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Designers: Alican Develioğlu, Barkın Tokalak, Eyüp Emre Erdem, Suat Deniz Vural, Bartu Ağca,
Ekin Topanoğlu, İzel İrem Aydın

Editor: Aysegül Gürzumar

Art Director: Umut Çomak

Interior Arts and Fonts: Muhammet Feyyaz, Ender Coskun, Atagün İlhan, Özge Güngör, Muhammet Ali Par-
lağı, Murat Gül, Ömer Tunç, Furkan Saraç, Özge Düzgören, Batuhan Titiz, Carles Garrigues, Umut Çomak,
Aysenur Dinler
Layout and Graphic Design: Umut Çomak

© 2021 Dream Realm Storytellers

Corpus Malicious Demo Booklet is published by Dream Realm Storytellers, under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards
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Race Options
his section includes a variety of unique races and subraces. Fallen angels are those who fell and lost the majority of their
angelic powers, and begin a new life with or without memories from the past. Remnants are people from other races who
died, but couldn’t go to the afterlife and stuck. Kartuki is a cannibalistic, tribal race of warriors who value strength and
honor, with methods that are seen as grotesque by most. Shadowkins are born in a realm of shadows and can twist shadows to
their advantage. Aberrant is someone who is touched by an aberration as an infant or before.

Fallen Angel A Lonely Life

Many fallen angels generally live lonely lives. They may pass
the time trying to win the battle they have started against
their pasts or pursue their goals. On their paths to reach the
Sofiel emerged from her dusky study to the common hall end of their quests, they can be a part of an unholy adventur-
of the library. Every time I see her, I think of the day she ing party or they can form their own cults or organizations.
had come to this library of vast knowledge, two years ago.
From the moment she showed up at the gates, I knew that
I was not looking at a normal creature. She was, literally,
divine. She looked extremely profane with her wings cov-
ered in black smoke at all times, with the smell of inno-
cents burning beneath. She walked in with determination
and directly demanded information about the sword she
had been searching for. Few visitors come to this isolated
library that is lying under crimson skies. Not many of these
visitors can bear to stay here, talking only to librarians
and searching among the books patiently, to find what
they seek. It has been 20 years since she arrived and ever
since that day, every day, she has been studying the books,
seeking the sword’s whereabouts. She is the most valuable
treasure this unholy library has ever seen.
- Librarian Cantor

Falling From Grace

An angel needs to experience an extremely traumatic event to

fall from grace. They cannot be born with evil in their hearts,
and this purity is also why they become fanatics of their new
cause if they fall. They do not know how to feel evil naturally;
they learn, they taste it inordinately. Once an angel takes a sip
from the cup of evil, they want to embrace it completely. They
may become Fallen instantly, or may experience an interval of
suspicion and denial before it fully happens.

Angelic Ancestry

Angels were created in the heavens by the pure powers of law

and good, and even the ones who resist worshipping them can-
not fully escape their influence. Although they can stop being
good creatures, most of them can’t stop being lawful. They
tend to be calm, they act wisely, and most of them become
zealous protectors of their new ways.
Beyond their alignments, their origins and past never
abandon them, or leave them alone. They are sought by other
angels, for either atonement or retribution.

Fallen Angel Names words of creation, your voice put crying babies to sleep. Now,
your very existence brings pain with it, and your words make
Male Names: Amael, Rhamiel, Samuel, Sarakiel, Turiel all who hear them tremble in their bones. You can use these
Female Names: Esther, Gatriel, Lailah, Sofiel, Usiel words on a target who can hear you within 60 feet. The target
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or it is frightened for
Fallen Angel Traits 1 minute or until it takes damage (DC is Charisma based). Once
you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can
Your fallen angel character has certain traits that are the lega- use it again.
cy of your Angelic ancestry: Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2. Celestial. You can also choose one more language appropriate
Age. Fallen Angels are born already having reached adult- to your new goals or deity, at the GM’s discretion.
hood and they do not age. Subrace. The opinions and thoughts they have following
Alignment. Most Fallen Angels are lawful evil, but neutral, or their fall affect what they become. There are three subraces of
even chaotic evil-aligned fallen angels are not unheard of. fallen angels; Avenger, Corruptor, and Dark Warden.
Size. Fallen Angels are generally between 5 - 7 feet tall and
weigh 220 - 260 pounds. They look too fit to be regular human- Avenger
oids and their physical appearance looks as if they are statues. There is a burning in the hearts of the Avengers that stays
Your size is Medium. ablaze with hatred and vengeance. This hatred can be against
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. When you fall, you angels, mortals or, simply, against what made them fall. An
lose your angelic wings. However, when your character reach- avenger feels these emotions to the core, causing them the
es level 9, you grow wings suitable to your new evil deity and need to constantly be on the move. An Avenger dedicates its
they grant you a flying speed of 30 feet. Your wings can have lives to exacting vengeance. Avengers can easily be seen on
the appearance of fiery-angelic wings, bloodied-crimson wings battlefields, facing their enemies personally. This subrace
or they can be bat-like. You may also choose to have other grants you the following benefits:
appearances, at the GM’s discretion. Burning Vengeance. You reflect your feelings burning inside
Darkvision. Owing to your celestial blood, darkness cannot of you to the outside. Your melee and ranged weapon attacks
impede your vision. You have darkvision out to a range of 60 deal an extra (1) fire damage. This extra damage increases to
feet. 1d4 at 6th, 1d6 at 12th, and 2d4 at 18th level.
Angelic Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed and frightened. Beginning when you Corruptor
reach 4th level, your weapon attacks are magical. Corruptors choose to plan, wait, and then act, slowly. They ex-
Angelic Arsenal. Owing to the nature of your creation, you ecute their plans step by step to reach their goals. Corruptors
are proficient with shortsword, longsword, warhammer, spear generally form cults, poison the minds of others, use minions
and greatsword. in their games, and usually end up dangerous enemies for
Angelic Enemies. Although you lost some of the Angelic pow- many. This subrace grants you the following benefits:
ers you had before, you know that you still possess the powers Poisoning Words. You can speak poisonous words to alter
bestowed upon you when you were created. This is also known others’ minds, slowly making them more obedient to you. You
by your former allies. They do not want you to become a can cast charm person at 1st level, detect thoughts at 6th level,
servant to an archdevil or to lead undead armies. They want to dominate person at 12th level, and dominate monster at 18th level.
hunt you down. They may want to capture you, or consecrate You can only cast these spells by talking to the subject and poi-
you, or directly put an end to your existence. soning its mind as a ritual as if the spell has the ritual tag.
Once you cast one of these spells this way, you must finish a
long rest before you can use it again. Your spellcasting ability
is Charisma for these spells.
This feature should cause great trouble to the play-
er belonging to the Fallen Angel race. If the player Dark Warden
does not try to hide their nature, or tells their Dark Wardens dedicate their lives to a person, deity, place or
name openly, that name can easily be found by the something else, and they try to protect whatever they end up
player’s angelic enemies. Also, angels, clerics, and dedicating themselves to with everything they have. They can
paladins tracking down the Fallen have advantage be encountered while protecting the phylactery of a lich or
on any roll they make about magical tracking if temple of a dark deity. This subrace grants you the following
they know the Fallen’s name. benefits:
Dark Mending. As an action, you can choose two creatures
within 30 feet of you and use your twisted angelic powers to
harm an enemy and heal an ally. For 1 minute, the enemy you
Fallen Ancestry. You have resistance to necrotic and poison target takes 1 damage at the start of each of your turns and
damage, and vulnerability to radiant damage. You also have the ally regains 1 hit point at the start of each of your turns.
advantage on saving throws against being poisoned. You transfer the life essence you take from one of them to the
Words of The Fallen. Once you spoke the most peaceful other. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest be

fore you can do so again. This damage, as well as the hit Remnants are what remains of a mortal race who died but
points regained through the healing power of the feature in- somehow did not perish. Their bodies have died, but their soul
creases to 2 at 9th, and 3 at 15th level. remains bound to their flesh, which they are able to animate
just as they could during the days when they lived. The origins
Remnant of remnants are unclear. Some scholars say they are cousins
of revenants, who deny death and become the undead for the
sake of an ultimate goal they had before their passing. Others
say they are the result of necromancy. Even remnants them-
selves may not know the source of their condition, and they
I am nothing but bones and rotting flesh. My dear life seem to sprout from any and all races.
has passed me by, without even taking my soul up to the
heavens, or down to hell. Now I remain, unable to die of old A Life Without Breath
age, hunger, or disease. Whether it was a twist of fate or a
sick prank of the gods, I simply exist... without the pains or
Remnants don’t require food, sleep or anything a mortal re-
pleasures of a mortal life.
quires to survive. They don’t become exhausted, nor hungry,
- The final words of Avon the Remnant, years and they don’t have to breathe. However, they carry with-
after his known death in themselves an ever-existing dread of restlessness. Their
dreams are abstract visions accompanied by this existential
dread, as they go into their dream-realm fully conscious. They
have to focus on something that can distract them from the
dread within, in order to rest.
Their body resembles what they were before they turned
into this abomination. They can be a human, dwarf, elf or an-
other race’s remnant, carrying the traits and looks of its race,
but a rotten version of it. Because of the status their soul pro-
vides their body, they do not decompose. However, they smell
foul and their skin is extremely cold to the touch, just like a
corpse. Additionally, their eyes have a blurry gray hue.

A Life Taken Away

Although some may think not being gone after death is a gift,
a favor from gods or goddesses, or a stroke of luck, a remnant
often realizes that its former life will inevitably slip from its
grasp, more and more, as time passes. Their foul nature starts
to irritate their former friends or family, and their condition
eventually results in all the others passing away of old age,
leaving the remnant behind. In the end, a remnant knows that
there will only be the silence of their twisted grave.
Even if there are friends or family who insist on staying
together, the aforementioned unknown dread haunts the
remnant. Life around the remnant may seem like it is still the
same, but the dread clawing at them from within makes it
seem as though an apocalypse is imminent, at all times.

Lost in Time

Remnants can remain in this state for all eternity. As their

body is preserved and animated by their souls, they can bear
the wear and tear of time indefinitely. Still, their eternal
existence is anything but pleasant. Their dreadful sleep and
restlessness make them lose track of time. After a year, or a
decade, of their existence as a remnant, they start to forget
the date and how much time has passed between the events of
their (un)life.
In this sense, some of them try to seek the aid of those who
tend to live long, such as elves. If a remnant was an elf before
its death, it can adapt to its endlessness more easily than a
human remnant.

A Life Unseen stay on the good side when you are seen as an abomination
and are rejected by society. Evil remnants accept that they are
Many realms and kingdoms harbor hostile feelings towards monsters, and act accordingly, thinking it is better to be feared
the undead. In fact, common creatures outright fear walking than to be pitied or rejected.
corpses since necromancy is a well-known practice. Most often, Size. Your size is the same as that of your former race.
seeing an undead is not a good sign. It can herald anything;
from a curse to an invasion of undead hordes commanded by
Your Former Life
a lich. Consequently, folks are rarely pleased when they come
across remnants.
Although your character’s story involves you dying
Because they are exceedingly rare, remnants are often mis-
and becoming a remnant, thus belonging to the
judged regarding their nature. Many people do not even try to
remnant race, you choose to belong to the remnant
listen to them, as there are undead who can talk and still have
race while creating your character. Thus, it is likely
the ultimate aim to eat one’s flesh. The reactions of the tem-
that you died when you were a commoner (a level
ples to the remnants are even (and perhaps especially) harsh,
0 character not belonging to a particular class).
as their instinct is to either turn or destroy them.
On the other hand, you can also be a remnant who
As a result, remnants tend to hide their true nature. They
lost its abilities in (and perhaps its memory of) its
try to blend into society and be seen as normal, living people.
former life.
They can wear perfumes to hide their smell and excessive
Additionally, you can become a remnant in the
clothing to hide their distorted flesh.
middle of an adventure or a campaign. In this case,
simply substitute all the traits of your former race
with the remnant traits listed below.

Rejected by the Society

Remnants try to maintain what is left of their lives Speed. Your speed is the same as that of your former race.
without drawing attention to their nature. Their Benefits of Unlife. You do not require food or water to sur-
ideas of races vary according to what race they vive, and you are immune to being poisoned, poison damage,
belonged to before they became remnants. Yet, they and diseases. You cannot fall asleep, you are immune to being
also acquire new views and stereotypes about other unconscious except if you drop to 0 hit points. You do not
factions when they become a remnant. suffer from exhaustion unless it is inflicted through magical
Clergy. “They are hypocrites! They preach the words means. Additionally, you do not have to breathe and therefore
of their deity, and perhaps my deity as well. Yet they do not need to hold your breath underwater.
think of us as a curse or abomination that is to be pitied Skillful in Hiding. You have proficiency in the Deception and
or saved.” Stealth skills.
Commoners. “I understand why they fear us. I would Unholy Rejuvenation. You are immune to necrotic damage,
be frozen in dread if I saw a zombie in my previous life. and, receiving damage of this type will heal you by half of the
We have to keep them in ignorance in regard to our true damage dealt.
nature. This would be safer for them, as well as for us.” Turn Vulnerability. You can be affected by the Turn Undead
Undead. “We may look alike, but I have no sympathy feature, but cannot be destroyed by it.
for these hideous creatures. Still, this may just be me. I Languages. You know the languages you knew.
have heard of other remnants who accepted themselves Resting by Distraction. You rest by distracting yourself
to be undead, and do the same atrocities as they do.” enough so that you don’t feel the dread that always haunts
you. You cannot sleep, and distract yourself with anything
such as the sound of the campfire.
Subrace. There are two subraces of remnants. They become
what they are as the result of different causes and thus have
different traits. Choose one of these subraces; one that suits
Remnant Traits you and your background story.
Your remnant character has a number of traits in common
with all other remnants. Risen Corpse
Ability Score Increase. An ability score of your choice in- You were long dead, but somehow, something pulled your
creases by 1. soul back from the afterlife and raised you from the dead. You
Racial Traits. Remnants lose all racial traits of their former do not remember what your soul witnessed in the afterlife,
race. but perhaps the dread that you feel is related to that. You can
Age. Remnants can be of any age, and they always look like become a risen corpse as a result of many occasions and you
the age at the time of their passing. can work with your GM about it. Your soul can be unlucky (or
Alignment. Remnants do not tend toward one particular lucky) enough to encounter a necromantic ritual or someone
alignment, but there is a higher number of remnants that are may bring you back to learn from your experiences.
neutral-aligned or evil-aligned rather than good. It is hard to Risen corpses are outright rotten. They look even less like

