paulacrucian 1
271.62024 Z63 Zoffoli, E. San Paolo della Croce: storia critica v.1 1
271.62024 Z63 Zoffoli, E. San Paolo della Croce: storia critica v.2 1
271.62024 Z63 Zoffoli, E. San Paolo della Croce: storia critica v.3 1
271.7 Aj16 Ajassa, M. et al. (eds.) Un uomo per la storia, un santo per la Chiesa : Beato c.1 1
Marcellino Champagnat
271.7 Aj16 Ajassa, M. et al. (eds.) Un uomo per la storia, un santo per la Chiesa : Beato c.1 1
Marcellino Champagnat
271.7 Aj16 Ajassa, M. et al. (eds.) Un uomo per la storia, un santo per la Chiesa : Beato c.2 1
Marcellino Champagnat
271.7 Aj16 Ajassa, M. et al. (eds.) Un uomo per la storia, un santo per la Chiesa : Beato c.2 1
Marcellino Champagnat
271.7 B4176 Bellone, U. Vita del Beato Marcellino Champagnat fondatore dei 1
Fratelli Maristi (1789-1840)
271.7 C166 Cantaluppi, L. Lettere dall'India di Padre Luigi Cantaluppi del Pontificio 1
Istituto Missioni Estere
271.73 F46 Fielding, Edwina Courage to build anew. 1
271.73 G11 Gabriele di Santa Maria St. John of the Cross. 1
Maddalena, Father
271.73 J8 de Jesús, C., et al. Vida y obras de San Juan de la Cruz 1
271.7302 A14 100 years. Carmel of the Divine Heart of Jesus. 1891- 1
271.7302 J328 Javierre, J.M. Juan de la Cruz: un caso límite 1
271.7302 J6137 Ruiz, F. (ed.) Dio parla nella notte: vita parola ambiente di San Giovanni 1
della Croce
271.7302 J6137 Ruiz, F. (ed.) God speaks in the night: the life, times and teaching of St. 1
John of the Cross
271.7302 Ub7 Uboldi, L.; Uralde, M.L. I miei vent'anni : biografia della Serva di Dio Suor Maria c.1 1
Teresa-Quevedo Cadarso di Gesù, novizia carmelitana
della carità
271.7302 Ub7 Uboldi, L.; Uralde, M.L. I miei vent'anni : biografia della Serva di Dio Suor Maria c.2 1
Teresa-Quevedo Cadarso di Gesù, novizia carmelitana
della carità
271.73024 C7677 Conti, G. Un fiore di zagara: profumo di terra e di cielo. Profilo 1
biografico di Madre Maria Crocifissa Curcio, fondatrice
delle Suore Carmelitane Missionarie di S. Teresa del
Bambino Gesù
271.73024 G233 del Gaudio, C. Un cuore per Dio: Madre M. Crocifissa Curcio, Fondatrice 1

271.73024 J34 Je veux demander pour vous l'Esprit Saint - Père Marie- 1
Eugène de l'Enfant Jésus
271.73024 P172 Palau y Quer, F. Letters 1
271.73024 R2654 Règue, R. Padre M. Eugenio di Gesù Bambino: Maestro spirituale c.1 1
per il nostro tempo
271.73024 R2654 Règue, R. Padre M. Eugenio di Gesù Bambino: Maestro spirituale c.2 1
per il nostro tempo
271.730924 Al99 Alzin, J. A dangerous little friar: Father Titus Brandsma, O.Carm. 1

271.730924 Al99 Alzin, J. Ese frailecito peligroso: Padre Tito Brandsma 1

271.76 R58 Roche, A. The Blessed Eugene de Mazenod : Bishop of Marseille v.1 1

271.76 R58 Roche, A. The Blessed Eugene de Mazenod : Bishop of Marseille v.2 1

271.76 R58 Roche, A. The Blessed Eugene de Mazenod : Bishop of Marseille v.3 1

271.76 R58 Roche, A. The Blessed Eugene de Mazenod : Bishop of Marseille v.4 1

271.76 V87 Voillaume, R. Seeds of the desert: the legacy of Charles de Foucauld 1

271.7802 Ot6 O'Toole, L. The teacher's saint, John Baptist de la Salle 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
271.79 Ar6 Aroz, Leon Beginnings : De la Salle and his brothers. 1
271.79 B795 Brother Charles of Jesus c.1 1
271.79 B795 Brother Charles of Jesus c.2 1
271.79 C7634 Conrad The Brothers of Charity. I: 1807-1880 1
271.79 D7142 Don Bosco nel mondo : studi monografici sulla 1
Congregazione Salesiana e sull'Istituto delle Figlie di
Maria Ausiliatrice
271.79 M273 Magliozzi, G. Fra Orsenigo : il brianzolo che conquistò Roma 1
271.79 P1974 Papàsogli, G.; Taddei, T. Annibale Maria di Francia 1
271.79 Se691 The Servant of God Stanislaus Papczyński, founder of the 1
Congregation of Marian Fathers, 1631-1701
271.79 V831 Vitale, F. Father Mary Hannibal di Francia: his life and works 1
271.79024 V746 Vinci, T. Martiri claretiani a Barbastro 1
271.791 C17 Cardinale, H. Orders of knighthood, awards and the Holy See 1
271.9 C38 Chastity. 1
271.9 L96 Lucarini, S. A woman for our time 1
271.91 R359 Ricciardi, A. …piu nobile per Carità : Beata Maria Droste zu Vischering 1
271.91024 B6432 Bonner, J.J. Enriching many. The life of Mother Pauline von 1
Mallinckrodt, foundress of the Sisters of Christian Charity

271.91024 Si122 Sicari, A.M. Santi nella carità: figli, discepoli amici di Vincenzo de' 1
271.92 W78 Witko, A. Saint Faustina and the Divine Mercy c.1 1
271.92 W78 Witko, A. Saint Faustina and the Divine Mercy c.2 1
271.97 A12 100 years : Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood : 1
271.97 Ag16 Agasso, D. Thecla Merlo : messenger of the good news. 1
271.97 Am187 Ambrosi, O. La prima maestra c.1 1
271.97 Am187 Ambrosi, O. La prima maestra c.2 1
271.97 Am187 Ambrosi, O. Tecla Merlo: una vita a servizio del Vangelo 1
271.97 B45 Bernoville, G. Saint Mary Euphrasia Pelletier: foundress of the Good 1
Shepherd Sisters
271.97 C3442 Chacko, K.C. Sister Alphosa. 4th ed. 1
271.97 C429 Chézard de Matel, J. Oeuvres complètes v.1 1
271.97 C73818 Company of Mary 1979 1
271.97 C73818 Company of Mary 1980 1
271.97 C73818 Company of Mary 1981 1
271.97 C73818 Company of Mary 1983-84 1
271.97 C73818 Company of Mary 1984-85 1
271.97 C76 Marie Thérèse Cornelia Connelly: a study in fidelity 1
271.97 D7182 Donna forte (Maestra Tecla Merlo) 1
271.97 F3919 Fernando da Riese Pio X Santa Veronica Giuliani : implacata inseguitrice di amore c.1 1
e di dolore
271.97 F3919 Fernando da Riese Pio X Santa Veronica Giuliani : implacata inseguitrice di amore c.2 1
e di dolore
271.97 F3919 Fernando da Riese Pio X Santa Veronica Giuliani : implacata inseguitrice di amore c.3 1
e di dolore
271.97 G18 Garofalo, S. Alfonso is his name (Operaio di Dio) c.1 1
271.97 G18 Garofalo, S. Alfonso is his name (Operaio di Dio) c.2 1
271.97 G18 Garofalo, S. Operaio di Dio 1
271.97 G448 Giuliani, V. Diario di S. Veronica Giuliani v.6 c.1 1
271.97 G448 Giuliani, V. Diario di S. Veronica Giuliani v.6 c.2 1
271.97 G448 Giuliani, V. Diario di S. Veronica Giuliani v.6 c.3 1
271.97 L99 Lynch, H. In the shadow of our Lady of the Cenacle 1
271.97 M3693 Mary Francis Strange gods before me 1
271.97 M6912 Missionaries of Charity - Constitutions and Directory 1
271.97 P1973 Papalini, M. Blessed Maria Teresa Fasce : abbess of the augustinian 1
monastery of Saint Rita of Cascia : her life, her spirituality

271.97 P853 Potter, M. Brides of Christ 1

271.97 Sp466 Spink, K. The call of the desert : a biography of Little Sister 1
Magdeleine of Jesus
271.97 W17 Walzer, M.T. Auf neuen Wegen / Mary Theresa 1
271.97024 C1132 Cacciato, E. Madre e maestra Caterina santa 1
271.97024 F3179 Federici, E. La Beata Maria degli Apostoli c.1 1
271.97024 F3179 Federici, E. La Beata Maria degli Apostoli c.2 1
271.971 N92 The nun’s answer (Carmelite nun) 1
271.971 T34 Thérèse of Lisieux Histoire d'une ame 1
271.971 T34 Thérèse of Lisieux Story of a soul 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
271.97102 F11 de Fabregues, J. Edith Stein: Carmelite nun, philosopher, holocaust martyr 1

271.971024 T27 Gicquel, J. (ed.) I fioretti di Teresa d'Avila 1

271.971024 T34 Thérèse of Lisieux St. Therese of Lisieux her last conversations 1
271.971024 T3435 Thérèse of Lisieux "I miei pensieri". La storia di un'anima. Manoscriti 1
autobiografici. Versione integrale
271.972 M38 Masserano, R. The Nashville Dominicans: A history of the Congregation 1
of St. Cecilia
271.972 V71 Villaroel, F. Religiosas Misioneras de Santo Domingo: Un siglo de 1
apostolado (1887-1987)
271.972045 D7136 Dominican penitent women (ed. Lehmijoki-Gardner, M.) 1

271.97302 D22 Daniel-Rops, H. The call of St Clare 1

271.97502 L8816 López, M. Morire come l'aurora: il martirio di 7 sorelle visitandine 1
nella Spagna della guerra civile
271.97502 R197 Ravier, A. Giovanna Chantal: fascino femminile e santità 1
271.976046 C1134 de Cáceres Sevilla, A. Encina y piedra : Madre Bonifacia Rodríguez de Castro : 1
fundadora de la Congregación de Siervas de San José

271.976046 C1134 de Cáceres Sevilla, A. Holm oak and stone : Mother Bonifacia Rodríguez de 1
Castro : foundress of the Congregation of the Siervas de
San José
271.979 Si84 Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres : 250 years in the mission c.1 1
271.979 Si84 Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres : 250 years in the mission c.2 1
272 Al7 de Ligouri, A.M. Victories of the martyrs c.1 1
272 Al7 de Ligouri, A.M. Victories of the martyrs c.2 1
272 T68 Traniello, F. Don Bosco nella storia della cultura popolare. 1
272.092 Sa221 Mahé, J-P; Zekiyan, B.L. (eds.) Saint Grégoire de Narek : théologien et mystique 1

272.1 T2797 Tertullian Ai martiri 1

272.9096761 F25 Faupel, J.F. African holocaust: the story of the Uganda martyrs 1
272.909953 M36 Aerts, T. (ed.) The Martyrs of Papua New Guinea 1
273.21 C8559 Craveri, M. L'eresia. Dagli gnostici a Lefebvre, il lato oscuro del 1
274.5634 G9318 Guarducci, M. Le reliquie di Pietro sotto la confessione della Basilica 1
274.991 Sch729 Schreurs, P.G.H. Return to Xavier's Islands: The restoration of the Catholic 1
mission in the Moluccas, 1886-1960
275 B86 Building the church in pluricultural Asia 1
275.1 D56 Digan, Parig The Christian China-watchers 1
275.694 L5678 Let Jews and Arabs hear his voice : Christian life and 1
ministry in the encounter with Jews and Arabs in Israel
277.3 C36 Chapman, M. Christianity on trial: African-American religious thought 1
before and after black power
278 C88 McKennie, H. Cross and sword: An eyewitness history of Christianity in 1
latin America
279.3 G69 Traupf, G.W. The Gospel is not western: Black theologies from the 1
southwest Pacific
280 Z15 Zananiri, G. Pape et patriarches 1
280.042 An3 Anglican-Roman Catholic The final report (1982) 1
International Commission
280.042 C3304 Célébration dans la basilique patriarcale de St. Pierre a 1
l'occasion de la visite de Sa Sainteté le Patriarach
Oecumenique Athenagoras I à Sa Sainteté le Pape Paul
VI, 26 octobre 1967
280.042 N3979 Neuner, P. Breve manuale dell'Ecumene 1
280.1 T42 Thurian, M. Visible unity and tradition 1
280.409 D58 Dillenberger, J. Protestant Christianity interpreted through its development 1

280.40973 G4492 Giussani, L. Teologia protestante americana c.1 1

280.40973 G4492 Giussani, L. Teologia protestante americana c.2 1
281.0385 F85 de Osuna, F. The third spiritual alphabet 1
281.1 G84 Gregory of Nyssa La vita di S. Macrina (tr. Giannarelli, E.) 1
281.1 W21 Ward, M. Early church portrait gallery 1
281.5 C28 Catholic... Oriente cattolico : cenni storici e statistiche. c.1 1
281.5 C28 Catholic... Oriente cattolico : cenni storici e statistiche. c.2 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
281.5 C2864 Catholic Church. Congregation Le Chiese Orientali e la missione in Asia 1
for the Oriental Churches

281.5 P59 Piddubcheschen, E. …and bless thine inheritance. 1

281.5 R581 Roccasalvo, J.L. The Eastern Catholic Churches : an introduction to their 1
worship and spirituality
281.9 Sch44 Schmemann, Alexander The historical road of Eastern orthodox 1
281.93 Sa59 Santini, A. One thousand years of faith in Russia: Interview with 1
Patriarch Pimen of Moscow
281.947 Sa595 Santini, A. Mille anni di fede in Russia : Pimen, patriarca di Mosca e 1
di tutte le Russie
282 An46 Anglican/Roman Catholic International... 1
282 As1 As the spirit leads us 1
282 Au14 Aubert, Roger The church in a secularised society (The Christian 1
centuries, v.5)
282 B35 Bea, A. La Chiesa e il popolo ebraico 1
282 C17 Cardinale, H. Le saint-siège et la diplomatie : aperçu historique, c.1 1
juridique et pratique de la diplomatie pontificale
282 C17 Cardinale, H. Le saint-siège et la diplomatie : aperçu historique, c.2 1
juridique et pratique de la diplomatie pontificale
282 C28 The national catholic almanac : 1951 1
282 C28 The national catholic almanac : 1962 1
282 C28 The national catholic almanac : 1964 1
282 C28 The national catholic almanac : 1965 1
282 C28 The national catholic almanac : 1968 1
282 C28 The catholic almanac : 1969 1
282 C28 The catholic almanac : 1970 1
282 C28 The catholic almanac : 1978 1
282 C28 The catholic almanac : 1988 1
282 C43 La chiesa del mondo intero … 1
282 D84 D'Souza, Dinesh The Catholic classics. 1
282 G75 Grace, W.J. The Catholic Church and you (rev. Korth, F.N.) 1
282 H13 Hales, Edward E Pio Nono : a study in European politics and religio 1
282 K22 Keating, K. Catholicism and fundamentalism: The attack on c.1 1
"romanism" by "bible christians"
282 K22 Keating, K. Catholicism and fundamentalism: The attack on c.2 1
"romanism" by "bible christians"
282 K831 Kolbe, M. Gli scritti di Massimiliano Kolbe eroe di Oswiecim e beato v.1 1
della Chiesa
282 K831 Kolbe, M. Gli scritti di Massimiliano Kolbe eroe di Oswiecim e beato v.2 1
della Chiesa
282 K831 Kolbe, M. Gli scritti di Massimiliano Kolbe eroe di Oswiecim e beato v.3 1
della Chiesa
282 K96 Küng, H. That the world may believe 1
282 L25 Lang, Albert Der Auftrag der kirche. 1
282 L96 de Lubac, H. Catholicism: a study of dogma in relation to the corporate c.1 1
destiny of mankind
282 L96 de Lubac, H. Catholicism: a study of dogma in relation to the corporate c.2 1
destiny of mankind
282 M3678 Martyrologium romanum ex decreto sacrosancti 1
oecumenici concilii vaticani ii instauratum auctoritate
Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgatum
282 P688 Pius XII, Pope Litterae encyclicae de Mystico Iesu Christi Corpore deque 1
nostra in eo cum Christo coniunctione
282 R12 Rahner, K. Free speech in the church 1
282 T3479 Thigpen, P. A dictionary of quotes from the saints 1
282 W88 Woollen, C.J. Christ in His mystical body. 1
282.021 An78 Annuarium Statisticum Statistical yearbook of the church 1

282.03 H21 Hardon, J. Modern Catholic dictionary c.2 1

282.04 L85 Long, V. Fountain of living waters 1
282.08 L96 Luis de Granada Libro de la oración y meditación 1
282.081 R12 Rahner, K. Nature and grace c.1 1
282.081 R12 Rahner, K. Nature and grace c.2 1
282.09 C28 Catholic Church Acta Apostolicae Sedis
282.09 Sch7 Schreck, A. The compact history of the Catholic Church 1
282.0904 B32 Baum, Gregory The credibility of the church today 1
282.0904 C28 O'Malley, J. Catholicism in early modern history: 1500-1700: A guide 1
to research
282.0904 V89 von Hildebrand, D. Trojan horse in the city of God 1
282.09048 R1899 Ratzinger, J. Rapporto sulla fede 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.09049 B86 Bühlmann, W. With eyes to see: Church and world in the third millennium 1

282.09051 H572 Himes, M.J. The Catholic Church in the twenty-first century: finding 1
hope for its future in the wisdom of the past
282.090511 Al531 Allen, J.L. The rise of Benedict XVI : the inside story of how the 1
Pope was elected and where he will take the Catholic
282.090511 C69 Cozzens, D. Sacred silence: denial and the crisis in the Church 1
282.092 Ac87 di Flumeri, G. (ed.) Acts of the first congress of studies on Padre Pio's 1
spirituality (San Giovanni Rotondo, 1-6 May 1972)
282.092 An256 Andreotti, G. Don Giulio Belvederi 1
282.092 Ar11 Aradi, Z. Pius XI : the pope and the man 1
282.092 Ar11 Aradi, Z. Pope John XXIII 1
282.092 B2191 Balust, L.S.; Hernández, F.M. Santo maestro Juan de Ávila 1

282.092 B29 Bascapé, C. Vita e opere di Carlo, arcivescovo di Milano, cardinale di c.1 1
S. Prassede
282.092 B29 Bascapé, C. Vita e opere di Carlo, arcivescovo di Milano, cardinale di c.2 1
S. Prassede
282.092 B35 Bea, A. Diario di un cardinale. Ut unum sint 1
282.092 B3806 La Beata Elena Guerra : l'apostola dello Spirito Santo 1
282.092 B3912 de la Bedoyere, M. The life of Baron von Hügel 1
282.092 B4171 Bellinati, C. S. Gregorio Barbarigo: "un vescovo eroico" (1625-1697) 1

282.092 B45 Bernardin, J. The gift of peace 1

282.092 B4529 Bergamini, T. Caterina la santa : breve storia di S. Caterina Vegri (1413- 1
282.092 B4624 Bertolone, V. Tre compagni di viaggio: Beato Giacomo Cusmano, 1
Madre Vincenzina Cusmano, Padre Francesco Spoto
282.092 B6174 Blessed Josemaría Escrivá : founder of Opus Dei c.1 1
282.092 B6174 Blessed Josemaría Escrivá : founder of Opus Dei c.2 1
282.092 B6174 Blessed Josemaría Escrivá : founder of Opus Dei c.3 1
282.092 B6387 Bollino, N. I luoghi di Padre Annibale 1
282.092 B6415 Bongioanni, M. Don Bosco in Vaticano 1
282.092 B7893 Bronowicz, R.F. An emerald of Ecuador: Saint Miguel Febres Cordero: a 1
La Salle Brother of the Christian Schools
282.092 B8358 Brunetin, G. Luigi Calabresi : un profilo per la storia (3rd ed.) 1
282.092 B861 Buehrle, M.C. The Cardinal Stritch story 1
282.092 B9173 Burke, E. Happy was my youth: a study of Saint Gabriel of Our Lady 1
of Sorrows, passionist student
282.092 B95 Burton, K. The stars beyond the storms … 1
282.092 C1134 de Cáceres Sevilla, A. Work and human dignity: a 19th century interpretation. 1
Francisco Javier Butiña, S.J. Founder of the Siervas de
San José
282.092 C142 Cambón, E.; Cola, S. L'ansia di Toni Weber : « far casa ai sacerdoti » 1
282.092 C1761 Caraffa, F.; Massone, A. Santa Cecilia martire romana : passione e culto 1
282.092 C1793 Cardinal John Henry Newman: a study in holiness 1
282.092 C1793 Il Cardinale Pietro Gasparri 1
282.092 C1979 di Carluccio, L. Annibale Maria di Francia: Santo per i poveri di pane, 1
santo per i poveri di Dio
282.092 C2361 Carroll-Abbing, G.P. Servire Dio per amore : il Card. Merry del Val ed I giovani 1

282.092 C2661 Cascone, M. Da cuore a cuore: note sulla spiritualità di Madre Maria c.1 1
282.092 C2661 Cascone, M. Da cuore a cuore: note sulla spiritualità di Madre Maria c.2 1
282.092 C2661 Cascone, M. La beata Maria Schininà nella carità verso i malati nel 1
corpo e nello spirito
282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Congregation Compendium vitae virtutum et miraculorum necnon 1
for the Causes of Saints actorum in causa canonizationis Beati Leopoldi Mandić
sacerdotis professi Ordinis Fratrum Minorum
282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Nagasakien. seu Manilen. Canonizationis Beatorum c.1 1
Congregation for the Causes Laurentii Ruiz de Manila, Dominici Ibañez de Erquicia,
of Saints O.P., Iacobi Kyushei Tomonaga, O.P., et xiii sociorum,
martyrum. Relatio et vota congressus peculiaris super
miro die 3 aprilis an. 1987 habiti


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Nagasakien. seu Manilen. Canonizationis Beatorum c.2 1
Congregation for the Causes Laurentii Ruiz de Manila, Dominici Ibañez de Erquicia,
of Saints O.P., Iacobi Kyushei Tomonaga, O.P., et xiii sociorum,
martyrum. Relatio et vota congressus peculiaris super
miro die 3 aprilis an. 1987 habiti
282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Nagasakien. seu Manilen. Canonizationis Beatorum c.3 1
Congregation for the Causes Laurentii Ruiz de Manila, Dominici Ibañez de Erquicia,
of Saints O.P., Iacobi Kyushei Tomonaga, O.P., et xiii sociorum,
martyrum. Relatio et vota congressus peculiaris super
miro die 3 aprilis an. 1987 habiti
282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Hispalen. Beatificationis et canonizationis venerabilis 1
Congregation for the Causes Servi Dei Michaelis Mañara equitis de Calatrava et
of Saints fundatoris nosocomii vulgo «de la Santa Caridad»
(+1679) Positio super virtutibus ex officio concinnata
282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Kandien. seu Goan. Beatificationis et canonizationis Servi 1
Congregation for the Causes Dei Josephi Vaz fundatoris Oratorii Sanctae Crucis
of Saints miraculorum in urbe Goana necnon apostoli Insulae
Ceylonensis (Sri Lanka) et Canarae (India) (+1711)
Positio super virtutibus ex officio concinnata
282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Treviren. Beatificationis et canonizationis Servi Dei Petri 1
Congregation for the Causes Friedhofen fundatoris congregationis Fratrum
of Saints Misericordiae a Maria Auxiliatrice nuncupatorum (+1860)
Positio super vita et virtutibus
282.092 C3144 Cavallini, G. Vita di S. Martino de Porres O.P. c.1 1
282.092 C3144 Cavallini, G. Vita di S. Martino de Porres O.P. c.2 1
282.092 C4349 La Chiesa, oggi : un decennio di episcopato di S. Em.za il 1
Cardinale Ernesto Ruffini a Palermo (1946-1956)

282.092 C6869 Il collegio cardinalizio per il 25o anniversario di pontificato 1

di Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II (Convegno in Vaticano,
15-18 ottobre 2003)
282.092 C73 Combes, A. St. Thérèse and suffering: the spirituality of St. Thérèse in 1
its essence
282.092 C76273 Connelly, R. The eighty five martyrs 1
282.092 C8186 Cortés, J.L. San Benito: flores nuevas de un santo añejo 1
282.092 C8377 Couturier, C. Unswerving journey: The life of Mother Mary of the Heart 1
of Jesus, foundress of the Congregation of Our Lady of
the Missions
282.092 C979 Cutolo, E. Giovanni XXIII 1
282.092 D15 Dal-Gal, J. The spiritual life of Cardinal Merry del Val 1
282.092 D227 Daniele Comboni nel primo centenario della morte 1
282.092 D3401 de Luca, G. Don Orione : profilo biografico, nove scritti comentati 1
282.092 D68 Doherty, E. A cricket in my heart. 1
282.092 D699 Dolz, M. Saint Josemaría Escrivá 1
282.092 D699 Dolz, M. San Josemaría Escrivá 1
282.092 D71 Giovanni Paolo II Dono e mistero 1
282.092 D7142 Don Alberione Beato 1
282.092 D7143 Don Pasquale Uva : un sacerdote per la società 1
282.092 D7447 Dougherty, P. Mother Mary Potter: Foundress of the Little Company of 1
Mary (1847-1913)
282.092 D92 Duquin, L.H. The called her the baroness: the life of Catherine de 1
Hueck Doherty
282.092 Ei26 Eid, J. The hermit of Lebanon Father Sharbel 1
282.092 Ev148 Evangelisti, D. Johannes Paulus II: luce nella Chiesa, light in the Church, 1
luz en la Iglesia
282.092 F2797 Favre A great mystic of the eighteenth century: the ven. Sister 1
Mary Celeste Crostarosa
282.092 F314 Febbo, G. Veronica Laparelli: monaca di fuoco 1
282.092 F686 Foffano, O. Il Servo di Dio Don Giovanni Calabria 1
282.092 F846 Francini, M. La beata Maria Schininà: coraggio senza clamori c.1 1
282.092 F846 Francini, M. La beata Maria Schininà: coraggio senza clamori c.2 1
282.092 G1398 Galvin, J.J. In journeyings often: Blessed John Nepomucene c.1 1
Neumann C.SS.R, fourth bishop of Philadelphia
282.092 G1398 Galvin, J.J. In journeyings often: Blessed John Nepomucene c.2 1
Neumann C.SS.R, fourth bishop of Philadelphia
282.092 G1431 Gambi, V. Don Alberione 1
282.092 G2846 Gemma, A. Don Orione : un cuore senza confini 1
282.092 G3487 Giansanti, G. Giovanni Paolo II : ritratto di un pontefice 1
282.092 G439 Pezzali, G. (ed.) Giovanni Paolo II e i grandi della terra 1
282.092 G439 Giovanni Paolo II a Civitavecchia 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.092 G439 Giovanni Paolo II in visita alla Diocesi di Chiavari 1
282.092 G728 Gouin, P. Sister Mary of the Cross: shepherdess of La Salette 1
282.092 G9495 Guitton, A. Peter Julian Eymard : apostle of the Eucharist c.2 1
282.092 G9495 Guitton, A. Peter Julian Eymard : apostle of the Eucharist 1
282.092 H18 Hamilton, E. Saint Teresa : a journey to Spain 1
282.092 H28 Hatch, A. Crown of glory : the life of Pope Pius XII c.1 1
282.092 H28 Hatch, A. Crown of glory : the life of Pope Pius XII c.2 1
282.092 H539 Hijas de Jesús Cándida María de Jesús, María Antonia Bandrés. 1
Beatificación: una experiencia que se mantiene viva
282.092 H539 Hijas de María, Religiosas de Memoria Histórica de la beatificación de Paula Montal 1
las Escuelas Pías Fornés de San José de Calasanz (Roma, 18 de abril de
282.092 In8 International Centre of In search of light, life development and prayer: three c.1 1
Newman Friends essays on John Henry Newman
282.092 In8 International Centre of In search of light, life development and prayer: three c.2 1
Newman Friends essays on John Henry Newman
282.092 Is78 Istituto Suore del Sacro Cuore Cristo, bellezza mia: fisionomia spirituale di Maria c.1 1
di Gesù di Ragusa Schininà
282.092 Is78 Istituto Suore del Sacro Cuore Cristo, bellezza mia: fisionomia spirituale di Maria c.2 1
di Gesù di Ragusa Schininà
282.092 It12 L'Italia dei santi 1
282.092 J26 Janssens, A. Newman: introduzione al suo spirito e alla sua opera 1
282.092 J328 Javierre, J.M. Juan de Dios: loco en granada 1
282.092 J328 Javierre, J.M. Pío X: historia ejemplar y divertida del Papa santo y 1
querido en nuestro siglo
282.092 J3413 Jean de la Croix 1
282.092 J3417 Jean-Paul II à Montreal 1
282.092 J6138 John Paul II Rise, let us be on our way 1
282.092 J71 Jones, Christopher W. Listen pilgrim. c.1 1
282.092 J71 Jones, Christopher W. Listen pilgrim. c.2 1
282.092 K545 Kiener, M.A. John Henry Newman: the romantic, the friend, the leader 1

282.092 K5601 Kim, C.; Lee, C. Holy places of the korean martyrs 1
282.092 L111 Labarta, M.L. Dolores y Consuelo Aguiar Mella : laicas, mártires y las 1
primeras beatificadas de Uruguay
282.092 L1131 Labigne, R. Saint Pierre-Julien Eymard : l'homme d'un unique amour 1

282.092 L166 Lamb, G.R. Brother Nicholas: a life of St. Nicholas of Flue 1
282.092 L37 Laurentin, R. Teresa di Lisieux – vita e attualità 1
282.092 L5659 Lesourd, P.; Olichon, A. Jeanne Bigard: Fondatrice della Pontificia Opera di S. 1
Pietro Apostolo per il Clero indigeno delle missioni
282.092 M2672 Madre M. Grazietta Giunta: seconda superiore generale 1
della congregazione
282.092 M3378 Marie Eugène de l'Enfant Ton amour a grandi avec moi: un génie spirituel: Thérèse 1
Jésus de Lisieux
282.092 M3699 de Marzi, M. S. Francesco d'Assisi e l'ecologia 1
282.092 M55 Merton, T. What are these wounds? The life of a Cistercian mystic, 1
Saint Lutgarde of Aywières
282.092 M5803 «La mia seconda patria» 33 viaggi in Italia di Giovanni 1
Paolo II. 1986-1989
282.092 M66 Mina, G.; Zamuner, L. Quando la missione invade la vita: il Servo di Dio 1
Giuseppe Allamano, fondatore dei Missionari e delle
Missionarie della Consolata
282.092 M8152 Morelli, G. Memorie e riflessioni spirituali 1
282.092 M8569 Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia and her Work c.1 1
of the Church
282.092 M8569 Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia and her Work c.2 1
of the Church
282.092 M86 Mould, D.D.C.P. The rock of truth 1
282.092 M91 Muller, M. St. Francis de Sales 1
282.092 M933 Muratore, U. Conoscere Rosmini: vita, pensiero, spiritualità 1
282.092 N46 Newman today v1 1
282.092 N46 Newman, J.H. Apologia pro vita sua c.1 1
282.092 N46 Newman, J.H. Apologia pro vita sua c.2 1
282.092 N843 Notari, M.P. I'm going to be a nun. Mary of the Passion c.1 1
282.092 N843 Notari, M.P. I'm going to be a nun. Mary of the Passion c.2 1
282.092 N843 Notari, M.P. I'm going to be a nun. Mary of the Passion c.3 1
282.092 N85 Nouween, H. ¡Gracias! a Latin American journal 1
282.092 P1971 Il Papa in Abruzzo : documenti, note, cronache 1
282.092 P1971 Il Papa in Abruzzo: documenti, note, cronache 1
282.092 P1971 Paolo VI e la Pontificia Accademia Ecclesiastica 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.092 P1971 Paolo VI viandante nel dolore 1
282.092 P1971 Papa Paolo VI in Terra Santa 1
282.092 P1974 Papasogli, G. Il curatino di Viareggio : S. Antonio M. Pucci O.S.M. 1
282.092 P2851 Paulo VI en Fátima : albun conmemorativo de la 1
peregrinación de Su Santidad el dia 13 de Mayo de 1967

282.092 P2851 Paulo VI en Fátima : albun conmemorativo de la 1

peregrinación de Su Santidad el dia 13 de Mayo de 1967

282.092 P343 Pedro Poveda. Artículos para el proceso apostólico 1

282.092 P3644 Il pellerinaggio di Paolo VI in Terra Santa (4-6 gennaio 1
282.092 P367 Peloso, F. Un santo per oggi: Annibale Maria di Francia 1
282.092 P372 Penco, G.B. Il Cardinal Andrea Ferrari Arcivescovo di Milano 1
282.092 P4121 «Perché tutti siano uno» 16 viaggi apostolici internazionali 1
di Giovanni Paolo II. 1986-1989
282.092 P4292 Perrotta, G.; Marcelli, E. Sant'Alfonso Maria de Ligouri : fondatore dei missionari c.1 1
282.092 P4292 Perrotta, G.; Marcelli, E. Sant'Alfonso Maria de Ligouri : fondatore dei missionari c.2 1
282.092 P7552 Poinsenet, M.D. "…across this darkness… I salute the dawn." (tr. Locsin, 1
282.092 P8383 Portrait of a seraph: a pictorial life of Saint Mary Magdalen 1
de' Pazzi carmelite and mystic
282.092 P8819 Prada Espada, M.P. Vicenta María López y Vicuña 1
282.092 Q458 Quintero, J.O. Beato Francisco Faá de Bruno: un apóstol de los pobres 1

282.092 R3196 Reuter, J. Joseph Freinademetz: South Tyrol's outstanding 1

missionary to the Far East
282.092 R5316 O'Brien, J.A. Roads to Rome: the intimate personal stories of converts 1
to the Catholic Faith
282.092 R956 Ryan, M. (ed.) The Church and the nation: the vision of Peter Birch, 1
bishop of Ossory 1964-1981
282.092 Sa133 Cárcel Ortí, V. (ed.) Il Cardinale Aurelio Sabattani (1912-2003) : omelie, 1
discorsi e testimonianze
282.092 Sa368 Salotti, C. Il Santo Giovanni Bosco 1
282.092 Sa392 Salvoldi, V. San Gabriele dell'Addolorata c.1 1
282.092 Sa392 Salvoldi, V. San Gabriele dell'Addolorata c.2 1
282.092 Sa572 Sandra, C. Marie-Louise de Meester: the message of a life 1
282.092 Sa592 Santa Gemma Galgani 1
282.092 Sa777 Sartre, V. Il primo martire dell'Isola Rossa: P. Giacomo Berthieu S.J. 1

