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PERUBUC oF THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL CAPITAL SUDIORL EEION REGIONAL. TRL COURT MANILA PUN 26 MG. GIA AAGENID ivi, Givi (ase No. 123456 tov: Geific. Foote ~Verss- ME. PORDY GONZALES, Deferdart, lees PRE-TRUAL BRIEF OF tite PAINTIFE he aaiitt, rere Serie ty the WeNsigned LOWS as her atouay-n-\aw, Vespeeqully submits tp tunic Honormble Low+ nis Tr al Piet 40 wit - 4 Witingnes +o ater ity an twicable setanent Palit & Willy 40 amicably setty the cae vpon ars barchiial 4p pon paves. t-dwantton 40 wil of Modes of Tscoveny PRIM stgvigies Var Wet aN of dierent Wiodes of distoveus-spaitically intavegatovies 40 qavies, Kepoiitions, avd Vequess for admission dy Ave adverse. BAY Page 4 of Mt Th tatomant of topo tats We Puivitit propose te lowing He, 1. On Javan 25,2020, Baiviitt, Pefmndani avd Teddie Sdonar Wick up a FAVHACKS branch ans Pe La Salle Wviversity, 2 Paving witida, Ddondant otfercAto taut his two - Gorey Mouse and Wo Inndied square Vitcby (200 sin) lot sitwatta at 46 Oravge 4. GA Uv2, Manila OY Covered HY TCT No. 189694921 yr tne amount of TWo willien and ive tuuhdlea Mousa Roos @2.An0o) 4. Vefandant -old Paint twat ee viecded tne money from ue sale of ne pop tp finan lis fathov's dialysis treatments and medicine axpenscs. 4. Ov Tana) 2, 2020, taint ava refendant vid tHe WolccA Waves and lot 5. Thanatio, Tlaintift commuuiicated to Pefondany nor agreemant to purchase the home and lot on tebmawy 46,2920. GW qavties subsequently eKeOMeA a Cora 1D Sell dated tuamovy 24,2020 49 Whidh a oopy of the Tor is attached, and twdluded therein i strat the Plaintiff Will Wave to male two fayments th advane - taye 2 of Ht Aivst advan payynant will be PA upon agning of tHe vordvaut In Aut AmouWt of FIPTY THOUSAND 90S CP 20.000) and “re scuova advane. payment Will be &™ the folowing word fom dhe sting of the same (in the amount of TWENTY THOUSAND Pes (A20.000) and We galavie tnccof will te poll upon tne BHM and siquing of the Peed of Absoluk Sale- 4. Wpon Signing ef sutd untvad 10 Sd, Plaivnitt paid the Fst advanw rayment inthe aman of FIPTY THovGANP PEOS (190.000) widened ty a writin akvowladgment tral Ayman was recived ty the Pdndany, signed ty both favfits 4. fk morta attr, March 74,2000, 2aintitt made the Sword advanu payad in he amount of WevTy THOUISAND PES06 C#2p,000) and the came Was evidenad ty a wuitten adkvouleagewant thal jayment Was received Hy the Pendant, Signed ty +0 partics. 4. On the daks Mah 74,200, fyvil 2,400 avd pri) 24, 20%, Paintit, twwovgh Pornand Letters sent to Teendav's home addtess qvavided above, Amanded thet Ptondand sumennder to ho tne Owner's Ppl Unita of “ttle 1W- Nespily Paints vompliane -b the contract tp Sell Anvough paymand of die 4Wo advava payment and espito Sera ana repeated demands on differert+ date tne 3 of M 4p peemaant 40 sumenda +o ha Me Onwier's Tuphiatk, cetiticak of Tite fr registration of tre Corthcat +o Sel aud Foy excantion of tne teed of Absolute sale - Howiorev, all demande were Unanswerd and 40 0 avail. 1. tesues to bo vied 4. whrethar or woh Ane Pefendlan} chouia ve weld Viable Pr {folic to vOMpY witl i oAligations tne combat 2. Whether of wok Tlaintifl 1s eutrtied to specific. performance aS a mati of wurst 4. Wetter ov vot tne Peano should be eld uable to pay moral damages, exeanplany damager, vomival damages and attorney's fees sy. Witwesses to te qeienkd Paint ends to resanl the lowing witness Aid “ecir respective bstimaouies — A. M6. fasha augonio will tstify as to the ‘wil ness of hor allegations in dhe comeplatr. 