Anti-Helicobacter Pylori Potential of Three Edible Plants Known As Quelites in Mexico

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J Med Food 00 (0) 2018, 1–8

# Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., and Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2017.0137

Anti-Helicobacter pylori Potential of Three Edible Plants

Known as Quelites in Mexico
Erika Gomez-Chang,1 Guadalupe Vanessa Uribe-Estanislao,1
Maricruz Martinez-Martinez,1 Amanda Gálvez-Mariscal,2 and Irma Romero1
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Ciudad Universitaria, Cd. Mx., México.
Department of Food and Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Cd. Mx., México.
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ABSTRACT ‘‘Quelites’’ are edible plants that are part of the traditional agro-ecosystems in Mexico. These plants, despite
their already known nutritional properties, are now considered neglected and underutilized species. With the objective of
promoting their reinsertion in the markets and mainly, in daily diets, efforts have been made to study them from multidis-
ciplinary approaches to demonstrate their beneficial properties. To generate evidence of an added health-promoting value that
would encourage quelites consumption, in the present work, the anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of three representative
quelite species, Anoda cristata (Alache), Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Chaya), and Crotalaria pumila (Chepil), was tested. H.
pylori is considered the etiological agent of gastritis, ulcer, and gastric cancer, and represents a public health problem in
Mexico and worldwide. Aqueous (AQ) and dichloromethane–methanol (DM) extracts were obtained from the three species of
quelites to investigate their effect on H. pylori growth and on two of its colonization factors (adherence and urease activity).
DM extracts from Chaya, Chepil, and Alache exert the best inhibitory effect on bacterial growth, with minimum inhibitory
concentrations of 62.5, 125, and 250 lg/mL, respectively. AQ and DM extracts inhibit bacterial adhesion by 30% to 50%.
None of them has an effect on urease activity. The two flavonoids present in A. cristata, acacetin and diosmetin, inhibit H.
pylori growth by *90% with 3.9 lg/mL. These results provide new information about the anti-H. pylori potential of three
edible quelites, and give an added value, since their routine consumption may impact on the prevention and/or control of H.
pylori-associated diseases.

KEYWORDS:  acacetin  Anoda cristata  antibacterial  antiadherent  Cnidoscolus aconitifolius  Crotalaria

pumila  diosmetin  Helicobacter pylori  urease

INTRODUCTION The traditional agro-ecosystem in Mexico, known as

‘‘milpa,’’ houses besides the Mesoamerican triad (beans,
T he ‘‘quelites’’ (from the Nahuatl language quilitl,
comestible herb) are defined as edible green plants
usually derived from young and tender annual herbs; nev-
corn, and squash) several edible plants considered Ne-
glected and Underutilized Species (NUS),2 among which
quelites are included.3
ertheless, flowers, inflorescences, and stem tips of perennials
Currently in Mexico, quelites are used by different ethnic
may also be included. These plants are usually consumed
groups in all regions of the country. The form of con-
when they are immature and are often eaten raw or lightly
sumption is varied and, due to their importance in local
cooked in boiling water.1 The quelites have been consumed
traditions and to their nutritional value, these plants are
in Mexico from pre-Hispanic times to nowadays; however,
promising species with the potential to enrich nutrition in
in current diets, the populations tend to include only a few
areas of the country with greater food vulnerability and to
species of ‘‘major’’ crops (i.e., rice, maize, and wheat),
empower marginalized communities by strengthening their
which has led to the displacement of quelites and other
local identity.4 Unfortunately, in terms of production and
species of the so-called ‘‘minor’’ crops.
market value, the quelites, like other NUS, have a minor
significance and have been ignored by agricultural re-
searchers, plant breeders, and policymakers.
Manuscript received 29 October 2017. Revision accepted 10 June 2018. With the objective of rescuing the consumption of que-
lites and their reintegration in the Mexican markets and in
Address correspondence to: Irma Romero, PhD, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of
Medicine, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Cd. Mx.,
the daily diet, a multidisciplinary project was initiated with
04510. México, E-mail: the objective of studying the following three representative