282.092 Sca92 Scavizzi, P. La Beata Elena Guerra : l'apostola dello Spirito Santo. 1
2nd ed.
282.092 Sch3 Schimberg, A.P. The story of Therese Neumann 1
282.092 Sch568 Schmöger, C.E. The life of Anne Catherine Emmerich v.2 1
282.092 Sp36 Speranza del mondo : 16 profili di testimoni della Chiesa 1
in Italia
282.092 St259 Stano, F. Virginia Centurione Bracelli: a lei Genova rispose c.2 1
282.092 St259 Stano, F. Virginia Centurione Bracelli: a lei Genova rispose c.3 1
282.092 St259 Stano, F. Virginia Centurione Bracelli: a lei Genova rispose 1
282.092 St351 Steiner, J. Theres Neumann von Konnersreuth : ein Lebensbild nach 1
authentischen Berichten, Tagebüchern und Dokumenten

282.092 St824 van Straaten, W. Padre Lardo, mendicate per Dio. Pensieri scelti 1
282.092 T151 Tamborini, A. Don Luigi Guanella (1842-1915) 1
282.092 T151 Tamborini, A. Héroe de caridad : el Beato Don Luis Guanella 1
282.092 T1561 Tang, D. How inscrutable his ways! Memoirs 1951-1981 1
282.092 T1991 Tavoni, M.E. Maria Agnese She: a martyr of today 1
282.092 T27 Papasogli, G. Santa Teresa d'Avila 1
282.092 T27 Theeuwes, J. Abanteuerin Gottes: Teresa von Avila 1
282.092 T271 Terelya, J.; Brown, M.H. Josyp Terelya: Witness fo apparitions and persecution in 1
the USSR
282.092 T34 Thérèse of Lisieux, Saint The little flower of Jesus 1
282.092 T494 Tingralli, E.; Ziliani, L. Soldati della fede 1
282.092 T757 Trouncer, M. The reluctant abbess: Angélique Arnauld of Port-Royal 1
282.092 Un12 Una nuova primavera nella Chiesa: Beata Maria 1
Domenica Brun Barbantini
282.092 Un2 Undset, S. Catherine of Siena 1
282.092 Ut11 Ut ardeat : Mother Anne Magdalene Sarnelli 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.092 V235 de Simone, A. (ed.) Valentino Gambi, ssp : l'editore di Dio 1
282.092 V366 van Straaten, W. They call me the bacon priest 1
282.092 V58 Veraja, F. Ivan Merz : pioniere dell'Azione Cattolica in Croazia 1
282.092 V65 La via della carità: La Beata Maria Schininà tra storia e c.1 1
282.092 V65 La via della carità: La Beata Maria Schininà tra storia e c.2 1
282.092 V8256 Visit of Pope Paul VI to the Far East, Australia and the 1
282.092 V89 von Balthasar, H.U. Our task: a report and a plan 1
282.092 V9485 Le voyage de Paul Vi en Ouganda 1
282.092 W163 Walne, D.; Flory, J. "Oh yes… I saw her." : the story of Bernadette Soubirous 1
who became a saint
282.092 W21 Ward, M. Young Mr. Newman c.1 1
282.092 W21 Ward, M. Young Mr. Newman c.2 1
282.092 W523 Westenhaver, E. Archbishop Eugene D'Souza 1
282.092 W5741 Lee, M.I.B. (ed.) When the fruits of the rambutan tree are about to ripen : 1
the life and spirituality of Bishop James Chan
282.092 W6911 Wilson, R.H. St. John Neumann : Philadelphia's "little bishop" 1
282.092 X19 Xavier, A. Pre-Cataluña : siglos ix, x y xi - Oliba 1
282.0922 B4562 Bermejo, L.M. The company and communion of saints 1
282.0922 B86 Buehrle, M. I am on fire: Blessed Mary of Providence 1
282.0922 B97 Butler’s lives of the Saints v4 1
282.0922 H8741 Hughes, J.J. Pontiffs : popes who shaped history 1
282.0922 M37 Maschek, S. Unsere Vorbilder: heilige, helden, namenspatrone (eine 1
neuzeitliche heiligenlegende)
282.0922 M45 Maynard, T. Saints for our times 1
282.0922 M4598 McBrien, R.P. Lives of the popes : the pontiffs from St. Peter to John 1
Paul II
282.0922 P68 Pius XII : in memoriam. 1
282.0922 R334 Reynolds, E.E. Three Cardinals: Newman, Wiseman, Manning 1
282.0922 Sa596 Santolaria de Puey y Cruells, Historias de los Papas 1
282.0922 St471 Stevens, C. The one year book of saints 1
282.0922 T3633 Thomas, G.; Morgan-Witts, M. Pontiff: dentro il Vaticano: Giovanni Montini, Albino 1
Luciani, Karol Wojtyla
282.092273 F9135 Friedl, F.P.; Reynolds, R. Extraordinary lives : thirty-four priests tell their stories 1
282.0924 Ap21 Apeciti, E. Ciò che conta è amare: vita del Beato Cardinale Alfredo 1
Ildefonso Schuster
282.0924 C12813 Calendario di una vita : 1901-1925 : Pier Giorgio Frassati 1

282.0924 C57 Claude, R. The soul of Pier-Giorgio Frassati 1

282.0924 D62 DiOrio, R. The man beneath the gift: The story of my life 1
282.0924 G15 Gannon, R. The Cardinal Spellman story 1
282.0924 G812 Greeley, A.M. Confessions of a parish priest: an autobiography 1
282.0924 G929 Grzeszczyk, T. Giacomo Cusmano: medico, sacerdote, fondatore, padre 1
dei poveri
282.0924 K2954 Kelly, B.J. The spiritual teaching of Ven. Francis Libermann 1
282.0924 L6261 Life of St. Anthony «Assidua» by a contemporary 1
282.0924 L9597 Lépée, M. Bañez et Sainte Thérèse 1
282.0924 M36 Miranda, E. Teresa de Jesús (vida, fundaciones, escritos) 1
282.0924 M5245 Menestò, E. Il processo di canonizzazione di Chiara da Montefalco 1
282.0924 M753 Monnerjahn, E. A provocative figure: Father Joseph Kentenich, founder of 1
Schoenstatt, pioneer and pathfinder of a new Christian
way of life
282.0924 N389 Netto, L. (ed.) Lettere morte, parole di vita. Commentario agli scritti di S. 1
Girolamo Emiliani
282.0924 N5 Strolz, M.K. John Henry Newman: commemorative essays on the 1
occasion of the centenary of his cardinalate 1879 May
282.0924 N5 John Henry Newman: Theologian and Cardinal 1
282.0924 Sa35 Salm, L. Brother Miguel Febres Cordero: teacher, scholar, saint 1
282.0924 Sa95 Savoré, G.; di Maria, L. Il Santo Fratel Benildo delle Scuole Cristiane 1
282.0924 Sch87 Schurhammer, G. Francis Xavier – his life, his time v.1 1
282.0924 Sch87 Schurhammer, G. Francis Xavier – his life, his time v.2 1
282.0924 Sch87 Schurhammer, G. Francis Xavier – his life, his time v.3 1
282.0924 Sch87 Schurhammer, G. Francis Xavier – his life, his time v.4 1
282.0924 Sn19 Sánchez, J.B. El rostro humano de Teresa de Ávila 1
282.0924 St621 Stocchetti, A. Le Sante Bartolomea Capitanio e Vincenza Gerosa 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.0924 T27 Auclair, M. Teresa of Ávila 1
282.0924 T27 Javierre, J.M. Teresa de Jesús: aventura humana y sagrada de una 1
282.0924 T272 Teresa of Avila, Saint The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Order of Our Lady 1
of Carmel, written by herself (tr. Lewis, D.)
282.0924 T276 Terraneo, E. The Servant of God Cardinal Ildefonso Schuster 1
282.0924 T36 Thompson, P. Madame Guyon: martyr of the Holy Spirit 1
282.0924 T72 Treviño, J.G. The spiritual life of Archbishop Martinez 1
282.0924 W85 Woodgate, M. Junipero Serra Apostle of California 1
282.4 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Nuntius : Iesus Christus vivens in Ecclesia Sua fons spei 1
Bishops. II Special Assembly pro Europa
for Europe
282.4 J6138 John Paul II Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Europa on 1
His Holiness Pope John Paul II to the bishops, men and
women in the consecrated life and all the lay faithful on
Jesus Christ alivein His Church the source of hope for
282.4021 C2862 Catholic Church. Pastoral Pastoral care of vocations in the particular churches of 1
Work for Ecclesiastical Europe. Working document of the congress on vocations
Vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in Europe, Rome,
5-10 May 1997
282.41 W325 Watkins, J.D. (ed.) Manual of prayers 1
282.438 J311 Jasna Góra 1
282.438 K8465 Koscioly Warszawy w odbudowie 1
282.438 Si67 Il sinodo pastorale dell'Arcidiocesi di Cracovia (1972- 1
282.44 Si1 Siccardo, Francesco Integriste e integrisme : stratigrafia di due ... 1
282.44361 Sa148 Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre 1
282.45 Af26 Affanni, A.M. et al. Santa Susanna and San Bernardo alle terme 1
282.45 F7324 Fondazione Migrantes. Ufficio Centri pastorali per i cattolici stranieri in Italia. Anno 1
della Pastorale per Immigrati e giubilare 2000 (Quaderno di "Servizio Migranti" nr. 33)
282.45 G147 Gammino, G. et al. 10 anni di presenza profetica. 30 novembre 1980-1990. c.1 1
282.45 G147 Gammino, G. et al. 10 anni di presenza profetica. 30 novembre 1980-1990. c.2 1
282.45 G147 Gammino, G. et al. 10 anni di presenza profetica. 30 novembre 1980-1990. c.3 1
282.45 M549 Merola, S. Saint Pudenziana's Basilica c.1 1
282.45 M549 Merola, S. Saint Pudenziana's Basilica c.2 1
282.45 M66 Minucci, G. La città di Grosseto e i suoi vescovi. c.1 1
282.45 M66 Minucci, G. La città di Grosseto e i suoi vescovi. c.2 1
282.45 M8152 Morelli, R. San Sebastiano alle catacombe 1
282.45 Or9 Orvietto. The cathedral 1
282.45 P7583 Poli, M. La chiesa canonicale del SS. Salvatore: un complesso 1
architettonico innovativo nel cuore di Bologna
282.45 R6616 Romanelli, E. Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Roma 1
282.453 P2749 Il Patriarcato di Venezia: situazione al 15 ottobre 1974 1
282.46 C214 Callahan, W.J. Church, politics, and society in Spain, 1750-1874 1
282.46 Es888 Pontificio Colegio Español de Estudios, seminarios y pastoral en un sigle de historia de 1
San José la Iglesia en España (1892-1992)
282.46 Q406 González Rodríguez, M.E. Quiénes son y de dónde vienen : 498 mártires del siglo 1
XX en España
282.5 As425 Phan, P.C. (ed.) The asian synod: texts and commentaries 1
282.5 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Instrumentum laboris : Jesus Christ the Savior and his c.1 1
Bishops. Special Assembly for mission of love and service in Asia : "…that they may life
Asia and have it abundantly" (Jn 10:10)
282.5 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Instrumentum laboris : Jesus Christ the Savior and his c.2 1
Bishops. Special Assembly for mission of love and service in Asia : "…that they may life
Asia and have it abundantly" (Jn 10:10)
282.5 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Instrumentum laboris : Jesus Christ the Savior and his c.3 1
Bishops. Special Assembly for mission of love and service in Asia : "…that they may life
Asia and have it abundantly" (Jn 10:10)
282.5 F66 Florez, G. An appeal to the Church: the mission of the Church in 1
282.5 J6138 John Paul II Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Asia c.1 1
282.5 J6138 John Paul II Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Asia c.2 1
282.5 Z13 Zago, M. Volti della Chiesa in asia 1
282.509045 F69 Fox, T.C. Pentecost in Asia: a new way of being Church 1
282.509051 C69 Colloquium on church in Asia in the 21st 1
282.519 T546 Tjeng, P.E.-C. A survery report on the religious life of the laity in the 1
Catholic Church of Korea
282.519 Y839 Youn, M. I padri della chiesa coreana 1
282.5990904 F11 Fabros, W. The church and its social involvement … 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.6 C27 Cast away fear: a contribution to the African Synod c.1 1
282.6 C27 Cast away fear: a contribution to the African Synod c.2 1
282.6 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of An update on the reactions and projects realised or 1
Bishops. Special Assembly for underway following the publication of the post-synodal
Africa apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Africa
282.6 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Nuntius : The Church in Africa and her evangelizing 1
Bishops. Special Assembly for mission towards the year 2000 «You shall be my
Africa witnesses» (Acts 1:8)
282.6 Sy77 Synod of Bishops. Special The Church in Africa and her evangelizing mission c.1 1
Assembly for Africa towards the year 2000 «You shall be my witnesses» (Acts
1:8). Instrumentum laboris
282.6 Sy77 Synod of Bishops. Special The Church in Africa and her evangelizing mission c.2 1
Assembly for Africa towards the year 2000 «You shall be my witnesses» (Acts
1:8). Instrumentum laboris
282.609049 Af83 Browne, M. The African Synod: documents, reflection, perspectives 1

282.609049 Uz8 Uzukwu, E. A listening Church: Autonomy and communion in african 1

282.6751 M989 MWANSA André Dynamique d'une pastorale d'ensemble axée sur la mission des c.2 1
laïcs, selon Vatican II : essai d'application à l'histoire religieuse
du Zaïre
282.6751 M989 MWANSA André Dynamique d'une pastorale d'ensemble axée sur la mission des c.3 1
laïcs, selon Vatican II : essai d'application à l'histoire religieuse
du Zaïre
282.73 C683 Coll, R. How to understand Church and ministry in the United 1
282.7471 C6601 Cohalan, F.D. A popular history of the Archdiocese of New York c.1 1
282.7471 C6601 Cohalan, F.D. A popular history of the Archdiocese of New York c.2 1
282.764 B3898 Becoming the Body of Christ : a history of the Diocese of 1
Corpus Christi
282.8 P96 Puebla and beyond 1
282.8 R38 Richard, P. Death of Christendoms, birth of the Church 1
282.9 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Lineamenta : Jesus Christ and the Peoples of Oceania : 1
Bishops. Special Assembly for Walking his Way, telling his Truth, living his Life
282.9 C2862 Catholic Church. Synod of Nuntius : Jesus Christ and the Peoples of Oceania : 1
Bishops. Special Assembly for Walking his Way, telling his Truth, living his Life
284 P75 Pol, Willem World Protestantism 1
284.10924 K9572 Kuhns, W. In pursuit of Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1
287.6914 So1 Sobrepeña, E.C. That they may be one 1
289.325 L61 Il libro di Mormon: un altro testamento di Gesù Cristo c.1 1
289.325 L61 Il libro di Mormon: un altro testamento di Gesù Cristo c.2 1
290 C31 Cavendish, R. The great religions 1
290 El41 Eliade, M. The sacred and the profane : the nature of religion 1
290 H22 Hardon, J.A. Religions of the world v.1 1
290 H22 Hardon, J.A. Religions of the world v.2 1
290 P24 Parrindes, G. The world's living religions 1
290 W89 The world's religions c.1 1
290 W89 The world's religions c.2 1
291 B76 Briault, M. Polytheism and fetishisim 1
291 El41 Eliade, M. Patterns in comparative religion 1
291 G133 Galilea, Segundo Religiosidad popular y pastoral 1
291 M34 Marriage and the family in today's world. 1
291 Sm28 Smart, N. The religious experience of mankind 1
291 Sm6 Smith, Wilfred C. Towards a world theology : faith and the comparative... 1
291.095 J63 Johnson, D. A reasoned look at asian religions 1
291.095 R27 Kitagawa, J. The religious traditions of Asia 1
291.1 R27 Irudayaraj, X. Religion and national integration 1
291.171 B47 Biernatzki, W. Roots of acceptance : the inter-cultural communication of 1
religious meanings
291.172 B73 Braybrooke, M. Pilgrimage of hope: 100 years of global interfaith dialogue 1

291.172 C83 Coward, H. Pluralism: Challenge to world religions 1

291.172 Em76 Emptying God... 1
291.177 L5101 LEE Linus Sang-Taek The catholic human rights doctrine and its encounter with the c.2 1
confucian social tradition
291.178 C28 Catholic Church... Charter for health care workers. .. 1
291.4 K9673 Kurtz, E. The spirituality of imperfection : modern wisdom from 1
classic stories
291.422 J73 Johnston, W. The inner eye of love 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
291.44 F84 Franck, F. Pilgrimage to now/here 1
294 Ea7 Ellwood, R. Eastern spirituality in america: Selected writings 1
294.3 F39 Fernando; Swidler Buddhism made simple 1
294.3424 L71 Lithai, King... Traibhumikatha : story of the three planes of existence 1
( Anthology of ASEAN literatures)
294.3927 H11 Habito, R. Total liberation: Zen spirituality and the social dimension 1

294.5 K8978 Krishnananda, S. The philosophy of life: a critical exposition of the 1

fundamental principles in eastern and western philosophy
in the light of the doctrines of Swami Sivananda

294.5 K8978 Krishnananda, S. The realisation of the absolute: a treatise on the vedanta- 1
philosophy and its methodology
294.52110924 Si93 Sivananda, S. Lord Shanmukha and his worship 1
294.54 Si93 Sivananda, S. Japa Yoga 1
294.543 A91 A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Il nettare della devozione : la scienza completa del bhakti- 1
Prabhupāda yoga
294.544 A91 A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Il libro di Krsna 1
294.555 Si93 Sivananda, S. Epistles 1
294.555 Si93 Sivananda, S. Thought-power 1
294.5610924 Si93 Sivananda, S. Light fountain 1
294.5921 Si93 Sivananda, S. Ten Upanishads 1
294.5924 A91 A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami La Bhagavad-Gītā così com'è 1
294.5924 B46 Bhagavad-Gita as it is 1
296 Oe8 Oesterreicher, J. The Rediscovery of Judaism 1
296 R91 Russell, D.S. Between the Testaments. 1
296 W38 Weber, M. Ancient Judaism 1
296 W93 Wright, G.E. The challenge of Israel's faith 1
296.1 Sch2 Schechter, S. Aspects of rabbinic theology 1
296.15 D34 Dead sea scrolls. 1
296.3 Sch6 Schoeps, H.J. The jewish-christian argument 1
296.3872 N66 Kasimov; Sherwin No religion is an island. 1
296.45371 H1225 Haggada 1
297 Al104 Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M.M. Translation of the meanings of the noble Qur'an in the c.1 1
(trs.) english language
297 Al104 Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M.M. Translation of the meanings of the noble Qur'an in the c.2 1
(trs.) english language
297 Ib7 Ibrahim, I.A. A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam 1
297 M88 Mubabaya, M.P. Islam: the solution to the world's perplexing social 1
297.0239 B1797 Bakry, K.H. Jesus Christ in the Qur'an, Muhammad in the Bible 1
297.026 P7532 Poggi, V.; Ryan, P.J. Islam and culture (Inculturation: Working papers on living 1
faith and cultures n. 6)
297.09595 Z13 Zainah Anwar Islamic revivalism in Malaysia 1
297.2 Al101 Al-Arfaj, N.I. Just one message! c.1 1
297.2 Al101 Al-Arfaj, N.I. Just one message! c.2 1
297.2 Al105 Al-Lahim, H.M. The principles of Islam 1
297.2 Al105 Al-Lahim, H.M. The principles of Islam 1
297.2 Al105 Al-Lahim, H.M. The principles which man will be asked about in the grave 1
and on the day of judgement
297.2 M3818 Masri, G. A glimpse of islamic faith 1
297.2 M3818 Masri, G.; Adam, N.J. The way to happiness 1
297.2 M931 Murad, M. This message is for you c.1 1
297.2 M931 Murad, M. This message is for you c.2 1
297.24 D3605 Deedat, A. Christ in Islam 1
297.24 P539 Philips, A.A.B. The true message of Jesus Christ 1
297.265 B85 Bucaille, M. The Qur'an and modern science 1
297.446 Sco68 Scoprire il pellegrinaggio nell'Islam in cammino con 1
299.51 F3561 FENG Joseph Xinshe Is the "ethical path" of Confucius a journey in "deepening c.2 1
interior freedom"? An evaluation of his teachings in the
Analects in the light of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of
299.514 B62 Blofeld, J. Taoism : the quest for immortality 1
299.6 On9 Onwubiko, O. African thought, religion and culture 1
300.18 D95 Duverger, M. Introduction to the social science 1
300.18 G35 Gibson, Q. The logic of social enquiry 1
301 Ab7 Liu; Solomon Abortion: New directions for policy studies 1
301 B45 Berger, P. Invitation to sociology : a humanistic perspective 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
301 F44 Fichter, J. Sociology 1
301 In5 Inkeles, A. What is sociology c.1 1
301 In5 Inkeles, A. What is sociology c.2 1
301 J63 Johnson, H. Sociology : a systematic introduction... 1
301 K71 Kluckhohn, C. Mirror for man 1
301 L91 Lothstein, A. "All we are saying…" The philosophy of the new left 1
301 So1394 Kostantinov, F. et al. La sociologia sovietica 1
301 St97 Sturzo, Luigi La società, sua natura e leggi 1
301 Su67 Sumner, W. G. Folkways 1
301 W38 Weber, M. Basic concepts in sociology 1
301.01 M36 Martindale Nature and types of sociological theory 1
301.018 St89 Structuralism 1
301.02 R73 Ross, E.J. Fundamental sociology 1
301.08 H15 Halloran Uses of sociology 1
301.082 Am35 American Sociological… Sociology today v.1 1
301.082 Am35 American Sociological… Sociology today v.2 1
301.09 Ar67 Aron, R. Main currents in sociological thought c.1 1
301.09 Ar67 Aron, R. Main currents in sociological thought c.2 1
301.09 C23 Carroll, J. Storia della sociologia 1
301.14 P8711 Powell, J. Why am I afraid to tell you who I am? : (insights on self- 1
awareness, personal growth and interpersonal
301.14 P8711 Powell, J. Why am I afraid to tell you who I am? Insights into 1
personal growth
301.15 K87 Krech, Individual in society 1
301.15 M46 Mead, G.M. Mind, self and society 1
301.151 K6721 Klein, J. Sociologia dei gruppi (The study of groups) 1
301.24 T57 Toffler, A. Future shock 1
301.243 H1401 Hall, E.T. The silent language 1
301.243 M268 Marcuse, H. One-dimensional man: studies in the ideology of 1
advanced industrial society
301.32 B4196 Beltrão, P.C. Analisi della popolazione mondiale 1
301.32 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The family and human procreation 1
Council for the Family
301.32072054 M37 Mascarenhas, M.M. Population education for quality of life 1
301.34 C83 Coutinho, B. Community development through adult education and 1
301.35 K9596 Kulp, E.M. Rural development planning: systems analysis and 1
working method
301.35 L4988 Ledesma, A.L. et al. (eds.) Dialogue with Asia's rural man: a report of the 1
Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia
Workshop, 4-25 August 1974, Swanganivas, Thailand
301.35 W84 Wolf, E.R. Peasants 1
301.35018 Y161 Yang H.-P. Fact-finding with rural people : a guide to effective social 1
301.36 C83 Cox, H. The secular city c.1 1
301.36 C83 Cox, H. The secular city c.2 1
301.36 C83 Cox, H. The secular city c.3 1
301.364 B83 Burgess; Bogues Urban sociology 1
301.364 C13 Callahan, D. The secular city debate 1
301.364 M83 Morris, R. Urban sociology 1
301.4 So1 Banton, M. (ed.) The social anthropology of complex societies 1
301.4157 D85 du Mas, F. Gay is not good 1
301.42 F92 Fromm, E. The art of loving 1
301.42 P25 Parsons; Bales Family socialization and interaction process. 1
301.42 St36 Steinmetz, U. I will: the present and future of marriage 1
301.420966 M313 Marie-André du Sacré-Coeur The house stands firm: family life in west Africa 1
301.426 G76 Granfield, D. The abortion decision 1
301.426 N6 Novak, M. The experience of marriage: the testimony of Catholic 1
301.426 Ob6 O’Brien, J. Giants of the faith 1
301.426 P99 Pyle, L. Pope and pill 1
301.426 R44 Riker, C. Understanding marriage 1
301.426 Su24 Suenens, L.-J. Love and control. 1
301.43 Sh35 Sheehy, G. Passages: Predictable crises of adult life 1
301.44 W24 Warner, W. Social class in America 1
301.451 Et38 Ethnicity 1
301.53 W1681 Walsh, M.E.; Furfey, P.H. Social problems and social action 1
301.55 Un313 Unione cristiana imprenditori I fattori umani nello sviluppo economico, dalla zappa alla 1
dirigenti automazione
301.58 R54 Robertson, Roland Sociology of religion : selected readings. 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
301.58 W38 Weber, M. Gesammelte aufsätze zur religionssoziologie v.1 1
301.58 W38 Weber, M. Gesammelte aufsätze zur religionssoziologie v.2 1
301.58 W38 Weber, M. Gesammelte aufsätze zur religionssoziologie v.3 1
301.6 C68 Colfax, J.D.; Roach, J.L. (eds.) Radical sociology 1

302.2 C28 Catholic Church. Pontifical Ethics in advertising c.2 1

Council for Social
302.2 C28 Catholic Church. Pontifical Ethics in advertising 1
Council for Social
302.2 C28 Catholic Church. Pontifical Ethics in communications 1
Council for Social
302.2 C28 Catholic Church. Pontifical Ethics in internet 1
Council for Social
302.2 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Pastoral instruction Aetatis novae on social 1
Council for Social communications on the twentieth anniversary of
Communications Communio et progressio
302.2 C2862 Pontifical Council for Social Pastoral instruction Aetatis novae on social c.2 1
Communications communications on the twentieth anniversary of
Communio et progressio
302.23 M22 McLuhan, M. Understanding media 1
303.372 So13 Societa e valori etici – cristiani e valori etici 1
303.48 As41 The Asia Group accredited to A conference on "A dialogue on globalization: challenges c.1 1
the Holy See and opportunities for countries of the Asia group" (Rome,
7 December 2001)
303.48 As41 The Asia Group accredited to A conference on "A dialogue on globalization: challenges c.2 1
the Holy See and opportunities for countries of the Asia group" (Rome,
7 December 2001)
303.48 So1383 Society of Jesus. Task Force Globalisation and marginalisation : Our global apostolic 1
on Globalisation and response
303.482 C89 Mead, M. Cultural patterns and technical change 1
303.482 F1502 World Commission on the A fair globalization: creating opportunities for all 1
Social Dimension of
303.482728072 N33 Nelson-Pallmeyer, J. War against the poor: Low intensity conflict and Christian 1
303.49 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Ethical and pastoral dimensions of population trends 1
Council for the Family
303.6 C4706 Chua, A. World on fire : how exporting free market democracy 1
breeds ethnic hatred and global instability
303.64 En23 Stedman, S.J.; Rothchild, D.; Ending civil wars : the implementation of peace 1
Cousens, E.M. (eds.) agreements
303.69 P3133 Caritas Internationalis Peacebuilding : a Caritas training manual 1
304.66 N21 Natural family planning – nature’s way God’s way c.1 1
304.66 N21 Natural family planning – nature’s way God’s way c.2 1
304.66 N21 Natural family planning – nature’s way God’s way c.3 1
304.66309 P8716 Power, S. A problem from hell : America and the age of genocide 1
304.80941 M58 Jackson, J.A. (ed.) Migration (Sociological Studies 2) 1
304.875 Im65 Presidenza del Consiglio dei L'immigrazione nella stampa italiana. Materiali di v.1 1
Ministri. Dipartimento per documentazione (1989-1990)
l'Informazione e l'Editoria
304.875 Im65 Presidenza del Consiglio dei L'immigrazione nella stampa italiana. Materiali di v.2 1
Ministri. Dipartimento per documentazione (1989-1990)
l'Informazione e l'Editoria
304.875 Im65 Presidenza del Consiglio dei L'immigrazione nella stampa italiana. Materiali di v.3 p.1 1
Ministri. Dipartimento per documentazione (1989-1990)
l'Informazione e l'Editoria
304.875 Im65 Presidenza del Consiglio dei L'immigrazione nella stampa italiana. Materiali di v.3 p.2 1
Ministri. Dipartimento per documentazione (1989-1990)
l'Informazione e l'Editoria
305.230951 W977 Wylie, M. Children of China 1
305.4 W84 Women in development: a resource guide for organization 1
and action
305.42 B3965 Beijing to Beijing+5 : review and appraisal of the 1
implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action : report
of the Secretary-General
305.4205 W84 Women’s journal supplement 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
305.8 As41 The Asia Group accredited to A Conference on "A dialogue among civilizations: the path c.1 1
the Holy See to peace and solidarity" (Rome, 10 December 1999)

305.8 As41 The Asia Group accredited to A Conference on "A dialogue among civilizations: the path c.2 1
the Holy See to peace and solidarity" (Rome, 10 December 1999)

305.8 As41 The Asia Group accredited to Acts of the Conference on "A Dialogue on Human Rights 1
the Holy See among Civilizations" (Rome, 12 December 2000)

305.875 R2197 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Razzismo e intolleranza nella società italiana. Materiali di v.1 1
Ministri. Dipartimento per documentazione (1988-1989)
l'Informazione e l'Editoria
305.875 R2197 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Razzismo e intolleranza nella società italiana. Materiali di v.2 1
Ministri. Dipartimento per documentazione (1988-1989)
l'Informazione e l'Editoria
305.875 R2197 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Razzismo e intolleranza nella società italiana. Materiali di v.3 1
Ministri. Dipartimento per documentazione (1988-1989)
l'Informazione e l'Editoria
306 M29 Malinowski, B. Magic, science and religion 1
306.089922 M34 McKinnon, S. From a shattered sun: hierarchy, gender, and alliance in 1
the Tanimbar Islands
306.08998 C34 Chagnon, N.A. Yanomamö: the fierce people 1
306.0967 T8494 Turnbull, C.M. The lonely african 1
306.4 Sch22 Scheler, M. Sociologia del sapere 1
306.6 C2343 Carrier, H.; Pin, E. Saggi di sociologia religiosa 1
306.6 C36 Chandra. M. Islamic resurgence in Malaysia 1
306.6 Ef22 Effective inculturation and ethnic identity 1
306.6 G92 Grumelli, Antonio Sociologia della religione. 1
306.6 T3711 Thompson, I. Religion (Sociology in focus) 1
306.6 T82 Tham, Seong Chee Religion and modernization : a study of changing rituals 1
among Singapore's Chinese, Malays and Indians

306.7 H19 Handbook on critical sexual issues 1

306.8 Ss24 Ssekamwa, J.C. Towards a happy marriage 1
306.85 B4196 Beltrão, P.C. Sociologia della famiglia contemporanea 1
306.85 M373 Mascarenhas, M.M. Family life education. Value education 1
306.85 M5886 Miguel-Aguirre, A. Ethical and social issues facing life, love and family 1
306.85 T74 Trobisch, I.; Ruiz, R.C. Family life education: selected papers 1
306.9 M79 Moraczewski, A. Determination of death : theological, medical, ethical and 1
legal issues
307 P33 Peck, M.S. The different drum 1
307.2 G63 Goode, W.J.; Hatt, P.K. Methods in social research 1
307.2 Y5 Young, P.V. Scientific social surveys and research: an introduction to 1
the background, content, methods, principles and analysis
of social studies
307.72 B23 Barberis, C. Sociologia rurale c.1 1
307.72 B23 Barberis, C. Sociologia rurale c.2 1
307.76 M91 Mumford, Lewis The city in history : its origins and transformations 1
309.14708 P44 Pethybridge, R. The social prelude to Stalinism 1
309.14971 H16 Halpern, J. A Serbian village 1
309.1724 L49 Lebret, L.J. The last revolution 1
309.18106 M78 Moosbrugger, B. A voice of the third world: Dom Helder Camara 1
309.1861063 T63 Torres, Camilo Revolutionary priest : the complete writings and 1
messages of Camilo Torres.
312 Su84 Sutherland, H. Laws of life 1
317.3 W89 World almanac and book of facts 1988 1
317.3 W89 World almanac and book of facts 1989 1
317.3 W89 World almanac and book of facts 1990 1
320.01 G553 Goenaga, J. Philosophia socialis c.1 1
320.01 G553 Goenaga, J. Philosophia socialis c.2 1
320.01 G553 Goenaga, J. Philosophia socialis c.3 1
320.01 G553 Goenaga, J. Philosophia socialis c.4 1
320.01 G553 Goenaga, J. Philosophia socialis c.5 1
320.01 H88 Hume, D. Political essays (ed. Hendel, C.W.) 1
320.01 N4994 NGUYEN VAN TAI Pierre De l'antimoderne à l'humanisme intégral : essai d'interprétation c.2 1
des idées socio-politiques de Jacques Maritain à travers ses
écrits majeurs de 1921 à 1936
320.01 R76 Rousseau, J. The social contract 1
320.011 H3618 Hegel, G.W.F. Scritti di filosofia del diritto (1802-1803) (ed. A. Negri) 1
320.011 R22 Reading Rawls : critical studies on Rawls 1
320.1 L8841 Lord, C. The modern prince : what leaders need to know now 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
320.1 Un313 Unione christiana imprenditori Il bene comune: fondamento di equilibrio politico sociale 1
320.3 St432 Stepan, A. Arguing comparative politics 1
320.3091724 G8201 Green, D.; Luehrmann, L. Comparative politics of the third world : linking concepts 1
and cases
320.473 P27 Patman, W. Our American government 1
320.51 Ac5 Ackerman, B. Social Justice in the Liberal State 1
320.5409 Sm6 Smith, A. The ethnic origins of nations 1
320.94 H3618 Hegel, G.W.F. Scritti politici (1798-1806) (ed. A. Plebe) 1
320.94708 K8304 Kolarz, W. How Russia is ruled 1
321.642 C16 Cantril, H. Soviet leaders and mastery over man 1
321.642 H99 Hyde, D. The peaceful assault 1
321.642 M32 Mao Tse Tung Quotations from Chairman Mao 1
321.8 P87 The power of the democratic idea 1
321.8 Un11 Newman, E.; Rich, R. (eds.) The UN role in promoting democracy : between ideals and 1
322.10973 K29 Kelly, G.A. Church and state in America: Catholic questions 1
322.420984 N37 Nestor My life for my friends … 1
323 H8801 Horowitz, S.; Schnabel, A. Human rights and societies in transition : causes, 1
(eds.) consequences, responses
323.097285 R44 Right to survive: human rights in nicaragua 1
323.15489 Et384 The ethnic problem in Sri Lanka: a collection of articles 1
and essays
323.4 Im1 Goldie, R.M. (ed.) Image of man in human rights legislations: a pilot study 1

