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Comparative studies of forward and backward chaining have led some to suggest that sensitivity
to each teaching procedure may be idiosyncratic across learners and tasks. The purposes of the
current study were threefold. First, we assessed differential sensitivity to each chaining procedure
within children when presented with multiple learning tasks of similar content but different
complexity. Second, we evaluated whether differential sensitivity to a chaining procedure during
a brief task predicted differential sensitivity during the teaching of longer tasks. Third, we
directly assessed children’s preferences for each teaching procedure via a concurrent-chains
preference assessment. Learners acquired all target skills introduced under both chaining
conditions, but individual children did not consistently learn more efficiently with either
procedure. Short-duration tasks were not predictive of performance in tasks of longer duration.
Both chaining procedures were preferred over a baseline condition without prompting, but
participants did not demonstrate a preference for either procedure.
Key words: backward chaining, concurrent-chains preference assessment, forward chaining,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2
Behavior analysts frequently employ response- the literature (Cooper, Heron, & Heward,
chaining procedures to teach multistep tasks 2007); the current study focuses on forward
that range from food preparation (Schuster, and backward chaining.
Gast, Wolery, & Guiltinan, 1988), family-style Forward chaining involves teaching the initial
dining (Wilson, Reid, Phillips, & Burgio, step in a task analysis to mastery and then
1984), and self-feeding (Hagopian, Farrell, sequentially teaching additional steps. After
& Amari, 1996) to Internet usage (Jerome, a step is mastered and subsequent steps are
Frantino, & Sturmey, 2007), playing a game of targeted for teaching, all previous steps along
darts (Schleien, Wehman, & Kiernan, 1981), with the current step are required to be
making a corsage (Hur & Osborne, 1993), and accurately completed to be considered correct
assembling bicycle brakes, meat grinders, and and result in reinforcement delivery. For
carburetors (Walls, Zane, & Ellis, 1981). instance, in a hypothetical task that requires
Response chaining involves breaking a task Steps A, B, C, and D to be demonstrated in
into its component parts via a task analysis and order, an instructor would teach Step A; then
then sequentially teaching each individual Steps A and B; then Steps A, B, and C; and
component to mastery levels via prompting finally, Steps A, B, C, and D. Typically, an
and differential reinforcement. Total task, instructor would deliver reinforcement at the
forward chaining, and backward chaining are completion of each successful response (i.e., the
three variants of response chaining described in temporal location of reinforcement delivery
would vary depending on the required terminal
This study was conducted as an undergraduate honors step). Backward chaining involves teaching the
thesis by the first author. Sarah K. Slocum is now at the final step of the task analysis initially and
Psychology Department of the University of Florida.
Correspondence concerning this article should be progressively teaching early components. As
addressed to Jeffrey H. Tiger, who is now at the earlier steps are added, all previously taught
Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin– steps and the current step are required to be
Milwaukee, 2441 E. Hartford Ave., Garland 219,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 (e-mail: accurately completed in order to be considered
doi: 10.1901/jaba.2011.44-793 correct and result in reinforcement delivery.