native species of quelites: Anoda cristata (L.) Schltdl., (18 580 57.500 N, 98 490 40.100 W), on June 2, 2015. A
Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Mill.) I.M. Johnst., and Crota- voucher specimen is deposited in the Herbario Nacional
laria pumila Ortega, commonly known as Alache, Chaya, (MEXU 1445645) located at the Universidad Nacional
and Chepil, respectively. In addition to their well-known use Autónoma de México. C. aconitifolius (Mill.) I.M. Johnst
as food, two of these species have been traditionally rec- (Chaya) was collected at Timucuy, Mérida, Yucatán (20
ognized for having beneficial health properties. In some 480 43.500 N, 89 300 56.800 W) by Dr. Amanda Gálvez and
areas, A. cristata is used to treat fever, cough, skin wounds, identified by MS Clarisa Jiménez (Unidad de Recursos
alopecia, renal disorders, and digestive ailments such as Naturales del Centro de Investigación Cientı́fica de Yuca-
stomachache.5–8 Moreover, some pharmacological studies tán) on August 28, 2015. A voucher specimen is deposited in
using different animal models have reported the hypogly- the Herbario CICY (068784). C. pumila Ortega (Chepil) was
cemic and antihyperglycemic effects of this plant.9 In the collected at Ocotlán de Morelos, Oaxaca (16 480 30.700 N,
case of C. aconitifolius (Chaya), its traditional usage in 96 400 21.300 W), on September 2, 2015, and identified by
muscular discomforts, rheumatism, and arthritis has been MS Magali Martı́nez. A voucher specimen is deposited in
documented. The consumption of Chaya has also been re- the Herbario Nacional (MEXU 1457315).
ported for the treatment of other diseases such as diabetes,
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hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, renal and urinary ma- Extract preparation

ladies, and digestive disorders.5,6,8,10 Some pharmacological
approaches have assessed Chaya’s anti-inflammatory and The leaves were separated and cleaned. After air drying,
cardioprotective activities.11 In this context, in vivo experi- the material was pulverized. The dichloromethane–methanol
ments in diabetic rats have demonstrated that a 4-week Chaya (DM) (1:1) extracts were prepared by maceration of 50 g of
aqueous (AQ) extract administration produced hypoglycemic plant material in 500 mL of the solvent mixture for 72 h (this
effects and was also helpful in reducing hyperlipidemia.12 More procedure was repeated three more times). The solvents were
recently, antiprotozoal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory filtered and evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure to
activities of a Chaya CHCl3-MeOH extract have been re- obtain the DM extracts. The AQ extracts were obtained by
ported.13 Regarding C. pumila (Chepil), in the XVI century, preparing an infusion with 10 g of dried plant material in
this plant was traditionally used for skin conditions and cough; 500 mL of boiling distilled water and left to stand for 30 min.
however, nowadays these uses seem to be discontinued.5 After filtration the extract was lyophilized. A. cristata and
In the present work, the anti-Helicobacter pylori potential C. pumila contain mucilage, which was removed from the
of the three mentioned quelites was explored. filtered infusion by precipitation with ethanol (1:1, v/v). The
H. pylori is a Gram-negative bacteria that colonizes the precipitated mucilage was collected by centrifugation and
stomach of more than half of the world’s population and is then oven dried (70C, 5 h).
the main etiological factor of gastritis, peptic ulcer, and
gastric cancer.14–16 H. pylori uses unique strategies (colo- Quantification of total phenolic and flavonoid contents
nization, virulence, and survival factors) to overcome the For each extract, a 1 mg/mL stock solution was prepared
protective elements of the gastric mucosa and to evade the (methanol or bidistilled water was used as solvent for DM or
host immune response.17 AQ extracts, respectively).
For the present study, two extracts were obtained from Total phenolic concentration was determined according to
each one of the three species of quelites to test, in vitro, their Garcı́a-Rodrı́guez et al.11 with modifications. Briefly,
anti-H. pylori activity and the effect over two colonization 0.05 mL of each extract solution was mixed with 2.5 mL of
factors (urease and adhesion to gastric epithelial cells). In 10% (v/v) Folin–Ciocalteu reagent and 2 mL of 7.5% (w/v)
addition, the anti-H. pylori activity of two flavonoids present Na2CO3. The absorbance was measured at 765 nm after a 15-
in A. cristata was investigated. The purpose of this work is min incubation at 45C in a water bath. Gallic acid was used
to generate evidence to give an added health-promoting for the standard calibration curve. Results were expressed as
value to these plants, besides their already known nutritional lg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per mg of extract.
properties, which would encourage their consumption. Total flavonoid quantification was performed according to
Formagio et al.18 with modifications. To 0.5 mL of each ex-
MATERIALS AND METHODS tract solution, 1.5 mL of methanol was added and then mixed
Chemicals with 0.01 mL of 10% AlCl3 (w/v) and 0.1 mL of 1 M
CH3COONa $3H2O. The final volume was adjusted with
Gallic acid, quercetin, and acacetin were purchased from water to 5 mL. The absorbance was measured at 415 nm after
Sigma-Aldrich. Diosmetin was from Santa Cruz Biotechnol- a 30-min incubation in the dark. Quercetin was used for the
ogy. Analytical-grade solvents were from Merck. standard calibration curve. Results were expressed as lg of
quercetin equivalent per mg of extract.
Plant material
Anti-H. pylori activity
A. cristata (L.) Schtdl (Alache) was collected and iden-
tified by MS Edelmira Linares and Dr. Robert Bye (Instituto H. pylori strain ATCC 43504 was cultured on Casman
de Biologı́a, UNAM) at Tepetlixpa, Estado de México agar base as previously reported.19