323.4082 N46 Newman, E. The freedom reader 1

323.442 R1827 Rapporto 2000 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo (Quaderni c.1 1
della Chiesa che soffre)
323.442 R1827 Rapporto 2002 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo (Quaderni c.1 1
della Chiesa che soffre)
323.442 R1827 Rapporto 2004 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo (Quaderni c.1 1
della Chiesa che soffre)
323.442 R1827 Rapporto 2000 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo (Quaderni c.2 1
della Chiesa che soffre)
323.442 R1827 Rapporto 2002 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo (Quaderni c.2 1
della Chiesa che soffre)
323.442 R1827 Rapporto 2004 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo (Quaderni c.2 1
della Chiesa che soffre)
323.442 R1827 Rapporto 2000 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo (Quaderni c.3 1
della Chiesa che soffre)
323.442 R1827 Rapporto 2001 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo (Quaderni 1
della Chiesa che soffre)
323.49 Am65 Amnesty International Amnesty International report 1991 1
323.49 Am65 Amnesty International Amnesty International report 1994 1
323.4909728 H88 Human rights in Central America 1
324.243 Sp7 Spretnak, Charlene The spiritual dimension of green politics. 1
325.145 C7674 Caritas Roma Contemporary Immigration in Italy: Current trends and 1
future prospects
325.145 Im65 Caritas di Roma Immigrazione: Dossier statistico '98 1
325.210722 M45 Mayotte, J. Disposable people? The plight of refugees c.1 1
325.210722 M45 Mayotte, J. Disposable people? The plight of refugees c.2 1
325.45 P68 Pittau, F.; Ulivi, G. L’Altra Italia : il pianeta emigrazione 1
327 Es742 Mingst,K.A; Snyder, J.L. (eds.) Essential readings in world politics 1

327 R919 Russett, B.; Starr, H. La politica mondiale: introduzione allo studio delle 1
relazione internazionali
327.094 P7735 Pond, E. The rebirth of Europe (2nd ed.) 1
327.101 B3437 Baylis, J.; Smith, S. The globalization of world politics : an introduction to 1
international relations (2nd ed.)
327.172 P3132 The peace movements. Les mouvements de la paix. 1
Friedensbewegungen. Analysis and evaluation,
motivations and aspects. Proceedings of the Symposium
organized by FIUC and Club of Rome (Salzburg, 18-21
February 1983)
327.17470973 G1352 Gallagher, N.W. The politics of verification 1
327.2 P778 Pontifical Council for Justice John Paul II and the family of peoples: The Holy Father to 1
and Peace the diplomatic corps (1978-2002)
327.4 L6974 Lister, F.K. The European Union, the United Nations, and the revival 1
of confederal governance
327.43 B7343 Brandt, W. A peace policy for Europe 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
327.456 C6855 A collection of documents on the history of the 60 years of 1
sino-vatican diplomatic relations
327.456 C7493 Il Concordato del 1984 : la normativa pattizia e le 1
disposizioni attuative nell'ordinamento civile e canonico
327.456 In813 Inter Sanctam Sedem et Italiae Regnum Conventiones 1
initae die 11 Februarii 1929
327.456 R327 dalla Torre, G. (ed.) La revisione del Concordato 1
327.45634056 Ir15 Irani, G.E. The Papacy and the Middle East : the role of the Holy See 1
in the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1962-1984
327.47 Er37 Erfurt, W. Moscow's policy in Germany : a study in contemporary 1
327.47 T4131 Haines, C.G. (ed.) The threat of soviet imperialism 1
327.51047 W4242 Wei, H. China and Soviet Russia 1
327.597073 H5351 Higgins, M. Our Vietnam nightmare 1
327.73 K643 Kissinger, H. Does America need a foreign policy? Toward a diplomacy 1
for the 21st century
327.73 P375 Penella de Silva, M. My dear Mister Truman 1
329.30221 D71 Donahue, B. Private plans and public danger 1
330 Sa4 Samuelson, P. Economics 1
330 Sch861 Schumacher, E.F. Small is beautiful : economics as if people mattered 1
330 W58 Whitehead, G. Economics made simple 1
330.01 Se551 Sen, A. Development as freedom 1
330.1 L72 Little, I.M.D. A critique of welfare economics 1
330.10922 H36 Heilbroner, R. The worldly philosophers 1
330.16 L2336 Landes, D.S. The wealth and poverty of nations : why some are so rich 1
and some so poor
330.9 M996 Myrdal, G. Teoria economica e paesi sottosviluppati 1
330.943 Sp92 Spulber, N. The economics of communist eastern Europe 1
330.95404 M99 Myrdal, G. Asian drama : an inquiry into the poverty of nations v.1 1
330.95404 M99 Myrdal, G. Asian drama : an inquiry into the poverty of nations v.2 1
330.95404 M99 Myrdal, G. Asian drama : an inquiry into the poverty of nations v.3 c.1 1
330.95404 M99 Myrdal, G. Asian drama : an inquiry into the poverty of nations v.3 c.2 1
330.973 G13 Galbraith, J. The affluent society 1
330.973 L97 Lumer, Hyman Poverty : its roots and its future. 1
331.10186 M85 Mosher, A. Getting agriculture moving 1
331.25 P5491 Peccoud, D. (ed.) Philosophical and spiritual perspectives on decent work 1

331.2544 In8 International Labour Office Social security - a workers' education manual 1
331.89 C6943 Collins, J.J. Bargaining at the local level 1
331.89 In8 International Labour Office Collective bargaining – a workers 1
332.152 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical At the service of the human community : an ethical 1
Commission Iustitia et pax approach to the international debt question. 27 December
332.152 D4514 de Salins, A.; Villeroy de The modern development of financial activities in the light 1
Galhau, F. of the ethical demands of Christianity
332.1532 G3355 Getting to know the World Bank : a guide for young 1
332.7 El266 Elements of social credit 1
333.72 M65 Mines, S. Gli ultimi giorni dell'umanità: sopravvivenza ecologica o 1
estinzione (=The last days of mankind. Ecological survival
or extinction)
334 C8372 Coutinho, B. Co-operation: the key to progress. A guide for co- c.1 1
operative leaders
334 C8372 Coutinho, B. Co-operation: the key to progress. A guide for co- c.2 1
operative leaders
334 C8372 Coutinho, B. Co-operation: the key to progress. A guide for co- c.3 1
operative leaders
334 C8372 Coutinho, B. Co-operation: the key to progress. A guide for co- c.4 1
operative leaders
334.08 In8 International Labour Office Co-operation - a workers' education manual c.1 1
334.08 In8 International Labour Office Co-operation - a workers' education manual c.2 1
335.009 L14 Laidler, H. History of socialism 1
335.009 V95 Vranicki, P. Storia del Marxismo v.1 1
335.009 V95 Vranicki, P. Storia del Marxismo v.2 1
335.0094 V25 Valverde, C. Los orígenes del marxismo 1
335.1 St767 Stouffer, S.A. et al. Studies in social psychology in World War II v.4 1
335.4 D64 Djilas, M. The new class : an analysis of the communist system 1
335.4 F434 Feuer, L.S. (ed.) Marx and Engels: basic writings on politics and philosophy 1

335.4 L836 Lojacono, G. L'ideologia marxista. v.1: Il materialismo dialettico v.1 1

335.4 P8451 Possony, S.T. A century of conflict 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
335.40924 C25 Carver, T. Engels 1
335.40924 Si64 Singer, P. Marx 1
335.42 L33 Laski, H. The communist manifesto 1
335.43 B14 Baggio, A. Da Marx a Cristo 1
335.43 B73 Braun, L. Has communism changed since Lenin? A study in 1
335.7 D73 Dorrien, G. Reconstructing the common good 1
337 St528 Stiglitz, J.E. Globalization and its discontents 1
337.0904 M17 McGinnis, J. Bread and justice toward a new international economic c.1 1
337.0904 M17 McGinnis, J. Bread and justice toward a new international economic c.2 1
338.19 C27 Castro, J. de The black book of hunger 1
338.19 F73 Food and Agriculture World Food Programme : a story of multilateral aid (3rd c.1 1
Organization of the United ed., rev.)
338.19 F73 Food and Agriculture World Food Programme : a story of multilateral aid (3rd c.2 1
Organization of the United ed., rev.)
338.19 F73 Food and Agriculture World Food Programme : a story of multilateral aid (3rd c.3 1
Organization of the United ed., rev.)
338.19 W89349 World Food Summit Rome Declaration on World Food Security and World 1
Food Summit Plan of Action
338.4791 G49 Theobald, W. (ed.) Global tourism: the next decade 1
338.76223382092 J6131 Latham, E. (ed.) John D. Rockefeller : robber baron or industrial 1
338.9 H36 Heilbroner,R. The great ascent 1
338.9 J685 Jolly, R.; Emmerij, L.; Ghai, D.; UN contributions to development thinking and practice 1
Lapeyre, F.
338.9 M47 Meier,G. Leading issues in econ. development. 1
338.91 B16 Bairoch, P. The economic development of the 3rd world 1
338.91 M44 Maury, M. The good war 1
338.91 P25 Pearson, L. Partners in development 1
338.91 So1 SoDePax Partnership or privilege? An ecumenical reaction to the 1
second development decade
338.91 Un3 United Nations Conference on 1
Trade and Development
338.911724 M99 Myrdal, G. The challenge of world poverty 1
338.927 Sa48 Sampson, G.P. The world trade organization and sustainable 1
339.4608 B61 Blaustein, A. Man against poverty. World War III 1
340.07 K96 Kurtscheid, B. De methodologia historico iuridica 1
340.0924 J329 Jaworski, L. Confession and avoidance : a memoir 1
340.1 B43 Bender, L. Philosophia iuris 1
340.1 P5494 Dworkin, R.M. (ed.) The philosophy of law (Oxford readings in philosophy) 1
340.1 P68 Pizzorni, R. Filosofia del diritto 1
340.1 Sa797 Sastre Santos, E. Metodologia giuridica 1
340.11 R19 Rawls, J. A theory of justice 1
340.54 R57 Robleda, Olis Jus privatum romanum. Introduzione allo studio del diritto 1
341 M68 Mische, G. Toward a human world order 1
341 V83 Vitoria, F. The principles of political and international law in the work 1
of Francisco de Vitoria
341.01 G155 Gangoiti Elorriaga, B. Introductio in philosophiam iuris 1
341.01 R14 Ramírez, S.M. El derecho de gentes : examen crítico de la filosofía … 1
341.132 Un3 United Nations. Department of Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the 1
Public Information International Court of Justice
341.2 En39 Cooper, A.F., English, J.; Enhancing global governance : towards a new diplomacy? 1
Thakur, R. (eds.)
341.23 J685 Jolly, R.; Emmerij, L.; Weiss, The power of UN ideas : lessons from the first 60 years : a 1
T.G. summary of the books and findings from the United
Nations Intellectual History Project
341.23 K38 Kennedy, P.M. The parliament of man : the past, present and future of 1
the United Nations
341.23 Un314 Alger, C.F.; Lyons, G.M.; The United Nations system : the policies of member 1
Trent, J.E. (eds.) states
341.23 Un315 United Nations Charter of economic rights and duties of states 1
341.2305 G5102 A global agenda : issues before the 57th general 1
assembly of the United Nations


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
341.2305 G5102 A global agenda : issues before the 58th general 1
assembly of the United Nations
341.2305 G5102 A global agenda : issues before the 59th general 1
assembly of the United Nations
341.2305 G5102 A global agenda : issues before the 60th general 1
assembly of the United Nations
341.2309 W4361 Weiss, T.G.; Carayannis, T.; UN voices : the struggle for development and social 1
Emmerij, L.; Jolly, R. justice
341.2309044 Sch38 Schlesinger, S.C. Act of creation : the founding of the United Nations : a 1
story of superpowers, secret agents, wartime allies and
enemies, and their quest for a peaceful world
341.2309494 Un314 Boisard, M.A.; Chossudovsky, The United Nations system at Geneva : scope and 1
E.M. (eds.) practices of multilateral diplomacy and co-operation
341.231 W4361 Weiss, T.G.; Forsythe, D.P.; The United Nations and changing world politics (4th ed.) 1
Coate, R.A.
341.2323 B1511 Bailey, S.D., Daws, S. The procedure of the UN Security Council 1
341.2323 Un11 Malone, D.M. (ed.) The UN Security Council : from the cold war to the 21st 1
341.2324 M6121 Miller, R.I. Dag Hammarskjold and crisis diplomacy 1
341.242 E88 Nelsen, B.F.; Stubb, A.C-G. The European Union: readings in the theory and practice 1
of European integration
341.2422 N144 La naissance d'un continent nouveau 1
341.33 So15 Sodano, A. Il lievito del Vangelo : la presenza della Santa Sede nella 1
vita dei popoli
341.481 In886 Internationales Colloquium über Menschenrechte. 1
International round-table discussion on human rights
341.481 M754 Monni, P. L'informazione : un diritto, un dovere : rassegna di c.1 1
normativa internazionale
341.481 M754 Monni, P. L'informazione : un diritto, un dovere : rassegna di c.2 1
normativa internazionale
341.481 M754 Monni, P. L'informazione : un diritto, un dovere : rassegna di c.3 1
normativa internazionale
341.481 M754 Monni, P. L'informazione : un diritto, un dovere : rassegna di c.4 1
normativa internazionale
341.48109 M839 Morsink, J. The universal declaration of human rights : origins, 1
drafting and intent
341.523 Un314 Pugh, M.; Sidhu, W.P.S. The United Nations and regional security 1
341.7 Un314 Schechter, M.G. (ed.) United Nations-sponsored world conferences : focus on 1
impact and follow-up
342.4 Eu7494 Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione Europea 1
342.42085 St83 Street, H. Freedom, the individual and the law 1
342.45 N80 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Norme urgenti in materia di asilo politico, ingresso e c.1 1
Ministri soggiorno dei cittadini extracomunitari e di
regolarizzazione di cittadini extracomunitari ed apolidi già
presenti nel territorio dello stato (Legge 28 febbraio 1990,
n. 39 di conversione del Decreto-legge 30 dicembre 1989,
n. 416) (Collana di testi e documenti, Dipartamento per
l'informazione e l'editoria, n. 3)

342.45 N80 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Norme urgenti in materia di asilo politico, ingresso e c.2 1
Ministri soggiorno dei cittadini extracomunitari e di
regolarizzazione di cittadini extracomunitari ed apolidi già
presenti nel territorio dello stato (Legge 28 febbraio 1990,
n. 39 di conversione del Decreto-legge 30 dicembre 1989,
n. 416) (Collana di testi e documenti, Dipartamento per
l'informazione e l'editoria, n. 3)

342.45 N80 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Norme urgenti in materia di asilo politico, ingresso e c.3 1
Ministri soggiorno dei cittadini extracomunitari e di
regolarizzazione di cittadini extracomunitari ed apolidi già
presenti nel territorio dello stato (Legge 28 febbraio 1990,
n. 39 di conversione del Decreto-legge 30 dicembre 1989,
n. 416) (Collana di testi e documenti, Dipartamento per
l'informazione e l'editoria, n. 3)

342.45 N80 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Norme urgenti in materia di asilo politico, ingresso e c.4 1
Ministri soggiorno dei cittadini extracomunitari e di
regolarizzazione di cittadini extracomunitari ed apolidi già
presenti nel territorio dello stato (Legge 28 febbraio 1990,
n. 39 di conversione del Decreto-legge 30 dicembre 1989,
n. 416) (Collana di testi e documenti, Dipartamento per
l'informazione e l'editoria, n. 3)

342.73 C2301 Carr, R.K.; Bernstein, M.H.; American democracy in theory and practice : the national 1
Morrison, D.H. government. 3rd ed.)


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
344.0188 In8 International Labour Office Freedom of association - a workers' education manual 1
344.41942 M79 Noonan, J. (ed.) The morality of abortion : legal and historical perspectives 1

344.599010269 In7 Institute of Labor… Critical areas in the administration of labor 1

345.45 M6686 Minucci, G. L'ultima ghigliottina della Maremma: A.D. 1822: Il maxi- 1
processo di Grosseto contro la "Banda dei Barbieri"
operante in Toscana
348 M42 Mathis, M.J.; Meyer, N.W. The pastoral companion – a handbook of canon law 1
348.4506 En16 Enciclopedia legale di selezione 1
349.37 L51 Lee, R.W. The elements of Roman Law c.2 1
349.37 L51 Lee, R.W. The elements of Roman Law 1
349.37 N51 Nichols, Barry An introduction to Roman law c.1 1
349.37 N51 Nichols, Barry An introduction to Roman law c.2 1
349.7287 M3199 Manzano Manzano, J. Historia de las recopilaciones de Indias. Vol. 2 : Siglo XVII v.2 1

351.74 D166 Dallin, D.J. Soviet espionage 1

352.42113 M4599 McDermott, A. The new politics of financing the UN 1
354.103 Y277 Yates, P.L. So bold an aim: ten years of international co-operation 1
toward freedom from want
355 M5992 La milicia como tema de nuestro tiempo (Problemas 1
contemporaneas 5)
355.02 T571 Toffler, A. and H. War and anti-war 1
355.3 M3122 Manchester, W. American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964 1
355.347 D5631 Catholic Church. Congregation Dieci anni dopo la promulgazione della Costituzione c.1 1
for Bishops Apostolica Spirituali militum curae : atti del simposio
internazionale degli ordinariati militari, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, 4-8 settembre 1996
355.347 D5631 Catholic Church. Congregation Dieci anni dopo la promulgazione della Costituzione c.2 1
for Bishops Apostolica Spirituali militum curae : atti del simposio
internazionale degli ordinariati militari, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, 4-8 settembre 1996
361 T5508 International Cooperation and To touch the world: stories of the Taiwan spirit 1
Development Fund - Taiwan
361.26 Sm45 Smillie, I.; Minear, L. The charity of nations : humanitarian action in a 1
calculating world
361.70924 H2993 Haverstock, N.A. Give us this day : the story of Sister Dulce, the Angel of 1
361.75 C81 Cormack, Una The church and social work 1
361.75025 C1917 Caritas Internationalis Statutes and rules 1989 1
362.1 M46 1987 Medical and health annual 1

362.1 M46 1988 Medical and health annual 1

362.1 M46 1989 Medical and health annual 1

362.1 M46 1990 Medical and health annual 1

362.1 M46 1991 Medical and health annual 1

362.10924 R86 Rumbaut, R. John of God : his place in the history of psychiatry and 1
362.11 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontificium Ecclesiae instituta valetudini fovendae toto orbe terrarum 1
Consilium pro Valetudinis index (Catholic health care institutions in the world)
362.196998 F72 Follereau, R. Love one another 1
362.50941 W73 Winyard, Stephen No fault of their own : poverty in Britain 1
362.50973 Se48 Seligman, B. Poverty as a public issue 1
362.60973 H6533 Hobman, D. All our futures: the care of the elderly 1
362.82 H3499 Healy, E.F. Marriage guidance: a study of the problems of the married 1
and of those contemplating marriage
362.825 R3994 Riches, V. Sex and social engineering 1
363.440954 R81 Rozario, R. Trafficking in women and children in India 1
363.46 C626 Clowes, B. The facts of life : an authoritative guide to life and family 1
363.46 C88 Crutcher, M. Lime 5 – exploited by choice 1
363.46 P774 Ponnuru, R. The party of death : the democrats, the media, the courts, 1
and the disregard for human life
363.69 In821 Stovel, H. et al. (eds.) Conservation of living religious heritage : papers from the 1
ICCROM 2003 forum on living religious heritage :
conserving the sacred (ICCROM conservation studies 3)


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
363.7 Ou7 World Commission on Our common future 1
Environment and Development

363.96 N21 Natural family planning – development of national 1

364.36 F999 Fyvel, T.R. The insecure offenders : rebellious youth in the welfare 1
365.450947 So49 Solzhenitsyn, A.I. The Gulag Archipelago (1918-1956) : an experiment in 1
literary investigation
366 C67 Coleman, John The Conspirators hierarchy: The Committee of 300 1
366 P92 Preuss, A. Dictionary of secret and other societies 1
366.1 D58 Dillon, G. Grand Orient Freemasonry unmasked ... 1
366.1 Sa395 Salza, J. Masonry unmasked : an insider reveals the secrets of the 1
366.1 W55 Whalen, William J. Christianity and American freemasonry 1
370 W21 Ward, W.E.F. Educating young nations 1
370.1 B81 Brown, Anthony Discipline concepts in education 1
370.1 C8176 Correll, W. Introduzione alla psicopedagogia 1
370.1 F88 Freire, P. Pedagogy of the oppressed c.1 1
370.1 F88 Freire, P. Pedagogy of the oppressed c.2 1
370.1 Si39 Silvestrini, E. L'educazione come processo interiore: S. Agostino T 1
370.11 G4492 Giussani, L. Il rischio educativo 1
370.11408 Si55 Simon, S. Readings in values clarification 1
370.92 F58 Fitzpatrick, E. La Salle, Patron of all teachers. 1
370.92 W31 Washington, B.T. Up from slavery 1
370.945 C1793 Il Cardinale Tolomeo Gallio e il Suo Collegio nel IV 1
centenario della sua fondazione (1583-1983)
371.302812 H394 Henrici, P. A practical guide to study 1
371.332 K281 Keller, B. Improvisations in creative drama 1
371.335 L49 LeBaron, John Making television : a video production.. 1
372.4 M7572 Monroe, M. Growing into reading : how readiness for reading 1
develops at home and at school
372.4144 C36248 Chang, M.K. A study of learning: its definitions, process, measurement 1
and difficulties
377.1 W61 Whittemore, Lewis Bliss The church and secular education 1
377.82 C28 Catholic Church The religious dimension of education in a catholic c.1 1
377.82 C28 Catholic Church The religious dimension of education in a catholic c.2 1
377.82 C28 Catholic Church The religious dimension of education in a catholic c.3 1
377.82 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred The catholic school 1
Congregation for Catholic
377.82 D28 Davis, Daniel New patterns for catholic education … 1
378 D62 A directory of catholic universities and other catholic 1
institutions of higher education
378 Un3 University teaching in transition 1
378.009 N46 Newman, J.H. Rise and progress of universities 1
378.01 N46 Newman, J.H. The Idea of a University 1
378.198 B4391 Bennett, M.E. Getting the most out of college 1
382 In8 Bhagwati, J. International trade 1
382.92 R6431 Sampson, G.P. (ed.) The role of the World Trade Organization in global 1
392.3 T36 Thomas, J. The American Catholic family. 1
392.5 T6352 Torre, J. Processus matrimonialis 1
392.609953 M29 Malinowski, B. Sex and repression in savage society 1
395 F372 Feraúd, J.M. Urbanidad eclesiástica 1
395.4 El57 Elliot, A. General and social letter writing 1
395.52 Ax78 Axtell, R.E. The do's and taboos of hosting international visitors 1
401 K15 Katz, J. Linguistic philosophy 1
403 R22 The Reader's Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary 1
423 A56 The American college encyclopedic dictionary v.1 1
423 A56 The American college encyclopedic dictionary v.2 1
423 M72 Modern American Dictionary 1
423 W39 Webster’s New Collegiate dictionary c.1 1
423 W39 Webster’s New Collegiate dictionary c.2 1
423 W391 Webster's New World dictionary of the american 1
language. 2nd college ed. (1980)
423.1 G8558 Roget, S.R. (ed.) The Greenwich Roget's thesaurus 1
423.1 M44 Mawson, S. Roget's pocket thesaurus 1
423.1 M44 Mawson, S. Roget’s Thesaurus 1
423.1 M44 Mawson, S. Roget’s Thesaurus a treasury of synonyms and antonyms 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
423.1 R63 Dutch, R. The original Roget's thesaurus of English words... 1
423.1 R63 Roget, J. Roget’s Thesaurus of English words and phrases 1
423.1 R63 Roget, P.M. Roget’s Thesaurus of Synonyms and Antonyms 1
423.1 R63 Roget’s Thesaurus 1
423.1 R634 Chapman, R.L. (ed.) Roget's international thesaurus (5th ed.) 1
424 L58 Lewis, N. The new pocket Roget's thesaurus c.1 1
424 L58 Lewis, N. The new pocket Roget's thesaurus c.2 1
424 L58 Lewis, N. The new pocket Roget's thesaurus c.3 1
424 L58 Lewis, N. The new pocket Roget's thesaurus c.4 1
424 L58 Lewis, N. Roget’s Thesaurus in dictionary form 1
428.1 L58 Lewis, N. Rapid vocabulary builder. 1
428.242 H7836 Hornby, A.S. A guide to patterns and usage in English 1
428.246 P851 Potter, B. Inglés para españoles 1
433.2 S444 Weis, E. Schöffler-Weis taschenwörterbuch der englishen und 1
deutschen sprache
433.21 C27 Cassell's new German dictionary c.2 1
433.21 K8185 Köhler, F. Rororo wörterbuch englisch-deutsch 1
433.21 L27 Klatt, E. Langenscheidts taschenwörterbuch der englishen und 1
deutschen sprache
438.242 Sch83 Schulz, D.; Griesbach, H. Deutsche Sprachlehre für Ausländer. Grunstufe, Teil 1 1
438.2421 H87 Huebener, T.: Newmark, M. A first course in german 1
443 L3282 Le Larousse de poche : dictionnaire, noms communs, 1
noms propres, précis de grammaire
443.21 C27 Cassell's new French dictionary c.2 1
443.21 C27 Cassell's new French dictionary c.3 1
443.21 C3467 Chaffurin, L. Dictionnaire français-anglais 1
443.21 H23 Harrap’s concise French and English dictionary (1949) 1
443.21 H23 Harrap’s concise French and English dictionary (1980) 1
448.2 A77 L'art de conjuguer: dictionnaire de 12000 verbes 1
448.2 C8182 Corriere della Sera Corso pratico di francese e inglese 1
448.2 M44 Mauger, G. Cours de langue et de civilisation françaises 1
448.24 A2 Abbadie, Ch. et al. L'expression française: écrite et orale (1976) 1
448.24 A2 Abbadie, Ch. et al. L'expression française: écrite et orale (1985) 1
448.2421 D85 Dubois, M. Larousse’s French-English dictionary 1
448.2421 H2352 Harrap's french vocabulary 1
453 C69 Collins Italian-English dictionary 1
453 C71 Colombo, P. Vocabolario della lingua italiana 1
453 H33 Hazon, M. Grande dizionario inglese-italiano italiano-inglese 1
453 P17 Palazzi, F. Novissimo dizionario della lingua italiana 1
453 Sp4 Spinelli Dizionario italiano-inglese inglese-italiano 1
453.1 C4498 Chiuchiù, A.; Fazi, M.C.; Le preposizioni 1
Bagianti, R.
453.1 G436 Gioda, S. Dizionario sinonimi e contrari 1
453.2 C6921 Love, C.E. (ed.) Collins, Giunti Marzocco concise Italian-English, English- 1
Italian dictionary
453.21 B646 Borrelli, A.; Chinol, E.; Frank, Dizionario fondamentale inglese italiano italiano inglese 1
453.21 C27 Cassell’s Italian-English dictionary c.1 1
453.21 C27 Cassell’s Italian-English dictionary c.2 1
453.21 C27 Cassell’s Italian-English dictionary c.4 1
453.21 D648 Dizionario Garzanti di inglese : italiano-inglese inglese- 1
453.21 L262 Langenscheidt's pocket italian dictionary italian-english 1
453.21 M131 Macchi, V. (ed.) Nuovo dizionario italiano-inglese inglese-italiano 1
453.21 M33 Living language italian dictionary 1
453.21 M38 Putnam's contemporary italian dictionary 1
453.21 N85 Il nuovo dizionario Hazon Garzanti: inglese-italiano, 1
453.21 Q29 Quattri, L. (ed.) Dizionario inglese-italiano italiano-inglese 1
453.21 R44 Reynolds, B. The Penguin Italian dictionary 1
453.21 T91 21st century italian-english english-italian dictionary 1
453.21 W8918 The Wordsworth English-Italian Italian-English dictionary 1

453.21 Z33 Zanichelli dizionario essenziale inglese-italiano italiano- 1

453.31 Sch521 Schmid, B. (ed.) Dizionario italiano-tedesco 1
455 C83 Covello, L.; Giacobbe, A.E. First book in italian 1
458 P35 Pei, M. Getting along in Italian : a Holiday magazine language 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
458.003 C46 Ceppellini, V. Dizionario grammaticale per il buon uso della lingua 1
458.2 R66 Roncari, A. La lingua Italiana 1
458.24 C422 Chérel, A. Italian without toil (Assimil spare-time daily courses) c.1 1
458.24 C422 Chérel, A. Italian without toil (Assimil spare-time daily courses) c.2 1
458.24 C422 Chérel, A. Italian without toil (Assimil spare-time daily courses) c.3 1
458.24 C47 Chiuchiu, A. et al. In italiano: corso di lingua e civiltà a livello iniziale e 1
avanzato: grammatica italiana per stranieri (1985)
458.24 C7399 Comunità di S. Egidio L'italiano per amico: corso di italiano per stranieri 1
458.24 K37 Katerinov, K. La lingua italiana per stranieri. Corso medio (1985) 1
458.24 K37 Katerinov, K.; Boriosi, M.C. La lingua italiana per stranieri. Corso elementare ed c.1 1
intermedio (1985)
458.24 K37 Katerinov, K.; Boriosi, M.C. La lingua italiana per stranieri. Corso elementare ed c.2 1
intermedio (1985)
458.24 K37 Katerinov, K.; Boriosi, M.C. La lingua italiana per stranieri. Corso elementare ed c.3 1
intermedio (1985)
458.24 K37 Katerinov, K.; Boriosi, M.C. La lingua italiana per stranieri (1976) 1
458.24 R128 Listen and learn italian 1
458.242 N4 New italian self-taught 1
458.242 V471 Vavolizza, A. Italian in record time without a teacher 1
458.2421 Av57 Avitable, G. Italian for the english-speaking. 2nd ed. 1
458.2421 E5 Italian in three months 1
458.3421 B4559 Berlitz, C. Passport to italian c.1 1
458.3421 B4559 Berlitz, C. Passport to italian c.2 1
458.3421 D199 Danesi, M. Italian vocabulary 1
458.3421 N395 Neuhaus, K. Cassel business companions: Italy 1
463.21 B9821 Butterfield, J. (ed.) Collins Spanish Dictionary 1
463.21 V9482 Vox spanish and english student dictionary : english- 1
463.31 M28 Martínez Amador, E.M. Diccionario alemán-español 1
468.24 B4558 Berlitz Español. Libro del alumno v.1 1
468.2421 C49 Cisneros, I. Spanish in three months 1
468.2421 Si397 Silverstein, R.J. et al. Barron's Spanish the easy way (2nd ed.) 1
468.6 Sp246 Franco, J. (ed.) Spanish short stories / Cuentos hispánicos v.1 1
470 Eh89 Ehrlich, E.H. Amo, amas, amat and more 1
473 D56 Diccionario ilustrado latino-español español-latino 1
473.12 L49 Tondini, H.; Mariucci, Th. Lexicon novorum vocabulorum (1964) 1
473.2 L5851 Lewis, C.T. A Latin dictionary 1
477 St38 Stelten, L. Dictionary of ecclesiastical Latin 1
478.242 P27 Paterson, J. The approach to Latin 1
478.242 S36 Scanlon, C.C.; Scanlon, C.L. Second Latin c.1 1
478.242 S36 Scanlon, C.C.; Scanlon, C.L. Second Latin c.2 1
478.2421 H3842 Hendricks, R. Latin made simple 1
478.2421 M849 Morwood, J. A latin grammar 1
478.2421 Sca636 Scanlon, C.C. Latin grammar 1
478.2421 Se97 Seyrès, M. A complete latin grammar adapted from Petitmangin's 1
latin grammar. 3rd ed.
478.6 H38 Henle Fourth year Latin 1
478.6 H38 Henle Second year Latin 1
478.6 H38 Henle Third year Latin 1
478.6 L3493 Seyres, M.; Seyres, A. (eds.) Latin exercises. Adapted from Petitmangin's Latin p.1 1
exercises. 4th ed.
487.4 Er7 Errandonea, Ignacio Epitome grammaticae Graeco-Biblicae. c.1 1
487.4 Er7 Errandonea, Ignacio Epitome grammaticae Graeco-Biblicae. c.2 1
487.4 M219 Mackowski, R.M. Insights into New Testament greek 1
487.4 M88 Mueller, W. Grammatical aids for students of New Testament greek 1

487.4 P87 Powers, Ward Learn to read the Greek New Testament. 1
487.4 Sp84 Springhetti, Ae. Introductio historica-grammatica in graecitatem Novi 1
487.4 Z5 Zerwick, Max Biblical Greek / Graecitas Biblica. 1
487.4 Z54 Zerwick, Max Graecitas Biblica : Novi Testamenti... c.1 1
487.4 Z54 Zerwick, Max Graecitas Biblica : Novi Testamenti... c.2 1
489.3321 P9361 Pring, J.T. The pocket Oxford Greek dictionary. Greek-English 1
491.62321 D61 Dinneen, P. Irish-English dictionary 1
491.625 C6902 Collier, D. Irish without worry for everyone 1
492.29 P17 Palacios, Ludovicus Grammaticae Aramaico-Biblica. 1
492.4321 Si93 Sivan, R.; Levenston, E.A. The new bantam-megiddo Hebrew and English dictionary 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
492.45 D913 Duncker, P. Compendium grammaticae linguae hebraicae biblicae c.1 1
492.45 D913 Duncker, P. Compendium grammaticae linguae hebraicae biblicae c.2 1
492.45 H34 Heads of hebrew grammar 1
492.48 L17 Lambdin, Thomas Oden Introduction to biblical Hebrew. 1
499.211321 En19 English, L. English-Tagalog dictionary c.2 1
501 C71 Colodny Frontiers of science and philosophy 1
505 Y2 1979 Yearbook of science and the future 1

505 Y2 1980 Yearbook of science and the future 1

505 Y2 1981 Yearbook of science and the future 1

505 Y2 1982 Yearbook of science and the future 1

505 Y2 1983 Yearbook of science and the future 1

505 Y2 1984 Yearbook of science and the future 1

505 Y2 1985 Yearbook of science and the future 1

505 Y2 1986 Yearbook of science and the future 1

505 Y2 1987 Yearbook of science and the future 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
016.282599121 A2 Santos, R. Archdiocesan Archives of Manila c.2 1
016.30141209599 V54 Velez, M. Images of the Filipina : a bibliography. 1
016.9599 Z38 Zell, R. A bibliography of works about the Philippines in 1
070.442 T68 Transition - the chronicle as an agent of change 1
079.599 R39 Retana, W.E. El periodismo filipino (Journalism in the Philippines, 1
tr. Nazareno, R.L.; Peña, M.E.)
079.914 C73768 Andrade, C.V.; Reuter, J.B. Communicators in the Philippines 1
079.914 V7115 Villadolid, A.C. Featuring… the philippine press : 1637-2005 1
091 B69 Boxer, C.R. A late sixteenth century Manila MS. 1
100 M724 Moga, M.D. The enduring questions : an introduction to 1
101 Ar82 Artigas, M. Introduction to Philosophy 1
101 N21 Nature, science & values readings 1
110 Al88 Alvira, T. et al. Metaphysics 1
110 C55 Clarke, W.N. Central problems of metaphysics (ed. N.S. Que) 1
110 Of3 Ofilada, M.M. Experience, reality and beauty : from the aesthetics 1
of ontology to the mystagogy of art in metaphysics

