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LỚP 12

1. achievement /əˈtʃiːvmənt/(n) : thà nh tích, thà nh tự u
2. anonymous /əˈnɒnɪməs/(a) : ẩ n danh, giấ u tên
3. dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn/(n) : sự cố ng hiến, hiến dâ ng, tậ n tụ y
4. diagnose /ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz/(v): chẩ n đoá n (bệnh)
5. distinguished /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt/ (a): kiệt xuấ t, lỗ i lạ c
6. figure /ˈfɪɡə(r)/ (n) : nhâ n vậ t
7. generosity /ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti/(n) : sự rộ ng lượ ng, tính hà o phó ng
8. hospitalisation /ˌhɒspɪtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/(n): sự nhậ p viện, đưa và o bệnh viện
9. perseverance /ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪərəns/(n) : tính kiên trì, sự bền chí
10. prosthetic leg /prɒsˈθetɪk leɡ/(n.phr): châ n giả
11. reputation /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/ (n) : danh tiếng
12. respectable /rɪˈspektəbl/(a) : đá ng kính, đứ ng đắ n
13. talented /ˈtæləntɪd/ (a) : có tà i nă ng, có nă ng khiếu
14. waver /ˈweɪvə(r)/ (v) : dao độ ng, phâ n vâ n
1. agricultural /ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl/(a): thuộ c về nô ng nghiệp
2. centralise /ˈsentrəlaɪz/(v): tậ p trung
3. cost – effective /ˌkɒst ɪˈfektɪv/(a): hiệu quả , xứ ng đá ng vớ i chi phí
4. counter – urbanisation /ˌkaʊntə ˌɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃn/(n): phả n đô thị hó a, dã n dâ n
5. densely populated /ˈdensli ˈpɒpjuleɪtɪd/: dâ n cư đô ng đú c/ mậ t độ dâ n số cao
6. discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/(n): sự phâ n biệt đố i xử
7. double /ˈdʌbl/(v): tă ng gấ p đô i
8. downmarket /ˌdaʊnˈmɑːkɪt/(a): giá rẻ, bình dâ n
9. down-to-earth /ˌdaʊn tu ˈɜːθ/(a): thự c tế/ sá t thự c tế
10. energy-saving /ˈenədʒi ˈseɪvɪŋ/(a): t iết kiệm nă ng lượ ng
11. expand /ɪkˈspænd/ (v): mở rộ ng
12. industrialisation /ɪnˌdʌstriəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/(n): sự cô ng nghiệp hó a
13. interest-free /ˌɪntrəst ˈfriː/ (a): khô ng tính lã i/ khô ng lã i suấ t
14. kind-hearted /ˌkaɪnd ˈhɑːtɪd/ (a): tử tế, tố t bụ ng
15. long-lasting /ˌlɒŋ ˈlɑːstɪŋ/(a): kéo dà i, diễn ra trong thờ i gian dà i
16. migrate /maɪˈɡreɪt/(v): di cư
17. mindset /ˈmaɪndset/ (n): định kiến
18. overload /ˌəʊvəˈləʊd/ (v): là m cho quá tả i
19. sanitation /ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn/(n): vệ sinh
20. self-motivated /ˌself ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ (a): tự tạ o độ ng lự c cho bả n thâ n
21. slum /slʌm/ (n): nhà ổ chuộ t
22. switch off /swɪtʃ ɒf/ (v): ngừ ng, thô i khô ng chú ý đến nữ a
23. time-consuming /ˈtaɪm kənsjuːmɪŋ/(a): tố n thờ i gian
24. thought-provoking /ˈθɔːt prəvəʊkɪŋ/ (a): đá ng để suy nghĩ
25. unemployment /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/(n): tình trạ ng thấ t nghiệp
26. upmarket /ˌʌpˈmɑːkɪt/ (a): đắ t tiền, xa xỉ
27. urbanization /ˌɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃn/(n): đô thị hó a
28. weather-beaten /ˈweðə biːtn/ (a): dã i dầ u sương gió
29. well-established /ˌwel ɪˈstæblɪʃt/ (a): đượ c hình thà nh từ lâ u, có tiếng tă m
30. worldwide /ˈwɜːldwaɪd/ (adv): trên phạ m vi toà n cầ u
1. asthma /ˈæsmə/(n): bệnh hen, bệnh suyễn
2. biomass /ˈbaɪəʊmæs/(n): nguyên liệu tự nhiên từ độ ng vậ t/ thự c vậ t ; sinh khố i