2. Ms. Teddie Salazar will 4Hy as 40 the Identity of Ane yates, the ever whidh ‘yanspived fom initial oftar up ty tne motitution of Anis mH ,as well as a witness 4p Ane execution of the Contract4o Sel 3. ANY. Sati Ngo will estity On the duc oxearitan of the Contra to Sal vovining Ane subject propery as the Hoan) Tublic who Notavized such. faye 4 of 4 g)- taamarts 49 be Feseriicd Pie tends 40 yest ae folowing dovawcatauy 24 Aen aroun Cerbficak The No. asHG6up21 Chanae A’) for juoses. of poy tl wy. topaY Goats, isthe ragistied owner of dnc subject popes be A copy of the vt mages between tne, ave awd Deardaul on Ane matter Of Ponti ¢ aweptence of tekadeu Ker One 8) fr quraces of rowng the agement bate iit aud Dearne on ne Sale of the subjed property + Cavcuk 40 Seb Cnc 1 tr rps of povig “tet Valea dortracd 40 Sell was exored into ty the flat ound Are Nefundavt fr “He Sale of dhe Suxect qroperty it auardane With law; . Witten acknowledgement oF tye gaymont of Are first advance qeagurcet stancd ty toll getios (Annex >!) for pepo of provi vompliane of Ave Plaisht with the jams and voditions of the “oytrad 40 Sell €- Whiten acknowledgement of the faymant of te scond advance payment stqued ty tote paves Chaney “E "fur quiposes ot providing vomplianee of the Tait wills the” tems and conditions of he Contra to Sell +. fist Damand Leta with Fadipt of Jefondan dated Warde 24,2000 (Annex'F') fav quirfoses of proving twat a vor demand was made tu jorfy mance of the tefandayt's Apiigation 4o deliver a Yplcae copy ot Aue Tor; mye 5 of 4. Wowk Tanand Leta watlr rare py sundant dated pail, 20 (inex 'F4') fev quurposer of proving thet anyihor demand was made qu qeHormane of thee Pefercdowls Hugation 4y deliver a Puplicak Copy of the TH; lie mid teamand Letter with veccivt ty Peferdeanl aaled Aywil 27,2020 Chnnex £2) ov puytoxee of proving trad deynand was mode oy yortowwavee of re pefandate atugation % deliver a uplicale Copy of te ToT prion 1D Seekany Judicial redid ; 1. udigial Atidovit of Peinblt Basha dagen detca Hl 7%, DoW (nex 'G') tw purposes of adtesting tp the awbfulnes OF the allegahios Me vaplaind ; and : Je Sudical Agidait of Witness teddie Salazar dakd Apr! 25, 2020 (mnex'H!') For purposes of rhautificafin of the favtics 4he events whidr lave qvanspired {rom he initial of up to the jnsthatonof duis suet, as well as doing a wibness to tne excouled Catyad fo Sd. val DL. hpphicatle Laws and Juvispuidance 4. Wtiche HH of Ane Nowy Cail Code of Ane qhinipyines sks, fo wit - The, ower to rexind obligations is ianplicd wn veciqrecal ones, ja case ane of tle obligove should unl vomply with what 5 namo von hin. The Wnjuied pay may choore betwreess tie ulfilimany- and Ane Hstission of the OWigation, withthe paylrant of damages in either case. He way also seek reLission, faye 6 of wan altor he has chosan Fatillynant, of dpe latter sued home Impossible Me court shall deuce the, csv Gained, unlss there, Ye ist ease autoovrng te ting of c pened. Tis is understood 4p be withouye wodia P the GIS of Aird. fesOHs wher Mave aoqrived the ‘Mig, Gunrdana with Mies 285 cmd 6G and the Mortage baw. 2. Wie 22 ot ae Kew Gl Ce of he ‘tHilipplaes ste ,t0 wit Maal aawmayes \ndhage Thysical sufeying, went Gugalnig,Seueus canety,Wsmichcd reputeton, wowekd feds, mora shocks, socal humiliaton, aud sinilar Injany. Yhovyh tacapalle of yeunriauy vowmtedion, meal damnagesenay be pevovired if thay oe tye, proximal cause of the defondats, Wongtal ad a omission. 