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5(0) 10/0) 151) 20(C) 25(B) 30(8) 35,8) 2010) 45(0) 50(8) 35(8) 06) (0) 76) 75 (0) 80 (0) 85 (8) 90 (A) 95(0) 100 (8) PART 1. 4 cn (A) He's walking along the shore. (B) He's swimming in the sea. (©) He's holding a fishing pole. (0) He's getting into a boat (9) wares oa 2a 9c, (©) wb cunt 498 om 20, (c) ao sevenw ee (©) wae wot gei2 2, C18 shore aft fishing pote Wat a 191 Ba a - Atel saya 8 (0 BA OB, Uxbr ANWR cle} a aEGwalking along the shore) 20] Kam. 28 (©) BN! 2&1, abr uC 4888 Olt Bawimming inthe sea) B01 oh22 28, (C) a. LEx>t aca aim BUEMoling a sing ple 2012 2a (0) 842.271 mo Baten BAE(geting nto» bot 2401 onae 9e, 30 2 wer (A) A woman's standing on a busy street. (8) A woman's wiping a car window with a cloth. (©) A woman's carrying a jacket over her arm. (0) A woman's parking a vehicle. (09 oF 1 74 IC, (@) ORT Hos sts 2 a (c) ots on mu kt (0) op axa ain ac a1 cloth &1 vehicle x, S28 iy 191 8 AR Aleta] Byala Ah () SAP 8, OPI Wisi! 22101 A UEKstanding on a busy street) #01 ORE (B) AP O€, oft How SIE Sa BAfwping a car window witha cloth) 2401 1422 251 (© Se, OP} WOU AEE BALM WELcarrying a jacket over hor arm) sglew 2 (0) BA 28, ofa} FAIB sim Sparking a vice) 2601 O14 22 og, 3 MA (A) A truck has stopped at a traffic light. (B) Aman is loading boxes onto a cart. (©) Aman is kneeling on the grass. (0) Some boxes are stacked on the ground. (@) S20] e014 BAC (6) gape eon etm aa a, (©) aa nes ot PR EL (0) 2S br OH, mL stack 8c, Ct ay 121 6 Ae! ~ APB te ae ad Ay (A) ARSON ts SANE OB! OF, BC trafic Ugndel 201 oi gone oe, (wai, RP) 7IEOL IAI 27 eoading boxes onto a car) sgoine we, (© A 98, WAP} Re! S| FBS AN gtelkneeting on the grass) 240) OF J02 2e) (0) SAF 28, AHH01 Goto ekE(stacked on the ground) 24 olonise og, 4 mon {A) One of the women is writing on a notepad. (8) One of the women is looking at some files, (©) The women are sitting at their desks. (0) The women are facing each other (0) 088 8 0 aol koxeL ats a ot (©) m8 3 8 goin 22 2, (©) 994801 2¥4 ot oH (©) ogo a oe OFA notepad 221 ‘nit 221 ob SA ~ AfRo| S/A SAP (4) SAF 98, hei #2PHH 62 Bte(wrting ona notepad) Of 291 8801 Bo ODE oe (6) a, ot & # Bo nig pa0iee 2y. (©) 8419, oto 28 OL BO} asta ot thie desks) S01 o14E2 oe (0) 84 28. ontg01 Ma OFFER eEHlacing ech other 0) oa 2, looking at some fils) 5 Wan (A) Cars are parked ina garage. (6) Plants are arranged on tables (0 There are umbrellas blocking a road (©) There are chairs set up in front ofa buill (9) igo sexo (6) 93 Pe Ao 0 3 (0) aeigol sg oa 2 (0) 248 sol gt 2, OFA garage 212 block road 28 ct set As Fat ~ apo aed (0) ASL 2 Ae OBE OsEnI6 garage91 G01 Wort one 29, (©) SN 2¢F, Amiptant)l SH ok OF Be tables 220] ok 12 28 (0) 84 98, nleHatumbreliaso] [= Of Be(locking a road) 2401 oI 2. {arranged on (0) BI, °}tS(chairs)o| 24 lol OH BEKSet up in font of a building) 208 8 BAIHOGE BIE, 6 wor (A) Some travelers are seated in a waiting area. (8) Some workers are setting up partitions. (©) One of the women is handing out tickets. (D) One of the men is approaching a counter. (a) oferta ot at (@) 280) gotows AP IC, (C) O78 & 8 20] Be LIER 2 (0) 245 5 #10 sete coPin we fe partition 2101 hand out USF, act ‘201 fed St Ava ~ Apao| Aled Ah (A) BE, M24 (traveters)o|cHEAAIO| OF gS(seated in a waiting arear) 268 8 GAIMODS ae (8) EA 2G, LOIm AIR BE(setting up partitions) 2H (workers)21 2G0| Bor YEE OF, (©) SALOSt, HB UINFRST handing out tckets) OL 2401 or geER oy. (0) SAF 2g, get CHPiat BAetapproaching a counter) St 21 20) wojx| Bose Oe, PART 2 7 W-Am Where did you leave the account files? We8r (A) In your mailbox. (®) To South America. (©) No, | live nearby. at ofc F017 9 aut geet, (@) womevize, (0) ok9, 2801 AU 81 nearby 2204 He SYS & BAB BE Whore SIRE (0) 2, URE & BAB Be algal Geto emo AES 2 Busia gone wy, (©) 214 G01 2&1, BOI wheres LeaveobA| OH Phat! South America 01888 28 (©) Yes/No $74 SEL, Where SER Yes/No SEO) BIBI aoe Test2 31 8 I-A Who should I call about the broken window? ‘wen (A) The maintenance department. (®) Try not to leave it open. (©) Around nine o'clock. ree ot BL? (a ae ae, (6) aa snes (0) ovens O18) maintenance (800 8 HB aor a ARE BE Who SIE (i) 3 eit HI OH AE ate ‘B32 Bheo e A ANED OD ah (©) 2 BOF 9.80 windowOIA 7A opens OBA! oe, (©) BH ee OG When BBO EDIE oe, 9 W-Am You ordered more parts for the motor, right? Mon (A) | promoted him, (8) Thanks, it’s a new model (0 Yes, last week. Nes SER IE FEsHS, 17 (a) 1} 28 Sanne (@ awit, aon, (c) 4, xs012, 18 parts promote 2H? M1 seas 47H BRR Ao 7 OEE 1) Mo Aig Os BE O1RIN A= BEE sin OMe 2, (8) 4 Eo} OFF, B21 motorOhA Be HSB new models OB soe, (0) 2, eA eB8 2710 SEMEN Be WE THES 1221 F, AREF IO PAL FAR SRO 10 \Weam When is the rent due? W-8r (A) Please send it by Friday. (8) Ido have one, (©) The new apartment complex. ras: era UDF LD (9) au surest, (©) opt se stetie (©) Atoms: exe 1 due ose, azar ois WH Uke UY ARB BE When Ste (a) 2, lca PAIR ales ARIS ABE BoE DEAR He Oj aes ARiom gain ose ae, (6) Bea} Nate Oe, AZO! ofgaHI ae See sin Oe 2. (€) 28 Go} 25, B01 rontoha BA 7st apartment O18 28. 41 Mau Why don’t we submit the supply request? Weam (A) OK, Il print it out. (8) Yesterday morning (0) Yes, we do. imaeeAm Miele oS? (9) Bog, A Be, (@) omoignte, (c) 4, a8@UR 11 submit ay mYalR oe (A) 2, SHRREPA Miginia. RSH: WIEOL RCHOKIONM Het ol goin gone we, (6) BO} ele SEL When SkeBol ciel S=IOINR Oe! (c) 0} BRE SE, PIRI atEEIWhy doit welOk mete (= EO of@eIn| ie BEE sm Yoow 8, supply request iss 12 Wer Won't you be at the panel diseuesion ‘tomorrow? ucn (A) The presentation schedule. (6) The brown panels look nice. (C) No, 'm leaving the conference tonight. up. Snel eis IE? (9) wm SL (@) BEB Bo} OK, (6) oe, tot en ofa Ls, 91 panel discussion 278328) panel st conference #91 aay ee SPHERA Be OMB SoH: Ha SIRE (&) GA Hol 9, HA! panel discussionolal 2 7Hs#! presentation schedule of SEH, (©) lo} eh Ot, RI panel WI O18! 