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Leptin and the Blood-Brain Barrier:

Curiosities and Controversies

William A. Banks*1,2

Leptin for over 25 years has been a central theme in the study of appetite, obesity, and starvation.
As the major site of leptin production is peripheral, and the site of action of greatest interest is the
hypothalamus, how leptin accesses the central nervous system (CNS) and crosses the blood-brain
barrier (BBB) has been of great interest. We review here the ongoing research that addresses
fundamental questions such as the sites of leptin resistances in obesity and other conditions, the
causes of resistances and their relations to one another, the three barrier sites of entry into the
CNS, why recent studies using suprapharmacological doses cannot address these questions but
give insight into nonsaturable entry of leptin into the CNS, and how that might be useful in using
leptin therapeutically. The current status of the controversy of whether the short form of the leptin
receptor acts as the BBB leptin transporter and how obesity may transform leptin transport is
reviewed. Review of these and other topics summarizes in a new appreciation of what leptin
may have actually evolved to do and what physiological role leptin resistance may play. © 2021
American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 11:2351-2369, 2021.

Didactic Synopsis • Leptin resistance occurs in conditions other than obesity,

such as pregnancy and seasonal shifts, and may involve
Major teaching points resistance only at the BBB or the arcuate nucleus. These
reversible conditions demonstrate a physiological role for
• Leptin transport is by a saturable system located at the
leptin resistance.
vascular blood-brain barrier, choroid plexus, and tanycytic
barrier. • Suprapharmacologic studies cannot address questions
related to saturable transport as they produce blood levels
• Leptin deficiency results in extreme obesity; typical obe-
10 to 30 times greater than that needed to totally saturate
sity in humans is characterized by leptin resistance.
the BBB transporter but do show that blood leptin can
• Resistance occurs when the target tissue is unresponsive enter the CNS through the extracellular pathways.
or partially responsive to the effector hormone. Resistance • Leptin has effects other than those related to body weight,
is characterized by an elevation in the effector hormone and these remain understudied.
with normal or subnormal target tissue activity.
• Best evidence is that in diet-induced obesity (DIO) in
humans and animals, leptin resistance at the arcuate Introduction
nucleus receptor drives obesity and the saturable nature
of the BBB impedes the ability of rising blood levels of The discovery of leptin embodied new ways of thinking
leptin to address receptor resistance. in several fields of study. In most cases, these were shifts
in thinking that had been simmering for a long time, but
• Modeling of these dual resistances in DIO shows that it was leptin that finally crystallized the thinking for many
together they cause a hyperbolic increase in blood levels of us. Obesity, considered by many health care workers at
of leptin and hence the levels of adiposity needed to
produce those levels. *Correspondence to
1 Geriatric
Research Education and Clinical Center, Veterans Affairs
• Modeling shows that resistance at the arcuate nucleus
occurs first, but that the greatest percent of resistance is at Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, Washington, USA
2 Division
of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Department of
the BBB.
Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle,
• The leptin transporter and receptor are modifiable by Washington, USA
events and substances that can either increase or inhibit Published online, October 2021 (
transport capacity. Modifiers include a high-fat diet, DOI:10.1002/cphy.c200017
triglycerides, and leptin itself. Copyright © American Physiological Society.

Volume 11, October 2021 2351

Leptin and the BBB Comprehensive Physiology

the time to be evidence of a weakness in resolve, was given BMI vs Serum leptin
a biological basis. Furthermore, that biology was based 50
in endocrinology and neuroscience. It established fat as a

Serum leptin (ng/mL)

hormonally active, endocrine tissue and not just a depot for
calories. It was the first regulatory protein with actions in the 30
central nervous system (CNS) after peripheral administration
for which it was widely assumed that it must cross the blood- 20
brain barrier (BBB), as opposed to the assumption that it did
not. It was the harbinger of the discovery of a series of other
appetite-related and endocrine-like substances, derived from 0
the periphery and acting in the brain, such as ghrelin, and 0 10 20 30 40
heralded a reexamination of older ones, such as insulin. BMI
Early discoveries regarding leptin’s actions were made
rapidly and the findings dramatic. Very soon after the gene Figure 1 Relation of mean levels of serum leptin and BMI from six
classic studies. Data is fitted to an exponential growth curve: Serum
and protein sequencing of leptin, the protein itself became
leptin = Y0k(BMI) , where Y = 0.0195 and k = 0.238 (n = 10, r2 = 0.847).
widely available as well as other tools, such as a radioim- Reused, with permission, from Arnulf I, et al., 2006 (4); Caro JF, et al.,
munoassay for its measurement. These tools greatly increased 1996 (32); Koistinen HA, et al., 1998 (85); Mantzoros C, et al., 1997
the number of laboratories that could investigate leptin. (100); Schwartz MW, et al., 1996 (143); Wiedenhoft A, et al., 1999
Many labs under many physiological and disease conditions
showed a strong statistical relation between serum leptin
levels and measures of adiposity (35). An absence of its receptor/postreceptor deficits (32, 66, 157). A quarter century
biological activity either because of a lack of the protein of research has resolved many old issues but raised new ones.
or a lack of the functional receptor resulted in profound Important, fresh discoveries have sometimes added to the
obesity (33, 75). For example, the original publication by confusion when they might have resolved issues, because
Ingalls et al. (75) describing the ob/ob mouse showed that at they were neglectful of a comprehensive physiology. This
10 months of age the mice lacking leptin weighed three times article discusses the outstanding controversies in the field,
more than the mice that expressed leptin. Essentially, all of primarily those related to the lingering questions of why
this excess body weight is attributable to fat; in other words, obese humans are resistant to treatment with leptin, where
while normal mice might be about 80% nonadipose tissue, that resistance resides, whether leptin resistance should be
those lacking leptin were only about 25% nonadipose tissue. viewed as physiology or disease, and what the roles of leptin
Leptin replacement in the ob/ob mouse that lacks leptin really are.
induced profound weight loss by both decreasing appetite
and increasing caloric expenditure.
These early discoveries led to the hope that leptin would
be a dramatic treatment for human obesity. However, obesity
Early Evidence for Leptin Resistance
in humans is associated with high levels of leptin, not a The introduction of the concept of hormonal resistance is
deficiency (32, 35). Figure 1 shows the average body mass attributed to Albright et al. (2). They described a condition
index (BMI), which we assume in this article as a measure that seemed to be caused by an absence of parathyroid
of adiposity, paired with its average blood leptin levels from hormone but in which levels of that hormone were actually
six classic studies that evaluated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) elevated. A condition in which a target tissue is unresponsive
and blood leptin relationships (4, 32, 85, 100, 143, 163). or underresponsive despite adequate levels of the effector
They show not a linear but an asymptotic rise in serum hormone is termed resistance.
blood levels of leptin as a function of BMI. But the effects To understand hormonal resistance, one must first under-
of leptin treatment in obese humans have been interpreted stand the concept of a negative feedback loop as it applies to
by most as disappointing, even ineffectual, compared to the physiology. Negative feedback loops are found throughout
dramatic effects in leptin deficiency. This has led to long nature, engineering, computer technology, and other fields
discourses on the basis of leptin resistance and whether it can where self-regulating systems are important. As applied to
be overcome. physiology, a classic negative feedback loop in its simplest
Leptin’s site of action for appetite regulation is primarily form has four components that have a specific relation to one
in the hypothalamus at the arcuate nucleus (45, 57, 144), another: (i) an effector tissue that secretes (ii) a stimulus or
but its site of secretion is primarily from fat (67, 171). effector hormone, (iii) an end organ or target tissue on which
Between blood (a proxy for the site of production) and the effector hormone acts, and (iv) the controlled substance
brain interstitial fluid (the milieu for the receptors) lies the that is secreted by the target tissue in response to the effector
BBB. Of the various possible causes of leptin resistance hormone AND that acts on the effector tissue to inhibit the
(molecular alterations, altered clearance, blocking antibod- release of the effector hormone (Figure 2). Although cause
ies, etc.), all were quickly eliminated but two: the BBB and and effect is not unidirectional (that is, which tissue is labeled

2352 Volume 11, October 2021

Comprehensive Physiology Leptin and the BBB

(A) (B) Pituitary

Effector hormone

Controlled substance
Effector Thyroid hormones Hypothalamus
Target tissue Thyroid

Peripheral tissues

(C) PTH (D)


Calcium Glucose Pancreas

Muscle, fat,
Parathyroid liver
GI tract and

(E) (F) CSF

Leptin Serum BBB leptin
leptin (–)

CSF leptin

Dec caloric use

Leptin secretion Serum leptin
Hypothalamus Adipose tissue

Caloric expenditure Excess calories (+)


Figure 2 Classic negative feedback loops. (A) The classic negative feedback loop is illustrated. Effector hormone
released from the effector tissue stimulates the target tissue to secrete the controlled substance. The controlled substance
suppresses release of the effector hormone. Thus, the system is self-regulated at a steady-state value. (B) The negative
feedback controlling thyroid hormone levels. (C) The negative feedback loop controlling calcium levels. (D) The negative
feedback loop controlling glucose levels. (E) The leptin-adipose tissue feedback loop as an adipostat. (F) The leptin
negative feedback loop with two points of resistance in series: the BBB and the arcuate nucleus.