people and more like a zombie. It is difficult for risen corps- Kartuki
es to hide their true nature from humanoids. On the other
hand, they are less prone to effects that would overwhelm
living creatures.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by
2. This is Taletir, one of the master explorers of the Elven
Dead cannot be Slain. You automatically succeed on your Exploration Society. I am not sure whether you will find
death saving throw when you drop to 0 hit points. However, this note before it is eaten by these brutes or not, but it is
if you are dealt damage while you are unconscious, you still my last remaining hope to leave behind one last explora-
suffer from death saving failure as normal. tion that is somehow witnessed or understood. If you find
Flesh for Mending. You can eat the meat of a fresh corpse this, make sure that these will be remembered. First of all,
(meaning one that has been dead less than 1 hour) to mend I want to say that I know you will probably assume that
your body. As an action, you can consume the remains of a I am mad as I’ve written this note in my own blood, but I
fresh corpse to regain 1d4 hit points. A small corpse is con- am not. It is all that I have while I am being held captive
sumed totally within 2 rounds. This time is 4 rounds for a me- by these cannibalistic monsters. I secondly want to say
dium corpse, 8 rounds for a large corpse, 16 rounds for a huge this: They eat everything, they hunt everything, they
corpse, and 32 rounds for a gargantuan corpse. survive everything. If we could, perhaps, educate these
Walking Corpse. It is nearly impossible to hide your true na- people and turn them into a disciplined army, we could
ture. You have disadvantage on your Charisma (Deception) and conquer anything, and everything. Their determination
Charisma (Persuasion) checks to hide what you are. to survive knows no equal. Thirdly, and lastly, there is one
of them approaching, smiling. Know that they do not have
the habit of cooking their meals…
Undying - Taletir, an unlucky explorer
Your soul somehow stayed in your body when you died, and
thus you are somehow not dead. Your body is still perceived as
a fresh corpse, cold and stiff, but humanoid-looking in general.
You think it is the will of your soul that holds on to your body,
Kartuki culture is a culture of brutality, bloodlust, and canni-
and that leaves your (un)life intact. You don’t know what this
balism. They are pure savagery in humanoid form. They carry
dread you feel is. It is perhaps a side effect of what you have
a savage and pure bloodlust within their souls. To satiate this
bloodlust, they sustain themselves with raw flesh, bone, and
Undying remnants look very much like living creatures,
as their corpse did not decompose and was preserved by the
They are said to be created as a result of the experiments
power of their souls when they died. It is relatively easy for
conducted by a demon lord on humans. Although it is not
them to hide their true nature from others by using simple
known whether this is true, or who created them or when it
disguise techniques, but they still have to hide it to steer clear
happened, Kartukis’ brutality certainly competes with the cha-
of injustice or prejudgment.
os and the evil of demons.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Their appearance also reflects their corrupt nature. Their
Possession. You possess a creature that is within 10 feet of
skin looks as if it has been burnt and healed, covered in scars
you. When you attempt to do so, the creature makes a Wisdom
and textures, and they have sharp claws and teeth. Many of
saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Charisma modifier + your
them have bone spikes poking out from under the skin, blood-
proficiency bonus). On a failed save, you possess the mind of
red or pitch-black birthmarks, etc. Also, they have the ability
the creature (see mind possession in Possession and Exorcism
to shape their bones to use them as weapons.
section for details) for 1 minute. You cannot harm the crea-
ture’s body willingly, and the creature repeats its saving throw
at the start of each of its turns, and each time it takes damage. Cannibalism
While you possess another creature, your body lies uncon-
scious and any damage done to it decreases your hit points. Cannibalism is the Kartukis’ way of life. They believe that
Yet, any damage (except psychic) done to you in your pos- consuming the raw and bloody flesh of the dead heals and
sessed body is not inflicted on your hit points but on that of strengthens them. They think that cooking meat kills the soul.
the creature you possessed. According to them, there is no afterlife. You exist as long as
When the possession is over and you return to your own you hold on to your own blood, or you have another creature’s
body, you suffer one level of exhaustion. Once you use this fea- blood within. So, they eat their dead members, both to pay re-
ture, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. spect and to have their blood inside them. They also consume
Disrupted Animation. The animation of your body gets dis- their defeated enemies because when they win, they have the
rupted when your soul and mind are harmed. When you take right to own the enemy. They believe that they carry their
psychic damage, you have disadvantage on your ability checks, ancestors’ Wisdom in this way, as well.
attack rolls, and saving throws until the end of your next turn. The greatest punishment that could befall a Kartuki is being
Willful Soul. The strength of your soul is also reflected in burned, as this would wipe their entire existence off the face of
your mental resilience. You have advantage on saving throws the universe .
against being charmed or frightened through magic. They hate the Undead because of their rotten flesh. Becom-
ing an Undead creature is heresy for the Kartuki.

As they are inherently cannibalistic, if they decide to worship • Your determination to survive strengthens your defense
or serve a greater power, they generally choose the forces of against charms. You gain advantage on your saving throws
blood, cannibalism, savagery, bloodlust. against being charmed.
Twisted Body. Kartukis value their blood, bone and flesh.
Mercy You can manipulate them in minor degrees to gain the follow-
ing benefits:
Kartukis do not know what mercy is. For them, mercy is one • You can use your reaction to harden your flesh and gain a
of the greatest weaknesses one can possess. From birth until +1 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn. Once you
death, they learn that the powerful survive. If you forgive an use this feature a number of times equal to your proficien-
enemy, you give it a second chance to kill you. Instead, you cy bonus, you must finish a long rest before you can use it
should kill it and consume its flesh to show your domination again.
over it. To benefit your children, do not show mercy and leave • You can use your bonus action to grow the bones in your
behind a worthy blood. arms to create a long spike which deals 1d6 piercing or
slashing damage. You must choose the damage type while
A Tribal Life creating the spike. You can have up to 2 spikes growing
at the same time. If a spike is broken, you must finish a
Kartukis live a tribal life. They build tent cities which they call long rest before you can regrow it with this feature. these
kartuk. These kartuks are governed by chieftains. The most spikes has light and finesse weapon properties, and any
powerful kartuki in a tent city becomes the chieftain and can ability that gives you benefits while wielding two weapons
be challenged at any time. applies to them.
The words of chieftains are considered the law. They are
generally counseled by the spiritual leader, called the shaman,
of the tribe. The shaman is usually a spellcaster.

Kartuki Names

Male Names: Atoka, Bam, Otok, Rakal

Female Names: Bin, Enka, Rina, Zinra

Kartuki Traits

Your Kartuki character has certain traits in common with all

other Kartukis, which it has learned through its tribal and wild
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by
Age. Kartukis mature at the same rate as humans but they
live longer. They can live up to 150 years.
Alignment. Most Kartukis are chaotic evil. This could either
be due to their rumored demonic ancestors or their general
Size. Kartukis have a weight and height that is similar to
humans. Your size is Medium.
Cannibalism. Kartukis feed on raw flesh, bone and blood.
They believe the consumption of these commodities heals
them. As an action, you can eat raw meat, bone or drink blood
to regain 1d6 hit points on each of your turns, and you can
keep consuming a fresh chunk for the following 3 rounds.
However, you cannot consume the flesh of others if it is still
connected to their body because it would be too hard to rip the
flesh off.
Harsh Survival. Due to their wild way of life and cannibalis-
tic traditions, Kartukis are exposed to many dangers, poisons,
and diseases throughout their existence. Surviving these dan-
gers makes you gain the following benefits:
• You gain proficiency in the Wisdom (Survival) skill.
• You have advantage on saving throws against disease and
being poisoned.

Predator. Kartukis behave the way savage animals do when Shadowkin
they hunt and fight. You have claws and sharp teeth you can
use as weapons. They deal 1d4 slashing and 1d6 piercing dam-
age, respectively.
Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and Kar-
tuka, which is a language specific to Kartukis. It is composed of She was the strangest barbarian I have ever seen. She at-
growls and snarls that resemble the sound of breaking bones. tacked the bandits just as they were about to kill me. I was
Subrace. There are three different subraces of Kartukis. Their the last survivor of my trade caravan. At first, I thought
methods of survival, and of course their favorite dishes, set her to be a sorcerer or a wizard because she appeared to
them apart from one another. These spikes has light and fi- have materialized amidst the shadows. She then started to
nesse weapon properties yell with a furious rage and to swing her axe at an incredi-
ble speed, which made me think that she was a barbarian.
Afterwards, she spread her shadowy wings and leapt into
Blood Kartuki the air, only to land on top of the last bandit, cutting him
The power carried by the blood flowing in your veins is even
in half. I was so confused and frightened that I just gave all
more powerful. As a result, you feel the blood of your ances-
my gold when she asked me to do so, without questioning
tors, of the ones consumed by them, and the ones consumed by
why she saved me only to rob me herself.
you even more, as well.
- Bernard, the trader telling the story
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
to local inquisition
Specified Cannibalism (Blood). When you consume blood and
use the Cannibalism feature, you regain 1d8 hit points instead
of 1d6.
Blood of The Consumed. You can invoke the power of the
blood. As an action, you gain advantage on the checks of a skill
You are a creature born in the realms of shadows, or that
of your choice for 1d4 hours. Once you do this, you cannot do
was brought to these dark realms when you were still a little
so until you finish a short or long rest.
baby. In either case, while growing up in these lands, shadows
infused within both your body and soul, granting you special
Bone Kartuki powers and twisting your physical appearance.
Your bones are sturdier and you have more control over them.
Ability Score Increase. One of the following ability scores of Parents in Shadow
your choice increases by 1: Strength or Dexterity.
Monstrous Outlook. Your claws and teeth are larger than On rare occasions, mortals have the ability to make extraor-
those of the other members of your race. While this makes dinary decisions. One could, for instance, decide to sacrifice
you a better predator in close combat, it might be off-putting their children to the shadows, or to live in the realm of shad-
to other races. They see you as a frightening and non-friendly ows, or to mate with a denizen of shadows. And most of the
creature. As a result, when dealing with humanoid races, you time, there is a dark motive lurking behind these decisions.
have advantage on your Charisma (Intimidation) checks, and This could be a desire to please a dark deity, a will to build a
disadvantage on your Charisma (Persuasion) checks. The GM temple for a forbidden power that is long forgotten, or a ne-
can decide whether this feature is applicable or not. cessity to be hidden from forces of good.
Specified Cannibalism (Bone). When you consume bones and On some other rare occasions, creatures of the shadows
use your Cannibalism feature, you regain 1d8 hit points instead have been known to abduct children from the material plane,
of 1d6. to use them as pawns in their dark and shadowy plans.
Stronger Bones. Your Twisted Body feature deals 1d8 dam- You are the product of such an occasion and your person-
age instead of 1d6. ality bears the characteristics of your parents as well as the
Flesh Kartuki
You are obsessed with flesh. You believe that it holds secrets Shadows of the Past
within and that exploring them is what you were born to do.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by Whatever your origins, you have witnessed, or even commit-
1. ted, many atrocities in the shadows: bloody sacrifices made in
Specified Cannibalism (Flesh). When you consume flesh and the dark, imprisoning lost souls in the shadows, unlucky crea-
use your Cannibalism feature, you regain 1d8 hit points instead tures murdered by many types of undead, creation ceremonies
of 1d6. of vampires, liches, mummies.
Body Twister. You can gain a +1 bonus to AC for 1 minute These memories never leave you even if you do leave the
while using your Twisted Body feature. Also, you can use the shadows. They always accompany you; wherever you go and
same feature to increase the AC of a creature you touch until whatever you do.
the end of its next turn.

Shadowy Future Once you teleport using this feature, you must finish a long
rest to use it again.
Whether a shadowkin chooses to embrace its cold, dark and Shadowy Behavior. You can act as though you were a shad-
deadly experiences or follow a different path, it is always hard ow; you can be frightening, persuasive or sneaky, depending
for them to find peace because of the terrors lurking in their on what you might need at a given occasion. You gain profi-
dark past. They are mischievous and treacherous in the eyes of ciency in one of the following skills: Intimidation, Persuasion,
many civilizations and societies. No matter what kind of path or Stealth.
it chooses, a dark, surprising and twisted future is always what Sunlight Sensitivity. While in the sunlight, you have dis-
awaits a shadowkin. advantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.
Shadowkin Traits Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and one
other language of your choice.
Your shadowkin character has certain traits it has acquired
throughout its dark life in the shadows.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2
and Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Shadowkin mature at the same rate as humans but
they live longer,averaging around 900 years.
Alignment. Shadowkin are known to be wild in their spirits,
so it is a bit hard to generalize their alignments. Although
it is known there are Shadowkin that serve both good and
evil forces, they tend to gravitate towards evil as a result of
the atrocities they have witnessed and the creatures of the
shadows they have come across since their childhood. Like the
shadows where they reside, they like to be free and neutral.
Darkvision. Your time spent in the realms of the shadows
has granted you the ability to see in darkness. You have dark-
vision out to a range of 60 feet.
Size. Shadowkins weigh the same as humans. Your size is
Gift of Shadows. Your body is twisted by the shadows. You
have shadowy claws. The claws deal 1d6 necrotic damage and
do not grow in time.
Shadow Form. As a bonus action, you can transform into a
shadow along with what you are wearing, whatever you are
carrying, and gain the following traits:
• You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical attacks.
• You can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch with-
out having to squeeze.
• You have advantage on your Stealth checks.
• You can make melee weapon attacks with your shadowy
The shadow form remains until the end of your next turn.
Once you use it, you have to finish a short rest to use it again.
Shadow Point. By performing a 1-hour ritual, you can
choose the shadow of a nearby structure (a tree, a build-
ing, etc.) and form a connection with it. The chosen shadow
becomes a shadow point. It is now a permanent and magical
shadow that can be detected with a detect magic spell.It carries
a conjuration aura and it can only be dispelled by a dispel magic
spell that is cast by using a spell slot of 5th level or higher.
Since it is magical, the shadow point remains even if the other
shadows change as a result of a change in the lighting in the
area. You can now teleport into this shadow. This telepor-
tation does not work if you and the shadow are on different
planes. You can change your designated shadow point by
remaking the ritual and you can have only one shadow point
at a time.

New Archetypes
his section includes dozens of archetypes that are suitable for the themes of what Corpus Malicious presents. They are
dark and often wicked specializations written for the classes represented in 5th Edition. It is important to note that,
although some of these archetypes are not suitable for characters with neutral or good alignments, many of them can fit a
non-evil character. Still, what every archetype in this section has in common is that they are morally gray at the least.

B a r b a r i a n Pat h s Gore Showdown

Barbarian paths presented here focus on the rage of the bar- Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you learn the
barian as a tool of destruction. For these paths, rage almost basics of gore fighting and the ways of turning your gore into
always causes carnage and reckless bloodshed. Gore Gladiator a performance. Hence, you can add your proficiency bonus to
focuses on causing gore for the sake of gladiatorial combat, your Charisma (Performance) checks while performing
reveling in it to become stronger. Path of the Deviator finds in an arena.
rage in the madness of aberrations from realms far away. Path Additionally, while raging, you have new
of Fiendish rage connects the rage to fiends and gains unholy abilities by which you can create a bloody
traits with it. masterpiece. Whether you are raging or not,
certain circumstances during combat
Gore Gladiator

“Welcome to The Arena! The seats are full, the spectators are hun-
gry for violence and the sky glows crimson red, for the gods of the
arena demand BLOOD! Welcome, visitors! Welcome, to the place in
which blood shall flow like a furious river…”
- From an unknown arena

The arena... It is one of the most merciless places in the world.

