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Present Simple
1) Every day, Helen (get) ___________ up at half past seven.
2) Once a week, Tim (watch) _________ a film at the cinema
3) They often (eat) __________ fast food for lunch.
4) I rarely (go) __________ to the gym.
5) In the evening, I and Mai usually (meet) __________ each other for coffee.
6) My brother (have) _______ a driving lesson twice a week.
7) The washing machine (start) _________ when you press this button.
8) Many people (enjoy) __________ spending time on the beach on holiday.
9) _________________ (you/ practise) the piano for two hours every day?
10) Regular exercise (help) ________ you to stay healthy.
Present Continuous
1) Gordon (write) _____________ a letter at the moment.
2) Right now, Margaret (have) ____________ a shower.
3) Sally (stay) ____________ with her aunt for a few days.
4) I (not/lie) ______________! It’s true!
5) Listen! Someone (sing) ______________ upstairs.
6) We (have) ___________ lunch, but I can come round and help you later.
7) _________________ (you/play) music up there? It’s really noisy!
8) Look! The train (come) ______________ into the station.
9) Nadine and Clair (do) _____________ quite well at school at the moment.
10) You (not hold) _____________ the kite right. Let me show you.
Past Simple
1) I got to the post office just before it closed and (send) ________ the letter.
2) We invited Stephanie to the party, but she (not/ come) _____________.
3) Jack lost his job because he (make) ___________ too many mistakes.
4) Everyone (know) ___________ that it was Bill’s fault, but nobody said anything.
5) This morning, Karen (take) _________ the keys from the kitchen table and ran out the door.
6) I don’t want to go and see the movie because I (see) _______ it last week.
7) I (buy) __________ a football yesterday.
8) They (visit) __________ Paris two years ago.
9) Stephen (do) _________ his homework last night.
10) My computer (break) ________ down last month.
11) A week ago, there (be) ________ a burglary in my neighborhood.
12) When we were in Canada, we (go) ___________ skiing everyday.
13) Four years ago, I (decide) ___________ to become a chef.
14) I really (enjoy) _________ the meal at your house last Tuesday.
15) Adam (tidy) _________ his room last night.
Past Continuous
1) Ted (play) _______________ his guitar at half past seven yesterday.
2) At midnight last night, I (sleep) ____________, but Jane (listen) ____________ to music.
3) Luke (stand) ____________ outside the bank when suddenly two robbers ran past him.
4) ____________________ (you/ have) a shower when the earthquake happened?
5) Penny (run) _____________ to catch the bus when she slipped and fell.
6) While I (practise) ______________ the trumpet late last night, a neighbor came to complain.
Present Perfect
1) I (see) _____________ this film already.
2) John and Julie (have) _____________ their car for about a year.
3) She (not/take) ________________ her driving test yet.
4) Sue (be) _____________ a tour guild since she left university.
5) _________________ (you/ride) into town on your new bike yet.
6) We (not/decide) ______________ what to get Mark for his birthday yet.
7) Paul (just/meet) ______________ a famous person.
8) I (never/play) ______________ this game before.
9) ______________ (you/ live) here since 2005?
10) It’s the first time you (visit) _________ our flat, isn’t it?
11) They (not/give) ___________ the baby a name yet.
12) ______________ (you/send) an email before?
13) I think I (hear) __________ that song before.
14) They (not/arrive) ____________ yet, but they should be here soon.
15) Jo (already/ invite) __________________ Shirley to dinner.
Past Perfect
1) By the time I arrived, everyone __________________ (leave)!
2) Steve __________________ (already / see) the film, so he didn’t come with us to the
3) Tina __________________ (not / finish) doing the housework by 7 o’clock, so she called
Andrea to tell her she would be late.
4) __________________ (you / just / speak) to Billy when I rang?
5) The car broke down just after __________________ (we / set off).
6) I didn’t eat anything at the party because __________________ (I / already / eat) at home.
7) __________________ (you / hear) about the accident before you saw it on TV?
Future Simple
1) Miss Brown __________ a new list tonight. (make)
2) My wife ________ you tomorrow. (call)
3) He __________ here on Wednesday. (be)
4) He ________ here tomorrow. (not come)
5) We __________ the answer tomorrow. (know)
6) I hope we _________ him tonight. (meet)
7) She _______ her ticket the day after tomorrow. (buy)
8) I am afraid it ______ possible. (not be)
9) You _______ a three months' holiday this year. (have)
10) A: There's someone at the door.
B: I ________ (get) it.
11) Joan thinks the Conservatives _________(win) the next election.
12) A: I'm moving house tomorrow.
B: I _________(come) and help you.
13) If she passes the exam, she _______(be) very happy.
14) A: She's late. B: Don’t worry. She __________(come).
15) If you eat all of that cake, you ________(feel) sick.
16) They ________(be) home at 10 o'clock tonight.
1) She (drink)_________________ orange juice at the moment.
2) My brother (listen)________________to music in his free time.
3) Nam (go)________________to school every day.
4) Look! She (play)________________soccer.
5) Ha (like)_________badminton. She (play)_________it every Thursday afternoon.
6) I (learn) ____________ English for seven years.
7) Last night we (watch) __________TV when the power (fail) __________.
8) London (change) ___________ a lot since we first (come) __________ to live here.
9) I (spend) __________ a lot of time travelling since I (get) __________this new job.
10) He sometimes (come) __________ to see his parents.
11) Last month I (be) _____________ in the hospital for ten days.
12) I (not see) __________________ him since last Sunday.
13) My mother (come) __________________ to stay with us next week.
14) When he lived in Manchester, he (work) _________________ in a bank.
15) Columbus (discover) ___________________ America more than 400 years ago.
16) I _________(be) there by four o'clock I promise.
17) A: I'm cold.
B: I _______(turn on) the fire.
18) I (work) ________ at the local library every summer.
19) We (not/ go) __________ to the theatre very often.
20) We (lose) __________the match now.
21) Jim (read) _______ a newspaper at least once a week.
22) Listen! The birds (sing) ________________.
23) John (watch) __________________ TV at 8:00 last evening.
24) Hurry up! The train (come) ____________________.
25) We (not talk) _______________ to each other for a long time.
26) I (meet)___________your husband this afternoon at the station.
27) The video film is so interesting that I (see)__________it twice.
28) It is the first time I (meet)____________him here.
29) It was the first time they (ever meet)_____________
30) They (prepare)__________ the Christmas dinner at the moment.
31) George (work)_____________at the university for five years so far.
32) Birds (build)__________their nests in the summer and (fly)_________to the south in winter.
33) I (lose)______________my key. Can you help me look for it?
34) My father (not smoke)______________for 5 years.
35) Carol and I (go) _________ to the cinema three nights ago.
36) They (play) _______________ their guitars at this time yesterday.

