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Regine Joyce Abad

6 - Employee Selection

1. Is there a “best” employment process stepwise? What steps must come first and

Answer :

Regardless of whether a company is large or small, it wants to hire the best and the
brightest employee. Though it seems very easy, finding and recruiting the right
candidate is in actual a very tedious task which demands meticulous
precision. Below mentioned is a step-by-step process which any organization
can follow for hiring the best professionals within a given time frame.
Step 1: Focusing on the Job Requirements- This involves what the job
demands from the employee. Considering the requirements of the job, a
candidate needs to be selected and it should also be considered that the
candidate satisfies all the pre-requisites of the job. Step 2: Drafting a Job
Description- This generally means comprehending the exact roles and
responsibilities of the profile thoroughly. It also includes the stating of skills,
qualification, expertise, knowledge, etc.
Step 3: Understand Target Candidates and their sources- This involves
knowing about the hangouts of the target candidates and utilize accurate
platforms like newspaper advertisements, job forums, job fairs, etc. to reach
out to them.
Step 4: Initial screening and selection process- Initial screening is basically
done by comparing the CV with the job description. Aptitude and
psychometric tests can also be conducted on the candidates for scanning the
applications. A telephonic interview may also be taken as an initial selection
Step 5: Sorting Applications and short listing candidates- Based on the CV of
the candidate, results of the tests and on the basis of personal and
professional information, a few candidates...
2. Compare briefly the major types of employment interviews described in this chapter.
Which type would you prefer to conduct? Why?

Answer :

Let us define first what is interview it is essentially a structured conversation where one
participant asks questions, and the other provides answers.

Types of Interview Meaning

1. Nondirective Interviews An interview in which the applicant is allowed the
maximum amount of freedom in determining the
course of the discussion, while the interviewer
carefully refrains from influencing the applicant’s
2. Structured Interviews An interview in which a set of standardized
questions having an established set of answers is
3. Situational Interviews An interview in which a set of standardized
questions having an established set of answers is
4. Behavioral Description Interviews An interview in which an applicant is asked
questions about what he or she actually did in a
given situation
5. Sequential and Panel Interviews Sequential interview A format in which a candidate
is interviewed by multiple people, one right after
Panel interview An interview in which a board of
interviewers questions and observes a single
I will choose structured interview for me it is the most reliable type of interview. It is also known as
formal interview. In this type of interview, the interviewer asks some standard set of questions within a
given time period in a standardized way. And also when the interviewer sticks to deep, specific
behavioral questions for each role the candidate has held, the structured behavioral interview is
by far the best predictor of successful hires because a candidate's actual past performance is
the best predictor of their future success.

3. What characteristics do job knowledge and job sample tests have that often
make them more acceptable to candidates than other types of tests?

Answer :

There will be different types of trest

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