as effector and which target tissue is usually arbitrary as the insulin/glucose negative feedback loop appear more like
is which is labeled effector hormone and which controlled the classic model, glucose would need to be considered the
substance), traditionally negative feedback loops are drawn effector “hormone,” and insulin the controlled substance.
with reference to the stimulating substance being the effector Negative feedback loops can become quite complex with
hormone. internal positive feedback loops or external modulators being
There are many classic examples of effector hormone/ especially common. Rasmussen (128) uses glyconeogen-
controlled substance pairings: thyroid-stimulating hormone/ esis and blood clotting as examples of complex negative
thyroid hormones; parathyroid hormone/calcium; and feedback loops that are generally inactive at physiological
insulin/glucose. Interestingly, none of these examples repli- levels, but when stimulated react dramatically. In other
cate the classic negative feedback loop but are some variant words, negative or positive subfeedback loops or other mod-
of it. The thyroid axis (Figure 2B) has not two but three tis- ulating factors can make a system active under one set of
sues and three secreted substances (hypothalamus secreting physiological conditions but not others.
thyroid-releasing hormone that stimulates the pituitary to As originally envisioned by the early work on leptin with
secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone that stimulates the thy- ob/ob mice, the negative feedback loop would pair leptin
roid to secrete primarily thyroxine that feeds back primarily levels and feeding behavior/thermogenesis with adipose
at the pituitary to inhibit TSH release). The target tissues tissue as the effector tissue and brain as the target tissue
for parathyroid hormone do not “secrete” calcium, but PTH (Figure 2E). Already, the leptin negative feedback loop is not
acts at multiple tissues and by a variety of mechanisms to classic, with behaviors and physiological responses taking the
elevate calcium levels (Figure 2C). Likewise, insulin does place of a blood-borne substance. Additionally, the negative
not induce glucose secretion, but glucose uptake by the target feedback loop can be drawn in different ways, for example,
tissues, resulting in glucose lowering (Figure 2D). To make with brain as the effector tissue or with starvation rather than

Volume 11, October 2021 2353

Leptin and the BBB Comprehensive Physiology

feeding as the effector behavior. Given that cause and effect is, could further increases in leptin, perhaps those beyond
in loop systems are not assignable, drawing the negative what the body can produce, reduce body weight. That leptin
feedback loop for leptin in different ways may at first seem resistance is not absolute is supported by work by Ottaway
akin to semantics. But as discussed later, the drawing reflects et al. (115), which demonstrated that a powerful leptin
whether one sees leptin as having evolved to inform the brain antagonist could induce further body weight gain in DIO
about caloric excesses (an adipostat) versus caloric deficits mice. This suggests that endogenous leptin in DIO-induced
(a signal of starvation). leptin resistance is still exerting some effect on appetite
As originally defined by the work of Albright et al., resis- suppression and if removed, results in further weight gain.
tance is caused by some defect in the end-organ receptor An interesting question is what would happen if adipose
(158). It was previously known that low calcium levels in tissue could more widely modulate its leptin production
blood could occur because of an absence of parathyroid by altering efficiency, that is by increasing or decreasing
hormone, a condition called hypoparathyroidism. Albright the amount of leptin secreted per gram of fat tissue? In the
et al. discovered a condition in which calcium levels were study of Begriche et al. (25), the adipose tissue of mice
low despite high levels of parathyroid hormone, a condition heterozygous for leptin loss (ob/+) produced about half the
termed pseudohypoparathyroidism. Since then, the con- amount of leptin per gram of fat as wild-type mice. Leptin
cept of hormonal resistance has been broadened to include levels were similar between the two groups on standard
any cause resulting in an impaired end-organ response. chow with the slightly higher fat mass of the heterozygotes
For example, excess binding of the hormone by blocking being nonsignificant. On a high-calorie diet, leptin levels
antibodies or increased or abnormal binding proteins is increased in both groups to about the same level and were
also termed resistance (130, 165). Thus, resistance is func- not statistically different between the two groups. The het-
tionally defined as an elevation in the effector hormone in erozygotes, however, gained approximately twice as much
the presence of a subresponsive target tissue, and although weight. Viewed from the perspective of the negative feedback
a defect at the target tissue’s receptor is the most com- loop, one would conclude that the high-fat diet induced a
mon example given as to its cause, there can be pre- and similar level of leptin resistance (because leptin levels were
postreceptor causes as well. similar) and that increasing adiposity is simply the mecha-
In most cases, resistance to the effector hormone is only nism needed to raise leptin to the level needed to overcome
partial; that is, the end-organ receptor still responds to resistance.
some degree to the effector hormone. Partial resistance can Another interesting question is what would happen if leptin
often be overcome by an increased secretion of the effector sensitivity were preserved despite being placed on a high-
hormone, resulting in the controlled substance remaining calorie diet? A paper by Zhao et al. (172) partially addresses
at a normal level. For example, if resistance to insulin’s this issue. Although designed to study another aspect of
glucose lowering effect is partial, insulin levels rise until leptin and resistance, one consistent finding was that all of
euglycemia is reestablished (hyperinsulinemic euglycemia). their experimental groups had lower leptin levels at baseline.
As a first estimate, an end-organ resistance of 50% can According to the negative feedback loop model, a lower
be overcome by a doubling in effector hormone level. At leptin level at baseline equates to increased leptin sensitivity.
some point, this compensation becomes inadequate, either Accordingly, these mice maintained lower leptin levels,
because of effector tissue exhaustion or because of high gained less total body weight, and gained less fat mass on a
levels of resistance. Thus, insulin resistance can result high-calorie diet than did the wild type (WT) and were more
either in hyperinsulinemic euglycemia or diabetes mellitus sensitive to exogenous leptin.
(22). Often, these compensations result in the hypertrophy Although the negative feedback model works well in leptin
of the effector tissue. For example, an enlarged thyroid deficiency, it works increasing less well as animals that can
is a classic finding in some types of thyroid resistance normally secrete leptin become obese (Figure 2F). In either
syndromes (130). leptin deficient or resistant animals, the brain does not per-
The negative feedback loop with partial resistance is useful ceive the hormonal signal that reduces feeding and increases
to explain some aspects of the relation between leptin and caloric expenditure, and so animals become obese. When
body weight regulation. Obesity can be viewed as hyper- leptin signaling is restored in leptin deficiency, hunger is
trophy of the effector tissue (adipose tissue) in the face of abated, and caloric expenditure is increased, reducing excess
target tissue resistance (the brain). Partial resistance can be calories, fat mass, and leptin levels. Based on the work with
overcome by elevating levels of the effector hormone (leptin). leptin-deficient rodents and humans, the negative feedback
Because the amount of leptin secreted per gram of adipose loop between the brain and adipose tissue as mediated by
tissue is rather fixed, the only way to increase leptin levels leptin is a potent one. But based on the work with rodents
is for hypertrophy of the effector tissue. Thus, the degree of and humans that can secrete leptin normally, the negative
target tissue resistance is reflected not only in the level of feedback loop is far from robust. Interestingly, normal body
leptin but also in the level of adiposity. weight animals seem to be much more responsive to leptin
An important question is whether leptin resistance in diet- loss as induced by administration of a leptin antagonist,
induced obesity (DIO) remains partial or is absolute? That quickly increasing food intake and weight gain, than they

2354 Volume 11, October 2021

Comprehensive Physiology Leptin and the BBB

are responsive to administration of additional leptin, often (A) 400

showing minimal reductions in eating and weight (83, 115).
This dichotomous potency of leptin, very effective in defi- 300

CSF (pg/mL)
ciency and weakly so in resistance, is one of the mysteries
Obese Male Boys
of how leptin works and raises questions about what its true 200
Lean Female Girls
function is. It suggests that leptin has a complex negative
feedback loop, but unlike those examples given by Ras- 100 A Nervosa No-narcolepsy
mussen, the activity occurs at low levels and is increasingly No A Nervosa Narcolepsy
deactivated as levels of leptin and obesity increase. Before 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
discussing what this may imply about the functions of leptin,
Vascular leptin (ng/mL)
we first discuss the potential of dual sites mediating leptin 3.74
resistance and why that duality can be so powerful in inducing (B)