3. bronchitis /brɒŋˈkaɪtɪs/(n): bệnh viêm phế quả n
4. clutter /ˈklʌtə(r)/(n): tình trạ ng bừ a bộ n, lộ n xộ n
5. combustion /kəmˈbʌstʃən/(n): sự đố t chá y
6. conservation /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/(n): sự bả o tồ n
7. deplete /dɪˈpliːt/(v): rú t hết, là m cạ n kiệt
8. dispose of /dɪˈspəʊz əv/(v): vứ t bỏ
9. geothermal /ˌdʒiːəʊˈθɜːml/(a): (thuộ c) địa nhiệt
10. habitat /ˈhæbɪtæt/(n): mô i trườ ng số ng
11. lifestyle /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/(n): phong cá ch số ng
12. mildew /ˈmɪldjuː/ (n): nấ m mố c
13. mould /məʊld/ (n): mố c, meo
14. organic /ɔːˈɡænɪk/(a): khô ng dù ng chấ t nhâ n tạ o, hữ u cơ
15. pathway /ˈpɑːθweɪ/(n): đườ ng mò n, lố i nhỏ
16. preservation /ˌprezəˈveɪʃn/(n): sự giữ gìn
17. promote /prəˈməʊt/ (v): thú c đẩ y, phá t triển
18. purification /ˌpjʊərɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/(n): sự là m sạ ch, sự tinh chế
19. replenish /rɪˈplenɪʃ/ (v): là m đầ y lạ i, bổ sung
20. soot /sʊt/ (n): bồ hó ng, nhọ nồ i
21. sustainability /səˌsteɪnəˈbɪləti/(n): việc sử dụ ng nă ng lượ ng tự nhiên, sả n phẩ m khô ng gâ y hạ i mô i
trườ ng, bền vữ ng
I. Communication
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
86. Did you have a good weekend?
A. Yes, let's keep in touch. B. Yes, I am a teacher.
C. Yes, it is lovely. D. Yes, I didn't do much.
87. Hi, Alice. Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
A. Fine. I'll be there. B. Thanks. I love to.
C. I'll be ready in no time. D. Why? What's the matter?
88. Everyone should learn more about how to treat the environment well.
A. I am sure about that. B. That's not sure. C. I don't think so. D. It's not true.
89. - X: "What's the problem, Harry?"- -Y: “____.”
A. No problem B. No trouble at all
C. Thank you for asking me about it D. I can't remember where I left my glasses
90. X: “I saw a film about Africa on TV several weeks ago. It's really hot there, isn't it?"
Y: “____”
A. Certainly not. B. I've been there. C. Not all the time. D. Next month.
91. X: "How did your father go to France? By plane or by ship?"
Y: “____”
A. I don't know. B. Why not? C. To Paris. D. To go sightseeing.

92. - X: “Are you going to your family reunion this Christmas holiday?"
- Y: “____”
A. As a matter of fact, I don't mind it at all.
B. I do. I've been excited about it now.
C. However. My parents and I are going to take a trip to Hawaii.
D. You bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too.
93. - X: “It's a beautiful day today! How about a little trip out into the country?"
- Y: “____”
A. That sounds great. What should I do for the preparation?
B. I don't know. I really haven't thought about what we'd do.
C. Well, would you like me to pack picnic or to buy something?
D. It's all right. That sounds like a good idea.
94. Have you decided who to talk about?
A. I see. I will talk to him. B. Let's talk about your study.
C. I need to talk to you now. D. Not yet. I am still considering.

95. What do you think about Steve Jobs?

A. That's right! B. I doubt it. It is not true.
C. Well, he is talented. D. I agree with you about him.
96. What a wonderful party!
A. I am fine. Thank you! B. I don't know. Let me check.
C. I am happy you like it. D. Same to you. Thanks!
97. I am so happy. I have just passed my history exam.
A. Congratulations! B. What's the matter?
C. Get well soon! D. Thanks a lot

98. Would you mind moving your suitcase?