Again, using our hypothetical task requiring retardation. Participants were assigned rand-
Steps A, B, C, and D, Step D would be taught omly to either a forward-chaining group or
first; then Steps C and D; followed by Steps B, backward-chaining group, and both groups
C, and D; and finally, Steps A, B, C, and D. acquired this 18-step task in a similar number
The instructor delivers reinforcement at the of trials.
completion of the last step. Thus, regardless of Thus, neither forward nor backward chaining
the stage of training, reinforcement is delivered has been consistently more efficacious in
at the ‘‘natural’’ location (i.e., at the end of the promoting response acquisition. These out-
task). comes led Spooner and Spooner (1984) in
Given the success of both forward and their review of chaining procedures to surmise,
backward chaining in teaching multistep tasks ‘‘it may be that different learners do better with
across a variety of populations, including different procedures, and when different tasks
persons with intellectual disabilities (Hur & are used, different results are obtainable’’
Osborne, 1993; Walls et al., 1981; Zane, Walls, (p. 123). This summary makes two fundamen-
& Thvedt, 1981) as well as persons of typical tal assumptions: (a) All other things being
development (Ash & Holding, 1990; Smith, equal, a given individual will consistently
1999; Weiss, 1978), some researchers have demonstrate differential sensitivity to one
sought to compare the relative efficiency of teaching procedure with a given task, and (b)
these teaching methods (Ash & Holding, 1990; although the histories that result in this
Hur & Osborne, 1993; Smith, 1999; Walls differential sensitivity are highly idiosyncratic
et al., 1981; Weiss, 1978). Weiss (1978) com- and potentially complex, we should be able to
pared forward and backward chaining in the predict an individual’s sensitivity to a teaching
acquisition of response chains with undergrad- procedure given their demonstrated sensitivity
uate college students given a contrived task. to that procedure in the past. Researchers have
Specifically, these authors developed an appa- not empirically validated these assumptions. If
ratus that consisted of six buttons and required they are accurate, the identification of differen-
participants to press different sequences of tial sensitivity to one teaching procedure should
buttons to earn points. They taught each be valuable to teachers who are responsible for
participant four six-step sequences using either teaching complex skills, specifically in helping
forward or backward chaining and found them to identify the most efficacious teaching
forward chaining to result in fewer incorrect procedure possible. If these assumptions are
responses and more rapid acquisition. inaccurate, teachers and researchers may be
In contrast, Walls et al. (1981) compared expending their energy and resources unneces-
forward and backward chaining in assembling a sarily in attempting to compare and predict the
bicycle brake, a meat grinder, and a carburetor effectiveness and efficiency of these procedures.
with 22 people between the ages of 18 and 46 The initial purpose of this study was to
who had been diagnosed with mild to moderate determine if, by holding all other factors
intellectual delays and who were from a constant, children would indeed demonstrate a
vocational rehabilitation center. The frequency consistent sensitivity to one teaching procedure,
of incorrect responses and total training time and if so, if this sensitivity could be identified
were similar across backward- and forward- by presenting a brief assessment task that then
chaining conditions. Hur and Osborne (1993) could guide teachers’ selections of efficient
compared backward and forward chaining in teaching procedures for longer response chains.
teaching corsage making to children who had In addition to the relative efficiency of each
been diagnosed with moderate to severe mental procedure, teachers also may select teaching

procedures by considering individual children’s with the outcome of the 18-step task). The
preferences for the available alternatives. Children, second part involved a preference assessment
particularly those with disabilities, rarely are using the concurrent-chains methodology of
afforded the opportunity to voice their preferences Hanley (2010), in which we introduced a novel
for therapeutic programming. Providing such task and provided participants the opportunity
opportunities, in addition to respecting the to select whether the skill was taught using
individual’s autonomy, may result in increased forward-, backward-, or no-chaining methods.
time on task and may limit the occurrence of
problem behavior during instruction (Hanley, METHOD
2010; Mason, McGee, Farmer-Dougan, &
Participants and Setting
Risley, 1989; Powell & Nelson, 1997; Ringdahl,
Vollmer, Marcus, & Roane, 1997). We recruited four participants from a local
Assessment of children’s preferences for school for children with developmental and
teaching strategies may be complicated, partic- learning disabilities. Each class at this school
ularly when individuals have limited vocal offered small student-to-teacher ratios and some
one-to-one instruction on a daily basis. All
repertoires. Hanley and colleagues described
participants, except Daniel, were behind their
the use of a concurrent-chains procedure that
peers in academic functioning and, according to
offered a direct, nonverbal assessment of
teacher report, rarely followed two-step instruc-
individuals’ preferences and has been effective
tions. Further, teachers reported that none of
in determining preferences for behavioral
the participants had experience with either
interventions, classroom behavior-management
chaining procedure prior to the study. Bella
strategies, and teaching strategies with individ-
was a 10-year-old girl who had been diagnosed
uals of both typical and atypical development
with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(Hanley, 2010; Hanley, Piazza, Fisher, Con- (ADHD); her teacher reported that she was
trucci, & Maglieri, 1997; Heal & Hanley, having trouble focusing during school instruc-
2007; Heal, Hanley, & Layer, 2009; Tiger, tion. Paul was an 11-year-old boy who had been
Hanley, & Heal, 2006). This procedure simply diagnosed with ADHD; his teacher reported
involves correlating salient stimuli with the that he had trouble concentrating long enough
interventions or teaching strategies and then to complete several steps of a task. Daniel was
allowing participants to select the correlated an 11-year-old boy with speech delays; his
stimuli to gain brief access to the different teacher reported that although he was within
interventions or teaching strategies. grade level on academic tasks, he had a stutter
We conducted our current study in two and displayed occasional slowed speech. Katie
parts. The first involved an efficiency assessment was a 12-year-old girl with learning deficits; her
in which participants were taught 3-, 6-, 9-, and teacher reported she was behind grade level in
18-step motor sequences using both forward almost every area of academics. We obtained
and backward chaining. We examined the parental consent and daily assent for each child;
outcomes of this assessment to determine (a) all study procedures were preapproved by the
if children exhibited a consistent differential Institutional Review Board of Louisiana State
sensitivity to backward or forward chaining University. The first author conducted all
with similar tasks and (b) if we could predict sessions in a vacant room in the school.
differential acquisition of the 18-step tasks via
learner performance with the tasks of shorter Preexperimental Preference Assessments
length (i.e., correspondence between the out- Prior to initiating the formal experiment, we
comes of the 3-, 6-, and 9-step comparisons conducted two preference assessments. First, we