111 P6569 Piñon, M. Being and reality: a course in christian and 1

thomistic metaphysics
115 M724 Moga, M.D. Human time 1
121 M724 Moga, M.D. Human worlds 1
121 V713 VILLAROJO Dennis The ontological conditions of understanding : a c.2 1
Cabanada study on the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg
Gadamer in the light of the encyclical Fides et ratio

121 V713 VILLAROJO Dennis The ontological conditions of understanding : a c.3 1

Cabanada study on the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg
Gadamer in the light of the encyclical Fides et ratio

121 V713 VILLAROJO Dennis The ontological conditions of understanding : a c.4 1

Cabanada study on the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg
Gadamer in the light of the encyclical Fides et ratio

128 M724 Moga, M.D. What makes man truly human? A philosophy of 1
man and society
131.306 T78 Tsung-Yi Reality and vision – a report of the first... 1
158.1 Ag97 Agustin-Israel, J. Lakas ng loob: the Filipino will! 1
160 Sa583 Sanguinetti, J.J. Logic 1
170 G5861 Gomez, F.B. A pilgrim's notes : ethics, social ethics, bioethics 1

171.0599 M533 Mercado, L.N. Elements of filipino ethics 1

171.3 F4291 FESTÍN María Lorenz Moisés Avreth, in the Nicomachean Ethics c.2 1
171.3 F4291 FESTÍN María Lorenz Moisés Avreth, in the Nicomachean Ethics c.3 1
172.2 F7795 Gomez, F.B.; Yu-Soliven, A. Forum in Bioethics 8 : Justice, patients' rights, 1
174.209599 M672 Miranda, D.M. Pagkamakabuhay : on the side of life : 1
prolegomena for bioethics from a filipino-christian
180 Y1 Yarza, I. History of ancient philosophy 1
181.17 F47 Filipino thought on man and society. c.1 1
181.17 F47 Filipino thought on man and society. c.2 1
181.17 M533 Mercado, L.N. Filipino thought 1
189 Sa8 Saranyana, J. History of medieval philosophy 1
190 B1261 Hornedo, F.H. (ed.) Back to the things themselves : selected essays in 1
recent western philosophy originally published in
192 F9631 Funelas, J.E. How do we know? Karl Popper and the functionality 1
of metaphysics in evolutionary epistemology

192 G219 GASTÓN Gregory Ramón D. The connection of the virtues in Peter Geach and in c.2 1
St. Thomas Aquinas : a comparative study

199.599 M53 Mercado, L. Elements of Filipino philosophy 1

200.1 F416 Ferriols, R.J. Pilosopiya ng Relihiyon 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
200.95 K913 Kroeger, J.H.; Thalman, E.F.; Once upon a time in Asia : stories of harmony and 1
Dy, J.K. peace
200.95 Sa318 Salazar, R.C. New religious movements in Asia and the Pacific 1
Islands: implications for Church and society

200.9599 B4126 Belita, J. (ed.) And God said: hala! 1

200.9599 Ex748 Exploring the new religious movements in the 1
Philippines: documents of the national consultation
on the new religious movements in the Philippines,
18-20 October 1988
200.9599 H7839 Hornedo, F.H. The favor of the gods : essays in filipino religious 1
thought and behavior
201 D483 de Torre, J. Christian philosophy. 1
201.1 M761 Montalbo, M.B. Philosophy of God 1
201.60599 M533 Mercado, L.N. (ed.) Filipino religious psychology 1
201.60599 Ob8 Obusan, T.B. (ed.) Roots of Filipino spirituality 1
201.60599 Ob8 Obusan, T.B.; Enriquez, A.R. The Filipino spiritual culture. Reprint series no. 1 1
201.6095 J772 Jose, S. The asian religious sensibility and Christian 1
207.112 B922 BURLAZA Bonifacio L. Leadership and personality development of filipino c.2 1
major seminarians through the process of
enculturation in the light of modern teaching and
Vatican Council II
207.112 B922 BURLAZA Bonifacio L. Leadership and personality development of filipino c.3 1
major seminarians through the process of
enculturation in the light of modern teaching and
Vatican Council II
207.112 C124 Cajilig, V.G. Theology in context: Forming evangelizers c.1 1
207.112 C124 Cajilig, V.G. Theology in context: Forming evangelizers c.2 1
207.112 C124 Cajilig, V.G. Theology in context: Forming evangelizers c.3 1
207.112 C124 Cajilig, V.G. (ed.) Pathway… to priestly sanctity c.1 1
207.112 C124 Cajilig, V.G. (ed.) Pathway… to priestly sanctity c.2 1
207.112 C124 Cajilig, V.G. (ed.) Journey into… interiority 1
207.112 C7666 Consultation Congress on Gathered around Jesus: Proceedings of the 1
Seminary Formation Consultation Congress on Seminary Formation and
the Diamong Jubilee Alumni Homecoming,
University of Santo Tomas Central Seminary
207.112 F3178 Federation of Asian Bishops' Clergy of Asia: Lights and shadows. Continuing c.1 1
Conferences. Office of education for priests
Education and Student
207.112 F3178 Federation of Asian Bishops' Clergy of Asia: Lights and shadows. Continuing c.2 1
Conferences. Office of education for priests
Education and Student
207.112 F3178 Federation of Asian Bishops' Clergy of Asia: Lights and shadows. Continuing c.3 1
Conferences. Office of education for priests
Education and Student
207.112 F7402 For faith and service: towards the integral formation 1
of filipino priests and religious
207.112 G683 GORRE Guillermo D. Psalms as christian prayer with an application to spiritual c.2 1
207.112 H4301 HERNANDEZ Rosello G. The integration between psychological counseling and c.2 1
spiritual direction in the formation of late vocations : a
theologico-spiritual reflection in the philippine context

207.112 H89 Hundredfold harvest c.1 1

207.112 H89 Hundredfold harvest… Enjoyed c.1 1
207.112 H89 Hundredfold harvest c.2 1
207.112 H89 Hundredfold harvest… Enjoyed c.2 1
207.112 L5233 Legaspi, L.Z. "Sowing good seed". The asian experience of c.1 1
forming seminary formators and spiritual directors.
Extract from Seminarium 50 (2000) 4.
207.112 L5233 Legaspi, L.Z. "Sowing good seed". The asian experience of c.2 1
forming seminary formators and spiritual directors.
Extract from Seminarium 50 (2000) 4.


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
207.112 L9673 LUENGO José Ma. Salutan Los Estudios Eclesiásticos en los Seminarios c.2 1
Diocesanos en Filipinas en el Siglo XIX: Análisis
207.112 P863 Poulin, C.H. Preparing pastoral confessors: moral and practical 1
210 M724 Moga, M.D. In search of true religion: a philosophy of religion 1
211 R2732 Reilly, F.E. A quiet God - quiet words especially for searchers 1

220.076 N21324 The national catholic family Bible quiz 2004 c.1 1
220.076 N21324 The national catholic family Bible quiz 2004 c.2 1
220.076 N21324 The national catholic family Bible quiz 2004 c.3 1
220.12 P111 Pabillo, B.S. The Bible: 100% divine, 100% human c.1 1
220.12 P111 Pabillo, B.S. The Bible: 100% divine, 100% human c.2 1
220.13 Se84 Sevilla, P.C. Ang Salita ng Diyos at tugon ng tao: Dogmatikong 1
introduksyon sa Banal na Kasulatan at
220.52 B47 Bible. English... Christian community Bible. 1
220.599211 B47 Abriol, J.C. (tr.) Ang Banal na Biblia 1
220.599211 B47 Ching, D. (ed.) Biblia ng Sambayanang Pilipino 1
220.599211 B47 Magandang Balita para sa ating panahon (Biblia na 1
isinalin sa wikang Tagalog)
220.599211 M2706 Magandang Balita Biblia, Good News Bible 1
220.599212 B47 Camomot, O.; Cacayan, B. Biblia sa Kristohanong Katilingban 1
220.6 Al62 Almario, C.R. (ed.) Second Asian workshop for the Biblical apostolate c.1 1
(Singapore, 1988)
220.6 Al62 Almario, C.R. (ed.) Second Asian workshop for the Biblical apostolate c.2 1
(Singapore, 1988)
220.6 Al62 Almario, C.R. (ed.) Second Asian workshop for the Biblical apostolate c.3 1
(Singapore, 1988)
220.6 Al62 Almario, C.R. (ed.) Second Asian workshop for the Biblical apostolate c.4 1
(Singapore, 1988)
220.6 Al62 Almario, C.R. (ed.) The teachings of the Popes (Bible documents from 1
Leo XIII to John Paul II)
220.6 Ap26 Aperin, N. The outline of the Holy Bible 1
220.6 G5493 God's Word : living hope and lasting peace : Fourth 1
Asia-Oceania Biblical Congress
220.6 H3982 Henson, B.S. Ing cacung casalesayan qng Biblia (maqui cambe 1
220.6 H78 Horst, R. March of the unknown c.1 1
220.6 H78 Horst, R. March of the unknown c.2 1
220.6 J6138 John Paul I Biblical Center The Word is alive in Asia c.1 1
220.6 J6138 John Paul I Biblical Center The Word is alive in Asia c.2 1
220.6 J6138 John Paul I Biblical Center The Word is alive in Asia c.3 1
220.6 J6138 John Paul I Biblical Center The Word is alive in Asia c.4 1
220.6 T162 Tapiador, G.R. The mysterious seed: a simplified manual on the c.1 1
tools and the principles of interpreting the Bible
220.6 T162 Tapiador, G.R. The mysterious seed: a simplified manual on the c.2 1
tools and the principles of interpreting the Bible
220.6 T162 Tapiador, G.R. The mysterious seed: a simplified manual on the c.3 1
tools and the principles of interpreting the Bible
220.6 V714 Villegas, C.C. (tr.) Kaharian ng Diyos: Isang maikling Biblia (Isinaayos v.1 1
upang ilahad ang Kasaysayan ng Kaligtasan)

222 W8912 Word-mission: Servants of the Word. Vol. 1: v.1 1

222.44066 C1274 Calderone, P.J. Dynastic oracle and suzerainty treaty: 2 Samuel 1
7:8-16 (Logos 1)
224.1077 C124 CAJOT Rodel M. Salvation in Deutero-Isaiah c.2 1
224.8077 B189 BALCE Sofío G. The poor in Amos c.2 1
225.08 P641 Pilch, J. Windows into the culture of the New Testament: 1
CBAP Lectures 2002
225.6119 G85 Guillemette, N. On the evening of the third day: How to study the 1
New Testament
225.67 F58 Fitzmyer, J. A Christological catechism. 1
225.83054 M36 Martin, C. Women and reconciliation. 1
225.92 M36 Martini, C. The testimony of St. Paul. 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
225.922082 G1357 Gallares, J. Fire within : spirituality and mission of women 1
disciples in the early Church from an asian and a
third-world perspective
226.07 H38 Hendrickx, H. The household of God. 1
226.2 M431 Ang Santo Evangelio ng ating Panginoong 1
Jesukristo ayon kay San Mateo
226.3 L455 LAYUG Jesus Jr. B. God's saving action in Jesus : rhetorical analysis of Mk c.2 1
226.35 M3401 Ang Ebanghelyo ayon kay San Marko 1
226.406 C82 Coste, R. The Magnificat : the revolution of God. 1
226.406 P2151 PAREJA Renato L. The motif of hearing in Luke-Acts : a study of its c.2 1
thematic configurations
226.5 M7386 Moloney, F.J. Story and spirituality: CBAP lectures 2001 1
226.5 Si83 SISON Victor García The Verb mene,in in the Theological Context of the c.2 1
Fourth Gospel
226.806 H38 Hendricks, H. The parables of Jesus. 1
230 Ar143 Araneta, F. Lord and Giver 1
230 C139 Cajilig, V.G. (ed.) Kalatog: Theology in context: Select perspectives 1

230 C7662 Constantino, J.D. In faith and freedom c.1 1

230 C7662 Constantino, J.D. In faith and freedom c.2 1
230 D3947 de Mesa, J.; Wostyn, L. Doing theology: basic realities and processes 1
230 D3947 de Mesa, J.M. In solidarity with culture: Studies in theological re- 1
rooting (Maryhill Studies 4)
230 D71 Donovan, V. Christianity rediscovered 1
230 Or57 Ormerod, N. Creation, grace, and redemption (Theology in 1
global perspective)
230 Sm615 Smith, J.J. Emil Brunner's theology of revelation (Logos 2) 1
230.01 B46 Bersabe, P.F.R. The Church and the crisis of truth 1
230.03 O25 O'Collins, G.; Farrugia, E.G. A concise dictionary of theology 1
230.04 W3644 Villegas, S.B. (ed.) The way of the Shepherd: studies in theology c.1 1
offered to His Eminence Jaime Cardinal L. Sin,
D.D., on the 25th anniversary of his episcopal
ordination 18 March 1967 - 18 March 1992
230.04 W3644 Villegas, S.B. (ed.) The way of the Shepherd: studies in theology c.2 1
offered to His Eminence Jaime Cardinal L. Sin,
D.D., on the 25th anniversary of his episcopal
ordination 18 March 1967 - 18 March 1992
230.04 W3644 Villegas, S.B. (ed.) The way of the Shepherd: studies in theology c.3 1
offered to His Eminence Jaime Cardinal L. Sin,
D.D., on the 25th anniversary of his episcopal
ordination 18 March 1967 - 18 March 1992
230.046 C2862 Catholic Church. Catholic Catholic guidelines on fundamentalism 1
Bishops' Conference of the
230.095 As42 Asian's... Asia's struggle for full humanity. 1
230.09599 B4126 Belita, J. The way of greater self. 1
230.09599 F3914 Fernandez, E.R. Toward a theology of struggle 1
230.09599 M533 MERCADO Thaddeus Towards inculturating theology in the philippine c.2 1
Fariñas context
230.09599 M533 Mercado, L.N. Elements of Filipino theology 1
230.09599 T15 Tano, R. Theology in the Philippine setting. 1
230.2 L61 Liberation theology and the Vatican document v.1 1
230.2 L61 Liberation theology and the Vatican document v.2 1
230.2 L61 Liberation theology and the Vatican document v.3 1
230.2 T284 Tesoro, D.R.M.; Jose, J.A. The rise of filipino theology 1
230.2 T3424 Gomez, F.B.; Reyes, B.V. Theo Week 2000 : Emerging theological themes : 1
(eds.) proceedings of the First Theology Week of the
Faculty of Sacred Theology in cooperation with the
Graduate School and the Institute of Religion,
University of Santo Tomas, 10-15 April 2000


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
230.2 T3424 Gomez, F.B.; Reyes, B.V. Theo Week 2001 : Emerging theological themes 2 : 1
(eds.) proceedings of the Second Theology Week of the
Faculty of Sacred Theology in cooperation with the
Graduate School, Institute of Religion and the
Commission on Higher Theological Reflection of
the Dominican Province of the Philippines,
University of Santo Tomas, 15-21 April 2001

230.2 T3424 Gomez, F.B.; Suerte Felipe, Theo Week 2003 : Life, hope, holiness : 1
V.T.J. (eds.) proceedings of the Fourth Theology Week of the
Faculty of Sacred Theology in cooperation with the
Graduate School and the Institute of Religion,
University of Santo Tomas, 7-12 April 2003

230.2 T3424 Gomez, F.B.; Suerte Felipe, Theo Week 2004 : Love, compassion, solidarity in 1
V.T.J. (eds.) a globalized world : proceedings of the Fifth
Theology Week of the Faculty of Sacred Theology
in cooperation with the Graduate School and the
Institute of Religion, University of Santo Tomas, 29
March - 3 April 2004

230.2 Y89 Ysaac, W.L. (ed.) The third world and Bernard Lonergan: A tribute to 1
a concerned thinker
230.2070599 B4126 Belita, J. From Logos to Diwa. 1
231 Al62 Almario, C.R. Journey to the Father with reference to Sacred c.1 1
231 Al62 Almario, C.R. Journey to the Father with reference to Sacred c.2 1
231 B12 Bacani, T.C. God's heart and ours : a rediscovery of God's love 1
and the art of loving truly
231 F4292 Father of Jesus, Father of the Church of the Poor: c.1 1
Homilies, conferences and addresses at the
Festival of conferences on God the Father
231 F4292 Father of Jesus, Father of the Church of the Poor: c.2 1
Homilies, conferences and addresses at the
Festival of conferences on God the Father
231.044 Sa592 Sta. Maria, D.B. The mystery of the Trinity in christian life 1
231.3 Ag89 Agtarap, M.R. (ed.) Opening the Year of the Lord: Homilies, c.1 1
conferences and addresses at the Marian Festival
on the Holy Trinity (Manila, 27-29 January 2000)

231.3 Ag89 Agtarap, M.R. (ed.) Opening the Year of the Lord: Homilies, c.2 1
conferences and addresses at the Marian Festival
on the Holy Trinity (Manila, 27-29 January 2000)

231.3 Al62 Almario, C.R. Touched by the Spirit : reflections based on the 1
231.3 B12 Bacani, T.C. From Yahweh to the Trinity 1
231.3 B12 Bacani, T.C. The Holy Spirit in our lives 1
231.3 Se84 Sevilla, P.C. Ang Kabanalbanalang Isangtatlo: Ang Diyos ng 1
mga Kristiyano
231.3 Y89 Ysaac, W.I. Ang Espiritu Santo 1
231.4 M1172 MACALISANG Juan D. Suffering, death and the scientific world : Richard 1
McCormick's theological understanding
231.419 E4513 Emile of Taizé Never a stranger: God's otherness in the light of the 1
231.7 C23 Carretto, C. And God saw that it was good. 1
231.72 F95 Fuellenbach,J. The kingdom of God 1
231.74 Se84 Sevilla, P.C. At nagsalita ang Diyos sa pamamagitan ng 1
Kanyang Anak: Kurso tungkol sa Kristiyanong
232 Ab38 Abesamis, C.H. A third look at Jesus: a guidebook along a road 1
least traveled (3rd ed.)
232 Ab39 Abesamis, C.H. The mission of Jesus and good news to the poor 1
232 C8895 Cruz, M.M. The glory of the cross 1
232 D39 De Mesa, J. Doing Christology : the reappropriation... 1
232 Se84 Sevilla, P.C. Si Jesus na taga-Nazareth: Kristolohiya para sa 1
kasalukuyang panahon
232.09015 Al62 Almario, C.R. Jesus in the fourth gospel c.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
232.09015 Al62 Almario, C.R. Jesus in the synoptic gospels c.1 1
232.09015 Al62 Almario, C.R. Jesus in the fourth gospel c.2 1
232.09015 Al62 Almario, C.R. Jesus in the synoptic gospels c.2 1
232.09599 B41 Beltran, B. The Christology of the inarticulate. 1
232.3 Oc51 O'Collins, G. Jesus our redeemer : a christian approach to 1
232.91 B2921 Basic catechism on the Alliance of the Two Hearts: c.1 1
A practical guide for every Two Hearts promoter

232.91 B2921 Basic catechism on the Alliance of the Two Hearts: c.2 1
A practical guide for every Two Hearts promoter

232.91 C2797 Castro, L.N. Kapag naubos na ang alak: ang Mahal na Birhen c.1 1
ng Cana noon at ngayon
232.91 C2797 Castro, L.N. Kapag naubos na ang alak: ang Mahal na Birhen c.2 1
ng Cana noon at ngayon
232.91 C2797 Castro, L.N. …at naroon ang Ina… (Jn 2:1) : pag-aaral tungkol 1
sa Mahal na Birhen
232.91 C83985 Coyle, K. Mary in the christian tradition from a contemporary 1
perspective. Rev. Asian ed.
232.91 D17 Dalton, W. Mary in the New Testament. 1
232.91 K11 Kaarawan ni Maria c.1 1
232.91 K11 Kaarawan ni Maria c.2 1
232.91 M7645 Montelibano-Salinas, M.A. The Alliance of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The 1
(ed.) International Theological/Pastoral Conference on
the Alliance of the Two Hearts. Philippine
International Convention Center (PICC), Manila,
Philippines. 30 November - 3 December 1987.
Texts and documents

232.91 St626 Stöckl, F. (ed.) Pope John Paul II and the mystery of the 1
Immaculate Conception
232.91 T3429 The People of God's Sense of Faith on the Alliance c.1 1
of the Two Hearts
232.91 T3429 The Theology of the Alliance of the Two Hearts: v.1 c.1 1
Documents of the 1997 international theological
pastoral symposium on the Alliance of the Hearts of
Jesus and Mary
232.91 T3429 The Theology of the Alliance of the Two Hearts: v.1 c.2 1
Documents of the 1997 international theological
pastoral symposium on the Alliance of the Hearts of
Jesus and Mary
232.91 T3429 The Theology of the Alliance of the Two Hearts: v.1 c.3 1
Documents of the 1997 international theological
pastoral symposium on the Alliance of the Hearts of
Jesus and Mary
232.91 T3429 The People of God's Sense of Faith on the Alliance c.2 1
of the Two Hearts
232.91 T55 To the priests, our Lady's beloved sons c.1 1
232.91 T55 To the priests, our Lady's beloved sons c.2 1
232.910599 In18 Ina and the Bikol People: a journey of faith v.1 c.1 1
232.910599 In18 Ina and the Bikol People: a journey of faith v.1 c.2 1
232.910599 In18 Ina and the Bikol People: a journey of faith v.2 1
232.910599 Sa597 Santos, L.M. Mary in the Philippines v.1 1
232.910599 Sa597 Santos, L.M. Mary in the Philippines v.2 1
232.9109599 B12 Bacani, T.C. Mary and the Filipino 1
232.9109599 B12 Bacani, T.C. Mary and the Filipino (2nd ed.) 1
232.9109599 B886 Bunuan, M.I.S. Gentle woman: Mary to the Filipinos 1
232.9109599 C2797 CASTRO Leandro N. Towards a filipino mariology at the advent of the c.2 1
third millennium : a theologico-pastoral analysis of
the filipinos' marian devotion in the light of Tertio
millennio adveniente
232.9109599 C2797 CASTRO Leandro N. Towards a filipino mariology at the advent of the c.3 1
third millennium : a theologico-pastoral analysis of
the filipinos' marian devotion in the light of Tertio
millennio adveniente


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
232.9109599 C2797 CASTRO Leandro N. Towards a filipino mariology at the advent of the c.4 1
third millennium : a theologico-pastoral analysis of
the filipinos' marian devotion in the light of Tertio
millennio adveniente
232.9109599 L4988 Ledesma, J. Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage or Ang 1
Birhen ng Antipolo
232.9109599 Z131 ZAFE Pedro Vásquez Marian devotion : its role in the evangelization of c.2 1
the Philippines
232.91095991 M53 Mercado, M. Antipolo : a shrine to our Lady 1
232.917 Ou7 Our Lady speaks to her beloved priests c.1 1
232.917 Ou7 Our Lady speaks to her beloved priests c.2 1
232.917 Ou7 Our Lady speaks to her beloved priests c.3 1
232.917095991 K26 Keithley, J. Lipa. c.1 1
232.917095991 K26 Keithley, J. Lipa. c.2 1
232.917095991 K26 Keithley, J. Lipa. c.3 1
232.917095991 K26 Keithley, J. Lipa. c.4 1
232.917095993 Al1 Albano, T.J.O. The apparitions of Cabra Islet, Philippines 1
232.917097253 J64 Johnston, F. The wonder of Guadalupe. 1
232.9170979173 Ia6 I am your Jesus of mercy
232.93 D3604 Dee, H.Q. Mankind's final destiny: the Blessed Mother's c.1 1
messages and prophecies for our time: a moral
choice for the survival of mankind
232.93 D3604 Dee, H.Q. Mankind's final destiny: the Blessed Mother's c.2 1
messages and prophecies for our time: a moral
choice for the survival of mankind
232.96 Sa596 Santos, R.C. The way of the cross, the way of the migrants 1
232.96 Sa596 Santos, R.C.; Vergara, M.C. The new way of the cross for priests prayed by lay 1
people based on Sacred Scriptures and patristic
232.96 T161 Tapang, M.M. Ang Daan ng Krus 1
232.96 T161 Tapang, M.M. The Way of the Cross 1
233 Ar14 Araneta, F. In his image and likeness. 1
234 Si61 Sin, J.L. Christ's reconciliation and ours. A pastoral letter on c.1 1
the opening of the Holy Year of the Jubilee for the
1950th anniversary of the Redemption 25 March
1983. 11 February 1983. Manila
234 Si61 Sin, J.L. Christ's reconciliation and ours. A pastoral letter on c.2 1
the opening of the Holy Year of the Jubilee for the
1950th anniversary of the Redemption 25 March
1983. 11 February 1983. Manila
234 Si61 Sin, J.L. Christ's reconciliation and ours. A pastoral letter on c.3 1
the opening of the Holy Year of the Jubilee for the
1950th anniversary of the Redemption 25 March
1983. 11 February 1983. Manila
234 Y89 Ysaac. W.L. Ang pagbibiyaya ng Diyos 1
234.13 G133 Galias, S.V. My love is poured for your healing 1
234.163 Al62 Almario, C.R. Jesus in the holy Eucharist c.1 1
234.163 Al62 Almario, C.R. Jesus in the holy Eucharist c.2 1
234.163 B64 Borres, C. One bread, one body, one people: the 1987 c.1 1
234.163 B64 Borres, C. One bread, one body, one people: the 1987 c.2 1
234.163 B64 Borres, C. One bread, one body, one people: the 1987 c.3 1
234.163 B64 Borres, C. One bread, one body, one people: the 1987 c.4 1
234.163 H78 Horst, R. One bread, one body, one people 1
234.163 T83 TUMBOCON Alberto Cicerón The necessity of means of the Eucharist according c.2 1
Santamaría to St. Albert the Great
234.163 T83 TUMBOCON Alberto Cicerón The necessity of means of the Eucharist according c.3 1
Santamaría to St. Albert the Great
234.163 V541 Velasco, J.A. They have Jesus : the stories of the children of 1
234.2 C2862 Catholic Biblical Association of Hope for a suffering people: proceedings of the c.1 1
the Philippines fourth annual convention, Tagaytay City, 25-27 July


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
234.2 C2862 Catholic Biblical Association of Hope for a suffering people: proceedings of the c.2 1
the Philippines fourth annual convention, Tagaytay City, 25-27 July
234.2 G13 Galilea, S. Spirituality of hope. 1
235.2 R52 Rivera, E. et al. Christian witnessing: martyrdom and martyrs 1
(Thomasian Forum 1)
236.109599 Al44 Aligan, R.E. The end as the beginning : the filipino view on 1
236.906 P65 Pinon, M. Psychological freedom : mastery of the will… 1
238 In7 Institute of Religion, UST Studies on the new Catechism of the Catholic Faith c.1 1
for faith and discipleship
238 In7 Institute of Religion, UST Studies on the new Catechism of the Catholic Faith c.2 1
for faith and discipleship
238 K37 Katesismo ng Iglesia Katolika c.1 1
238 K37 Katesismo ng Iglesia Katolika c.2 1
238.0915 C282 Catechesis for Asia: Toward the year 2000 and 1
238.2 C28 A Catholic Catechism (Katholischer Katechismus v.1 1
der Bistümer Deutschlands)
238.2 C28 A Catholic Catechism (Katholischer Katechismus v.2 1
der Bistümer Deutschlands)
238.2 C28 A Catholic Catechism (Katholischer Katechismus v.3 1
der Bistümer Deutschlands)
238.2 D3656 de Guzman, C. The faith enumerated c.1 1
238.2 D3656 de Guzman, C. The faith enumerated c.2 1
238.2 D6592 Doctrina Christiana: primer libro impresa en 1
238.95 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference The Catholic Faith Catechism v.1 c.1 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission on Catechesis
and Catholic Education
238.95 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference The Catholic Faith Catechism v.2 c.1 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission on Catechesis
and Catholic Education
238.95 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference The Catholic Faith Catechism v.1 c.2 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission on Catechesis
and Catholic Education
238.95 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference The Catholic Faith Catechism v.2 c.2 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission on Catechesis
and Catholic Education
238.95 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference The Catholic Faith Catechism v.1 c.3 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission on Catechesis
and Catholic Education
238.95 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference The Catholic Faith Catechism. Final draft submitted 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal to the bishops. Manila, January 1994
Commission on Catechesis
and Catholic Education
238.95 C28 Catechism for Filipino Catholics (final draft 29 1
January 1994)
238.95 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Catechism for Filipino Catholics c.1 1
of the Philippines
238.95 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Catechism for Filipino Catholics c.2 1
of the Philippines
238.95 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference The Filipino growing in faith. A religious education 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal program for family catechesis. Facilitator's manual
Commission on Education and
Religious Instruction
238.95 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference The Filipino growing in faith. A religious education 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal program for family catechesis. Parents' activity
Commission on Education and book
Religious Instruction
238.95 C4626 Christian life catechesis (25 basic themes) 1
238.95 K37 Katesismo para sa mga Pilipinong Katoliko 1
238.95 M8568 Mother of Life Center Catechesis for high schools v.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
238.95 M8568 Mother of Life Center Catechesis for high schools v.2 1
238.95 M8568 Mother of Life Center Catechesis for high schools v.3 1
238.95 M8568 Mother of Life Center Catechesis for high schools v.4 1
238.95 Se84 Sevilla, P.C. People's faith is people's power. A filipino 1
christological catechism
238.9504 R58 Roche, J.L.; Legaspi, L.Z. A companion to CFC: a collection of essays on the 1
history, features and use of our National Catechism

239 Ab87 Abriol, J.C. Pananampalataya at katwiran 1

239 D869 Duetao, M.P. Unanswered questions: reaching out to our non- 1
catholic brethren
239 T162 Tapiador, G.R. The Roman Catholic Faith and the Bible: Scriptural c.1 1
clarifications of misquoted texts
239 T162 Tapiador, G.R. The Roman Catholic Faith and the Bible: Scriptural c.2 1
clarifications of misquoted texts
239 T162 Tapiador, G.R. The Roman Catholic Faith and the Bible: Scriptural c.3 1
clarifications of misquoted texts
239.93 P53 Philippine Province of the Primer on New Age c.1 1
Society of Jesus
239.93 P53 Philippine Province of the Primer on New Age c.2 1
Society of Jesus
239.93 P53 Philippine Province of the Primer on New Age c.3 1
Society of Jesus
239.93 P53 Philippine Province of the Primer on New Age c.4 1
Society of Jesus
240.2 W52 Westow, T. The variety of catholic attitudes 1
241 G5861 Gomez, F.B. Promoting justice, love, life 1
241.042 B12 Bacani, T.C. Loving, our way of living c.2 1
241.042 B12 Bacani, T.C. Loving, our way of living c.1 1
241.042 P43 Peschke, K. Christian ethics: moral theology in the light of v.2 c.1 1
Vatican II
241.042 P43 Peschke, K. Christian ethics: moral theology in the light of v.2 c.2 1
Vatican II
241.042 P43 Peschke, K. Christian ethics: moral theology in the light of v.1 1
Vatican II
241.0429599 M3143 Maningas, I.I. Filipino christian morality 1
241.071 M3119 MANAYON Rolando Tumulak A critique of Kohlberg's theory concerning the c.2 1
formation of conscience
241.071 M3119 MANAYON Rolando Tumulak A critique of Kohlberg's theory concerning the c.3 1
formation of conscience
241.09599 J328 Javellana, R.B. (ed.) Morality, religion and the Filipino: Essays in honor 1
of Vitaliano R. Gorospe, S.J.
241.1 M672 Miranda, D.M. Kaloob ni Kristo : a filipino christian account of 1
241.238 P21 Parado, C. The sacraments: our encounter with Christ 1
241.409599 M672 Miranda, D.M. Pagkamakatao: Reflections on the theological 1
virtues in the philippine context
241.52 R7107 ROSALES Antonio-Ma. A Study of a 16th Century Tagalog Manuscript on the c.2 1
Ten Commandments: Its Significance and Implications
(Juan de Oliver's Declaración de los Mandamientos de la
Ley de Dios)
241.63 So688 Soriano, N.A. Marriage : an indissoluble communion of life and 1
love : a theological study of the catechesis of Pope
John Paul II
241.6425 P134 PADILLA Francisco The morality of human in vitro fertilization : its c.2 1
Montecillo impact on marriage, family and society based on
the teachings of Pius XII and Paul VI
241.6425 P134 PADILLA Francisco The morality of human in vitro fertilization : its c.3 1
Montecillo impact on marriage, family and society based on
the teachings of Pius XII and Paul VI
241.697 Ev148 Evangelium vitae: a synthesis 1
242 A17 1,260 days to famine 1
242 D591 Dimaculangan, J.M. Happiness is… J.O.S.E.P.H. : 365 days reflection 1
based on Pope John Paul II's Catechism of the
Catholic Church
242 F9523 Fuellenbach, J. Throw fire 1
242 M52 Mena, S.G. Jess of Nazareth: His diary 1
242 M52 Mena, S.G. The Gospel according to the "extras" v.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
242 M52 Mena, S.G. The Gospel according to the "extras" v.2 1
242 M52 Mena, S.G. The Gospel according to the "extras" v.3 1
242 Op4 Ople, B.F. Joyful days. Reflections on the Great Jubilee 1
242 Or18 Orbos, J.M. Light moments: reflections, experiences, stories, v.4 1
242 R928 Rustia, T.; Reyes, I.B. His loving touch: reflections on the Life in the Spirit 1
242 Sa596 Santos, R.C. The Spirit blows where it wills. Doing Catholic Life 1
in the Spirit Seminars in Europe
242 Sa598 Santos, R.C. Journeying with Jesus: Reflections and prayers c.1 1
away from home
242 Sa598 Santos, R.C. Waiting and working for Jesus: Reflections and c.1 1
prayers for Advent and Christmas
242 Sa598 Santos, R.C. Journeying with Jesus: Reflections and prayers c.2 1
away from home
242 Sa598 Santos, R.C. Waiting and working for Jesus: Reflections and c.2 1
prayers for Advent and Christmas
242 Sa598 Santos, R.C. Jesus is risen, Jesus reigns! Reflections and 1
prayers for Easter season
242 Sa598 Santos, R.C. Looking for Jesus: reflections and prayers from 1
242 Sch61 Schock, B. A place for you: Some Gospel reflections 1
242 Su55 Sullivan, R.E. Scriptural meditations v.2 1
242.2 G82 Green, T. Weeds among the wheat c.1 1
242.2 G82 Green, T. Weeds among the wheat c.2 1
242.2 G82 Green, T. Weeds among the wheat c.3 1
242.2 G82 Green, T. Weeds among the wheat c.4 1
242.2 G82 Green, T. Weeds among the wheat c.5 1
242.21 Si61 Sin, J.L. I will serve: reflections and inspirations 1
242.309 B69 Boyd, J. Guidance: a vocation handbook for Filipino youth. 1

242.74 Al62 Almario, C.R. Jesus in the rosary devotion v.1 1

242.74 Al62 Almario, C.R. Jesus in the rosary devotion v.2 1
242.802 Al552 Alliance of the Two Hearts. Practices of piety v.1 1
242.802 Al552 Alliance of the Two Hearts. Practices of piety v.2 1
242.802 Is77 Ang Istasyon ng Krus: Magbalikloob ka sa Akin 1
nang buong puso…
242.802 N858 Come Spirit of love and peace: Novena to the Holy 1
242.802 N858 Novena in honor of San Lorenzo Ruiz, first Filipino 1
242.802 Sa596 Santos, R.C. Prayers of the saints v.1 1
242.802 Sa598 Santos, R.C. 40 personal prayers 1
242.802 Sa598 Santos, R.C. A collection of prayers to the Blessed Mother 1
242.911 C47 The church of the Philippines on the threshold of v.1 1
the 80's
242.911 C47 The church of the Philippines on the threshold of v.2 1
the 80's
242.911 C47 The church of the Philippines on the threshold of v.3 1
the 80's
242.911 C47 The church of the Philippines on the threshold of v.4 1
the 80's
243.112 H88 The human and the holy : Asian perspectives
243.163 C73 Commentary on the official catechism of the 1
243.483 D39 De Mesa, J. And God said "Bahala Na" 1
243.511 H43 Hernandez, J. Catholic action marches on: a decade of catholic c.1 1
243.511 H43 Hernandez, J. Catholic action marches on: a decade of catholic c.2 1
243.511 H43 Hernandez, J. Catholic action marches on: a decade of catholic c.3 1
243.518 N42 New ministries in the church: a Philippine 1
245.0599 V7125 Villanueva, R. Twenty-four Masses in the popular style (Approved 1
Cebuano text)
245.996 Z71 Zobel de ... Philippine religious imagery in ivory 1
245.996 Z71 Zobel de ... Philippine religious imagery.