A. Yes, please! B. No, not at all. C. Of course! D. Oh, I am sorry to hear.
99. Do you know anything about Mrs. Jackson?
A. Yes, that's the way it is. B. Oh, I know how you feel.
C. No, nothing . D. Excuse me.
100. Would you like some cookies? I have just baked them.
A. Thank you. Yes, I would. B. Take it easy. C. Yes, I think so. D. Here you are

II. Grammar
1. Verb tenses
2. Articles
3. Passive voice
4. Relative clause
5. S- V agreement
6. Conditionals
7. Reported speech
8. Subjunctive
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
101. Have you been in _____ capital of Vietnam?
A. an B. the C. ∅ D. a
102. Every time Parkas sees a movie made in India, he _____ homesick.
A. will have left B. felt C. feels D. is feeling
103. Thompson is believed ______ France last week.
A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. had left
104. “You broke my glasses,” said the woman to me.
A. The woman insisted on breaking her glasses.
B. The woman advised me to break her glasses.
C. The woman told me to break her glasses.
D. The woman blamed me for breaking her glasses.

105. Thanks to the recent anti-smoking campaign, the number of smokers in the country ___
106. A. has reduced B. to reduce C. reduce D. have reduced
106. If he were better qualified, he ______ get the job.
A. will B. can C. may D. could
107. The girl ____ me this gift yesterday is my best friend.
A. gave B. was giving C. giving D. be giving
108. “If I were you, I would marry him”, she said to me.
A. She said to me if I were you, I’d marry him.
B. She will marry him if she is me.
C. She suggested to marry him if she were me.
D. She advised me to marry him.
109. Why did Tom keep making jokes about me? I don’t enjoy _____at
A. be laughed B. to be laughed C. laughing D. being laughed
110. It’s important that every student ________ all the lectures.
A. attends B. attend C. has attended D. attended
111.Carol went to ______ prison to meet her brother.
A. the B. a C. an D. ∅
112. They _____ ping pong when their father comes back home.
A. will play B. will be playing C. play D. would play
113. “What have you done to my laptop, Jane?” asked Tom.
A. Tom asked Jane what had she done to his laptop.
B. Tom asked Jane what has she done to his laptop.
C. Tom asked Jane what she had done to his laptop.
D. Tom asked Jane what she has done to his laptop.
114. We get high marks, ________.
A. that makes our parents happy.
B. which makes our parents happily.
C. it makes our parents happily.
D. which makes our parents happy.
115. Five dollars _____ all I have on me.
A. are B is C. will be D. have
116. ________, the accident would have happened yesterday.
A. If Nam drives more carefully
B. If had Nam driven more carefully
C. Had Nam driven more carefully
D. Unless Nam had driven more carefully
117. The girls and the flowers ____ he painted were vivid.
A. who B. which C. whose D. that
118. “I’m sorry I haven’t finished the assignment,” Fiona said.
A. Fiona denied having finished the assignment.
B. Fiona regretted having finished the assignment.
C. Fiona refused to finish the assignment.
D. Fiona apologized for not finishing the assignment.
119. I would rather that I ______ him to my birthday party yesterday.
A. invited B. have invited C. had invited D. invite
120. I'm busy at the moment. I _____ on the computer.
A. work B. worked C. am working D. working
121. The story I’ve just read _____ Agatha Christie.
A. was written B. was written by C. was written from D. wrote by
122. The company ____ I worked is developing rapidly.
A. which B. for which C. for it D. whom
123. The pair of the pliers ______ on the table.
A. was B. were C. put D. puts
124. If the tree hadn’t been so high, he _____ it up to take his kite down.
A. could have climbed B. climb C. is climbing D. climbed
125. Is that the old film _____ we watched 5 months ago?
A. when B. which C. why D. who
126. “Why don’t we go camping at the weekend?” he said.
A. He denied going camping at the weekend.
B. He suggested going camping at the weekend.
C. He objected to going camping at the weekend.
D. He apologized for going camping at the weekend.
127. Susan’s doctor insists________ for a few days.
A. that she is resting B. her resting C. that she rest D. her to rest
128. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine______ newspaper is in my bag but I don't know w
here______ magazine.
A. a/ a B. a/ the C. the/ the D. the/ a
129. Everything is going well. We _____ any problems so far.
A. didn't have B. don't have C. haven't had D. hadn't had
130. A lot of pesticide residue can _____ on unwashed produce.
A. find B. found C. be finding D. be found
131. Mary told me that she ____ fish the day before.
A. have not eaten B. had not eaten C. did not eat D. would not eat
132. Either John or his wife _____ breakfast each morning.
A. make B. is making C. makes D. made
133. “Don’t leave the house until I get back, John”, his sister said.