Table 1 which each motor sequence would be derived;

Operational Definitions of Motor Movements in these were touching one’s nose, eye, and ear;
Motor Chains patting one’s head and lap; and clapping one’s
Touch head Place either hand on top of the head
hands (we present operational definitions of
Touch lap Place both hands on top of the thighs these behaviors in Table 1). We then randomly
Clap Contact two palms of hands together selected from these movements to design pairs
Touch eye Use either pointer finger to contact either eye
Touch ear Use either pointer finger to contact either ear of motor sequences that included 3, 6, 9, and
Touch nose Use either pointer finger to contact one’s nose 18 steps (we made selections without replace-
ment until all six movements were selected and
conducted a color preference assessment based then restarted for the 9- and 18-step motor
on the procedures described by Heal et al. sequences). We randomly assigned members of
(2009) to eliminate bias in the colors associated a motor sequence pair to either forward or
with initial-link stimuli during our concurrent- backward chaining in a counterbalanced order
chains preference assessment. We used 10 across participants such that any unintended
different-colored sheets of construction paper differences in motor sequence difficulty would
and presented each sheet to participants in be balanced across participants. For example,
pairs. We instructed participants to select the we assigned three-step Motor Sequence A to
color they ‘‘liked more’’ on each trial and the forward-chaining condition and three-step
provided a brief statement of praise (e.g., Motor Sequence B to the backward-chaining
‘‘thanks’’) after each selection. After we paired condition for Daniel and Paul, and we assigned
each colored sheet with each other colored the three-step Motor Sequence B to the
sheet, we then ranked color preference based on forward-chaining condition and the three-step
selection percentages (i.e., number of times Motor Sequence B to the backward-chaining
selected divided by the number of times condition for Bella and Katie. We then
presented). We selected three colors that were compared the efficiency of forward and back-
ranked similarly from the lower end of the ward chaining sequentially across each motor-
preference hierarchy and randomly assigned sequence pair. That is, we taught one three-step
each color to be correlated with each condition sequence with forward chaining and one three-
in our concurrent-chains preference assessment. step sequence with backward chaining in
Next we conducted a leisure-item preference alternating sessions. After both sequences
assessment based on the procedures described by reached mastery, we taught both six-step
Fisher et al. (1992) to identify activities to which sequences, followed by both nine- and 18-step
access was delivered as a reinforcer during sequences. We compared backward and forward
teaching conditions. We identified items to chaining across each sequence length in an
include via an interview with each participant’s adapted alternating treatments design.
classroom teacher and presented items in paired Efficiency assessment. Prior to each pair of
arrays to identify highly preferred activities. We teaching sessions, the participant selected a
included access to the top three items to be used leisure item from an array of preferred items; we
as reinforcers in the study. There were also delivered the selected item as a reinforcer during
instances in which participants requested an item the next pair of sessions to ensure that the
not in their top three, and we allowed them to quality of reinforcement was identical across
obtain that item as reinforcement for that day. chaining conditions. We conducted one to six
10-trial sessions per day within a daily 45-min
Procedure session block allocated to each participant,
To develop our experimental motor sequenc- typically 4 days per week. Individual session
es, we first selected six motor movements from duration depended on the number of steps in

