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TEACHER: Nubia Méndez Valencia
GRADE: 11°
DATE: Week August 31st to September 3rd, 2021

META DE APRENDIZAJE: Empleo oraciones que construyan ideas acerca de mis planes futuros,
utilizando el futuro perfecto y expresiones futuras para referirme a una acción que debe ser completada.


A. VIVENCIA: (Transcribe este punto a tu cuaderno y responde a la pregunta)
Which words or phrases talk about your future plans? …If you can´t find it write it.
a. … plans to work and study.
b......plans to work before studying.
c. … plans to study, but not work.

B. FUNDAMENTACION CIENTIFICA: (Consigna esta explicación gramatical en tu cuaderno)

The perfect future is used for actions that will have already been before another action in the future.
Also, it can be used to express that something is going to happen before a specific time in the future.
Examples: I´ll have finished my studies before I start my new job.
Affirmative form Negative form

Interrogative form

References of the time:

o By + día: by Saturday (para el sábado)

o By Saturday we will have finished the homework / Para el sábado habremos finalizado la tarea.
o By + año: by 2059 (para el año)
Probably by 2021 the scientists will have created the cure for Covid19 / Probablemente para el año
2059 los científicos habrán creado la cura para el Covid19

o By the time: (para cuando)

By the time you get home, he will have cleaned the kitchen / Para cuando llegues a casa, él habrá
limpiado la cocina.

o Before: antes
They will have come back from Arauca before Christmas / Habrán regresado de Arauca antes de

C. ACTIVIDAD DE EJERCITACIÓN (Consigna en tu cuaderno estas dos actividades y luego

1. Use a dictionary to find the find meaning of the words in the box. Then write five sentences about
your own goals using these verbs.

Goal short-term part-time aim keen

Ambition long-term hope intend scholarship

2. Fill in the blanks whit the future perfect with form of the verb in parentheses. (translate the
 When you arrive, they __will have left_______(leave)
 By this time next month, you_____________________all about it. (forget)
 By two o´clock he________________________(come)
 By November, all the leaves_________________________from the trees. (fall)
 If you come at noon tomorrow, we_____________________the work. (finish)
 By the time Diana leaves Colombia, she_________________many interesting things. (see)
 By tomorrow I__________________all these rules. (forget)

D. ACTIVIDAD DE APLICACIÓN/COMPLEMENTACION: (Recorta y pega en el cuaderno o en su

defecto elabora el cuadro)
Think about your short-term (ST), medium-term (MT) and long-term (LT) goals. Copy the table in your
notebook and put a mark (X) in the columns.
Fuente: English please 11th grade, Student´s Book, page 17, table 1

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