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= §3 SCRIBD Senior High School PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 Quarter 1- Module 4: Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature PRACTICAL RESEARCH f $5 om: = Books Audiobooks — Documents cA) O Oo @ = §3 SCRIBD (sea... Q ) (&) (QOQY) waac need to know Practical Research 1 develops eitcal thinking and problem-solving skits trough qualitative research. A research paper, basically, has five chapters, in hich Chapter 2s the review of related teatur. Aliterature review Is a summary of stules related to a particular area of research, It identifies and summarizes all the relevant research conducted on a particular topic. The iterature review surveys scholarly aticies, books, and other Sources relevant to a paricular area of research. The review should enumerate, deserbe, summarize, objectively evaluate and clanty ths previous research. The teralure review acknowledges the work of previus researchers, and in so doing ‘assure the reader that your work has been well conceived, It is assumed that by ‘mentoring a previous werk in the fed of study, thatthe author has read, evaluated, ‘and assimated that work ini the work at hand This module is about leerning from others and reviewing the iterature. consists ofthe following lessons: Lesson 1: Waatis a Literature Review and Why Do | Need Such? Lesson 2: Citeriain Selecting, Cin, and Synthesizing Relatad Ltarature Lesson 3 Ethical Standards in ring \What you are expected to leam? Aor gcing trough this marl, you ara expected to: Read and select relevant iterate Cite related iteratur sing standard style synthesize information from relovant iteratur; whtes coherent review of ierature: and fallow ethical standards in witing related terature. $5 Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo Co) wn oO a oO o ) What | Know? [Choose the best answer from the choices given 1 Examining or studing again concepts or ideas elated to your research is a, Melaanalysis ». Signfeance ©. Review of Related Literature d. Methodology 2, This referencing style is mosty used in social sciences 3. APA BMA ©. MPA 4, Broumian 3. Its inthis part where you dsply the identities or names of all urters or owners Cf ideas that you incorprated in our research paper. a. definition of terme bteterences intext oaton 3 contents 4. The Review of Related Literatur is rightfully done by "copy and paste” activi. 2, Highly accepted inal searches ¢, Optional to some researches b.Not accepted inal esearches — d. Depends on the researchers decison CChapter 2is the par of the research paper that contains the 13 Background ofthe Study ®. Signifeance ofthe Study «Scope and Limitation 4, Review of Retated Literature 6, To readine iterate eticaly means: 1. ta suggect the previous reesarch was abways poorly candied bs skimming through the material because most of itis just covering €. evaluating what you read in terms of your own research questions 4. baing negate about something befora you rea i 7. entails taking a phrase either spoken or writen -and restating a. Intex ctaton ». paraphrasing «referencing 4. synonym 8. Plagiarism isan act of a. stealing and passing of intellectual properties as one's own Busing someone nes work without recting the source ©. presenting ae orginal and nove ances or vention copied from an existing 4. ao he above 9. Wihich choiee revenls what should not be indus inthe biography? 2. Age of the author Audhors name Tiles ofthe arte 4, The dates ofthe article Which of the folowing dons not provide credibly and value fo your study? § a. Falstying documents ® Integrty Bb Confdentalty agreement Privacy and dlclosure contract Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo = §3 SCRIBD ( se... Q Literature Review Literature ie an oral or wien record of man's significant experiances that are expressed in an ordinary manner. It is conveyed declly of indirect, Direct f2xpressions isin books, Joma, periodic papers, and online reading materials Indeest expressions are not writen or spoken at all bt is mirar image of his environment idley 2012). “The Review of Relate Literature is one ofthe main components of a research study, specially in the second chapter. it gives an overview of all the witings felatve to a spetife topc (Preto, Naval & Carey, 2017). Therelore, selecting the Fight sources for the lneratre review is very Important In producing. quality research paper. In the provios lessons, you leamad the importance of understanding the value fof aualtatve research, is Kinds, characters, uses, strengths, weaknesses, Speci, and the Toasibilty ofthe study. A goed invoductory page is a basatins Statement of what and how a paper should go Tuldly. However, review of related Iterature wil srengihen your clams of a systematc, pirposeful, and welldetned research paper. In this part you will be exploring the process or reviewing related lteratures $5 Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo = §3 SCRIBD Ge ~) What is New? S| Peni Anayss rections: Examine the image bel, What does tl you? te your answers