3. Wiicke 224 of Ane Now Cuil Lode of Ace Thilidpines. staked wit Woral cawtayes way je movered Mi the tonal and awalogous casts: (A animinal offense Hing in Phypial injuvies, Oh quasi-ddrd causing [hystal tnjavies; Seduction abduction ape er other Mvivios atk ; (4 bulla or Comulsinage ; O) tga! oy avbrtraw) dekintion or anes! ()attegal searda; ite dander or any otter-bm of defamation; (5) palicions prostaaion A) 4b martoned mh 30; (Ao) tebs card attions refaved 4b in has 2H, F] 2,24, 9O, Ba, mayerin 4 od A. Mide 1294 of Aue How! Cuil (ade Ofte ThinpAives, to wil Byompany Aameges are Impacd, by Way of cxample OF corethon foy tHe publ good. tn addrtion fo the oval tamprak ,Wauidakd o Cnnpensatoy damages 5. ide 2972 of the Now Avil (ede of tue Thilippics, > Wit- on ventas and quasi conivadts , Ane vont may award — cxomplany damages if the deferdavet aed ina wall, fraydutond, kless, OpPrESAVE. °” paula macnn « 6. Wie 9724 of tne NUN AVI lode of the Uilppines, wil- Nemninal danages are adjudicated i onker that A git oF the qainttA, which Ws been violakd w tmuded ty the défondanl, way be vindicated ov reg Wired, and vot or the quvpese oF Indemnifying the plaititt ty ony lose suited by him. 7. While 9992. ef the New Qvil Code of tre Philippines to wit— the vourt yay award vomipal damages in vreny Giigation cutting tan Ain) Sowe enumerated in M4 NR, o Moray case Wick any property vy Inas lreen waded 5: SROUSEL RDIMED Paya Res ‘AND IDH- PATARES us REMARKABLE UNINDPY KIND DEY VHEANING CER No 2126A6, fetway 20,200) Speuitic perforant “tue remedy of requiving exaee Bafoymanee of a bartrad v tne specific form in wich H- OCs of M His te actual awomplishinan of a canvar oy 4 pay found to fait." Comphass ons) 4: GRALED MAGLASKNE, doing tusivess under tHe name Gi- ENTERPRISES v5 NORTHWESTERN JING, UNIVERSHTY (GRNo. ISIS, March 90,2013) “Since cevtvads de vol provide tor ox definition of substustial teach that would termina tue vale and obigations of ‘Me partes, we apply the defiviitto found ty aay Javispridene - Tis Low defined in Gunn i Galag te] substantial, Unlike sleght oy casial tweadnes of Contrad, are findamental draches that defecd tue objec of tue parties In entving Inte an agrewmwon, sia The baw i uot Vonwaned with witles- Camphasis ours) 10. VEDNUD MANGAHAS us COURT OF MPEG CaP No. Ita976, Segtomler 9%, 2008) “gn addition, Peiiona. tould Lowe easly preterted tue avginl Peceipt No h-2044. Ht Would Lave Cavetivtled the test Aidena of the -tut of wailing on 4 Fb 2006, event 4 diffoant dat trad bean saumped ov the envelope of the Subjccd registered wil. Regrettably, tethouers Maye vo} sean fit 4o Fresord the anginal. 1Vidr continued failure 40 present dhe anginal receipt can oully ltad ove to remember dre well-settled * vule that when the aiden ends to prove a wateal fac} hid inposes a Vedrlihy on a gavty, and lec Was it in is pawer to Jredce Cvidena whidh fom i, vey nature must oAnvew YC 1 OFM the se made capiN wr fH is wot fonnded an tach, cand he tehuses to produce Sudr onthe, the PeSUMPhian avices that tne evden, 1 puoduad, would cporak te his proadice, ard the support of Aue aise of luis adversany " Camphasis ours) WL. haiape tates for TWial The Winti vespeottully quests ttaat-the trial Aales be aghecd gon In oFen court at sudla dake and time vaneniet to Ae pavitos aud tothe Galarlar of ‘his tHovorable las}. EB tayo WHEREPORE, tthe planife puays-trat : 4. Wis Wout takes vole of his previa! diel; cued 2- Other velicts just aud equitable are lik wise prayed fr. June 19,2020, Manila aiy He6-CON law Him AO Shawheny 4, Malak, Manila Gly abonw @aynail- um 04119232496 yy: @A) My, 9 Gotha Pall of No. 112233 IOP No. A4GhG, PIR No. 118894 MG (olmplianc No. C22. tage 1D of M py Famnislicd : y Tasonal save: Aly. Hoa p. Pogo lanusel for tdendeurt Super Law firm A Mindawao Wve, Quezon Giy Super awtion @ guna. cm Td. No. 022.4% oy My. fig Brother faye Mal 1

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