the motor sequence and participant responding in the targeted step and then all remaining
during sessions (i.e., sessions that required untargeted steps. The teacher then waited 5 s
prompting were longer than sessions with after completion of the trial to deliver an
independent responding). Anecdotally, session instruction to initiate the next trial. This
durations ranged from about 5 min up to training continued for the first step until the
25 min. In accordance with our experimental participant correctly and independently engaged
design, we alternated forward- and backward- in that step on three consecutive trials (mastery
chaining sessions in a random and counterbal- criterion). After meeting this mastery criterion,
anced order by flipping a coin to determine the teacher then targeted Steps 1 and 2 together,
which would be conducted first. then Steps 1, 2, and 3, and so on. Subsequent
At the onset of each comparison, we trials were similar except that both the targeted
conducted a minimum of three baseline trials step and all previously mastered steps were
to ensure that participants could not engage in then required to produce reinforcement. If the
the motor sequence prior to instruction. During participant did not initiate the motor sequence,
baseline trials, the teacher instructed the engaged in any incorrect responses, or delayed
participant to complete a motor sequence by more than 1 s between any previously
(e.g., ‘‘Do the — dance’’; we assigned each mastered steps in the sequence, the teacher
dance an arbitrary name to facilitate discrimi- provided a model of all currently targeted
nation of the experimental conditions). The components (i.e., the current step and any
teacher did not provide any consequences for previously mastered steps) and provided the
correct or incorrect responding, and after 5 s participant the opportunity to respond again. If
she instructed the participant to complete the the correct motor sequence was not emitted
motor sequence again, initiating a new trial. following the model, the teacher then physically
Following these baseline trials, we initiated guided the participant to complete the targeted
instruction of the motor sequence. and any previously mastered steps in the
During forward-chaining conditions, we ini- sequence.
tially targeted only the first step of the motor Teaching trials were similar during back-
sequence. That is, after the instruction, ‘‘Do the ward-chaining conditions, except that we ini-
— dance,’’ if the child completed the targeted tially targeted only the terminal step of the
steps of the motor sequence independently, the motor sequence. That is, immediately after the
teacher delivered praise (e.g., ‘‘Great job!’’), instruction, the teacher physically guided the
physically guided the participant to complete all participant to complete all steps except for the
untargeted steps, and delivered access to the last step in the sequence. Correct responding
preselected leisure item for 30 s. We provided resulted in praise and access to a preferred
physical guidance for untrained steps to equate leisure item, and incorrect responding or a
exposure to these steps during this condition failure to respond within 5 s resulted in the
with the exposure experienced during back- delivery of a model prompt of all steps. If the
ward-chaining sessions described below. If the child did not engage in the correct response
child did not complete the required step within 5 s of the model prompt, the teacher
independently within 5 s of the instruction or physically guided the child to complete the
the engaged in an incorrect response, the response. The mastery criterion for that step
teacher provided a model prompt that demon- was identical to the criterion used in the
strated the required step. If the child did not forward-chaining condition (i.e., three consec-
then complete the required step within 5 s, the utive, independently correct trials). After mas-
teacher physically guided the child to engage tery on the terminal step had been achieved,

