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Your brand tag line (eg: No 1 Project Real Estate Negotiator in Klang Valley):

Facebook business page url/ link:

Instagram business account url/ link (option):

Linkedin personal profile url/ link (option):

Youtube channel link (option):

What kind of layout you prefer in your website?

What are the two primary colours that you preferred in the website? (eg: White and Black):

Please list down any website that you want the same

Please list out three fonts that you want in the website (eg: Roboto or Arial)
Biodata (at least 300 words)
1) Your education background, working experience
2) Your covered area? (PJ or KL City Centre)
3) List down 3 most proud moments or incident which related to real estate industry
4) What inspire you in real estate industry
5) What do you want to achieve in coming 5 years in real estate industry
6) Who is your idol in real estate journey? (can be your colleague or superior or your friend)
Please describe yourself. You can use the above questions as guidelines.

Please list down your uniqueness (at least 150 words)

What is your strength as a real estate negotiator? What is the first impression that your client
remembers you as?
Please list down all the services that you cover
Available services (eg: Bank loan, property valuation)

Please highlight if you have any awards (options)

1) You can upload max 10 images (total size will be 1MB)
2) If your images size is exceed 1MB, please compress to .zip file then you can attach.
3) For video, you can upload to youtube then share the link at here

*Please prepare pictures & video links if you have any

Please highlight if you have any testimonial from your clients

1) You can upload max 10 images (total size will be 1MB)
2) If your images size is exceed 1MB, please compress to .zip file then you can attach.
3) For video, you can upload to youtube then share the link at here

Others Info
Please add on if you think you want to include in the website

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