It is where people die every day, for the sheer enjoyment of
the audience. All day long, some gladiators rise and some fall
in this great skirmish, and at the end of the day, the winner
proudly hails the audience with the joy of survival. Some glad-
iators just want to live long enough to escape that place, some
want to get rich. Yet, some others simply enjoy the bloodlust
of the arena.
For these last few, being completely soaked in blood is the
best way to express the rage that festers within. Making peo-
ple cheer their name, making them cry out as they cut down
their enemies, splitting them into two one by one, and being
rewarded in return, are merely extra perks. These gladiators
are called Gore Gladiators. Whether they live in the arena or
not, they are aptly named as they leave pools of blood and
butchered enemies in their path.

grant you Gore Points that you can spend to make various The Show Must Go On
gore showdown moves while raging.
Gore Points should be spent within the same encounter Starting at 14th level, gore is an inseparable part of your life.
(each time Initiative is rolled) in which they are gained. When While raging, you gain 3 gore points.
the encounter ends, the barbarian drops to 0 hit points or falls
unconscious, the points are lost, and you start a new encoun- Path of the Deviator
ter with 0 points. The maximum number of gore points you
can have is equal to your barbarian level + your proficiency
bonus. You can use multiple showdown moves on an attack.
The lists of circumstances in which you gain gore points,
along with how you can spend them, is provided in the tables “...aght yothgeccil zxog hosqvu ulgw’awar gagsiezy
below; ccccc…”
Gore - Unintelligible words of Rimin The Crazed
Gore Point Circumstances Points
The first time you hit on each one of your turns 1
When you take damage 1 Rage means chaos. Barbarians delve into the depths of their
When you knock an enemy unconscious 1 chaotic anger and strike with the power of this chaos. They
When you score a critical hit 2 want to survive the fight, and to see their enemies crushed
under their rage. Some barbarians take this rage too far and
When a member of your party falls unconscious 2
become an incarnation of chaos themselves. They do not
When you kill an unconscious target 2 control their rage, and they become a tool of the chaos inside
When you take damage from a critical hit 3 them. They lose themselves so completely that even their body
parts can change in the chaos of the moment.
When a member of your party is killed 3
When you kill a target instantly by dealing Gifts of the Far
massive damage
Yours is a path that seeks attunement with a realm of other-
Gore worldly nature during rage. This short-termed attunement
Gore Showdown Moves Points grants you some gifts. Starting at 3rd level, while raging, you
Spent gain the following benefits; ability to speak and understand
Deep Speech, and Darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
You deal 1d6 extra damage with a weapon
Manifestations of Chaos
You gain advantage on your next attack roll 3
Starting at 3rd level, an aberration of a realm far away notices
When you make an attack, you can use your 5 you while you’re raging. It grants you some powers by mani-
bonus action to make another attack
festing in you just to have a taste of the sweet chaos burning
inside you. After the first manifestation, it leaves a trace on
You can keep your rage active for 1 extra min-
5 your appearance, indicating its presence which is ready to be
manifested again. This mark can be a tentacle tattoo, hair that
You can choose to score a critical hit on your is always wet, a smell, or some other cosmetic effect that you
5 can determine.
next attack roll
Different aberrations grant different powers. These powers
are listed as the following:
More the Blood, for Better Fight Aboleth. The manifestation of an aboleth brings with it a
special kind of disease. You are immune to the disease; how-
Starting at 6th level, while raging, things get extra bloody. The ever, others are not. Once per rage, you can infect your target
first time you hit with a weapon attack on each turn, you can with this disease when you hit a creature with a weapon at-
cause the attack to deal an extra 1d6 damage of the weapon’s tack. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
damage type. (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution
modifier) or the damage you deal lowers its hit point maxi-
Trained Gladiator mum by the amount inflicted. This damage can only be healed
while the target is underwater.
Starting at 10th level, you become a trained gladiator, special- Chuul. The manifestation of a chuul toughens-up your body
ized in your bloody style. The gore points you need to spend and sharpens your senses against magic. While you’re raging,
for each Gore Showdown Move decreases by 1. you are immune to poison damage and are immune to being
poisoned. You gain the effects of detect magic spell while you’re

raging. well), you must finish a long rest to produce it on your body
Cloaker. While raging, you have advantage on your Strength and use it again.
(Athletics) checks while grappling, and if you grapple a crea- Chuul. You gain a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you can
ture, a dark cord is created between the two of you. When breathe underwater. You also start to sense magic when a
you take damage while grappling, you can transfer half of magical item is brought within 60 feet of you, or if a spell is
the damage you take (rounded down) to the creature you are cast within 60 feet of you. You can sense number of items and
grappling through the cord using your reaction. spells, but not direction, rarity, or level.
Cloaker. When you are near an object that is at least one
Chaotic Attunement size larger than you, you have advantage on your Dexterity
(Stealth) checks and you can move stealthily while traveling at
Starting at 6th level, you gain a permanent benefit based on a normal pace.
the aberration you choose. You can choose the same aberra-
tion you selected at 3rd level or another one. Whispers of Chaos
Aboleth. You gain a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you can
breathe underwater. Also, you become a permanent carrier Starting at 10th level, while raging, the manifested aberrations
of the disease. You start to carry the disease (explained in start to talk to you. Although what they say is gibberish, you
the aboleth section of Manifestation of Chaos feature) even can ask a question to the aberration as a bonus action. You can
while you are not raging. Once you use this disease (or the ask only one question in one turn. The aberration gives you
second time you use it if you chose Aboleth in 3rd level as the answer to the question only if the question concerns some-
thing (or someone) that is within 300 feet of you. For example,
you can ask ‘’What is one vulnerability of the creature I am
battling?’’ or ‘’What is one of the deepest desires of the person
I am talking to right now?’’ You can ask only 3 questions each
time you rage.

Physical Manifestations

Starting at 10th level, while raging, the manifestation causes a

physical change in your body that can easily be seen. You can
choose the same aberration you selected previously or another
Aboleth. While raging, you grow
a tentacle that you can use to attack
once without using an action. The
tentacle has a range of 5 feet and
it deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage
on a hit.
Chuul. While raging, you grow
a dark purple arm with a pincer
instead of a hand at the end. You
can attack with this pincer as a bonus
action. It has a range of 5 feet and it deals 1d8
bludgeoning damage on a hit.
Cloaker. While raging, you grow a black slimy tail. You
can attack with this tail as a bonus action. It has a range of 5
feet and it deals 1d8 slashing damage on a hit.

Aspect of Chaos

Starting at 14th level, you gain one last benefit from the
aberrations manifested within you. You can choose the same
aberration you selected previously or another one.
Aboleth. While raging, you can spit mucus on one creature
within 5 feet of you as an action. The creature must succeed
on a Constitution saving throw or is left without air for 1 hour,
making it suffocate. The affected creature can breathe nor-
mally while underwater and the mucus can be cleared with a
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check, ending the effects.

If the creature does not need to breathe, it is unaffected by using a greatsword, you deal 4d6 slashing damage.
the mucus. The DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your You can use this feature after you make your attack roll but
Constitution modifier. before the GM tells you the result. You can use this feature a
Chuul. While raging, if you grapple a creature with your number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain
own hands, you can attack them once using the weapon you any expended uses after you finish a long rest.
grow at 10th level without using your bonus action. Additionally, if you score a critical hit against a creature
Also, the weapon can sense magic and lusts to consume it. within 30 feet of you, this sight of agony agitates you and you
When you hit a spellcaster with your aberration’s weapon, you can use your reaction to make an additional attack. You have
deal 1d8 psychic damage in addition to the weapon’s damage. advantage on this additional attack.
Also, you gain advantage on saving throws against spells
cast by the target you hit until the end of your next turn. Fiendish Traits
Cloaker. While raging, as a bonus action, you can call 5
Medium cloakers to cover your arms, creating otherworldly At 6th level, your unholy rage starts to show in your appear-
wings. You gain a flying speed equal to your current walking ance and you develop some traits. Choose one of the following
speed for the next 5 consecutive rounds. You have to attack or benefits:
attempt to grapple a creature every round or the effect ends. Spikes of Gore. While raging, spikes come out of your body,
On your first attack or grapple attempt in a round, a cloaker is ready to pierce your foes. When a creature tries to hit you
transferred to the target creature. Creatures must succeed on with an unarmed strike, it takes piercing damage equal to
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or become unable to breathe your proficiency bonus + its Strength or Dexterity modifier
because of the cloaker covering their face. A target creature (whichever is applied to its attack).
that does not need to breathe is not affected. If a target crea- If a creature grapples you, it takes piercing damage equal
ture succeeds on a DC 16 Strength saving throw, the cloaker is to 2 + your proficiency bonus at the start of each one of your
detached. turns for the duration that you remain grappled. If you grap-
ple a creature, it takes the same damage at the start of each
Path of Fiendish Rage one of its turns for the duration that it remains grappled.
Additionally, if you are grappling a creature, you can choose
to make a melee weapon attack against that creature with the
spikes on your body that deals piercing damage equal to 4d4
“I will gut you and then eat you and then sacrifice your + your Strength modifier. You have advantage on this attack
blood to my tribe’s horned guardians!” roll.
- Doci, Gnome Barbarian of the Fiendish Rage

The Path of Fiendish Rage is one of spilling blood and reveling

in this act. Your burning rage causes destruction and suffer-
ing, and is only satisfied when it does so. You may or may
not be evil, but when you rage, you are overwhelmed with
fury and you lose yourself in it, causing you to wreak havoc
without exception. You may be aware of the origins of your
path, which might be related to certain gifts given to you or
your tribe by fiendish entities. You may also not be aware of
it, which would mean that you have no idea that an infernal
master has marked you for its plans.

Fiendish Rage

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd

level, your rage becomes much more sinister
and destructive. At the sight of a successful
attack that occurred within 60 feet of you and
that is made either to you or your allies or by you
or your allies, you must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom
saving throw or you enter a rage.
While raging, your attacks can become exceedingly grue-
some. On a hit with a weapon attack, you can choose to roll
one additional weapon damage die. For example, if you are
using a great axe, you deal 2d12 slashing damage; or if you are

Fiendish Charge. While moving towards a creature to attack a weapon that can make ears bleed. College of Revelry enjoys
it, your speed increases by 10 feet. You must declare that you everything to the extreme and makes others succumb them-
are going to make the attack and must make your attack when selves to this ecstasy as well. College of Woe sees pain and
you reach your target. You cannot use this feature if you can- desperation as the sole truth of life, and aims to spread them.
not reach your target with your increased speed.
Foul Blood. Whenever you take damage from a critical hit or
at least 15 piercing or slashing damage from a creature within College of Banshee/Siren
5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to spray your blood on
that creature. It must then make a Dexterity saving throw (DC
equals to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifi-
er). The target takes 2d12 acid damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one. “The most beautiful music in the realm should make ears
Foul Presence - Gloom Le Doux

Starting at 10th level, you emanate a foul aura around you.

While raging, creatures that start their turn within 5 feet of
you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 Tales of vengeful banshees and frightful sirens are common
+ your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or have among all folk, even if they go by different names in different
disadvantage on their attack rolls against you. cultures. College of Banshee or College of Siren is a bardic
Additionally, whenever a creature within 15 feet of you is college built upon one fundamental element, the power of the
hit by a weapon or spell attack, you can affect the creature voice.
with your foul presence. As a reaction, you can decrease its hit Bards of the College of Banshee or College of Siren can use
point maximum in an amount equal to the damage instead of their voice to shatter certain materials or to manipulate minds
dealing the attack’s original damage. This reduction lasts until with their music. They are feared by common folk because of
the target finishes a long rest. Once you use this feature for a legends telling stories of how they can shatter the very fabric
number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, you need of one’s mind using their voices, destroying their memories.
to finish a long rest to use it again.


Starting at 14th level, your rage demands constant destruc-

tion. While raging, you can choose to go on a rampage. While
on a rampage, you add to your bloodshed and gain charges of
bloodshed. When you successfully hit with a weapon attack,
you gain 1 charge of bloodshed. You can keep gaining charges
on each successful hit as long as you rage to a maximum of
charges equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 1).
You can choose to unleash these charges of bloodshed at
any time while you are still raging, dealing 1d6 extra damage
of the weapon’s damage type for each charge on a success-
ful weapon attack you make. You can state that you will
use this feature after you make your attack roll but before
the GM tells you the result. When you do so, the number
of charges resets to zero. An attack that unleashes these
charges does not cause you to gain a charge of bloodshed.
On the other hand, you find it quite challenging to keep
from spilling blood, which is not always a good thing. At the
start of each one of your turns in this state, you must succeed
on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or attack the nearest crea-
ture whether it is friend or foe. You use your movement to get
close to that creature if you must do so in order to attack it.

Ba r d C o l l e ge s
Bardhood is a journey that can lead to many interesting places
and ways of art. Some bards find evil to be a way of displaying
their art better. College of Banshee/Siren focuses on voice as

Shout Them Apart College of Revelry
When you join the College of Siren at 3rd level, you learn to
use your voice, or the sound of your instrument, to make a
ranged spell attack against a target within 30 feet of you. You
are considered proficient with this attack and it deals 1d6 “This is going to be the greatest party of all time!”
thunder damage on a hit. - Vick, “King of the Bloody Feast”
The thunder damage increases as you gain levels in this
class, increasing to 1d8 at 5th level, 2d6 at 10th level, and 2d8
at 15th level.
Also, nonmagical structures and creatures of glass, stone, College of Revelry teaches its bards how to enjoy life to the
wood, or crystal take double the damage from this attack. extreme. Bards of this college generally do not care about any-
thing but their own amusement. They know how to enjoy life.
Phantasmal Voice However, that does not mean they do not know when their
lives are at stake. They also know how to protect themselves,
At 3rd level, you can project your voice to a point within 30 albeit, in their own style.
feet of you. For example, you can whisper to a creature’s ears Bards of revelry are generally against the rules. They like
within 30 feet. comfort and care deeply about their freedom. However, the
bards of this college can find delight in many different things.
They can be found in forests, in the throes of a never-ending
Banshees’ Scream / Sirens’ Call festival with fey, and they can just as easily be seen in a de-
mon-worshipping cult, massacring and bathing in the blood of
At 6th level, you learn the wicked ways of sounds. You discov-
innocents, just for the fun of it.
er how to scare, to calm, and to charm creatures. As an action,
you can expend one use of Bardic Inspiration. When you do so,
you can create one of the following effects: Lost in Revelry
• You can scream in pain or play a chaotic, irritating song
with your instrument. A number of creatures up to your When you choose this college at 3rd level, you acquire a taste
Charisma modifier (minimum one) within 30 feet of you, for getting lost in revelry. As an action, you can expend a Bar-
and that can hear you, must succeed on a Wisdom saving dic Inspiration to enter a state of ecstasy for 1 minute. While
throw against your spell save DC or become frightened in this state, you only care about your joy and pleasure, and
of you. An affected creature must use its movement to as a result, you have disadvantage on your Wisdom (Percep-
get away from you. If there is not enough space for the tion) checks. However, since you do not feel any pain and may
creature to get away from you due to its speed, it takes even feel pleasure from being wounded, while not wear-
4d10 psychic damage. The frightened condition ends if ing any armor, you gain resistance to
the creature succeeds at getting 60 feet away from you or bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
takes psychic damage from the sound. damage from nonmagical attacks.
• You can sing or play a soothing, calming song or tune Once you use this feature, you
with your instrument. A number of creatures up to your must finish a short or long rest
Charisma modifier (minimum one) within 30 feet of you, before you can use it again.
and that can hear you, must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw against your spell save DC or become charmed by Ecstatic State
you. The charmed target must use their movement to try
to get closer to you. Starting at 3rd level, by
As an action, you can continue to use these abilities each expending a use of Bardic
turn for 1 minute (as if concentrating on a spell). Each turn, Inspiration, you can fill
the creatures within reach must make another Wisdom saving your weapon or spell attacks that
throw. target one creature with the ecstatic
emotions of revelry. On a hit, the tar-
Voice of Helplessness get must succeed on a Charisma saving
throw or it cannot take a bonus
At 14th level, you start to use your voice or tunes to shatter action or reaction until the end
the minds of your enemies. You can cast the feeblemind spell of its next turn.
without expending a spell slot except that the creature can
repeat its saving throw at the end of every 8 hours. Short Term Pleasures
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest to use
it again. Starting at 6th level, you can make
others experience short term plea-
sures of revelry with your perfor-
mance. As an action, by expending a use

of Bardic Inspiration, you can fill the air around you with College of Woe
emotions of revelry in a 30-foot radius. By controlling these
emotions, you can choose to do one of the following:
Taste of Life. You can choose up to 5 creatures within the
radius and grant them temporary hit points with a total equal
“The truest tale and the dearest music are the ones that
to 5 x your bard level for 1 minute.
come from suffering.”
Bloodlust. You can choose one creature and fill it with ex-
- Mazlum Sorrowtongue
citement. For 1 minute, the creature can make an attack as a
bonus action after it takes an attack action.
Once you use this feature twice, you must finish a long rest
before you can use it again. College of Woe is home to bards who sing songs of agony,
grief, pain, and sorrow. They are not like ordinary bards who
Slave of Ecstasy tell tales of glorious battles, and stories with happy endings.
Bards who experience painful events and who survive im-
Starting at 14th level, you can reflect the emotions of revelry mense tragedies generally choose this path. People generally
in a stronger way. Your Ecstatic State feature stuns the crea- look at them with both fear and mercy. Their performances
ture until the end of its next turn on a failed saving throw. are laced with melancholic emotions. The weight of their emo-
tions captures the minds of their audience, and fills them with
Indulge in Revelry the same feeling, breaking their spirit and killing their desire
to live. As they grow in power, these emotions become deeper.
Starting at 14th level, you can fill an area with a ½-mile-radius
centered on you with a surge of revelry through a perfor-
mance that takes 24 hours to complete and requires a success-
ful DC 21 Charisma (Performance) check.
When a creature enters the effect’s area, or is already in
the area, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against
your spell save DC or it slowly joins you in your indulgence of
revelry for 1 week.
Creatures within the area can repeat their saving throws
at the end of each day. After each failed saving throw, the DC
against which the creatures must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw increases by 2 and people delve even deeper into the
joys of revelry. A village filled with creatures who are lost in
deep hunger can end up cannibals, or an army brimming with
bloodlust can destroy itself.
The first effects concern all work coming to a halt in the
area, as creatures in the area lose the desire and the mo-
tivation to work. Then, these creatures’ shared emotions
completely take over, and result in a 1-week-long festival of
debauchery, of which you can determine the details. You can
give direction to the dominant emotions of the festival, as well
as people’s resulting behaviors. These emotions can cause the
affected creatures to behave in a manner that is lustful, blood-
thirsty, hungry, alcoholic, etc.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until one
month has passed.