the teacher initiated the next trial with the blocks; instead, terminal-link experiences contin-
instruction and immediately physically guided ued until participants mastered the motor
the participant to complete all but the last two sequences). In this regard, the speed of each
steps and provided a 5-s delay, and so on. participant’s acquisition of the motor sequence
Again, all previously mastered steps were determined the number of trials and duration
required to be demonstrated with less than 1-s of exposure to each terminal link; participants
delay between responses to avoid more intrusive required no more than 20 trials to master a task.
prompting. The teacher delivered praise and The teacher conducted control terminal links
30-s access to the identified preferred leisure similarly to baseline sessions, except that she
item only after independent responses that terminated sessions based on time. Specifically, we
included both the current and all previously measured the duration from the onset of the first
mastered steps in the correct order. instruction to the moment the mastery criterion
In both forward- and backward-chaining was met during the forward- and backward-
conditions, we set the terminal mastery criterion chaining terminal links and yoked the duration of
as three consecutive trials of independently control sessions to be equal to the mean of the
correct responding of the complete motor previous two chaining terminal links. We initiated
sequence following the initial instruction. After control sessions by providing the same initial
a participant met the terminal mastery criterion instruction, ‘‘Do the — dance,’’ but did not
for a motor sequence, we continued to conduct provide any additional prompting. The teacher
training trials for the other motor sequence did not otherwise interact with the participant
until it also met mastery. Each participant during these terminal links. Anecdotally, partici-
learned the 3-, 6-, 9-, and 18-step sequences in pants generally sat quietly during these periods
consecutive order. We determined the relative and awaited the next initial-link opportunity.
sensitivity to a chaining procedure based on the We interspersed forced-choice sessions, in
differential number of trials required to meet which the teacher presented only one initial-link
the terminal mastery criterion in each compar- card on each trial and physically guided the
ison. Following mastery of these motor se- participant to complete the initial-link selec-
quences, we initiated the preference assessment. tion, in order to promote continued exposure to
Preference assessment. We presented three each of the terminal-link conditions. We began
colored cards on a table in front of each the preference assessment with three forced-
participant to start the initial link of a pre- choice exposure trials (one each for forward
ference assessment trial. Selections of (i.e., chaining, backward chaining, and the control
touching) one card completed the initial link condition) and included three additional
and resulted in the onset of the terminal link of forced-choice exposure trials following every
the chain in which the teacher taught a novel five free-choice trials; we considered only
three-step motor sequence to completion using selections during free-choice trials with all three
one of the two chaining procedures or a control colored cards present in determining preference.
procedure, depending on which card the par- Between two and eight preference assessment
ticipant selected. The teacher conducted back- trials were conducted per day, with no more
ward- and forward-chaining terminal links simi- than five free-choice trials in one day. The
larly to those described during the efficiency preference assessment duration ranged from
assessments, except that teaching continued 3 days to 9 days. Individual terminal-link
until participants met mastery criterion of in- experiences ranged from 2 min to 4 min. We
dependently completing the motor sequence terminated the preference assessment following
following three consecutive instructions (i.e., free-choice selections of one initial link that
sessions were no longer defined by 10-trial totaled six selections greater than the next

closest initial link or following 15 total free- trials scored in agreement, divided this sum by
choice trials. the total number of trials, and converted this
to a percentage, resulting in mean interobserver
Measures and Interobserver Agreement agreement coefficients of 99% (range, 80% to
Observers collected data on participant 100%) for Paul, 97% (range, 80% to 100%) for
responding on a trial-by-trial basis using Daniel, 99% (range, 80% to 100%) for Bella,
pencil-and-paper data sheets. During the effi- and 99% (range, 90% to 100%) for Katie.
cacy assessment, observers coded a trial with an In addition, we collected data on partici-
independently correct response if the partici- pants’ selections during the initial links of the
pant initiated the motor sequence within 5 s of preference assessment. On each trial, an
the instruction and completed the correct target observer noted the color of the selected card;
step and all previously mastered steps in the selection was defined as contact of the partic-
correct sequence with no more than 1 s between ipant’s hand to a colored card. We compared
each step. Observers coded a trial with a correct observers’ records of colored cards selected
response following a model if the participant during 43%, 25%, 67%, and 25% of initial-
initiated the motor sequence within 5 s of the link trials for Paul, Daniel, Bella, and Katie,
model prompt and completed the correct target respectively. Observers’ records were scored in
step and all previously mastered steps in the agreement if they both coded the same colored
correct sequence with no more than 1 s between card selected and in disagreement if their
each step. Observers coded a trial with a records did not match; observers agreed on
physically guided response if the teacher 100% of the selections across all participants.
physically guided the participant to complete
the target response sequence. During baseline
trials only, observers coded a trial with no
response or incorrect response if the participant Efficiency Assessment
failed to initiate the correct motor sequence We present a summary of each participant’s
within 5 s of the instruction or engaged in an acquisition of motor sequences in Figure 1,
incorrect response; these data were coded which depicts the number of trials to mastery
only during baseline because the programmed given forward- and backward-chaining condi-
contingencies during teaching conditions re- tions across each motor sequence comparison.
sulted in additional prompting and the code None of the participants engaged in an inde-
captured this behavior in the other response pendently correct response during baseline. Paul
categories. acquired the three-step motor sequence taught
A second observer simultaneously but inde- via backward chaining in 12 fewer trials than the
pendently collected data to provide an indicator three-step motor sequence taught with forward
of the reliability of measurement during 40%, chaining (20 and 32 trials, respectively). We
55%, 80%, and 64% of sessions during Paul’s, observed a similar pattern during the six-step motor
Daniel’s, Bella’s, and Katie’s teaching evalua- sequence comparison in which Paul met the
tions, respectively. For the teaching evaluations, mastery criterion in 13 fewer trials given backward
we compared observers’ records on a trial-by-trial chaining (39 and 52 trials for the backward-
basis; a trial was scored in agreement if both chaining and forward-chaining motor sequences,
observers coded the same response category (i.e., respectively). However, we did not observe these
independently correct, correct following a mod- differences during the nine-step motor sequence
el, physically guided, or no response or incorrect) comparison; he acquired both motor sequences
and in disagreement if the observers’ records did following exactly 78 trials. Paul acquired the 18-
not match. We then summed the number of step backward-chaining motor sequence in seven