here Q» Qs) What Is It? A review of relate iterature isthe process of collecting, selecting, and reading books, Joumals, reports, abstracts, and other reference materials. The following Information may be eolected 1. Background knowledge about tha problem and associated ideas 2 Theories that give details ofthe presence ofthe problem and certain variables that's connected to the problem, 3, Data that prove the occurrence and gravity ofthe problem 4 Dotaled and broad resus of eaten stuciss 5, Gaps and recommendations for adsitonal stuty spected in related stusies ‘The signifcance and rationale of related iteature and stuses isto fd out th similantos and differences between the pasl and presont studies, lo gol ideas Into the criteal and controversial aspects of the problem. It helps recognize and Gefine a research problem. It gives the resaarcher a background analysis aspect hich have been sludied I guides the researcher on what todo on the mechanism Of the rasearch methods; this also provides the thoughts to advance with the study Lunds conclusion. It avoids redundant duglicaton of a study. Moreover, reading ‘extensively wil nrich your background knowledge on your rasa topic that wil {enable you to establish a good groundwork or course of your research endeavor § Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo = §} SCRIBD (sea... Q ') What's More? Activity 12 \irta on a sheet of paper a topic you are mast interested ta explore. Enumerate ‘atleast three ways an how you wil look forthe information and data needed about the chasen fopee, Share Imporant information that you woul tke fo probe on the chosen subject. For example, the topic is gender inequaly among TVL (Technical Vocational Technology) loners. Whal are yeu intrested most? Is ith difference in quantity of werk? Ist the ference in qualty of werk Alternately, ist he ype Of PPE (Personal Protective equipment)? Fellow the example and filin your answersin the Blank provided Introduction: What isthe topic of my iterature review? Example: Gender nequalty among TVLLeamers Answer ‘opie Sentence: Example: The number of leamers, qually of work, quantly of work, and types of PPE Answer [My sources (works tobe read, analyzed and cited) Example: Bagale, S. (2016). Gendar Equality and Social Inclusion in Technical and Vocation Education and Training. Journal of Training and Development, (0), 25-32, bntpssdolor!10.3126)tdv20.15495 Answer $5 Home Books Audiobooks — Documents cA) O Oo = §3 SCRIBD ( se... Q Body: What are the main pointsfarguments of my sources? How are these points supported? Example: ‘Source 1: Bagale found out that more women are included inthe rational technical ‘vocational programs, whereas thers poor patcpation in nor-actonal areas. ‘Source 2: Mustapha pointed out that there is gender imbalance in the technical vocational ald ‘Answer Sources Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo SCRIBD ( Sea... Q S Body: Similarities in (comparing) two or more of the articles: Example: Bagale and Mustapha agreed that there are sfll gender inequaltes in the technal vocational ld and that women are sil concentrated in cadain types of Answer: ‘Body: Differences in (contrasting) in two or mare of the articles: Example: Bagalo and Mustapha disagree on the factors that contibules and are affected by the gender inequality issues on technical vocational majors Answer: Conclusion: Summarizing Example: This Iterature review was conducted to analyze opposing perspectives on {gender inequalty among tecrial vocational lames. Answer Wiy isthe topic of this ttrature review implant andfer what should be the next step ofthis study? Example: Further research is needed to examine recent statistics on gender Inequalty among TVL leamers in the senior high schools of this division as ‘compared ta athers inthis region Answer $5 Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo Co) wn oO a oO o (E> ES) What Have Leamed? Using the baseline information, discuss the process ofa ttrature review and its ‘need and purpose by supplying the synanym of the words enclosed in parenthesis heeded To mae the statement tue and carect 1. Alierature (go. over) I @ summary of studies related to a paticular aoa of research 2. When investigating a research topc, review only those that are drectly (connected) to your specif point of study 3. (Keep away Tom the temptation to copy paste everything you ‘ind in he Merture you have read, 4. Relate ndings to previous (information) and suggest aroas for further researc, S.tncluded in iteature review are _(epace) and (advice) for addtional study spscied in related stu, 6. Theofes give detals of tha prasonco of the problem and certain (lactors) “thats connected tothe problem 7. araura saan (epoken) ‘ruriten record of mans significant experiences. 8. Some souroas of direct (expressions) is in books, journals, petiole papers, and online reading materia 9, The signticance of reviewng related stides isto nd out the (analogous) ‘and (variation) between the past and present studs. 