A. John’s sister told him to leave the house when she got back.
B. John’s sister told him not to go out until she gets back.
C. John’s sister told him not to leave the house until she got back.
D. John’s sister told him to stay at home till she got back.
134. If I meet him tomorrow, I _______ him this letter.
A. give B. gave C. will give D. would give
135. Ms Loan, to ____ many of her students are writing, is living happily in Ho Chi Minh City.
A. who B. whom C. that D. those
136. She would rather Mary ______ here right now.
A. be B. were C. was D. has been
137. When he came, ________.
A. I was watching TV. B. I watched TV.
C. I am watching TV D. I have watched TV.
138. We can’t go along here because the road _____.
A. is repairing B. has repaired C. is being repaired D. repairs
139. The money___ in the last financial year can be reinvested on the stock exchange.
A. saved B. saving C. which saved D. which saving
140. Rachel will be pleased _________ she passes her driving test.
A. should B. will C. if D. unless
141. She’s the woman ____ sister looks after my child.
A. who B. which C. that’s D. whose
142. Ms Nga wanted to know what time _____.
A. the movie began B. the movie begins
C. does the movie begin D. did the movie begin
143. It has been proposed that we ________ the topic.
A. to change B. changed C. changing D. change
144. _____ Lake Erie is one of ____ five great lakes in North America.
A. the/ a B. the/ an C. ∅/ the D. ∅/∅
145. John ______ tennis once or twice a week. playing usually B. is usually playing
C. usually plays D. plays usually
146. He works as ____ assistant in the same shop that I do.
A. a B. an C. the D. ∅
147. It is high time Peter _____ to the doctor.
A. went B. go C. goes D. must go
148. John _____ last week.
A. had his house painted B. had painted his house
C. had his father to paint D. had his house paint
149. The majority of the students _____ him to be innocent.
A. believes B. believe
C. is believing D. are believing
150. If you had fed the dog, she _______ hungry now.
A. wouldn’t be B. wouldn’t have been C. were D. will not be
151. This is the village in ____ my family and I have lived for over 20 years.
A. which B. that C. whom D. where
152. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony_________ next weekend
A. is going to be performed B. has been performed
C. will be performing D. will have perform
153. It's time we all ____ now.
A.leave B. to leave C. left D. have left
154. The Soviet Union was______ first country to send a man into ______ space.
A. the/ the B. ∅/∅ C. ∅ / the D. the/ ∅
155. The doctor suggested that his patient ________.
A. stop smoking B. stops smoking C. stopped smoking D. to stop smoking
156. It _________ that learning English is easy.
A. are said B. said C. is said D. is sayed
157. She lent me many books, most of _____ I had read.
A. whom B. who C. whose D. which
158. Everyone on the board of directors ______ with the planned merger.
A. agreeing B. agree C. have agreed D. agrees
159. I can’t understand what he sees in her! If anyone treated me like that, I _________ extremely angry!
A. am B. would be C. will be D. was
160. Peter, together with his uncle, _______ fishing.
A. have gone B. has gone C. go D. goes
161. She asked Peter ____ tea or coffee.
A. whether he preferred B. that he preferred
C. did he prefer D. if he prefers
162. Lan has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring for ______ sick.
A. the B. a C. an D. ∅
163. Each student ______ answered the first three questions.
A. has B. have C. have to D. must
164. When I was a child, I _____ the violin.
A. was playing B. am playing C. played D. play
165. After______ lunch, we went for a walk by ______ sea.
A. the/ the B. ∅/∅ C. ∅/ the D. the/ ∅
166. When we came to the stadium, the match _______.
A. already begins. B. had already begun.
C. already began. D. have already begun.
167. Tomorrow I ________. my grandparents
A. am going to visit B. will have visited C. have visited D. visit
168. I think the weather ______ nice later.
A. will be B. be C. had D. has been
169. Not only John but also Peter _____ come to the meeting.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
170. The cake ______ came from an Italian bakery.
A. was selected B. selected D. selecting D. were selected
Mark the letter A. B. C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the follo
wing questions.
171. “Barry, please use this book when there is an emergency only”, said Flash.