Figure 1. Overall performance of all participants on the 3-, 6-, 9-, and 18-step motor tasks taught with forward and
backward chaining.

fewer trials than the forward-chaining motor (60 and 57 trials for backward and forward
sequence (147 and 155 trials, respectively). chaining, respectively). During the 18-step
Daniel demonstrated more variable perfor- comparison, Daniel reached mastery in nine
mances across the different motor sequence fewer trials during the forward-chaining condi-
lengths. He acquired the three-step backward- tion than during the backward-chaining condi-
chaining motor sequence in nine fewer trials tion (128 and 119 trials for backward and
than the three-step forward-chaining motor forward chaining, respectively).
sequence (11 and 20 trials for backward and Katie acquired both three-step motor se-
forward chaining, respectively). Similarly, he quences in the same number of trials with
met mastery criteria for the six-step backward- forward and backward chaining (14 trials). She
chaining motor sequence in three fewer trials mastered the six-step backward-chaining motor
than the six-step forward-chaining motor se- sequence in one fewer trial than the six-step
quence (34 and 37 trials for backward and forward-chaining motor sequence (29 and 30
forward chaining, respectively). The reverse trials for backward and forward chaining,
pattern was true for the longer motor sequences. respectively). We observed larger differences in
During the nine-step motor-sequence compar- her acquisition of the nine- and 18-step motor
ison, Daniel met the mastery criterion during sequences. She mastered the nine-step forward-
the forward-chaining condition in three fewer chaining motor sequence in 18 fewer trials than
trials than the backward-chaining condition the backward-chaining motor sequence (88 and

Table 2 correspondence between the relatively shorter

Correspondence Between Outcomes of the Short- and motor sequences and the longer motor se-
Long-Chain (18-Step) Motor Sequences quences (i.e., would the determination of
Participant 3-step 6-step 9-step 18-step
a ‘‘winner’’ from a brief comparison predict
children’s sensitivity in one of the longer
Paul backward backward tie backward
Daniel backward backward forward forward duration comparisons?). These data are shown
Katie tie backward forward forward in Table 2. The outcomes of the three-step and
Bella forward forward forward forward
Percentage 50 50 75 six-step comparisons corresponded with the
correspondence outcomes of the 18-step comparison in only
two of four cases (50%), which is equivalent to
70 trials for backward and forward chaining, chance. The nine-step comparison may have
respectively) and the 18-step motor sequence in been slightly more predictive, with correspon-
35 fewer trials (155 and 120 trials for backward dence in three of four cases (75%); however, the
and forward chaining, respectively). small number of participants prohibits any
The outcomes for Bella were the most definitive conclusions.
consistent across comparisons; she always met Preference Assessment
mastery criterion in fewer trials given forward
We show each participant’s cumulative
chaining, requiring three fewer trials in the
initial-link selections from the preference por-
three-step motor-sequence comparison (21 and
tion of our study in Figure 2; these data
18 trials for backward and forward chaining, represent responding only during free-choice
respectively), five fewer trials in the six-step trials. Daniel and Katie alternated between
motor sequence comparison (45 and 40 trials forward- and backward-chaining selections
for backward and forward chaining, respective- consistently. They both made seven selections
ly), 10 fewer trials in the nine-step comparison of forward chaining and eight selections of
(94 and 84 trials for backward and forward backward chaining, and neither participant
chaining, respectively), and five fewer trials in chose the control condition during the assess-
the 18-step comparison (175 and 170 trials for ment. Bella similarly alternated between selec-
backward and forward chaining, respectively). tions of forward chaining (six selections) and
In summary of the aforementioned results, backward chaining (seven selections), but she
backward chaining was associated with fewer selected the control condition on two trials. We
trials to mastery in three of four comparisons terminated Daniel’s, Katie’s, and Bella’s assess-
for Paul with an equal number of trials in the ments after the 15-trial stop criterion with
nine-step comparison. Backward chaining was the determination that they each preferred
associated with more rapid acquisition in two backward and forward chaining similarly, and
comparisons and slower acquisition in two preferred both chaining conditions over the
comparisons for Daniel. Forward chaining was control condition. A preference for one chain-
associated with more rapid acquisition in two ing procedure emerged only for Paul. After
comparisons, slower acquisition in one com- choosing the control condition on the first trial,
parison, and equal acquisition in one compar- he then selected forward chaining in the next
ison for Katie. Finally, forward chaining was seven consecutive opportunities.
associated with more rapid acquisition in all
four comparisons for Bella.
We then examined the outcomes of the
3-step, 6-step, and 9-step comparisons to the We compared the acquisition of motor
18-step comparison to determine the level of sequences across a sample of children with