10.0 iteratre rove recognize) the work of previous rasoarchars. What | Can Do? Activity 1.3 ‘Viel webpages, journals, and similar on-line materials that has published theses ‘and disserations, Examine the Review of Related Literature section of these ‘matenals and based on what you have loarned about RRL, comment on how these ‘appear in the manuscript. Produce a wrten copy of your observations about the RRL section inthe manuscrpt and share this with your feacher and classmates. § Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo Practicalresearch1 q1 Mo.. §3 SCRIBD ( Criteria in Selecting, Citing, and Synthesizing Related Literature hore are a lot of ways to bring inthe flow of erature roviow that wil holp lamers develop ther research. Frequently asked questions on haw to proceed in the conduct of Herature review inchides: haw to look fr sources, Now many sources should be clted, how to discuss ideas laken from the sludes cited. how to ote authors, and further. The aim of this lesson is to present a step-by-step guide in Undedaidng a review of erature to facitae your understanding (e~) What's in? eS In the previous lesson, you leamed the definition, importance and purpose of lterature review. An effecive literature review eects the ght and specie wre ups that ive close information to an identified top. scrutnize and synthesize content ‘bout key themes o issues, cies properly authors of information gatherad, identity Similarities and difrences between chosen Iferatures.and a lot more. Selecting Ging and synthesizing related IReatura needs a thorough development of ek ‘Searching, reading, paraphrasing. ring, ar even crealing your ovm page of article fer reviewing a whole bunch of relatos sources. Activity 2.1 ‘Text Development Direction: Look back info one peti of your Ife when you were so eager to know ‘something. Whal cid you do to satisfy your desra to know about such thing? In the space provided, unt a bref memoir an your krowledge seeking $5 Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo A Po Wo RRP = $3 SCRIBD Q Home Books Audiobooks Documents » Gp) eane “In every probem, theres simple and plausible soliton’, an adage once says Here are some tps to minimize problems in conducting research Ensute avaliable funds and budget for study tobe conducted. ‘Team members should know thee assigned lasks Wel Identity respondents ahead of ne and maintain a ist of contact lines and addresses io easy follow them up. Dat a clear and rtable bine f activiias Reproduce copies of essanbal documents always ‘Ask for permits always before conducting any activity, CConcuet acubr inspection of research or samoling site ahead of time ‘Always send emai, communicatons and appcintments beforehand, Have a clear wilen agreement with all paricpating persons, agencies, and 10.Bar in mind tho objectives of the stuty and be flexible in adjusting to prosant conditions when necessary. Scientific misconduct might arse when ethical standards are not followed such as the folowing 1. Plagiarism. This refers to fraudulent acts that ental claiming another person's leas, work or publication volaing intelectual propery aghts by stealing and dishonesty. This usualy happens in scientii pubealons. 2. Fabrication of data, It involves producing data without an actual fxperimentaton of altering dala in recording with the intent tof them to desired results 3, Falsfication of data, Entals faulty gathering of data due to negligence and Carelesnecs which lead fo errors in measurement or instrument use, Error may also be caused by inappropriate application of treatment tothe subjects and poor data recording, 4. Non-publiction of dala. In contast with fabrication and falsifeation, this lnvalves choosing not ta Include data because they do not conform to the \welkestablshed body of knowledge or are unsupportive of the research hypathesis. Only the results that do not reject the hypothesis are reported and published ‘To avo such encounters and to ensure ethical standards are followed, ethics review commioes usualy requre research studies to undergo review procoedings by submission of portinent documants that wil very. the ttuthfulness of data, information, and paper presented. The following are some ot § these: 1 Checklist for Adult Sponsors which includes parents’ consent and ‘advisers consent Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo 2, Student Checklist which tell learners infomation, consent and ensure student satel 8. Human Participant's Form wich proves information for description, recruitment, protection of privacy, and informed consent process. 4. For cionife researches: Research Institution and Qualified Scientists Form, Human Parteipans form, Verlebrate Animals Form, Potentially Hazaidous Biological Agents Form, and Hazardous Chemical Activities Form 5. Research Plan which dscusses in summary the ratenale, hypotheses, methods, rsk and safety, data analysis, and references or bibllogreph. 