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
246.951 G13 Galende, P.G. Great churches of the Philippines. 1
248 Sch61 Schock, B. (ed.) A collection of readings: forty readings on the 1
topics: prayer, spiritual life, personal growth
248.22 N559 NIEVA Constantino This Transcending God: The Teaching of the c.2 1
Sarmiento Author of The Cloud of Unknowing
248.29 H3341 Hayrosa, A.M. The little book : the sound of the seventh trumpet : 1
revelations from God through his seven holy angels
given to Henry M. Hayrosa on 27 August 1983

248.29 H3341 Hayrosa, A.M. The little book : the sound of the seventh trumpet : 1
revelations of the seven thunders, the everlasting
gospel and the vision of the Lord's great day

248.29 P112 Pablico, M.B.; Hayrosa, H.M. The sound of the seventh trumpet or the final 1
revelation of the mystery of God as revealed in his
three final messages, which came as his seven
thunders, everlasting gospel and the vision of his
gread day
248.3 B3228 Battung, M.R. Ang pakikiisang hininga sa sambayanan at 1
sanlibutan ay pakikibaka para sa kaganapan ng
buhay / Becoming one breath with humanity and
the cosmos: the struggle for wholeness of life
248.3 C764 Conroy, C. Journeys and servants: CBAP lectures 2003 1
248.3 G82 Green, T. Opening to God : a guide to prayer 1
248.3 G82d Green, T. Drinking from a dry well. 1
248.3 G82w Green, T. When the well runs dry: prayer beyond the 1
248.3 G9945 de Guzman, J. Seeking God 1
248.3 Ig5 Lambino, M.B. (tr.) Mga banal na pagsasanay ni San Ignacio de Loyola 1

248.3 Is18 Isang munting catechismo sa buhay-panalangin at c.1 1

pananampalataya ayon kay San Juan de la Cruz

248.3 Is18 Isang munting catechismo sa buhay-panalangin at c.2 1

pananampalataya ayon kay San Juan de la Cruz

248.3 P6153 Pierse, G. Silence into service: from mantra prayer to more 1
genuine care
248.3 Q416 Quilongquilong, J.V. Glorify God in your body: a guide to body prayer 1
248.3 Sa598 de los Santos, R.L. The practice of Christian meditation 1
248.32 C1571 CAMPO, Maximo Añora Individual Prayer according to John Henry Cardinal c.2 1
248.32 C1571 CAMPO, Maximo Añora Prayer according to John Henry Cardinal Newman c.2 1

248.32 G82 Green, T. Darkness in the marketplace: the Christian at c.1 1

prayer in the world
248.32 G82 Green, T. Darkness in the marketplace: the Christian at c.2 1
prayer in the world
248.32 G82 Green, T. Darkness in the marketplace: the Christian at c.3 1
prayer in the world
248.32 G82 Green, T. Darkness in the marketplace: the Christian at c.4 1
prayer in the world
248.32 G82 Green, T. Darkness in the marketplace: the Christian at c.5 1
prayer in the world
248.34 C47 Chu-cong, J. Contemplative experience. 1
248.4 Ap26 Aperin, N. 30 value transforming days through the Gospel 1
according to John
248.4 Ap26 Aperin, N. 30 value transforming days through the Gospel 1
according to Mark
248.4 Ap26 Aperin, N. 40 value transforming days through the Gospel 1
according to Luke
248.4 Ap26 Aperin, N. 40 value transforming days through the Gospel 1
according to Matthew
248.4 C73768 Communio, missio and ministry: Recollection 1
modules for the Jubilee Year
248.4 F9523 Fuellenbach, J. Proclaiming his kingdom: meditations for personal 1
248.4 G133 Galilea, S. Ascent to freedom 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
248.4 J874 Jubilee glorious cross : Reflections : Lipa clergy 1
248.4 J874 Jubilee 2000: a special time of grace and renewal: 1
a gift of renewal to the parish
248.4 L351 Latorre, R.A. How can I gain the indulgence of the Great Jubilee 1
Year? An invitation for conversion and renewal

248.4 L454 Layoc, A.L. Lakbay-buhay : a life-journey v.1 1

248.4 M8568 Mother of Life Center Lord, help us to grow: A recollection guide 1
248.4 P2148 Paredes, C.J. Way of life: My faithful friend and true companion 1

248.4 Si61 Sin, J.L. With Jesus, to the third millennium: Pastoral letter 1
on the Tertio millennio adveniente
248.4 Un311 Ungria, F.M. Parish renewal experience (original prex manual) 1
248.482 Ar32 Arellano, E.M. Victimhood : hope of the present crisis 1
248.482 C1681 Cantillas, P.D.; Tunay, T.R. Reflections for the working soul 1
248.482 M533 Mercado, L.N. Spirituality on creation according to selected 1
philippine indigenous peoples
248.482 Z172 Zantua, R.P. What to do upon reaching 60 or more : ideas and c.1 1
reflections on life in later years
248.482 Z172 Zantua, R.P. What to do upon reaching 60 or more : ideas and c.2 1
reflections on life in later years
248.48209599 An256 Andres, T.Q.D. How to become a successful filipino christian 1
248.8 M52 Mena, S.G. The J team: 25 Gospel meditations for times of 1
248.8 Ou87 An outline of instructions for Moslems to dispose 1
hearts for contrition and prepare them in due
course for Baptism
248.8 R357 Ricafrente, M.C.M. Spirit and charism of Mother Ignacia del Espíritu 1
Santo for the Laity
248.8 Sa598 Santos, R.C. Dialogues of love c.3 1
248.8 Sa598 Santos, R.C. Dialogues of love c.1 1
248.8 Sa598 Santos, R.C. Dialogues of love c.2 1
248.84 R3307 REYES Gerónimo F. The mission of the christian family according to the new c.2 1
Code of Canon Law
248.842 Ag91 Agudo, P. I chose you 1
248.892 B12 Bacani, T.C. A spirituality for ministry 1
249 B12 Bacani, T.C. The christian family : mystery of love 1
249 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pag-ibig ay buhay: Love is life in the light of c.1 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal Humanae vitae and other Church teachings
Commission on Family Life
249 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pag-ibig ay buhay: Love is life in the light of c.2 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal Humanae vitae and other Church teachings
Commission on Family Life
249 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Handbook on the family life apostolate 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission on Family Life
249 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference The family life program in the Philippines 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission on Family Life
249 F828 Fourth World Meeting of The Christian Family: Good News for the third c.1 1
Families millennium: Acts of the international theological-
pastoral congress
249 F828 Fourth World Meeting of The Christian Family: Good News for the third c.2 1
Families millennium: Acts of the international theological-
pastoral congress
249 F828 Fourth World Meeting of The Christian Family: Good News for the third c.3 1
Families millennium: Acts of the international theological-
pastoral congress
249 F828 Fourth World Meeting of Festival of children. Catechetical modules in 1
Families preparation for the 4th World Meeting of Families

249 F828 Fourth World Meeting of Festival of fathers. Catechetical modules in 1

Families preparation for the 4th World Meeting of Families

249 F828 Fourth World Meeting of Festival of mothers. Catechetical modules in 1

Families preparation for the 4th World Meeting of Families


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
249 F828 Fourth World Meeting of Themes for reflection and dialogue in preparation 1
Families for the 4th World Meeting of Families
249 F828 Fourth World Meeting of Families 1
249 F828 We made it happen: the 4th world meeting of 1
families in Manila
249 G5493 Christian Family Movement of God's precious older children: A family 1
the Philippines evangelization program guide book
249 H3342 Hays, E. Mga panalangin para sa iglesia ng tahanan 1
(Prayers for the Domestic Church, tr. C. Reyes)
249 M3399 Marivoet, C. Panalangin ng pamilya (Our family prays, tr. L. and 1
T. Marquez)
249 M56 de Mesa, J.M. Marriage is discipleship 1
249 Si61 Sin, J.L. Subtle attacks against family and life c.1 1
249 Si61 Sin, J.L. Subtle attacks against family and life c.2 1
249 T161 Tapang, M.M.; Magallanes, Ang liturhiya sa pamilya : mga pagdiriwang ng 1
M.M. pagbabasbas
249 T161 Tapang, M.M.; Magallanes, Family liturgy : blessings 1
250 T2355 Tejón, G. "Simon, are you asleep?" - a retreat for priests and 1
250.07 G54 God and man in a covenant of love: basic formation 1
program for catechists according to the National
Catechetical Directory of the Philippines

250.07 G866 Gresh, T. (ed.) Outline: a core course for lay leadership formation 1

250.07 L4697 Leadership formation for core groups in catholic 1

250.09 Au55 Aumann, J. History of spirituality. 1
251.02 An279 Andrey, W.E. "…ang binhing nalaglag sa matabang lupa…" (Mt v.1 1
13:8): pag-aaral, pagninilay at pagsasabuhay ng
Salita ng Diyos
251.02 An279 Andrey, W.E. "…ang binhing nalaglag sa matabang lupa…" (Mt v.2 1
13:8): pag-aaral, pagninilay at pagsasabuhay ng
Salita ng Diyos
251.02 An279 Andrey, W.E. "…ang binhing nalaglag sa matabang lupa…" (Mt v.3 1
13:8): pag-aaral, pagninilay at pagsasabuhay ng
Salita ng Diyos
251.02 An89 Que, N. (ed.) Anumang magaling kahit maliit, basta't malimit ay 1
patungong langit. Homily guides for Advent and
Christmas seasons 2004 (year a)
251.02 Ar228 Archdiocese of Manila Homily guides for Advent and Christmas 1996 1
251.02 Ar228 Archdiocese of Manila Who do you say that I am? Homilies for Lent and 1
Easter 1997
251.02 B3898 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Becoming ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). c.1 1
Homilies for the Lenten and Easter Seasons 1996

251.02 B3898 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Becoming ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). c.2 1
Homilies for the Lenten and Easter Seasons 1996

251.02 B3898 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Becoming ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). c.3 1
Homilies for the Lenten and Easter Seasons 1996

251.02 C3344 Cerbo, N.C. (ed.) The Paschal Mystery in the life of God's People: 1
Homily guides for Lent and Easter 2001
251.02 C4731 Que, N. (ed.) The Church draws her life from the Eucharist. 1
Homily guides for Advent and Christmas seasons
2003 (year c)
251.02 C7342 Archdiocese of Manila Come, Spirit, come! The journey to the third 1
millennium continues… It is the year of the Holy
Spirit. Homilies for Advent and Christmas Seasons
251.02 C887 Que, N. (ed.) A cruce salus : from the cross comes salvation. 1
Homily guides for Lent and Easter 2007
251.02 Eu21 Que, N. (ed.) The Eucharist : source and summit of the life and 1
mission of the Church. Homily guides for Lent and
Easter seasons 2005


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
251.02 H3514 Que, N. (ed.) In the heart of Jesus : healing our land, renewing 1
our lives. Homily guides for Lent, Holy Week and
Easter 2004 (cycle c, year 2)
251.02 L5222 Lefrois, B.J. Biblical notes and homilies for all Sundays and v.1 1
feastdays of the year
251.02 L5222 Lefrois, B.J. Biblical notes and homilies for all Sundays and v.2 1
feastdays of the year
251.02 L5222 Lefrois, B.J. Biblical notes and homilies for all Sundays and v.3 1
feastdays of the year
251.02 N17 Que, N. (ed.) "Nasa atin ang Diyos". Eukaristiya : bukal ng 1
pagkakaisa ng Diyos at tao. Homily guides for
Advent and Christmas 2005
251.02 Q301 Que, N. (ed.) Heart speaks to heart : the Sacred Heart of Jesus 1
is both a mystery of suffering and a mystery of the
heart : Archdiocese of Manila Homily Guides for
Lent and Easter 2006
251.02 Q301 Que, N. (ed.) Love builds up : character, capacity and community 1
: Archdiocese of Manila Homily Guides for Advent
and Christmas 2006
251.02 V55 Vengco, S.A. Jesu-Kristo: ang ebanghelyo sa bawat Linggo at v.1 1
dakilang kapistahan
251.02 V55 Vengco, S.A. Jesu-Kristo: ang ebanghelyo sa bawat Linggo at v.2 1
dakilang kapistahan
251.02 V55 Vengco, S.A. Jesu-Kristo: ang ebanghelyo sa bawat Linggo at v.3 1
dakilang kapistahan
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Give thanks for the Lord is with us. Jubilee Year c.1 1
1995. Homilies for Advent and Christmas Seasons
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) One vocation, one mission. PCP-II Vision: The c.1 1
formation of the community of disciples. Homilies
for the Lenten and Easter Seasons 1994 (English
and Tagalog versions)
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Pope John Paul II: Sent to strengthen our faith. c.1 1
Homilies for Lenten and Easter Seasons 1995
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Give thanks for the Lord is with us. Jubilee Year c.2 1
1995. Homilies for Advent and Christmas Seasons
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) One vocation, one mission. PCP-II Vision: The c.2 1
formation of the community of disciples. Homilies
for the Lenten and Easter Seasons 1994 (English
and Tagalog versions)
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Pope John Paul II: Sent to strengthen our faith. c.2 1
Homilies for Lenten and Easter Seasons 1995
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Send forth your Spirit, Lord : Homilies for Lent and c.2 1
Easter seasons 1998
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) One vocation, one mission. PCP-II Vision: The c.3 1
formation of the community of disciples. Homilies
for the Lenten and Easter Seasons 1994 (English
and Tagalog versions)
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Pope John Paul II: Sent to strengthen our faith. c.3 1
Homilies for Lenten and Easter Seasons 1995
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) One vocation, one mission. PCP-II Vision: The c.4 1
formation of the community of disciples. Homilies
for the Lenten and Easter Seasons 1994 (English
and Tagalog versions)
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A. (ed.) Send forth your Spirit, Lord : Homilies for Lent and 1
Easter seasons 1998
251.02 Y13 Yalung, C.A.; Cerbo, N.C. "Through Christ in the Holy Spirit to the Father" 1
(eds.) (The Year of the Trinity, the Great Jubilee Year
2000). Homily Guides for Lent and Easter 2000.
Archdiocese of Manila
252 Ar34 Arevalo, C.G. And they shall name him Emmanuel 1
252 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Markers c.1 1
252 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Markers c.2 1
252 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Viewpoints at the onset of the new millennium 1
252 F9527 Fuentes, J.M. Servant of the Word: A collection of homilies and 1
radio talks


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
252 M2966 Malley, W.J.; Mercado, F. Archbishop Fernando R. Capalla, D.D.: Pastor, 1
(eds.) peace-builder, apostle
252 M3334 Marcos, R.R. Sa yapak ni Hesus : pagninilay sa hiwaga ng pag- 1
ibig ng Diyos
252 Sa554 Sanchez, J.T. Insegnami, Signore, a fare la tua volontà 1
252 Si61 Sin, J.L. To my beloved: Excerpts from the addresses of c.1 1
H.E. Jaime Cardinal L. Sin, D.D. as compiled by
Very Rev. Msgr. Josefino S. Ramirez, STD, Vicar
General and Chancellor, Archdiocese of Manila

252 Si61 Sin, J.L. To my beloved: Excerpts from the addresses of c.2 1
H.E. Jaime Cardinal L. Sin, D.D. as compiled by
Very Rev. Msgr. Josefino S. Ramirez, STD, Vicar
General and Chancellor, Archdiocese of Manila

252 Si61 Sin, J.L. To my beloved: Excerpts from the addresses of c.3 1
H.E. Jaime Cardinal L. Sin, D.D. as compiled by
Very Rev. Msgr. Josefino S. Ramirez, STD, Vicar
General and Chancellor, Archdiocese of Manila

252 Si61 Sin, J.L. A treasury of selected homilies 1

252 T6347 Latorre, L.E. (ed.) Seventeen years in the Philippines as the Pope's c.1 1
ambassador: a selection of sermons, addresses
and papers of His Excellency, Archbishop Bruno L.
Torpigliani, D.D., Apostolic Nuncio to the
Philippines from 1973-1990
252 T6347 Latorre, L.E. (ed.) Seventeen years in the Philippines as the Pope's c.2 1
ambassador: a selection of sermons, addresses
and papers of His Excellency, Archbishop Bruno L.
Torpigliani, D.D., Apostolic Nuncio to the
Philippines from 1973-1990
252 V714 Villegas, S. Only Jesus, always Jesus: homilies at the EDSA 1
252 V714 Villegas, S.B. Jesus our peace: reflections from the Holy Ground c.1 1

252 V714 Villegas, S.B. Jesus our peace: reflections from the Holy Ground c.2 1

252 V714 Villegas, S.B. Si Jesus sa aking puso: Mga pagninilay sa 1

Dalanginan ng EDSA (tr. Arceo, L.A.)
252 V714 Villegas, S.B. Si Jesus, ang ating Ilaw: Mga pagninilay sa liwanag 1
ng buwan (tr. Arceo, L.A.)
252.02 Ac47 de Achútegui, P.S. (ed.) 3 addresses of John Paul II to the Philippine 1
Bishops. Rome, October 1985: "…your people are
truly close to my heart…"
252.02 Al62 Almario, C.R. Wellspring of Christ: spiritual reflections based on c.1 1
Sacred Scriptures
252.02 Al62 Almario, C.R. Wellspring of Christ: spiritual reflections based on c.2 1
Sacred Scriptures
252.02 Al62 Almario, C.R. Wellspring of Christ: spiritual reflections based on c.3 1
Sacred Scriptures
252.02 C124 Cajandig, W.I. Addresses and speeches of the Most Rev. Warlito v.6 1
I. Cajandig, DD, Vicar apostolic of Calapan,
Calapan City, Philippines
252.02 C8235 de la Costa, H. Selected homilies and religious reflections (ed. 1
R.M. Paterno)
252.02 F3914 Fernandez, E.R. A sanctuary without borders: Gospel reflections for 1
252.02 F3914 Fernandez, E.R. The God who lives beyond temple walls: Gospel 1
reflections for realists
252.02 J61 John Paul II John Paul in the Philippines: addresses and 1
252.02 V5864 Vergara, M.H.C. A shepherd's voice : reflections on the Sunday 1
Gospel (cycle A)
252.02 W1544 Walking in the light: 60 selected homilies by v.7 1
catholic laymen
252.6 C88 John Paul II we love you... c.1 1
252.6 C88 John Paul II we love you... c.2 1
253 G1141 Gabriel, M. et al. Training manual for christian leaders v.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
253 G1141 Gabriel, M. et al. Training manual for christian leaders v.2 1
253 J6138 John Paul II Cari sacerdoti! Le «Lettere del Giovedì Santo» e c.1 1
altri scritti sull'identita, la vita e la formazione del
253 J6138 John Paul II Cari sacerdoti! Le «Lettere del Giovedì Santo» e c.2 1
altri scritti sull'identita, la vita e la formazione del
253 K1563 Katesismo ng Pondo ng Pinoy c.1 1
253 K1563 Katesismo ng Pondo ng Pinoy (second set of c.1 1
253 K1563 Katesismo ng Pondo ng Pinoy c.2 1
253 K1563 Katesismo ng Pondo ng Pinoy c.3 1
253 L4988 Ledesma, A.J.; Picardal, A.L. Building basic ecclesial communities: case studies 1
from the philippine experience
253 L947 Lovett, B. On earth as in heaven: Corresponding to God in 1
Philippine context
253.2 D62824 Directors of Vocation of the National convention-seminar on vocations. 12-16 1
Philippines April 1977. Sacred Heart Seminary, Bacolod City:
The filipino youth today and vocations
253.2 D62824 Directors of Vocation of the National convention-seminar on vocations. 17-21 1
Philippines April 1979. Seminary of St. Gregory the Great,
Tabaco, Albay: The image of the priest / religious /
member of a secular institute in the light of the
Magisterium as applied to the philippine situation

253.2 D62824 Directors of Vocation of the National convention-seminar on vocations. 22-26 1

Philippines March 1976. San Carlos College Seminary,
Mabolo, Cebu City: Is vocations work an
evangelizing force?
253.2 D62824 Directors of Vocation of the National convention-seminar on vocations. 8-12 1
Philippines April 1980. Mary Help of Christians Seminary,
Binmaley, Pangasinan: A holistic approach to
vocations work (towards a coordinated vocation
promotion among vocation directors, formators and
parish lay promoters)

253.2 D62824 Directors of Vocation of the National convention-seminar on vocations. 9-12 1

Philippines April 1978. Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City:
Vocations and small christian communities
253.2 J328 JAVIER Moisés Alexis Poverty and priesthood : a survey and analysis of c.2 1
Contreras recent documents, arguments and proposal in
current discussions
253.2 Q416 Quilongquilong, J.V. Called to serve the Lord: A manual for vocation 1
253.53 G8201 Green, T.H. The friend of the bridegroom : spiritual direction 1
and the encounter with Christ
253.7 N21 National ... First National Bible Congress... 1
254 C8169 Coronel, H.M.; Mercado, E.E. Parish councils in the service of the Church 1

254 C8895 CRUZ Oscar V. Socialized administration of ecclesiastical goods or c.2 1

cumulate management of church temporalities

254 G1653 Garcia, E. Manual for parish priests according to the 1983 c.1 1
Codex iuris canonici
254 G1653 Garcia, E. Manual for parish priests according to the 1983 c.2 1
Codex iuris canonici
254.2599 R195 RAVANERA Dominador M. The parochial benefice in the Philippines c.2 1
254.8 L323 Lares, S.B. Basic accounting for philippine churches 1
255 C163 Canilang, S.H. The consecration of religious : foundations and 1
implications for everyday religious life
255 C163 Canilang, S.H. The religious community : a guide to community 1
living for religious
255 P32 Pedregosa, Q. et al. (eds.) At nanahan sa atin: coming home to the roots of c.1 1
the filipino religious
255 P32 Pedregosa, Q. et al. (eds.) At nanahan sa atin: coming home to the roots of c.2 1
the filipino religious
255.5302 Og6 O'Gorman, T.H. Jesuit obedience from life to law: the development 1
of the ignatian idea of obedience in the jesuit
Constitutions 1539-1556 (Logos 6)


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
259.2409599 M3173 Manrique, W.S. (ed.) The shape of campus ministry in the Philippines c.1 1
259.2409599 M3173 Manrique, W.S. (ed.) The shape of campus ministry in the Philippines c.2 1
259.5 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference A Church responds. A decade of prison ministry c.1 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission for Prisoners'
259.5 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference A Church responds. A decade of prison ministry c.2 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission for Prisoners'
260 So67 Girola, P.M.; Mazzini, G.L. Sopravvivera la Chiesa nel terzo millennio? 1
261 B87 Bulatao, J.C.; Claver, F.F.; de Inculturation, faith and christian life 1
la Costa, H.; Marasigan, V.M.;
Ysaac, W.L., et al.
261 G133 Galilea, S. The reign of God and human liberation 1
261 W77 With raging hope. 1
261.063 C2862 Catholic Charities' archdiocesan conference on the 1
encyclical Mater et Magistra (Mother and Teacher).
7-9 December 1961. Santa Isabel College
Auditorium, Taft Avenue, Manila
261.2 Ar43 Arinze, F. Conversations in Manila : talks on peace and 1
harmony through dialogue
261.2 C124 Cajilig, V.C. (ed.) Dialogue between faith and culture: Towards c.1 1
integral human and social development.
261.2 C124 Cajilig, V.C. (ed.) Dialogue between faith and culture: Towards c.2 1
integral human and social development.
261.2 C124 Cajilig, V.C. (ed.) Dialogue between faith and culture: Towards c.3 1
integral human and social development.
261.2 C7662 Constantino, J. Reaching out to God in the 21st century c.1 1
261.2 C7662 Constantino, J. Reaching out to God in the 21st century c.2 1
261.2 J328 Javier, E.G. Dialogue : our mission today 1
261.2 J87 JUAN Marcial D. The role of the christian as witness c.2 1
261.2 M533 Mercado, L.N. From pagans to partners : the change in catholic 1
attitudes towards traditional religion
261.2 M533 Mercado, L.N. Inter-religious explorations : the challenge and 1
rewards of inter-religious dialogue
261.27 M533 Mercado, L.N.; Knight, J.J. Mission and dialogue: theory and practice 1
261.5 Ei55 Eilers, F. J. (ed.) Church and social communication in Asia: c.1 1
documents, analysis, experiences
261.5 Ei55 Eilers, F. J. (ed.) Social communication formation in priestly ministry c.1 1

261.5 Ei55 Eilers, F. J. (ed.) Church and social communication in Asia: c.2 1
documents, analysis, experiences
261.5 Ei55 Eilers, F. J. (ed.) Social communication formation in priestly ministry c.2 1

261.5 Ei55 Eilers, F. J. (ed.) Church and social communication. Supplement I: 1

Basic documents (1998-2002)
261.5 F3178 Federation of Asian Bishops' Social communication handbook Asia c.1 1
Conferences. Office of Social
261.5 F3178 Federation of Asian Bishops' Social communication handbook Asia c.2 1
Conferences. Office of Social
261.5 F3178 Federation of Asian Bishops' Social communication handbook Asia c.3 1
Conferences. Office of Social
261.513 L61 Licauco, J.T. On Christianity, new age and reincarnation: new 1
perspectives on old religious issues
261.55 H2927 Haught, J.F. Christianity and science : toward a theology of 1
nature (Theology in global perspective)
261.709599 B12 Bacani, T. Church in politics. c.1 1
261.709599 B12 Bacani, T. The church and politics c.1 1
261.709599 B12 Bacani, T. Church in politics. c.2 1
261.709599 B12 Bacani, T. The church and politics c.2 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
261.709599 B12 Bacani, T. Church in politics. c.3 1
261.709599 B12 Bacani, T. Church in politics. c.4 1
261.709599 B12 Bacani, T. Church in politics. c.5 1
261.709599 M8154 Moreno, A.F. Church, state and civil society in postauthoritarian 1
Philippines : narratives of engaged citizenship

261.709599 Sa744 Sarmiento, J.V. Church, politics and transformation: Essays by Fr. 1
Luis G. Hechanova, CSsR
261.709599 T1591 Tanseco, R.M. Disturbing options: in quest of a Filipino political c.1 1
261.709599 T1591 Tanseco, R.M. Disturbing options: in quest of a Filipino political c.2 1
261.709599 T2885 Testimonies of hope: sharing for evangelization v.2 c.1 1
towards total human development
261.709599 T2885 Testimonies of hope: sharing for evangelization v.2 c.2 1
towards total human development
261.709599 V4262 Vargas, F.M. Sent to do the work of the Father 1
261.8 Ab13 Abad, J.M. Christian values and socio-economic life in Asia 1
261.8 C2797 Castro, L.N.; Roest Crollius, Poverty and development: the call of the Catholic 1
A.A. Church in Asia
261.8 C2862 Catholic Biblical Association of The roles of women and men in Scripture in the 1
the Philippines context of family, Church and society: proceedings
of the third annual convention, Tagaytay City, 19-
21 July 2002
261.8 F3178 Federation of Asian Bishops' Jesus for our times: Towards a spirituality of social 1
Conferences. Office of Human action
261.8 G683 Gorospe, V.R. Forming the filipino social conscience: social 1
theology from a filipino christian perspective
261.8 G898 Groody, D.G. Globalization, spirituality, and justice (Theology in 1
global perspective)
261.8 P6569 Piñon, M. Contraceptives and family planning 1
261.808822 Sa31 Salgado, P. Social encyclicals: commentary and critique 1
261.8095 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Proceedings of the meetings on the Filipino c.1 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal ministry. Meetings organized by ECMI-CBCP.
Commission for the Pastoral Period 1988-2000.
Care of Migrants and Itinerant
261.8095 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Proceedings of the meetings on the Filipino c.2 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal ministry. Meetings organized by ECMI-CBCP.
Commission for the Pastoral Period 1988-2000.
Care of Migrants and Itinerant
261.8095 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Handbook: The ministry to migrants and their 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal families
Commission on the Pastoral
Care of Migrants and Itinerant
261.8095 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Migration 2002: Situationer and impact, Biblical 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal inspiration, Pastoral challenges
Commission on the Pastoral
Care of Migrants and Itinerant
261.8095 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical Pastoral care of migrants and refugees in Asia: 1
Council for the Pastoral Care Proceedings of the First Consultative Meeting for
of Migrants and Itinerant the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees in Asia
People (Manila, Philippines; 16-19 June 1992)
261.8095 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The Second Consultation for the Pastoral Care of 1
Council for the Pastoral Care Migrants in Asia. Manila, Philippines. 13-18 May
of Migrants and Itinerant 1996
261.8095 C37 Gatmaytan, J.V.; Prigol, P.H. Character formation program on migration 1
261.809599 G58 Gomez F. Liberation theology and christian liberation 1
261.83 B4127 BELIZAR Eutiquio Jr. Baula John Paul II's vision of the local Church and its role c.2 1
in societal transformation
261.83 R575 ROBREDILLO Lope Coles Jesusological foundations for a theology of the c.2 1
transformation of society


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
261.8325 Of23 Office for Human Development Becoming the Church of the Poor (Nagliliyab 17) 1

261.8344 W8403 Catholic Bishops' Conference The woman of faith today: shaping the nation's 1
of the Philippines. Office on future
261.835 M69 Bishop's Commission for Mixed Marriage: Pastoral and Liturgical Guidelines 1
Promoting Christian Unity
261.836 B9608 Busch, V. Hope for the seeds 1
261.836 C7662 Constantino, T.J. Sunburst in parched snowy Russia. Ecology and 1
aesthetics (Moscow symposium paper)
261.836 M14 McDonagh, S. The greening of the Church 1
261.8362 C124 Cajilig, V.C. (ed.) Love for creation. Colloquium on faith and science: 1
Special question on technology and environmental
261.83682 M14 McDonagh, S. To care for the earth: a call to a new theology 1
261.85 F3178 Federation of Asian Bishops' Human work, human world, human development 1
Conferences. Office for Human
261.85 M761 Montalbo, M.B. The Church on labor and workers 1
261.85 P1985 Papini, R.; Buonomo, V. (eds.) Religions, development and liberation in Asia 1

261.850973 L61 Liberty and justice for all… Economic justice for all…
262 H759 Hontiveros, E.P. Understanding the Church: a study of its origin and c.1 1
262 H759 Hontiveros, E.P. Understanding the Church: a study of its origin and c.2 1
262 L8385 Lombardi, R. Church and Kingdom of God (tr. Kathleen England) 1

262 P81 Pope John Paul II in Iloilo. 1

262 W19 Wostyn, L. Doing ecclesiology: Church and mission today 1
262.001 Ac47 de Achútegui, P.S. (ed.) The Dublin papers on ecumenism: fourth congress 1
of jesuit ecumenists (Cardinal Bea Studies 2)

262.001 Ac47 de Achútegui, P.S. (ed.) Towards a "dialogue of life": ecumenism in the 1
asian context (first asian congress of jesuit
ecumenists, manila, 18-23 june 1975) (Cardinal
Bea Studies 4)
262.02599 C28 The Catholic church in the Philippines today. 1
262.02914 Al72 Alonso, I. La Iglesia en Filipinas c.1 1
262.02914 Al72 Alonso, I. La Iglesia en Filipinas c.2 1
262.1 C2862 Catholic Biblical Association of Charism, leadership and community : proceedings 1
the Philippines of the second annual convention, Tagaytay City,
20-22 July 2001
262.12 C8892 Cruz, O.V. The bishop's staff 1
262.130924 G99 Gwekoh, S. First Pope in the Philippines: His Holiness Paul 1
Paul VI
262.130924 V82 The visit of His Holiness Pope Paul VI to the 1
Philippines and the asian bishops' meeting
262.136 Ac47 de Achútegui, P. The Extraordinary Synod on the Second Vatican c.1 1
Council: Celebration, verification, promotion
262.136 Ac47 de Achútegui, P. The Extraordinary Synod on the Second Vatican c.2 1
Council: Celebration, verification, promotion
262.136 Ac47 de Achútegui, P. Along the pathways of the Council: 1987 Synod of 1
Bishops, the laity
262.136 L5233 Legaspi, L.Z. Eighth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of 1
Bishops. Summary of responses to the
262.14 H7476 Archdiocese of Manila A holy hour for the sanctification of priests (English 1
and Tagalog translations)
262.14 Sa592 Sta. Maria, D.B. A day in the life of a parish priest 1
262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. A heart for priests. Cardinal Sin's thoughts on the c.1 1
priesthood (ed. Santos, R.C.)
262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. Giving thanks: "The memory of the heart". Pastoral c.1 1
letter on the 40th anniversary of ordination to the


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. Our ministry of reconciliation. A letter to the priests c.1 1
of the Archdiocese of Manila during the Holy Year
of the Jubilee of the 1950th anniversary of the
Redemption. 15 September 1983. Manila

