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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA Regional

Tolima- Centro de Industria y de la Construcción




C.C 1007831972 Gutiérrez Hoyos Sebastián


Find here the video with the full explanation about FUTURE SIMPLE – WILL:


A. Put the verbs in brackets into Simple Future Tense (Will).

1. Jack…will go to the cinema. (go)

2. Sandy will write a novel. (write)
3. I…will become a famous singer. (become)
4. My friends… wil have an exam next week. (have)
5. Jane wil go to school tomorrow. (go)
6. In 2100 robots will do the housework. (do)
7. Dad will be home at 4 o’clock. (be)
8. Mum will iron the clothes. (iron)

B. Negate the following sentences.

1. We will travel to the Mars.

We won’t travel to the Mars
2. Bob will have lunch with me tomorrow.
Bob won’t have lunch with me tomorrow
3. I will play football with you.
I will not play football with you
4. Mr Green will work in a library.
Mr Green won’t work in a library
5. They will have a party next week.
They will not have a party next week
6. Sam will go to the disco tonight.
Sam will not go to the disco tonight
7. I’ll travel to Antarctica.
I won’t travel to Antarctica
8. The party will start at 7.30.
The party will not start at 730

C. Put the words into the correct order.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA Regional
Tolima- Centro de Industria y de la Construcción

1. Go out / will / you / tonight?

Will you go out tonight?
2. Ben / tomorrow /go dancing / will ?
Ben will go dancing tomorrow?
3. in June / get married / they / will .
They will get married in June?
4. next week / won’t / it / be cold .
It won’t be cold next week
5. by car / she / travel / will ?
She Will travel by car?
6. Live / on the Mars / won’t / people.
People won’t live on the Mars
7. Gary / move / will / to New York .
Gary will move to New York
8. London/ to/ go/ Joe / will/ when?
When will Joe go to London

D. Answer the following questions.

( = yes,  = no)

1. Will John be famous? 

Yes, he John will be famous
2. Will you go to the disco? 
No I won’t go to the disco
3. Will Jenny do the washing-up? 
Yes, she Jenny will do the washing up
4. Will your friends come tonight? 
No, my friends won´t come tonight
5. Will it snow tomorrow? 
No, it won’t snow tomorrow
6. Will you have a party this Friday? 
Yes, I will have a party this Friday
7. Will we have English tomorrow? 
No, we won’t have English tomorrow
8. Will Peter travel to Rome? 
Yes, Peter will travel to Rome
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA Regional
Tolima- Centro de Industria y de la Construcción

E. Read the texts and complete the table.

What will the world look like in 2050?

Samuel, 27
I think a lot of things will change in 2050. India
will overtake China as the first largest economy
in the world, but the country will have many
problems with its demographics. The world will
also have a lot of problems with the pollution
and the climate changing. We will need to find
other resources, because there will be more
than nine billion people on Earth in 2050. We
will also need to build spaceships to travel to
the Moon and to Mars, because we will have to
take resources from these places.

Lea, 25
Our world won’t be the same in 2050. We will
improve our technology and everybody will be able
to speak at least five languages. People will live
longer and we won’t have health problems,
because we will improve our knowledge on
medicine. We will also live in peace and the
different countries won’t have nuclear weapons
anymore. We will also have asingle world
government as we already have the IMF
(International Monetary Fund). I think 2050 will be a
great year for mankind!

Steven, 29
I hope that the world countries will be able to
overcome the different issues in 2050. We will
live in peace and won’t have any wars
anymore. We will be able to explore the space
and to find other habitable planets. We will
perhaps find other intelligent Beings on other
planets in 2050.
People Information
will have many problems with its demographics
The world will also have a lot of problems with the pollution
and the climate changing.
We will need to find other resources
We will also need to build spaceships to travel to the Moon
and to Mars

Our world won’t be the same in 2050.

everybody will be able to speak at least five languages
People will live longer and we won’t have health
We will also live in peace and the different countries won’t
have nuclear weapons anymore.

will be able to overcome the different issues in 2050

We will live in peace and won’t have any wars anymore.
We will be able to explore the space and to find other
habitable planets
We will perhaps find other intelligent Beings on other
planets in 2050.

F. Your turn! What do you think? What will the world look like in 2050?
Make a description of at least 15 lines. Use both the positive and negative of
the future WILL and any other tense that you might need.

How I see the world in 2050 will be purely technological since today we can see
how technology advances day by day by leaps and bounds so this year will be
the robotic era where all the activities that a human being does by machines will
be carried out in less time than One way or another, this is going to affect
people's quality of life because they will no longer be able to work in such a way
that cars drive themselves, Because domestic employees are robots, power
shortages Sources can generate strong very territorial tensions as well as the
lack of water.
New technologies will make natural gas and solar energy reach more people at
a much lower price than is available. pay today.

A place where our children and grandchildren have many more opportunities to
have a full and dignified life, with information available to all, with good medical
services and with public safety. The great challenge is to move from the world
of possibilities to the world of realities. It depends on everyone's effort.

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