Figure 2. Cumulative selections during free-choice trials of the concurrent-chains preference assessment.

special needs using both forward and backward backward-chaining conditions or in an equal
chaining. Across our four participants, this number of trials for the shorter motor sequenc-
provided a total of 16 comparisons of forward es, both met mastery criteria more rapidly
and backward chaining. Forward chaining was during the forward-chaining conditions of the
associated with fewer trials to mastery in eight nine- and 18-step motor sequences. Thus, it did
comparisons, backward chaining was associated not appear that there were consistent differences
with fewer trials to mastery in six comparisons, in an individual’s sensitivity to either teaching
and no difference in trials to mastery was procedure, despite the use of similar tasks.
obtained in two comparisons. With the excep- We also sought to determine if differentially
tion of the nine- and 18-step motor sequences for rapid acquisition of a shorter motor sequence
Katie, we observed marginal differences between could serve as a behavioral assessment to predict
backward and forward chaining (M 5 5.79 differential sensitivity in acquisition of a longer
difference in trials to mastery; range, 0 to 13). motor sequence. We found correspondence
Only one of the four participants demon- between the three- and six-step motor sequences
strated a consistent differential sensitivity to a and the 18-step motor sequence for two of the
particular teaching condition in each of her four participants (Paul and Bella), and the nine-step
comparisons; Bella consistently met the mastery motor sequence was predictive for three of the
criterion more quickly under the forward- participants (Daniel, Katie, and Bella). Howev-
chaining conditions (M 5 5.75 trials differ- er, given the overall variability within each
ence). Paul met the mastery criterion more participant, it seems most appropriate to
rapidly in the backward-chaining conditions for conclude that these correspondences were
three of the four comparisons. Although Daniel chance occurrences. That is, there were no
and Katie met mastery more quickly in the consistencies in individuals’ acquisition of

