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Confucius, also known as Kong Qui or K’ung Fu-tzu, was an influential Chinese philosopher, teacher and political figure - who
taught a philosophy of correct behavior, social interaction and kindness towards others. During his lifetime, he sought to educate
his fellow citizens on principles of justice, service and personal integrity. His teachings, preserved in the Analects, focused on
creating ethical models of family and public interaction and setting educational standards. After his death, Confucius became the
official imperial philosophy of China, and philosophy – widely known as Confucianism.


Confucianism is a philosophy or way of life which is named after its father and founder, Confucius. Confucianism can be
regarded as a religion (not organized), tradition, teaching or an ideology. It was later developed as an individual philosophy
which had an impact on the lives of many people. Confucianism includes many philosophies that not only teach us how to live a
moral life, but also how to efficiently run a fair government. It provide rules for thinking and living that focus on love for
humanity, worship of ancestors, respect for elders, self-discipline and conformity to rituals. His simple yet virtuous way of living
fascinated millions of people and introduced them to a new way of thinking. His ideas on humanism touched the lives of many
people and broke cultural boundaries. The philosophy of Confucius and his words of wisdom are quoted throughout the world.

Confucius had a well organized social philosophy from politics, teachings to personal growth which I am very fascinated and
keen with any of various thing concerning with socializing and self-development. The philosophy of Confucius is still prevalent
in these modern times. Where as many people are suffering from loathing with one another. I agree with Confucius idea of the
Golden Rule, loving others whilst practicing self-discipline. I believe that as long as you appreciate others will lead you a life
with path of graces. Excluding the part of the rule “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.” Devotionally not
speaking, being kind to others is good but don’t expect that they’ll return the same. Some people mostly today are taking
advantage of a person for being gentle. Sometimes you have to set boundaries.

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