English Papers About General Election in Indonesia in 2019

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By :



NIM : M 2618 0297


TAHUN 2019


Thank you, the writer says that the presence of God Almighty who bestowed
His Love and gifts so that we can complete the Presidential Election Papers in
Indonesia as they are.
I aimed to arrange this paper to fulfill the task of the English course in the
Management Study Program, so that students could know and understand the lecture
material about Presidential Election (Pilpres) in Indonesia.
My gratitude goes to the English lecturer Ms.Ike who always accompanies
and guides us in the preparation of this paper. I also don't forget to thank my fellow
students who have given me their support and enthusiasm, so I can finish this paper
on time.
The author is aware of the shortcomings of the preparation of this paper, for
that I expect input, suggestions and criticisms that are constructive in order to
improve this paper in the future. Finally, hopefully this paper can be a reference in
learning Citizenship Education in the classroom.

Purwodadi, 6 February 2019



TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................i

FOREWORD ...........................................................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................iii


Problem Background ..............................................................................1

Formulation of the problem ....................................................................2

Writing purpose ......................................................................................2


Definition of General Elections ..............................................................3

Profile of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates .......................4

Vision and Mission of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates ...9

Expectations of Residents in Elections .................................................11

CHAPTER III : CONCLUSION ..........................................................................12

CHAPTER IV : CLOSING ..................................................................................13

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................14


A. Background

Elections in democratic countries, including in Indonesia, are a process that places

people's sovereignty entirely in the hands of the people themselves through a peaceful
system of change of power carried out periodically in accordance with the principles
outlined by the constitution. The principles in general elections that are in accordance
with the constitution, among others, are the principles of state administration which
have people's sovereignty (democracy), which are indicated that every citizen has the
right to participate and be active in every state decision making process.

A country in the form of a republic which means that power is returned to the
community (public) to determine the direction and substance of the government that
cannot be separated from the supervision of the people themselves. The form of
government that is formed because of the willingness of the people and aims to fulfill
the interests of the people itself is called democracy. Democracy is a process,
meaning that a republic will not stop in one form of government as long as the people
of that country have an ever-changing will. There are times when the people want
super-strict supervision of the government, but there are also times when people are
bored with their representatives who continue to act because of power as if there is no
limit. In contrast to the form of the monarchical state government that makes lineage
the basis for choosing leaders, the democratic republic applies the principle of
equality and equality in which everyone who has the ability to lead can become a
leader if he is favored by most people.

Through a democratic system, the government makes contracts or agreements

with the people which are referred to as social contracts. In a democratic republic,
this social contract or community agreement is manifested in a general election.
Through general elections, the people can directly choose who is their representative
in the legislature and choose directly or through their representatives to elect the
government institutionalized by the executive to channel the aspirations or wishes of
the people which will then determine the future of a country.
In this paper, the authors propose limited problem formulations as follows:
a. What is the general description of the implementation of elections in
b. What vision and mission do candidates and vice president have?
c. What expectations do citizens have in organizing elections in Indonesia?
This paper aims to explain the formulation of the problem as mentioned
above, namely:
1. To find out an overview of the implementation of the presidential and vice
presidential elections in Indonesia
2. To find out the conditions for the election of the President and Vice
President in Indonesia.
3. To find out the hopes that citizens have in organizing elections in

A. Definition of General Elections

General elections, hereinafter referred to as Elections, are a means of
implementing popular sovereignty in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
based on the 1945 Constitution and State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
In our country's constitution, article 1 paragraph (2) 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia (The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia) states:
"Sovereignty is in the hands of the people, and carried out entirely by the People's
Consultative Assembly".   The meaning of the sovereignty of the people meant is the
same as the meaning of the highest power, namely the last power in the authority to
make decisions. There is no single article that explicitly states that the Republic of
Indonesia is a democratic country. But because the implementation of sovereignty is
in the hands of the people, it means nothing but democracy itself. Thus, it can be
implicitly said that the state of the Republic of Indonesia is a democratic country.
The meaning of sovereignty in the hands of the people in its realization when
the state or government faces a big problem that is national in nature, both in the
fields of constitutional, legal, political, economic, religious and socio-cultural, then  
all citizens are invited or required to participate in discussing, consulting, expressing
opinions and making a joint decision. This joint decision is made through general
elections, this is the essential democratic principle.