motor sequences given forward and backward initial links from the backward- and forward-
chaining, and thus any differences in the 18- chaining conditions in the present assessment, we
step motor sequences could be predicted equally would have been unable to determine if the
well by a coin flip or by previous performance. resultant data were indicative of indifference or
In total, the results of our efficiency assessment of a failure to discriminate the contingencies
ran contrary to Spooner and Spooner’s (1984) associated with the initial links. By including a
assertion that there are idiosyncratic differences control condition that was unlikely to occasion
in sensitivity to chaining procedures that would selections, we can be fairly confident that our
be consistent in individual learners. In the participants were indeed discriminating between
current study, we assessed children’s sensitivity the outcomes of their initial-link selections based
to each teaching procedure repeatedly using on their minimal selections of the control
highly similar tasks. Despite holding the task condition; they were indifferent with regards to
and the learner constant, we did not identify which chaining procedure they experienced.
any consistencies in sensitivity to one teaching The overall results of this evaluation suggest
procedure beyond what would be expected by that (a) there is no consistent difference in task
chance. Based on the variability in outcomes of acquisition given instruction consisting of forward
comparisons in the literature and the results of or backward chaining between or within partic-
the current study, it is likely safe to conclude that ipants, (b) it probably is not possible to use
forward- and backward-chaining procedures are differential sensitivity during a brief task to predict
similarly effective in establishing behavior chains. differential sensitivity during longer tasks, and (c)
In addition to assessing the differential efficiency these procedures are neither differentially efficient
of these procedures, we also assessed participants’ nor differentially preferred.
preferences for these procedures relative to a control The lack of difference between these proce-
condition. All participants preferred either chaining dures, both in terms of efficiency and preference,
procedure over the no-chaining control, and three is not an unimportant finding. Rather, these
of the four participants displayed no preference for findings indicate that both procedures are effective
one chaining procedure over another. That is, at engendering complex chains of new behavior,
similar to there being a lack of difference in the and both are preferred by the consumers that
efficiency of these procedures, the children who experience them. From a practitioner’s perspec-
experienced these teaching procedures were also tive, these results suggest that teachers and
indifferent regarding the procedure they received. interventionists should be comfortable imple-
The fourth participant, Paul, did meet our menting either procedure with their clientele.
preference criteria for forward chaining. However, Our data did not completely rule out the
we believe that this may not be an accurate possibility that some tasks may be taught more
reflection of his preference; instead, his initial effectively with either forward or backward
selection resulted in reinforcement and was chaining. We chose to compare acquisition
strengthened immediately and differentially to the across similar motor tasks to rule out differences
exclusion of the other options. For instance, at one in task difficulty as a potential confounding
point he asked the therapist, ‘‘Why would I switch effect. It may be that greater sensitivity to a
to another color if I get my toy with purple [the particular chaining procedure would be identi-
color of the initial-link card associated with the fied for a different type of task. For instance, in
forward-chaining condition]?’’ making a sandwich, spreading peanut butter
These results draw attention to an important across one side of the bread creates a continuous
methodological feature of the concurrent-chains visual discriminative stimulus to occasion the
procedure, specifically the inclusion of the next response in the task (e.g., putting the knife
control condition. Had we included only the down). It may be that such continuous stimuli

exert stronger stimulus control than the presum- individual to remove his or her sweater indepen-
ably brief stimuli of a motor movement (e.g., one dently, it is common to guide pulling each arm out
can no longer experience touching one’s nose of its sleeve and placing hands under the collar to
after that response has ended). These continuous set the occasion for him or her to push the sweater
discriminative stimuli may better set the occasion over the head. To minimize the likelihood that this
for a subsequent response, although it is unclear level of exposure to future targeted steps did not
how this presentation would differentially favor differentially favor backward chaining, we chose to
one chaining procedure over the other. include physical guidance on the untrained steps in
It also may be the case that some tasks allow both forward- and backward-chaining conditions.
more natural or direct sources of reinforcement It is possible that this additional prompting and
to result from the completion of the chain using exposure to future targeted steps were in part
backward chaining in lieu of socially contrived or responsible for the marginal differences between
indirect reinforcement when using forward conditions by resulting in rapid acquisition in both
chaining. For instance, in making a peanut conditions. If we had not prompted untrained steps
butter sandwich, the immediate natural conse- prior to targeting them for instruction, differences
quence of completing a targeted step with between forward and backward chaining may have
backward chaining would be access to the been more apparent. Future research may evaluate
completed sandwich. By contrast, completing these procedures without additional prompting in
an early step via forward chaining (e.g., laying place.
pieces of bread side by side) would not result in Finally, although the children did not dem-
the same automatic consequence (i.e., complete onstrate a preference for one of these teaching
sandwich), and thus teachers would need to rely procedures, it is likely that teachers may have a
on delivering another reinforcer (e.g., praise, distinct preference for one procedure over the
edible item). Thompson and Iwata (2000) found other. If students are indifferent, then teachers’
that direct contingencies may result in more preferences certainly may be honored when
rapid acquisition. By arranging a reinforcement instructional methods are selected. Future re-
contingency that was not a direct product of the search may consider the systematic evaluation of
behavior (i.e., completion of a motor sequence teachers’ preferences for these procedures.
resulted in the teacher delivering a toy), we may
have obscured this benefit of backward chaining.
The methods of the current study would be REFERENCES
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