The antibacterial activity of the extracts, acacetin, dios- Urease inhibition assay
metin, and the reference antibiotics (amoxicillin and metro-
The urease activity was determined by measuring the
nidazole), was assessed by the broth dilution method using
amount of ammonia released in the reaction, which was
Mueller-Hinton broth (DIFCO), supplemented with 0.2% b-
detected by the Berthelot’s method with some modifica-
-cyclodextrin, 10 mg/L vancomycin, 5 mg/L trimethoprim,
tions.21 The reaction mixture consisted of 2 lg protein of H.
2 mg/L amphotericin B, and 2.5 mg/L polymyxin B.19 A
pylori urease, 10 lL of the DM or AQ extracts dissolved in
volume of 0.01 mL of different concentrations of the extracts,
DMSO or in bidistilled water, respectively (1.95–250.0 lg/
dissolved in bidistilled water or DMSO, was added to 1.5 mL
mL), and PBS in a final volume of 130 lL. The reaction was
of H. pylori broth culture at the beginning of the exponential
initiated with the addition of 20 lL 37.5 mM urea (5 mM
growth phase (*108 CFU/mL). DA600 was measured after
final concentration). After a 10-min incubation at 37C, the
24 h of incubation at 37C under microaerophilic conditions
reaction was stopped by adding 50 lL of solution A
and with shaking (150 rpm). The value obtained was used to
(0.714 M phenol). To start the colorimetric reaction, 100 lL
calculate the percentage of growth inhibition with respect to
of solution B (0.714 M NaOH/0.357 M NaOCl) was added.
a control that grew only in the presence of water or DMSO
After a 5-min incubation at room temperature, the absor-
(0.66% final concentration, without any effect on bacterial
bance was read at 600 nm in a Bio-Rad 2550 EIA Reader.
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growth). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was