I. Present Simple

1. My sister ______ (read) books every day.

2. Frank _______ (not like) dogs.

3. My parents always _______ (do) the shopping.

4. We sometimes _______ (meet) in front of the cinema.

5. Uncle George ________ (go) to the doctor's three times a week.

6. Our friends usually _______ (play) football in the park.

7. She ________ (go) to the park every Friday.

8. He ________ (ride) his bike every day.

9. We ________ (have) three cats.

10. Carol ________ (not say) good bye often.

11. She _________ (be) the best singer in our class.

12. My sister _______ (live) in a big house.

13. The children _______ (eat) hamburgers every Saturday.

14. Bill _______ (have) two notebooks.

15. I _______ (be) always at home in summer.

II. Fill in the present tense simple.

1. They often _______ about his bad habits. (talk)

2. Mary ______ stamps. (collect)

3. Tom and Sue ______ new CDs twice a month. (buy)

4. We usually _______ behind a tree when we see the bully. (hide)

5. The children ______ in the garden every weekend. (play)

6. She always ________ my pencil. (borrow)

7. My mother _______ shopping every Friday. (go)

8. They always ________ in the first row. (sit)

9. She usually ________ Tom with the homework. (help)

10. He _______ in a big house. (not live)

III. Complete the sentences with the present tense simple.

1. My parents often _______ westerns. (watch)

2. They _______ always hungry. (be)

3. Mum ________ all the dirty clothes. (wash)

4. Peter ______ a brother. (have)

5. The boys ________ football four times a week. (play)

6. In summer it _____ hot. (be)

7. I _______ good at Maths. ( not be)

8. On Friday we always _________ our piano lesson. (have)

9. Mary ______ her homework in the evening. (do)

10. Richard _____ TV every day. (watch)

11. I _______ big cities. (like)

12. He often _______ in the library. (study)

13. She always _______ to work at 7. (go)

14. Bill and Tom sometimes _________ to London. (drive)

IV. Present Tense Simple

1. Sarah and Pam often _______ to parties. (go)

2. Jenny sometimes ______ Monica. (meet)

3. In summer his children usually _______ in the garden. (play)

4. Sally often ______ the board. (clean)

5. My sister _________ blue eyes. (have)

6. Bill _______ the window every morning. (open)

7. Barbara ______ school uniforms look great. (think)

8. They all often______ dark blue pullovers. (wear)

9. He often ______ the housework. (do)

10. I never ______ TV in the morning. (watch)

11. She _______ her new notebook. (like)

12. Fred _______ football every Saturday. (play)

13. Hannah and Betty often ______ pizza. (eat)

14. Frank sometimes _______ a headache. (have)

V. Complete the following sentences using Present Continuous Tense.

1. My son (talk) __________ on the phone right now.

2. _______ you ______ (sleep)?