Indulge in Revelry is a powerful feature
and can be game-changing. However, such
actions generally capture the attention of
good-aligned clerics, paladins and law enfor-

Song of Grief by this feature increases to 1d6 at 10th level and to 1d8 at 14th
When you join the College of Woe at 3rd level, you gain the
ability to sing mournfully in a way that enchants your enemies Avatar of Woe
with grief and sorrow, killing their desire to act.
As a bonus action, you can expend one use of Bardic Inspi- At 14th level, you start to carry the weight of the world, all
ration to sing a song of grief. When you do so, sorrows of pain- you have witnessed, all the pain you experienced or caused, on
ful memories fill the air. You choose a number of creatures your shoulders, changing your outlook on everything com-
who can hear you within 60 feet of you, up to a number equal pletely. You now look utterly devastated, grim and dark.
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). The targets’ In addition, as a bonus action, you can call upon all of this
speed decreases by 5 feet, and they must make a Charisma woe to come to your aid for 1 minute, or until you are incapac-
saving throw. On a failed save, their dedication and desire to itated. For the duration, an Avatar of Woe (p.237) fights along-
live are replaced with grief and sorrow, and they cannot use a side you and introduces others to feelings of pain and agony.
reaction until the end of their next turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you
As you grow in power, you see more of the agony that this finish a short or long rest.
life has to offer, and the well of sorrow inside you grows. As a
result, the decrease in the target creatures’ speed becomes 10
feet at 5th level, 15 feet at 10th level, and 20 feet at 14th level. C l er i c D om a i n s
Agonizing Performance The domains given here include the ways of the most wicked
and evil deities that can be present in various realms. Clerics
Starting at 3rd level, you can make your performances of the Corrupted Domain can corrupt others and then take
charged with woe. advantage of this corruption. Devour Domain is the domain of
If you perform for at least 1 minute and succeed on a DC 13 gods and goddesses who would stop at nothing before devour-
Charisma (Performance) check, you can attempt to fill your ing everything. Clerics of Rampage Domain live for nothing
audience with pain, whether with your words, your dance, or but to shed blood and annihilate their enemies for their
with any other type of performance. At the end of the perfor- deities.
mance, you choose a number of humanoids within 60 feet of
you who watched and listened to all of it, up to a number equal Corrupted Domain
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Each target
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell
save DC. On a failed save, the target is filled with emotional
agony. “You may ask me why I left the mountains where my clan
While affected by this feature, the target cannot help itself roams for a quest to travel the world. Well, I think I just
and starts to cry or is lost deep in its thoughts. It cannot love to spread corruption, wherever I go.”
concentrate on spells and its speed decreases by 10 feet. These - Mokkam The Corruptor
effects end if a target takes any damage, if you attack it, if it
witnesses you attacking or damaging any of its allies, or after 1
hour. On a successful save, the target does not understand that
you tried to affect it.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you Corruption has many forms. It can manifest in the most
finish a short or long rest. unexpected places. It can reach you in your happiest moment
or while you are in utter desperation. Either way, deities of
Real Pain corruption may approach you with a smile that disguises
their noxious offers. Clerics of the corrupted domain work as
At 6th level, visuals start to accompany your mournful melo- the emissaries of such offers and are masters in invoking the
dies. As a bonus action, you can affect a creature within 60 feet potential corruption within them. Any dark power that can
of you. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or it relives corrupt can claim influence over this domain.
the most painful moments of its life, feeling excruciating pain
once again, and takes 1d4 psychic damage. This effect stays CORRUPTED DOMAIN SPELLS
active for 1 minute or until your concentration is broken (as if Cleric Level Spells
you were concentrating on a spell). During this time, you can
deal the same damage to the targets you have hit as a bonus 1st detect evil and good, false life
action on each of your turns. 3rd evil mark*, ray of enfeeblement
Any creature who fails its saving throw for Song of Grief or
Agonizing Performance cannot resist the effects of this feature. 5th rotball*, stinking cloud
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you fin- 7th burst of corruption*, blight
ish a long rest. As you advance in your levels and witness the 9th cloudkill, conjure corruptive mass*
pains of life more, you can reflect it better. The damage dealt

Corrupted Initiate New Condition: Corrupted

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the ability When a creature becomes corrupted, it is crushed
to carry and spread corruption. You can gain Corruption under an overwhelming array of feelings for 3
Points of a number equal to your cleric level + your Wisdom rounds. The behaviors of the creature change, and
modifier (minimum one), which you can use to create differ- it starts to act in a random way. You roll a d10 to
ent effects. When you use all the points, you must finish a long determine the random action of the target creature,
rest to regain them. as shown in the table below:
Corruption is an ever-growing malicious force of the uni-
verse that gains power as it spreads. Whether the source of The creature runs in a random direction as
corruption is a scheme or chaos, the main purpose of corrup- 1-2 fast as they can for 1 round. It can roll a d8 to
tion is simply to corrupt more and more. The profane powers determine the direction.
of corruption have many potential secrets that you can un-
The creature stops, and starts to think about
cover as you gain more power. You can share your corruption;
3-4 life, alignments, and the universe itself. It is
spread it and you can heal, harm, or dominate.
stunned for 1 round.
Sharing Corruption Points. You can share your corruption
with others. As an action, you choose a target within 30 feet The creature stops and speaks in gibberish
of you and transfer some of your corruption points to it. If 5-6 for 1 round.
the target is not willing, it can make a Wisdom saving throw
against your spell save DC. The maximum number of corrup- 7-8 The creature attacks an enemy.
tion points you can transfer to a target in this way equals your The creature attacks the nearest creature,
proficiency bonus. Once transferred, the transferred corrup- 9-10 whether it is its friend or its enemy.
tion points stay with the target for 8 hours or until they are
taken back as a bonus action or spent for an ability.
Profane Healing. Scars can be healed and bleeding can be Corrupting Existence
stopped through the power of corruption, for the sake of
further corruption. As an action, you can use the corruption Starting at 1st level, you can share one domain spell that you
points of your allies within 30 feet of you to heal them. They can use with an ally within 60 feet of you. The ally can use the
regain 1d6 hit points for each of their corruption points. The spell within the next 8 hours, for once, and gains 1 corruption
used corruption points are lost. You can use a total number of point as the result. The spell uses your spell save DC and spell
corruption points equal to your proficiency bonus. attack bonus. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long
Also, when you heal yourself or an ally who has corruption rest to use it again.
points using a healing spell, you and your other allies within
30 feet of you who also have corruption points regain
1d6 hit points for each of their corruption points.
This action does not require you to spend corruption
points. In one attempt, you can affect a maximum
number of corruption points equal to your profi-
ciency bonus.
Harming Corruption. Corruption can disturb the
physical body or push the boundaries of the soul. As
an action, you can use the corruption of enemies with-
in 30 feet of you to harm them. You can choose to dam-
age their bodies by dealing necrotic damage or to harm their
souls by warping their minds with frightening images that
deal psychic damage. A target must make a successful Consti-
tution (against necrotic damage) or Wisdom (against psychic
damage) saving throw against your spell save DC or take 1d6
damage for each corruption point they have. In one attempt,
you can use a total number of corruption points equal to your
proficiency bonus.

If a creature’s corruption points exceed its Wisdom mo-
difier, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw
or become a tool of the corruption that it can no longer
contain. As a result, the creature becomes Corrupted.

Channel Divinity: Profane Light effects: The affected creature either gains resistance to
two of the following damage types of your choice: acid,
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to bludgeoning, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, piercing, radi-
frighten good-aligned creatures, crushing their will with your ant, slashing, or thunder; or does not suffer extra damage
corrupted light. from critical hits.
As an action, you present your unholy symbol and speak a These effects last for the durations given above, or until you
prayer condemning the good. Each good creature that can see use them or take back the transferred corruption points as a
or hear you within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw bonus action.
(DC equal to your spell save DC). On a failed saving throw, a
target creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any Devour Domain

Spells of Corruption

Starting at 6th level, you can enhance your divine spells with
“Your sheep, your homes, yourselves, all shall be con-
the corruption growing inside you to bring agony upon your
sumed. I have come to devour all that is held dear, in the
foes. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher to damage
name of never-ending hunger.”
any creature, you can spend corruption points and the damage
- Carvanul, Devour Domain Cleric
of the spell increases by the spell level + the corruption points
spent. When you use this feature, you can use a maximum
number of corruption points equal to your proficiency bonus.

You lived in endless hunger. Now, you are burning with the
Corrupted Priest
desire to spread your eternal hunger wherever you go. As you
look at the devastation that your unparalleled appetite causes,
Starting at 8th level, the intensity of corruption you can carry
your hunger only grows, for there remain new things to eat.
increases. As a result, the die of the Corrupted Initiate feature
You are never satisfied. Every new thing you see is nothing but
changes. You now roll d8s instead of d6s when you use this
a different flavor to taste. You must always eat more and more
to mitigate your hunger.
Corrupted Mutations DEVOUR DOMAIN SPELLS
At 17th level, you reach the pinnacle of corruption. As an ac- Cleric Level Spells
tion, you can spend corruption points to create several effects.
You can choose to create these effects on yourself by spending 1st blood spear*, protection from evil and good
10 corruption points, or you can grant them to another crea-
3rd enhance ability, enlarge/reduce
ture within 30 feet by transferring 5 of your corruption points
to it. You can choose one of the following effects: 5th bestow curse, heart grasp*
• You can choose to turn the blood of a number of creatures 7th banishment , horrendous touch*
into acid for 1 hour. The maximum number of creatures
9th hallow , raining blood*
you can affect in this way equals your Wisdom modifier
(minimum of 1). When the affected creature is attacked
with a melee weapon attack, the attacker must succeed on
Bonus Proficiency
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 acid damage.
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency
• You choose a creature within range (or yourself). The
with heavy armor.
chosen creature gains 50 temporary hit points for 8 hours,
or until it takes 50 damage.
• You can infuse your weapons, or those of your allies with- Eater
in range, with the powers of corruption, turning them
into corrupted weapons for 1 hour. The corrupted weapon Also starting at 1st level, you can eat everything you come
can deal an extra 2d6 damage of one of the following types across. Because you cannot suppress this eternal hunger inside
of your choice: acid, necrotic, or poison. you, and can eat anything because of it, your body is more
• You can call upon the magical powers of corruption to resilient. You have advantage on saving throws against disease
come to your own aid or share them with an ally within and being poisoned.
range. When you or your ally casts a spell that deals dam-
age, it deals an extra 3d6 damage of one of the following Channel Divinity: Stop and Eat
types of your choice: acid, necrotic, or poison.
• You can alter your or one of your allies’ bodies to make Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
it tougher. The skin of the affected creature changes and Stop And Eat. You trigger a need to devour within an enemy
emanates a slightly foul light. Choose one of the following target as a bonus action. The creature must succeed on a Wis

dom saving throw or become prone, ceasing to do whatever it Starter
was doing for the duration of the effect. The affected creature
cannot take an action or a bonus action other than eating, and Starting at 6th level, you can choose to eat a dagger-sized ob-
starts to eat anything edible. If it cannot find anything to eat ject as a bonus action, and you gain a benefit depending on the
in close proximity, it starts to eat itself, taking 1d4 necrotic eaten object. This is the manifestation of the eternal hunger
damage each turn. This damage ignores immunity and resis- within you. You can only gain one of the following benefits at
tance. It loses the sense of where it is or who it is with, and if a time and the effects last for 1 minute. The benefits you will
it gets hit, it doesn’t feel it. gain based on the objects you eat are specified as the follow-
This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wis- ing:
dom modifier (minimum one). The affected creature can re- Adamantine. You do not take the extra damage dealt by
peat the Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns. critical hits.
On a successful save, the creature is no longer affected. Bone. You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Crystal, Glass, Ice. Your speed does not change in difficult
terrain. Additionally, you cannot have disadvantage on saving
throws against effects that deal cold damage, and you gain
resistance to cold damage.
Iron, Steel. Your weight doubles and your speed is halved
but you can’t be knocked prone.
Mithral. Your weight, along with that of the items you
carry, is halved. Additionally, you have advantage on
Dexterity saving throws.
Stone. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, pierc-
ing, slashing damage dealt by nonmagical attacks,
and you gain resistance to fire damage.
Wood. You gain resistance to slashing and pierc-
ing damage dealt by nonmagical attacks.
If you have a creative idea in addition to the ob-
jects listed above, you can talk to your Game Master
to determine whether you can eat something else,
as well as the benefit you gain from it.
You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your Wisdom modifier (minimum one). You regain
any expended uses after you finish a long rest.

Extradimensional Swallow

Starting at 8th level, as a bonus action, you can turn your

mouth into a portal opening into a pocket dimension created
within your stomach. Your lower jaw falls on the ground, leav-
ing your mouth wide open and creating a portal-like structure.
This portal remains open for 1 minute or until you swallow
something as an action. The total weight of the creatures or
the objects you swallow can’t exceed 175 lbs. This weight in-
creases to 195 lbs. at 11th level, 215 lbs. at 14th level, and 235
lbs. at 17th level. If you want to swallow an unwilling creature,
you must make a melee spell attack.
On a hit, you swallow it. The pocket dimension inside you
is dark, and it smells of acid. There is enough air to breathe to
last 10 minutes for a single Medium-sized creature. Even if you
take damage, the swallowed creatures or objects cannot be
harmed since they are in another dimension.
You can choose to consume an object or a creature that you
swallowed. While consuming it, you deal 1d8 acid damage at
the start of each of your turns. This damage increases to 2d8 at
11th level, 3d8 at 14th level, and 4d8 at 17th level.
A swallowed creature can try to escape from the pocket
dimension. To do so, it can make a Wisdom saving
throw at the end of each of its turns. If it succeeds,
you vomit the creature out, and it appears in an
unoccupied space next to you.

If you swallow more than you can take, the pocket dimen- Bonus Proficiency
sion is overloaded. In case of an overload, everything inside is
removed involuntarily as you vomit everything out. When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency
If a creature dies in the pocket dimension, either because with heavy armor.
of acid damage or from lack of air, it can only be resurrected
with a wish spell. Incite Rampage
If you die, the swallowed creatures and objects pour out
from your mouth. Also starting at 1st level, you can awaken the need for ram-
page in your allies. As an action, you can choose a number of
Endless Hunger allies within 30 feet of you, including yourself. Chosen allies
can make a weapon attack as a bonus action when they use
Starting at 17th level, when you swallow and then consume their action to make an attack, until the end of their next turn.
a creature by using the Extradimensional Swallow feature, you
can choose to take on the appearance and physical features
of the consumed creature. You can replace your appearance,
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores with the ones of
the consumed creature. You can choose to replace one, two,
or all three of them.
If you consume a creature whose score(s) is changed by an
item, a spell, or an effect, you replace your original score(s)
with the changed score of the creature.
The replacement must take place within 1 day of the con-
sumption and requires a long rest to complete. The replaced
scores last for a number of days equal to your Wisdom modifi-
er (minimum one).

Rampage Domain


- The words that started a 40-Day massacre

Rampage domain focuses on bloodshed,

carnage, slaughter, and endless rage. Many
dark deities who love massacres committed in
their name suggest the Rampage domain. As
the bringer of slaughter, you can channel divine
energy to make your enemies rue the day they crossed
your path. You can use the furious powers granted to you by
your dark deity to slaughter a small village, just as you can use
them to bring havoc upon an enormous battlefield.


Cleric Level Spells

1st heroism, villainous rage*

3rd enlarge/reduce, unholy rage*
5th claw of slaughter*, haste
7th mark of rampage*, murder darkness*
9th foul frenzy*, raining blood*

The maximum number of allies you can affect in this way is one of your allies hits the cursed creature with an attack, the
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum one). Once you target takes an extra 2d8 necrotic damage, and the curse ends.
reach this maximum number, you must finish a long rest be- You can curse a creature in this way once on each turn.
fore you can use this feature again.