(CSF/Serum ratio) x 100

a resistance. 10

Relation Between CNS and Blood Levels
of Leptin
Early studies indicated that leptin resistance in diet-induced 0.5
obese mice occurred at two separate sites (66, 157). Animals
went through a phase when they were responsive to leptin
0 10 20 30 40 50
given directly into the brain, but not to leptin given peripher-
Leptin (vasc)
ally. Thus, there was at lower levels of obesity a resistance
to peripherally administered leptin (termed peripheral resis- Figure 3 Blood and CSF leptin levels from six classic leptin studies.
tance), but not to leptin given into the CNS (termed central (A) Relation of mean leptin levels for CSF vs. blood fitted to a one-
resistance). It was proposed that peripheral resistance was site hyperbolic model. These six studies evaluated levels in several
categories besides obese and lean, including children, anorexia ner-
caused by a defect in the ability of leptin to cross the BBB. vosa, and narcolepsy. The Kd of the hyperbola (the x value at which
One way to evaluate this possibility is to consider the relation 50% of the maximum Y value is achieved) is shown by the vertical
between leptin levels in the CNS and blood. dashed line and is 3.74 ng/mL. (B) The CSF/serum ratios from these
six studies plotted against their respective values for blood leptin lev-
Numerous studies have measured CSF and blood levels els. The horizontal dashed line is at the ratio of 0.005 (or 0.5%), the
of leptin and reported their relation. Figure 3A shows the approximate brain/serum ratio for albumin in young healthy individu-
mean values reported from six studies in humans (4, 32, als. Reused, with permission, from Arnulf I, et al., 2006 (4); Caro JF,
et al., 1996 (32); Koistinen HA, et al., 1998 (85); Mantzoros C, et al.,
85, 100, 143, 163) and includes populations with anorexia 1997 (100); Schwartz MW, et al., 1996 (143); Wiedenhoft A, et al.,
nervosa and obesity, males and females, and adults and 1999 (163).
children. Blood levels of leptin in these six studies, totaling
more than 200 subjects, seldom exceeded 50 ng/mL; only
two patients are reported to have levels of about 80 ng/mL.
CSF leptin levels seldom exceeded 350 pg/mL. In these six curve. The first is that the Kd, the blood value at which
studies, the means for blood leptin levels range from 1.75 CSF levels have reached 50% of their maximum value, is
to 40.2 ng/mL, and the means for CSF leptin levels range 3.74 ng/mL (see dashed vertical line in Figure 3A). This value
from 98 to 360 pg/mL. Thus, while the increase from lowest is well below the typical blood level for nonobese individ-
to highest is over 20-fold for serum, it is less than fourfold uals; in fact, it is below the mean of most groups. That is,
for CSF. Both CSF and serum leptin levels correlated with leptin resistance at the BBB is significant even at low blood
measures of obesity, including BMI. For all six studies levels of leptin. The second is that there is no point at which
combined, there was a nonlinear relation for both CSF versus the relation of CSF levels to blood is truly linear nor when
blood levels of leptin (Figure 3A) and for the CSF/blood CSF/serum ratios to blood are flat. In other words, BBB
ratio versus blood leptin levels (Figure 3B). These nonlinear resistance is demonstrable to some degree throughout the
relations suggested that leptin crossed the BBB by a saturable range of leptin blood levels. How quickly the hyperbolic
mechanism. relation attenuates increases in CSF in response to rising
Although CSF leptin levels in the six studies were regressed blood levels/obesity can be illustrated with these calculations
against log values of serum leptin, this data actually fits the made from the hyperbolic curve shown in Figure 3A: With
hyperbolic model better (Figure 3A) with an r2 of 0.514 a doubling of leptin blood levels from 2 to 4 ng/mL, CSF
(hyperbola) versus 0.268 (logarithmic). A hyperbolic model levels increase by 49%, but with the doubling from 20 to
is consistent with leptin transport being saturable and can 40 ng/mL, CSF levels increase by only 8%. At leptin blood
be used to calculate at which point leptin resistance occurs. levels of 50 ng/mL, CSF levels are at 93% of their theoretical
There are two striking findings regarding this hyperbolic maximum value.

Volume 11, October 2021 2355

Leptin and the BBB Comprehensive Physiology

The CSF/serum ratios show even more strikingly the

CSF Brain
effects of a saturable transport system (Figure 3B). If the
400 1.5
movement of leptin across the BBB were nonsaturable, then
the CSF/serum ratio would not change but be a constant.

Brain (ng/mL)
The ratios for the data in Figure 3 show a dramatic change

CSF (pg/mL)
from relatively high CSF/serum ratios at low leptin levels
to very low values with increasing blood leptin levels. In
their subjects with very low leptin levels, Suzuki et al. (149) 0.5
and Koistinen et al. (85) each report CSF leptin values that
are greater than 20% of the matched blood leptin values,
0 0.0
and Wiedenhoft et al. (163) report a single value in excess
0 50 100 150
of 30%. However, as Figure 3B shows, CSF/serum ratios Vascular leptin (ng/mL)
of leptin quickly decline as serum levels of leptin increase.
Figure 3B shows a horizontal dashed line for the CSF/blood Figure 4 Comparison of brain vs. blood and CSF vs. blood relations.
value of 0.5% (154). This is a typical value for the CSF/serum CSF data from the six studies of Figure 3 plotted with a perfusion study
level for the vascular marker albumin, a molecule that is not done in mice correlating vascular leptin levels with brain levels of leptin.
Both fit a hyperbolic pattern although the curve for CSF is shifted to the
transported into the CNS but enters through the extracellular left, indicating saturation at a lower vascular level of leptin. Reused,
pathways and with CSF production (7, 27). As such, the with permission, from Banks WA, et al., 2000 (11).
CSF/serum ratio can be used as a marker of vascular space
or of BBB leakiness (55, 80, 159). Of the classic vascular
markers used in BBB studies, albumin is the most appropriate BMI increases. Resistance at both sites would produce the
as its radius is closest in size to that of leptin, being about pattern seen: CSF and serum levels both increase, and the
twice as large. Any substance with sustained levels in blood, CSF/serum ratio decreases as BMI increases. It is evident,
an absence of a brain-to-blood efflux system, and a lack of therefore, that in DIO, resistance occurs at both sites. As
CNS degradation can achieve this CSF/serum ratio. discussed below, this pattern is not universal, and resistance
The question arises as to what degree does CSF physiology can occur at only the BBB or receptor level.
reflect what is happening in the brain tissue. The predomi- That resistance occurs at both the BBB and receptor levels
nant movement of fluid and molecules is in the direction of is borne out experimentally as well. Resistance at the leptin
brain interstitial fluid to CSF, with CSF often thought of as arcuate nucleus receptor begins as early as day 6 of a high-
being a sink for materials being eliminated from the brain. fat diet (109). Experimental data make it clear that animals
Figure 4 shows the data from Figure 3 plus the data previ- that have only an inhibition in BBB transport of leptin or only
ously published in which the brain was perfused with known a receptor/postreceptor defect become obese. For example,
concentrations of leptin, corrected for a nonsaturable compo- blockade of leptin transport into brain causes an immediate
nent, and fitted to a hyperbolic curve (11). With this method, increase in body weight (46). In a model that combines genetic
vascular levels were achieved up to 129 ng/mL, much higher susceptibility with DIO, it was shown that the sole lesion at
than that reported in any of the six studies. A similar hyper- birth was at the level of the receptor. But as obesity progressed,
bolic pattern is produced, although the Kd is shifted to the the BBB also became a source of resistance (93). Thus, an inti-
right and higher at 15.6 ng/mL. mate “chicken and egg” interaction occurs between the BBB
and the arcuate nucleus receptor during the development and
progression of obesity.
Where Does Leptin Resistance Occur: Based on the above modeling, the answer to the question
of where leptin resistance in DIO is clear: it is at both the
BBB Transport versus CNS Receptor? BBB and the receptor. This raises another question: Which
The question has often been posed in the literature whether site of resistance drives obesity? The answer to this question
obesity results from a defect in BBB transport or at the CNS is shown in Figure 5. This figure shows that as adiposity (mea-
leptin receptor/postreceptor. Arguments have been made for sured as BMI) goes up, so does CSF leptin. Indeed, there is
either receptor or transporter being the sole cause of leptin in Figure 5 a strong relation between BMI and CSF, and just
resistance in obesity. Based on what is discussed above as in the classic literature, that relation is linear: CSF lev-
regarding classic hormone resistance, the hormone level els = 15.6(BMI) − 124, r2 = 0.680, P = 0.003. CSF, if consid-
will rise in the fluid proximal to the site of resistance. We ered as a proxy for brain interstitial fluid (and the close parallel
can characterize what resistance at the BBB only or at the between brain tissue and CSF curves noted in Figure 4 argues
receptor only would look like. For resistance at the receptor that it could be in this case), reflects the leptin levels seen by
only, CSF and blood levels would increase as BMI increases, the receptor. That the relation between BMI and CSF is linear
but CSF/blood levels would remain constant. For resistance is important for two reasons. First, if resistance were only at
at the BBB only, blood levels would rise, CSF levels would the BBB and the receptor free of resistance, then CSF lev-
remain constant, and CSF/blood levels would decrease as els would not change as a function of BMI and so would be

2356 Volume 11, October 2021

Comprehensive Physiology Leptin and the BBB

400 One vs Two site

20 impairment models
CSF leptin (pg/mL) 300

Fold increase
Two site
0 One site
10 20 30 40 0
BMI 0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent impairment
Figure 5 A strong correlation exists between the mean CSF levels
of the six classic studies and BMI (r2 = 0.685, P = 0.003). Modeling Figure 6 Modeling of one vs. two sites of impairment. Although both
demonstrates that an elevation in CSF levels of leptin is consistent with are nonlinear, the two-site model is obviously much more so. This
resistance at the leptin receptor. This is both because CSF is proximal to explains the apparent linearity of CSF leptin levels vs. BMI, which
the receptor and so reflects resistance at the receptor and also because reflects resistance at one site vs. the hyperbolic increase in serum leptin
resistance at only the BBB would result in normal CSF leptin levels (but levels at the same range of BMI’s as serum reflects resistance at two
elevated blood and decreased CSF/serum ratios of leptin). sites: the BBB and the CNS receptor.