6. Risk Assessment Form which evaluates the extent of hazards posed by the conduct of research. I includes assessing Safety of respondents, or sampling locale, orin the events of scientific studios, the biosafety hazards like methods of disposing chemical and biological agents, drug dosages, and delicate instrument use, 7. Research Abstract whichis not more than 250 words that carly and concisely state the purpose, procedures, dala collected, and conclusions ofthe researc, 8. Research Logbook wih start and end dates, picties, documentations; notes during the course of research that shows detaled and accurate processes, (*3 ) what's More? oD To show a concrete example of how ethics review committees. conduct ‘assesement, hore i an example of an Ethics Review Committee Application Form. The format may vary aocering tothe agency upholding the review. Activity 33 'AS We continuo to unfold the mysteri af conducting reliable and factual study, keep in mind your topic of research interest in the previous lesson. GW only ‘valiable information onthe steps to fake in flling your research endeavor. Based ‘on your undersiancing about this in research, please complete this form, § Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo = §3} SCRIBD (sea.. Q ;Datoof Appication; Research Team Leader Members: Research THe Research Goals Wite down your research question, rationale, signifieance, plan to do with your Findings, and questions ask partcpants lace, Date Tne and Duration of Study: aia Coletion Methods and Study Parisipans Daia Colleton Netiod Reculinent of pariopants Sampling Proweaure Troma consent aways to ensure respondent paicpalion ae sale ‘Confldentaly agreenient st ways to ensure confidentaliy, privacy, and Safety of parispants and data collected Fisk Assessment ist means of ensuring safely in materials, instruments, area, and substances used. ‘Sgnaiare of Team Members $5 Home Books Audiobooks — Documents cA) O Oo = §3 SCRIBD x ) What I Have Learned? ‘Summarze what you have learned inthis lesson by supplying the keywords rising nthe paragraph, The standard ethics for research Is governed by the core values such as ©. ‘confidante, (2) @ that ie evident by @. ° @. io nd right to review. tis stengihened by principles narrated as. follows’ honesty, (8) trustworthiness, openness, carefuness, respect for), propery, dd socal ‘aa (10) recponsibity. Once research ethics ara nat aged, may give ise o sclonific misconduct. For example ara falsification and fabrication of data, a and non-publcation of data, To avoid these mishaps, the flowing are iequired by the Ethics (12) Committe: (in any order) Research Abstracts, Human Paricipants For, Student Checklist, Risk (13) form, aren (14) For, Recearch Plan, anc Research (15) (& >) Ch _) What | Gan Do? actly 34 ‘Contining your research of interest, consider yourself as a researcher following the ethical standards of research, Construct a letter for your target paripants, Sating your agreement and ther rights as respondents of your study. Writs your letter ofinfomed consent ina separate paper. Below is an example. ‘September 30, 2019 ‘The Respondent Opal srs Dear SiiMa'am: The undersigned is @ Grade 11 student taking Practical Research I As a requicement, I am conducting a research entided "Sludent Satisfaction on Food ‘Services Proviad by the School Canteans of Opt Dist” In connection with this, | am asking for your timo, and voluntary aff to answer the questonnaire that are important forthe completion ofthe study. Rest ‘assured that all data gathered from you will be kept in the highest level of confidentiality. Your positive response vl be valuable contbuton forthe success of the study and wil be highly appreciated. Thank you very much for your coeperaton Sincerely yours, Erika P. Bucag § Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo = §3 SCRIBD LBA) assessment (Choose the best answer from the choices given 1. Probing agaln themes or ideas related fe your research is 8, Review of Related Literature. significance © Methodology 4, Meta-analysls 2. Tha mast frequently used citation and referencing sys in socal scieneos a. MLA bAPA © Chicago Manual AMA ‘3. What isthe importance and purpose of related iteraturo? ‘a, ta determine the simlarites and aferences ofthe findings between the past and present studies, ®t gain insight ito the aspects ofthe problem that are crcal and controversial . tocallectbackgroundinformation about atopic 4. allof he above 4, Which choice shows a comect reference entry for the journal article based on APATormat? 1. Ahemad, M. (2015). Enhancing phytoremediation of chromiumstressed soils through plant-growah-promating bacteria. Journal of Genebec Engineering and Biotechnology. hitps:!4o.og/10.1016%,jgeb 2015.02.001 ». M. Anemad. Enhancing phytoremediaion of eromium-stessed sails Urough plant-growth-promoting bacteria, Joumal of Genete Engineering and Biotechnology 2015 Ahead, M. Jounal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. hips doi. org0-1016ijgeb.2015,02.001, Enhancing phytoremediation of ‘hromiumstessed soi. 2015 1. M. Ahemad. 