262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. Pope John Paul II. He leads… He inspires… A c.1 1
letter to my beloved priests in the Archdiocese. 29
June 1996
262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. A heart for priests. Cardinal Sin's thoughts on the c.2 1
priesthood (ed. Santos, R.C.)
262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. Giving thanks: "The memory of the heart". Pastoral c.2 1
letter on the 40th anniversary of ordination to the
262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. Our ministry of reconciliation. A letter to the priests c.2 1
of the Archdiocese of Manila during the Holy Year
of the Jubilee of the 1950th anniversary of the
Redemption. 15 September 1983. Manila

262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. Pope John Paul II. He leads… He inspires… A c.2 1
letter to my beloved priests in the Archdiocese. 29
June 1996
262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. A heart for priests. Cardinal Sin's thoughts on the c.3 1
priesthood (ed. Santos, R.C.)
262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. Pope John Paul II. He leads… He inspires… A c.3 1
letter to my beloved priests in the Archdiocese. 29
June 1996
262.14 Si61 Sin, J.L. A heart for priests. Cardinal Sin's thoughts on the c.4 1
priesthood (ed. Santos, R.C.)
262.14 Sy77 Synod of Bishops The ministerial priesthood 1
262.142 B4548 BERIÑA Peter Romeo M. Presbyteral collegiality : its theological bases c.2 1
262.142599 C8169 Coronel, H.M. Boatmen for Christ: the early filipino priests: a 1
chronicle of the history of the filipino diocesan
priesthood and the role of the seminary in forming
the first filipino clergy
262.142599 F3914 Fernandez, E.R. Leaving the priesthood: a close reading of priestly 1
262.142599 N21336 National Congress of the History and grace: 5-9 July 2004, World Trade 1
Clergy Center, Metro Manila
262.15 Ap46 Apostolate of ... First Asian meeting for the Apostolate of the laity 1

262.15 G82 Green, T. Come down Zacchaeus - spirituality and the laity 1

262.15 L45 Pontifical Council for the Laity Lay voices at the synod ...

262.15 Sa332 SALIDO Victor I. Filipino lay spirituality : a theologico-pastoral analysis of c.2 1
the spirituality of the filipino laity in the light of
Christifideles laici
262.15 Sy77 Synod of Bishops Vocation and Mission of the Laity in the Church and 1
in the World
262.26 M5235 MENDOZA Fe Teresita Basic ecclesial communities : authentic formation c.2 1
and interreligious dialogue : a lonerganian
262.3 Ep46 Episcopal Conference, historical canonical
262.3 R7469 ROTOR Cecilio Julian Bruel An analysis of the permanently established c.2 1
Apostolic Administration (in the light of the 1983
CIC and other documents) : a pastoral juridical
structure in a politically difficult situation
262.52 C83 Second Ecumenical Council of Mao kini ang Simbahan (Lumen gentium) 1
the Vatican
262.64 C939 Cursillos in Christianity 1
262.7 F77 Forte, B. The Church, icon of the Trinity: An introduction to 1
262.7 K91 Kroeger, J. Becoming local Church: historical, theological and 1
missiological essays
262.7 L52 Legaspi, L.Z. The Church we love (1975) 1
262.7 L52 Legaspi, L.Z. The Church we love (1982) 1
262.7 L52 Legaspi, L.Z. The Church we love (1997) c.1 1
262.7 L52 Legaspi, L.Z. The Church we love (1997) c.2 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.8 Au97 AUZA Bernardito Cleopas The noninfallible magisterium and theological c.2 1
dissent : a study on the contemporary phenomenon
of theological dissent from the Second Vatican
Council to the present from the perspectives of the
theology of the magisterium about itself and of the
theories of theological dissent of some
contemporary theologians

262.8 Au97 AUZA Bernardito Cleopas The noninfallible magisterium and theological c.3 1
dissent : a study on the contemporary phenomenon
of theological dissent from the Second Vatican
Council to the present from the perspectives of the
theology of the magisterium about itself and of the
theories of theological dissent of some
contemporary theologians

262.9 P778 Pontifical Commission for the Draft of the Canons of Book Five: The Law 1
Revision of the Code of Canon regarding Church Possessions
262.9 P778 Pontifical Commission for the Draft of the Canons of Book Four: The Church's 1
Revision of the Code of Canon Office to Sanctify, Part Two: Sacred Places and
Law Times and also Divine Cult
262.90599 An53 Aniceto, P. Second Archdiocesan Integrated Pastoral Plan 1
262.90599 Ar228 Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Decrees of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council of 1
of Caceres Caceres
262.90599 Ar228 Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Giboha sindang mga disipulos Ko! (Mt. 28:19). 1
of Caceres Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan of Caceres
262.90599 Ar228 Archdiocese of Manila, Companion readings for the diocesan treasurer c.1 1
Archdiocesan Office for
Research and Development
262.90599 Ar228 Archdiocese of Manila, Companion readings for the diocesan treasurer c.2 1
Archdiocesan Office for
Research and Development
262.90599 Ar228 Archdiocese of Manila, Companion readings for the vicar general 1
Archdiocesan Office for
Research and Development
262.90599 Ar228 Archdiocese of Manila, Policies and directives of the Archdiocese of Manila 1
Archdiocesan Office for
Research and Development
262.90599 Ar228 First Archdiocesan Pastoral Decrees of the First Archdiocesan Pastoral c.1 1
Assembly of San Fernando, Assembly of the Archdiocese of San Fernando,
Pampanga Pampanga. 8 September 1996
262.90599 Ar228 First Archdiocesan Pastoral Decrees of the First Archdiocesan Pastoral c.2 1
Assembly of San Fernando, Assembly of the Archdiocese of San Fernando,
Pampanga Pampanga. 8 September 1996
262.90599 B12 Bacani, T.C. Towards the third millennium - The PCP-II vision 1
(2nd rev. ed.)
262.90599 B4578 Bernier, P.; Gabriel, M.G. Journeying with the Spirit: A commentary on PCP-II 1

262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Catechism of the Church and politics c.1 1
of the Philippines
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pahayag Pastoral 1997: Ukol sa pulitika ng c.1 1
of the Philippines Pilipinas
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Exhortation 1997: Philippine Politics c.1 1
of the Philippines
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Catechism of the Church and politics c.2 1
of the Philippines
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pahayag Pastoral 1997: Ukol sa pulitika ng c.2 1
of the Philippines Pilipinas
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Exhortation 1997: Philippine Politics c.2 1
of the Philippines
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pahayag Pastoral 1997: Ukol sa pulitika ng c.3 1
of the Philippines Pilipinas
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Exhortation 1997: Philippine Politics c.3 1
of the Philippines
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Exhortation 1997: Philippine Politics c.4 1
of the Philippines
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Constitution and by-laws 1
of the Philippines


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference In the state of mission : Towards a renewed 1
of the Philippines integral evangelization. National pastoral plan.
Second Plenary Council of the Philippines
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Landas ng pagpapakabanal: sulat pastoral ng 1
of the Philippines Kapulungan ng mga Obispong Katoliko ng Pilipinas
sa mga Pilipinong Katoliko
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Love is life: a pastoral letter issued by the CBCP on 1
of the Philippines the population control activities of the Philippine
government and planned parenthood associations

262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Letter Education for Justice 1
of the Philippines
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Paglago sa pananampalatayang kristiyano: 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal Direktoryo kateketiko nasyonal ng Pilipinas
Commission on Catechesis
and Catholic Education
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Basic norms for priestly formation and 1980 c.1 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal Philippine program for priestly formation
Commission on Seminaries
262.90599 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Basic norms for priestly formation and 1980 c.2 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal Philippine program for priestly formation
Commission on Seminaries
262.90599 C46 Catholic Bishops' Conference Church renewal: proceedings and addresses of the c.2 1
of the Philippines National Pastoral Consultation on Church Renewal,
San Carlos Pastoral Formation Complex, Makati
City, Philippines, 22-27 January 2001

262.90599 D62 First Diocesan Synod of Acts and Statutes: along the path of the Second c.1 1
Dumaguete Plenary Council of the Philippines
262.90599 D62 First Diocesan Synod of Acts and Statutes: along the path of the Second c.2 1
Dumaguete Plenary Council of the Philippines
262.90599 D62 First Diocesan Synod of Dumaguete c.1 1
262.90599 D62 First Diocesan Synod of Dumaguete c.2 1
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Mga yugto at mga dekreto ng Ikalawang Konsilyo c.1 1
Philippines Plenaryo ng Pilipinas (tr. Titco, R.R.)
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Acts and decrees of the second Plenary Council of c.2 1
Philippines the Philippines
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Mga yugto at mga dekreto ng Ikalawang Konsilyo c.2 1
Philippines Plenaryo ng Pilipinas (tr. Titco, R.R.)
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Acts and decrees of the second Plenary Council of c.3 1
Philippines the Philippines
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Acts and decrees of the second Plenary Council of c.4 1
Philippines the Philippines
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Acts and decrees of the second Plenary Council of c.5 1
Philippines the Philippines
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Acts and decrees of the second Plenary Council of c.6 1
Philippines the Philippines
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Acts and decrees of the second Plenary Council of c.7 1
Philippines the Philippines
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Acts and decrees of the second Plenary Council of c.8 1
Philippines the Philippines
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Acts and decrees of the second Plenary Council of c.9 1
Philippines the Philippines
262.90599 P71 Second Plenary Council of the Primer on the Second Plenary Council of the 1
Philippines. National Philippines
Coordinating Office
262.90599 P713 Second Plenary Council of the Directory c.1 1
262.90599 P713 Second Plenary Council of the Directory c.2 1
262.90599 P8106 Pope John Paul II visits Bikolandia. Papal Mass. 1
Peñaranda Park, Legazpi City, Philippines. 21
February 1981
262.90599 P9492 First Provincial Council of First Provincial Council of the Ecclesiastical 1
Cebu Province of Cebu. December 5-8, 1967. Cebu
Metropolitan Cathedral, Cebu City, Philippines


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.90599 P9492 First Provincial Council of Ministries of the Laity: Second draft of the working 1
Cebu paper for the Second Provincial Council of Manila.
27 January 1996
262.90599 P9492 Second Provincial Council of Acts and decrees: Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today 1
Manila and Forever (Heb. 13:8). 1-15 August 1996

262.90599 P9492 Second Provincial Council of Ang ministri at apostolado ng laiko sa 1

Manila panlalawigang eklesiastiko ng Maynila. Dokumento
at Resolusyon ng Ikalawang Konsilyo Probinsyal
ng Maynila (PCM-II). Pagsusumite sa Santa Sede)

262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Acts and Statutes of the Fourth Synod of the c.1 1
Archdiocese of Manila Archdiocese of Manila. 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Documents relative to the Fourth Synod of Manila v.1 c.1 1
Archdiocese of Manila 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Documents relative to the Fourth Synod of Manila v.2 c.1 1
Archdiocese of Manila 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Documents relative to the Fourth Synod of Manila v.3 c.1 1
Archdiocese of Manila 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Acts and Statutes of the Fourth Synod of the c.2 1
Archdiocese of Manila Archdiocese of Manila. 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Documents relative to the Fourth Synod of Manila v.1 c.2 1
Archdiocese of Manila 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Documents relative to the Fourth Synod of Manila v.2 c.2 1
Archdiocese of Manila 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Documents relative to the Fourth Synod of Manila v.3 c.2 1
Archdiocese of Manila 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Acts and Statutes of the Fourth Synod of the c.3 1
Archdiocese of Manila Archdiocese of Manila. 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Acts and Statutes of the Fourth Synod of the c.4 1
Archdiocese of Manila Archdiocese of Manila. 21-28 October 1979
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Synodal Acts presented to His Eminence Jaime 1
Archdiocese of Manila Cardinal L. Sin, Archbishop of Manila. 28 October
1979. Manila Metropolitan Cathedral, Philippines

262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Areas of Concern 1

Archdiocese of Manila.
Preparatory Commissions
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Areas of Concern 1
Archdiocese of Manila. Pre-
Synodal Convention
262.90599 Sy77 Fourth Synod of the Areas of Concern 1
Archdiocese of Manila. Synod
262.90599 Sy77 Synod of the Archdiocese of The Documents of the Synod of the Archdiocese of 1
Lingayen-Dagupan Lingayen-Dagupan. 13 July - 7 December 1985

262.905991 M3143 Manila Archdiocesan General Pastoral Assembly c.2 1

Follow-up assemblies
262.905991 M3143 Manila Archdiocesan General Pastoral Assembly c.3 1
Follow-up assemblies
262.905991 M3143 Manila Archdiocesan General Pastoral Assembly c.1 1
Follow-up assemblies
262.91 D483 de Torre, J.M. The Church speaks on marriage and celibacy 1
262.91 J6138 John Paul II Ang Pagdating ng Ikatlong Libong Taon (Tertio c.1 1
millennio adveniente) Liham apostoliko ni Papa
Juan Pablo II
262.91 J6138 John Paul II Ang Pagdating ng Ikatlong Libong Taon (Tertio c.2 1
millennio adveniente) Liham apostoliko ni Papa
Juan Pablo II
262.91 So46 Sollicitudo rei socialis : Philippine reflections … c.1 1
262.91 So46 Sollicitudo rei socialis : Philippine reflections … c.2 1
262.933 M2709 MAGBANUA Antonio The M.P. Causas matrimoniales : towards a c.2 1
Bantillo reformed matrimonial procedural law in the new


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.933 M2709 MAGBANUA Antonio The M.P. Causas matrimoniales : towards a c.2 1
Bantillo reformed matrimonial procedural law in the new
262.933 M2709 MAGBANUA Antonio The M.P. Causas matrimoniales : towards a c.3 1
Bantillo reformed matrimonial procedural law in the new
262.933 M3119 MANAYON Rolando Tumulak The relevance of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory on c.2 1
the preparation for marriage
262.933 M3119 MANAYON Rolando Tumulak The relevance of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory on c.3 1
the preparation for marriage
262.94 Am133 AMANDY Alex Vargas The legislation on general sacramental absolution : c.2 1
its liturgical and pastoral application
262.94 Am133 AMANDY Alex Vargas The legislation on general sacramental absolution : c.2 1
its liturgical and pastoral application
262.94 Am133 AMANDY Alex Vargas The legislation on general sacramental absolution : c.3 1
its liturgical and pastoral application
262.94 Am133 AMANDY Alex Vargas The legislation on general sacramental absolution : c.3 1
its liturgical and pastoral application
262.94 Am133 AMANDY Alex Vargas The legislation on general sacramental absolution : c.4 1
its liturgical and pastoral application
262.94 Am133 AMANDY Alex Vargas The legislation on general sacramental absolution : c.5 1
its liturgical and pastoral application
262.94 As44 ASIS Joselito Cerna Canonical provisions for parish catechetical c.2 1
262.94 As44 ASIS Joselito Cerna Canonical provisions for parish catechetical c.2 1
262.94 Au97 AUZA Bernardito Cleopas The procedure of doctrinal examination in the c.2 1
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
262.94 Ay96 Ayuban, E.L. Canonical issues related to religious life 1
262.94 C4901 CIMAFRANCA Florendo N. Canon law and the emerging lay ministries in the BCCs : c.2 1
Diocese of Tagum
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. CBCP Guidelines on Sexual Abuse and c.1 1
Misconduct of the Clergy: A Critique
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Guide documents on parish, vicariate and diocesan c.1 1
administrative/pastoral concerns
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. CBCP Guidelines on Sexual Abuse and c.2 1
Misconduct of the Clergy: A Critique
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Guide documents on parish, vicariate and diocesan c.2 1
administrative/pastoral concerns
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Annotations on Rotal Jurisprudence on Canon 1
1095 CIC
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Annotations on Rotal Jurisprudence on Canon 1
1097 CIC, Canon 1098 CIC, Canon 1102 CIC
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Annotations on Rotal Jurisprudence on Canon 1
1101 CIC
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Annotations on Rotal Jurisprudence on Canon 1
1103 CIC
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Evidence in Marriage Nullity Cases (Canons 1526- 1
1586 CIC, Canons 1678-1680 CIC)
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Impediments to Canonical Marriage (Canons 1083- 1
1094 CIC)
262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Penal Process for Dismissal from the Clerical State 1

262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Provincial Council, Diocesan Synod, Pastoral 1

262.94 C8892 Cruz, O.V. Why marriages fail : a commentary on incapacity 1
for marriage
262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Curia management c.1 1
262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Curia management c.2 1
262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Evidence in Marriage Nullity Cases (Canons 1526- c.2 1
1586 CIC, Canons 1678-1680 CIC)
262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Administration of the temporal goods of the Church 1

262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Board of conciliation and arbitration (canons 1446, 1
262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Call of the laity 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Canon 290 CIC in the service of truth (declaration 1
of nullity of ordination), justice (dismissal from the
clerical state), charity (dispensation from
obligations arising from ordination)

262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Clergy compensation 1

262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Marriage tribunal ministry 1
262.94 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Media in our midst 1
262.94 H19134 Velarde, H.; Vergara, R.; Handbook of formularies for the use of chancery 1
González, J. and parish officers. The sacraments. 2nd ed.
262.94 P14 Paguio, W. Notes on introduction to the revised Code of Canon 1
262.94 P149 Paguio, W.C. Notes on sacraments and sacramentals according v.1 1
to the revised Code of Canon Law
262.94 P1933 PANGAN Edgardo P. Lack of due discretion of judgment or immature c.2
judgment : a juridical ground for dispensation of
priests from the obligations inherent to the
262.94 P1956 PANTAS Benjamín The canonico-juridical procedure for doctrinal c.2 1
examination : a study of the development of the
competent ecclesiastical forum for doctrinal
examination and the procedural norms in its
evaluation of doctrinal controversies vis-à-vis the
local legislations of the Catholic Bishops'
Conference of the Philippines

262.94 P1956 PANTAS Benjamín The canonico-juridical procedure for doctrinal c.3 1
examination : a study of the development of the
competent ecclesiastical forum for doctrinal
examination and the procedural norms in its
evaluation of doctrinal controversies vis-à-vis the
local legislations of the Catholic Bishops'
Conference of the Philippines

262.94 P1956 PANTAS Benjamín The canonico-juridical procedure for doctrinal c.4 1
examination : a study of the development of the
competent ecclesiastical forum for doctrinal
examination and the procedural norms in its
evaluation of doctrinal controversies vis-à-vis the
local legislations of the Catholic Bishops'
Conference of the Philippines

262.94 P1956 PANTAS Benjamín The canonico-juridical procedure for doctrinal c.5 1
examination : a study of the development of the
competent ecclesiastical forum for doctrinal
examination and the procedural norms in its
evaluation of doctrinal controversies vis-à-vis the
local legislations of the Catholic Bishops'
Conference of the Philippines

262.94 R286 REMO Allan Roy Espedido The publication of the sentence : a problem and a c.2 1
possible solution
262.94 R286 REMO Allan Roy Espedido The publication of the sentence : a problem and a c.3 1
possible solution
262.94 R286 REMO Allan Roy Espedido The publication of the sentence : a problem and a c.4 1
possible solution
262.94 R286 REMO Allan Roy Espedido The publication of the sentence : a problem and a c.5 1
possible solution
262.94 R3305 Reyes, G.F. Marriage "annulment" : what? how? 1
262.94 R712 ROSARIO Wilmer Rivera The denial of Holy Communion because of public c.2 1
262.94 R712 ROSARIO Wilmer Rivera The denial of Holy Communion because of public c.3 1
262.94 Sa599 SANVICENTE Noel Odulio The power of the diocesan Bishop to dispense in c.2 1
canon 87, § 1
262.94 Sa599 SANVICENTE Noel Odulio The power of the diocesan Bishop to dispense in c.3 1
canon 87, § 1
262.94 Sa599 SANVICENTE Noel Odulio The power of the diocesan Bishop to dispense in c.4 1
canon 87, § 1
262.94 Se684 SERRANO José Jr. M. The juridical remedies against administrative acts in c.2
the Church : a historico-juridical study


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
262.94 T2882 Testera, F. (ed.) Parish priests and parishes in the 1983 Code of 1
Canon Law
262.94 T753 TRONQUED Ramón C. Procedures : loss of the clerical state (from the c.2 1
1917 CIC to the 1983 CIC)
262.94 Uy1 UY, Vicente Ruga The principle of equity in the Code of Canon Law : an c.2 1
historical and canonical study
262.94 Uy1 UY, Vicente Ruga The principle of equity in the Code of Canon Law : c.2 1
an historical and canonical study
262.94 Uy1 UY, Vicente Ruga The principle of equity in the Code of Canon Law : c.2
an historical and canonical study
262.94 Uy1 UY, Vicente Ruga The principle of equity in the Code of Canon Law : c.3 1
an historical and canonical study
263.04 V7115 Villadolid, A.C. Journeys for the spirit 1
263.042599 B76 Briefings on the Philippines c.1 1
263.042599 B76 Briefings on the Philippines c.2 1
263.09599 D384 delos Reyes, M.P. Prusisyon : paghahanda at pagdiriwang 1
263.09599 H3549 Hechanova, L.G. The Baclaran story 1
263.93 C47 Chupungco, A. Shaping the Easter feast 1
263.97 Al62 Almario, C.R. Celebrating the Great Jubilee 2000 c.1 1
263.97 Al62 Almario, C.R. Celebrating the Great Jubilee 2000 c.2 1
263.97 C2862 Catholic Biblical Association of Announcing a year of favor of the Lord : 1
the Philippines proceedings of the first annual convention,
Tagaytay City, 28-30 July 2000
264 M6921 Mitchell, N.D. Meeting mystery (Theology in global perspective) 1

264.02 An249 Andrade, M.B. (ed.) Collectio rituum (English and Tagalog) c.1 1
264.02 An249 Andrade, M.B. (ed.) Collectio rituum (English and Tagalog) c.2 1
264.02 At719 Alcoseba, C.J. (ed.) Atong tamdanan : mga pangadye, mga rito, mga 1
264.02 C47 Chupungco, A. Liturgical inculturation: Sacramentals, religiosity 1
and catechesis
264.02 C6853 Collectio rituum (English and Tagalog) (2006) 1
264.02 D6425 Diwa, G.O. A Ritual for lay ministers in Tagalog and English 1
264.02 M3113 Manabat, J.M. (ed.) Liturgy for the filipino Church : a collection of talks 1
of Anscar J. Chupungco, OSB
264.02 M3399 Marivoet, C.J. Liturgy alive: models of celebration for Sundays 1
264.02 M3399 Marivoet, C.J. Liturgy alive: models of celebration for weekdays 1
264.02 T64 Torpigliani, B. The church : a transforming leaven in today's world 1

264.02 V2421 VALLE Nelson L. From adaptation to inculturation : the development c.2 1
of the concept of liturgical inculturation

264.02 V2421 VALLE Nelson L. From adaptation to inculturation : the development c.3 1
of the concept of liturgical inculturation

264.02 V557 Vengco, S.A. Mga tanda at kilos sa liturhiya 1

264.02013 Or47 Orillo, A. General intercessions for weekday masses : 1
ordinary time
264.02013 Or47 Orillo, A. General intercessions for weekday masses : proper 1
of seasons, solemnities and feasts
264.02034 V236 Valera, A.S. Ang tatlong araw ng pagdiriwang ng 1
pagpapakasakit, kamatayan at pagkabuhay ng
264.02036 C2862 Catholic Church. Pontifical The International Eucharistic Congresses for a new 1
Committee for International evangelization
Eucharistic Congresses
264.02085 T2355 Tejon, G. Yes, I do : our wedding 1
264.023 B1471 Regional Committee for Ang bagong misal : Hanay ng mga banal 1
Tagalog in the Liturgy (sanctoral)
264.023 B1471 Regional Committee for Ang bagong misal sa karaniwang panahon v.1 1
Tagalog in the Liturgy
264.023 B1471 Regional Committee for Ang bagong misal sa karaniwang panahon v.2 1
Tagalog in the Liturgy
264.023 B1471 Regional Committee for Ang bagong misal sa panahon ng Adbiyento at 1
Tagalog in the Liturgy Pasko
264.023 B1471 Regional Committee for Ang bagong misal sa panahon ng Kuwaresma at 1
Tagalog in the Liturgy Pagkabuhay
264.023 B1471 Ang bagong misal na pang-araw-araw 1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
264.023 B1471 Ang bagong misal na panlinggo 1 1
264.023 B1471 Ang bagong misal na panlinggo at pang-araw-araw v.2 1

264.023 B1471 Bagong misal na panlinggo. Taon A 1

264.023 B1471 Bagong misal na panlinggo. Taon B 1
264.023 C2862 Catholic Church. Catholic Ang pagpapahayag ng Salita ng Diyos. 2nd ed. 1
Bishops' Conference of the
Philippines. Regional
Commission on Tagalog in the
264.023 L538 Abriol, J. (ed.) Leksionario sa mga araw ng linggo at sa mga c.1 1
karaniwang araw
264.023 L538 Abriol, J. (ed.) Leksionario sa mga araw ng linggo at sa mga c.2 1
karaniwang araw
264.023 L538 Abriol, J. (ed.) Leksionario sa mga araw ng linggo at sa mga c.3 1
karaniwang araw
264.023 M68 Misal romano v.1 c.1 1
264.023 M68 Misal romano c.2 1
264.023 M68 Misal romano c.3 1
264.023 M68 Misal romano v.3 1
264.023 M68 Misal sa pista ng mga santo 1
264.023 P1931 Pang-araw-araw ng misal romano v.3 c.1 1
264.023 P1931 Pang-araw-araw ng misal romano v.3 c.2 1
264.023 P1931 Pang-araw-araw ng misal romano v.2 c.1 1
264.023 P1931 Pang-araw-araw ng misal romano c.2 1
264.023 P1931 Pang-araw-araw ng misal romano c.3 1
264.023 Sa297 Abriol, J.C. (ed.) Sakramentario 1
264.023 Su766 Supplement to the Roman Sacramentary for the c.1 1
Dioceses of the Philippines
264.023 Su766 Supplement to the Roman Sacramentary for the c.2 1
Dioceses of the Philippines
264.024599 Su765 Supplement to the Liturgy of the Hours for the 1
Dioceses of the Philippines
264.0255 Ak57 Aklat ng mga pagdiriwang ng Simbahan ng Roma 1
isinaayos sa pahayag-kautusan ng kabanal-
banalang ikalawang pandaigdig na kapulungan ng
mga obispo sa Vatican at ipinalathala ng
kapangyarihan ni Papa Pablo VI. Ang pagdiriwang
ng pag-iisang-dibdib. Salin sa tagalog ng huwarang

264.0255 Ak57 Ang aklat ng pagdiriwang ng pag-iisang-dibdib 1

264.0274 Ak57 Ang aklat ng paglilibing at mga panalangin para sa c.1 1
yumaong Kristiyano
264.0274 Ak57 Ang aklat ng paglilibing at mga panalangin para sa c.2 1
yumaong Kristiyano
264.0274 T161 Tapang, M.M. Purihin si Jesus ng Pilipino : ang prusisyon ng 1
Santisimo Sakramento, pagsamba ng Banal na
Sakramento ng Eukaristiya
264.09599 L737 Chupungco, A.J. (ed.) Liturgical renewal in the Philippines. Maryhill 1
liturgical consultations (Maryhill Studies 3)
264.7 D591 Dimaculangan, J.M. Nine ways to say "I love you!" 1
265 M4516 May in the Philippines: Flores de Mayo 1
265.063 Ar228 Archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress in c.1 1
commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the
XXXIII International Eucharistic Congress. 8-11
February 1962. Manila, Philippines
265.063 Ar228 Archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress in c.2 1
commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the
XXXIII International Eucharistic Congress. 8-11
February 1962. Manila, Philippines
265.063 Ar228 Archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress in c.3 1
commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the
XXXIII International Eucharistic Congress. 8-11
February 1962. Manila, Philippines
265.3 B12 Bacani, T.C. The Eucharist and Mary 1
265.3 B12 Bacani, T.C. The Eucharist and the Filipino 1
265.3 C47299 Chupungco, A.J. Misa ng Bayang Pilipino: a study on liturgical 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
265.3 N21347 Fifth National Eucharistic Liturgy guide c.1 1
265.3 N21347 Fifth National Eucharistic Liturgy guide c.2 1
265.3 N21347 Fifth National Eucharistic Liturgy guide c.3 1
265.3 Y89 Ysaac, W.L. Ang Eukaristiya at ang Inisyasyon ng Kristiyano 1
265.7 Ak57 Ang aklat ng pagpapahid ng langis at paglingap sa 1
265.85 T161 Tapang, M.M. Todos los santos… todos los defuntos : panalagin 1
para sa yumao batay sa Book of blessings

265.85 T161 Tapang, M.M. Todos los santos… todos los defuntos : prayer 1
service for our beloved dead adapted from the
Book of blessings
265.85 T162 Tapiador, G.R. Into the light of the Risen Lord : a biblical 1
understanding of the symbolic significance of
265.9 Sy79 Syquia, J.F.C. Exorcism : encounters with the paranormal and the c.1 1
265.9 Sy79 Syquia, J.F.C. Exorcism : encounters with the paranormal and the c.2 1
266 K913 Kroeger, J.H. (ed.) Telling God's story: National Mission Congress 1
2000 resources and documents
266 M3197 Manuel, V. (ed.) Acta of the First National Mission Congress (27 1
September - 1 October 2000)
266 T237 Catholic Bishops' Conference Tell the world… Catechetical modules for mission c.1 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal animation
Commission on Mission
266 T237 Catholic Bishops' Conference Tell the world… Catechetical modules for mission c.2 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal animation
Commission on Mission
266 T237 Catholic Bishops' Conference Tell the world… Catechetical modules for mission c.3 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal animation
Commission on Mission
266.001 R2435 Recepcion, A.G. God's global household : a theology of mission in 1
the context of globalization
266.023 Ex711 Circolo Romano Filipino Expanding the frontiers of faith 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.1 c.1 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.2 c.1 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.3 c.1 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.1 c.2 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.2 c.2 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.3 c.2 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.1 c.3 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.2 c.3 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.1 c.4 1
266.023 In8 International ... Toward a new age in mission. v.2 c.4 1
266.023 In859 International Mission Congress Misa ng Bayang Pilipino 1

266.023 In859 International Mission Congress The Good News of God's Kingdom… to the 1
peoples of Asia. A pastoral/theological conference.
International Congress on Mission jointly sponsored
by the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelization
of Peoples and the Pontifical Mission Aid Societies
of the Philippines. Manila, Philippines. 2-7
December 1979

266.023 K91 Kroeger, J. Remembering our bishop. c.1 1

266.023 K91 Kroeger, J. Remembering our bishop. c.2 1
266.023 K913 Kroeger, J.H. Asia-Church in mission: Exploring ad gentes 1
mission initiatives of the local Churches in Asia in
the Vatican II era
266.0924 G13 Galende, P.G. Apologia pro Filipinos: the quixotic life and chivalric 1
adventures of Fray Martín de Rada, OSA, in
defense of the early Filipinos


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
266.0924 R492 Risco, A. The apostle of the Marianas: the life, labors and c.1 1
martyrdom of Ven. Diego Luis de San Vitores
(1627-1672) (tr. Ledesma, J.M.H.; ed. Calvo, O.L.)

266.0924 R492 Risco, A. The apostle of the Marianas: the life, labors and c.2 1
martyrdom of Ven. Diego Luis de San Vitores
(1627-1672) (tr. Ledesma, J.M.H.; ed. Calvo, O.L.)