a flat line. Second and as discussed below, the linear relation a no resistance level, then at 50% efficiency at one site of
between CSF and BMI supports a one-site model of resistance impairment, the leptin level would need to be 4 ng/mL to
at this level, whereas the asymptotic relation between serum compensate.
and BMI is consistent with a two-site model of resistance. The decrease in total efficiency when there are two sites
An elevated CSF level, therefore, indicates both that there of impairment is calculated by multiplying the two efficacy
is a resistance at the receptor and also the degree of that resis- values together:
tance. As noted above, the degree of resistance to the effec-
tor hormone is reflected in the degree to which the effector Total Efficiency = (Site 1 efficiency) × (Site 2 efficiency)
hormone is elevated. For example, the equation gives for a (1)
BMI of 15 a CSF value of 110 pg/mL and at a BMI of 30 a Table 1 shows that if two impaired sites in series each
CSF value of 344. Therefore, it takes in the latter case more have an efficacy of 0.5, then the total system is working at
leptin at the receptor to satisfy brain needs, a clear indicator of 0.5 × 0.5 = 0.25, or 25% of the unimpaired level. Figure 6
resistance. The CSF leptin level for the BMI of 15 is 32% of compares the fold increase needed to overcome a given level
the CSF value for the BMI of 30, so a rough estimate is that, of impairment when there is either one site of impairment or
in comparison to a BMI of 15, the leptin receptor is working two sites in series. Both models show an exponential increase,
at about 32% of efficiency (110/344 = 0.32). but that of the two-site impairment model is obviously so at
In comparison, the relation between serum leptin levels much lower levels of impairment.
and BMI is nonlinear (Figure 1). Data in Figure 1 as well as The value of 2.8% above derived from the relation bet-
typically in the literature can be fitted to an exponential ween serum and BMI corresponds to total efficiency, since
growth curve (Y0 = 0.0195, k = 0.238, n = 10, r2 = 0.847, and serum must overcome resistance at both the BBB and the
P = 0.00016). In serum, leptin levels are about 0.7 ng/mL at receptor. The value of 32% derived from the relation between
BMI 15 and 24.9 ng/mL at BMI 30. Hence, (0.7/24.9) gives a CSF and BMI corresponds to one of the sites of resistance,
value of 2.8% of capacity. This is substantially lower than the that at the receptor. Thus, Eq. (1) can be used to calculate the
32% efficiency of the receptor and shows that between blood efficiency of passage at the BBB:
and CSF there is an additional loss of efficiency. Modeling 0.028 = (BBB efficiency) × (0.32).
that compares a system with one point of resistance to that of
a system with two points of resistance can help explain the Solving the equation for BBB efficiency yields a value of
differences in the curves in Figures 1 and 5. 0.0875. In other words, the BBB transporter at a BMI of 30
Table 1 compares the effects of resistance or decreased is working at only 8.75% of the efficiency as at a BMI of 15.
efficiency when there is a one site of resistance versus two In this case, then resistance is greater at the BBB than at the
sites of resistance. No resistance (100% active) is defined receptors. This answers a third question: at which site is resis-
as 1.0 of efficiency in Table 1. The fold increase needed tance greater? Analysis at most blood and CSF combinations
to overcome a given level of resistance at one site can be is consistent with the resistance being greater at the BBB than
calculated by the remaining efficiency; for example, for 0.5 the receptor (5).
efficacy: 1/0.5 = 2.0; that is, when the system is working at This modeling affects interpretation of an often-observed
50% of maximum, it would take a doubling of the effector phenomenon: that of obese animals still responding to icv lep-
hormone to bring the target tissue back to the physiological tin but no longer to peripheral leptin administration (67, 127,
level of function. If serum leptin levels were 2 ng/mL at 157). This does not prove that resistance is only at the level of

Volume 11, October 2021 2357

Leptin and the BBB Comprehensive Physiology

Table 1 Modeling of Impairment at One Site vs. Two Sites

%Impairment Remaining efficiency: Remaining efficiency: Fold increase: Fold increase: *Leptin level: *Leptin level:
at each site one site two site one site two site one site two site

0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 2

10 0.90 0.81 1.11 1.23 2.2 2.46
20 0.80 0.64 1.25 1.56 2.5 3.12
50 0.50 0.25 2 4 4 8
75 0.25 0.0625 4 16 8 32

Modeling assumes that impairment is equal at two sites that are in series. Leptin level at full efficiency arbitrarily set at 2 ng/mL.

the BBB or even that the BBB is the main site of resistance. Endogenous
A better interpretation is that peripheral doses must overcome
10 1 mg/kg

(CSF/Serum ratio) x 100

two sites of resistance (BBB and receptor), whereas central
administration must only overcome a single site (receptor). 2.5 mg/kg
Thus, modeling is consistent with resistance at both the 5 Obese control
(from 1 mg/kg study)
BBB and the receptor-postreceptor level with the driving
resistance being that of the receptor, but the greater resistance 0.5
usually occurring at the BBB (Figure 2F). In short, receptor 0.5
resistance demands an elevation in leptin levels. The nonlin- 0.0
ear nature of BBB transport means that the BBB acts as a
choke point for the entry of leptin into the CNS so that blood 0 25 50 500 1000 1500
levels must rise to overcome both this choke point and the Leptin (vasc) (ng/mL)
receptor/postreceptor resistance.
Figure 7 Comparison of leptin vascular levels and CSF/serum levels
achieved by suprapharmacological leptin doses. The left hand portion
of the graph shows the values measured in the six classic studies plus
Suprapharmalogic Leptin Injections the controls from the 1 mg/kg study. All values in the left-hand portion
have vascular levels less than 50 ng/mL (the vertical dashed line) and
Most of the studies regarding the relations between peripheral CSF/serum ratios greater than 0.005 (or 0.5%). The right-hand portion
and CNS leptin or BBB kinetics have relied on measuring of the figure shows values in animals treated with 1 or 2.5 mg/kg. Blood
values are typically 10 to 30 times greater than those seen in obesity,
immunoreactive leptin or using radioactively labeled leptin. and CSF/serum rations less than 0.005. At the suprapharmacological
Each of these approaches has its strengths. Radioactivity, levels, entry into the CNS is likely by way of the nonsaturable extracel-
for example, allows quantitation of kinetics and transport lular pathways as the transporters across the barriers are saturated.
rates at doses of radioactive hormone that do not influence
the physiology or pathology of the state being studied.
Anatomical studies with radioactivity, although possible,
are cumbersome and time consuming. Fluorescent dyes are CSF/blood ratio of 0.5% to 0.7% in healthy individuals, being
usually superior for such qualitative work (139). However, slightly higher in older than younger adults (21, 55, 76, 154).
their detection level is much lower than that of radioactivity Why the CSF/blood ratio for leptin is even lower than that
and so often require very high dose levels to be given that can for albumin is unclear but may reflect a greater catabolism of
influence the system being studied. leptin than of albumin within the CNS. Otherwise, the results
Several recent studies have given very high doses of lep- of the suprapharmacological studies look very similar to
tin (1–5 mg/kg) that have elevated blood levels into the high those found for albumin, filling the circumventricular organs
ng/mL to low μg/mL range (56, 68, 82). As shown in Figure 7, and the choroid plexus.
these doses produce blood levels 100 to 300 times greater Although these studies giving such high levels of leptin are
than those seen in nonobese individuals and 10 to 30 times not able to address aspects of the saturable transport system,
those seen in obesity. At this level, the leptin transporter is they do address other important issues. First, they show no
long ago saturated. The CSF/blood ratio has decreased to leakage from the median eminence into the arcuate nucleus
below 0.5%. At this level, substances as large as leptin enter (68), a route that has been repeatedly claimed for leptin. These
the CNS through those routes used by molecules such as studies also show (56, 82) that suprapharmacological doses
albumin. Albumin, which does not cross the vascular BBB of leptin can greatly elevate CSF levels of leptin, but do so
but enters the CNS through the extracellular pathways, has a independently of the leptin transporter.

