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Unfamiliar word Part of speech Similar-sounding word Possible meaning

or hints
Trifecta prefix Triad, trinity a bet in which the
person betting
forecasts the first
three finishers in a
race in the correct
condemnation noun Nation, ration the expression of
very strong
disapproval; censure
conceived verb Leave, achieved. To cause, to begin
diadems noun Gem, stem, mayhem a jeweled crown or
headband worn as a
symbol of
tending verb Bending, blending, regularly or
ending frequently behave
in a particular way
or have a certain

dominion noun Minion, opinion ruling or

controlling power

bdellium noun William, trillion a fragrant resin

produced by a
number of trees
related to myrrh,
used in perfumes.
Subtile adjective Artful, crafty, cunning, Fine or delicate in
meaning or intent.
mist noun Crist, dissed, first a cloud of tiny water
droplets suspended
in the atmosphere at
or near the earth
compasseth verb Comprehend, archaic Third-person
encompass singular simple
present indicative
form of compass

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