2 (C) 2, Ul Su ARS ao OFF Ee BION OILICHNOe CAGEE F, Of Wor IAI GIUCION BS ole Ole SIRO 38 8 13 When did Susan ask for a computer upgrade? W.8r (A) About an hour. (0) To business class. #08 Qn REI TAIOIES BAIR? @ Gates. (3019, (0) uniaoe, WH 420] QE! SLIAOIER QAI AIK BE When Oke (A) B21 Mate 2G), How long SkBZOt CHEE BEOINS OF, (©) 29. 42001 eel BAOICw OA ARLE Be AEM XE 2)o| PAROS BEMOOS aE, (©) 24 So} 98, wel upgradeoly SH THER! business class olga! og, 14 1u-cn Do you work in marketing or public policy? w-am (A) Its open to the public. (®) {don't like the new policies. (© Neither, actually obra 20M MIR, OL Base BOI URLS? (9) agopt are9| 218 (©) wap Bet SI a0, (0) S Hg es one, FR open to the public SOA BSE, ASE public policy aaa A Be HE (1) ot wat HB! pubis oH! Ot (©) Me ae poucy a ES, (©) Bi. Bra HA BE A SREROL B CONLIN SEE 31208 BE, 45 Weber Are you available for an interview next Tuesday? mau (A) Yes, 'd be happy to come in, (8) Abitearlier next time. (O) Sure, let’s go over the weekend. 18 5 sou oro aes + ALIN (9) aim gee. ©) cgeM zac aAOIe, (c) 801s, sao ze 1 avatabte A401 St 42240 SIO] HSIN Bt beBAr HR (A) Bf, S1Solol orm at 4 UEKI = BOL WNvesetOl at soz Sysia gos ae, (©) Go| WS 2B, RO next WS O18! Oe (©) 2 Go| Et, aZo1 TuesdayolA 82 7Hs8! weekend O18 aoe, 16 ‘w-cn_ How did you make this soup? wear (A) Quite a lona time, (B) Here's a copy of the recipe. (O For Saturday night. o| am of LIE? ot aR, (©) op z2te01 218, (o eog we His, of recipe 52h) ot 408 EE WEE BE How ee (A) EH} Het: OE, How long SHPON cE BEHOID Ve. (8) BG, FEB RICE UE Be AeOI eM AO PERO 2 Sysn None ae (c) 12m ARIE 98. When Seaal Het BHIOIOR oe a7 W-Am Wasn't the office furniture shipped last month? w-au (A) The delivery’s been delayed. (8) Ms. Martinez does. (Q Amore modern design. ANP te RISO asl ILIA? ‘co meat R010. (@) OBEN UP} BL, (c) 49 eel coo, 81 delivery tebe delayed 79511 et ica FPF Stn elo al te (i) BE, MISO PS 7A MSIE Bi IOI OILS (Wo) Setb! At OL ats Beton WOO ae, (6) Bet eI OE. 7H Hig ONO Alo AIR BeIOIO 88, (C) 21 lo} 92,1201 oficefurituret 8 7H designs olgst 23, 18 W-8" Do you have some paper clips I can use? mca (A) The paper comes in several calors (8) | found it very useful (©) How many do you need? ADI ANBAIS Sie BORD? (1) ofa 8301 EOP SOHBLE (@) Busi gamete (ca wsse? M1 paperclip Bort Test? 33 St BORDIME SicxIe sets AEBAK do) OH (A) G1 HH 28) ste paper Hi O18 2 (8) 23 Go| 21 20% paper cpsoHM Ott 7H useful OI B98, (0) 2. BY + a BORD MEA te ALON Yes A 2181 Ap} wee Bn gome 2E, 19 ‘M-Au How do I change my password? eam (A) don't have any more. (8) You'd better ask Ms. Wang, (© Yes, you can log in now sont ta? (Woe wat (8) Bano4 ote, (uma Enel + 2u0. i sui ee We Bs How OE 1) BBO ate Set Hf HAE Hl BBRIE SOIES 3 (©) 2 tes Wa we Se eNO BRE 20 ow Susiz ous 2 (© YesiNo 371 22. How OeON= Yes/No Biol sist 28. 20 Webr You can't get us an earlier flight, can you? cn (A) ita wonderful city. (®) | usually pack ight. (©) No, they're al fully booked. ome gezHN a + ws, 2? (osama (8) Ate 8 88 7Fe UC. (6) 0419, 61 25 ee, OFM pack Light 238 71 Ce fully booked ct] Bet M1 CHM ISHS] BS 7A OE Be HT HE (0) 2 ot ou, ttl BasRIH OE ae ya Ol 8298. (2) 2 o1 ou, et ghiNAe 7tpack O18! 22 (Ca, me BEE 8 4 SILL EOL LSNORET CHE 21125 eusoreiol PARR gs ABI OMe Be 21 Maw Why isthe door locked? W-am_(A) I'm sure security can open it. (®) Six o'clock every dav. (© Ws right around the comer, 201 aap4 27 (a) mem au 4 LE, (2) oy 642202, (©) 280m 201 ue go, 34 M1 security #2, 28 right around the corner OF 72914 ‘44 0] 2421 ORE BE Why SI (A) EL, 20] el OF Be NON AIA OF ete CEA WDE BB Hols #28 Hell SeiRtow Bein Nome Ae, (6) BIS} SORE OF! When SEA CIS BEIOIER OF (©) HEH} YaGe OF, Where SfBeot cap SefOINe Oe 22 cn Are you using the copier? wor (A) Would you like some more? (8) You go ahead. (©) Mr. Tong's office. APB AEN BOUIE? 22 =ARto1@? (@) om 42. (©) Buel gL 101 copier *AP1 ey NAP LANB OFFB BE best 0) BS} ARI Oe, EMI Hel OfBeIN BE SBOE SES sm yeea oft, (6) 2h, BAIR ABBE BOUNI SE BEAN OFLISIN ELEY HOM wan Besin OR 2, (0) Ea} HRRIE OG, WaOl Us| ofBeIT a= BEE oz UO 3B OB, ee 23 \Wam [really need the updated expense report. Maw (A) The trip to London. (8) It wasn’t that expensive. (0 Iilsend it as soon as possible. Aone AIaeAPT REL a) ektoR 7 aaa, (@ 2s wr BB, (9) ise el REALE, 91 expense report B82) ay ager UNE @) WED Neale 98. ago OFBAIT We BUS six BOSE oe (SA MB OG, UES expenses} HENOR WO RAE expensive 0188 28. (6) WE, DIE! IRON! wales BEeot 7H 8 el _BuUAICO| Sao Bak Oe ase 24 \W-tin Who's leading the logo design project? wear (A) | can lead you there, (®) By the third of October. (Q) We're still deciding. Sncniel mame ABP SREP (a PPIs cat EB + BHR, (®) tom seme, () om weit: Bee 1 decide aise Set SANE SeIxH BE Who of (8) BA ME OB! wee leading HEEAIOR WO] HARE ead oiget 2 (6) WRF Aa: OFF When S120 ce! BEOIDS OF (6) 2, 22 cpa) mE ATHS Be ABO of SK S Olzol Sepiow Sia gloea wet, 25 ‘Netw What happened at the workshop yesterday? uicn (A) Its been working fine. (8) I missed it, too. (0) Like that shop. od 12a Fe BOI ALR? () BemBBUM, (©) me wages, (0) x2p1 wot BO1s, miss ar oa $BOUY gate 2 Bt What kee (8) RA We Oe, MOI workshops PEAOR WHO| SA working O18! 28, (6) Be. oft ATOM eI UB BE RRON XHIE 3801 wt OIA Bole BE OI + BB Sariow aeisIn Your ae. (0) SAI WE 98, BSI workshopat MEEAIO wBOI ANE shop o}8@! Ott 26 Wor Is there a dressing room where | can try these sweaters on? Mau (A) The store opened at 10.4.1. (8) How would you like to pay? (O) They're all occupied right now. 0] AMIE Bt + At Sets] L107 (9 tae wet TNH aL, (@) ofa xsizteuion (0) mig 25 57H SOPH OK, 1 dressing room 9H be occupied (3210) 3} Wt Solo} Skene Des oIee (A) 21 Go} 282, BZD! dressing roomolM GH THEE store ogee (©) WEH Aa OF, NH OFAN ge SEE weOZ Se aqonE 9g, (C) Be. Welao) RK BE MeO BF Ala! BOI BION x1 BABE 4 Rigs paRIOR win NOSE ate, 27 W-Am The dinner with the clients is Wednesday. cn (A) Four copies, please. (8) I'm sure that he did. (C) That's not what | was told. “BeeL XA} 48201 ALI (ay oo ee, (6) -v}-aigcin are (o) Aor we 2H cle, et AWS BIO] BN (a) Rm Ae SB, How many HBO CHEE SEINE Set (@) em Yate Oe, Bake Ht AoE NEN! hoo aE oppisin eee 2B, (c) 2, meal AMAA} 4820S BEMEOL O| BE 24 4S CHRC}o| MOV BLEED Ste SA7E APIO] ORB SIO 2 guein gone wy, 28 Aw Why isthe financial forecast still not finished? (A) They're forecasting rain. (@) in the finance department. (0) You didn’t receive it? EF 01 17} OF RENT RA? (0) uta 22 ote, & NEMO, ()2woxauin 81 financial NISL B21 forecast O15, cE Se WAAPE RST eI ORE te Why 1 W) SAF 18 2H. WES Forecasts] FENOZ EO! SA was forecasting O18 28. (8) #AF WE 28, BE financials} WEAIOE WRO! FAI finance O18! 