2358 Volume 11, October 2021

Comprehensive Physiology Leptin and the BBB

Does Obesity Accentuate BBB to that of the transport rate in the nonobese heterozygotes
(97). Furthermore, dose-response inhibitions do not differ
Resistances? substantially between obese homozygotes and nonobese
The nature of the saturable systems is the cause of decreasing heterozygotes, showing similar inhibition patterns. It seems
CSF/blood ratios of leptin with increasing obesity. Although that in these groups the BBB transporter has been readjusted
leptin levels in CSF increase as blood leptin levels rise, the to the endogenous leptin blood level by unknown factors.
fraction of leptin crossing decreases. When maximal satura-
tion has occurred, no more leptin is able to enter the CNS
by this route. There could, however, be other, confounding Where Does Blood-borne Leptin Enter the
reasons for decreased leptin transport across the BBB. It is CNS to Reach the Arcuate Nucleus?
possible that factors in obesity could shift the CSF versus
blood leptin curve to the right or left, altering the efficiency Leptin has been proposed to enter the CNS by crossing the
of transport. One way this would be evidenced is an alteration capillary bed including that of the arcuate nucleus, at the
in the Kd, the level at which the leptin transporter is 50% choroid plexus, at tanycytes by a transporter, and by leakage
saturated. In Figure 4, for example, the CSF/blood curve is into the arcuate nucleus (9).
shifted to the left of the brain/blood curve with Kds of 3.8 In vivo and in vitro evidence shows transport of leptin
and 15.6, respectively. It is true that the CSF versus blood across the capillary bed of the brain and brain endothelial
curve was derived from studies that studied humans, whereas cells (19, 102). Early evidence showed that radioactive leptin
the brain versus blood curve was derived from mice receiving appeared throughout the brain and that leptin receptors are
perfusions. Thus, the higher levels in humans are produced located in deep brain tissue (17). Because of limits in diffusion
by obesity, whereas the higher levels in the mice were pro- through brain tissue, only by crossing local capillary beds
duced by exogenous infusions. Among the reasons for the could leptin reach these deeper locations. In vitro transport
differences in Kds is the possibility that a circulating factor has been shown using primary mouse brain endothelial cells
in obesity alters the leptin BBB transporter. Additionally, in and immortalized human brain endothelial cells (12, 102).
studies that use the brain perfusion method that negates the Early studies showed that the choroid plexus-bound lep-
acute influences of circulating substances, there is sometimes tin (39) expressed both long and short forms of the leptin
a lower transport rate of leptin in obese animals, suggesting receptor (106). The presence of leptin in the CSF is presump-
factors that affect leptin transport other than circulating leptin tive evidence of passage across the choroid plexus, but leptin
levels (13). diffusing from brain interstitial fluid could also contribute to
One such modulating factor that impairs leptin transport CSF levels. Studies that show leptin filling the choroid plexus
across the BBB is triglycerides (12). Hypertriglyceridemia are not proof of leptin transport as the vessels in the plexus
is the classic dyslipidemia of obesity and the metabolic are leaky. To demonstrate passage, transport must be shown
syndrome. Therefore, the question arises as to whether to occur across the ependymal cell lining and into CSF, not
triglycerides acting at the BBB worsen peripheral resistance. across the capillary plexus.
If so, then dyslipidemia represents a therapeutic target for the Several studies have clearly shown leptin crossing at the
treatment of obesity. Preclinical studies show improved leptin choroid plexus. The multiple-time regression analysis method
transport when triglycerides are lowered below 100 mg/dL and other similar methods relying on intravenous injection
with gemfibrozil (12). have been used by us and others to study the entry of radioac-
The tanycytic barrier is modified by 24 h of fasting by tive leptin into the brain (153, 174). Study times can be kept
its extending up the wall of the third ventricle. At the same short so that it is unlikely that CSF contributes to brain tissue
time, a population of capillaries in the ventromedial region levels or that brain interstitial fluid contributes to CSF lev-
of the arcuate nucleus becomes leaky (124). It is currently els. Thus, these methods have been used to study entry into
unclear how these changes affect leptin transport or leptin both the brain tissue and CSF. Zlokovic et al. (174) showed
resistance. in rats that leptin transport across the choroid plexus was very
There is also evidence that in some cases of obesity, rapid, similar to that of the transport rate at the hypothala-
endogenous blood levels of leptin must be taken into account mus. In mice, the rate was found to be closer to that of the
when interpreting BBB transport rates of radioactive leptin. whole brain (111). Thus, species differences may exist as to
This is definitely true for most conditions, such as DIO, the rate of transport across the choroid plexus. An interest-
the Koletsky obese model, and the effects of LPS on leptin ing feature of leptin passage across the choroid plexus is that
secretin and transport. This thinking would predict that trans- it has both a saturable and nonsaturable component (153).
port of radioactive leptin in the ob/ob mouse would be very The nonsaturable component likely represents the extracellu-
high because there is no blood leptin to compete with it and lar pathways (7, 27) and could account for the very high levels
that in the db/db mouse transport would be low because of of leptin that can be achieved in the CNS with suprapharma-
the high levels of blood leptin (about 90 ng/mL) that are there cological dosing as discussed above (56, 82).
to compete with the radioactive leptin (87). But in both of One traditional argument against hormones in the CSF
these cases, the transport rate of radioactive leptin is similar having an influence on brain nuclei is that the CSF-to-brain

Volume 11, October 2021 2359

Leptin and the BBB Comprehensive Physiology

tissue diffusion distances are extremely small (98, 99). Pen- of the brain having BBBs (146). One of these is by neuronal
etration from CSF into brain tissue falls off logarithmically. projections into and out of the median eminence. Another
Two counterarguments are typically advanced to counter the would be if the tanycytic barrier were, like the vascular BBB
diffusional limitations argument. One is that neuronal pro- and the blood-CSF barrier, more than just a barrier but also a
jections and neuronal bodies make contact with ventricular regulatory interface. Such seems to be the case as tanycytes
CSF and so can be activated by CSF hormones (96). Another that face the arcuate nucleus and the third ventricle CSF are
counterargument is that although diffusional distances are capable of transporting leptin out of the median eminence
limited, periventricular tissues can still be influenced. The (92, 124). A saturable transport system for leptin at the tany-
diffusional distance for leptin has been measured by Maness cytic barrier would be consistent with the saturable nature of
et al. and found to be 0.3 mm (in other words, the leptin leptin’s entry into the CNS and the simultaneous occurrence
concentration 0.3 mm from the CSF is 50% of that of the CSF of peripheral leptin resistance and central sensitivity.
itself; at 0.6 mm, 25%; at 0.9 mm, 12.5%, etc.). Modeling
has previously shown that the arcuate nucleus lies within the
diffusional area of the third ventricle CSF (99). Is the Leptin Short Receptor the Leptin
Many have assumed leptin leaks into the arcuate nucleus
after entering the median eminence. The capillary bed of the
median eminence is leaky and does not form a BBB (162). When a substance is known to cross the BBB, it has often
However, a layer of tanycytes separates the median eminence been assumed that the same protein that acts as its receptor
from the arcuate nucleus, and a layer of ependymal cells will also act as its transporter. Why this assumption should
with barrier function separates the median eminence from have so much appeal is unclear. Many substances have
the CSF of the third ventricle (123). Furthermore, the vessels multiple receptors; if such variety exists among receptors, it
of the arcuate nucleus do form a barrier (123, 132, 136). seems illogical that one of them would perform a dual role
Hence, substances are not able to leak from the interstitial as a receptor and transporter. It would seem equally logical
fluid of the median eminence into either the CSF or the that the evolutionary pressures that dictate multiple recep-
interstitial fluid of the arcuate nucleus. Leakage would also tors would also dictate evolution of a separate transporter.
not be able to explain one of the fundamental aspects of leptin Additionally, some BBB transporters transfer a variety of
resistance, that of peripheral resistance in the face of central substances that have different receptors. For example, peptide
sensitivity, or the ability to respond to leptin given into the transport system-1 has an equal affinity for the opiate peptide
CNS but not given peripherally. Leakage is an unregulated Met-enkephalin and the tetrapeptide Tyr-MIF-1 (18). But
phenomenon, and the amount of leptin entering by such a Met-enkephalin binds to the delta opiate receptor, whereas
mechanism would always be a constant fraction of blood Tyr-MIF-1 does not. In such cases, at best, only one ligand
levels. Thus, leakage does not explain another fundamental could be using its receptor as a transporter (101). In this case,
aspect of leptin physiology: that of the nonlinear relation the delta opiate receptor is clearly not the transporter as it
between CNS and the blood levels of leptin (Figures 3, 4, does not bind and therefore could not transport Tyr-MIF-1.
and 7). Direct evidence that leakage from the median emi- There are a few cases in which the transporter versus recep-
nence is not a major source for CNS leptin was provided tor question has been answered definitively. The receptors
by Kastin et al. (78). They found no difference in the influx for tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) also act as transporters
rates between the cortex and subcortical areas, thus ruling across the BBB (121) and their upregulation increases TNF
out simple diffusion from either the median eminence or transport from blood to brain (117). Knockout studies of
the choroid plexus as a predominant route. They also found these proteins completely abolish TNF transport across the
that leptin entry into the brain greatly exceeded that of albu- BBB. But most other cases have shown that the transporter
min and inulin, markers of leakage. Others have found that and receptor are not the same protein. The brain-to-blood
tanycyte conditional ablation does not change body weight transporter for pituitary adenylate activating polypeptide 27,
or leptin-induced pSTAT activation but does increase body which has been isolated from brain endothelial cells and
fat content and accelerate body weight increases when on a identified, is not related to any of its receptors (43). Using
high-fat diet (167). Thus, ironically, leakage paradoxically knockouts, receptor inhibitors, shared ligands, and other
enhances leptin resistance. Additionally, because of the poor strategies, ligand and transporter have been shown to differ-
diffusion rates in CNS tissue, leakage from the median emi- ent epidermal growth factor, insulin, ghrelin, and prolactin
nence would not be able to provide leptin to distal or deep (28, 119, 134, 135).
brain regions. Finally, the supraphysiologic studies found no It was assumed early on that the short form of the leptin
dye in the arcuate nucleus, even though blood leptin levels receptor (Ob-Ra) would be the leptin transporter. However,
were exceedingly high. very solid research has given different answers. Early on,
The above arguments, however, are against a role for leak- it was shown that Ob-Ra is expressed by brain endothelial
age and not against a role for the median eminence. Several cells (72) and that Ob-Ra can act as a soluble receptor,
other mechanisms exist by which the median eminence and “transporting” leptin in the blood stream in pregnancy (91).
other circumventricular tissues communicate with the regions However, expression levels of Ob-Ra do not correlate with