Channel Divinity: Pure Ferocity Druid Cir cles

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to Not all druids see life and nature the same way, and not all
frighten your weak enemies with the ferocity that burns inside of them represent the peaceful parts of nature. Druids of the
you. Circle of Bones do not see death as a taboo and nemesis of
As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke a life. Instead, they master the ways of death to understand the
frightening feral energy with a monstrous battle cry. You circle of life fully. Druids of the Circle of Consuming Flames
choose five creatures within 30 feet of you. These creatures are the wrath of nature, leaving anything that opposes nature
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened in flames without mercy. Druids of the Circle of Pestilence
of you for 1 minute or until they take damage. represent the gruesome parts of nature, with pestilence and
Uncontrolled Massacre Circle of bones
True rampage is all about losing yourself in battle and getting
drenched in blood without regard for whose blood is spilled.
Especially chaotic entities simply want to see bodies torn apart
and blood-drenched soil. “You do not trust the dead, fear the beyond, and call
When you become completely absorbed in your rampage, yourself the druid of these woods? When will you ever un-
you become a beacon for chaotic energies. You emanate a derstand that your overprotective concerns demonstrate
profane aura causing others to join in your rampage. When a lack of faith in nature and that this is heresy in and of
you knock at least two enemies unconscious in battle, you can itself? I seek the real truth that lies beneath our magic,
choose to use the Uncontrolled Massacre feature as your Channel and I know that death is not there to conquer life but to
Divinity. As an action, you can affect a number of creatures make it whole.”
equal to your proficiency within 60 feet of you. The affected - Navshi, druid of the Circle of Bones
creatures must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against
your spell save DC or attack the nearest creature until the end
of their next turn. Most druids see the undead as unearthly and think of them as
abominations to the balance of nature. To them, the balance
Quick Finish of nature is something that is common to all life, and the fact
that all creatures who are born are destined to die when their
Starting at 6th level, you can guide the attack of an ally with time comes is only natural. They do not seek what lies beyond
divine power so that it finishes off the enemy it is facing more death, as they are concerned with the essence of the living.
quickly and moves onto others. When an ally within 30 feet As a druid from the Circle of Bones, such beliefs make you
of you is making an attack roll, you can use your reaction to laugh. How could nature, in all its mysticism and its glory,
boost the attack with divine bloodlust causing your ally to deal fail to involve the risen dead? How could what lies beyond
maximum damage. life be ignored on a journey to seek mystical enlightenment,
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your when the faith of druids is not made up of religious dogmas,
Wisdom modifier (minimum once). You regain any expended but rather the freedom of discovery? To you, other druids are
uses after you finish a long rest. perhaps just as blind in their beliefs as many clergies are.
You are not bound by such limitations, nor limited by
Unstoppable Massacre prohibitions on your magic. Others see necromancy as taboo,
but you know taboos are nothing but sentimental make-
Starting at 8th level, your thirst to kill knows no bounds as believe that are made up by creatures, and nature has no
your enemies fall before you. When you drop a target to 0 hit place for them. Thus, you are able to work with souls and the
points with a melee attack, your speed increases by half your undead, and cast spells of the beyond.
original speed or you can make another melee attack as a reac- You may have seen beyond the threshold of death and the
tion. dreadful immensity that you faced enlightened you. You feel
life force draining when you cast spells that drain life energy,
Marked for Slaughter and are subtly tempted towards evil. Yet, these are sacrifices
you must make to reach your full potential: To be a free child
Starting at 17th level, enemies you mark for slaughter wilt of nature as nature intended. For nature is limitless, and it
under the rampage caused by you and your allies. As a bonus does not discriminate between life and death.
action, you can curse a creature until the start of your next
turn. The cursed creature’s body starts to bleed. The next time

Bonus Cantrips Druid Circle Spells
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn two addi-
tional cantrips from the school of necromancy. 3rd gentle repose, ray of enfeeblement
5th revivify, speak with dead
Magic of Bones
7th boneball*, shroud of undeath*
Your connection to the Circle of Bones provides you the ability
9th raise dead, rotting curse*
to cast spells of the dead and the beyond. At 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th,
and 9th level, you gain access to spells associated with the
dead and with spirits. Magic of Souls
Once you gain access to the spells of the Circle of Bones, you
always have them prepared, and they don’t count against the Because you are not limited to life, you learn how druid magic
number of spells you prepare each day. If you gain access to is influenced by the vitality of the soul. Starting at 6th level,
a spell that is not on the druid spell list, the spell counts as a you can choose to cast a spell by expending your own life force
druid spell for you. instead of expending a spell slot. To do so, you drain from your
Additionally, any spell from the school of necromancy soul and decrease your hit point maximum by a number of d6s
counts as a druid spell for you. You can prepare and cast a equal to the level of the spell. For example, when you cast a
spell from the school of necromancy as a druid spell. 4th level spell, your hit point maximum is decreased by 4d6.
This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest.

The Threshold and Beyond

Starting at 10th level, as a bonus action, you can gaze into the
ethereal world. You can see 60 feet into the ethereal plane
whenever you wish.
Additionally, you can force an ethereal creature to manifest
itself in the plane you are in. As an action, you grasp the
essence of a creature within 60 feet of you that has the
etherealness feature and incorporeal traits. The creature must
succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC
or it cannot use its Etherealness feature for a number of rounds
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum one).
Once you force an ethereal creature to manifest, you cannot
do so again until you finish a long rest.
You also learn the Ritual of the Threshold. This is a secret
ritual performed by your circle in search of the knowledge
of the beyond, by standing on the threshold between life and


In this ritual, you bring yourself to the brink of

death in order to seek knowledge from the beyond.
While in this state, you see visions and hear the
voices of spirits.
You start by reducing your hit points to 0, and
start to make your death saving throws. When you
start, it counts as though you have succeeded 1 of
your death saving throws. While you are in this
state, you can benefit from the effects of one of
these spells: augury, divination, contact other plane, or
legend lore without expending a spell slot. In order
to use the spell within the ritual, you must be able
to cast spells of that level.
If you have three failed death saving throws, you
stay unconscious for 1d4 hours and wake up with

no recollection of your experience (and thus lose Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
any benefits of this ritual). The ritual also fails if frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
you are healed or a creature casts a spell such as prone, restrained
spare the dying on you. Incorporeal Movement. You can move through other
For the contact other plane and legend lore spells, creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain.
you first spend an amount of minutes equal to You take 5 (1d10) force damage if you end your turn
their casting time, focusing on your intention, inside an object
before you get into the dying state. For effects
that require concentration, you can maintain your Turn Vulnerability. You can be affected by turn
concentration after you become stable. undead.
When you make your death saving throws for
this ritual and have three successes, you return to
life with 1 hit point. ACTIONS
If you fall unconscious in combat and start Etherealness. You enter the Ethereal Plane from the
making death saving throws, you can still make use Material Plane, or vice versa. You are visible on the
of this ritual. However, if you start to perform the Material Plane while you are in the Border Ethereal,
ritual this way, you do not start with 1 success on and vice versa, yet you can’t affect or be affected by
your death saving throws, you cannot benefit from anything on the other plane.
the effects of the spells above that have a casting
time greater than 1 action, and you do not return to
life with 1 hit point if you become stable.

Circle of
Transcend Consuming flames
At 14th level, the limitations of death become insignificant to
you. You learn how to cast the etherealness spell. You can pre-
pare this spell just as you do your other druid spells.
If you die, you can cast revivify or similar spells on yourself ’Mortals and gods alike shall taste the power of flames, for
to rise from the dead. You don’t have to have the spell there is nothing flames cannot consume!’’
prepared, but you expend a spell slot of the level of the spell - Flint the Firestarter
cast. If the spell has a casting time that is longer than 1 action,
you spend the amount of time necessary to focus on the spell
in soul form. The material components of the spell are taken
from your belongings if your corpse is within 120 feet of your
soul. Fire is one of the four elements that make up the universe and
Additionally, if you are down to 0 hit points and fall it can be seen in all aspects of life. We use gentle, flickering
unconscious, you can get up in soul form as a risen soul. To rise candlelight to read at night, and start a slowly waning
in this way, you must expend a spell slot. You gain temporary campfire to keep warm outside; flames are in all aspects of
hit points equal to a number of d8s equal to the level of the all things, from the heavens above to the hells down below,
spell slot. For example, if you expend a 3rd-level spell slot, you and it constantly watches over us, just like the sun. Fire is the
have 3d8 temporary hit points in soul form. truest, purest and most powerful form in nature. Thus, it is
While in this form, you retain all your character abilities only natural that nature be bathed in flames once more, so
and traits, although you cannot make weapon attacks. You the corruption spread to this day by mortal races and forces
can cast spells and can consume any material components that defy nature can be cleansed. This corruption cannot be
from your corpse. You revert back to your normal form if reversed, so everything must be destroyed and a universe
your temporary hit points drop to 0 or after 1 hour. When you must be built anew through the ever-burning flames.
revert back to your normal form, you fall unconscious.
You have the following properties as a risen soul: Shroud of Flames

Starting at 2nd level, you are surrounded by an invisible

RISEN SOUL shroud of flame that is harmless until you unleash its wrath
Armor Class 11 on a creature nearby. When a creature you can see moves to
Hit Points as stated under “Transcend” a space within 10 feet of you on a turn, or it starts its turn
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) there, it can feel the heat around you increase. You can use
your reaction to deal 1d4 fire damage to that creature unless
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; it succeeds on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical DC. The fire damage increases to 1d6 at 6th level, 2d4 at 10th
attacks level, and 2d6 at 14th level.
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison

Fire Beast Herald of Flames

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to mold fire into your beast At 10th level, your connection with the fire plane, and the
shape from Wild Shape. You become a burning version of the flames it inspires, becomes so powerful that you gain the
beast you transformed into when using this feature. You can ability to channel energy from fire, and you gain the ability
use this feature every time you use your Wild Shape feature, to wield the true, primal form of fire. You gain the following
and once after you transformed into your Wild Shape as a reac- benefits:
tion. While you are using this feature is, you gain the following • Resistance and immunity to fire damage are both less ef-
benefits: fective against the fire damage you deal with your attacks
• You gain resistance to fire damage and vulnerability to and spells. Fire resistance can only reduce the fire damage
cold damage. you deal by 1/4 (rounded down) and fire immunity only
• Your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 fire damage. reduces this damage by half.
These benefits last for 10 minutes or until you transform back • When you kill a creature using a spell that deals fire dam-
to your normal shape. age using a spell slot of 6th level or lower, you regain the
spell slot you expended to cast this spell.
Circle Spells • In areas close to the fire plane (volcanoes, etc.), or in areas
that are within 10 feet of bonfires larger than you, the
Your connection to the realms of fire through your rage fills time it takes for you to take a short rest halves, and to
you with the ability to cast certain fire-themed spells. At 3rd, take a long rest decreases by 2 hours.
5th, 7th, and 9th level, you gain access to circle spells connect-
ed to the primal fire.
Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it
prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells
you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that
doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell nonetheless
counts as a druid spell for you.

Druid Circle Spells

3rd continual flame, scorching ray
5th entropic fire*, fireball
7th fire shield, memory of fire*
9th devoured in flames*, vines of fire*

Fiery Companion

At 6th level, you gain the ability to speak the true language of
fire, Ignan.
Additionally, you gain the ability to call a denizen of the fire
plane by consuming some part of nature through flames. As an
action, you annihilate a tree, a rat, a butterfly, a piece of soil,
or some other living thing (whose CR is 0), with raging flames
by shouting the word ‘’BURN!’’ in Ignan and summoning a
creature of fire whose challenge rating is 1/2 or lower. It
remains with you for 1 hour, and then returns to its home.
In a combat encounter, this creature’s turn is immediately
after yours in the initiative order. It obeys the commands you
give with your mind for its action, it can only use the Attack
action, and it can only attack once per turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum once). You regain any expended
uses after you finish a long rest.
The maximum challenge rating of the creature you summon
with this feature increases to 1 at 10th level, and to 2 at 14th

Wreathed in Flames druids.
These druids seek out overcrowded areas to lower the
At 14th level, you can open yourself up to the powerful, de- population there through mass disease, or they may work with
structive flames of the fire plane as a bonus action. The flames darker forces to acquire control over the universe.
find life within your body, transforming you into a destruc-
tive flame for 1 minute, or until you are decapitated or until Pestilent Blood
you transform back to your normal shape as a bonus action.
During this transformation, you cannot cast spells and you Starting at 2nd level, you embody the act of decaying. You
gain the following statistics: start to carry diseases within your body. These diseases may
cause small changes in your appearance. Your skin color may
become paler than it was or you may get edemas in several
places. You gain advantage on saving throws against diseases
Medium elemental
and poisons.
Additionally, the diseases you carry mix with and your
Armor Class 18 (molten plate)
bodily fluids to create a special chemical with which you can
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36)
infuse a weapon you are wielding. As a bonus action, you can
Speed 40 ft.
cut yourself with a weapon or spit bloody phlegm on it by
dealing 1 damage to yourself. This damage cannot be reduced
STR 12 (+1) DEX 18 (+4) CON 15 (+2) and you retain
by any means. On your next weapon attack that uses this
your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores.
weapon within 1 minute, the target creature must make a
successful Constitution saving throw against your spell save
Saving Throws and Skills. You retain your skill
DC or become poisoned for 1 minute. If the target creature
and saving throw proficiencies but your proficiency
succeeds on the saving throw, it becomes immune to the
bonus is +3
chemical until it takes a long rest.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
The diseases you carry become more potent as you grow
slashing from nonmagical weapons
in power. Starting at 6th level, the weapon you infuse stays
Damage Immunities fire, poison
coated in the liquid for 1 minute and deals acid, necrotic,
Damage Vulnerabilities cold
or poison damage for the duration. You choose the type of
Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified,
damage at 6th level and cannot change it later. It deals an
poisoned, prone
extra 1d6 damage at 6th, 1d8 at 10th, and 2d6 at 14th levels.
Senses You retain your normal senses
Languages You can understand and speak the
languages you normally know. Swarm Shape
Challenge 7
Starting at 2nd level, you can transform into a swarm of
Source of Fire. You shed bright light in a 20-foot beasts, even if it is a monstrosity, by using your Wild Shape
radius and dim light in a 20-foot radius. Also, you do feature. You can talk to your GM to determine the kinds of
not need to spend your reaction to use the Shroud of vermin you can transform into.
Flames feature as it is always active.

Starting at 6th level, as you heed its call by entering this circle,
Circle of Pestilence the pestilence in nature answers your call. You can cast the
call blood scarab swarm* spell twice without expending a spell
slot. The swarms summoned by this feature also carry your
Pestilent Blood and they deal the chosen type of damage of this
“Maybe we should be more tolerant against civilization feature on their attacks. As your connection with pestilence
or even try to learn how to live with them… Just kidding, I grows, vermin start to crawl all over your body and your face
ALL CITIES!” Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
- Svetli, Queen of the Swamp rest to use it again.

Vomit Swarm

Druids of the Circle of Pestilence heed the call of pestilence. Starting at 10th level, disease-carrying swarms of vermin fill
They believe that the balance in nature cannot be preserved your body. As an action, you can vomit out 1d4 swarms of rats,
through the sole means of helping life flourish. While some bats, poisonous spiders, scorpions, centipedes or flying insects along
need to create life, others must destroy it. Decay, diseases, with your bodily fluids. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must
rot, swarms of all types of foul creatures, and vermin are make a successful Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 damage
all harbingers of pestilence, and thus, companions of these of the type of damage chosen in your Pestilent Blood feature.