Profile of presidential and vice presidential candidate number one

Joko Widodo (presidential candidate)

 Born: Surakarta, June 21, 1961

 Family:
- Parents-Noto Mihardjo (Father) and Sujiatmi Notomihardjo (Mother)
-Wife: Iriana Joko Widodo
-Children: Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Kahiyang Ayu, Kaesang Pangarep

 Education:
- 112 Tirtoyoso State Elementary School
- Surakarta State 1 junior high school
- Surakarta state 6 high school
-University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) Faculty of Forestry

 Employment history
- Solo City Mayor (2005-2012)
- Governor of DKI Jakarta (2012-2014)
-The Seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia (2014-Present)

 Awards received:
- Pioneer of Excellent Service Innovation, President of the Republic of
Indonesia (2010).
-The Head of the Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Government Successful
Property and Bank (2010).
-Innovative Government Award Ministry of Home Affairs (2010).
-Bung Hatta Anti Corruption Award (2010).
-Visit Indonesia develops tourism destinations Ministry of Tourism (2010).
-IAI Central Java IAI Award (2011).

Ma'ruf Amin (vice president)

 Born in Kresek, Tangerang, March 11, 1943.

    Education
-SR Kresek, Tangerang (1955)
-Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kresek, Tangerang (1955)
-Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang (1958)
-Madrasah Aliyah Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang (1961)
-Pesantren, Banten (1963)
- Faculty of Ushuluddin Ibnu Chaldun University, Bogor (1967) -
Honorary Doctor of Islamic Economics Law from Syarif Hidayatullah State
Islamic University Jakarta.

 Employment history
- Lecturer at Tarbiyah Faculty of Nahdatul Ulama University (Unnu), Jakarta
-Director and Chair of the Educational Institution Foundation and Al-Jihad
Foundation (1976)

 Political Career
- Member of the Republic of Indonesia Commission II from the PKB Faction
(National Awakening Party) (1999)
- Mustasyar PKB (2002-2007)

 Organization
- PBNU Public Relations (1998)
-Ketua Rais 'Aam Syuriah to the Executive Board of the Nahdlatul' Ulama
-Daily Chairman of the MUI National Sharia Council (2004-2010)
- Chairman of MUI 2007-2010 and 2015-2020
Profile of presidential and vice presidential candidate number two

Prabowo Soebiyanto (presidential candidate)

 Born in Jakarta, October 17, 1951

 Family
-Prabowo married Siti Hediati Hariyadi, son of President Soeharto in 1983.
Then the two separated in 1998
-From his marriage he was blessed with one child named Ragowo Didiet

 Education
-Basic education Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur.
- Junior High School at Zurich International School, Zurich, in 1963-1964,
-High school at the American School, London in the period 1964-1967.
- Military Academy of Magelang 1970-1974

 Military career
-The Platoon Commander of the 1976 Kopassandha Group-1 Command
-Company Commander of the 1977 Kopassandha Group-1 Command
- Deputy Commander of the Kopassus 81-Detachment 1983-1985
- Deputy Commander of 328 Kostrad Airborne Infantry Battalion 1985-1987
-Commander and 328th Airborne Infantry Battalion Kostrad 1987-1991
- Chief of Staff of the 17th Kostrad Airborne Infantry Brigade from 1991 to
- Group-3 Commander / Special Forces Education Center 1993-1994
- Deputy Commander of the 1994 Special Forces Command
- Special Forces Command Commander 1995-1996
- Commander General of the Special Forces Command 1996-1998
- Commander of the 1998 Army Strategic Reserve Command
- Commander of the 1998 ABRI Staff and Command School

    appreciation
- The XVI Loyalty Badge
-Satya Deuteronomy-III Badge Series
-Satya Raksaka Dharma Badge
- Dwija Sistha Badge Material
-Satya Wira Karya Badge
-The First Class of the Padin Medal Ops Honor from the Government of
-Bintang Yudha Dharma Naraya.

   Company
- PT Tidar Kerinci Agung engaged in palm oil production
- PT Nusantara Energy which is engaged in oil and gas, mining, agriculture,
forestry and pulp,
- PT Jaladri Nusantara engaged in fisheries
- PT Kiani Kertas which later changed its name to PT Kertas Nusantara

Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (vice president)

 Born: Pekanbaru, Riau, June 28, 1969

 Family:
Parents: Razif Halik Uno and Rachmini Rachman
-Wife: Nur Asia
-Anak: Anneesha Atheera Uno, Sulaiman Saladdin Uno, Amyra Atheefa Uno.

   Education
-PSKD Bulungan State Elementary School
-Wijaya 12 Junior High School
-Pangudi Luhur High School
-Bachelor of Business Administration, The Wichita State University, Kansas,
USA, 1990
-Master of Business Administration, The George Washington University,
Washington, USA, 1992.