2360 Volume 11, October 2021

Comprehensive Physiology Leptin and the BBB

transport rates: neonatal mice express all leptin receptors,

Chronic alcohol
including Ob-Ra, at higher levels in brain endothelial cells Fasting
than adults but transport radioactive leptin at a lower rate than Glucose
adults (118). The Koletsky rat and the Ob receptor knockout Insulin
mouse, both of which lack all functional forms of the leptin Cholecystokinin

receptor, were noted to not transport radioactive leptin after

Alpha1 agonists
its intravenous administration or to transport it at a reduced
rate (72, 79). However, these mice are obese, and transport of Blood leptin CSF Leptin Arcuate
radioactive leptin is reduced across the BBB in most models BBB nucleus
of obesity because of competition with the higher levels of and its receptor
leptin in the blood. When leptin transport was tested using
a brain perfusion method that negates the effects of blood Leptin
leptin levels on BBB transport, the Koletsky rat was found to Triglycerides

have a normal rate of leptin transport across the BBB (20).

Interestingly, the Koletsky rat may actually not have resis- Prolactin
tance at the level of the BBB as it has a constant CSF level in Chronic ovarian
the face of increasing obesity (166). When the ObR receptor Dysfunction
knockout mice were fasted, reducing both body weight and
blood leptin levels, leptin transport increased. In an in vitro Figure 8 Substances and conditions that modulate the transport of
model of the BBB, a blocking antibody to the leptin receptors leptin at the BBB. Conditions that increase leptin transport across the
did not prevent leptin from crossing, although it did block BBB are shown in the green trapezoid, and substances in the green
signal transduction (59). These studies would seem to make rectangle. Conditions that inhibit leptin transport across the BBB are
shown in the red trapezoid. Triglycerides and leptin inhibit BBB transport
it clear that there is a leptin transporter that is unrelated to of leptin and also cross the BBB to induce resistance at the leptin receptor
the leptin receptor. However, other evidence argues in favor in the arcuate nucleus.
of the short form of the leptin receptor being the transporter.
Madin-Darby canine kidney cells stably expressing leptin
receptors transport leptin across in a polarized fashion; cells accentuating peripheral resistance and obesity. Second, such
not expressing leptin receptors do not (73). Di Spiezio et al. modulators could be important physiological regulators of
(40) found that mice with a selective knockout of the leptin appetite. Third, the ability to increase leptin transport would
receptors in brain endothelial and epithelial cells, but not increase leptin levels in the brain and could aid in treating
tanycytes, had no transport of radioactive leptin across the obesity. Modulation implies that obesity and leptin resis-
BBB. These mice were obese, but this study used the brain tance are both acquired and reversible conditions and that
perfusion method and so overcame the issue of leptin self- an environmental factor or factors directly or indirectly lead
saturation. Thus, solidly performed studies have given clear to obesity and leptin resistance. The proximal mediators of
answers to the question, but unfortunately that answer has not leptin resistance would be viable therapeutic candidates.
been uniform. Whether the short form of the leptin receptor The BBB transport of leptin is modulated by several fac-
is also the transporter at the BBB seems to be currently tors. Besides obesity (13, 15, 29, 93), other factors associated
unresolved. with reduced leptin transport are starvation, triglycerides,
Megalin, a multiligand scavenger receptor that transports prolactin, and chronic loss of ovarian function (8, 12, 156),
leptin at the renal proximal tubule and is also known as low- whereas chronic alcohol consumption, fasting, glucose,
density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-2 (LRP-2), has insulin, cholecystokinin 8, and alpha1 adrenergics are asso-
been proposed as the transporter responsible for leptin trans- ciated with increased transport (6, 30, 77, 116). Alpha
port across the choroid plexus (42). Mice that are deficient adrenergics work at the BBB, whereas triglycerides work at
in brain endothelial megalin also develop obesity, metabolic both the BBB and the arcuate nucleus receptors (Figure 8).
syndrome, cognitive impairments, and neuroinflammation There are also diurnal variations in the rate of leptin transport
on regular chow diet (24). Paradoxically, these mice are across the BBB (120).
protected from developing obesity, glucose intolerance, or The most obvious environmental cause of obesity is the
hepatic steatosis when placed on a high-fat diet (24). ingestion of excess calories. However, the ingestion or even
the absorption of a substance does not mean that the sub-
stance needs to be proportionately retained. In the case of
Modulators of Leptin Transport and water, as an example, it is excretion, not retention, that is pro-
Sensitivity portionate to absorption under normal conditions. In disease
states such as renal failure and congestive heart failure where
The question of modulation of leptin sensitivity is important negative feedback loops regulating excretion fail, retention
for at least three reasons. First, as discussed above, inhibitors must then be modulated through control of ingestion. Evolu-
of transport would decrease leptin levels in the brain, thus tion designed very different systems for dealing with these two

Volume 11, October 2021 2361

Leptin and the BBB Comprehensive Physiology

commodities essential for life that have resulted in hording of who showed that reducing leptin levels in DIO reduced body
calories but not water. weight. However, these are reconcilable as they likely work
High calorie ingestion is a potent inducer of leptin resis- through different mechanisms. With potent antagonist treat-
tance. In a study by Knight et al. (83), ob/ob mice at 4 weeks ment, the level of remaining leptin activity is immediately
of age were already about 50% heavier than WT mice, but an reduced, resulting in a relative, acute leptin deficiency and so
infusion that produced blood leptin levels of about 5 ng/mL stimulating feeding. With a significant reduction in endoge-
normalized weight as long as mice were on a low-fat diet. nous leptin levels (172), body weight also increases, but with
However, the ob/ob infused mice that were on a high-fat diet a modest reduction in leptin levels, weight paradoxically
gained weight at the same rate as WT mice. Thus, while a recovers. Thus, modest reductions in leptin levels produce
level of 5 ng/mL of leptin was able to prevent obesity in the the paradoxic effect, whereas larger reductions produce the
face of a low-fat diet, a high-fat diet overcame the anorec- expected increase in weight gain. Given this, it would be
tic effect of leptin at this level and also at the much higher interesting to determine the effect of a weak antagonist on
blood levels of leptin in the WT mice. In another study, ob/ob weight gain. Interestingly, the time course of these effects
mice responded to leptin while on a low-fat diet but not when were different as well, with the antagonist studies producing
placed on a high-fat diet (84), even though the dose given a significant effect within a week, but modest leptin reduction
(1.25 mg/kg) could be expected to raise blood leptin levels requiring about 7 weeks.
to over 500 ng/mL. Likewise, Tg mice that overexpress leptin Three other factors have been considered in the literature
have lower body weights than WT mice while on normal chow that could be the cues linking environment and leptin resis-
(114) but once placed on high-fat chow gain more weight or tances: inflammation, triglycerides, and angiotensin II. Being
fat mass than the WT mice (114, 173). placed on a high-fat diet induces hypothalamic inflammation
Leptin is involved in the induction of its own resistance. and results in postreceptor resistance (152). What the exact
Mice whose leptin levels were about 5 ng/mL lost weight mechanism is by which fat in the diet translates to inflamma-
when their leptin levels were increased by an additional tion in the hypothalamus is not clear, but there is no shortage
15 ng/mL, even when the mice were obese, but mice who of candidates. Leptin itself has immunomodulatory actions in
were obese and also had high leptin levels of 30 to 150 ng/mL the periphery and the CNS (95, 103, 107), including at its
did not respond when their leptin levels were raised by an own receptor (110). The brain endothelial cells that comprise
additional 15 ng/mL (83). Likewise, STAT3 levels in the the BBB are able both to transport into brain and to secrete
hypothalamus increased after an ip bolus of 2 mg/kg of leptin cytokines and other immune-related substances (16, 74, 133).
in mice on normal chow and obese mice with low leptin levels Zhao et al. (173) found that reducing leptin levels reduced
but not in obese mice with high leptin levels. Zhao et al. (173) hypothalamic inflammation.
have shown that reducing leptin levels not only will restore A second factor is triglycerides, which have been shown to
leptin sensitivity to exogenous leptin but that mice whose cross the BBB and to induce leptin receptor resistance (14).
fat cells produce more leptin gain more fat on a high-calorie Thus, elevated triglycerides, the classic dyslipidemia of the
diet and that lowering leptin levels can result in weight loss. metabolic syndrome, produce leptin resistance at both the
Perhaps the most obvious example of leptin-induced leptin BBB and the arcuate nucleus. Interestingly, triglycerides have
resistance is that an animal on normal chow with a given the opposite effect on the orexigenic ghrelin, stimulating its
level of obesity responds to leptin when it is leptin deficient transport across the BBB (10).
(ob/ob) but not when it can secrete leptin. Angiotensin II is implicated as a third factor as blockade of
Some causes of leptin-induced leptin resistance are known. the AT1 receptor prevents DIO (164). Although angiotensin
The self-inhibiting nature of leptin transport at the BBB II through the AT1 receptor modulates BBB transcytosis (49,
means that increasing CNS levels of leptin becomes progres- 62, 63), its blockade with telmisartan has no direct effect on
sively less efficient as blood levels of leptin rise. Likewise, leptin BBB transport, but it seems that its protective effects on
leptin inhibits its own signaling by activating SOCS-3, DIO are mediated through actions on the receptor (142).
inducing resistance at a postreceptor level (110). Downreg- It should be noted that these three factors are not mutually
ulation of receptor or transporter levels by their ligands is exclusive. Triglycerides and free fatty acids, both of which
common and one of the causes of hormonal resistance and cross the BBB (14, 38, 151, 161), induce neuroinflammation
is a possible mechanism of leptin resistance. Interestingly, (90, 155). Telmisartan normalizes peripheral and hypothala-
leptin is not the cause of the resistance that results from being mic triglyceride levels and reduces hypothalamic inflamma-
on a high-fat diet. Koch et al. (84) showed that ob/ob mice tion from DIO and stroke (86, 129).
placed on a high-fat diet lost their sensitivity to a high dose of Thus, there are many modulators of leptin and leptin resis-
leptin within 4 days of starting the diet. As these mice do not tance. Although it is unclear which of these are the dominate
produce leptin, the high-fat diet must be inducing resistance causes of leptin resistances in DIO, it is clear that leptin
independently of leptin levels. resistance is multifactorial. Why leptin resistance should
At first, the work of Ottaway et al. (115) showing that occur is currently a bigger mystery than how. The following
antagonism of leptin activity in DIO mice increases body section considers some aspects of this by looking at the
weight seems to contradict with that of Zhao et al. (173), functions of leptin outside of obesity.