266.2 K91 Kroeger, J. Living Mission: Challenges in Evangelization Today 1

266.2 P134 Padilla, F. Renewing the face of the earth 1

266.2 P778 Pontifical Council for Dialogue and proclamation: reflections and 1
Interreligious Dialogue; orientations on interreligious dialogue and the
Congregation for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Evangelization of Peoples
266.2 R15 Ranaghan, K. In the power of the spirit : effective Catholic 1
266.20924 Z14 Zambonine, F. Teresa of Calcutta: A pencil in God's hand 1
266.25 G11 Gabriel, M. John Paul II’s mission theology in Asia c.1 1
266.25 G11 Gabriel, M. John Paul II’s mission theology in Asia c.2 1
266.25 G11 Gabriel, M. John Paul II’s mission theology in Asia c.3 1
266.25 G11 Gabriel, M. John Paul II’s mission theology in Asia c.4 1
266.25 G11 Gabriel, M. John Paul II’s mission theology in Asia c.5 1
266.25 G11 Gabriel, M. John Paul II’s mission theology in Asia c.6 1
266.25 G1141 GABRIEL Manuel G. John Paul II's missiological perspectives in Asia c.2 1
266.25 G1141 GABRIEL Manuel G. John Paul II's missiological perspectives in Asia c.3 1
266.2599 G1397 GALVEZ José Antonio Santos Lay missionary work in the Philippines c.2 1
266.2599 G1397 GALVEZ José Antonio The apostolate of the lay in the early evangelization c.2 1
Santos of the Philippines
266.2599 K913 KROEGER James H. Human promotion as an integral dimension of the c.2 1
Church's mission of evangelization : a philippine
experience and perspective since Vatican II - 1965-1984

266.2599 K913 KROEGER James H. Human promotion as an integral dimension of the Bibl. c.1 1
Church's mission of evangelization : a philippine
experience and perspective since Vatican II - 1965-1984

266.2599 K913 KROEGER James H. Human promotion as an integral dimension of the Bibl. c.2 1
Church's mission of evangelization : a philippine
experience and perspective since Vatican II - 1965-1984

266.9599 P778 Pontifical Missionary Societies of the Philippines 1

celebrates its 70th foundation anniversary (1932-
2002) and 50th general mission assembly (1952-
267.44 C991 Catholic Women's League The CWL story : a pilgrimage of 87 years towards 1
the heavenly Jerusalem : 1919-2006
268 Al62 Almario, C.R. Liwanag at buhay : mga aral katoliko batay sa 1
Banal na Kasulatan
268 M2966 Malley, W.J. The filipino christian educator : living symbol of 1
filipino and christian wisdom
268 T49 Tinig : mga araling kristiyano batay sa Lingguhang 1
Ebanghelyo: Taon B
268.0599 T3297 Manila Archdiocesan and That Christ be formed: MAPSA school system: 1
Parochial Schools Association Norms and policies

268.09599 C8896 CRUZ Rogelio Catechesis in the Second Plenary Council of the c.2 1
Philippines : a canonico-pastoral presentation
268.8 G9851 GUTIÉRREZ Dinualdo D. Paul VI and the magisterium : a study of Pope Paul c.2 1
the Sixth's teachings on the ecclesiastical
magisterium (1963-1970)
268.82 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference Maturing in Christian Faith : National Catechetical 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal Directory for the Philippines. Draft
Commission on Education and
Religious Education
268.82 Sh22 The shape of religious education in the Philippines 1
269.6 B41 Journey into solitude ... 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
269.6 G82 Green, T. A vacation with the Lord. c.1 1
269.6 G82 Green, T. A vacation with the Lord. c.2 1
270 F85 Franzen, A. A history of the Church 1
271.01 L3497 Perdiguerra, S.R.; Gerlock, E. Latin american theologians on religious life c.1 1
(eds.) (Religious life 5)
271.01 L3497 Perdiguerra, S.R.; Gerlock, E. Latin american theologians on religious life c.2 1
(eds.) (Religious life 5)
271.105992 F7403 Mother of Life Center For greater life… Mother of Life center 1967-1992 1

271.3602 Ia7 IasenzaNiro, M. The "Padre" : Saint Pio of Pietrelcina : his mission 1
to save souls. Testimonies
271.40599 B6121 de Blas de la Asunción, G.F. Labor evangélica de los padres agustinos recoletos 1
en las Islas Filipinas expuesta en cuadros
estadísticos de la Provincia de S. Nicolas de
271.509914 P9334 Priest of fire and flame: a Jesuit Fil-American 1
spiritual director par excellence
271.5302 Ig5 Ang Peregrinasyon: ang talambuhay ni San Ignacio 1
de Loyola
271.5302 L819 Locsin, R.L. The gift of life: biography of Richard Michael 1
"Richie" R. Fernando, SJ
271.640599 B159 Baily, M. Small net in a big sea: the Redemptorists in the c.1 1
Philippines (1905-1929)
271.640599 B159 Baily, M. Small net in a big sea: the Redemptorists in the c.2 1
Philippines (1905-1929)
271.73 In18 In tranquil solitary grandeur (Poetry and St. John of c.1 1
the Cross)
271.73 In18 In tranquil solitary grandeur (Poetry and St. John of c.2 1
the Cross)
271.73 In18 In tranquil solitary grandeur (Poetry and St. John of c.3 1
the Cross)
271.73 In18 In tranquil solitary grandeur (Poetry and St. John of c.4 1
the Cross)
271.73 In18 In tranquil solitary grandeur (Poetry and St. John of c.5 1
the Cross)
271.73 L476 Leaping beyond to… ("I-don't-know-what") c.1 1
271.73 L476 Leaping beyond to… ("I-don't-know-what") c.2 1
271.73 L476 Leaping beyond to… ("I-don't-know-what") c.3 1
271.73 L476 Leaping beyond to… ("I-don't-know-what") c.4 1
271.73 L476 Leaping beyond to… ("I-don't-know-what") c.5 1
271.770599 G749 dela Goza, R.S.; Cavanna, Vincentians in the Philippines 1862-1982 1
271.97 F4128 Ferraris, R.C. … and a star is born: A history of the Congregation 1
of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the
Philippines, the first Filipino congregation for
religious women
271.97 F4128 Ferraris, R.C. From beaterio to congregation: A brief history of the 1
Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary,
271.97 F4128 Ferraris, R.C. The beaterios for native women in colonial 1
Philippines (Beaterio papers 1986-1987 n. 1)
271.97 F4128 Ferraris, R.C. Under the noonday sun 1
271.97 F4128 Ferraris, R.C. (ed.) Tribute to Mother Ignacia del Espíritu Santo 1
(Beaterio papers 1986-1987 n. 3)
271.97 F4128 Mother Ignacia and her beaterio. c.1 1
271.97 F4128 Mother Ignacia and her beaterio. c.2 1
271.97 L2358 Landmarks in R.V.M. history 1
271.97 M8565 Mother Ignacia del Espíritu Santo : A gift to the 1
Church and society. Mother Ignacia Movement First
National Convention, St. Mary's College, Quezon
City, 4-6 April 1997
271.97 R357 Ricafrente, M.C.M. Ignatian spirituality and the R.V.M. life and 1
constitutions (Beaterio papers 1986-1987 n. 2)
271.97 Sa594 Santiago, L.P.R. Stars of peace : the Talangpaz sisters 1
271.972 Sa588 SAN PEDRO Rodrigo F. Catherine of Siena on suffering (human suffering in c.2 1
the light of Christ crucified)
271.979 R3196 Reuter, J.B. For the young at heart: Highlights from the history 1
of the Sisters of Saint Paul de Chartres


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
272.09599 V71 Villaroel, F. Lorenzo Ruiz: The protomartyr of the Philippines 1
and his companions (1st ed 1979)
272.09599 V71 Villaroel, F. Lorenzo Ruiz: The protomartyr of the Philippines 1
and his companions (2nd rev. printing 1987)
273.095 Ev14 Evangelization in Asia: Proceedings of the Asian c.1 1
Congress on Evangelization
273.095 Ev14 Evangelization in Asia: Proceedings of the Asian c.2 1
Congress on Evangelization
273.9095997 C4731 Geremia, P. (ed.) Church persecution. A test case : Kidapawan 1
273.9095997 C58 Geremia, P. Chiesa perseguitata: la diocesi di Kidapawan 1
275.031 P82 Deo Gratias 1
275.99 A93 A.D. 1595-1995: The 400th year of Nueva Segovia. 1
A celebration of renewal towards a new way of
being Church: Simbaan sangakarrubaan (SiSa)

275.99 B2314 The Barangay manual. Barangay sang Virgen. 1

Catholic Action of the Philippines
275.99 B4 Bernad, M.A. The Christianization of the Philippines: Problems 1
and Perspectives
275.99 C5478 Clark, F.X. "Mission" and the Philippines - past, present, future 1

275.99 D62 Diocese of Catarman in twenty-five years and more 1

275.99 F3917 Fernandez, P. History of the Church in the Philippines (1521-1898) 1

275.99 F477 Mercado, L.N. (ed.) Filipino popular devotions : the interior dialogue 1
between traditional religion and christianity
275.99 G1397 Galvez, J.A. The pioneers: Filipino lay missionaries c.1 1
275.99 G1397 Galvez, J.A. The pioneers: Filipino lay missionaries c.2 1
275.99 G1397 Galvez, J.A. The pioneers: Filipino lay missionaries c.3 1
275.99 K913 Kroeger, J.H. Church truly alive : journey to the filipino revolution 1

275.99 N81187 Diocese of Catarman North of Samar Island: 400 years of Christianization 1

275.99 Sa332 Saligang aklat ng Apostolado ng Panalangin 1

275.99 Y901 YU José Vidamor B. Inculturation of filipino-chinese culture mentality c.2 1
277.384 F82 400 years, 1578-1978 : Franciscans in the 1
277.779 As78 Guide to sisterhood. 1
279 K62 Kinne, W. The splintered staff : structural deadlock ... 1
281.5 P59 Piddubcheshen, E. "...And bless thine inheritance" 1
282 G1141 Gabriel, M.G.; Kroeger, J.H. Sons of San Jose. The josefino spirit : a profile. A 1
research project in celebration of the 400th
anniversary of San Jose Seminary (1601-2001)
282 J6138 John Paul II, Pope Pagtawid sa bungad ng pag-asa (Crossing the 1
threshold of hope, tr. A. Co)
282.092 Ac72 Acosta, C. The life of Rufino Cardinal Santos. 1
282.092 Al88 Alvino, M.C.B. The spirituality of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo 1

282.092 Ar34 Arevalo, C.G. Pedro Calungsod: young visayan 'proto-martyr' (+2 c.1 1
April 1672)
282.092 Ar34 Arevalo, C.G. Pedro Calungsod: young visayan 'proto-martyr' (+2 c.2 1
April 1672)
282.092 Ar34 Arevalo, C.G. Pedro Calungsod: young visayan 'proto-martyr' (+2 c.3 1
April 1672)
282.092 Ar34 Arevalo, C.G. Pedro Calungsod: young visayan 'proto-martyr' (+2 c.4 1
April 1672)
282.092 B3288 Bautista, F. Cardinal Sin and the miracle of Asia 1
282.092 B8554 Buck, M.R.C.; Brillantes, The legacy of Sin: a man of peace 1
282.092 C25 Carunungan, C.A. The visit to the USSR of His Eminence Jaime L. c.1 1
Cardinal Sin
282.092 C25 Carunungan, C.A. The visit to the USSR of His Eminence Jaime L. c.2 1
Cardinal Sin


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Nagasakien. seu Macaonen. seu Manilen. c.1 1
Congregation for the Causes Beatificationis seu declarationis martyrii Servorum
of Saints Dei Dominici Ibañez de Erquicia, O.P. et xvi
sociorum in odium fidei, uti fertur, annis 1633-1637
interfectorum. Relatio et vota sulla seduta dei
Consultori dell'Ufficio Storico tenuta il 30 ottobre

282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Nagasakien. seu Macaoen. seu Manilen. c.2 1
Congregation for the Causes Beatificationis seu declarationis martyrii Servorum
of Saints Dei Dominici Ibañez de Erquicia, O.P., et xvi
sociorum in odium fidei, uti fertur, annis 1633-1637
interfectorum Positio super introductione causae et
martyrio ex officio concinnata

282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Nagasakien. seu Macaonen. seu Manilen. c.2 1
Congregation for the Causes Beatificationis seu declarationis martyrii Servorum
of Saints Dei Dominici Ibañez de Erquicia, O.P. et xvi
sociorum in odium fidei, uti fertur, annis 1633-1637
interfectorum. Relatio et vota sulla seduta dei
Consultori dell'Ufficio Storico tenuta il 30 ottobre

282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Caebuan. Beatificationis seu declarationis martyrii 1
Congregation for the Causes Servi Dei Petri Calungsod catechistae laici in
of Saints Insulis Marianis (+1672). Positio super martyrio

282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Caebuan. Beatificationis seu declarationis martyrii 1
Congregation for the Causes Servi Dei Petri Calungsod catechistae laici in
of Saints Insulis Marianis (+1672). Relatio et vota
congressus peculiaris super martyrio die 4 ianuarii
an. 2000 habiti
282.092 C2862 Catholic Church. Sacred Nagasakien. seu Manilen. Canonizationis 1
Congregation for the Causes Beatorum Laurentii Ruiz de Manila, Dominici
of Saints Ibañez de Erquicia, O.P., Iacobi Kyushei
Tomonaga, O.P., et xiii sociorum, martyrum. Positio
super miraculo
282.092 C6797 Colet-Villadolid, A. A journal of faith c.3 1
282.092 C6797 Colet-Villadolid, A. A journal of faith c.1 1
282.092 C6797 Colet-Villadolid, A. A journal of faith c.2 1
282.092 C7662 Constantino, T.J. Personalizing Russia even by those who know her v.1 1
little but love her much
282.092 C7662 Constantino, T.J. Personalizing Russia even by those who know her v.2 1
little but love her much
282.092 D3552 A decade of Sin 1
282.092 D3784 Delgado, A.C. The making of the first Filipino saint 1
282.092 El48 Elizabeth of the Trinity, o.c.d. Nuclear suicide or 1
adoration? (The power of purity and prayer
282.092 F4128 Ferraris, R.C. Behold the handmaid of the Lord! (The life, virtues 1
and fame for holiness of the Servant of God Mother
Ignacia del Espíritu Santo) (2nd ed.)
282.092 F4128 Ferraris, R.C. Mother Ignacia del Espíritu Santo 1
282.092 F582 Fitzpatrick, M.T. Bishop Francisco F. Claver, SJ (1972-1990) On the 1
Local Church
282.092 G3418 Gheddo, P. La mia vita per le Filippine: P. Tullio Favali, 1
missionario del P.I.M.E., ucciso a Tulunan
(Mindanao) l'11 aprile 1985
282.092 G8619 Gregorio, F.S. Saint Ezekiel Moreno and his Sacred Heart 1
spirituality (Saint Ezekiel Moreno Studies 3)
282.092 J574 Joaquin, N. The book of Sin: from golden salakot to red hat 1
282.092 J772 Jose, S. Si San Juan de la Cruz: santong patnubay ng 1
bayang pilipino
282.092 J799 Josue, E. Alfredo Versoza, obispo : the life and legacy of the 1
fourth filipino roman catholic bishop
282.092 M9902 My dear Fr. Ben: letters to a spiritual director 1
282.092 P618 Pietro ng Valdiporro Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon Padre Leopoldo ng 1
Castelnovo, Kaputsino
282.092 R282 Remember, I love you all very dearly. Jaime L. 1
Cardinal Sin : the final journey


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.092 R3306 de los Reyes, A. Leoncio Leviste Lat, D.D., J.C.D.: Honors... and... 1
Irony: a bishop's story
282.092 R66 Romanillos, E. Bishop Ezekiel Moreno: An Augustinian Recollect 1
saint among Filipinos
282.092 R7107 Rosales, G.B. Fr. Neri Satur and the Church he died for 1
282.092 Sa298 Saksi ng pag-ibig… hanggang kamatayan : mga 1
martir sa pananampalataya ng Dominican Sisters
of the Anunciata
282.092 Sa392 Salvoldi, V. San Gabriele dell'Addolorata c.3 1
282.092 Si56 Simonena, M. Father Fernando Cuenca of St. Joseph, 1
Augustinian Recollect (trans. Ma. Soledad L.
282.092 Ur3 Xavier, A. Ocaso del imperio: ultimo párrafo de la hispanidad - 1
fe y patriotismo - en Filipinas
282.092 Y14 Yamsuan, N. Scenes of Sin. c.1 1
282.092 Y14 Yamsuan, N. Scenes of Sin. c.2 1
282.092 Y14 Yamsuan, N. Scenes of Sin. c.3 1
282.0922 G1313 Galazka, Grzegory Cardinali del terzo millennio 1
282.0924 G3355 Getting acquainted with St. John of the Cross 1
282.0924 L59 Leyson, I. Pedro Calonsor Bisaya : Prospects of a teenage c.1 1
282.0924 L59 Leyson, I. Pedro Calonsor Bisaya : Prospects of a teenage c.2 1
282.0924 L59 Leyson, I. Pedro Calonsor Bisaya : Prospects of a teenage c.3 1
282.0924 L96 Luengo, J. Lorenzo Ruiz: The Filipino protomartyr in Nagasaki 1

282.0924 St1097 St. Therese and global spirituality c.1 1

282.0924 St1097 St. Therese and global spirituality c.2 1
282.0924 Su649 A summing up of Therese's centenary gifts c.1 1
282.0924 Su649 A summing up of Therese's centenary gifts c.2 1
282.434164 F853 Frankfurter kirchliches Jahrbuch 1979 : 1
evangelisch, katholisch, freikirchlich
282.43613 P4323 Personalstand der Erzdiözese Wien 1992 1
282.45 An787 Annuario cattolico d'Italia 2006 1
282.45 An787 Annuario cattolico d'Italia 2001/2002 1
282.45 An787 Annuario cattolico d'Italia 1993/1994 1
282.45 An787 Annuario cattolico d'Italia 1990/1991 1
282.45 An787 Annuario cattolico d'Italia 1984/1985 1
282.45 Se599 Sentro Pilipino - Chaplaincy Sa 'yo lamang : 15th anniversary programme 1
282.45632 D62 La diocesi di Roma 1968/1969 1
282.45632 D62 La diocesi di Roma 1973/1974 1
282.45632 D62 La diocesi di Roma 1978 1
282.45632 D62 La diocesi di Roma 1982/1983 1
282.45632 D62 La diocesi di Roma 1991/1992 1
282.45634 St2976 Stato della Città del Vaticano : Elenco telefonico 1
282.45634 St2976 Stato della Città del Vaticano : Elenco telefonico 1
282.45634 St2976 Stato della Città del Vaticano : Elenco telefonico 1
282.45634 St2976 Stato della Città del Vaticano : Elenco telefonico 1
282.5 K913 Kroeger, J.H.; Phan, P.C. The future of Asian Churches: The Asian Synod 1
and Ecclesia in Asia
282.509045 F74 Federation of Asian Bishops' For all the peoples of Asia. Vol. 1: Texts and v.1 c.1 1
Conferences documents
282.509045 F74 Federation of Asian Bishops' For all the peoples of Asia. Vol. 2: Further texts v.2 c.1 1
282.509045 F74 Federation of Asian Bishops' For all the peoples of Asia. Vol. 1: Texts and v.1 c.2 1
Conferences documents
282.509045 F74 Federation of Asian Bishops' For all the peoples of Asia. Vol. 2: Further texts v.2 c.2 1
282.509045 F74 Federation of Asian Bishops' For all the peoples of Asia. Vol. 1: Texts and v.1 c.3 1
Conferences documents
282.509045 F74 Federation of Asian Bishops' For all the peoples of Asia. Vol. 2: Further texts v.2 c.3 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.509045 F74 Federation of Asian Bishops' VI plenary assembly. 10-19 January 1995. 1
Conferences Eucharistic celebration
282.509051 C69 Colloquium on the Church in Asia in the 21st 1
282.5125 H7574 Hong Kong Catholic Church directory 1992 1
282.599 Am181 d'Ambra, S. Filippine: Tra agonia e speranza 1
282.599 Ar228 Archdiocese of Manila quinquennial report (1990-
282.599 Ar228 Archdiocese of Palo: 50 years: a commemorative 1
282.599 C2366 Carroll, J.J.; Claver, F.F. The pastoral priorities of the philippine bishops: a 1
report on a survey undertaken for the Catholic
Bishops' Conference of the Philippines
282.599 C8845 Castro, C.J. et al. (eds.) The crosses still stand in Basilan: a journey with the c.1 1
kidnap victims Fr. Rhoel and his companions

282.599 C8845 Castro, C.J. et al. (eds.) The crosses still stand in Basilan: a journey with the c.2 1
kidnap victims Fr. Rhoel and his companions

282.599 D62 Diocese of Dumaguete quinquennial report (1995- 1

282.599 D62 Diocese of Dumaguete summary quinquennial 1
report (1995-1999)
282.599 D62 Diocese of San Carlos quinquennial report (1995- 1
282.599 D6421 Divine Mercy in the Philippines 1
282.599 G933 GUBUAN Woodrow C. The basic christian communities in the Church in c.2 1
the Philippines : a historico-theological reflection on
the ecclesial identity of basic chrisitian communities

282.599 L4988 Ledesma, A.J. Healing the past, building the future : soundings c.1 1
from Mindanao
282.599 M13 McCoy, A. Priests on trial: Father Gore and Father O'Brien 1
caught in the crossfire between dictatorship and
282.599 M2752 MAGNO Rafael Sison The First Philippine Provincial Council (1771) : its c.2 1
controversies as reflected in the unpublished
documents of its preparatory congregations
282.599 M754 Monni, P. Filippine: Una Chiesa su un vulcano c.1 1
282.599 M754 Monni, P. Filippine: Una Chiesa su un vulcano c.2 1
282.599 M754 Monni, P. Filippine: Una Chiesa su un vulcano c.3 1
282.599 N21349 Catholic Bishops' Conference The national filipino catholic youth survey 2002 1
of the Philippines. Episcopal
Commission on Youth

282.599 Ou75 Our Lady of Guadalupe Minor A heart that prays… a heart that serves… 50th 1
Seminary anniversary
282.599 P112 PABLO Sergio Tolentino The religious life of the filipino people in the 19th c.2 1
282.599 P112 PABLO Sergio Tolentino The religious life of the filipino people in the 19th c.3 1
282.599 P288 Love God, serve man: a collection of speeches and 1
papers of Artemio V. Panganiban for the period
282.599 P5809 PICARDAL Amado L. An ecclesiological perspective of the basic ecclesial c.2 1
communities in the Philippines
282.599 Q39 Quevedo, O.B. From crisis to hope 1
282.599 Sa596 The Santo Niño Church and monastery: an 1
augustinian legacy to the filipino people
282.599 Sch86 Schumacher, J.N. Readings in Philippine Church history c.1 1
282.599 Sch86 Schumacher, J.N. Revolutionary clergy: The Filipino clergy and the c.1 1
nationalist movement
282.599 Sch86 Schumacher, J.N. Readings in Philippine Church history c.2 1
282.599 Sch86 Schumacher, J.N. Revolutionary clergy: The Filipino clergy and the c.2 1
nationalist movement
282.599 Sch86 Schumacher, J.N. Readings in Philippine Church history c.3 1
282.599 Si61 Sin, J.L. Cardinal Sin's optimism : a challenge 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.599 V423 Varela, J.Y. Diocese of Sorsogon quinquennial report (1 1
January 1980 - 31 December 1984)
282.599 V54 VELARDE Higinio Candame The Fourth Synod of Manila of 1979 : an historico- c.2 1
juridical study of its structures
282.599 V54 VELARDE Higinio Candame The Fourth Synod of Manila of 1979 : an historico- c.3 1
juridical study of its structures
282.599 V6673 Vidal, R.J. I, a fellow shepherd c.1 1
282.599 V6673 Vidal, R.J. I, a fellow shepherd c.2 1
282.599 V714 Villegas, S. Who is Cardinal Sin? c.1 1
282.599 V714 Villegas, S. Who is Cardinal Sin? c.2 1
282.599 V714 Villegas, S. Who is Cardinal Sin? c.3 1
282.599 Y13 Yalung, C. (ed.) Archdiocese of Manila: a piligrimage in time (1565- v.1 c.1 1
282.599 Y13 Yalung, C. (ed.) Archdiocese of Manila: a piligrimage in time (1565- v.1 c.1 1
282.599 Y13 Yalung, C. (ed.) Archdiocese of Manila: a piligrimage in time (1565- v.2 c.2 1
282.599 Y13 Yalung, C. (ed.) Archdiocese of Manila: a piligrimage in time (1565- v.2 c.2 1
282.599088055 R27 Religion and the Filipino youth. 1
282.5990904 B349 The BCC-CO program : an evaluation (Some notes 1
on Basic Christian Community - Community
282.5990904 C47 Church of the people : basic Christian community 1
experience in the Philippines
282.5990904 D3786 Delgado, J. et al (eds.) BECs in the Philippines: dream or reality? 1
282.5990904 F11 Fabros, W. The Church and its social involvement in the 1
Philippines (1930-1972)
282.5990904 G1144 Gabriel, M.G. Beginnings of a shared journey towards BCC: The c.1 1
U.P. Parish experience
282.5990904 G1144 Gabriel, M.G. Beginnings of a shared journey towards BCC: The c.2 1
U.P. Parish experience
282.5990904 G1144 Gabriel, M.G. Beginnings of a shared journey towards BCC: The c.3 1
U.P. Parish experience
282.59909045 G43 Giordano, P. Awakening to mission : the Philippine Catholic c.1 1
Church: 1965-1981
282.59909045 G43 Giordano, P. Awakening to mission : the Philippine Catholic c.2 1
Church: 1965-1981
282.59909045 G43 Giordano, P. Awakening to mission : the Philippine Catholic c.3 1
Church: 1965-1981
282.5990907 C898 Cullum, L.A. San Carlos Seminary and the Jesuits 1
282.5990907 H7474 Holy Apostles Senior Seminary A decade of Ang mamamalakaya 1

282.5990907 H7474 Holy Apostles Senior Seminary People of the horizon : spiritual journeys beyond 1
the beginnings
282.59919 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference Letters and statements 1984-1990 c.1 1
of the Philippines
282.59919 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference Letters and statements 1984-1990 c.2 1
of the Philippines
282.59919 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference Letters and statements 1984-1990 c.3 1
of the Philippines
282.59919 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference Anamnesis 1
of the Philippines
282.59919 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference CBCP on the threshold of the next millennium 1
of the Philippines
282.59919 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Letters 1945-1995 c.2 1
of the Philippines
282.59919 C28 Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Letters 1945-1995 c.3 1
of the Philippines
282.59919 C2862 Catholic Church. Archdiocese On the way of truth : a compilation of pastoral 1
of Manila letters including pastoral appeals, exhortations,
instructions, guidelines, messages, reflections and
statements during the 25 years of His Eminence
Jaime L. Cardinal Sin, D.D. as archbishop of Manila
(March 18, 1974 - March 18, 1999)

282.59919 P49 Hardy, R.P. (ed.) The Philippine Bishops speak c.1 1
282.59919 P49 Hardy, R.P. (ed.) The Philippine Bishops speak c.2 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
282.59919 R28 Josol, A.M.C. (ed.) Responses to the signs of the times: Selected c.1 1
documents: Catholic Bishops' Conference of the
282.59919 R28 Josol, A.M.C. (ed.) Responses to the signs of the times: Selected c.2 1
documents: Catholic Bishops' Conference of the
282.59919 R28 Josol, A.M.C. (ed.) Responses to the signs of the times: Selected c.3 1
documents: Catholic Bishops' Conference of the
282.5995 Ob6 O’Brien, N. Island of tears, island of hope 1
282.59951 S558 Sin, J.L. Along the right path c.1 1
282.59951 S558 Sin, J.L. Along the right path c.2 1
282.5997 L4988 Ledesma, A.J. Healing the past, building the future : soundings c.2 1
from Mindanao
282.73 Of24 The official catholic directory anno Domini 2006 1
282.73 Of24 The official catholic directory anno Domini 1991 1
282.73 Of24 The official catholic directory anno Domini 1983 1
282.73 Of24 The official catholic directory anno Domini 1978 1
282.73 Of24 The official catholic directory anno Domini 1962 1
282.749 N42011 The New Jersey provincial directory : Archdiocese 1
of Neward, Diocese of Camden, Metuchen,
Paterson and Trenton, Eparchy of Passaic and
Eastern Rite Parishes. 53rd ed.
282.74932 D62825 The directory and almanac of the Archdiocese of 1
Newark 1989
282.9 Ar32 Arellano, E.M. The blood of martyrs of Asia and Africa 1
287.6914 So12 Sobrepena, E. That they may be one
289.9 El27 Elesterio, F.G. The Iglesia ni Kristo: Its christology and c.1 1
ecclesiology (Cardinal Bea studies 5)
289.9 El27 Elesterio, F.G. The Iglesia ni Kristo: Its christology and c.2 1
ecclesiology (Cardinal Bea studies 5)
289.9 R6186 Rodríguez, I.R. Gregorio Aglipay y los orígenes de la Iglesia v.1 1
Filipina Independiente
289.9 R6186 Rodríguez, I.R. Gregorio Aglipay y los orígenes de la Iglesia v.2 1
Filipina Independiente
291 D869 Duetao, M.P. History, fundamental doctrines and founders 1
291 M533 Mercado, L.N. El Shaddai : a study 1
291 Ol12 Mercado, L.N. (ed.) Old cultures, renewed religions : the search for c.1 1
cultural identity in a changing world
291 Ol12 Mercado, L.N. (ed.) Old cultures, renewed religions : the search for c.2 1
cultural identity in a changing world
291.046 L49 LeBar, J.J. Cults, sects, and the new age 1
291.2 C2801 CATALÁN Arnaldo S. The Prospect and perspectives of the sense of faith c.2 1
in popular religion
291.2 C2801 CATALÁN Arnaldo S. The Prospect and perspectives of the sense of faith c.3 1
in popular religion
291.2 C2801 CATALÁN Arnaldo S. The Prospect and perspectives of the sense of faith c.4 1
in popular religion
291.422 F47 Filipino religious experience and non-biblical 1
291.5 M67 Miranda, D. Loob - the Filipino within c.1 1
291.5 M67 Miranda, D. Loob - the Filipino within c.2 1
291.609599 M3376 Maribao, J.L. Pinoy religious leader 1
294.3927 C8895 de la Cruz, M.R. One in the many… many in the one v.1 1
294.3927 C8895 de la Cruz, M.R. One in the many… many in the one v.2 1
294.3927 M1886 MacInnes, E.; Habito, R. The Zen experience in a Philippine context 1
294.562 M95 Murphet, H. Sai Baba: ang taong milagroso 1
297 Ev17 Evaristo, K. Isang bukas na liham para sa iyo c.1 1
297 Ev17 Evaristo, K. Isang bukas na liham para sa iyo c.2 1
297 Ev17 Evaristo, K. Isang bukas na liham para sa iyo c.3 1
297 P3138 Peñalber, O.R.S. Ang aklat na ito ay para sa iyo 1
297 P643 Mga piling hadith (tr. K. Evaristo) 1
297 Q66 Qutb, S. Ito ang relihiyon ng 1
297.092 Ak57 Ang aklat para sa babaeng muslim 1
297.1972 B11 Baagil, H.M. Ang talakayan ng Kristiyano at Muslim 1
297.2 Al105 Al-Lahim, H.M. Mga panuntunan ng Islam c.1 1
297.2 Al105 Al-Lahim, H.M. Mga panuntunan ng Islam c.2 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
297.2 Al105 Al-Lahim, H.M. Ang kahulugan ng la ilaaha illallaah (walang diyos 1
na dapat sambahin maliban sa Allah)
297.2 Al105 Al-Lahim, H.M. Mga katanungan pagkatapos ng kamatayan 1
297.2 P371 Penalber, O.R. Ang aklat na ito ay para sa iyo 1
297.24 P539 Philips, A.A.B. Ang totoong mensahe ni Cristo Jesus 1
297.24 R357 Ricalde, A. Hesus : naipako ba sa krus? Isang masusing pag- 1
aaral at pananaliksik batay sa Bibliya at Banal na
297.38 K112 Ang kabilang buhay 1
297.4 M58249 Michel, T. A Christian looks at islamic spirituality 1
297.54 C1683 CANTINA Rolando A. Interpretation of the islamic law according to Doctor c.2 1
Muhammad Amara
297.54 C1683 CANTINA Rolando A. Interpretation of the islamic law according to Doctor c.3 1
Muhammad Amara
297.54 C1683 CANTINA Rolando A. Interpretation of the islamic law according to Doctor c.4 1
Muhammad Amara
297.54 C1683 CANTINA Rolando A. Interpretation of the islamic law according to Doctor c.5 1
Muhammad Amara
297.63 M2817 Maikling talambuhay ng propeta 1
297.63 T141 Ang talambuhay ng propeta 1
300.723 M3134 Mangahas, M. The philippine social climate from the SWS surveys 1

301 So13 Sociology in the Philippine setting. c.1 1

301 So13 Sociology in the Philippine setting. c.2 1
301 So13 Sociology in the Philippine setting. c.3 1
301.09599 M11 Macaraig, S. Philippine social life 1
301.20599 N4992 Ng, M. Natido Binwag weaves the bango 1
301.29599 So13 Society, culture, and the Filipino 1
301.309599 P8194 Population and development planning handbook 1
301.3509599 H72 Hollnsteiner, M. The dynamics of power in a Philippine municipality 1

301.42 Al864 Alvarez, M.C. A survey on the attitudes of college students from 1
catholic and nonsectarian schools in five provinces
toward selected marriage and family life issues

301.42082 T15 Tanseco, R. Readings in Marriage : life and sacrament. 1

301.4209599 L31 Lapuz, L. Filipino marriages in crisis. 1
301.42109599 H25 Hart, D. Compadrinazgo: ritual kinship in the Philippines. 1
301.441 J58 Jocano, F. Landa Slum as a way of life c.1 1
301.441 J58 Jocano, F. Landa Slum as a way of life c.2 1
301.451 Et38 Ethnicity
301.45914 G74 Gowing, P. Muslim Filipinos : heritage and horizon. 1
301.5409599 K52 Keyes, W. Housing the urban poor : non-conventional 1
approaches to a national problem
301.5409599 R235 Reason to hope: a study of 5 urban poor 1
communities in Metro Manila
301.599 M76 Montemayor, J.U. Ours to share: an approach to Philippine social 1
301.599 M76 Montemayor, J.U. Philippine socio-economic problems. 1
301.599 P1933 Pangalangan, E.A.; Lapeña- Poverty: a study through plays. Reflections on the 1
Bonifacio, A. Philippine social condition
302.2 Ei55 Eilers, F. J. Communicating in community: an introduction to 1
social communication
302.2309599 C2862 Catholic Mass Media Awards CMMA, 1978-2003 : 25 years of Philippine mass
Foundation media through the eyes of CMMA
303.372 M67 Miranda, D. Buting Pinoy : probe essays on value as Filipino c.1 1
303.372 M67 Miranda, D. Buting Pinoy : probe essays on value as Filipino c.2 1
303.372 P19 Paquio, W. Filipino cultural values for the Apostolate. c.1 1
303.372 P19 Paquio, W. Filipino cultural values for the Apostolate. c.2 1
303.372 P19 Paquio, W. Filipino cultural values for the Apostolate. c.3 1
303.372599 B87 Bulatao, J.; Gorospe, V.R. Split-level Christianity; Christian renewal of filipino 1
303.372599 G68 Gorospe, V. Filipino values revisited c.1 1
303.372599 G68 Gorospe, V. Filipino values revisited c.2 1
303.482 C89 Cultural patterns and technical change
303.4820599 G748 Gowing, P.; Scott, W.H. (eds.) Acculturation in the Philippines: Essays on c.1 1
changing societies


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
303.4820599 G748 Gowing, P.; Scott, W.H. (eds.) Acculturation in the Philippines: Essays on c.2 1
changing societies
304.6409599 F64 Flieger, W. On the road to longevity. 1
305.409595 Az16 Azarcon-dela Cruz, P.S. Images of women in Philippine media: from virgin to 1
305.4209599 G58 Gonzalez, A.M. Filipino women as partners of men in progress and 1
305.4209599 Il6 Illo, J. F. Involvement by choice : role of women...
305.4209599 M3119 Mananzan, M.J. Challenges to the inner room: selected essays and 1
speeches on women
305.4209599 M65 Molina, M. The modern Filipina - her name is woman. 1
306.0599 G98 Guthrie, G. The psychology of modernization in the rural c.1 1
306.0599 G98 Guthrie, G. The psychology of modernization in the rural c.2 1
306.0599 In7 Institute of Philippine Culture Modernization : Its impact in the Philippines (IPC 1
Papers no. 4)
306.0599 M72 Institute of Philippine Culture Modernization : its impact in the Philippines V (IPC 1
Papers no. 10
306.0809599 An541 Anima, N. The headhunting tribes of the Philippines 1
306.089921 G22 Gatan, M. Ibanag indigenous religious beliefs. 1
306.0899921 C31 Cawed, C. The culture of the Bontoc Igorot. 1
306.0899921 N15 Nance , J. Discovery of the Tasaday ... 1
306.0899921 Sh52 Sherfan, A. The Yakans of Basilan Island ...
306.09599 B39 Being Filipino 1
306.09599 B62 Blumentritt, F. An attempt at writing a Philippine ethnography 1
306.09599 J629 Jocano, F. Landa Anthropology of the Filipino people v.1 1
306.09599 J629 Jocano, F. Landa Anthropology of the Filipino people v.2 1
306.09599 J629 Jocano, F. Landa Anthropology of the Filipino people v.3 1
306.09599 J629 Jocano, F. Landa Anthropology of the Filipino people v.4 1
306.09599 J629 Jocano, F. Landa Anthropology of the Filipino people v.5 1
306.09599 M33 Marcos, F. An ideology for Filipinos 1
306.09599 P53 Philippine social history: Global trade and local 1
306.4 C8975 Cullamar, E.T. Babaylanism in Negros : 1896-1907 1
306.8 M3664 Martinez-Esquillo, N. Conjugal interaction and fertility behavior among 1
the filipino urban working class. Final report
306.809599 L11 Lacar, L. The bridge few dare to cross: Muslim-Christian 1
marriages in the Philippines
306.809599 V27 Vancio, J. Realities of marriage in Metro Manila.
306.843 L11 Lacar, L. Muslim-Christian marriages in the Philippines 1
307.14 N21336 National congress of rural development sponsored c.1 1
by the Philippine Hierarchy. Manila, Los Baños,
Cagayan de Oro. 5-11 February 1967