(NH4)2SO4 was used as standard for the calibration curve.
defined as the lowest concentration of the extract that inhibited
The activity of noninhibited urease was considered 100%
100% of bacterial growth.
enzyme activity (negative control). Acetohydroxamic acid
(AHA) was used as positive control. The percentage of ac-
tivity inhibition was calculated with respect to the negative
Inhibition of bacterial adhesion to AGS cells
Human gastric adenocarcinoma cells (AGS) ATTCC
1739 were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium Statistical analysis
(DMEM) supplemented with 5% (v/v) heat-inactivated
FBS, 2 mM l-glutamine, 10 mg/mL insulin, 2 mM sodium All experiments were performed in triplicate and at least
pyruvate, and 100 U/mL/100 mg/mL penicillin/streptomy- three independent experiments were recorded. Data are
cin in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2 at 37C. presented as mean – SEM. A one-way analysis of variance
H. pylori was collected from a liquid culture at the be- followed by the Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test was
ginning of the exponential growth phase, suspended in PBS performed. A P value <.05 was considered to be statistically
(1 · 109 UFC/mL), and incubated with 10 lL of 0.1% fluo- significant.
rescein isothiocyanate (FITC) diluted in DMSO for 1 h at
37C in the dark. The excess FITC was removed with two RESULTS
washing steps in PBS. Formerly, 1 · 105 AGS cells/well Yields and total phenolic and flavonoid contents
were plated in 96-well plates with supplemented DMEM of DM and AQ extracts
and incubated for 24 h in a 5% CO2 atmosphere at 37C.
Subsequently, AGS cells were washed and infected with Table 1 shows the extraction yields obtained from A.
1 · 108 FITC-labeled H. pylori in a final volume of 110 lL cristata, C. aconitifolius, and C. pumila, and the abbrevia-
of DMEM. After 1 h of incubation under 5% CO2 and 37C tions assigned to each one of the extracts. The total phenolic
in the presence or absence of the dissolved extracts (0.025– (TPC) and flavonoid contents (TFC) of each extract are also
1 mg/mL), AGS cells were washed with PBS for eliminating presented. The TPC of the three analyzed quelites ranges
nonadherent bacteria and the extract remnants. The adher- from 0.4% to 1.2% (per 100 g of dried plant), independently
ence was quantified fluorometrically by measuring the of the solvent used for extraction. It can be observed that in
FITC-labeled H. pylori bound to AGS cells (FITC excited at the AQ extracts, the TPC is higher in A. cristata and in C.
460 nm and detected at 544 nm). pumila, compared with the corresponding DM extracts,
whereas in the case of C. aconitifolius, the TPC is practically
the same with either solvent used. Regarding the TFC, the
Obtention of urease range varies from 0.1% to 1%. However, a higher content of
flavonoids was quantified in the three species of quelites
H. pylori cells were collected from a liquid culture at the when DM was used for extraction.
exponential growth phase and washed twice with PBS pH
7.2. Bacteria suspended in PBS-protease inhibitor cocktail
Anti-H. pylori activity
(cOmplete Roche) were lysed by sonication (Branson
Sonifier 250 at 40 W for 90 sec at 4C). The lysate was The effect of DM extracts against H. pylori growth is
centrifuged at 17,000 g at 4C and the supernatant was shown in Figure 1. The results demonstrate that DM ex-
collected and ultracentrifuged at 130,000 g at 4C. The su- tracts obtained from the three species of quelites inhibited
pernatant was used as the urease source and stored at 4C the growth of H. pylori in a concentration-dependent man-
until its utilization. Protein content was determined by ner but with different effectiveness. The Cha-DM extract
Lowry’s method.20 exerted the highest inhibitory effect on H. pylori with an

Table 1. Abbreviation, Yield, and Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents of the Quelite Extracts

Extract Total phenolic Flavonoids

Species (common name) abbreviation Yielda (%) (lg GAE/mg dried extract) (lg QE/mg dried extract)
A. cristata (Alache) Ala-DM 13.71 31.0 – 1.9 66.1 – 7.1
Ala-AQ 19.20b 54.2 – 5.5 17.4 – 0.5
C. aconitifolius (Chaya) Cha-DM 14.16 40.0 – 4.3 69.3 – 3.5
Cha-AQ 19.38 39.4 – 5.6 6.1 – 1.1
C. pumila (Chepil) Che-DM 18.55 54.5 – 3.2 38.9 – 2.1
Che-AQ 16.50b 75.3 – 7.8 10.3 – 0.9