28, (c) Be. 2H oe BEAD! BUM] GE ORE Rt BOS Bost LUOl EIA?) IRENE PeOR BeleID gloDS YEE, 29 Wv-Cn_ What did you think about that presenter? eau (A) I wish he could train my team. (8) Thanks, that's good to know. (©) About three times a week. ape oS? (W207 921 Ha RMON BzOI9, (e) ABU orFoFoRE. (0) 13901 MY Ee. 1 presenter ea, stu TEST? 35 et _E oOf218 Bie What SIRE (Ay EL, Sod cha OFA APIORENIB Se WRI cat 37F BL 8 BRNOO SACO! DIS Baleiow wots SES 1228 yy, (©) WEN Hest Og, 8 Be aEOI Bec: BBE ofBerR gone og, (©) B25) Hest: OF), How often SIA) HB BeOIS Oe, 30 IM-cn_ Is our production line oper W-am (A) That's a high rating (8) Not quite, but almost. (0) Yes, Ihave. ‘Fel tai pissin 8? #2 Sa012. () stot fe ys HSL, (©) 4, aseuer 1 production line 8 22! operate 7ISSE! high rating sesa St BM alelo| RDS OFM ARIE beBA HEE (A) RAE WE Oe, ES! operatinam HuAIOR HBO! RA rating Og! Set (6) 2, 4k atoll cla) ¥en SERIE SE OL eH 21H 710} BI ICI PARLOR SelaIn YOSE SEL (0) MRO} Ata OFF, peatrtinn lina ON BS ha AE ot hese Sein Yooe Se 3 NN-Au I'm going to put on my sweater, weBr (A) The morning weather report. (B) I could turn the heat up. (© Inavent decided yet. Aves eo}rtOKg, 9 os eRe, (8) S58 BOICE + 2019, (0) oft ase 012, FL turn the heat up (at 25 ed a Bist Ae (9) HAY EE OG, EOI sweaters} HENOR WHO! HA weathers o18et 2) (8) 231, Ades eboojzCIa tele SINOl 258 soIEetACY Of Apleh hacia we! OL) mele AN SIoCION Sesh macoR ag. (0) We) Nag 2G. aeWl OBEN ie SES sim gem 28. ort PART 3 92.34 cn HI, Ms, Larson. **Thanks for agreeing to review the budget report that | prepared. 1 wanted to make sure that I did it correctly sinco it’s my frst time. \wem Yes, Jason, St looked very good overall The only thing I'l need you to do isto add more details to the expenditures list. We like to have every off 10 oupply itemized. M-Cn Oh, OK, sure. Illwork on getting those dotails this afternoon. It would be helpful to. see how it was done in the past. *Is there ‘an example of a report that I can look at? ‘wea %You should talk to Emiko—she can give you a copy of last month's report. J etek, fA mu eA a ‘Boba 4M WABCO me SHE] eI. ois, Of MOLE ES OFF AREAS FR IB 838 cl PaHiele NUOI WAND, SE AIPSER ase aon! aU. YO} GLC 2 2m) APPA ARAL OL fa #01 on ae Stl SO] aC cn ae A see Of ADI MPN ob LS, I A w 4 UB ILC, ols budget correct 888HN eral HRI expenditure 28 fice supply WPS Remize eset 32 ‘What is the main topic of the conversation? (A) Anew supervisor (©) Abudget eport (0 An office floorplan (D) A project deadline casor 72 =? 0 ate (ewe (Aa aes 0) 32 782 Aft Mor plan 4204 BRE desing 78) si a eg eet ~ te 8 Ca FOL Hr BO IRIE tel EA ZAItlTanks for arcing to review the bug report that 1 prepared S01 6} EAT SIS. ASIN wonted 0 rake sre that | i it carve since is my fist time 22, HO Os HO OFF BM EE Loke very good overall EAD a IS OPI LOU ARIE BO. 33 What does the man request? (A) Additional office supplies (8) Extra team members (0 Adifferent office (0) A sample document ne 9519 aa? 0) INS @ a8 (0) cE A wo meeM st AEA a - nod 2 BE UAE Sim CHAO SPL BF OE SEAL ADE QL there an example of a report that | can look ala Ob 21 slong Bue (Dic »Parephasig 01 an example ofa report “221A sample document 34 What does the woman suggest the man do? (A) speak with a colleague (®) Organize some files (© Revise a manual (©) E-mail a meme on no a2 27 (0) 831161 (@) a 25°1 (0) aM 601 (0) 28 oe 471 1M colleague st revise Saisc} 4 AYEAISE et ob P= AE O71 OI CNOA OI. MEI aB7sfCou should talk to Emiko) pt at SSM + UB ah can give you a copy of last month's reporoliz ODE ee (ADI, 35-37 M-Au Ms. Raten, Shaw dee the stage Inok to ‘you? Is the piano in the right place? W-Am The stage arrangement s fine. But ean ‘we make sure that there'll be enough background lighting? ®I want all the members of my band to be visibl sau Of course. But Sd rather do it when the rest of your band is here so | can be sure {he lighting is right. W-am OK.®'m meeting them for lunch and ‘then we're coming back here to rehearse | ‘together this afternoon. We'll see you then. | 52) 24 OHS? M7 SRE eo LL? 9c wes SLC, se me EO EGE 1887 mel OI BT} wELOR a, 1) BERILC, se cle BRO tea te Bor ‘Ba0019, ao] nH SR Ne ER BOK, Of 4 AAA OE OE # Se cage fe | ted Lett we 181 stage C1 arrangement tis! background lighting Wt 221 visible (200 Woll> rehearse outa ict 35 Who most likely is the woman? (A) Ajournalist (8) Amusician (©) A theater director (0) Acostume designer oe oR? (ay 70 want oases (©) sxe con 81 Journalist 7X) costume Sts) ‘at i Us te ~ ofa) teh EAP} Hae 9OI Om 24D} OFEIhow does the stage {ook to you), HOH 8 Io REX the piano inthe right laces BE OMT SEIO} AO OI CHI OE7F GIOR SICH want al the members of my band tobe visible) @ 240% 0} Of NR BERSKE SAA] IRIE eI + akc, eI IEE (8) oh. 36 What does the woman ask about? (A) A performance date (6) Aguest list (©) Some seating assignments (©) Some lighting oon a BOI? wy Ber aes (oy ats wae oF performance 38 sui Aya BL oo] LAE DpH At Wal AION AIA Wel 201 SEES A £B¥¥can we make aire that there'll be enough background Ughing 82 2B a2 (OH TEsT2 37 37 What does the man say he would prefer to do? (A) Complete a task ata later time (8) Ask for a meal to be delivered (©) Speak with a manager (©) Conduct some background research ‘axpt sim seen el 2 9) Bota asp) (©) Ahora oep) (c) Bete oi (©) 424 anor! 1 prefer sfc, ASC} complete PSEC} ata later time BO conduct NIC) background research Mt 21) et APAIR Bet ~ ep ota le a HRA I> nfo AFBoN ch 0] AETHER He! {8 4 SLE Cl ERIBOI SAIR SH BOI BRICK rather do it when the rest of your band is here sol canbe sure the lighting 's rightl2 Ma, oft RNAI OIRO FRIES Ph 8 Oe OB Of 2 OLE Ste O11 BLM & ZOICK'm meeting them for lunch and then we're coming back here to rehearse together this afternoon) ¢ 22 WO} EHRIEE Soy Sate ofzOl=A sae (aor, 98-40 W-Br Hi, Bob, *1 received your e-mail about the software training at two ei. this Friday. But Ihave to meet with the marketing ctor of J, Alderman and Sons at that tim N-Au Oh, 'm sorry: | completely forgot that you had a client meeting. How long do you, think i'l take? W-Br Probably thirty to forty-five minutes. | have to review a contract with him. °%s there any way that you could start the later in the day? M-Au Unfortunately, the rest ofthe team isn’t free after three pa, but ifi’s OK with ‘you, “lean just e-mail you the trani ‘documents to look over on your own. Contact me next week if you have any questions. | Shae ML OIL ORL ON AH} ‘ao He Oe a WakeLIC, AEE a, ee 8 21 ob AH LO, OF, agate, amt sIop} et 2B mR SOI ston a 4 oI? Of Olay so~4suet 1 ZC, APIA HOF IER, Weed Re AROARS AMUN eA? | 38 Sy ODI C2 BRIBE OF 24 O17 Bo Bois. si AMON Bx tne + EL MIS OME sUMEZINAUC,sk20] OAPI CHS Fa weet BHR, completely 22481 probably o}01= review ‘ESIC contract APL on your own 38 What is the problem? (A) There is a scheduling conflict (8) There are no projectors available, (©) A contract is incorrect. (0) A deadline has been missed. eB EF? (a) eo ae (9) Aw 4 98 ENED? Be (c) MOF ste, (0) over stc 19 scheduling conflict 2801 248 available NS 738! Incorrect Se, ates AA ted ea ABD st AON OFTHE Of ANE! OF ZAP SIG AERO BRE ‘Rt Ot 3 IC received your e-mail about the software training at two pm, this Friday)QM RI tJ, etcaH ot ‘A%9| VA AEIRHB QLLOF BICKBUt | have to meet with the rartating director of 4 Allerman and Sane at that meh HO 82 ue Word 39 ‘What does the woman inquire about? (A) Comparing competitors’ prices (8) Purchasing new software (©) Postponing a training session (0) Arranging a teleconference onpr aot 227 (oy ae ett wn (@ AF ARERHOI Fah (@) 2aaze01 (©) sry 18 competitor 28%), 28:8 purchase 7AI6E1 postpone 2PH8c, aIFCE teleconference st sf ues An 2 ~ ofseI Bel A at SUNOL ODE BE YH cl See Ato mR AMIE IE -REKKMs there any way that you could start the training later in the day) B2 YOOE UE (CIC » Porpasing 48% start the training lator "22 Postponing a taining sesshon 40 ‘What does the man say he will do? (A) Send some materials (8) Find some supplies (0) Speak with a supervisor (0) Contact a client ‘wxpreiaeim erate? (a) ap} (@ 22871 (c) seit abab| (0) m=} ee 11 materia supply WE, Be te APPAR tax ‘RH ORO aAOIAL ARID! ta Ali 4 Ob HR O| at LEECH can just e-mail you the training documents to look over on your ownln OOR ZE2 (AOI, > ParpiasingH89| e-mail you te traning documents ~ 21491 Send some materials 41-49. 321 ha W-81 OK, Mr. Patel. “Did the doctor want you to ‘make another appointment? M Cn Stoo, but Il have to check my work calendar. W-2r “You can now make appointments on our ‘Web site if you have an account. Just log ‘on and view available times onlin N-Cn Great, How do | sign up for an account? W-6e Colin handles al registrations. Colin, can You halp Mr Patel sat up a patiant account (on our Web sito? M-Au Certainly. you have a smart phone, we can do it now. Or can give you a handout with instructions to set up your account later cn “94 set it up later, Nau OK, Here's the handout. Please call with ‘any questions, 01 SIaRSL EM SISA CN Oo sen? 4 esa eo ar aH 12, | OfrReo| 210848] WAVE feet + SeUeh, 2711 § ejplow 7Hset ARIE aL aud. a) sms, et Ae one aka? | S421 mp) mo 9 as eR, et DL UNDE Bx 7S BIBER SOHFA + BLUE? 2 -e, Ankewo} SIOAe Ia ul NEI + OK ios jo A HAL UH OL REI ewe, 2) or ete 122 RANBUCL Rel WOME, ROI s1O.Ne sae HR, 18 make an appointment oP5I, ®!5 act account AIS. sign up for “E285 registration &% handout $218 instruction 22, x11 41 ‘Where most likely are the speakers? (A) Ata medical office (8) Ata bank (©) Atan electronics store (0) Ata library SHS ofCo IF? rs en (o) sos 0, 0) Sxw 81 medical office 84 electronics SAM set sha UB tet arto] ate Ba, 4s FOL OF} TOI SHIP} CHA ate ELK the doctor want you t make aether appointment) 8} 10] 3 resin te wie was ary erLbUt Ii nave to check ry work calendar) G8! AOR Wot WAI ZS BIR! BIO, EIB 2 + SUC, aE IRE (AOI, 42 ‘According to the woman, why should Mr, Patel ‘open an account? (A) To view a presentation (8) To make an appointment (0) To receive a free gift (0) To leave some feedback fot wht ws >t AE IOI SOS? (1) wa 271 (@) og 81 284 (0) 9 sem 21 (0) aR WPI 96H 91 open an account 22 SEC Se AEA BA — OI UP RES PHEOIOF Bk: OIF Of a) Se EOLA 10] 0 AIOIEOLA OI! + SCHON can now make appointments on eur Web site i you have an accounl2 HOSE AEE (BPI, Test2 39 43 What does Colin give to Mr. Patel? (A) An application (8) A receipt (©) A registration card (0) A set of instructions ‘Belo| ms mens 7 wy aa ome (sere (0) a0 18 application IN, HBA receipt BFS ‘at PYAR 484 ~ RIL ui MODE 21 at EOL N27 LO ARI OI 4 I AOI {83 GI can give you a handout with instructions to set up your account later HEC, AHO] LSM SHEET sett up later SIX} R27} BRI WOAKHere’s the handoutlol zt 4 amoo8 aE (Opt Paraprasing (12a handout with instructions +221 A sot of instructions 44-46 M-Cn Mina, “Ml was thinking about our travel plans for the industry conference we're ‘going to in Boston, It's only two weeks away. W-Am Well, the three of us are all taking the same flight, so maybe “we could ride together from the office to the airport, “°:“°But, ‘we'll be gone for several days, so the cost of parkina would really add up. M-Cn True. You know, | think i's twenty dollars to take a taxi. W-am That's a possibility. Let's ask Martin what he thinks. OILY a, sto met set