307.14 N21336 National congress of rural development sponsored c.2 1

by the Philippine Hierarchy. Manila, Los Baños,
Cagayan de Oro. 5-11 February 1967

307.14 N21336 National congress of rural development sponsored c.3 1

by the Philippine Hierarchy. Manila, Los Baños,
Cagayan de Oro. 5-11 February 1967

307.1409599 N21 National Conference on Filipino psychology for village development c.1 1
Filipino Psychology
307.1409599 N21 National Conference on Filipino psychology for village development c.2 1
Filipino Psychology
307.1409599 So1321 Espiritu, S.C.; Hunt, C.L. (eds.) Social foundations of community development: 1
readings on the Philippines
307.764095995 M72 Mojares, R. Casa Gorordo in Cebu : urban residence in a 1
Philippine province (1860-1920)
309.1599 B1261 Tuazon, O.M. (ed.) Back to the basics : fundamental principles and 1
values for nation building
309.1599 C23 Carroll, J. Changing patterns of social structure in the 1
Philippines (1896-1963)
309.1599 L1198 Lacson, A.L. Twelve little things every filipino can do to help our 1
309.159904 C23 Carroll, J. Philippine institutions 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
309.159904 M33 Marcos, F. Notes on the new society of the Philippines. 1
309.19599 C81 Cordero, F. General sociology : focus on the Philippines 1
309.19599 P19 Panopio, I. General sociology : focus on the Philippines 1
309.25099147 As42 Asian Social Institute Pattern for rural reform: Development potentials of 1
Northern and Eastern Mindanao
309.26309599 An77 Anniversary Seminar on Human factors in Philippine rural development 1
Economic Development of the
Rural Philippines
309.26309599 R58 Rocamora, J. Rural development strategies: the Philippine case 1

319.14 P53 Philippine Island... Census of the Philippine Islands : 1918 1

320.01 V713 VILLASIS José Gualberto I. Christian political philosophy in the thought of c.2 1
James Vincent Schall
320.01 V713 VILLASIS José Gualberto I. Christian political philosophy in the thought of c.3 1
James Vincent Schall
320.1 M533 Mercado, L.N. Political and legal philosophies : western, eastern 1
and filipino
320.599 B4375 Benitez, C. Post war selected lectures and articles 1
320.9599 Al46 Alip, E. The government of our republic. 1
320.9599 Ar14 Araneta, S. Christian democracy for the Philippines ... c.1 1
320.9599 Ar14 Araneta, S. Christian democracy for the Philippines ... c.2 1
320.9599 C3522 The challenge of Central Luzon 1
320.9599 C49 Civil Liberties Union of the Philippines.
320.9599 C76287 Connolly, M.J. Church lands and peasant unrest in the Philippines: 1
Agrarian conflict in 20th-century Luzon

320.9599 D37 de la Costa, H. The background of nationalism and other essays 1

320.9599 D86 Duet for EDSA : Chronology of a revolution 1986. v.1 1

320.9599 D86 Duet for EDSA : Looking back, looking forward v.2 1
320.9599 F92 From Marcos to Aquino 1
320.9599 L37 Laurel, S. Neither trumpets nor drums... 1
320.9599 L47 Leary, V. The Philippines : human rights after martial law c.1 1
320.9599 L47 Leary, V. The Philippines : human rights after martial law c.2 1
320.9599 M67 The miracle of the Philippine revolution...
320.9599 P19 Pamatong, E.V.L. Meritocracy : a vision of a new civilization 1
320.9599 Z13 Zaide, G. Government of the Filipino people. 1
320.959904 M33 Marcos, F. Today's revolution : democracy. c.1 1
320.959904 M33 Marcos, F. Today's revolution : democracy. c.2 1
320.959904 M33 Marcos, F. Today's revolution : democracy. c.3 1
320.959904 M33 Marcos, F. Today's revolution : democracy. c.4 1
320.959904 M58 Mijares, P. The conjugal dictatorship of Ferdinand and Imelda 1
320.959909045 M3334 Marcos, F.E. The democratic revolution c.1 1
320.959909045 M3334 Marcos, F.E. The democratic revolution c.2 1
320.959909045 M3334 Marcos, F.E. The democratic revolution c.3 1
320.95991 T21 Tayag, R. The Angeles story. 1
321.17207 W195 Garcia, E. (ed.) War and peacemaking : essays on conflicts and 1
322.10951 J179 JAÉN Excel N. The historical and juridical aspects of the c.2 1
normalization of diplomatic relations between the
Holy See and the People's Republic of China
322.10951 J179 JAÉN Excel N. The historical and juridical aspects of the c.3 1
normalization of diplomatic relations between the
Holy See and the People's Republic of China
322.4209599 Il3 Ileto, R.C. Pasyon and Revolution: popular movements in the 1
Philippines, 1840-1910
322.4209599 K45 Kerkvliet, B. The Huk rebellion : a study of peasant revolt 1
323.409599 N623 Ninoy for justice and reconciliation v.2 1
324.599 Ov26 The overseas absentee voting act of 2003 1
(Republic Act 9189). General instructions
324.599 P149 Pagsasanay pang-instruktor para sa batayang 1
edukasyong pambotante
325.02 B2902 Basa, C.; de la Rosa R.J. Me, us and them: Realities and illusions of filipina c.1 1
domestic workers: a community research project by
the Filipino Women's Council


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
325.02 B2902 Basa, C.; de la Rosa R.J. Me, us and them: Realities and illusions of filipina c.2 1
domestic workers: a community research project by
the Filipino Women's Council
325.02 B2902 Basa, C.; de la Rosa R.J. Me, us and them: Realities and illusions of filipina c.3 1
domestic workers: a community research project by
the Filipino Women's Council
325.02 B2902 Basa, C.; de la Rosa R.J. Me, us and them: Realities and illusions of filipina c.4 1
domestic workers: a community research project by
the Filipino Women's Council
325.02 B2902 Basa, C.; de la Rosa R.J. Me, us and them: Realities and illusions of filipina c.5 1
domestic workers: a community research project by
the Filipino Women's Council
325.02 H19137 Department of Foreign Affairs. Handbook for Filipinos overseas (4th ed.) 1
Commission on Filipinos
325.02 H19137 Department of Foreign Affairs. Handbook for Filipinos overseas (6th ed.) 1
Commission on Filipinos
325.02 H19161 Handbook of information for filipinos in Italy 1
325.02 R4494 Rights of migrant workers: a primer on the UN 1
Convention on the protection of the rights of all
migrant workers and members of their families
327 R26 Regala, R. An asian diplomat looks at the world today 1
327 Sy79 Syquia, E.P. Twenty papers on international law and relations 1
327.430599 D7131 Domingo, B.B. Philippine-German relations 1
327.50914 R66 Romulo, Carlos Mission to Asia : the dialogue begins 1
327.510599 Al 46 Alip, E. Ten centuries of Philippine Chinese relations 1
(historical, political, social, economic)
327.510599 Al46 Alip, E. Philippine-Chinese relations.
327.5209599 Al 46 Alip, E. Philippine-Japanese relations (historical, political, 1
social, economic)
327.599073 Si42 Simbulan, R. The bases of our insecurity 1
327.730599 Am35 American policies as they affect Philippine 1
327.730599 B64 Bonner, R. Waltzing with a dictator: The Marcoses and the 1
making of American policy
327.730599 P78 Poole, F. Revolution in the Philippines : the United States in 1
a hall of cracked mirrors
327.914043 B12 Bacareza, H. A history of the Philippine-German relations 1
330.9599 H54 Hildebrand, D. To pay is to die : the Philippine foreign debt crisis 1

330.9599 Q386 Questions and answers on the Philippine debt crisis 1

330.959904 P53 The Philippine economy in the 1970's: Prospects 1

and problems of development
330.9599046 Su79 The Survival of humankind: The Philippine 1
330.9599046 V71 Villegas, B. Guide to economics for Filipinos 1
330.9914 P4744 The Philippines: a handbook of economic facts and 1
general information
331.01 M761 MONTALBO Melchor Jr. B. Work and man's self-realization (from Rerum c.2 1
novarum to Laborem exercens) : a philosophical
study with an excursus on Karol Wojtyla's
philosophy of the person
331.01 M761 MONTALBO Melchor Jr. B. Work and man's self-realization (from Rerum c.3 1
novarum to Laborem exercens) : a philosophical
study with an excursus on Karol Wojtyla's
philosophy of the person
331.31599 V67 View from the paddy: Empirical studies of 1
Philippine rice farming and tenancy
331.54409599 C8892 Cruz, V.P.; Paganoni, A. Filipinas in migration: big bills and small change 1
331.62599 At47 Atikha, Inc. Atikha: Looking beyond migration 1
331.62599 C8896 Cruz, V.P. Seasonal orphans and solo parents: the impact of 1
overseas migration
331.8809599 R14 Ramos, Elias Philippine labor movement in transition 1
331.89 In8 International Labor Office Collective bargaining: a workers education manual 1

332.024 C67 Colayco, F.J. Wealth within your reach: pera mo, palaguin mo c.1 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
332.024 C67 Colayco, F.J. Wealth within your reach: pera mo, palaguin mo c.2 1
332.67309599 P75 Poblador, N. Foreign investment in the major non-financial 1
corporate sector of the Philippines, 1964 and 1965

332.67322599 D7131 Domingo, B.B. Philippine investments (Philippine economic 1

diplomacy series, 3)
332.67322599 H8306 How to invest in the Philippines : a business guide 1

333.3209599 M31 Mangahas, Tenants, lessees, owners : welfare implications of 1

tenure change
333.709599 F7395 Food map of Region II (Cagayan Valley Region) 1
333.709599 St29 The state of the Philippine environment. 1
333.72 C531 Claparols, A.M. For our children 1
333.75137 K95 Kummer, D.M. Deforestation in the postwar Philippines 1
333.7609599 Es88 Estrella, C. Democratic answers to the Philippine agrarian 1
333.953 L29 Lansigan, N. Living links with our past. 1
335.40924 P423 Pernia, A.M. The young Marx: a humanist conception of history 1

338.040922599 F8477 Lozare, D.C. (ed.) Francisco A. Alba and Prudentialifers : the guiding 1
338.040922599 J574 Joaquin, N. Tatang: the life story of Celestino M. Dizon 1
338.040922599 J574 Joaquin, N. The D.M. Guevara story 1
338.09599 P53 The Philippines : a nation reborn. 1
338.109599 V89 Von Oppenfield, H. Farm management, land use and tenancy in the 1
338.19 C27 Castro, J de The black book of hunger
338.476641 L61 Liberation in sugarland : readings on social 1
problems in the sugar industry
338.47709599 C8895 Cruz, O.V. Gambling in the republic 1
338.4791 Q47 Quesada, F.B. The mechanics and economics of tourism 1
338.91 P25 Partners in development
338.9599 Ar14 Araneta, S. Economic nationalism and capitalism for all in a 1
directed economy
338.9599 O64 Ople, B.F. Workers, Managers, Elites: The human spectrum of 1
338.9599 P53 Philippines. NEDA Updated Philippine development plan, 1984-1987 1
338.9599 P53 Philippines... Five year development plan, 1978-1982, including 1
the ten-year development plan, 1978-1987

338.9599 T6873 Krugman, P.R. et al. Transforming the philippine economy 1

340.59 P53 Philippines... Code of Muslim personal laws of the Philippines 1
341.23599 P43 The Philippines: 35 years in the United Nations 1
341.2473 So44 Solidum, E. Towards a Southeast Asian community. 1
341.75670266 P5383 Castro, P.A (ed.) Philippine bilateral air agreements (Bilateral 1
reference series, 3)
342.0239599 P13 Padilla, A. The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the v.1 1
Philippines with comments and cases
342.0239599 P13 Padilla, A. The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the v.2 1
Philippines with comments and cases
342.0239599 P13 Padilla, A. The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the v.3 1
Philippines with comments and cases
342.03 P53 The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines c.1 1

342.03 P53 The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines c.2 1

342.42085 St83 Street, H. Freedom the individual and the law. 1

342.599023 Ar83 Aruego, J. The new Philippine constitution explained: 1
background, making, sources
342.599023 J87 Juco, J. The citizen and the constitution. 1
344.599010269 In7 Institute on Labor Relations Critical areas in the administration of labor justice 1
344.59907 Sh22 Shape of legal aspects of education in the 1
Philippines today.
344.599094 M87 National Commission for Laws and jurisprudence on built heritage 1
Culture and the Arts
345.052026599 N72 Nolledo, J. The revised penal code : annotated (1993 rev. ed.) 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
346.599002632 C49 Civil code of the Philippines (Republic Act no.386 1
as amended) with related special laws (1993 rev.
346.599002632 C49 Civil code of the Philippines (Republic Act no.386 1
as amended) with related special laws and
presidential decrees (1977 ed.)
346.599002632 P21 Paras, E. Civil code of the Philippines annotated (1976 8th 1
346.599002632 P21 Paras, E. Civil code of the Philippines annotated (1978 9th 1
346.599002632 P53 Philippines... Civil Code of the Philippines : (Republic act no. v.1 1
346.599015 P13 Padilla, A. The family code of the Philippines annotated (1992 1
346.59901502632 N72 Nolledo, J. The family code of the Philippines (1988 ed.; 1992 1
346.59904 N72 Nolledo, J. Code of agrarian reforms of the Philippines: the 1
new land reform code
346.599046760263 P53 Philippines : the new land reform code
349.599 M39 Mendoza, A.S. Even more unforgettable legal stories 1
349.599 P21 Paras, E. Civil code of the Philippines
351.994 C6476 The coco-dile file 1
351.994 M31 Manapat, R. Some are smarter than others: the history of 1
Marcos' crony capitalism
354.599035 P53 Marcos, F. New Filipinism : the turning point... c.1 1
354.599035 P53 Marcos, F. New Filipinism : the turning point... c.2 1
354.599035 P53 Marcos, F. New Filipinism : the turning point... c.3 1
354.599035 P53 Marcos, F. New Filipinism : the turning point... c.4 1
354.5991 P53 Philippines... Region I : Ilocos Norte, Abra, Ilocos Sur, Mountain 1
Province, Benguet, La Unión and Pangasinan

355.22 B7697 BRILLANTES John Bañas Defense of human life and dignity : the fundamental c.2 1
moral principle for armed service
360.6 In8 International... New strategies for social development : role of 1
social welfare.
361.6109599 T65 Toward a Filipino ideology 1
361.75 L11 Labor and the Church in Asia. 1
361.9599 J58 Jocano, F. Landa Social work in the Philippines: a historical overview 1

362.109594 B4563 Bernad, M.A. Filipinos in Laos: a sequel to Adventure in Vietnam: 1

the story of Operation Brotherhood
362.732095991 D34 de los Reyes, A. Las niñas y las hermanans: A historical account of 1
Asilo de San Vicente de Paul 1885-1985
363.3209599 P95 Psinakis, S. Two "terrorists" meet 1
363.809599 F3914 Fernandez, D.G.; Alegre, Sarap : essays on Philippine food 1
Edilberto N.
364.131 Y1 Yabes, C. The boys from the barracks: the Philippine military 1
after EDSA
364.132309599 So1383 Society of Jesus. Philippine Ehem! A self-check manual for combating 1
Province. Committee on the corruption. 3rd ed.
Evangelization of Culture
366.1 C2862 Catholic Bishops' Conference A primer on freemasonry 1
of the Philippines
370.1 H7839 Hornedo, F.H. Christian education : becoming person-for-others : 1
essays in philosophy of education
370.11409599 D98 Dy, M.B. Values in philippine culture and education 1
370.193 R67 Rooted in cultures …fruitful in Christ c.1 1
370.193 R67 Rooted in cultures …fruitful in Christ c.2 1
370.196 T65 Toward a formation oriented education. c.1 1
370.196 T65 Toward a formation oriented education. c.2 1
370.73262 So45 SOLIS Miguela Macalinao Organization and administration of elementary c.2 1
teacher education in the Philippines
370.733 P81 Population education course guide for teacher 1
370.9599 B45 Bernardino, V. Perspective in Philippine education 1
370.9599 Is7 Issues in Philippine education. 1
371.0209599 M3376 Maribao, J.L. Models of school management : a filipino-christian 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
371.2009599 An256 Andres, T.Q.D. Managing schools by filipino values 1
371.207 P94 Project management for educational systems (1985 1
2nd ed.)
371.7 R2276 Tagle, R.A. (ed.) Readings for ASI-UNFPA seminars on sex 1
education, family planning education and family life
education 1973-1975
377.8209599 Sh22 The shape of catholic colleges and universities in c.1 1
the Philippines today (1980)
377.8209599 Sh22 The shape of catholic colleges and universities in c.2 1
the Philippines today (1980)
377.8209599 Sh22 The shape of catholic colleges and universities in 1
the Philippines today, Part II (1982)
378.05 G74 Governance of state universities and college 1
379 B43 Benabarre, B. Public funds for private schools in a democracy: 1
Theory and practice in fifty-one countries
379.173 P53 Philippine Association of Education in rural areas for better living 1
School Superintendents
380.109599 P5384 Philippine industry and trade including travel and v.2 1
380.109599 P5384 Philippine industry and trade including travel and v.1 1
381 Si39 Silverio, S.G. The neighborhood sari-sari store (IPC poverty 1
research series no.2)
381.095995 Sz15 Szanton, M.C. A right to survive : subsistence marketing in a 1
lowland Philippine town
382.09599 D7131 Domingo, B.B. Philippine trade (Philippine economic diplomacy 1
series, 1)
382.609599 Su15 Subic Bay Freeport, Philippines: a guide for the c.1 1
foreign and local investors
382.609599 Su15 Subic Bay Freeport, Philippines: a guide for the c.2 1
foreign and local investors
382.91420959 D7131 Domingo, B.B. Asean-European Community relations 1
388.309599 T63 Torres, E. Jeepney. 1
390.09599 R58 Roces, A. Culture shock : A guide to customs and etiquette 1

392.5 Ob6 O'Brian, J. Happy marriage.

392.5099145 Q48 Quisumbing, L. Marriage customs in rural Cebu 1
398.09599 C81 Coronel, M.D. Stories and legends from Filipino folklore 1
398.095995 Su35 Mga sugilanon sa Negros ... 1
398.095997 T70 Fuentes, V.M.A.; de la Cruz, A Treasury of Mandaya and Mansaka folk literature 1
E.T. (trs.)
398.209599 N21 Dialogue for development : papers of First National c.1 1
Congress of Philippine Folklore and Other Scholars

398.209599 N21 Dialogue for development : papers of First National c.2 1

Congress of Philippine Folklore and Other Scholars

398.2209599 Sa59 Santos, A. Rizal miracle tales. 1

453 Z15 Zanco, A.; Caliumi, G. Nuovissimo dizionario inglese-italiano, italiano- 1
453 Z663 Zingarelli, N. Il nuovo zingarelli : Vocabolario della lingua 1
italiana. 11th ed.
458.2 C7341 Come parlare e scrivere meglio : guida pratica 1
all'uso della lingua italiana
458.24 C47 Chiuchiu, A. et al. In italiano: corso di lingua e civiltà a livello iniziale e c.1 1
avanzato: grammatica italiana per stranieri (1990)

458.24 C47 Chiuchiu, A. et al. In italiano: corso di lingua e civiltà a livello iniziale e c.2 1
avanzato: grammatica italiana per stranieri (1990)

458.24 K37 Katerinov, K.; Boriosi, M.C.; Bravo! Grammatica italiana per stranieri : Corso di 1
Meloni, G. lingua italiana e civiltà. Livello elementare e
499.211 En72 Enriquez, M.J. et al. English-Tagalog-Visayan (Cebuano-Ilongo) 1
499.211 En72 Enriquez, S.R.; Santos, E. Pocket dictionary : Tagalog-English vocabulary with 1
scientific terms


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
499.211 Ib4 Ibita, A.; Enriquez, S.R. Diksiyunario ng mga salitang singkahulugan 1
(synonyms) pilipino-pilipino
499.211 Od8 Odulio de Guzman, M. English-tagalog and tagalog-english dictionary 1
499.211 Sa181 Sagalongos, F.T.E. Diksiyunariong Pilipino-Ingles 1
499.21103 En36 Manser, M.H.; Angeles, E.G. The new standard English-Filipino dictionary 1
499.2113 L14 Laktaw, P. S. Diccionario Tagalog-Hispano v.1 1
499.2113 L14 Laktaw, P. S. Diccionario Tagalog-Hispano v.2 1
499.211321 En19 English, L. English Tagalog dictionary c.1 1
499.211321 En19 English, L. English Tagalog dictionary c.2 1
501 T7305 TRIA Wilmer Joseph S. The epistemology of Thomas Kuhn c.2 1
501 T7305 TRIA Wilmer Joseph S. The epistemology of Thomas Kuhn c.3 1
572.7599 C26 Casino, E. The Jama Mapun : a changing Samal society 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.1 c.2 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.2 c.2 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.3 c.2 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.4 c.2 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.5 c.2 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.6 c.2 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.7 c.2 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.8 c.2 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.9 c.2 1
572.7914 F47 Filipino heritage : the making of a nation. v.10 c.2 1
572.7914016 If8 Ifugao bibliography 1
572.9914 G316 Gerlock, E. Mayukmok 1
581.63409599 D44 De Padua, L. Handbook on Philippine medicinal plants. v.4 1
589.45 L62 Lim, Jose Rodolfo Farming the ocean 1
610.92 D38 Delgado, F.C.; Delgado, R.C. Dr. Jose Ma. Delgado: a renaissance man, June 1
(eds.) 20, 1887-1997
610.9914 B2284 Bantug, J.P. Bosquejo histórico de la medicina hispano-filipina 1

613 P14 Pagaduan-Lopez, J.C. et al. Our health our lives: a Philippine health manual for 1
(eds.) community workers
615.53 S838 Sui, C.K. The ancient science and art of pranic healing (2nd v.1 1
615.852 L38 Lava, J. Faith healing and psychic surgery in the Philippines 1

630.6273 F9892 Future farmers of the Philippines 1

630.7095 Ag834 Agricultural education in some asian countries c.1 1
630.7095 Ag834 Agricultural education in some asian countries c.2 1
630.709599 G1223 Gagni, A.O.; Sumayao, B.R. Summaries of studies in agricultural education in 1
the Philippines (1969-1974)
641.59599 P79 The poorman's cookbook. c.1 1
641.59599 P79 The poorman's cookbook. c.2 1
649.109599 T1532 Tan, E.L. Your greatest gift for your greatest love : a 1
guidebook for people who care for and nurture
653.3 An25 Andres, T.Q. Making Filipino values work for you 1
658.3009599 An25 Andres, T.Q. Understanding Filipino values: A management 1
664.07 C81 Corpuz, A. Survey, testing and processing of food and craft 1
products for small- and medium-scale industries
701.9914 F833 Fox, R. (ed.) Aspects of Philippine Culture 1
704.9482 P367 Tiongco, J. Old religious art of Panay 1
704.94820904599 J77 Jose, R. Simbahan : church art in colonial Philippines (1565- 1
704.94853 H64 Holy images of the Santo Niño 1
708.9599 Sa59 Sta. Maria, F. Household antiques and heirlooms. 1
709.599 D88 Duldulao, M. A century of realism in Philippine art. 1
709.599074013 Un3 Univ. of California Museum of The people and art of the Philippines 1
Cultural History
709.9599 C26 Casino, Eric. Ethnographic art of the Philippines.
709.9914 D6315 Department of Foreign Affairs; Discovering Philippine art in Spain 1
National Centennial
Commission - Committee on
International Relations
726.509599 C82 Coseteng, A. Spanish churches in the Philippines. 1
726.509599 P28 Paul VI Liturgical guidelines on church architecture. 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
726.6409599 Sa59 Santos, R. Manila Cathedral : preserving the past, anticipating 1
the future. Transformation of a living religious
heritage : how much change is desirable or even
726.6409599 Sa59 Santos, R. Manila Cathedral, Basilica of the Immaculate 1
728.3709599 Z62 Zialcita, F. Philippine ancestral houses. c.1 1
728.3709599 Z62 Zialcita, F. Philippine ancestral houses. c.2 1
731.886 G22 Gatbonton, E. A heritage of saints : colonial santos in thePhil 1
738 T49 Tiongco, J. The Oton diggings. 1
741.9599 J84 Joya Joya by Joya : book of drawings. 1
745.4495997 Sa13 Saber, M. Maranao folk art : survey of forms, designs and 1
746.920882 G5861 Gomez, M.H. Worship and weave : towards filipino liturgical 1
759.9599 G94 Guillermo, A. The 1980 Mobil Arts awards 1
759.9599 L49 Ledesma, P. Edades : National artist... 1
759.9599 M2913 Malang paintings and drawings 1
759.9599 On2 100 years of Philippine painting. 1
759.9599 On3 Ongpin, S. Filipino master Damian Domingo. 1
759.9599 P87 Puruganan, R.M. Folk art: the thread to national art 1
759.9599 R58 Roces, A. Amorsolo (1892-1972) 1
765 F47 Filipino engraving – 17th to 19th century 1
779.309599 P53 Philippines : nature's bounty. c.1 1
779.309599 P53 Philippines : nature's bounty. c.2 1
779.309599 P53 Philippines : nature's bounty. c.3 1
791.4309599 R22 Readings in Philippine cinema.
793.319599 Aq56 Aquino, F. Philippine folk dances. v.3 1
808.02 C15 Campbell, W.G. Form and style : theses, reports, term papers (8th c.1 1
808.02 C15 Campbell, W.G. Form and style : theses, reports, term papers (8th c.2 1
808.02 C15 Campbell, W.G. Form and style : theses, reports, term papers (4th 1
808.02 C15 Campbell, W.G. Form and style in thesis writing (3rd ed.) 1
808.042 An256 Andres, T.D.; Andres, P.I. How to make all kinds of assignments and 1
808.1 Ab13 Abad, G. The space between.
808.882 M58 Mihalic, F. The next 500 stories. 1
808.883 M58on Mihalic, F. 1000 stories you can use... v.1 c.1 1
808.883 M58on Mihalic, F. 1000 stories you can use... v.2 c.1 1
808.883 M58on Mihalic, F. 1000 stories you can use... v.1 c.2 1
808.883 M58on Mihalic, F. 1000 stories you can use... v.2 c.2 1
809 G1652 Garcia, C. Address on the spirit of modern literature at the 1
opening exercises of the academic year 1963-1964

813.54 C8185 Cortes, R.O. The Da Vinci Code : an exegetical review 1

820.809599 P5383 Lumbera, B.; Lumbera, C.N. Philippine literature : a history and anthology. 1
828.2 C674 Cristóbal, A.E. Occasional prose 1
861 R528 Rizal, J. Poems of Dr. José Rizal (Poesías del Dr. José 1
Rizal) with notes in English by Sabino J. Aguila
861.3 Sa585 San Juan de la Cruz today (from flame to flame) 1
863 R52p Rizal's prose c.1 1
863 R52p Rizal's prose c.2 1
871.01 D3948 Demetrio, F. Symbols in comparative religion and the georgics c.1 1
(Logos 3)
871.01 D3948 Demetrio, F. Symbols in comparative religion and the georgics c.2 1
(Logos 3)
899.21 B31 Batacan, D.F. The laughter of the Filipinos 1
899.21 R22 Realubit, M.L.F. Bikols of the Philippines: history, literature and 1
general list of literary works
899.211 C86 Cristobal, A. Selections ...
899.211 Ic1 Icban-Castro, R. Literature of the Pampangos. 1
899.211 V54 Veloro, A.T. A study of the types of Philippine literature with 1
special emphasis on the novel
899.211016 M72 Mojares, R. Cebuano literature : a survey and bio-bibliography 1
with finding list


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
899.21104 B45 Bernad, M. A. Bamboo and the greenwood tree : essays on 1
899.21104 J574 Joaquin, N. La Naval de Manila and other essays 1
899.21108 P53 Philippine contemporary literature in English and 1
899.21109 P19 Panganiban, J. V. The literature of the Filipinos. 1
899.2111 Al61 Alma, R. Mga retrato at rekwerdo 1
899.2111 At17 Ataviado, M.A. Poems fifty 1
899.2111 C1912 Cariaso, J.G. Antig… tugon… titik… (mga tulang bunga ng 1
899.2111 D24 Darangen v.1 1
899.2111 D24 Darangen v.2 1
899.2111 D24 Darangen v.3 1
899.2111 D24 Darangen v.4 1
899.2111 D24 Darangen v.5 1
899.2111 D24 Darangen v.6 1
899.2111 D24 Darangen v.7 1
899.2111 D24 Darangen v.8 1
899.2111 F51 Firmalino, M. Pebble, particle and stone: A collection of poems 1

899.2111 Sa189 Sagra, B.P. God songs 1

899.2111 Si97 Six Filipino poets c.1 1
899.2111 Si97 Six Filipino poets c.2 1
899.21110308 P53 Philippine metrical romances (Anthology of Asean 1
899.211108 P53 Philippines... Discursos de Malolos y poesias Filipinas ... 1
899.211132 Ep42 Mga epiko ng Pilipinas (Antolohiya ng mga 1
panitikang Asean)
899.2112 F39 Fernandez, D. The Iloilo zarzuela (1903-1930) 1
899.2112 G93w Guerrero, W. My favorite 11 plays. 1
899.2112 N126 Nadres, O. Paraisong parisukat : an original play in pilipino
899.211208 F66 Florentino, A. Outstanding Filipino short plays. 1
899.2113 B79 Brillantes, G. The distance to Andromeda and other stories. 1
899.2113 C25 Carunungan, C. Like a big brave man 1
899.2113 C2783 Castillejos, D. Pilgrims 1
899.2113 G58b Gonzalez, N.V.M. The bamboo dancers. 1
899.2113 G58c Gonzalez, N.V.M. Children of the ash-covered loam and other stories. 1

899.2113 G58se Gonzalez, N.V.M. A season of grace : a novel. 1

899.2113 G93am Guerrero, A. The mainstream and other stories. 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. Greater than our hearts. God-tales for young and c.1 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. Running waters: God-tales for young and old c.1 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. Greater than our hearts. God-tales for young and c.2 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. Running waters: God-tales for young and old c.2 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. Greater than our hearts. God-tales for young and c.3 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. A gentle breeze. 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. All things new: God-tales for young and old 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. As a deer longs: God-tales for young and old 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. Rising sun: God-tales for young and old 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. To the ends of the earth: God-tales for young and 1
899.2113 G94 Guillemette, N. With me in Paradise: God-tales for young and old 1

899.2113 H17 Hamada, S. Collected short stories. 1

899.2113 In3 Infante, E. Philippines, my Philippines : and other stories. 1
899.2113 M52 Mena, S.G. It rained while the Son shone: a novel 1
899.2113 R52 Rivera, A. Now and at the hour, and other stories. 1
899.2113 R52f Rizal, J. El Filibusterismo 1
899.2113 R52f Rizal, J. El Filibusterismo (tr. Leon Ma. Guerrero) 1
899.2113 R52f Rizal, J. El Filibusterismo (tr. Ma. Soledad Lacson-Locsin) 1

899.2113 R52f Rizal, J. El Filibusterismo (tr. María Odulio de Guzmán) 1

899.2113 R52n Rizal, J. Noli Me Tangere (tr. Ma. Soledad Lacson-Locsin) 1

899.2113 R52n Rizal, J. Noli Me Tangere (tr. Pat. S. Mariano) 1


CN 1 CN 2 Author Title VV CC BB
899.2113 R52n Rizal, J. Noli Me Tangere. 1
899.2113 R66 Romulo, C. The united : a novel. 1
899.2113 Sa59 Santos, B. Brother, my brother: a collection of stories 1
899.2113 Sa59 Santos, B. Scent of apples : a collection of stories 1
899.2113 Sa597 Santos, B.N. You lovely people 1
899.2113 Ur1 Uranza, A. Bamboo in the wind
899.2114 C76 Constantino, L. Issues without tears: a layman's manual of current 1
899.2114 M31 Manglapus, R. Freedom, nationhood and culture. c.1 1
899.2114 M31 Manglapus, R. Freedom, nationhood and culture. c.2 1
899.2114 R52p Rizal, J. Political and historical writings v.7 c.1 1
899.2114 R52p Rizal, J. Political and historical writings v.7 c.2 1
910.41 P62 Publications… First voyage around the world and De Moluccis 1
910.9 H3513 Hearn, A.P. Magellan, a voyage of life 1
910.9 Sch729 Schreurs, P. The voyage of Fernão de Magalhães: Three little- 1
known eyewitness accounts (extract from Philippine
Quarterly of Culture and Society 28 (2000) 90-109

912.599 Q482 Quirino, C. Philippine cartography (1320-1899) 1

914.56 W1544 Walking through time : parks, castles, monasteries : 1
discovering history and legends from the heart of
915.20431 R52ab Abubakar, A. Rizal in Meiji Japan : the reluctant guest. 1
915.95 D662 Patmos 1
915.99 C13 Calvo, H. Reportaje a Filipinas 1
915.99 Ir1 Ira, L. Streets of Manila. 1
915.99 L32 Lardizabal, A. Beautiful Philippines 1
915.99 N14 Nakpil, G. The Philippines : the land and the people 1
915.99 Sa583 Sangyaw : the land and people of Samar and Leyte 1

915.99 So43 Soler, B. Emoción y recuerdo de España en Filipinas 1

915.9903 F84 Francisco, J.R. The Philippines and India 1
915.99031 P27 Patanñe, E.P. The Philippines in the world of Southeast Asia : a 1
cultural history
915.99034 G68 Gorospe, V. The Filipino in the seventies: an ecumenical 1
915.99042 T69 Travel accounts of the Islands (1513-1787) (1971 v.19 1
915.99042 T69 Travel accounts of the Islands (1832-1858) (1974 v.22 1
915.990446 C42 Chesnoff, R. The Philippines. 1
915.991 M31 Maitland, D. (ed.) Manila by night 1
919.14 L13 de la Gironiere, P. Adventures of a frenchman in the Philippines 1
919.14 P53 Philippines where Asia wears a smile 1
919.14 P53 Philippines where Asia wears a smile (1976 ed.) 1
919.1403 A52 The Philippines: a handbook of information c.1 1
919.1403 A52 The Philippines: a handbook of information c.2 1
920 D5437 Diaz, M.S. Spiritual force 1
920.0599 P47 Soriano, D.H. The Philippines who's who (2nd ed.) 1
922 M5192 Memoirs of Monsignor Antonio Ll. Mabutas, J.C.D., 1
D.D., Archbishop of Davao
922.22 B63 Bodo, Murry. The journey and the dream (Francis).


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