Data are presented as mean – SEM of at least three independent experiments in triplicate.
Yields are expressed with respect to 100 g of dry plant material.
Mucilage-free yield.
AQ, aqueous extract; DM, dichloromethane–methanol extract; GAE, gallic acid equivalent; QE, quercetin equivalent.
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MIC = 62.5 lg/mL, followed by the DM-Che and DM-Ala The AQ extracts, in general, were less efficient than DM
extracts, with MIC values of 125 and 250 lg/mL, respec- extracts at all the tested concentrations. Nevertheless, with
tively (Table 2). The anti-H. pylori activity of DM extracts 100 lg/mL, the Cha-AQ extract was more effective (33% of
obtained from C. aconitifolius and C. pumila was even more adherence inhibition) than the corresponding DM extract
effective than the reference antibiotic metronidazole (Fig. 1 (Table 2). The mucilages studied also presented a low but
and Table 2), but less effective than amoxicillin (Table 2). significant antiadherent activity.
With respect to AQ extracts, none of them had activity
against H. pylori. The same lack of antibacterial activity was
Urease inhibition
observed in the case of mucilages obtained from the AQ
extracts of Alache (Ala-MU) and Chepil (Che-MU). The In the last column of Table 2, it is shown that, compared
MIC values obtained for all the quelite extracts are sum- to the positive control, none of the quelite extracts provoked
marized in Table 2. a significant inhibitory effect on H. pylori urease activity,
even at the highest concentration tested (250 lg/mL, data
Antiadherent activity of H. pylori to AGS cells not shown).
All quelite extracts exhibited an incomplete inhibition. At
the highest tested concentration (1000 lg/mL), the three DM Anti-H. pylori activity of acacetin and diosmetin
extracts inhibited the adhesion around 50%, (49.8%, 50.2%, Figure 2 shows the effect of diosmetin and acacetin on H.
and 47.6% for Alache, Chaya, and Chepil, respectively) pylori growth. Acacetin shows an MIC value of 62.5 lg/mL,
(data not shown). This percentage was almost achieved with meanwhile diosmetin inhibited a maximum of about 90% at
100 lg/mL of DM-Ala and DM-Che extracts (Table 2). this concentration. Interestingly, the inhibitory effect is
practically achieved with a very low concentration. In the
case of acacetin, it inhibited the bacterial growth by 86.70%
with only 3.9 lg/mL, while diosmetin by 91.94%.

Antibiotic phytocomponents can offer an alternative for
the treatment of infectious diseases.22 In the present work, the
effect on H. pylori growth of some edible Mexican quelites
was investigated for determining whether they could have,
besides their nutritional value, some other health benefits.
Several previous reports, working with different plant ex-
tracts, have classified their anti-H. pylori activity from strong
to null according to their MIC values.23,24 Taking into account
these classifications, we considered five categories of anti-
bacterial activity depending on the MIC: (1) strong (MIC
FIG. 1. Effect of DM extracts on H. pylori growth. The antibacterial £15.6 lg/mL); (2) good (MIC 15.6–125 lg/mL); (3) moderate
activity was assessed by broth dilution method. The percentage of growth (MIC 125–300 lg/mL); (4) low (MIC >300–500 lg/mL); and
inhibition was calculated with respect to a control that grew only in the
presence of DMSO. Data are presented as mean – SEM of at least three (5) null (MIC >500 lg/mL). From this perspective, all quelite
independent experiments in triplicate. Ala, A. cristata (Alache); Cha, C. DM extracts exerted inhibition on H. pylori growth. The anti-
aconitifolius (Chaya); Che, C. pumila (Chepil); DM, dichloromethane– H. pylori activity produced by the Ala-DM extract can be
methanol extract; Met, metronidazole (positive control). considered moderate, while both Cha-DM and Che-DM

Table 2. Summary of the Effect of Three Species of Quelites (Extracts and Mucilages) Against H. pylori
and Two Colonization Factors (Adhesion to Cells and Urease Activity)

Adhesion inhibitiona (%) Urease activity inhibitiona (%)