3. Jason __________ (do) his homework at the moment.

4. Tom _________ (work) on a project nowadays.

5. My kids _________ (play) in the garden now.

6. Some people __________ (wait) to talk to you.

7. My wife ________ (not cook) today.

8. ______ Lucas _______ (study) for his exam right now?

9. ______ Ryan _______ (play) the piano now?

10. Lea and I __________ (paint) the fences today.

11. Andrea _______ (help) me at present.

12. My children __________ (not listen) to the radio now.

13. Selena __________ (not drink) tea now.

14. I ___________ (vacuum) the carpet right now.

15. My father ____________ (watch) TV now.

16. What ______ she _________ (eat) right now?

17. Thomas ___________ (drive) me home now.

18. I ___________ (wash) my face at the moment.

VI. Fill in the verbs in brackets in the correct form either Present Continuous or Present

1. We __________ dinner now. (have)

2. We often _________ lunch at 11am. (eat)

3. He _________ at the moment. (type)

4. She __________ for her boyfriend now. (wait)

5. Don't shout. I _________ you perfectly. (hear)

6. I cannot ask her now. She _________. (pray)

7. Sometimes we _______ to bed pretty late. (go)

8. The academic year ________ on October 1st. (start)

9. I _______ to hear about it. (not / want)

10. He _________ for President in this election. (not / run)

11. Why aren't you drinking your coffee? It _______ cold. (get)

12. I ________ such small dogs. (not / like)

13. The sun ________ now. (rise)

14. Who _________ for? (you / wait)

15. What __________ about his proposal? (you / think)

VII. Put the verbs into the simple present tense or the present progressive tense. (chia thì
hiện tại đơn hoặc thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
1. Where is Mai? - She is in the bathroom. She (take) ___________ a shower.
2. My sister (brush) _____________ her teeth twice a day.
3. Wood (float) ____________ on water.
4. My father usually (go) ___________ home when he (finish) __________ his work.
5. Look! Many young boys and girls (collect) ___________ garbage to clean up the beach.
6. Bees (make) _________ honey.
7. Mr. Green always (go) ____________ to work by bus.
8. It (rain) ___________ in the dry season.
9. They (have) ______________ lunch in the cafeteria at the moment.
10. ___________ your sister (drink) __________ milk every day?
11. The sun (rise) _________ in the east.
12. My brother (like) _______________ sports.
13. ________ he (write) _____________ a book at present?
14. Keep silent! I (work) ______________.
15. My sister often (study) _________ in the evening, but this evening she (watch)
16. My grandfather sometimes (give) ___________ me some money to buy books.
17. Lan (not/go) _____________ to school on Sundays.
18. My sister always (wash) ____________ her hand before meals.
19. Hurry up! The train (come) __________.
20. Their children never (go) _________ out alone at night.
21. Nam often (eat) ___________ pizza for lunch.
22. Flowers (bloom) __________ in spring.
23. Listen! I think somebody (knock) ______________ at the door.
24. Who (play) ___________ the piano upstairs? – My sister.
25. He (go) ____________ jogging every day tobe healthy.
26. The baby (sleep) _______________ in the room now.
27. Peter always (wear) _________ glasses when he goes out.
28. Tom usually (stay) ________ at home on Sundays.
29. My teacher often (go) __________to school by motorbike, but today she (walk) _________
to school.
30. The train to Ha Noi (leave) ___________ at 8.30.


I. Put the verbs into the simple past:

Last year I (go) ________ to England on holiday. It (be) ______ fantastic. I (visit) ______ lots of
interesting places. I (be) ________ with two friends of mine. In the mornings we (walk) _________
in the streets of London. In the evenings we (go) _______ to pubs. The weather (be) _________
fine. It (not / rain) _________ a lot.

But we (see) ________ some beautiful rainbows. Where (spend / you) _____________ your last

II. Fill in “was” or “were” into the gaps.

If there is a (-) use the negation (wasn't or weren't).

