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d8 Personality Trait
1 I'm outgoing and easy to get along with; anyone can be
a friend if given the chance.
2 I'm very studious, and a bit anti-social.
3 I'm a punk, a delinquent, a bad boy to the bone. Aside
from my love of cute things.
4 Working hard is for suckers; I just want to breeze
through life.

Ordinary Student 5 I'm pretty smart, but unmotivated.

6 People say I'm a complete and total airhead... they're
probably right.
7 Perverted? I prefer the term "appreciative of beauty."
8 Please don't look at me, I'm the shy kid sitting in the

d6 Ideal
1 Life should be enjoyed to the fullest!
2 It's important we work hard now to enjoy a better
future later.
3 I have a lot of expectations to live up to, I must work
hard to meet them.
4 I'll forge my own path, screw society's expectations.
5 People keep underestimating me, I'll show them!
Feature: I Just Studied That 6 I have to fight to get back to my loving family and life
of peace!

d6 Bond
1 My friends are my bond!
2 A peaceful life is one worth fighting for.
3 I'm meant for better things than this, and will reach
Suggested Characteristics them at any cost.
4 I have a dream that I will fight for! Believe it!
5 Love is worth any effort.
6 My family is the most important thing to me.

d6 Flaw
1 Clumsy. Like, really, really clumsy.
2 My head is always in the clouds.
3 I have a hair-trigger temper when it comes to a certain
4 I have no idea how to make friends.
5 Too lazy to really put in the work I need to succeed.
6 Really, really socially awkward.
Dojo Disciple d6 Bond
1 The honor of my dojo will be upheld
2 I must prove myself worthy, even if I only prove it to
3 I seek mastery of the martial arts
4 The rush of battle and the thrill of victory.
5 I will follow my path for good or ill.
6 What I do, I do for those who came before me, and
those who will follow.

d6 Flaw
1 I'm quick to violence.
Feature: Dojo Crusher 2 I'm a very sore loser.
3 I'm actually a rather underhanded fighter.
4 I have an inferiority complex that I unsuccessfully try to
resolve through violence.
5 I have a superiority complex that makes me cocky.
6 The genre of my life is, for some reason, more romantic
comedy than martial arts. Don't ask.
Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I seek strong opponents out in the world
2 I was the weakest in my dojo, so I lack confidence
3 I was the strongest in my dojo, making me
4 The world outside the dojo is so vast, I want to see it!
5 I seek honor and victory in every challenge
6 I'm something of a fish out of water
7 Fight me!
8 I'm slow to anger; violence is never the first or best

d6 Ideal
1 Strength is all that matters!
2 I desire glory and victory.
3 Discipline is the most important tool a warrior can
4 The world is a trial I must overcome.
5 My only rival is the me of yesterday.
6 Other dojos exist only to be crushed.
Hero For Fun d6 Bond
1 Escape the boredom.
2 Vengeance.
3 I can find meaning through heroism.
4 With great power comes great responsibility.
5 The people I protect will always have my back, so I will
always fight for them.
6 ... Actually, I'm not particularly partial about most
things. I'm kind of apathetic, y'know?
Feature: Follow the Danger d6 Flaw
1 Being a hero doesn't pay the bills... I'm broke.
2 I'm actually pretty lazy; it's just a hobby, after all.
3 I often leave early because I need to get groceries.
4 Sure I'm strong, but my personality leaves much to be
5 I don't know or care about the situations I walk into.
Suggested Characteristics 6 I'm well-intentioned, but often times accidentally make
things worse.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I want to be the ultimate hero!
2 I'm bored. Maybe being a hero will liven things up.
3 Whenever I'm in a fight, I'll throw out some snappy
one-liners to hide my fear.
4 I want to have a good fight, but I keep winning to
quickly, dammit!
5 Honestly, I'm in it for the glory.
6 I want to become strong, and being a hero seems the
best way to do it.
7 Really, I just kind of stumbled into the hobby. I could
have just as easily taken up knitting.
8 I sincerely believe in helping other people, even against
impossible odds (I know, right!?).

d6 Ideal
1 I mean, it would be nice to get some respect out of
this; is a bard song or two too much to ask?
2 There is a goal I aspire to. To reach it, I must become a
3 Train every day until you go bald from it!
4 Being a hero is a means to an end.
5 I know I'm not the strongest... but I must keep fighting,
for all those who depend on me!
6 Being a hero is a reward in and of itself.
Dishonored d6 Ideal
1 A victory without honor is worse than defeat.
2 My own personal honor is more important than what
society thinks it should be.
3 I don't care what other people say; I know what I did
was right.
4 So many vows, eventually they contradict each other.
Then what? One must be broken, and honor is lost no
matter what.

Feature: Redemption Obsession 5 Dishonor is a cross I'm forced to bear, so bear it I shall.
6 I used to care more about honor than doing what's
right - no more.

d6 Bond
1 Honor.
4 I must regain my honor.
5 I must get revenge on the one who caused me to lose
my honor.
6 I'll restore honor to my family!
Suggested Characteristics
d6 Flaw
1 I'm single-mindedly obsessed with restoring honor.
2 I never stops angsting over lost honor.
3 I'll toss aside even my closest friends for the chance to
restore my honor.
4 In order to restore my honor, I must commit what I
believe to be a heinous act.
5 I fly into a rage whenever anyone reminds me of how
d8 Personality Trait dishonored I am.
1 I'm practically consumed by my desire to redeem my 6 Have I mentioned how much I want to restore my
good name. honor?
2 It actually really hurts when I hear what people say
about me...
3 I was dishonored for refusing to commit an evil act. I
do not regret it.
4 I'm very angsty and brooding.
5 I can never be the child my parents wanted, but I want
to find my own path.
6 I'm so tired of everyone treating me weird, and it often
makes me angry.

7 In for an inch, in for a mile; as long as I'm a man

without honor, might as well live up to the reputation.
8 I actually don't care about honor as much as everyone
thinks; it's not that big a dea.
Visitor from the "Real World" d8 Personality Trait
1 I just want to find a way back home.
2 I constantly make references no one in this world gets.
3 My old life sucked, it's much cooler in this world.
4 I'm convinced that none of this is real, so nothing I do
5 I've read enough fantasy books to adapt to this world
rather well.
6 I was never into this kind of nerdy fantasy, now I'm
living it.
7 This new world is a second chance at life, I'm not going
Feature: Modern Knowledge to mess it up!
8 Turns out I'm just as awkward in this world as my old

d6 Ideal
1 New beginings, new chances!
2 There's so many amazing things in this world, I want to
Suggested Characteristics learn all about it!
3 This is nerd stuff, I'll show them who's boss.
4 A world of magic can be overcome with the power of
5 I've always wanted to be a mythical hero, this is my
6 I miss my home, and want to go back.

d6 Bond
1 First I'll save this world, then I'll go back to mine.
2 There's no going back, might as well make this life a
good one.
3 This is my world now, and I will defend it!
4 I'll never forget the adventures and friends I make here.
5 My old home is what matters, and one day I'll return to
6 You can't make me go back to the real world, I won't

d6 Flaw
1 I used to be a human, before I came to this world. I
keep forgetting that I'm not any more.
2 This world isn't real to me, so I don't think about the
consequences of my actions.
3 I'm not used to fighting monsters, so often times they
scare me.
4 I used to think I'd be a great action hero. I was wrong.
5 I care more about finding a way back to my own world
than saving this one.
6 I was too dependant on technology back in my world,
and it's hard to adapt to a world without it.

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