Also, the swarms stay under your command, and follow your swarm, the hivemind acts together.
mental orders for 1 minute. Additionally, you can channel your spells through these
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long swarms of vermin, and make the space occupied by these
rest to use it again. swarms become the origin point of the spell. When you do
so, the vermin make strange noises and movements as they
Hivemind perform the verbal and somatic components of the spell.
The members of the hivemind, including you as you are
Starting at 14th level, you can form a hivemind and become its leader, must be within 60 feet of each other or the bond
its leader. By performing a ritual that takes 10 minutes, you between them breaks, and if a member ventures further
can call nearby insects and form a hivemind between them. If than 60 feet, they leave the hivemind and the hivemind loses
there are no insects around you, you can form the hivemind members.
by using the swarms you have conjured or vomited out. At the When a spellcaster makes a Concentration check for
end, you have the hivemind monster, that is detailed below, a spell, you can order the hivemind to create disturbing
under your control. and distracting noises as a reaction, giving the spellcaster
The creatures in the hivemind share an evil consciousness. disadvantage on the roll. Also, when a target is hit by the
Through the unity formed in the hivemind, every creature is hivemind, it must make a successful Constitution saving throw
aware of one another on a heightened level and attains against your spell save DC or start to carry vermin eggs. Upon
a greater intelligence. All members of the hivemind can its death, the target’s body explodes and creates a new swarm
perceive things through every other of insects. The eggs disappears after 1 hour or they can be
members’ perception. removed by a lesser restoration spell.
Also, the Intelligence score of
the members with an Intelligence
lower than 8, increases to 8. Since
you are the leader of the hivemind, HIVEMIND
as a bonus action, you can Huge swarm of Medium vermin swarms, neutral evil
order the swarms of vermin
that you have under your Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
command to move, stop, attack, Hit Points 88 (16d10)
or use an action. You cannot Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft.
give separate orders to each
5 (-3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 3 (-4)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained,
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Swarm. The hivemind can occupy another creature’s

space and vice versa, and the hivemind can move
through any opening large enough for a Tiny
insect. The hivemind can’t regain hit points or gain
temporary hit points.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
target. Hit: 30 + your Wisdom modifier (12d4 + your
Wisdom modifier) piercing damage, or 15 + your
Wisdom modifier (6d4 + your Wisdom modifier)
piercing damage if the hivemind has half of its
hit points or fewer. The target must make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
successful one.

New Backgrounds
L isted below are the new backgrounds in Corpus Malicious. While some of these backgrounds can fit any alignment, some of
them are more suitable for evil characters.


Murderers are defined by their personalities and the reasons

Because of who you are, or through the coercion or
behind their motives. They usually have character flaws that
manipulation of someone else, you became a murderer. You
lead to their destructive tendencies. There may also be other
murder people for various reasons. Killing others makes up
reasons that pushed them into their unsavory way of life.
an important part of your occupation or of your daily life as
a whole. You may be a serial killer, you may be carrying the
marks of one, or you may have, on occasion, experienced d8 Personality Trait
slaughter in your past. You may or may not like the fact that 1 I am very distant and cold-blooded, one can tell just how
you are a murderer, but you are or were good at committing much from the style of my murders.
the act that dubbed you one.
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Intimidation 2 I look or act like I am very friendly, my victims never see my
Tool Proficiencies: Poisoner’s Kit or Torturer’s Tools dark side coming.
Equipment: Tools and equipment used in torture or 3 I prefer destruction over social cunning, and let my weapon
murder. Equipment used to hide your tracks after a murder do the talking.
or to make a clean kill. A set of common clothes and perhaps a
4 I am a scholar and like to talk about my point of view,
special outfit worn for murder. A belt pouch containing 5 gp
perhaps to convince and bind others to similar notions.

METHOD OF MURDER 5 I am sad and feel remorse about what I have become and
what I am doing.
A murderer can have a signature way of slaughtering victims. 6 I must lead, and I must constantly grow. People should obey
Choose a favorite type of murder or roll on the table below. me or be removed from my path.
7 Mere murder does not bring me satisfaction, I like to
d6 Murder humiliate and shame my victims as well.
1 Hideous slaughter 8 I like to destroy things that are beautiful or innocent.
2 Seems like natural causes or accident
d6 Ideal
3 Clean death without blood
1 Revenge. I have been wronged in life and now I seek to
4 Bloody kills
exact revenge on those who wronged me. (Any)
5 Killing with elemental effects
2 Bond. I get the names of my victims from someone or
6 Beating or choking to death something with whom I have a special bond. (Lawful)
3 Indifference. Killing is merely one of the things I do to keep
moving forward on my path; I don’t see the big deal in it.
4 Sadism. I enjoy taking the lives of others, even more so
You know how to tie up loose ends and erase any traces that
when they suffer. (Evil)
would lead a murder to you. When you murder someone
based on a plan you make, you can make an Intelligence 5 Philosophy. I have a code that is of more importance than
(Investigation) check with advantage, and on a success, the rules that surround mortality. I abide by that code,
remove evidence that would lead to you or hide the body killing, if need be. (Lawful)
in a location where it could stay concealed for enough time 6 Instinct. There is a part of me that wants to slaughter
for your escape. Your GM has the final say in the DC of the others and I cannot help it. (Chaotic)
check you make, it may be high or low depending on who
you murdered; while you can easily get away after killing a
commoner, the assassination of an important figure is harder d6 Bond
to hide. 1 As I was covering my tracks after a murder, I accidentally
left behind a clue that may lead others to me.
2 I killed someone from a powerful organization.

3 My murders always involve a race against time.
d6 Cult Agenda
4 I murdered someone who was a relative of one of my party
members. 1 Spread the faith of a deity or master
5 I follow group opinion in my thoughts and actions. 2 Summon an ancient master, or a manifestation of a deity
6 My murders resemble sacrifices as they are devoted to 3 Recruit more members to create devoted worshippers
something or someone else; perhaps a deity.
4 Gain political power and influence

d6 Flaw 5 Harm or destroy the community of a deity or master that is

an enemy of ours
1 After my murders, I can’t help but leave behind a signature
representing my work. 6 Conduct a powerful ritual

2 Deep down I fear that I only murder others out of a need for
3 I want to die but I’m too afraid of it, so I just kill others to
quench my desire. You may have members of the cult who are secretly placed
among the many ranks of society. Taking care of your
4 I am obsessed with the feeling of domination over my community through these members as a means of survival and
victims. privilege has always been taught to you.
5 Murder is a way for me to feed my narcissism. If someone According to the identity of a fellow cult member in your
insults me, I snap. community, you can ask them for a favor to gain one of the
following benefits:
6 I actually feel sick when I kill someone.
Jailor. You and maybe your friends can be freed from prison
without a trial.
cultists Merchant. You can permanently have a large discount in a
Noble. You and your friends can be invited to an event
Willingly, or through the manipulation or coercion of reserved for nobility that you would normally not be allowed
someone else, you became a cultist. You are a member of to attend.
an organization that is secret or open in its deeds. You and Detective. Traces of the deeds you committed can be
your brethren believe in a common cause, such as spreading removed, investigations about you may be dropped as long as
the influence of your deity. Because you are a member of the detective lives.
a dark cult rather than a group of common clergies, either Mystic. You can access or obtain a spell, magic item, or a
your deity is evil and you live in a generally neutral-aligned rare spell component.
or good-aligned civilization, or you have a good-aligned or Librarian. You can gain access to forbidden tomes and
neutral-aligned deity who is not accepted among society. books.
In any case, you and other members of your cult maintain The benefits granted by this feature are not limited to
methods wrapped in secrecy and intrigue. You may know all the ones mentioned above. You can work with your GM to
the members, become aware of each other’s identity through determine other benefits appropriate to other positions
unique signs and symbols, or you may be in a particular cell within the community. You can also ask for several of these
of the cult where the members do not know one another; only benefits if there are many members of your cult in town that
those they serve. are spread into different positions in society. Still, you should
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from: Arcana, Insight, ask for favors sparingly as your cult can decide that you are a
Performance, and Religion liability if you abuse the help you get from your community
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A sacred symbol (gifted to you when you SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
are accepted to your cult), a prayer book or a similar tome
containing the commandments of your deity, incense or Cultists are people who share strong bonds with their fellow
similar objects of religious importance, vestments, a set of cultists, sometimes at the expense of their relationships with
common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp the outside. Their perceptions of reality are also different
from others because of how they live or what they do among
CULT AGENDA their cult. Unlike clergies, they may blindly be committed
to a cause as they are manipulated into submission by their
Every cult has an agenda its community shares and follows, superiors. They may seem undogmatic, or even enlightened,
and some also have a secret agenda that most of its members as a result of experiences that are far from ordinary and their
are unaware of. Choose an agenda or secret agenda for the cult various journeys into the mysterious.
you’re in, or roll on the table below.

d8 Personality Trait 5 Necessity. I fulfill my cult’s deeds and make no exceptions;
not about the cost nor the morality (Evil)
1 I went past the boundaries and norms of society to
experience an awakening. 6 Fanaticism. My faith knows no boundaries (Chaotic)
2 I always try to manipulate others into believing in my faith
or to at least use them to fit my cause. d6 Bond
3 I am intolerant of other faiths and of clergies. 1 Everything I do is for my cult or deity.
4 When I devote a deed to my deity or master, nothing can 2 I haven’t known any other life than being a member of my
keep me from achieving my goal. cult.
5 I do not know how to be anyone other than a member of my 3 I owe my life to my fellow members, faith, or master.
4 I seek to fulfill my cult’s agenda no matter what.
6 I take harsh actions and have harsh, decisive notions and
opinions that oppose society. 5 I will have my revenge on the opposing clergy for the
wrongful deeds they have committed.
7 I do not question much and obey my superiors completely; I
act as the hand of my deity or master. 6 I have been uncovered and branded a heretic by the
opposing faith.
8 Others say I’m an eccentric, I say I’m enlightened because of
the things I witnessed in my cult.
d6 Flaw

d6 Ideal 1 Even if I commit a small sin against the teachings of my

deity, I must hurt myself to have atonement.
1 Redemption. I will save the people from the grasp of the
oppressor faith (Good) 2 I have little patience for anyone else’s beliefs in another
2 Retribution. I will exact revenge on the false religion and
save the people (Neutral) 3 I can act in an excessively reckless manner for my cause and
3 Domination. My cult and deity will come out victorious and
bring everyone into submission (Evil) 4 I do not trust anyone but my fellow members.

4 Esoterism. I maintain a scholarly attitude in the cult to gain 5 I follow my fellow members blindly.
the knowledge that my faith offers (Any)
6 Being the member of a cult made me obsessed or deranged.

Degenerations &
Degenerating Essences
egeneration is a system that explains the corruption of the soul and shows that it is reflected both on the body and on
the soul. It can be thought of as the damage the soul takes. Just as different damage types have different effects, since
corruption, too, can come from different sources, their effects are also different. Evil has many faces and they all introduce
a different aspect of evil.
Some acts leave their trace, and one is constantly reminded of Those who find life to be too short delve into the depths of
them as soon as one’s head touches the pillow to go to sleep at necromancy. They walk through the cold halls of death and
night. Such acts, if they are evil, give you different essences, return in ways that are most profane, aiming to use its unholy
the type of which is based on the nature of the act. Murdering powers. Although using the powers of necromancy is not
the innocent for no reason, working for a devil to grow in necessarily and inherently evil, one cannot deny the existence
power, or animating the dead in holy ground all concern a of those who use it for the purposes of evil. The souls of
different aspect of evil and thus grant you different essences. those who use necromancy for evil become rotten, and this is
When you commit certain acts, a ripple that moves along reflected in their body, either in the form of skin that is chilly
the forces of the universe is created, marking your location to the touch, or of rotting body parts.
and attracting the attention of evil forces. According to the
act’s power and type, they grant you some gifts, and curses Sins of Rotten Essence
alike. Everything comes at a price, after all…
Every time you commit such acts, you make a Wisdom
saving throw with a DC equal to 10, 15, or 20 (depending on Casting a 6th or lower level evil necromancy Minor
whether the act was minor, major, or ultimate evil). On a failed spell
save, your soul is tainted, and you gain 1, 2, or 3 points of
degenerating essence. If you commit several acts at the same Defiling a grave Minor
time, you roll for the one that was the most intense. Every Casting a 7th or higher level evil necromancy Major
time you gain 5 points of essence of the same type, you gain a spell
gift, and a curse. These gifts and curses are chosen randomly
by rolling a d20 for each. Defiling the resting place of a cleric or paladin Major
Becoming an intelligent undead Ultimate
Defiling the grave of a good cleric or paladin Ultimate

GM TIP: You can shift the alignment of a You can always create new acts and determine whether they
character when they gain 5 points of essences. are Minor, Major, or Ultimate sins. The table above is just a
According to the act committed, you can shift short example and is created to be a guideline for both GMs
the alignment to evil, and sometimes towards and players.
lawful or chaotic. However, if the character
commits an act of ultimate evil, you may choose Gifts of Rotten Essence
to shift it more than one step.
1. Animal Form
You gain the ability to transform, as an action, into one of
the following animals who generally live in graves: rat, crow,
Types of degeneration, acts that are relevant to them, and or snake. You retain all your statistics except for your speed,
their respective effects, are listed below. which is replaced with that of the particular animal you
transform into. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying
Rotten Essence is also transformed. You can revert to your normal form as an
action. You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop
to 0 hit points, or die.
Death is the final verdict. Whether you were a king or slave,
rich or poor, a wizard or a fighter in life, it claims you in
the end, just the same. Since ancient times, there have been
2. Draining Curse
You gain the ability to curse a creature you can see within
people who show their respect to death, who accept it as a
30 feet, as an action. The target must succeed on a DC 13
religion, and who try to understand it in its entirety. For some,
Constitution saving throw at the stroke of each midnight or
death becomes an obsession. Some want to use its powers,
its hit point maximum starts to decrease by 5. The curse can
some fear it, some want to become death itself, and some
be removed by casting the remove curse or greater restoration
others want to defeat it. For some others, quite simply, the
spells. Also, this reduction of maximum hit points lasts until
length of life is not enough.

the target finishes a long rest after the curse is removed. Once 12. Rotten Vision
you use this gift, you must finish a short or long rest to use it One of your eyes decays with an instant surge of necrotic
again. energies, becomes rotten and leaves an empty hole behind.
With the magical residue left behind, you can use the detect
3. Food Corruption evil & good and detect magic spells twice in total, and must finish
As an action, you can poison up to 45 pounds of food or 30 a long rest before you can cast them again, as a part of this
gallons of water within 30 feet of you. Those who consume gift. However, you also have disadvantage on your Wisdom
them must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or (Perception) checks related to sight.
fall asleep for 1 hour, or until they take damage.
13. Shadow Form
4. Frightening Aura As a reaction, you can cover yourself with cold and dead
Your very existence frightens your puny enemies, reminding shadows. When you do so, you gain resistance to bludgeoning,
them of their deepest, darkest fears. As an action, you can piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks until
emanate an aura of fear. Creatures within 10 feet of you must the end of your next turn.
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or are frightened
until the end of their next turn. Once you use this gift, you 14. Skull Scry
must finish a short or long rest to use it again. The range of You can prepare the skull of an animal or humanoid to be able
this aura can be increased by other features or gifts. to see out of its empty eye-sockets when it is within 100 feet
of you. This preparation takes 1 hour, and consists of covering
5. Health of Unlife the skull with dirt and forming a bond between you and the
Your hit point maximum increases by 1 for every hit dice you skull. Although you can have more than 1 skull prepared, you
have. This increase is also valid for a new hit dice you gain. can see from only one of them at a time.
For example, if you have 3 Hit Dice, your hit point maximum
increases by 3, and when you gain another Hit Dice, your hit 15. Slowing Gaze
point maximum increases by 1 more. When you gain this gift, your eyes turn icy blue. As an action,
you can focus your gaze on a creature. The creature must
6. Ignored by Undead succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its speed
Your face, aura, smell, the entirety of your existence, reminds decreases by 10 feet, it gains a -1 penalty to its AC and the
others of undead creatures. An undead creature must succeed results of its Dexterity saving throws decrease by 1, for 1
on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or cannot attack you. minute. The creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Once you use
7. Necromancy Enmity this gift, you must finish a long rest to use it again.
You gain advantage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects of necromancy school. 16. Tar Blood
Your blood gets denser and turns into a boiling, tar-like, black
8. Painful Touch liquid. When a creature within 5 feet of you damages you with
Once per long rest, you can make a melee spell attack against a a melee attack, it must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving
creature, using your Charisma score as spellcasting ability. On throw or take 1d4 acid damage from the spilled blood.
a hit, the target’s entire flesh decays, and it gains vulnerability
to necrotic damage for 1 minute. 17. Unseen Friend
The spirit of a deceased creature contacts you. You can talk
9. Perceive the Living to it and it can aid you with the information it knew before
You can sense the smell of fresh blood, meat and torn skin, it died. Only you can see or hear it. The creature’s true
and you can hear the heartbeat of a living creature within 60 identity and how often and how much it contacts you are
feet of you. determined by the GM. However, proceed with caution, as
talking to creatures that others cannot see can look bizarre or
10. Power Over Dead suspicious.
You can use the animate dead spell. Once you use this gift, you
must finish a long rest to do so again. 18. Visions from Beyond
You acquire an insight about the deaths of sentient creatures.
11. Profane Recovery You feel the presence of graves that are within a 30-foot radius
You gain power over the necrotic energies that create an around you. Additionally, you can have visions about the final
undead. You can use your action to destroy an undead moment of the creatures lying in these graves if they died
creature that you created and regain 1d10 hit points. This gift within 1 month. The longest of these visions lasts for 1 minute.
also has you regain 1d4 hit points when you use your action to
kill an undead creature you did not create. The undead must 19. Walk of Decay
be within 30 feet of you. You gain the ability to spread the rotting corruption you have
collected. You can cause all insentient vegetation within 20