1. Last year my best friend ______ 22 years old.

2. The weather ____ cold when we ______ in Berlin.

3. Why ____ you so angry yesterday?

4. At this time last year Sandra _____ in Paris.

5. We ______ tired because it _____ late at night.

6. Tim ______ asleep at ten o'clock yesterday. (-)

7. Our hotel last year _______ small, but it _____ very clean.

8. I phoned you at the weekend, but you _______ at home. (-)

9. My dad ______ at work the whole week, because he was ill. (-)

10. The shops ______ open yesterday, but we didn't go there.

11. My friends _____ at the shopping mall two days ago.

12. Claire and I ______ at school last Monday. (-)

13. _____ Liam at home when you came back from work?

14. They didn't tell where they _______ on May 2nd.

15. Autumn ______ really warm and dry this year.

16. When Tom _______ a child, he _______ afraid of dogs.

17. There ______ a good movie on TV at prime time. (-)

18. My daughters ______ in the USA two years ago.

19. She ______ at home when they broke into her house. (-)

20. What _____ your biggest success as professional?

III. Complete these sentences. Use the verbs below.

clean - die - enjoy - end - happen - live - open - play - rain - repair - start - stay - want - watch

1. Yesterday evening I _______ TV.

2. I only _______ my teeth four times last week.

3. Bruce _______ his bike yesterday evening.

4. The concert last night ________ at 7.30 and _______ at 10 o'clock.

5. The accident _______ last Sunday afternoon.

6. When I was a child I _________ to be a lawyer.

7. Mozart ______ from 1756 to 1791.

8. We _________ our holiday last week.

9. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it _______.

10. It was hot in the room, so I ________ the window.

11. The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we ______ tennis.

12. William Shakespeare ________ in 1616.

IV. Put the sentences from the present into the past tense.

1. He always goes to work by car. Yesterday he ________ to work by bus.

2. They always get up early. This morning they ________ up late.

3. Bill often loses his key. He ________ one last Saturday.

4. I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week I _______ two letters.

5. She meets her friends every evening. She ______ them yesterday evening, too.

6. I usually read two newspapers every day. I only ______ a newspaper yesterday.

7. They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday they ____, too.

8. We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. We _______ to the cinema last Sunday, too.

9. Tom always has a shower in the morning. Tom ________ a shower this morning, too.

10. They buy a new car every year. Last year they _______ a new car, too.

11. I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I ________ two oranges.

12. We usually do our shopping on Monday. We ______ our shopping last Monday, too.

13. Ann often takes photos. Last weekend she ________ some photos.

14. We leave at 8.30 every morning. But yesterday we ________ at 8.00.

V. Tell the story – fill in the past simple tense

On Friday, the children _______ (talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning,
they ______ (go) to the country with their two dogs and _______ (play) together. Ben and Dave
_______ (have) some kites. Some time later the dogs ______ (be) not there. So they _____ (call)
them and _____ (look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children _____ (find) them and
_______ (take) them back. Charlie ____ (be) very happy to see them again. Then they _______
(play) football. Nick and Dave _____ (win). In the evening they _____ (ride) home.
VI. Fill in the correct simple past forms.

The students of class 8B _____ (do) a project last week. First the pupils _______ (choose) what
they wanted to do. Then they ________ (get) information from books and brochures, and they
______ (talk) to a lot of people. They ______ (find) some interesting photos in the library. Their
teacher ______ (help) them when they ______ (ask) her. Then they ________ (make) a poster and a
video and _____ (tell) the other groups about their project.

VII. Change the verb into the correct form:

1. Yesterday at 5 o'clock I _________ (eat).

2. Last night, at 10 o'clock she __________ (dance).

3. Tim ________ (cook) while Susan ______ (watch) TV at this time yesterday.

4. Barbara _________ (paint), and Joe ______ (sleep) at 8pm last night.

5. While you ______ (rest), I _______ (clean) the house.

VIII. Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).
1. We (buy) ______ a new lamp.
2. We (not / plan) ________ our holiday yet.
3. Where (be / you) ________?
4. He (write) _________ five letters.
5. She (not / see) ___________ him for a long time.
6. (be / you) _________ at school?
7. School (not / start) _________ yet.
8. (speak / he) __________ to his boss? - No, he (not/ have) ________ the time yet.
IX. Change the verb into the correct form of the past simple or present perfect

1) Last night I ________(lose) my keys - I had to call my flatmate to let me in.

2) I ________(lose) my keys - can you help me look for them?

3) I _________(visit) Paris three times.

4) Last year I _________(visit) Paris.

5) I ________(know) my great grandmother for a few years - she died when I was eight.