EO a ‘set oi2, ZeMol gusto, O Sal Neo 27 Ue Bae OBE AIPA ‘BRO tela AO. sn Of Be} OI} Siu seiezol wep, 8 Molo, eaeIpt ouepHLs wea OF 8145 mt ofS Mol Ste BORA, M1 industry 24. That's possibilty 18 4:2, Ke eHoDIEE 44 What does the man say will take place in two weeks? (4) An awards ceremony (©) Astaff retreat (© Agrand opening celebration (0) A professional conference Lab 25 90 loves ae wy aig (e) Sete omens (0) Baraat et 1M take place BSI PLC awards coremany AL retreat, 82 grand opening 7 ats beatae 2 Ho ons 48 NY XP BAGO 918 BA oON a NOL EL ‘24 ACH was thinking about our travel pans forthe industry conference we're gong tin Boston 244012 WSK nly two weeks away #228 BEE (OIC, presi (B21 tho industry conference » 3101 A professional conference 45 What does the woman say she is concerned about? (A) An inconvenient location (8) A missed deadline (©) A parking fee (0) Acanceled flight OmDH eetarictn wel 27 9 Bet eR (G) ore ate (alga (0) ehawo1 nase 1 be concerned about ~o1 cal 8I, FaICt inconvenient #288 cancel sc} et Anat BAe ~ ope) 924 ARE Bt BeIHOL ORE ANPAOIM Beto gm x EI ath (we could ride together trom the office tothe aicpori¥ SKE 8) BO! 2F Soo} sk FaIRAAOI Bate KOU, wel be gone for several days, so the cast of parking would really add uplOl2 gone aye (Cre, 46 Why does the man say, "it's twenty dollars to take ataxi"? (A) To make a suggestion (8) To express surprise (€) To complain about a price (0) To correcta mistake OPPO et 20RD Us 2 ean wel ORE? (a) met 318 (6) BeIBE wep oe (0) 71204 ae ae 716171 (0) 58 wee P64 O81 make a suggestion ARIECt express BEIICL te SIs} 1 me} — SLA ete! 2oRte( LB 2 atc Be) 2h obs} 8 Yt cob ofl 24 7F ojo ai RIGIAOI Set ~2Xwel be gane for several days, s0 the cost of parking would really ada upto 281%} E71 QHROLN AH EX ZOE} 7H 21 ela} 2tow wo} ALDIOL CH HH BLASZ1 I ‘HONS MAME om w+ 9, met ANE Mor 47-49 W-8r Som, “Me. Kim just called about his ordé He wants us to double the number of uniforms we're making for his hotel staff. Mau That's great news! Has the deadline changed also? Wiebe Actually, *he still wants the order to be finished by the first of May. M-Au Hmm...That’s a problem. There's no ‘way we can make so many uniforms that quickly. W-br °How about we hire some part-time tallors to help with this extra work? Mau °Good idea, Can you get a list of names for me? of AM, ap E eA ast we RAS, a ‘SE a 0 Bel RU te ‘ove. 12 WDke AxpIea! 7s werL@? | AY Lae oft Seo 58 21m was 208, BS home. ge Ree aa wel ois WHO, ‘tao, 0} SOFIE 8 AR NEES me OME? we ger: ee moFFAROIS? 11 double the number of 1-98 ale Sele} deadline 18 tailor NEU a7 ‘Where do the speakers most likely work? (A) ata local hotel (8) Atan employment agency (Q) Ata clothing manufacturer (0) Ata laundry service axfBe ofclN we wae ee () aes (su ez (0) are 191 employment agency 8212784 manufacturer KES et Bg Bet ~ Sexe 2x] Of} 3 WL CIAOLAL 2] DE BALRON ae wh ZHACHM Kim just called about his ordoriol 28 AIRES Stal $211 x 2 SLB IP F tH eI o}gICHHe wants us to double the numberof uniforms we're making for his hotel staff. $22 ba OBE SUBS CIC UE sin UBS E> QC, wie at 2 or, 48 ‘What problem does the man mention? (A) A machine is broken. (8) A deadline is not realist (© Anitem is poorly made. (0) A supplier went out of business. ‘ero} ae me POT (9 >i et (0) 7788 wae 201 tries () ol 38 ARC (0) Baar msec OFM realistic W788, HA/e1_ go out of business MEI ot seals ae ~ aH Hae Bo oft} wink AANA 2] a= OF 98 TRA Zio] HS 2 eta. ee stil wants the order tobe finshed by the frst of Mayht SIX} 7} BANThats a problem)oiein BOER IE (orc 49 How will the speakers solve the problem? (A) By hiring additional staff (8) By purchasing more material (© By updating some machinery (0) By negotiating with a business anne eam oI rE? (0) em 2712 xBeHC ©) Rae H B01 FEI, (6) 74 cits, (0) ee wae ©¥91 hire 288C) purchase 7AHbc! material m= ‘machinery 748) negotiate with ~2t 8k ‘ut ARRAVRL 2a ~ sto 2 ek we OPH OE AAD 401 IE EB ARM ARIAS BSH (How about we tire some parttime tales to help wth this entra work! REIN UR} BE #2UGood idealletn HOES BEE aor, rest2 41 ‘M-Cn Hello, ©°Ma‘am, Thanks for shopping st Freshmacde Supermarket. Do you have one of our loyalty cards? eam Yes, but #1 forgot to bring it today. §-Co “Unfortunately ean't look up your phone number because our computer system ist working, so I can't give you 8 discount today. W-Am OK. understand. Oh, and 82 took thie bottle of soy sauce from the shelf, but! don’t want to buy it now. M-Cn ®That’s fine, know where it belongs. Now, will you be paying with cash or credit? ange, ep wea AR? OH aixbt ome mea oF nO. Ager xl REDE IES BOHM eit | PHOS IE MIRAE HAL, | O14, BL o, RHO Ze ee eke aim ami wo, Sf MQUCL xePHorcIe aa goID, eto Rash iol2, oo! a1B7IES RESO? Y tomzumcenmenn — | or luyatyy cara wim lookup abe abt gle a discount 214 $C} belong 20 get 50 What has the woman forgotten to bring? (A) A receipt for an item (8) A loyalty card (©) Some coupons (0) Some shopping bags OF FOIE OE 2 0) BB BES @ x ose ©) 48 oval AbVANRE tet op) 2oHgzIB BIE ‘H3t Reto APE DANPIE Zn SILLYD0 you have one of cur loyally cards) Bx} Of} SIRE BSL eC forgot to bring it todayia ome BRS (6) SF 51 ‘What problem does the man mention? (A) Amanager is not available. (8) A products out of stock. (©) A computer system is not working, (0) An advertised price is incorrect. a2 xp) ota EME FID? (a) apr ete (@) migo1 apc (ri sara Be (0) mene 2,1 a, OF out of stock #271, OI advertise ast a) MAIR) Bet ~ APE eta Sod 7} Bint CHAO) SHEER? REEZ} AVON] ROI Est 8B 28 471 BlcKUnfortunatly, | cant lok up your phone umber because our computer sytem int workinglst =e. ae (Cr, 52 What does the man imply when he says, "I know where it belongs"? (A) He can tell the woman where to find an item. (B) He will return an item to the correct location. (©) A supervisor is not available. (0) An item has been put on the wrong shelf ‘WAPI Aap) ofc eIK am Boks" eta Beal BINS 27 (0) opt Beis of 5H ake + wc () S218 noe