feet of you to decay, desecrating the area when you do so. This seconds. Because of the shock of this occurrence, you receive
takes a 1-minute walk in the area. a -2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws
Once you use this gift, you must finish a short or long rest until you finish a long rest.
before you can do so again.
9. Bone Finger
20. Yearning of The Dead You grow an extra finger on one of your hands. This finger is
You make living creatures empathize with the dead. They rotten, and has the appearance of a bone sticking out.
realize how painful it is to wish to be alive again and
understand how much pain lost souls feel. As an action, you 10. Cold’s Reflection
choose a creature within 30 feet of you that can hear you. It Your reflection on normally reflective surfaces like mirrors,
must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become glass, or fresh water is consumed by the cold and emotionless
frightened of you because of the immense emotional pain that magic you use and does not appear on such surfaces. However,
suddenly fills its heart, until the end of its next turn. Once you you (and others) can see your reflection on gravestones.
use this gift, you must finish a long rest to use it again.
11. Touched by the Cold
Curses of Rotten Essence Your skin is always cold and you emanate a chilly aura of
5-foot radius. You can never feel warm again.
1. Colorless Curtain
All the colors of life slowly fade away for you. Your hair 12. Voice of the Dead
becomes white, your skin and eyes go pale, and you lose the Your voice sounds inhuman and it always sounds as if you
ability to see color; your world becomes a mix of black, white, were whispering.
and grey hues.
13. Refused by Graves
2. Decayed Before Death You grow a forked, serpentine tongue which causes your
One of your hands rots away. You leave a part of your flesh on words to end with a hissing sound that sounds like “sss’’. This
everything you touch with that hand. is a mark ensuring that as long as you carry it, no grave or soil
accepts your dead body. When you are buried somewhere, you
3. Crippled Gravedigger are purged out of the ground, as if the soil is throwing you up.
Your legs start to go lame. Your speed decreases by 5 feet.
14. Creature of The Night
4. Messenger of Death Your eyes become overly sensitive to bright light causing you
One of your eyes starts to look like the eye of a crow. When disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks related to sight
you have a conversation with someone that lasts more than in the daylight or in bright light.
1 minute, you start to see them as if their bodies start to die
and decay right before your eyes, causing you disadvantage 15. Best Source of Nutrition
on your Charisma (Deception), Wisdom (Insight), Charisma You feel an urgency to drink a cup of fresh blood once per day,
(Intimidation), and Charisma (Persuasion) checks. or you suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

5. Touched by Death 16. Proper Diet

Your skin’s color turns rotten and pale and a part of it bleeds Whether you need to eat food or not, you must consume fresh
constantly (an arm, for example). At the end of each long rest, meat once per day or you suffer 1 level of exhaustion.
you take 1 necrotic damage that cannot be reduced by any
means. 17. New Friends
You feel like an alien when you are with living creatures and
6. Weight of the Life want to surround yourself with the dead and the undead. You
You grow a hunchback and it is filled with a liquid that gain disadvantage on Charisma (Deception), Wisdom (Insight),
attracts bugs. You need to clean it out by spending 1 hour Charisma (Intimidation), and Charisma (Persuasion) checks
every day, or you have disadvantage on your attack rolls and you make against living creatures.
ability checks due to the feelings of disgust and disturbance
that the bugs cause. 18. Excess Blood
You just like the sensation of spilling your own blood and
7. Carrion Stench the feeling you get when you are bleeding. Every day you cut
You smell like a decaying body, all the time. You make all yourself, dealing 4 necrotic damage. This damage cannot be
Charisma checks with disadvantage if the target of the check reduced by any means.
is not undead.
19. Salt is Unhealthy
8. Unnatural Aging You cannot eat, touch, or carry salt. You despise it and fear
Roll a d20. You age the dice result in years in a matter of that it will cause some sort of harm to your spell components,

body, or something else. When you eat, touch, or carry salt, example to spark your imagination and is meant to act as a
you have disadvantage on your attack rolls and ability checks guideline for both GMs and players.
for 1 hour.
Gifts of Desecrating Essence
20. Water Is Unnecessary
You no longer feel the need to drink water or clean yourself 1. Dance of Murder
with fresh water. If you drink a glass of water or are in contact When you make an attack, you can choose to dance, say a
with water for more than 1 turn, you have disadvantage on short phrase, or perform another activity as part of the attack
your attack rolls and ability checks until the end of your next to mock. If this attack makes the creature fall unconscious,
turn. you regain 1d6 hit points. Once you use this gift a number of
times equal to your Charisma modifier, you must finish a long
desecrating Essence rest to use it again.

2. Predatorial Presence
Mortals always try to find the reason behind evil acts and, Your inner beast awakes, and other beasts see you to be one
generally, there is one. For instance, an honorable knight who of them. You gain advantage on the Charisma (Intimidation)
murdered their family for no apparent reason might have checks you make against beasts.
been corrupted by a Temptation Demon, or a curious wizard
who led their fellow wizards to their deaths might have been
possessed by a vengeful spirit residing in the dungeon they 3. Serene Sleep
The adrenaline of the evil acts you committed, and the dreams
were delving into. Many more examples of this kind can be
of the evil acts you will commit, fill your sleep. The voices of
found in every story, demonstrating that ‘everything happens
your victims crying in pain, calling for help and moaning full
for a reason’, as the saying goes. However, in some rare
of ecstasy, can be heard within 5 feet of you while you are
occasions, this is not the case. Some evils commit evil acts
taking a long rest. Also, the time you need to finish a long rest
just for themselves, for fun or for profit, not for their dark
is reduced by 2 hours.
masters. They do it just because they want to do so. Evil is in
their nature.
Such creatures fall deeper and deeper into pure evil. Their 4. Cold Blooded Murderer
nature turns more and more evil with each passing day and You can stay calm even in the direst of situations. When you
they attract the attention of the evil powers of the universe. are attacked by more than two enemies, you have advantage
As a result, they are both gifted in a way that allows them to on your attack rolls against them for the rest of the encounter.
walk deeper on this path and cursed in a way that reminds
them there are consequences to their behavior. Bandits 5. Apex Predator
chasing treasures blindly, thieves, merciless assassins, hired Each time you roll initiative, the GM rolls a d20. If the result
killers, corrupt politicians, evil druids, etc. generally have is 17 or higher, a monstrous howl of a wolf is heard. You and
desecrating essence lurking deep within. your allies within 10 feet of you have advantage on your next
attack roll.
Sins of Desecrating Essence
6. Selfish Determination
You can easily set your own comfort and safety aside in order
Blackmailing or telling a lie to cause harm Minor
to reach your goal. You can ignore one level of exhaustion
Breaking small vows or daily personal contracts Minor when you are one day away from the target you want to kill,
the place you want to visit, or the item you want to retrieve.
Petty thievery Minor
Partaking in nondeadly violence such as bullying Minor 7. Smell of Nature
Although you are evil, you do not see this to be a bad thing.
Torturing a creature to gain benefit Minor To you, evil is a natural part of life, just like good is, and you
Partaking in deadly violence on the weak Major just happen to have a nature that is evil. You live by this
philosophy and you smell as if you were a part of nature
Blackmailing or telling a lie to cause death Major itself (fresh soil after rain, a specific flower etc.). You have
Torturing a creature just for sadistic pleasure Major advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks.

Major thievery such as stealing a family heirloom Major 8. Just a Prank

Harming a creature unnecessarily after its death Major An evil fey notices your evil presence and actually approves
your actions. As a result, just to satisfy its curiosity and to see
Murdering the innocent for no reason or for fun Ultimate what more you can do, it starts to follow you. While following
you, it plays pranks on those around you, especially those
You can always create new acts and determine them to be that you do not like, in order to keep itself entertained. These
Minor, Major, or Ultimate sins. This table is just a short pranks do not harm you, at least directly. For example, the

hinges holding together the overhead cabinets in the house of extra 1d6 poison damage as the snake bites the target.
a person you do not like might get loose and the cabinets may
happen to collapse in a dreadful accident, just as the person in 17. Optional Allies
question is underneath. As an action, you can choose two allies within 30 feet of you.
For 1 minute, one of the allies loses 3 hit points and the other
9. Emotional Touch regains 3 hit points at the start of each of your turns. You can
When you touch a creature, as an action, you can try to learn decide which one will lose hit points and which one will regain
its current emotional state. The creature must succeed on hit points.
a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or you learn the dominant
emotions lurking in its mind (whether it is angry, happy, etc.). 18. Insightful Tactics
The creature does not realize that you tried to learn about its The essence within you illuminates your mind with a keen
emotions, whether it succeeds or fails its saving throw. perception for tactical advantage to keep you alive. If you or
one of your allies has the highest initiative roll in combat, you
10. Doppelganger may choose yourself or one of your allies to act first in the
When you possess this gift, you can use your action to initiative track.
polymorph into a creature of your own size that you have
seen before, or back into your original form. You retain all 19. Gift of The Beast
your statistics in either form. Equipment that you are wearing The evil in your nature takes a physical form and you are
or items you are carrying are not transformed. You revert to gifted (or cursed) with lycanthropy. You gain the Lycanthropy
your original form if you die or as another action. Once you feat. (p.115)
use this gift, you must finish a long rest to use it again.
20. Merciless Companion
11. Poison Gland Your skin is twisted, and scars that look as though they
The evil essence within you is so intense that you grow a poi- have been made by wolf bites appear on your chest. As an
son gland. As a bonus action, you can spit poison on a piercing action, you are able to call a dire wolf to your aid for 5 rounds,
or slashing weapon. Such a weapon deals an additional 1d6 by the authority of your evil presence. It is conjured as a
poison damage for 1 minute. part of the same action and it acts in your turns, after you.
You can command it as a bonus action. When the dire wolf
12. Emotionless is summoned, it must attack a creature and shed blood.
Emotions have no power over you. You leave all your emotions Otherwise, it attacks you or your allies, whichever is nearby.
behind and never look back, just like a snake changing its skin. Starting at 11th level, two dire wolves are conjured instead of
You cannot be charmed or frightened in regular ways and you one using this gift.
have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or You can call a different creature than dire wolf at your GM’s
frightened through magical means. discretion.
Once you use this gift, you must finish a long rest to do so
13. Fanatic again.
Everything you do, you do to the extreme. You are so fanatical
in your motives and methods that you hold on to life with Curses of Desecrating Essence
more determination than others. You gain a +1 bonus to death
saving throws. 1. Eyes of Blood
You constantly have bloodshot eyes as if you haven’t been
14. Brutal Amusement able to sleep for a month. If you cry, your tears have specks of
You enjoy seeing others struggle. When a creature you can see blood in them. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
within 30 feet of you falls unconscious or dies, you regain 5 hit checks related to sight while you are in bright light.
2. Blood of Innocents
15. Essence of The Hideous You gain little scars that refuse to heal for every innocent you
As an action, you can call upon the essence of a hideous beast. have killed. Your heart aches with the blows your conscience
When you do so, your eyes and your tongue are transformed has taken, and it feels as though it only gets worse as time
into the eyes and the tongue of the animal. As a result, you passes. As a result, your hit point maximum is reduced by 1
have advantage on your Wisdom (Perception) and Wisdom for every three levels you have. Also, your hit point maximum
(Survival) checks for 1 minute. continues to reduce as you gain levels.

16. Arm of The Snake 3. Feeding on Murders

One of your arms is covered in snake scales. As a bonus action, When you kill someone without reason, just for sport, or start
you can transform this arm into a snake for 1 minute. You a chain of events that lead to the death of an innocent, you
can then use your transformed arm to make melee weapon find a part of the inocent in your next meal after its death. For
attacks. The snake arm deals 1d4 piercing damage plus an example, you find one of its fingers in your meat pie.

4. Echo of Evil past by using the Doppelganger trait. However, you start and
Your evil presence is so strong that it leaves a trace behind. end your rest in your original form.
Your footsteps, one of your acts, or perhaps the screams of
your victims, echo in the places where you committed evil 13. Unwanted Presence
acts. Whatever happens, some part of it is re-enacted by You hear disturbing whispers in places protected by a
ghostly voices and images, again and again. good-aligned spirit, good-aligned druid, holy auras, or in
consecrated areas. The time you need to complete a long rest
5. Disposing of the Evil Inside increases by 2 hours in such areas.
The corruption of your inner evil is reflected upon your
physical body and you start to have some problems with your 14. Unhappy
digestion. Because of these problems, you feel an urge to vomit Your feelings are so numb that you can never feel satisfied or
sometimes, as if you feel the need to purge the corruption out happy. As a result, you cannot gain an Inspiration Die.
of your body. As an action, you throw up. It occurs at random
times determined by the GM. 15. Lost in the Dreams
While resting, you always lose yourself in dreams about lives
6. Burdens of The Past you could have lived if you had not chosen this path. You have
The evil acts you have committed in the past do not leave you disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) rolls during your
alone, nor do they allow you to have peace of mind. Twice in a short or long rests.
month, the memories, unpleasant emotions, and even regret,
fill you and prevent you from taking a long rest. 16. Uncontrollable Emotions
You laugh, cry, and demonstrate any other emotion in an
7. Smell of Sins exaggerated way. When you are having an emotional reaction,
Even though evil is a natural part of life, your existence and you have disadvantage on your Charisma (Deception) or
your brand of evil is nothing but corruption. You smell blood, Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
burnt corpses, and other things that are foul, all the time.
17. A Little Peace
8. Just A Prank(!) You see disturbing flashes of images of your evil acts, or hear
An evil fey notices your evil presence and it wants to make the sinister whispers of your victims, all the time, except when
you understand how others feel when you harm them. As a you are drunk. You need to be drunk to complete a short rest.
result, it starts to follow you and it plays pranks both on you During long rests, you eventually fall asleep.
and on others around you. These pranks may cause the target
creature harm. For example, you could find your waterskin 18. Clumsy Movements
stolen in the middle of a desert. You always leave some form of a physical trace behind. It can
be a piece of cloth, a small piece of equipment, or any other
9. Lone Wolf thing that can be traced.
Everyone you hold dear, love, or respect either turn on you or
betray you one day. All of them are killed, either directly by 19. Curse of the Beast
you or as a result of the actions you have taken. You are cursed with lycanthropy. Although this can be seen
as a gift, your control over the beast inside you is weaker than
10. Smell of Evil others. You gain the Lycanthropy feat, but once a month, you
You cannot hide that you are evil, either through regular transform into your hybrid form for 8 hours and commit some
means or with magical methods. acts that you will not remember. The acts you commit while in
this state are determined at the GM’s discretion.
11. Otherworldly Offers Also, you do not have the ability to afflict others with
Your evil is detected by evil, otherworldly creatures such as lycanthropy even if you had the ability to do so before.
aberrations, fey, or fiends, etc. They make separate offers to
you, and in return, each of them wants to keep your soul for 20. Trophy Collector
themselves after you die. If you accept one of them, the ones You carry a body part, a signature item, or another token
you do not accept will not be happy. If you do not accept any taken from each and every creature you kill. If you do not, you
of them, they will start to hunt not only you, but also each believe that bad luck will befall you and you have disadvantage
other. Well, you will not be happy. on your first attack roll of the each encounter until you finish
a long rest.
12. Cursed Doppelganger
You can be cursed in this way only if you possess the
Doppelganger gift. If you do not have this gift, roll a d20 for
another curse.
While you are taking a long rest, your shape randomly
changes to the creatures you have polymorphed into in the

Evil Cults
here are surely evil places in the universe, however in some places, it must be nurtured to survive. The seeds of evil must
be planted and protected for years, for it to truly take root. These seeds (cults and organizations) are the presence of evil
powers in mortal realms, which are there so that they can sprout the tales of their existence and might. In this section, new
cults will be explained in detail, along with the reasons behind their foundation, leaders, initiation rites and processes, as well as
their goals and activities.

