Teks MC Open House 2021 Insan Teladan (Revisi)

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NASKAH MC OPEN HOUSE INSAN TELADAN (Islamic Elementary School) 2021

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2021


Waktu Kegiatan Narasumber/PJ MC

08.00-08.05 Opening by MC Mr. Dede & Ms. Mey *Pantun
Taman kartini dikelilingi kayu jati
Didalamnya banyak jenis tumbuhan
Sebelum memulai acara ini
Izinkan kami menyapa hadirin sekalian

Assalamualaikum, Wr Wb

Good morning, ladies and gentleman. First of

all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah
Almighty, for the abundance of grace and the
joy of all of us can still gather in this place
without any barriers at all and in good health.
Not forgetting the salawat and greetings we
pour out to the Prophet Muhammad who has
brought us out of the dark ages to the era of
bright light today, namely Islam. It is such great
pleasure for me to welcome all of you to the
Open House of INSAN TELADAN (Islamic
Elementary School) 2021

 I would like to express my appreciation to

the Mr. Ir. H. Cuk Suryanto, as the owner of
“Berkah Sejahtera Suluh Bangsaku”
 To the Mr. Drs. H. Khairi Asri, M.Pd.I, as
the chairman of “Berkah Sejahtera Suluh
Bangsaku” who I respect
 Mrs. Widi, as a treasurer of “Berkah
Sejahtera Suluh Bangsaku” foundation who
I respect
 The honorable principal of SDIT Insan
Teladan Mrs. Rahmadani S.Pd, who I
 Committee administrator of SDIT Insan
Teladan who I respect
 The honorable teachers and all staffs of
SDIT Insan Teladan who I respect
 The honorable and beloved parents of SDIT
Insan Teladan new student

The schedule for today’s open house is as

 The first agenda is the reading of
Tahfidzh by SDIT Insan Teladan student
 Followed by dance and silat
performance that will be performed by
SDIT Insan Teladan students
 There will be a speech by the chairman
of the committee
 Followed by a speech from the principal
of SDIT Insan Teladan and then
introduction of the staff and teachers
 Followed by the next agenda, cutting the
ribbons and introduction of social media
accounts for SDIT Insan Teladan
 Closed with a prayer that will be led by
SDIT Insan Teladan student
 Ends by saying hamdallah which then
will be resumed in the 2nd session
where later at the event there will be
some instructions (contest instructions,
competition activities, announcement of
winners and distribution of prizes as
well as class entry instructions)

08.06-08.10 Tahfidzh Faiz Abdillah Ilmi Alright we will start the event now, lets start by
reading the holy verses of the Al-Quran which
will be brought by our beloved student, Faiz
Abdillah Ilmi

(Our beloved faiz, the floor is yours)

* Thank you to Ananda Faiz who has read the

holy verses of the Qur'an. Ananda is a
representative of class 3 whose memorization
already at the end of 28th juz...

08.11-08.25 Tari dan Silat Siswa/i SDIT Insan The next agenda is a Silat and Dance
Teladan performance by our students. This is part of the
extracurricular at school.

(would you please join me in welcoming our

beloved students)

*Thank you to our beloved students for this

great performance
08.30-08.40 Sambutan Mrs. Nadya The honorable guests, the next event is a speech
Ketua Panitia by the head of the SDIT Insan Exemplary

Mrs. Nadya, please.

* Thank you Mrs. Nadya for the great speech
08.41- 08.50 Sambutan Mr. Ir. H. Cuk **yje next agenda, A speech by the owner of
Suryanto “Berkah Sejahtera Suluh Bangsaku” foundation

Would you please welcome Mr. Ir. H. Cuk


*Thank you Mr. For the speech

08.51-09.00 Sambutan The next event is a speech by the head of SDIT
Principal Insan Teladan which will be continued with the
09.01-09.20 Pengenalan Staf introduction of the staff and teachers and
dan Guru cutting the Website Ribbon
09.21-09.25 Pemotongan Mrs. Rahmadani
Pita Website Would you please welcom Mrs. Rahmadani
dan Pengenalan
Akun Sosmed *Thank you Mrs. Ani
09.25-09.30 Do’a Syafiq The next event is the reading of prayers which
will be led by our beloved, Syafiq.

(would you please welcome syafiq)

*thank you syafiq

09.26- selesai Closing MC

We are now at the end of the event. Thank you
for the presence of parents, All Teachers and
new students who have attended this open
house event. We close this event by saying

09.26-09.30 Instruksi MC Alright, entering the 2nd session, we will

Lomba continue with the "coloring" competition.
Where later our children will be given picture
paper and are welcome to give the appropriate
color. The duration of the competition is 30
minutes, later the children who meet the criteria
will be given prizes as winners of this
competition. This competition will take place in
the (Mushola/Class) which will be directed
directly by the teachers.
09.31-10.00 Lomba MC Alright, our children are welcome to enter the
room to start the coloring competition.
10.15-10.35 Pengumuman MC Alhamdulillah the competition is over. Further
Juara dan announcements of this competition activity..
pembagian Alright the 3rd place, 2nd place, and the
hadiah champion…

*To Mrs. Nadya as the chief executive is

welcome to give prizes to the winners.
10.36- selesai Pengarahan Wali Kelas Ar- Next agenda, students enter the classroom
masuk kelas Rahman which will be directed by Ar-Rahman's
homeroom teacher.

Alright, we as the MCs and the committee on

duty today, we apologize if there are mistakes
in speech. We say goodbye.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

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