Species (common name) Extract or compound MIC (lg/mL) 100 lg/mL 125 lg/mL
A. cristata (Alache) Ala-DM 250.00 46.8 – 2.6 -7.2 – 0.9
Ala-AQ >500.00 25 – 2.0 1.2 – 0.9
Ala-MU >500.00 24.3 – 2.7 9.2 – 1.9
C. aconitifolius (Chaya) Cha-DM 62.50 23.5 – 3.4 9.6 – 3.3
Cha-AQ >500.00 33.8 – 2.5 -7.1 – 4.1
C. pumila (Chepil) Che-DM 125.00 41.4 – 6.3 9.8 – 1.5
Che-AQ >500.00 17.8 – 3.0 4.5 – 3.5
Che-MU >500.00 21 – 2.6 6.3 – 1.5
Positive control Amoxicillin 0.005b — —
Metronidazole 250.00b — —
Fucose 100 lg/mL — 21.7 – 6.5 —
Sialic acid 100 lg/mL — 20.2 – 5.8 —
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AHA 200 lg/mL — — 99.7 – 0.3

Data are presented as mean – SEM of at least three independent experiments in triplicate.
The MIC was defined as the lowest concentration of the extract that inhibited 100% of bacterial growth. MIC values are within the range reported by the Clinical
and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and were determined by broth dilution method.
AHA, acetohydroxamic acid; MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; MU, mucilage obtained from the AQ extract.

extracts had a good activity. On the contrary, AQ extracts did better than the other positive control, metronidazole
not have antibacterial activity (Table 2). (250 lg/mL) (Table 2). The latter antibiotic is widely used in
Some concentrations of DM extracts produced more than the H. pylori eradication therapy, despite its high resistance
100% of bacterial growth inhibition (Fig. 1), an effect that is rates.25
due to a decrease in the culture absorbance at the end of the Adherence of H. pylori to the gastric epithelium is a
experiment with respect to the initial one. This absorption primary step for a successful infection. Many studies have
decrement indicates that the extracts are not only promoting shown that the binding of bacteria is mediated by multiple
inhibition of bacterial growth but also bacterial lysis. adhesins; among the most studied are BabA and SabA,
When comparing the obtained MICs of DM extracts with which are known to interact through fucosylated or sialy-
the MIC of amoxicillin (0.005 lg/mL), it is evident that lated blood group antigens,26 respectively. It is also known
much higher concentrations of DM extracts are required to that there are other bacterial proteins involved in H. pylori
inhibit bacterial growth; however, the antibacterial activity adhesion, however, for most of them, their corresponding
displayed by each one of the DM extracts was equal or even host receptors remain unknown. Thus far, the adherence
receptor network related to H. pylori infection is not com-
pletely elucidated.27,28
In this context, antiadhesive compounds capable of in-
hibiting the docking process of H. pylori to gastric cells have
drawn great attention in recent years as a new strategy to
prevent and combat bacterial infection.
In the present work, the evaluation of antiadhesive po-
tential of quelite extracts showed that, at the highest con-
centration tested (1000 lg/mL), DM extracts inhibited
around 50% the adhesion of bacteria to AGS cells, while the
AQ extracts and mucilages blocked the interaction between
bacteria and cells in a lesser (30–40%), but statistically
significant, extent. It is possible that the compounds re-
sponsible for the antiadherent activity are different in each
one of the extracts (DM, AQ, or mucilage); hence, their
combination could enhance the antiadherent activity over
the individual value obtained for each extract.
Other research works have demonstrated a partial inhi-
FIG. 2. Effect of the flavonoids acacetin and diosmetin on H. pylori bition of H. pylori adherence to cells with different kinds of
growth. The antibacterial activity was assessed by broth dilution
method. The percentage of growth inhibition was calculated with
extracts29–32; and only a few works have reported a total
respect to a control that grew only in the presence of DMSO. Data are inhibition, just as in the case of a chloroform extract ob-
presented as mean – SEM of at least three independent experiments in tained from Phyllanthus urinaria, which inhibited the ad-
triplicate. hesion to AGS cells by 100% with 0.5 mg/mL.33

