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Gonzales, Sean Patrick M (4190225) Activity 2

Members: Module #1
Jamolin, Jonathan Jr J. (4190511) 31 Aug. 21
Villarica, Mart Rowell C. (4190212)
Tudla, Armando III M. (4190445)

Porciuncula, Ma. Luisa

Part 2 STP : 
Customer Challenges or irritants:
Determining the possible competitive advantage and find out your interviewee’s’ needs and
irritants based on the chosen project idea resulted from the “Business Project Template”   Please
use the following M-A-D template: 
Missing (M) Annoying (A) Disappointing (D)

(What do you need that is not (Which product or (Which promise is unfulfilled?) 
being addressed) service don’t you like
and why?)
 We need our own  When our  When customers tend to
printing service for us to products does not like our designs
be focused early on on not come as  When our product does
the outcome of our expected not seem to have the
designs.  Our packaging attraction that it gets in
 We need to have more might not have person versus on our
kinds of clothing such as the best quality advertisement.
shorts and long sleeves as well.
to broaden our products
and increase customers.
 We need a physical store
Answer the following and prepare for the class presentation (Due August 31, 2021)
1. What major pain points for your customers or customer irritants?
 The designs that we will be doing might not get the taste of many customers.
 The expectations from our advertisements might not meet the satisfaction in reality from
tother customers.
 We need to be consistent in advertising our products for more customers will see our
2.  Based from the above findings discuss the possible competitive advantage you can develop
for the chosen business project idea.
- Our brand should develop a great team, even a small team from a designer, to the people who
takes care of the inventories of the products, so that we can have better production from our
products. In the future we definitely need to have our own printing service for our own clothing,
so that we can have trial and errors without spending as much.
Segmentation Summary:

Segmentation Summary
Demographics  For both men and women
 For ages 15-20 years old

Geographic  Metro Manila

 Bulacan

Psychographic  People who are interested or supports in

upcoming local brands
 People who are into trendy designs
 People who promote buying local brand

Behavioral  Has high expectations on the quality of

our products.
 They see fair price on our products.
 Always buying when we release new

Selling platforms  Social Media

- Facebook
- Instagram
Sean Patrick, Gonzales.(4190225)

Jonathan Jr, Jamolin. (4190511)

Mart Rowell, Villarica. (4190212)

Armando III, Tudla (4190445)

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