-Summa Group, Jakarta, May 1990 - June 1993
-Seapower Asia Investment Limited, Singapore, July 1993 - April 1994,
Investment Manager
-MP Holding Limited Group, Singapore, May 1994 - August 1995
- NTI Resources Ltd Executive Vice President NTI Resources Limited,
Calgary, Canada, September 1995 - April 1998.

 Company
- Established PT Recapital 1997
- Established PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya, April 1998

    Political
- Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Gerindra Party (2015-
- Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, 2017-2018

-HIPMI Jaya 1999-20 01
-General Chairman of the HIPMI 2005-2008

-Indonesian Entrepreneur of the Year, 2008 (plt / ant)

Vision and Mission of presidential and vice presidential candidate Number One

The realization of an advanced Indonesia that is sovereign, independent, and
has a personality, based on mutual cooperation.
1. Improving the quality of Indonesian people.  
2. A productive, independent and competitive economic structure.  
3. Equitable and equitable development.  
4. Achieve a sustainable environment.  
5. Cultural progress that reflects the personality of the nation.  
6. Enforcement of a legal system that is corruption-free, dignified, and trusted.

7. Protection for all nations and provide security for all citizens.  
8. Management of a clean, effective and trusted government.  
9. Synergy of regional government within the framework of the Unitary State.

Vision and Mission of presidential and vice presidential candidate Number Two

The realization of a just, prosperous, religious, sovereign nation in the
Republic of Indonesia that is sovereign in the political sphere, stands on its
own feet in the economic field, and has a strong national personality in the
cultural field and guarantees a harmonious life between citizens regardless of
ethnicity, religion or background social and racial background based on
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
1. Building a national economy that is fair, prosperous, quality, and
environmentally sound by prioritizing the interests of the Indonesian people
through political-economic paths in accordance with Article 33 and 34 of the
1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.  
2. Building an Indonesian society that is smart, healthy, qualified, productive.
and be competitive in a life that is safe, harmonious, peaceful and dignified
and protected by just social security without discrimination. and be
competitive in a life that is safe, harmonious, peaceful and dignified and
protected by just social security without discrimination.  
3. Building justice in the field of law that is not selective and transparent, as
well as realizing the unity and unity of the Indonesian people through quality
democratic paths in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of
the Republic of Indonesia.  
4. Rebuilding the noble values of the nation's personality to create a just,
prosperous, dignified, and friendly Indonesia, blessed by the Almighty God.  
5. Build a national defense and security system independently that is able to
maintain the integrity and territorial integrity of Indonesia.

On April 17, 2019 to come, the people of Indonesia will re-distribute it through
the voice and the will of the presidential election. There are 2 candidates for president
and vice president. The hope of all people is not really much , they want to
accumulate their hopes for the elected president and vice president. They are expected
to be capable people, nationalists, clean of corruption and consistent in defending the
interests of the people. The problem this country has so much, it is a true leader and
deputy leaders of this country must meemperhatikan his people's interests. The voters
have fulfilled their right to vote, all procedures have been taken, the price of the
election is not cheap, the elected presidential and vice presidential candidates must be
responsive to defend the people in all lines of life.
In a democratic country, general elections are one of the most vital elements,
because one of the parameters of measuring the democratic nature of a country is the
way in which elections are carried out by the state. Democracy is a form of
government by the people. The implementation of government by the people is by
electing people's representatives or national leaders through a mechanism called
general elections. So elections are a way to elect representatives and leaders. The
hope of the people from the implementation of the election is the election of the
people's representatives in accordance with the wishes of the people. The challenge is
that there are citizens who do not fulfill their voting rights or abstention because they
are disappointed with the performance of the previous leader.

So this paper I compiled. As good citizens, we must fulfill our rights and
obligations. Choosing in an election on the one hand is a right, but on the other hand
is our obligation. As a nation and a big country, we hope that all of them will lead to a
better Indonesia.
The author realizes that the preparation of this paper is far from perfect,
however, the authors hope that there will be benefits for us all. For the deficiencies
that exist, the authors hope for suggestions and input. Benefits always exist in every
right choice. The highest norms of democracy are not "range of freedom" or "range of
similarities", but the highest measure of participation. (Ad Benoist).

Budiardjo,Miriam,2007,Dasar-dasar Ilmu Politik, Jakarta:Ikrar Mandidrabadi.

______________,2008,edisi revisi Dasar-dasar Ilmu Politik,Jakarta:Gramedia
Pustaka Utama.
Soehino,2010,Hukum Tata Negara Perkembangan Pengaturan dan Pelaksanaan
Pemilihan umum di  Indonesia, Yogyakarta:UGM.

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