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Rúbrica Units 1 and 2 – 3rd grade 2021


a. General Task
i. Products: Real or fictitious story, with characters, conflict, events, etc., told in past.
ii. Story Plot: All components of a narrative text are clearly identified: Presentation, Conflict, rising action(s), climax, falling action, resolution and end.
iii. Format: Word document (or Google Docs, or similar text processor) letter-sized paper, Calibri size 12 font, 1.5 interlining. Identification at the beginning (Title of story,
student’s name, class, teacher’s name, subject, institution, delivery date).
iv. Length: 5 - 6 paragraph.
v. Delivery Date: Friday September 24th.
b. Language and Performance
i. Grammar: Use at least 3 instances of each past narrative tense (Simple past, past progressive, past perfect simple). Use “used to” and past permission expressions at
least 3 times each. Respect of general grammar rules of agreement according to form, function and syntax, specifically, correct use of past habits, past permissions, past
narrative tenses and connectors.
ii. Vocabulary and Spelling: Use at least 5 vocabulary items unit 1 related to education and 5 vocabulary items from unit 2 related to Things to do on Vacation. The use of
general vocabulary must be accurate and appropriate for context. Slang allowed when appropriate for context. All words must be correctly spelt according to form,
function, and syntax.
iii. Cohesion and coherence: Reference markers are used coherently in all the text. Connectors are correctly used, giving coherence and cohesion to the whole text.
Punctuation marks are correctly used, coordinating and/or subordinating a maximum of 2-3 sentences, avoiding paragraphs that are too long with only commas before
the full-stop.

General Task Excellent – Very Good Good Sufficient Insufficient

Total: ____/25pts 100% - 90% 89% - 73% 72% - 60% 59% - 0%
Story Plot All components of a narrative text are One aspect is missing Two aspects are missing 3 or more aspects are not respected
10 points total clearly identified: Presentation, Conflict,
rising action(s), climax, falling action, OR
resolution and end. Not done
Format Final draft, Word document (or similar One of the aspects is not respected. 2-4 aspects are not respected. 5 or more aspects are not respected
5 points total text processor) letter-sized paper, Calibri
size 12 font, 1.5 interlining. Identification OR
at the beginning (Title of story, student’s
name, class, teacher’s name, subject, Not done
institution, delivery date).
Length 5 to 6 paragraphs. 4 paragraphs or more than 6. 3 paragraphs. 2 or less paragraphs
5 points total or
not done.
Delivery Date Friday September 24th September 25th – 26th September 27th – 30th October 1st or later
5 points total Or
Not delivered
Language Use Excellent – Very Good Good Sufficient Insufficient
Total: ____/35 pts 100% - 90% 89% - 73% 72% - 60% 59% - 0%
Grammar Use at least 3 instances of each past Minor mistakes that do not interfere with Minor mistakes that do not interfere with Mistakes that interfere with
15 points total narrative tense (Simple past, past understanding. 1-7 mistakes in the entire understanding. More than 10 mistakes in understanding. More than 10 mistakes in
progressive, past perfect simple, and past work. the entire work. the entire work.
perfect continuous. OR
Use past permission at least 3 times each. OR Mistakes that interfere with OR
Respect of general grammar rules of understanding. 1-10 mistakes in the More than 5 instances of any of the
agreement according to form function 1 – 2 instances of any of the past tenses entire work. required past tenses are missing.
and syntax, specifically, correct use of required are missing. OR OR
past narrative tenses and Adverb placing. 3 – 4 instances of any of the required past Not done
tenses are missing.
Vocabulary and Use at least 5 vocabulary items unit 1 1-7 mistakes of Vocabulary 8 - 14 mistakes of vocabulary in the entire 8 or more mistakes of vocabulary in the
Spelling related to education and 5 vocabulary appropriateness or spelling in the entire work entire work
10 points total items from unit 2 related to Things to do work. OR
on Vacation. OR Unit Vocabulary from unit 1 and 2 is not
The use of general vocabulary is accurate OR used.
and appropriate for context. Slang 4 – 7 instances of any of the required OR
allowed when appropriate for context. All 1 – 3 instances of the required vocabulary are missing. Not done
words are correctly spelt according to vocabulary are missing.
form, function, and syntax.
Cohesion and Reference markers are used coherently in 1-5 mistakes in the use of connectors. 1-5 mistakes in the use of connectors, and More than 10 mistakes in the use of
Coherence all the text. Connectors are correctly However, sentences are clearly grouped sentences are grouped according to connectors. Or Text becomes
10 points total used, giving coherence and cohesion to according to argument. argument, but with some coherence unintelligible.
the whole text. Punctuation marks are faults.
correctly used, coordinating and/or OR OR
subordinating a maximum of 2-3 5-10 mistakes in the use of connectors.
sentences, avoiding paragraphs that are However, sentences are clearly grouped Not done.
too long with only commas before the according to argument.
Total Score: 60 points Passing score: 36 points Passing achievement: 60% Achievement obtained: Grade/Mark:

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