2018. Joumal of Ganatic Engineering and Biotechnology. Enhancing phytoremediation of chromiumesvessed sails through plant promoting bacteria Tr involves taking a passage - either spoken or written - and rewording Intex tation ». paraphrasing «referencing 4. synonym 6. Which ofthe following is the comect paraphrase of “Horses ike grasses and hay, and they can munch through 90 kl of food a cay ‘8, Ahorse can eat up to 90 los of pass and hay each day. Grasses isthe food of horses © Cows eat grass 4. Hay must be 90 pounds for horses to consume it § Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo = §3 SCRIBD 7. Which ofthe following is the comect paraphrase of “Symptoms of influenza include aver and nasal congestion.” ‘a. Covldis iauenza Covi has influenzae symptoms © When yous have fever and flu, you have covid 4A stuy nose an high body temperature are signs thal you have fu 8. What is plagiarism? 2, to steal and pass of intellectual properties as one's own B: touse somenne else's work without erecting the source ©, topresent as crgial and novel an idea or invention copied from an existing allof the above Which opin reveals what should not be intagratod in the references? a. Authors name B Tilos ofthe sre cc The dates your copies were published Age ofthe author 10.The following ae infermaton that can be seen in a review of related iterate except a. Theories explaining the valabes interacting in the research B: Recommendations for adationa stuay Gaps between simiar studies 4, Athors maden name, address, and gender 11-Itisa chapter of your research paper wherein tis focused on giving an overview ofall the uriings relative to your specif topics. 3 Inecucion «6. Methotology Review of Related Literaturas Results and Discussion 12. Iisa syle of eting sources that can be found angaere inthe research paper in between texts andlor end of each paragraph. 2 Intex citation Bibliography b. Outtext ctaton 4. Referencing Uist 13, Tis is defined as the noems for conduct hat lstnguish between acceptable and Unacceptablebenavirs a. atitude b.Ethies ©. Humor 6. Behavior 14, & body of organization that reviews, evaluates, and assesses the credibity of your research study ‘ 1 Discipinary Boars b. Ethics Review Committae «. Research Adviser 4, School Board 16, The type of form raqured which evaluates the extent of hazards posed by the conduct of research in tame of instrument used, area, chemieals, and biological agents. ‘8. Human Paricipant Form Research Plan Risk Assessment Form. Resbarch Abstract § Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo = §} SCRIBD ( )) Additional Activities Directions: From activity 2.4, exract Key points and valuable Information that are related to your research topic, cite the Iteratures using APA ctation styles, Present your acthity using this table below where an example was provided. Further, make your Refarancos. Soares Wey poni ad vaebio™ | iv Sion Eran Galabo NR. 018). | Schools needs canter |A schoo! vase canon Canteen, service walty| 6 be able to cater to the |to mest the food and and stunt salstacon | etary needs of the |nutional needs of ts eae 2 tecen leamers ‘students in order for them Scere 8 Teemsogy Research" Retoved to have the ener In to from accomplish the tok that Pps:tway academia ed thay would do forthe dy {TRoeosesoiCanteun Sor Gambon 2040) vice-Quaiy And Sten Sstsacton Home Books Audiobooks cA) O O Documents = $3 SCRIBD Q Key Answers Ansivers END OF MODULE ‘Congratulations! You have just accomplished Module 4 of your journey to becoming 2 researcher. Feel good and continue moving forward for more valuable inputs inthe ext madules, $5 om: = Books Audiobooks Documents a dq i) X © Practicalresearch1 q1 Mo.. = §3 SCRIBD ( sea.. Q ) REFERENCES ‘Braceros, EL, 2016, Practical Research 1. Rex Bookstore. Mania, Philipines. Buensuceso, D.B, 2016. Practical Research 1, Teacher's Gui, Senior High ‘School. Department of Education ~ Bureau of Leaning Resources. Pasig Gil Phiippines, Lexicon Press, In Prieto, NG. Naval. VC. & Carey, T.G. (2017), Practical research 1 for senior high schoo: Qualitative. Quezon City, Meta Mania: LORIMAR Publishing, no. Ridley, 0. 2012, The Literature Review: A Guide for Students. Los Angeles: Sage. ‘Sharp, J, 2012, Success With Your Educational Research, USA: John Wiley and Sons. ‘This medule was pulled together with help trom following websites tp Hbrary concord calhelptumtingiitrature-eview php nto. riing.uoronto.caladvicelspecitic-types-oF-wriinglteraturereview ito. uoqueph.calget-assistancelwnting specc-types-paperslwrting- lteraturereview ilusalanandencolege calweb-201Rivp-contentuploads 2015083 tieraure- Review-worksheet ost htpsidoes. google. comiviewor?a=vBpid=stesBsre WWzdGFiZXI8Z3g0NasINTGSNZVINeZ NDE Wg hntpsswuw/ auluploads/214/16/249620421qualtative_ analysis guid epal hitps nw usu auses!detautles/Paraphrasing s20Handout20- ‘20bctvites.pat hnp:researchehmse blogspot. comy2010/5ireview orate: literature htmintps iniw.usc Ltorontocaltwelstestuts utoronto.catwellesesoure e-fiesLitReviow pa https: uw google. con search2q-werkshoolstintsthica*standardstineresearch&t ‘bmisch&source=iuBicty= 18fi=xvM_SuiXHoAfWMs253A%2520N2|trWwRBXOapM "32520 Sv—t~1 -GVmYXVsdGRVBWF pbn12e § Home Books Audiobooks Documents cA) O Oo

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