2362 Volume 11, October 2021

Comprehensive Physiology Leptin and the BBB

Beyond Obesity: Other Roles of Leptin Leptin receptors are found throughout the brain (61) and
in many peripheral tissues. With receptors in such a diverse
and Leptin Resistance number or CNS and non-CNS locations, it is not surprising
Nearly all the literature on leptin takes the perspective that that leptin has many actions other than decreasing feeding
the crucial interaction is that of leptin’s effect on body weight and increasing thermogenesis. Leptin may have effects on
as mediated through receptors at the arcuate nucleus. Given heat dissipation and the defense of core body temperature
the phenomenal obesity of leptin-deficient animals and the (48). Many of the actions of leptin, such as stimulation of
the reproductive and immune systems, are intense users of
miraculous effect of leptin in those animals, it is hard to think
calories and are a large part of the reason that calories are
of leptin in other terms. Yet, typical obesity is not caused
consumed. Leptin is a pro-inflammatory hormone, affecting
by leptin deficiency but is hallmarked by leptin resistance.
both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Blood lev-
Indeed, leptin resistance increasingly occurs as body weight
els of leptin increase two to threefold in mice treated with
is gained at any level, not just obesity. Leptin resistance,
lipopolysaccharide, a fragment of Gram-negative bacteria
then, seems not pathological, but physiological; in short, it
that stimulates the innate immune system (53, 104, 105).
seems built-in as part of the well-fed state. It is necessary,
Nearly all immune cells express the long form of the leptin
therefore, to look at other roles of leptin beyond that of weight
receptor. Leptin induces B cells to secrete cytokines (37).
control and at receptors engaged in activities other than those
B cell development and B cell-driven humoral immunity are
involved in feeding, asking what other roles does leptin play
impaired in DIO. However, this effect of obesity may be
and does resistance occur for those conditions as well. Here,
more driven by insulin resistance than leptin resistance (37).
we consider three aspects of these alternative lives of leptin:
In vitro, B cells from lean and obese individuals were equally
in what conditions other than obesity does leptin resistance
stimulated (54).
occur; what other functions other than feeding does leptin Leptin, as do seemingly all hormones related to metabolism
affect; does leptin resistance occur at receptors other than and the gastrointestinal tract, has impressive effects on
those of the arcuate nucleus? After these considerations, we cognition (36, 41, 60). These are mediated in part at the hip-
return to revisit the role of leptin and body weight control. pocampus. Bone density, breathing, and hepatic triglyceride
Leptin resistance occurs in conditions other than obesity. secretion are all modulated by leptin. Leptin restores the
Pregnancy is associated with a loss of appetite suppression integrity of the glycocalyx at the BBB in the BTBR ob/ob
to both peripherally administered and centrally administered mouse model of obesity (69). Many of leptin’s effects on
leptin. Evidence shows that both leptin transport across peripheral tissues are not mediated through local peripheral
the BBB and hypothalamic response to leptin are impaired receptors but controlled by the CNS through vagal efferent
(64, 145, 156). Leptin blood levels are increased in preg- nerves. These include the effects on bone density, breathing,
nancy in both rats and sheep by about 1.8-fold. However, and hepatic triglyceride secretion (44, 65, 138). As already
the increased leptin does not arise from adipose tissue but noted, many of these actions are actually stimulated by
by secretion from the placenta in primates and because of increasing leptin levels, although more properly the evidence
increases in the circulating short form of the receptor in mice indicates that the presence of leptin is often permissive,
(70, 91). Thus, the negative feedback loop between food relieving a block imposed by starvation and its absence of
storage and regulation of feeding may be supplanted by a leptin. However, leptin’s stimulation of breathing, which is
loop between energy demands of pregnancy and regulation mediated through the CNS, does seem to show resistance in
of feeding. Consistent with this is that in sheep, the increase obesity (138). This raises the question of whether sleep apnea
in leptin levels corresponds with the number of fetuses and as seen in obesity is a form of leptin resistance or is treatable
thus the energy demands of pregnancy (89). with leptin. Peripheral infusions of leptin reversed respiratory
Leptin resistance also occurs seasonally in some animals depression in ob/ob mice and at high infusion levels in diet-
(150), such as Siberian hamsters and sheep. In general, resis- induced obese mice (113). Intranasal administration (a route
tance occurs during the long days of summer when animals of administration that bypasses the BBB) of leptin, but not
are eating more and gaining body weight. During the long peripheral administration of leptin, increased ventilation and
days, plasma and CSF levels of leptin increase, but animals decreased the number of desaturation events during REM
are not responsive to icv-administered leptin, demonstrating sleep in diet-induced obese animals (26). Leptin’s effects
central leptin resistance. Interestingly, CSF/plasma ratios do on cognition are impaired in obesity and show evidence
not decrease as a function of leptin blood levels in sheep, of being mediated through triglycerides. In contrast to the
suggesting that there is no resistance at the BBB. During short cases above, at least some of the actions of leptin are directly
days, animals decrease food intake after icv-administered mediated at immune cell receptors, and leptin relieves the
leptin, demonstrating that CNS resistance has abated. But immunosuppression of starvation (81, 95). In brief, leptin
CSF levels are constant rather than increasing as plasma has many actions that are at best only tangentially related to
levels increase. As noted in the models section above, this is feeding and in some cases do not show resistance in obesity.
the pattern expected when a partial resistance is only at the Given that the leptin receptor is found in many locations
level of the BBB and not involving the receptor. mediating a diverse number of functions, the question this