HE 2K (©) Beni se (0) S201 AR}271 of AO oH gC, 1 rfl OIE mle} ~ AVE OfCIA Bw BCH wel SIE OF ORE AON RCNA 8H IRC nie Am a 1 ICH! took tis botle of soy sauce from the shel but I dont want to buy it nowt ix} WADE REACH That's ine) SHES BE oor wel] B2io] alm a Loos HCH FACIE ois OF 218 9+ DUC. eA IEE (Blo 53-55 \w-Br Hello, Mr. Tanaka. ©Weleome to Bike Solutions Consulting. When I heard that a representative from the Burrville ity Council wanted to meet, Iwas very excited. i-cn Well, 8:%we know your company helps cltiea set up thair bike-shara programs, and Burrville wants to set ono up, too. Wor “That's great news! What are your goals {for your program? IM-cn We want to encourage our residents to ‘oxercise as wall as to reduce ear traffic. | But it’s going to be a challenge convincing people to participate. W-Gr We'll handle that. “When cities partner ‘with us, part ofthe service we provides, ‘an advertising campaign. We'll produce tolevision and radio commercials thet will encourage community members to use the bikes. OF MSH, EL MOL AE ear AIR SILI, AN SEI ee ‘en. aeel mau SAWO RDA Be MEINE OH APH “pale 248 abn SI@LICh, ARIAL 8h ONE Neue Of Wie wiaore! menwO| REE RELI? 2 BBBR wale OL ARIEOI 258 sie Sei} ‘BUC, Si AIO HEHE SHE BO OIA aul 0} TBM Neb we ZL SAN rR Mt BD BH ale ABAS| UBboe Bn WteO| M2, rote 0] xem ONBHE AIS TV ilo Bs MY OFA 191 representative chit city council Asi resident 8% reduce AVE} challenge EAI convince SAVE, W584. participate ‘Rob handle Xelsck, ECE provide BSI advertising campaign 22 22! commercial BIR encourage ~to.-~7}~BI= Ic) 53 ‘Who most likely is the man? (A) A professional athlete (8) Astore manager (0) Acity official (0) A television producer ‘unt S70mE mE Ey (©) og 2215) ouaee O TvEaR A 11 professional 8222! R10) athlete S54% official et 0 UL ~ ge et le 2801 OFX EAL Hola BA eH @ 2B ste kWelcome to Bike Solutions Consulting fel AIS) CELA, ‘IL SICK BIRR EEm-BAI6| 7PHCIOMeN I heard that a op resentative from the Burrile City Councl wanted to meet, | was very excited) 2 8, EI} Slo}} EAIGO! AAAI Be RBI 1S OF of Fb} E88 BCT wn On HUADIME si eI -feHowe know your company helps ces setup their bike-share programs, and Burrille wants to set one up, to) OOS eh Di bY ABI @ ERIE BI + Bch, A aE (COI, Paraphrasing Cf2l@ representative from the Burrvile City Council - 221A city official 54 What are the speakers discussing? (A) Ahealth and fitness show (8) Avworkplace volunteer event (©) Aroad-repair initiative (0) Abicycle-sharing program singe Ss04 cmt op PIO 2712 dees se (©) Bet eREA A (seusam (0) Ag wt iM fess 25, ER! volunteer NAH repair F2 initiative 8 fs 9 NB ~ abe 01 UREA! cAI EAIEOL A BR MS HAP DhERS Scio Qn ln MADE BLY BKB Alcwe know your company beps ies setup their bike-share programs, a Purrle wants oat ne py na #4, OB 104 7} © WeKTats great news)leto} 38] 7} PSIIAKWhat are your goals for your programs) B20} x] BR BOL dat wei2 Nome SIE (OIE 55 What does the woman say is part of the service her company provide? (A) Wellness screening (8) Local advertising (© Product samples (0) Event tickets nb SION BBE ABA low Bet 227 wy eee (ei aeaz (Omg ae (0) awe M1 wellness 22 sereenng 8: zt APPA) Be ~ Ob SPE MES ALA ofr fa CANO Ack EE EBAY Cae MAS! 9 ‘#2 Bn BAe cK When ces porter with us pat of the service we provide is an advertising campaign) MODE AE (wore, 56-58 321 (hat vA Thank fo stopping by Vineont and Sania. "The board of rectors decided to purchase new ancurty camera, 20 tomeone trom menovar Technologie it Coming tomorrow to delver and install | thom TeST2 43, MCn It'll be good to have the latest equipment. WeAm Lagree. So Vincent, ll need some of your Maintenance Department staff to help with ‘the installation. MCh No problem. ll sand two people over to assist. W-Am Thanks. M-Au SiWiIl there be a training session for my security personnel to use the now camera systom? eam "Yes, Sanjay—Menovar Technologies suggested next Monday for the training. Is that OK for your team? M-Au Sure, How about ten o'clock? W-Amm S111 e-mail Menov ‘that works for them. right away to | ees to, BEAL RAUL, OMIA A 321 ers FSI BuO, A SSI ARN 4 eH RS i mut eae aie wee ge BL, Of Ss, le AU 2 ‘58 No Are} Bs, 1 aie 8a wr am wUNEeRIaLE oF awe ‘2 Im es uO a ne A AEE WR MRO] BiB oI? 0} Hy Ao] Motes ET BR eR gots. toa La? We Reon 104 ofa? 1 i nn OI 44 I BOHN eNO 8 OM] stop by ~O1 AIS} board of directors Oe) Security camera 80! 7a} install Ai} latest 21181 equipment 2 maintenance (@i20) #3124 installation 2X1. personnel =e 56 ‘What is the woman announcing? (A) A design has been approved. (8) Some employees will be promoted. (C) Some equipment willbe installed. (0) A security inspection will take place soon. opr wel 27 0) eo} ote (@) R31 B0| gzIN Z0KC. (c) a S814 218 OF, (©) 2) arpa of 2010, 191 announce QI, WHSIC+ approve SLI be promoted ESC inspection 2h ad ABPAYRE BIA ~ O}xPH Bx AL lah ARO OFF OMIA ALO iNet PRISLI 2S HA UAB Ot ERSRIOLA AIS tH OMe eS. 2] ‘8H & 24The board of directors decided to purchase new security ‘cameras, so someone from Menovar Technologies is coming tomorrow to deliver and install them)oi2tn ODE EE (OIE, 57 What is being arranged for next week? (A) A board meeting (8) A training session (©) Acompany luncheon (0) A job interview ig Fok oe 2187 (a) owe (ae waa (©) a 18| board meeting IN job interview tA RL ~ Ch 0 oe! 2 HSE MOA nz7} 2? Sd IROL Moke ALAGHE AIOE {© WRe! 2RO| 848 OFEIRKWIN there be a training session now comers spetor AE OPH SBICHVesF os BEAD CHS 7 BRAION BRS -RISEC(Menovar Technologies suggested next Monday for the traning WoEe AEE (Bore 58 What does the woman say she will do? (A) Confirm atime (8) Test some software (O) Visita facility (0) Review a proposal opr eit we 222 (aaa (@) Ams9) LAE] (Alster (©) me a65i7| 1 confirm SEK facility AH proposal Ne! a ateapt BARE ~ oft sgt a= Ast SE SeIWOLA x27 TDAP OfAIHow about ten eetock) 3} ONDE oct OlMI s84 BA! OH!AICHTUL e-mail Menovar right away to Se i that works for them)at ODE 3 82 