A. Flash told Barry not to use that door unless there was an emergency.
B. Flash warned Barry not to use that door in case of emergency.
C. Flash advised Barry not to use that door should there be an emergency.
D. Flash suggested that Barry not use that door under any circumstances.
172. To our surprise, the weather is getting increasingly cold in the middle of summer.
A. The weather is getting colder and colder in the middle of summer, which we find surprising.
B. The colder it gets in the middle of summer, the more surprised we are.
C. The weather was far colder than in the middle of summer, which is surprising to us.
D. Surprisingly, the weather is just as cold as it was in the middle of summer.
173. The woman was too weak to lift the basket.
A. Although she was weak, she could lift the basket.
B. The woman shouldn't have lifted the basket because she was so weak.
C. She was so weak that she couldn't lift the basket.
D. The woman lifted the basket, so she wasn't very weak.
174. I am very interested in the book you lent me last week.
A. The book is interesting enough for you to lend me last week.
B. It was the interesting book which you lent me last week.
C. The book which you lent me last week is too interesting to read.
D. The book that you lent me last week interests me a lot.
175. "How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary.
A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.
B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
D. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
176. He cannot afford a new computer.
A. The new computer is so expensive that he cannot buy it.
B. Therefore, he would buy a new computer.
C. So, he would buy a new computer.
D. The new computer is so expensive but he can buy it.
177. I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read his book.
A. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand.
B. The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult to understand.
C. I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in his book.
D. I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book.
178. Tam is not good at English and neither am I.
A. Neither Tam nor I am good at English
B. Either Tam or I am good at English
C. I’m not as good at English as Tam is
D. Tam isn’t good at English but I am
179. “Let’s go on a walking today?”, said Trang
A. Jane suggested going on a walking
B. Jane wanted us to going on a walking
C. Jane suggested to go on a walking
D. Jane allow us to go on a walking
180. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
A. This is the first time I’ve eaten this kind of food.
B. I haven’t eaten this kind of food already.
C. This is the first kind of food I have eaten.
D. Even before I have not eaten this kind of food.
181. It is said that he broke the world record.
A. He is said to have broken the world record S1+ V1+ that + S2+ V2
=> It + be + Vinfi + that + S2 + V2
S2+ be + Vinfi + to V2infi/ have + V2pii
B. People said that he broke the world record.
C. People were said that the world record has been broken by him.
D. He is said that he had broken the world record.
182. They are my two sisters. They aren’t teachers like me.
A. They are my two sisters, that are teachers like me.
B. They are my two sisters, neither of whom are teachers like me.
C. They are my two sisters, both of those are teachers like me.
D. Unlike me, neither of my two sisters aren’t teachers.
183. In spite of heavy resin, my brother went to work.
A. In spite it rained heavily, my brother went to work.
B. Though rain was heavily, my brother went to work.
C. Although it rained heavily, my brother went to work.
D. Despite it rained heavily, my brother went to work.
184. Somebody repaired the bicycle last week.
A. She had to repair her bicycle last week. B. She had her bicycle to repair last week.
C. She had her bicycle repair last week. D. She had her bicycle repaired last week.
185. I haven’t met my grandparents for five years.
A. I last met my grandparents five years ago.
B. I have met my grandparents for five years.
C. I didn’t meet my grandparents five years ago.
D. I often met my grandparents five years ago.
186. The police caught the burglar climbing over the garden wall.
A. The police caught the burglar when they climbed over the garden wall.
B. The police were catching the burglar who was climbing over the garden wall.
C. The burglar who was climbing over the garden wall was caught by the police.
D. The police caught the burglar who is climbing over the garden wall.
187. Because it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it.
A. I stayed up all night to finish the novel, therefore, it was interesting.
B. Unless it were an interesting novel, I would stay up all night to finish it.
C. Though it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it.
D. So interesting was the novel that I stayed up all night to finish it.
188. I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read his book.
A. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand.