Volume 11, October 2021 2363

Leptin and the BBB Comprehensive Physiology

raises is whether resistance to leptin occurs in those tissues The rapid reduction in body weight when leptin is given
as a function of either obesity or other conditions. Within to leptin-deficient mice and the huge increase in adiposity
the hypothalamus, leptin receptors at locations other than whenever leptin signaling to the hypothalamus does not occur
the arcuate nucleus remain sensitive to leptin after 16 weeks because of deficiency, receptor or postreceptor defects, or
of high-fat diet, a time at which arcuate nucleus receptors blockade by leptin antagonists favor the adipostat view. Lep-
are leptin resistant (109). In agouti obese mice no longer tin as a permissive switch, allowing the expenditure of energy
responding to inhibition of food intake, icv leptin continues on calorically expensive activities such as reproduction and
to stimulate in a dose-response manner renal sympathetic support of the immune system, makes the starvation view
nerve activity (126). Likewise, in a rat model with a genetic appealing. In the starvation view, evolution has pressured the
propensity to obesity, the degree of leptin resistance at an leptin negative feedback system toward preventing a caloric
early period of life varied among hypothalamic receptors deficiency, thus avoiding death from starvation, the inability
from 21% to 64%, while hindbrain receptors stimulating to fight off infections, or the lack of resources to reproduce.
sympathetic outflow were normal (93). But with excess caloric states being so rare, no evolutionary
Stucchi et al. (148) examined the ability of leptin to stim- pressure was exerted on forming that end of the leptin-body
ulate STAT3 phosphorylation in healthy mice between the weight spectrum.
ages of 3 and 10 months. They found that heart remained However, the instances of leptin resistance in pregnancy,
responsive throughout these ages, whereas adipose tissue was with seasonality in sheep, and with hibernation as well as the
not responsive at ages 5 and 10 months and liver at the age modulatory state of leptin resistance suggest a third view of
of 10 months. These results show that leptin sensitivity is leptin. In this view, leptin resistance serves a physiological
independently regulated among tissues, at least as effected by purpose as well. In all these cases, a common theme could
age. Cardiomyocytes respond to leptin and that response is be to acquire the calories while one can, either because of
impaired in DIO mice, suggesting leptin receptor resistance an immediate increased demand for calories (pregnancy) or
in this model (131). Leptin receptors (or at least its mRNA) because of a future in which caloric intake will be decreased.
are also found on immune cells (103), the antral mucosa that In summary, leptin has many actions at many different
controls gastric secretions (58), the testis and ovary, (168), tissues. Some are stimulated and others inhibited in the face
and adrenal medulla (31). of starvation or obesity, while others (23, 47, 95) may be
The above review shows that leptin resistance occurs in independent of feeding state. Some are mediated through
states other than obesity, that leptin has functions not imme- the CNS and others directly at the peripheral tissue. Many
diately related to control of body weight, and that leptin resis- can be fit into the theme of leptin as related to caloric use or
tance can occur for some of these other functions, but not for storage. Finally, leptin resistance may play a physiological
others. These areas together suggest a nontraditional view of role in modulation of caloric intake outside the realm of
leptin resistance. obesity/starvation.
Traditionally, many authors starting soon after the discov-
ery that human obesity represented a leptin resistant state
have pointed out that leptin makes a poor anorectic signal. Can Leptin Be Used to Treat Human
Although its correlation with adiposity is strong, its brake on
further inhibition of feeding as adiposity increases becomes
ever weaker because of its peripheral and central resistances. In comparison to the dramatic results seen in leptin-deficient
Schwartz and others have pointed out that leptin, or rather the individuals, leptin’s actions in typical human obesity are
absence of leptin, serves much better as a starvation signal not impressive. In leptin-deficient individuals, 0.02 to
(1, 12, 51, 147). Just as the absence of gas in a car or the 0.04 mg/kg/day, or about 4.1 mg/day, resulted in an average
absence of money in a bank account can skew behavior toward weight losses of 42.3 kg of fat, 14.8 kg of lean body mass,
conservation of the resource, the absence of leptin defaults and 57.1 kg of total body weight in 18 months (122). This
toward increased feeding behavior and the conservation of translates to 0.03 mg/kg/day of leptin inducing about 0.73 kg
calories, even when saving those calories means lowering of weight loss per week.
immune defenses, body temperature, and reproduction of In comparison, Heymsfield et al. (71) found that about
the species (23, 34, 47, 95, 108). Elevated triglycerides, 0.30 mg/kg/day induced a weight loss of 7.1 kg in 24 weeks,
which can cause both peripheral and central resistance and or 0.3 kg/week. Roughly speaking, 10 times as much leptin
also impair leptin’s actions on cognition, are found not just as used in deficient patients produced 40% of the effect.
in obesity but also in starvation. Triglycerides could have Fogteloo et al. (52) found a 7.9 kg weight loss using about
evolved as an indirect signal of starvation by inhibiting leptin 0.22 mg/kg/day, or about 0.65 kg/week, whereas Zelissen
action. This view is not of leptin as a regulator of body fat, but et al. (170) using a dose also of about 0.22 mg/kg/day for 12
its absence of function from the brain as a sign of starvation. weeks found weight loss that was not statistically different
These two views of leptin function, that of leptin as an adi- from that lost by the no-leptin group. Based on these three
postat and that of the absence or reduction of leptin levels as studies, it seems that leptin replacement can be effective but
a signal of starvation, have dominated thinking about leptin. is variable.

2364 Volume 11, October 2021

Comprehensive Physiology Leptin and the BBB

Would higher doses of leptin be more effective in treat- transport (6). Some analogs of leptin have been constructed
ing obesity? At first, the answer would seem to be no. These that can cross the BBB but do so independently of the leptin
clinical trials giving 0.22 to 0.3 mg/kg/day elevated serum lep- transporter. These include small peptides, a glycosylated
tin levels to about 180 to 480 ng/mL. As this is well above leptin peptide, and pluronic leptin (3, 88, 112, 125, 137, 160).
the level at which maximal saturation of the BBB transporter Each of these has been demonstrated to cross the BBB and
occurs, little or no additional leptin would enter the brain by to induce weight loss to varying degrees in mice on high-fat
this mechanism. However, there is a nonsaturable component diets.
to leptin passage across the choroid plexus (153) which likely Another way to overcome BBB resistance is by delivery
is the extracellular pathway (27). This pathway has therapeu- by the nasal route. Some substances when placed at the level
tic potential for substances that have sustained levels in blood of the cribriform plate are able to enter the brain (94, 169).
(7). Indeed, the studies discussed under the suprapharmaco- Leptin is one of the substances shown to be capable of enter-
logical section produced CSF levels in the range of 360 to ing the brain by this route. A 0.2 mg/kg dose increased brain
5,400 pg/mL. This is about 10 times more than the theoretical levels by fivefold and doubled levels in the hypothalamus
maximum of leptin that can be achieved in CSF by saturable (50). Brain distribution did not rely on either CSF flow
mechanisms. Thus, suprapharmacological dosing can over- or blood-to-brain transport. Furthermore, intranasal leptin
come the leptin resistance at the BBB, not by reversing periph- reduced body weight in both normal weight mice and in DIO
eral resistance but using the alternative route of the extracel- mice (26, 140, 141).
lular pathways. The work of Ottaway et al. (115) with a leptin
antagonist suggests that the brain could respond to such addi-
tional leptin. However, the work of Koch et al. (84) showed Conclusions
that a dose of leptin expected to increase blood leptin lev-
els to greater than 500 ng/mL was without effect even in the Leptin is a regulatory protein that continues to be intriguing.
leptin-deficient ob/ob mouse when the mice were on a high-fat Many of its effects depend on the relation between produc-
diet. Therefore, leptin resistance seems particularly difficult to tion in the periphery and sites of action within the CNS and
overcome when animals are on a high-fat diet. the BBBs that modulate that relation. In this article, we dis-
Reversal of leptin resistance at either the receptor or the cussed several of the curiosities and controversies relating to
BBB should greatly improve leptin’s therapeutic effect. As leptin and the BBB and came to conclusions about many of
the modeling shows, having resistance at two sites in series them: Leptin crosses three BBBs (vascular BBB, blood-CSF
decreases leptin’s effectiveness logarithmically. For example, barrier at the choroid plexus, and tanycytic barrier) by sat-
a level of resistance at two sites, each of which would require urable regulated processes. The vascular barrier distributes
4 times as much leptin to overcome the individual resis- leptin throughout the brain, the choroid plexus to periventric-
tance, in tandem would require 16 times as much leptin. ular tissue, and all barriers likely contribute to leptin at the
Furthermore, as obesity decreases, it is likely that the level of arcuate nucleus. The ability of leptin to dramatically reverse
resistance will also decrease. This is certainly true of resis- obesity in leptin-deficient animals supports the first model for
tance at the BBB, where the nonlinear relation between serum leptin, that of an adipostat. The viability of the adipostat model
leptin levels and transport rate means that the leptin trans- at only low levels of leptin with the development of resis-
porter works much more efficiently at low levels of serum tance at higher levels supports the second model proposed
leptin. Because of this “chicken-and-egg” phenomenon, that for leptin, that of a starvation signal. In most cases of obe-
each resistance accentuates the impairment of the other, it sity, resistance to leptin develops at both the BBB and the
can be very difficult to determine the site of action of an arcuate nucleus receptor. Modeling shows resistance as a con-
effective therapeutic. An agent working at the arcuate nucleus tinuum and demonstrable to some degree at low leptin levels.
to reduce body weight, for example, would also appear to Modeling suggests that in DIO it is the arcuate nucleus that
relieve BBB resistance simply because transport would be is the original and driving cause of obesity and that the BBB
occurring at lower serum levels of leptin. This seems to be plays a secondary role by limiting the amount of leptin that can
the case with the angiotensin receptor blocker telmisartan reach the CSF/brain interstitial space to overcome receptor
which increases leptin sensitivity, including in models of DIO resistance. However, modeling further suggests that it is the
(86, 108, 129). Recent work has shown that telmisartan acts BBB that accounts for a higher percent of total resistance than
centrally with its effects at the BBB occurring secondarily does the receptor. This may be in part because BBB resistance
from the decrease in saturating levels of leptin (142). may not only occur because of saturation by high endogenous
The resistance at the BBB transporter may be overcome in levels of blood leptin but also because of factors in obesity
other ways as well. As noted above, leptin BBB transport can that directly act on the BBB transporter, making it less effi-
be modulated by several conditions and agents. For example, cient. There are some conditions where resistance occurs at
decreasing triglycerides in the circulation below about only a single site, that is, at the BBB transporter or at the arcu-
100 mg/dL relieves resistance both at the leptin transporter ate nucleus receptor. These are often conditions that are short
and at the leptin arcuate nucleus receptor (12, 14). Treatment term or reversible, such as pregnancy, seasonal feeding, or in
with alpha1 adrenergic agents should also increase leptin preparation for hibernation. These conditions suggest a third

Volume 11, October 2021 2365

Leptin and the BBB Comprehensive Physiology

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