As stated before, bacterial binding to epithelial cells is more, the two main flavones of A. cristata, acacetin and
mediated by multiple adhesins, which explains the difficulty diosmetin, wield a strong activity against the bacteria, and
to reach a complete inhibition of H. pylori attachment to could represent new anti-H. pylori agents of natural origin.
cells with only one compound. Considering this, the anti- H. pylori has lived with us for thousands of years and it is
adherent activity exhibited by the quelite extracts could be estimated that around 50% of the world’s population is in-
part of a prophylactic or eradication therapy by participating fected. It is associated with a wide group of human gastro-
in the inhibition of the bacterial binding to host cells. intestinal diseases, but only some of the infected people
For a successful infection, H. pylori also requires the develop any pathology. The main factors that influence the
participation of urease.34 The importance of this enzyme can transition from H. pylori infection to an overt clinical disease
be appreciated considering that urease-negative mutant are bacterial polymorphism, host susceptibility, and diet.
strains are unable to colonize animal models.35 Regarding Since the beginning of mankind, plants have fulfilled
our results, we can conclude that the anti-H. pylori effect basic functions for humans, including food or/and medicine.
observed with the quelite extracts does not rely on the The proposed mechanism by which plants and plant-derived
abolishment of the urease activity. drugs exert their action against H. pylori is, on the one hand,
Collectively, the results obtained for DM extracts indicate by preventing, mitigating, or eradicating the infection; and
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that they could be a good source for the isolation of com- on the other hand, by protecting against the damage pro-
pounds with antibiotic or antiadhesive activity. voked by the bacteria to the host. Even though plant alter-
Dietary plant phenolic compounds exert a variety of bi- native therapies do not achieve permanent eradication of
ological functions (including the antimicrobial activity)36–38 H. pylori, the routine consumption of some edible and/or
and have received particular attention because of their medicinal plants may help to maintain a delicate balance
beneficial health properties. In this work, we determined that between health and illness, where bacteria remain in the
all the assayed extracts contain both kinds of compounds gastric mucosa without causing the most severe clinical
(Table 1). outcomes such as peptic ulcer or gastric cancer.
Only a few studies have assessed the phytochemical com- In the case of the three species of quelites studied in this
position of the quelite species utilized in this work. With respect work, the results suggest that, considering their antibacterial
to phenolic compounds, in C. aconitifolius has been reported the and antiadhesive properties, these plants not only represent a
presence of some flavonoids, including amentoflavona, quer- promising source for a complementary therapy but also their
cetin, kaempferol, catechin, hesperidin, kaempferol-3,7- regular consumption may play an important key role in re-
dimethyl ether, epigallocatechin gallate, naringenin, and some ducing bacterial colonization.
flavonoid glycosides of quercetin and kaempferol. In addition, This work provides new information about the anti-H.
phenolic acids such as protocatechuic, chlorogenic, 4 hydro- pylori potential of three edible quelites and provides the
xybenzoic, caffeic, p-coumaric, ferulic, and ellagic acids, basis for further studies to establish whether their con-
among others, have been detected in the species.12,13,39–41 In the sumption in a daily diet could have an impact on the pre-
case of A. cristata, only two flavones have been reported: aca- vention and/or control of H. pylori-associated diseases.
cetin and diosmetin.9 For C. pumila, none compound of this
group has been identified. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Several studies have determined the anti-H. pylori ac-
tivity of phenolic acids and flavonoids,23 including the This study was supported by CONACYT 214286, ‘‘Re-
majority of those reported for C. aconitifolius42–47; never- scate de especies subvaloradas tradicionales de la dieta
theless, concerning the two flavonoids of A. cristata, only mexicana y su contribución para el mejoramiento de la
one work describes some effect of diosmetin on H. pylori,48 nutrición en México,’’ and by DGAPA-UNAM (PAPIIT
but there is no report regarding acacetin. With this back- IN214317).
ground, we decided to study the effect of both flavonoids on
In our experiments, the MIC obtained for diosmetin
(Fig. 2) was 62.5 lg/mL. With the same H. pylori strain No competing financial interests exist.
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