Excretory System

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◦ also known as the Urinary System, rids the body of nitrogenous wastes in
the form of urine while regulating water, electrolyte, and acid-base
balance of the blood.
◦ Urine is clear, yellow, and usually slightly acidic, but its pH value varies
ØIt normally contains water, various ions, and nitrogenous wastes such as
urea, ammonia, creatinine, and uric acid.
◦ A kidney is made up of the
structural and functional unit
called Nephron.
◦ A nephron has a glomerulus and
a renal tubule.
◦ It filters the blood and make sure
to maintain the blood
◦ In the process of filtering the
blood, wastes are removed
leading to the formation of the
Ureters, Urinary Bladder & Urethra
◦ Ureters- Slender tubes where each end is
continuous with the kidney’s pelvis and is
connected to the bladder.
◦ Urinary Bladder- is a smooth, collapsible,
muscular sac that stores urine temporarily
and has three openings.
◦ Urethra- A thin-walled tube that carries
urine by peristalsis from the bladder to the
outside of the body (longer in male).
Urine formation
◦ Filtration- water and solutes are forced
through the glomerular capsule into the
renal tube
◦ Tubular Reabsorption- water, glucose,
amino acids are absorbed from the
filtrate into the tubule cells and then
enter the capillary blood
◦ Tubular Secretion- removing of H+, K+,
creatinine, and drugs are removed from
the peri tubular blood and secreted by
the tubule cells into the filtrate.
FILTRATION *mostly occurs in the PCT, but DCT and
the collecting duct are also active


Source: YouTube CrashCourse

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