6) I _________(know) Julie for three years - we still meet once a month.

7) I _________(play) Hockey since I was a child - I'm pretty good!

8) She _________(play) hockey at school but she didn't like it.

9) Sorry, I _____(miss) the bus - I'm going to be late.

10) I ______(miss) the bus and then I _________(miss) the airplane this morning!

11) Last month I ________(go) to Scotland.

12) I'm sorry, John isn't here now. He _______(go) to the shops.

13) We _______ (finish) this room last week.

14) I _________(finish) my exams finally - I'm so happy!

15) Yesterday, I _________(see) all of my friends. It was great.

16) I _______(see) Julie three times this week.

17) She ________(live) in London since 1994.

18) She ________(live) in London when she was a child.

19) I _______(drink) three cups of coffee today.

20) I ______(drink) three cups of coffee yesterday.

X. Make the correct form of the past simple or the present perfect

1) I ________(see) three police cars this morning.

2) I _________(be) in London for three years. I love it here.

3) We ____________(see) Julie last night.

4) When the boss ________(walk) into the room we ______(know) someone was going to get fired.

5) The children _____(break) a window in the school last week.

6) He _______(see) that film last year.

7) Lucy _______(break) her leg, so she can't come skiing.

8) Jack _________(break) his arm when he _______(fall) off a horse in 1995.

9) I _______(know) about the problem for months, but I ________(not/find) a solution yet.

10) A:When ______________(you/arrive) B:At 10pm last night?

11) She _________(be) a teacher for ten years, and she still enjoys it.

12) I ________(not/see) the sea before.

13) How long ___________(you/know) Jill? I know you see her often.
14) We __________(go) to the theatre last week.

15) Yesterday I ________(have) dinner with a friend.

16) I ________(never taste) champagne.

17) When I __________(be) a child, I ________(love) ice-skating.

18) I __________(read) all his books - I think he's a wonderful writer.

19) How many books ____________ (she/write) so far??

20) He _________(wash) the dishes, _________(clean) the living room, and _______(cook) dinner
last night.

21) She ________(come) to London in 1997.

22) She __________(never / see) snow before.

XI. Put the verbs into the simple past tense, the past progressive tense or the present
perfect tense. (chia thì quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành)
1. _______ you (see)_________ Mr. Loc recently?
2. Nam (not/buy) ___________ a new computer since he (sell) ________ the old one last
3. It’s late but he (not/finish) ____________ his work yet.
4. Lan (do) __________ her homework at this time yesterday.
5. They (build) _________ the bridge in 2004.
6. This is the first time I (eat) ___________ sushi.
7. I (visit) _________ Da Lat twice.
8. The Beatles (perform) __________ “Yesterday” last week.
9. She (drink) __________ 4 glasses of milk so far today.
10. Mr. Hung (teach) __________ English in our school five years ago.
11. They (not go) ____________ to the movies last Sunday.
12. ________ you (find) ________ your key yesterday?
13. ________ you (watch) __________ TV at 8 o’clock last night?
14. I (try) ___________ to learn English for years but I (not succeed) ___________ yet.
15. We (go) _________on a picnic in the countryside several times before.
16. I (not meet) _____________ her since last week.
17. Lan (not learn) ___________ English at 8 am yesterday.
18. This is the second time my mother (take) __________ me to the dentist.
19. Where ________ you (spend) __________ your holiday last year?
20. Nam (not eat) __________ spaghetti before.
21. They (move) _________ to Paris two years ago.
22. Julia (make) __________ over 10 movies since she moved to Canada.
23. Jane (buy) __________ a new computer last week.
24. We (know) ___________ each other for ten years.
25. They (learn) _________ to play the piano for three years.
26. They look at the balloon until it (disappear) _________.
27. I (not see) __________ him since last week.
28. The key is not in my pocket. I think I (lose) __________ it on bus.
29. My parents want to see you. They (not see) __________ you for a long time.
30. I (not watch) ____________ the football match on TV last night.
31. They (study) ____________ English for seven years up to now.
32. They (play) ___________ basketball at 7 am yesterday.
33. We (meet) ___________ each other since last summer.
34. The room is clean now. I think somebody (clean) __________ it.
35. Her son (not stay) __________ at home at this time three days ago.
36. He (already do) ___________ his homework.
37. They (just build) _____________ a bridge across Han river.
38. _________ you ever ________ to London?
39. How long _______ you (study) ______ English?
40. _______ you (have) _______ an English test this morning?
41. I got to the post office just before it closed and (send) _________ the letter.

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