Wor, 50-61 tor this interview. °° °°The readers of Auto World Magazine are eager to hear about your company’s plans for a new car ‘manufacturing plant, enw Ves, we'll be opening a facility in Indonesia soon. We currently have two plants in this country, so we're looking forward to expanding our production capabilities overseas. W-8r see, And when will the first ears be built Inthat factory? IN-Aw That's @ good question. Right now we're planning on December. Ol OY te om Met wots mA HFILIC (SERS BaD SIRS 457 Ae Be BEL Be PIO) >i 2B NOIR WM 2 SEMA Bee wf eALE,e oF Let S801 FR wea, aKa we OE HABA ue | SILC Ich, 2a 2 wt xO] om HORNE? BO MEL 12M NIT ELI Rho sager te ~B 17 ADI} manufacturing plant aH 22! facity Al currently 854 expand S514 capability Se) overseas alo ‘Who most likely is the woman? (A) Ajoumalist (8) A mechanic (© Anengineer (0) A plant supervisor ofr FOR wont @ we (©) eax ©) agaRa 18] mechanic a St ba us 2 - oF Ae ‘igh WHOL OFA LINHA SIE ZIOH LIE ole Oz {BICKThank you for agresing to meet me for this itervewlo} (OSS MAD SAIS Alp AR MA! BO 2! PHlol NM 14 $2 AofeciThe readers of Auto World Magazine are eager 'o hear about your company’s plans for @new car manufactur ing lant SrSin WOME. AGE (AOI 60 What is the main topic ofthe conversation? (4) New car designs (6) The opening ofa factory (©) An increase in costs (0) Safety ratings cane, 39? (oe eed (jo aeme (7a oekea OFM safety ratings 2a = us Bad Be ~ 4B! Hd RD} 3 HAOL SERIE Sxl IHS Al RE AY Bad ‘Bet PMID AS FAY Ex AOKRCKTHe readers of Auto World “Magazine are eager to hear about your campy’ plans for 3 new car manufacturing plant 2, AIS OP! Ho Ickes) 1M @ PISMO BB of ofl bo opening 2 fociy in Indonesia soon) 8 ODP IOS EE (OIC, >» Paapteasing HB opening a faclity 221 opening ofa factory 64 According to the man, what will hannen in December? (A) Discounted trips will be available. (8) An advertising campaign will start. (©) An article will be published. (0) Production will begin ata facility ‘xr aes 12801 one 22 FSI9D17 (1) ons ae! wor + 2c (@) Ba aMoIo ABER, (0) 2P1 tec, 0) a a tc, article 1M publish atc, ct ‘et AnyAtRD Bet ~ 1281 lof Bt fs} obxot AANA Bata Lei xio| ot SHOAL (von wal the first cars be built in that factory) Bt UAE BAL 12E SED SEENON now were planning on DecemBErI wore aue (OHI, Paraphrasing Bl fst car wil be builtin that factory 291 Production wil begin ata facility. 62-64 CAS war HiReymond. Its | calling about the wood options we | siseussed for my new kitchen floor TEST2 45 M-Ch Great! What did you decide? W-8r Well, thought about choosing the dark ping, But then °I took the samples you ‘gave me into the kitchen and looked at them carefully. 6" decided the pattern ‘on the oak will look best. M-Cn Oak isa great choice. it’s harder than pine, soit’s @ good value. And the light color of the ash and maple don't really match your kitchen, W-Br Ok, great. When ean you start tho installation? IMC Yl have to check my calendar when | ‘got back to the office. Can | give you a call later? Of MIR, OIE ML FEF RIL, A MI ria eft x BRI ALEC 2 Le atone 2? Ol Cis Ay ALF ARDS, Ale YON BR] Qumols. ala 9 UE PPE TH 8 OL olen wanto12, BRA eNUE, AUIS Ate 7APH IER, -SFILI 9} GEUPS! BE Ae B20] Melo. fgets. | Hy Bote, aah oa Ate 4 21187 ARON OPA A BOF BL 2 SAE Bria? OF pine ALI. ash BRARYP installation 2] 62 How did the woman reach her decison? (A) She cil some internet research (B) She asked a friend for a recommendation. (©) She examined some samples. (0) She compared prices or fae t= 71? Ow se a (ey sana sa gern ch (as aH. (0) 78 wa, cit reach decision 88 0 recommendation #2! compare 0 cat pte ek ~ oe aa et we ofr & Ud OLN LPH che oN im SA Ci took the samples ya gave me note kitchen and Loked at them careful, 2 LP PUP 7A a OBA let es AHI decide the tem on the ook wil look bec RE a2 (0K Paraphrasing 482Hlooked at them ~/ 3891 examined some samples 63 Look at the oranhic. Which product did the woman choose? (ay waz (e) Ws (wis (oy w94 ‘APE Be OB, OFS OMB REET? (a wae @)wsi (wis (0) wos 4 APH 2 Oe ~ ot se aE OPE WE CIO 2 LI REE TR BOF Ole Be SICK decided the patern on the oak wll look bes SC}, ARE aie Wel 9 LIFOL NB BEE WHIO|OS AEE (BOC, 64 ‘Why does the man need to call back later? (A) He's unsure about some inventory. (8) He's about to attend a meeting, (C) He needs to check his work schedule. (0) He wants to consulta coworker. eA sor aio Bl BoE (9) an 58 9 2BC, (@) 2p fst BOI, (c) rss ate, (0) 88914612 2c, 1 inventory 84 28, 32 attend eI} consult Ao}, ABEICE coworker B= tt AEA 1 — LIy7E LOU Sebo OF UX ORI AOL AIRAOL BOHN BAIR ste} BICHL have to check my calendar when I get back othe office) US of RH6 SPHEKCan | give you aca later BT UOSR A 22 (Cre, paraphrasing (f2| check my calendar “1 222Icheok his work schedule 65-67 (Hts yet M-Au $1 think the restaurant's going to hice publicity by being in the community fostival this weekend. I'll be a great way to {get customers interested in our food. Am It's definitely good advertising. Aren't you working the first day of the festival? N-Au Yeah—but ifthe event gets rained out and is held ata later date, | won't be able to ‘work it because I'l be on holiday. Luckily, the weather this weekend should be warm and sunny, so ®t plan to be at the festival's ‘opening day. How about you? Wan Fen ot scheduled to work fort restaurant, but Ml be there helping a friend. She has a small jowelry shop and ‘needs a hand with her booth, . 