B. The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult to understand.
C. I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in his book.
D. I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book.
189. Because they made too many mistakes, they failed in the exam.
A. They made very many mistakes that they failed in the exam.
B. They made too many mistake for them to fail in the exam.
C. They made so many mistakes that they failed in the exam.
D. They made such many mistakes that they failed in the exam.
190. Eric is going to be very lonely living by himself in that remote area.
A. Eric will live by himself in that distant place and he will feel very lonely.
B. Eric enjoys being on his own, so living in that remote place won’t bother him much.
C. That area is very far from the city, so Eric will be alone most of the time.
D. Remote areas are often lonely to live in, but Eric enjoys the solitude.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions
191. Mike graduated with a good degree. However, he joined the ranks of the unemployed.
A. Mike joined the ranks of the unemployed because he graduated with a good degree.
B. If Mike graduated with a good degree, he would join the ranks of the unemployed.
C. Although Mike graduated with a good degree, he joined the ranks of the unemployed.
D. That Mike graduated with a good degree helped him join the ranks of the unemployed.
192. Put your coat on. You will get cold.
A. You will not get cold unless you put your coat on.
B. Put your coat on, otherwise you will get cold.
C. It is not until you put your coat on that you will get cold.
D. You not only put your coat on but also get cold.
193. Everyone was watching the little dog. They were greatly amused at it.
A. Everyone felt great and amused when the little dog was watching them.
B. The little dog was watching everyone with great amusement.
C. Everyone was greatly amused at the little dog they were watching.
D. The little dog was greatly amused by the way everyone was watching it
194. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping. We know relatively little about sleep.
A. We know relatively little about sleep; as a result, we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping.
B. We shall know more about sleep if we spend more than one-third of our lives sleeping.
C. Despite spending about one-third of our lives sleeping, we know relatively little about sleep.
D. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping so that we know relatively little about sleep.
195. I did not arrive in time. I was not able to see her off.
A. She had left because I was not on time.
B. I did not go there, so I could not see her off.
C. I was not early enough to see her off
D. I arrived very late to say goodbye to her.
196. Most scientists know him well. However, very few ordinary people have heard of him.
A. Many ordinary people know him better than most scientists do.
B. Although he is well known to scientists, he is little known to the general public.
C. He is the only scientist that is not known to the general public.
D. Not only scientists but also the general public know him as a big name.
197. Books help broaden the mind. Books also provide a good source of entertainment.
A. Books help broaden the mind, but they provide a good source of entertainment.
B. Books help broaden the mind, and they provide a good source of entertainment.
C. Books help broaden the mind, for they provide a good source of entertainment.
D. Books help broaden the mind, or they provide a good source of entertainment.
198. I didn’t pay attention to the teacher. I failed to understand the lesson.
A. Although I paid attention to the teacher, I failed to understand the lesson.
B. I would have understood the lesson if I had failed to pay attention to the teacher.
C. I would have understood the lesson if I had paid attention to the teacher.
D. Unless I failed to understand the lesson, I would pay attention to the teacher.
199. Some kinds of fish live in fresh water. Others live in sea water.
A. Some kinds of fish live in fresh water, for others live in sea water.
B. Some kinds of fish live in fresh water, and others live in sea water.
C. Some kinds of fish live in fresh water, or others live in sea water.
D. Some kinds of fish live in fresh water, so others live in sea water.
200. My sister is good at cooking. My brother is bad at it.
A. My sister is good at cooking, or my brother is bad at it.
B. My sister is good at cooking, for my brother is bad at it.
C. My sister is good at cooking, but my brother is bad at it.
D. My sister is good at cooking, so my brother is bad at it
201. The government have established some wildlife reserves. They want to protect endangered specie
A. Whether the government have established some wildlife reserves or not, endangered species are still prot
B. Endangered species can't be protected although the government have established some wildlife reserves.
C. The government have established some wildlife reserves so that endangered species can be protected.
D. If the government established some wildlife reserves, they would be able to protect endangered species.
202. Mai usually helps her classmates with their studies. Her classmates appreciate her.
A. Mai usually helps her classmates with their studies, but they appreciate her.
B. Mai usually helps her classmates with their studies, for they appreciate her.
C. Mai usually helps her classmates with their studies, so they appreciate her.
D. Mai usually helps her classmates with their studies, or they appreciate her
203. We cannot completely avoid stress in our lives. We need to find ways to cope with it.
A. As long as we can completely avoid stress in our lives, we need to find ways to cope with it. B. After we
can completely avoid stress in our lives, we need to find ways to cope with it.
