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For KRA 1, objective 1, there are three (3) planned activities.

First, “Provided timely instructional

supervision and assistance to school heads by observing and gathering data on their strengths and
development needs and coached towards improved instructional leadership practices.” The target is
22 since 22 schools covered in my Area of Responsibility. Actual accomplishment is 22 also which means
that 100% accomplishments for this activity. Last July, I conducted a year end visit to all schools and
collected the COT forms from School Heads and select teachers randomly who will have demonstration
for my assessment and for me also to be able to conduct a technical assistance to the teacher and
School Heads.

For the second planned activity, “Assessed the situation of all schools and learning centers, and
identify actions needed to put in place and enabling environment for the delivery of quality
education” the target is 22 and the actual accomplishment is 22 which means also that there is no
variance in this planned activity. During the visit, I provided technical assistance to those schools
specifically the classrooms which needs improvement to achieve the best delivery of learning.

For the third planned activity, “Provided periodic technical assistance to all School Heads in the
formulation of School Plans (e.g. SIP) and its adjustments by conducting workshops, doing follow up
through coaching and providing appraisal and feedback on their draft plans, so that all the schools can
have approved plans as basis for budgeting and resourcing “. The target is 22 as to its number of
schools, accomplishment is 22. Again, there is no variance in this activity. During the conduct of
Administrative conference, before the end of School Year, project monitoring were float to the School
Heads and each School Heads were tasked to provide report for their plans and the adjustments they’ve
made in the School Improvement Plan submitted to the district last November, 2020. With this, as the
District in Charge, I know how far they worked on their submitted plans particularly in the Access and
Quality projects.

For Objective 2, there were 7 planned activities. First, “Conducted one action research on curriculum
implementation, needs and issues ,appropriate interventions as well as best practices and submit
findings and recommendations for management action policy formulation once a year” Target is one
(1) and the actual accomplishment is Zero (0). There is no action research wrote during the quarter.
There were interventions and strategies used to maintain the smooth action on administering the
district but it wasn’t able to put into action research. It is note that by the time intervention were
conducted, action research should takes place.

Second planned activity is Monitored the action researches made by teachers and school heads on
curriculum implementation, needs and issues, appropriate interventions as well as best practices and
submit finding and recommendations for management action policy formulation once a year.” The
target is 22 and the actual is 22 and the variance is zero. This accomplishment was achieved through the
help of the District Incharge which is very active in providing technical assistance to those schools who
wished to formulate an action research even school-based only.

Third is “Monitored and evaluated the schools in the effective implementation of PAPS based on
SIP/AIP and provided TA to attain the objectives.” Here the target is 22 and the actual accomplishment
is 22 and its variance is 0. Through the use of the Project monitoring tool adopted from the Division
Project monitoring tool, the district able to gather the percentage of accomplishment which regards to
the projects presented by the School Heads during the formulation of the School Improvement Plan
Annex 9 and Annex 10.

Fourth, “Coordinated and facilitated the conduct of orientation/induction program for all the newly
hired teachers on their roles and responsibilities” the target is 10 and the actual is 5 resulting to
variance of -5. This result were achieved since only five (5 items) given to the district as newly hired
teachers. With this, the office of Lingig II District is open to orient teachers that will be assigned to the
district so that they will be oriented of their primary roles and responsibilities as facilitator of learning.

Fifth, “Conducted monitoring and evaluation to all schools on the utilization and liquidation of SEF,
MOOE, and other funds to determine if schools adhere with the policy and standards using
predesigned M & E and transparency tools”. Target is 22 and the actual accomplishment is 22. Its
variance is 0. All schools were monitored in the utilization of their MOOE. The district is using monitoring
and tracking to those schools done liquidating upon the received of cash advances from the division.
During this quarter, it was found out that only 81% or 18 schools have their liquidation.

Sixth, “Monitored SBM Level of practices of schools from Level 1 to Level 2 and Level 3 through
validation of documents and outputs to determine areas for development for provision of technical
assistance to improve school performance. In this case the target is again 22 and the actual
accomplishment is 22 also which means variance is 0. This data was gathered to the School Heads as it is
part of their OPCRF. By using the monitoring, it was found out that all the 22 schools is in developing

Seventh, “Monitored and evaluated the Private School through ocular inspection of required
documents as indicated in the standards of permit to operate, renewal of operation, certificate for
recognition, GASTPE implementation and accreditation once a year” the target is 1 but the actual
accomplishment is 0 which means that the district has a variance of -1. This happens since there is no
private school in the district.

For the KRA 2, there were 2 objectives wherein each objective has 1 planned activity. For the First
objective, the planned activity is “Gathered result of assessment reports per school per least learned
skills and analyzed performance gaps to pinpoint causes and possible intervention to close the gap”.
Target is 22 and the actual accomplishment is 22 also. This data was taken through the help of the
District Testing Coordinator using the division template that is float 5days after conducting its
summative tests. The District Testing Coordinator challenged the School Testing coordinator to analyze
the results of the data and make possible interventions for those subjects they found low in MPS or
Mean Percentage Score. After getting its analysis, The School Testing Coordinator will now collect all the
Least Learned Competencies from its respective teachers so that the teachers will have an idea on what
action plan will be used to address the gaps.

For the second objective, its planned activity is ““Collected and analyzed the monthly accomplishment
reports of all school heads to monitor and follow up on the proper and timely implementation of
curriculum, instructions, school plans and other programs with regularly provision of the needed
technical assistance to identify the appropriate and relevant actions and interventions”. The target
here is 22 and the actual accomplishment is 22 also. Variance is 0. This was achieved through the
practices of the district that is to collect their accomplishment reports during the submission of their
DTRs. To validate their data, the District conduct its SMEA presentation every Quarter.

On KRA 3, there is only 1 objective and 1 planned activity. It is the “Monitored the development and
utilization of the localized curriculum in all the schools and their effect on the learning process and /or
school effectiveness” the target of the District for this planned activity is 22 and the actual
accomplishment is also 22. Its variance is 0. This was achieved since the district, after conducting its
Theme Based Authentic Performance an Assessment, the district assigned QA teams to validate the
TBAPA in each schools and ensuring that the TBAPA designed by each school will be used to assess
learners’ performance.

For the value added, yours truly do not have any involvement to be counted as its value added.

For Table 3, the consolidation of PAPs and Projects, the district conducted five activities namely,
Checking of EOSY Forms, Graduation/Moving Up Ceremony, District Meeting Pasidungog Awards 2021,
Brigada Pabasa, Brigada Eskwela/Adopt a School Program. All those programs/activities conducted was
participated by 22 Schools.

Thank you.

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