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Career Corner BY Henry J.


Planning Ahead
Apply business strategy concepts to your career path
The quality profession has been were the “lords of strategy” influ- needs to be at the top management table.
most successful when its work has been enced by the quality movement? How HL: Some of my colleagues have
seen as strategic. When TQM became is it now seen by strategists? proposed that the future of quality is
a strategic imperative for competitive Walter Kiechel: While most of the ear- enterprise risk management (ERM).
advantage, for example, celebrity CEOs ly lords had been trained as engineers— How do you see ERM fitting into fu-
became cheerleaders, quality maturity Bruce Henderson, founder of the Boston ture strategic thinking?
was measured by more vice presidents for Consulting Group; Fred Gluck, who WK: Every firm caught up in the global
quality at the corporate table, and academ- brought strategy to McKinsey and Co.; financial crisis—as well as the strategy
ics such as David Garvin traced quality’s and Michael Porter, a reknowned Harvard consultants who advised them—seems
history from inspection to customer- Business School professor—much of their to agree they all did a lousy job of risk
focused strategy. early work and thinking really got going in management. But while there’s more
To revisit strategy in a time of greater the late 1960s. A lot of the most important appreciation of the need for risk man-
uncertainty, I recently interviewed Walter thinking was pretty well developed by the agement—just as there was after 9/11
Kiechel, formerly the editorial director and early 1980s, when the quality movement at many companies—I’m not sure that
senior vice president of Harvard Business really got cranking. They were aware of many companies have yet found a way to
School Publishing, and managing editor of the work of [W. Edwards] Deming and organize around that need. Some have a
Fortune. He is the author of The Lords of [Joseph M.] Juran, but they thought of chief risk officer. My impression is that
Strategy,1 a meticulously researched anal- themselves as concentrated on the micro- many of these people come from finance
ysis of how key figures in consulting and economics of their clients. backgrounds, while others consign it to
academia shaped thinking and practices In the mainstream until the 1990s, a functional specialists, such as the folks in
in business strategy. In my interview with lot of the strategy firms didn’t think of charge of managing supply chains.
him, Kiechel shared important insights themselves as performing operations man- HL: With the advent of the ISO
and good advice on career strategy. agement or consulting to improve factory 26000 standard on social responsibil-
Henry Lindborg: To what degree efficiency or quality. And the firms that did ity, quality professionals have taken
weren’t considered top-drawer notice. What priority are strategists
thinkers on strategy. These days, giving to corporate social responsibil-
[major] players are doing much ity (CSR)?
more operations work, and I WK: I think strategists give an occa-
think they’re quite willing to sional tug of the forelock toward CSR, but
pick up insights from the quality mostly they’re concerned with how to de-
movement, if still with a bit of velop or maintain competitive advantage
condescension. in a world that seems to them increasingly
I think that mirrors the competitive with new players coming in
practice within a lot of compa- from countries far and wide and cutting
nies in which the people making prices like crazy. A few companies want to
strategy—while intellectually talk about what they’re doing about CSR,
acknowledging the importance but I’ve yet to see more than one or two
of quality even as a factor in that publicly talk about giving it priority
successful strategy—still tend over increasing returns to shareholders.
to view quality specialists as just HL: Because you’ve traced the “big
that—specialists—and not neces- ideas” in strategy, do you have any
sarily representing a function that advice for those of us trying to under-

66 QP •
stand the value and practicality of new
approaches to business thinking? Some of the best strategy
WK: I think companies ought to be
scanning all the time for new ideas these comes from figuring out what
days—just as they should be looking for
new market opportunities—because the
you do well.
days of lasting competitive advantages, or
being able to thrive by just doing what you others can’t, and how you can sharpen most enjoy doing that can earn them a liv-
used to do, are gone for most enterprises. that offering as much as you can on the ing. But with any good corporate strategy,
What has happened in the last 20 way to retirement. you need to be willing to experiment, try
years is that there seem to be fewer big 2. Figure out if there’s a way you can con- what might seem to be wild possibilities
ideas in the sense of ideas that apply to sult part time while still holding your and possibly fail without beating yourself
all industries and all companies. Similar full-time job—even if it’s just consulting over the head. It’s empiricism—seeing
to consulting firms or business school on a nonprofit basis as a volunteer or as what actually works—which I would think
faculty, ideas have become more industry part of a community activity. If you’re would appeal to quality specialists.
or function-specific—the notion of which trying to transition to a new kind of HL: Is there anything else you’d
I think many quality specialists would find full-time activity, it really helps to have like to add from a career perspective?
completely understandable and congenial. tried it out and dipped your toe in the WK: Much research indicates that
It’s at the frontiers of your own industry or water before taking the full plunge. probably the No. 1 predictor of job satis-
function that you should be concentrating 3. The most important asset you can faction is whether you like the people you
your efforts to monitor the traffic in ideas. bring to a new career as a consultant work with. I’d add to that: Do you respect
HL: What reading materials do you is a list of clients all lined up and ready them?
suggest to someone trying to grasp to go. This can be tough to develop It helps if you can find one mentor—or
strategy? while you’re still working for someone a dozen of them—along the way, some
WK: In strategy + business magazine, else, but if you’re above board about it, of them with expertise concentrated in a
I wrote a piece on seven chapters of particularly with your employer—who particular area. If you’re smart about it,
strategic wisdom to introduce the topic.2 just might want to be a client—there’s your mentor may be 20 years younger than
A recent book on strategy that has some no better launching pad. you are and of a different gender.
powerful insight is Richard Rumelt’s Good HL: Is there a useful approach for One good test of your progress through
Strategy/Bad Strategy, which provides
applying strategy to careers that’s your career, or lack thereof, is asking
useful distinctions between the two, plus good for personal and organizational yourself at the end of every working day:
some fascinating points of leverage to thinking? “What did I learn today that’s new?” QP
think about while forging good strategy. WK: Some of the best strategy—per-
HL: Many quality professionals sonal and corporate—comes from figuring REFERENCES
1. Walter Kiechel, The Lords of Strategy: The Secret Intellec-
see consulting as a career path when out what you do well, your “distinctive tual History of the New Corporate World, Harvard Business
School Press, 2010.
they’ve retired or been downsized. competence” to be highfalutin about it and 2. Walter Kiechel, “Seven Chapters of Strategic Wisdom: A
What advice can you offer would-be then looking for situations in which you Shortcut to the Big Themes in the Conversation About
Corporate Strategy,” strategy + business, Spring 2010,
consultants? can put that competence to work. Issue 58, Feb. 23, 2010,
WK: Here are three main pieces of Discovering your special gift is usu- 3. Richard Rumelt, Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The Differ-
advice: ally a matter of much trial and error, at ence and Why it Matters, Crown Business, 2011.

1. Think hard about what your distinctive least from what I’ve seen. Very, very few HENRY J. LINDBORG is executive
offering is going to be, what kind of people know in their teens or 20s what director and CEO of the National
Institute for Quality Improvement,
consulting help you can provide that they’re particularly good at or what they which provides consulting in strategic
planning, organizational development
and assessment. He holds a doctor-
ate from the University of Wisconsin-
learning from lindborg Madison and teaches in a leadership
and quality graduate program. Lindborg is past chair of
Henry J. Lindborg has offered career advice to QP readers since 2001. Check ASQ’s Education Division and of the Education and Training
out Lindborg’s previous columns by visiting the Career Corner archive under Board. He also chairs the IEEE-USA’s Career Workforce Policy
the “Departments and Columns” tab at Committee.

October 2011 • QP 67

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