921 | of Sox Sol HORN BE ‘8 Rota Seto, e501 92] BAM aw 204 se ween, | etn ger anos, Gute esl Ra? A, eto mi x} SSSI} LOL BEI ws 0 ts, 71 80 eLi_ CHRLOF HE ‘OSE6kn 2 eI QU 3h Moai ate, te ofA? | Sara a ree ee arma ILE “ANB sietd WAM] S01 BIDSPIES, 1M get publicity ESIC, HB ACE definitely, ‘2081 be rained out uP} 244 ALASIC) ata later date 1% ol be scheduled to ~2 OPO ‘Stockton Community Festival ‘November Sand 6 Rain Daten November 12 and 13 Enjoy localshopping and dining! ASE x ax rw onto eras: 118 t2eh-198) epL awern aWenest 65 ‘Who most likely are the speakers? (A) Community organizers (B) Weather reporters (© Jewelry designers (D) Restaurant staff sina spore ( setasa aa (ohne (omarion (oa at oF weather reporter os st AB ee — s>4B1 a ‘dsr 3 em A AO] of OI] A AIRLOR 1 85971 2OLeT HEIR thnk the restaurant’ ging to Get some ree poly by being inthe community festival this weekend} 32480] 22] Ao] 2 ZA BE EA be a great way to gt customers interested in our food JOleE2 #212 |B MO} SHEE AFGONM ota BR B14 SIC Weta AE (0) orc. 66 Look at the graphic. When will the man work at ‘the festival? (A) On November 5 (8) On November 6 (On November 12 (0) On November 13, AP a ee, = dS Bw ZIT? ca 11a @ HoH (118128) 11 38 Sta At li bk ~ eta] OA IE ADE el OHA Ml AE GIB MIAN plan to be at the festival's opening dayOlet 2 At Ste WON x Se 118 Some wEte (aot TEST? 47 67 ‘What does the woman say she will do? (A) Hang up some posters (8) Assista friend (C) Prepare some food (0) Write a review on eiteem wet 2427 9) BAE IMB) @erel (©) 4 B0iep (wis, 18 hang up @ Sat AEA IR — oft BL fn OFM AYA REF SF OIL be there helping a friendOI2OY 8774 2 At BIS ADK SIO] BRSICHhe hhasa small jewelry shop and needs a hand with her booth) 298 BBE Bold, Poraprasing _cSI2 helping atend BS! Assis a fiend 68-70 Chef eS M-cn Welcome to the Natural History Museum. Can I help you? W-8r Hi-S°t'm trying to find the special Fossils ‘oxhibit | saw advertised on TV. Can you tell me how to get to it? M-Cn Sure, We'te here in the Main Hall. That's the Bird Hall over there. The fossils are just in the next room, on the other si Of Bird Hall. I's a large well-lit space that we often use for special exhibits. That's where you want to go. W-Br Thanks. Oh—and 7s my theket good for special exhibits? Gn 7¥es. Everything is included with regular admission at our museum. igu SON 24 2 PLC, SONCBDNA? OF Gras, TY Beno a Se EN aR, ‘fw 7X! wePRADAIOIG? WU cou erie oreo PP ARB, aS 22RE WER, ve HB Mo AUC, Se EAI BS ole, M2 £80] WE BALE, OAS RO, | IAveLch. of, aom IIE 8 + Ls? YU elegans a BaRot BE 201 ZEEE, O11 fossil it exhibit a8) advertise BSC} on the other side of ~21 22201 wellit 220132 be included BEF regular admission 8 YEE ‘Natural History Museum Ri Main i Mammal Hall [Bird Hall] Main | cafeteria Ee eA RY ezgee | apa | weie | sie oJ 68 ‘Why does the woman talk to the man? (A) To purchase a ticket (8) To sign up for a tour (©) To rent some equipment. (0) To inquire about an exhibit ORPHEROI we 2 OIF? ) seis pete (Fog estat (©) som coer (0) ais 4 Bee O18 signup for ~B 429611 equipment 2 91 AEA Bet ~ OPE AOA BE 2 O18 ca HOLY Ofer} TV RETO Si SA AAI SC ‘trying to find the special Fosits exhibit | saw advertised on TV) ‘44 OfGPH He] eLeKCan you tll me how to get toi 258 BEE (D)OE 69 Look at the graphic. Where does the man tall the ‘woman to go? (A) To the Mammal Hall (8) To the Bird Hall (©) To the Main Hall (0) To the Cafeteria APH so fe, re otto et a7? yaaa @ Re oe (0) rmeaet AU AZ} Rk 2 ~ EIRP Ofo aka B= A. APES Wid ENOL AE 2A LER, we CHS HOH ICHThE fossils are just inthe next room, onthe other side of Bird Hall) TST Sid ALB BH sous, Wn ABI WE Bewits a large wot space tht we often ure fr spacial exibit)7Ia Api Ball WO ARES WE RARAOLIR Ae (ot 70 What does the man say about the woman's ticket? {A) Itcan be purchased in advance, (8) It includes admission to special events. (Q Its issued only to museum members. (0) Itis nonrefundable. {WAPEomt eto ast et 127 (a) fel 4m uc (o) Sa 2) er atEIO| 2, (c) we sttopyer were, (0) Bg01 west #91 in advance nel issue WHC nonrefundable Bs] ae Stet AeA tat ~ eta of] LON ato AFB ORD OPE CIAL HSI QOS SI SAIBIE & + BEX! (is my ticket good for special exhibits) A} EXPE TakICes) M MEBOLE a5F LRON BE 10] BALSO|SICHEVerything is Inctuded with regular aamission at our museumt Mc: teh 20K, PART 4 173 8 ucn Attention, shoppers! ’*Today is the first day ‘of our spring sales event. "This is being held on the first floor. "All art supplies are now on sal, stating from as litle as one dolar. Weve got great deals on ‘brushes, canvases, pain, and morel Also, "rom now ‘until August thirtieth, we're accepting submissions {for our summer art contest! This is a wonderful ‘opportunity for aspiring artists to get their work shown, Please visit the information desk for details. “Thank you for shopping at Baxter's Art Supply Store. Ag Oem BEIERLICH OE B MEME Ate, 1B 21m GUC olagm LINE BOI S2IO| 1 FeNFEL AIRE UCL OWLS, se) SB CH PHIBLOLIC, oFeH NEL BBL SOW7IH SoH nace BBB WALI SPP RAISON: A 18 800 OI 7p} ARI, AA HS CRRA Ue Ail, MALI oe BES SO} FAL ZFC OW art supply D185 accept, 2tee} Submission #88 aspiring 2}~71 Sk= 7% Where isthe announcement belng made? (A) Atan art supply store (8) Ata public library (© Ataschool (0) Atahardwarestore guayeo1 o1RorE! Re? wo oeeee (@ aaeMe (am (0) sxc wea 8 announcement 2 et od Bed ~ BBA Xi AUIPOIA| 480 ofeHI QIeICzICHAttention, shoppersiOK DfaBH AAR Ie RICAN art supplies are now onsale MORE Bxp} jon We BAK UlaBES Holt: TAS w + St 214 BIE (Nore 72 ‘What can listeners find on the first floor? (A) A product demonstration (8) A discussion-group meeting (©) Refreshments (D) Items on sale ‘extB0| 1B + 9k 227 (ay a Are mse (oc (0) et wets 18 demonstration A refreshments Ca} RL ABYAL ARE 1B OLA 4 = 2 Xie 290 OBE H SPIN Ate, 101A MAE Bela SL (Today is the frst day of our spring sales event, This s being held on the fist loon Ome BE (O}OK, 73 What are listeners encouraged to do by August 30? (A) Activate a rewards card (8) Enter a contest (© Register for a class, (0) Fill out surveys ‘S882 ot sowM PRB HE aI 9 ae a1 Orca (0) 421881 (0) #80 S801 1M activate WABI rewards card RIVE. register for ~O1588c fillouta survey Aa le ve eR ~ ASO| 8 ada 18 afl A aE BUINOLA sige OB SORA SPL olacil BRB WC {trom now ut August htt wre accepting submissions {or our sumer ort contest #283 22 (OPE phrcing 210 accepting submissions fr our summer art contest » 01 Enter a contost TEST? 49

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