C. Since we cannot completely avoid stress in our lives, we need to find ways to cope with it.
D. Because stress can completely be avoided in our lives, we need to find ways to cope with it.
204. Nam had all the necessary qualifications. They didn't offer him the job.
A. Despite having all the necessary qualifications, Nam was not offered the job.
B. They didn't offer Nam the job as he had all the necessary qualifications.
C. Nam had all the necessary qualifications, so they didn't offer him the job.
D. If Nam had had all the necessary qualifications, he would have been offered the job
205. We didn’t want to spend a lot of money. We stayed in a cheap hotel.
A. Rather than spending a lot of money, we stayed in a cheap hotel.
B. In spite of spending a lot of money, we stayed in a cheap hotel.
C. We stayed in a cheap hotel, but we had to spend a lot of money.
D. We didn’t stay in a cheap hotel as we had a lot of money to spend
206. Our flight was delayed. We decided to spend time at the duty-free shops.
A. As our flight was delayed, we decided to spend time at the duty-free shops.
B. We have been spending time at the duty-free shops since our flight was delayed.
C. We decided to spend time at the duty-free shops in case our flight was delayed.
D. Although our flight was delayed, we decided to spend time at the duty-free shops.
207. She wrote the text. She selected the illustration as well.
A. In order to select the illustration, she had to write the text.
B. The text she wrote was not as good as the illustration she selected.
C. If she had written the text, she would have selected the illustration.
D. She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustration.
208. Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions. She works for a famous fashion house.
A. Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions so as not to work for a famous fashion house.
B. Ann works for a famous fashion house, so she always keeps up with the latest fashions.
C. Not working for a famous fashion house, Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions.
D. Despite working for a famous fashion house, Ann hardly keeps up with the latest fashions.
209. Many Vietnamese women are successful in their careers. They are excellent homemakers.
A. Many Vietnamese women are successful in their careers, and they are excellent homemakers. B. Many Vi
etnamese women are successful in their careers, for they are excellent homemakers. C. Many Vietnamese w
omen are successful in their careers, so they are excellent homemakers. D. Many Vietnamese women are suc
cessful in their careers, or they are excellent homemakers.
210. My mother is very busy with her work at the office. She still takes good care of us.
A. In spite of being very busy with her work at the office, my mother takes good care of us.
B. Because my mother is very busy with her work at the office, she takes good care of us.
C. My mother is so busy with her work at the office that she cannot take good care of us.
D. My mother is too busy with her work at the office to take good care of us
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the f
ollowing questions.
211. A warning printed on a makeshift lifebuoy says: “This is not a (A) life-saving device. (B) Children sho
uld be (C) accompany by their (D) parents.
212. I like (A) the fresh air and (B) green trees of the village (C) which I spend (D) my vacation last year.
213. (A) As seeing (B) from the mountain top, the area looks (C) like a picturesque (D) harbour town.
214. The number (A) of homeless people in Nepal (B) have increased sharply (C) due to the recent (D) eart
215. (A) Because of bad (B) weather conditions, it took (C) the explorers three days (D) reaching their d
216. Animals like frogs (A) have waterproof skin (B) that prevents (C) it from drying out quickly in air, su
n, or (D) wind.
217. (A) The policeman warned the tourist (B) not walking alone (C) in empty streets (D) at night.
218. (A) The food that Mark (B) is cooking in the kitchen (C) is smelling (D) delicious.
219. If Brian (A) would have studied German (B) in college, he would not have found (C) the scientific te
rms (D) so difficult to understand.
220.(A) What we know about certain diseases (B) are still not sufficient to prevent them (C) from spreadi
ng easily (D) among the population.
221. Now J. K. Rowling is (A) a multi-millionaire, (B) but she was not born into (C) the fame and (D) fort
222. (A) Because of severe asthma (B) attacks, the doctor (C) suggested his patient (D) to stop smoking
223. Poor air and water (A) quality, insufficient water (B) available, and high energy consumption (C) are
exacerbated by (D) demands of urban environments.
224. (A) The temperature (B) increases (C) significantly, (D) what makes the ice melt faster.
225. I have no (A) difficulty in making (B) the good use of the (C) plans you have (D) prepared.
226. Charcoal is (A) odourless and (B) tastelessness, and has the ability (C) to absorb a large (D)quantity
of gas.
227. He (A) didn’t meet her (B) even (C) one time since they (D) said good bye together
228.He was (A) so (B) exhausted that he (C) felt asleep (D) at his desk.
229. Tom’s jokes are (A) inappropriate but we have to put up with (B) it just (C) because he’s (D) the bos
230. Modern (A) office buildings have (B) false floors (C) under which computer and phone wires (D) can
be lain.

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