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Nama : Anak Agung Indah Sekar Pratiwi

No : 01
Kelas : X IPS 3
Tanggal : 30 September 2021

1. (+) dinda will go to the library next week

(-) dinda will not go to the library next week
(?) will dinda go to the library next week?

2. (+) ulfa will celebrate her birthday tonight

(-) ulfa will not celebrate her birthday tonight
(?) will ulfa celebrate her birthday tonight?

3. (+) rani will come to the office tommorow

(-) rani will not come to the office tommorow
(?) will rani come to the office tommorow?

4. (+) raisa will finish her homework

(-) raisa will not finish her work next
(?) will raisa finish her homework?

5. (+) sarah will cook fried noodles tonight

(-) sarah will not cook fried noodles tonight
(?) will sarah cook fried noodles tonight?

6. (+) andi buy a new bike next week

(-) andi will not buy a new bike next week
(?) will andi buy a new bike next week?

7. (+) i shall close the shop tonight

(-) i shall not close the shop tonight
(?) shall i close the shop tonight

8. (+) they will play football later

(-) they will not play football later
(?) will they play football later?

9. (+) they take school examination next month

(-) they will not take school examination next month
(?) will they take school examination next month?

10. (+) bagas will join the football club at school next week
(-) bagas will not join the football club at school next week
(?) will bagas join the football club at schooll next week?

11. (+) ahmad will write a poem tonight

(-) ahmad will not write a poem tonight
(?) will ahmad write a poem tonight?
12. (+) they are going to eat in the restaurant later
(-) they are not going to eat in the restaurant later
(?) are they going to eat in the restaurant later?

13. (+) aris dan budi will play chess tonight

(-) aris dan budi will not play chess tonight
(?) will aris dan budi play chess tonight?

14. (+) my father repair his car tommorow

(-) my father will not repair his car tommorow
(?) will my father repair his car tommorow?

15. (+) susan meet her best friend next monday

(-) susan will not meet her best friend next monday
(?) will susan meet her best friend next monday?

16. (+) lila will clean this room tommorow

(-) lila will not clean this room tommorow
(?) will lila clean this room tommorow?

17. (+) anita will finish her work tonight

(-) anita will not finish her work tonight
(?) will anita finish her work tonight?

18. (+) mifta read your letter this afternoon

(-) mifta will not read your letter this afternoon
(?) will mifta read your letter this afternoon?

19. (+) hanung is going to swim in three days

(-) hanung is not going to swim in three days
(?) is hanung going to swim in three days

20. (+) panji is going to sleep at the hotel tonight

(-) panji is not going to sleep at the hotel tonight
(?) is panji going to sleep at the hotel tonight?

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