Crimson Supremity Also, the members spread across the realms and gather
information and gossip about all kinds of dragons, their kind,
and valuable items that are related to them.

Crimson Supremity is a red dragon HEADQUARTERS

supremacist organization. The members of
Crimson Supremity believe that red dragons Most of the members stay close to red dragon lairs. Some of
are the most majestic creatures in all the them search for lairs of other kinds of dragons and try to gath-
universe, and it is therefore their right to er information. The rest lives in Crimson Nest.
rule it. They think that the ones who Crimson Nest is a castle in the shape of a sleeping red
refuse this ideal are ignorant creatures dragon, built on the lair of a red dragon that has long been
who are not worthy of life and such dead. Since it is atop a mountain, reaching its location
creatures must be eradicated. without flying is very challenging. Crimson Nest collects all
The members of the organization the reports of stolen eggs, research about the process of egg
serve red dragons and put their lives transformation, True Dragonization (p.205), lair locations, etc.
before their own. Some of them even take
this service to worship them so that the red
dragons can reach divinity and take their INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP
rightful powers.
Red dragons are generally overconfident Most of the members are red dragonborns, half-red dragons,
about their qualities and their powers. They and sorcerers coming from a Draconic Bloodline. However, the
also see themselves as the epitome of draconic organization does not have a race or class restriction. Being
creatures. So, whether they agree with the fascinated by red dragons is the only condition needed.
activities of Crimson Supremity or not, they like If a member serves faithfully and competently for 5 years, it
to be paid the proper respect and to have small is bestowed dragonization.
servants around. However, they do not tolerate
mistakes. When they find members to be most pleasing, they LEADERS
might offer these members the chance to become clerics,
warlocks, or paladins. The organization is ruled by Edientath (p.301), a young red
dragon. He is the son of the red dragon that was living in the
GOALS AND ACTIVITIES same mountain Crimson Nest was built upon and that died
there. He thinks that red dragons are not given enough re-
The organization searches for red dragons, finds their lairs spect and that every creature must bow down before them. He
and serves them. The members can hunt the enemies of red has a council of five under his rule. The council consists of red
dragons down, protect their treasures while they are resting, dragonborns and half-red dragons, all of which are descen-
and keep their eggs healthy. They also prepare trophies made dants of Edientath.
of other dragons’ parts and scales, and present them to red
dragons. PLOT HOOKS
The organization also studies the ways of transforming
the eggs of other kinds of dragons into those of red dragons, There is a group searching for a black dragon and a copper
as they believe that red dragons are the first of the dragon dragon, to kill them both.
kind and others are simply their twisted offspring. Although The ranger of the village found an injured dragonborn in
they have a long way before them before they can reach the forest. Unfortunately, they died, but a green dragon egg
that goal, mad mages of the organization have discovered and a map were found among its belongings. The map shows
a ritual accompanied by an alchemical process called “True how to get to a place called Crimson Nest.
Dragonization”, a way to transform creatures into a red
dragon hybrid.
Each member of Crimson Supremity dreams of two things:
Dragonization, and breeding with a red dragon to create half-
red dragon offspring.

New Life Headquarters
The Caves of Corruption is the headquarters of New Life. There
are research rooms and libraries inside, as well as the entire
New Life started as a medical organization aiming to help New Life Army. The army is made up of undead abominations
creatures in need. Once the providers DC =24 of food, shelter, that obey every command given by the members. The undead
and medicine, they were chased, murdered, exiled by many are basically considered the footmen. When the members have
after being falsely accused of being an evil cult. To protect no need of aid in combat, the undead attend to simple chores.
themselves and the creatures they wished to help, they hired The Lich lives in the caves and oversees all the operations
mercenaries. However, in the eyes of the folk around, this going on.
action was the proof that New Life was hiding something.
So, they hunted them down and executed many of them. A Initiation and Membership
handful of members managed to
escape into a nearby cave during Anyone can become a member of New Life. What matters is
one of the massacres, but the folk what you will be joining as. Once the cult decides on a new
that had them surrounded made recruit, it is taken to the Caves of Corruption, and has a series
the entrance collapse, locking them of fleshcrafting operations. If it dies, it is a part of the undead
in. Luckily, or unluckily (depending army of the Lich master, and if it lives, it becomes a member,
on how one might look at it), this and is educated in fleshcraft. Some join the cult as students to
was not an ordinary cave. It was the learn necromancy and fleshcraft. Many of them never make it
hideout of a lich who escaped the to their first finals and kill themselves during the process due
execution of a holy group. Although to stress. However, if they succeed, they take an oath before
they were uneasy by its presence the Lich (they are branded with an arcane mark which can be
at first, in time, the members of dispelled by the dispel magic spell [DC is 24]) to never reveal
New Life started to understand that the Caves of Corruption and the truth behind the cult. When
they would die in the cave, so they the deal is made, they are free to leave and if they ever fail to
saw no sense in living in fear of hold up their end of the bargain, their body explodes.
the lich and confronted it. The lich New Life can also use creatures that will work for money
was in the process of building an like mercenaries, traders, thieves or assassins as a part of their
army and saw this encounter to be army or to aid them in their more social endeavours. These
an opportunity. It started to teach creatures are called the Outsiders within the community of
fleshcraft and necromancy to the the organization. An Outsider is not allowed into the Caves of
members in the cave saying “One Corruption and members are not allowed to operate on them.
day you will all leave this place and They can accept missions from both the Lich itself as well as
you will be forgotten by the ones from any member.
that were hunting you. However,
there will always be others in need of your help. With these Leaders
new powers, you can help them. And make sure that your
safety is never compromised, as it once was.” The Lich controls the New Life cult as well as its army. It
After many years, New Life was born anew from these resides in, and never leaves, the Caves of Corruption. The Lich
caves, with a quest to reshape their patients’ bodies to “help” teaches newcomers the subtleties of the art of necromancy
them, and raise an army for their new master. and the beauty of fleshcraft. Once they learn all that they
must, the Lich sends the new members away to bring others,
Goals & Activities both in the form of the undead creatures and as new members.

New Life used to be a group who helped the sick and needy,
Plot Hooks
but now, they actually use this as a cover to kidnap creatures
A new organization called New Life arrives in town and starts
and reshape their bodies to fit their needs. Naturally, those
helping the sick. However, they say some of them can’t be
they operate on, usually do not have much chance of survival.
saved where they are, so they take some to their “hospital”.
Those who die begin their “new life” as an undead soldier in
The Mayor realizes something shady is going on and hires the
the army of the Lich.
adventuring party to uncover the mystery.
Those who survive become a member of New Life and start
The characters encounter a weird undead creature that
their very own fleshcraft and necromancy training in the
looks like a hand, made of flesh. Just before the creature dies,
Caves of Corruption. New Life members or the Lich don’t care
someone comes and tries to stop the players from killing it,
about golds or riches, so some greedy creatures help them, all
screaming “Stop! Do not hurt my favorite toy!”.
the while knowing their true agenda, because they know New
In a possible conversation with a stranger, the party could
Life would let them keep the gold and the other spoils of their
be told “If you want to see necromancy, the place you should
seek is the Caves of Corruption. They say undead creatures
transform more into the undead down there.”

Magic Items
M agic items are listed in this section. Unlike the usual magical items, these ones are mostly created by evil forces, and they tend to
corrupt their wielders as well. Some of the items are the results of forbidden magic. Some others are imbued with a sort of curse
that can cause trouble for reckless hands. There are also those created by dark divinities or other powerful beings, as tokens of blessing
for their servants.

Armors armor for a duration of 1 week you can sacrifice a humanoid

to relevant demons (that is determined by your GM) through a
1-hour ritual. When the sacrifice is made, you gain resistance
against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical attacks made by a lawful creature.
Infidel Plate Also, you can choose to have advantage on your next
Armor (plate), very rare Intelligence (Religion) check. Once you use this feature, you
must finish a long rest to use it again.
A group of Naariel’s (p.157) fallen clerics, began to worship
a demon. With the help of that demon, they forged the first
Infidel Plate. The armor is black and made of iron. Demonic Screaming Skin
carvings decorate the back, while a big mace is carved on the Armor (light, medium, or heavy), uncommon (requires attunement)
front of the plate.
The group gradually increased their influence and gathered Screaming Skin is an armor adorned with screaming
more and more followers until a small army of Naariel humanoid head skins. You have advantage on your Charisma
followers massacred the whole group. The only things left (Intimidation) checks while wearing this armor.
behind were their plates. Nowadays, these plates can be found Attunement. Hostile creatures that can see you while you
in the black markets (p.142). wear this armor have disadvantage on saving throws against
While wearing the armor, your hit point maximum is being frightened of you.
increased by 5. Also, if you are hit with a melee weapon, the
creature that made the attack takes 1d6 force damage.
Additionally, to enhance the magical properties of the

Infidel Plate

Screaming Skin

Poisons its alignment shifts to evil for 1 hour (for example, if the
creature’s alignment is chaotic good, it becomes chaotic evil).
Paladins and clerics have advantage on this saving throw
thanks to their strong beliefs.
The creature starts to act accordingly without realizing that
its alignment has been changed by a poison. A creature may
Alican’s Copper Poison have to atone for its acts during this 1-hour, the ways of which
Poison (ingested), rare are determined at the GM’s discretion.
Evil-aligned creatures love the taste of liquid evil and some
This is a poison that has reddish-brown color. It is created by of them offer it to guests as a sign of vanity and wealth.
mixing melted copper and wine together, and enchanting the Crafting Liquid Evil. Craft DC 23, total cost 2000 gp, one
mixture with a stinking cloud spell. dose.
Alican’s Copper Poison is generally used not when the target Base: Fiend Blood (700 gp). Main Component: Fiendish venoms
is to be eliminated; but it ought to be scared or intimidated. (1300 gp).
When ingested, it takes 1d6 rounds to take effect. After
1d6 rounds, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or only use its actions to vomit in pain for 1d4
turns. After 1d4 turns, the target must repeat its saving throw.
On a failed save, the target is poisoned and its Constitution
score decreases by 1d6. The target can, however, repeat its
saving throw on each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on Angelbane Ring
a success. If the target succeeds on its first saving throw, the Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
target is not poisoned; however, its Constitution score does
decrease by 1d3. The Angelbane ring was devised against good creatures and
After the target finishes a long rest, its Constitution score denizens of heaven by malevolent sorcerers. The ring is
increases by 1 until its score equals what it used to before it decorated with a devastated and tortured angelic figure.
was poisoned. While wearing this ring, each time you deal damage to a
Crafting Alican’s Copper Poison. Craft DC 13, total cost 226 good-aligned creature, rotten scars appear on the creature’s
gp (400 gp with spell enhancement), one dose. body, and its hit point maximum is reduced by 3, or 6 if the
Base: Wine (1 gp). Main Component: Metal (extract from copper creature is a celestial. This reduction lasts until the creature
225 gp). Enhancer: Magic (bind stinking cloud spell, 175 gp) can finishes a long rest within an area affected by the hallow spell
be used as an enhancer to make Alican’s copper poison even and is infused with holy energies.
deadlier; increasing the decrease reduction in the target’s
Constitution ability score from 1d6 to 2d4.
Ring of Greed
Liquid Evil Ring, very rare
Poison (ingested), very rare Ring of Greed is a light, silver ring that carries very detailed
Liquid evil is the bottled form of evil essence within evil carvings both on the inside and on the outside. There are
creatures, procured by the foulest alchemical procedures. toad, pig, and goat depictions on the outside while the inside
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC is decorated with carvings of fruits, animals, and jewelry.
19 Wisdom saving throw or is filled with evil energies and Nobody knows the origin of these rings; however, rumors say
that these rings are used in parties in a sinful, distant city

Alican’s Copper Poison

Liquid Evil

Angelbane Ring

Ring of Greed

where only the evil can survive. Lifebane
While wearing this ring, you feel three main desires. The Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement)
first is an unbridled and unstoppable sexual desire. The
second is the yearning to have more material possessions These weapons are created by undead cults to make the living
(such as money, land, jewelry) and more power. The third suffer more. They are dark-colored and decorated with skulls.
is that you are so blinded by hunger that you can consume You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
anything put in front of you. This might not be an issue in a this magic weapon.
sinful and luxurious party where you can quench your hunger, When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this magic
while unbearable in a filthy dungeon. It could also have dire weapon, the target takes an extra 2d6 necrotic damage, or 4d6
consequences; as rumor says that those who wear the ring necrotic damage if it is a living creature. If a living creature
have been known to eat their loved ones. You must eat and has 20 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, it drops to
drink a full day’s worth of food at the end of each hour, or you 0 hit points instead.
suffer 1 level of Exhaustion. Finally, you feel a desire to earn
more and etc. Meat Grinders
Weapon (battleaxes), rare (requires attunement)
These twin battleaxes are made of bones, teeth and metal.
They have a wicked shape, with spikes all over it. They are
generally given to the most brutal murderers or bloodthirsty
Clean Cut warriors in exchange for their services by the clergies of dark
Weapon (dagger), very rare deities. These axes do their names justice.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
These daggers were first crafted by an assassins’ guild this magic weapon.
infamous for the amount of blood they spill when honoring Additionally, once you become attuned, if you hit a creature
their contracts. The daggers were created to ensure that the with both of these axes in one round, the creature must
target would not be able to live, even if it were to escape the succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take an
initial strike. They are forbidden as sidearms or civil blades in additional 1d8 slashing damage.
some kingdoms because of the mess they make.
This dagger cuts such clean wounds that those opened by it
are harder to heal. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage
rolls made with this magic weapon, and it scores a critical hit
on a roll of 19 or 20.
Additionally, when you deal damage to a creature with this
magic weapon, its hit point maximum is also reduced by the
amount of damage you dealt with this magic weapon. This
reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.


Meat Grinders

Clean Cut

Wondrous Items spilled. The chalice has an ornamented cap that prevents it
from spilling on top of it.
Rumors say that it is made by a lich or a necromancer who
longed for more power over its death magic. It worked, and
the methods of this necromancer were stolen and spread
Censer of Cadavers among others. However, in time, lesser necromancers realized
Wondrous item, uncommon that the chalice makes them addicted, and takes away their
life force as a dire cost.
This censer is made of polished bones, and has a skull in place If you take a sip from the chalice, you must succeed on a DC
of a bowl. It has yellow and red marks on its surface. One 15 Wisdom saving throw, or are tempted to drink it all.
cannot open the censer and look inside, but it smells of rotting As an action, you can drink the liquid within the chalice.
flesh and bodily fluids. Once you do so, you have advantage on your necromancy spell
By taking your whole turn, you can smash the censer onto attacks , and your targets have disadvantage on saving throws
the ground and evoke its power. The ground tremors slightly against them.
with the necromantic magic that spreads from the censer with When you drink all of the liquid, you become intoxicated
a faint smoke. with the magic within, and must succeed on a DC 15
You can target a corpse within 120 feet of you and raise it as Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on your
an undead creature as if you have cast an animate dead spell. Wisdom and Constitution-related checks for an hour. You
You can either raise a skeleton or a zombie according to what do not suffer from intoxication, nor do you have to make a
type of corpse you target. If there are no corpses around, you Constitution saving throw, if you have a rotting essence of 2 or
can summona premature shadow, with none of its damage
resistances. The creature obeys your commands for 24 hours When the liquid inside the chalice is finished off, it fills right
and is destroyed at the end of this time. It acts on your turn, back up daily at midnight.
you can issue a command to it as a bonus action, and when Curse. This chalice is cursed, a fact that is revealed only
you don’t issue commands to it, it defends itself against hostile when an identify spell is cast on it. You automatically become
creatures. attuned to the chalice, even if all your attunement slots are
This censer has 1 charge, after you use it, its power is full. Each day, you must drink from it until midnight at the
drained and the foul smell coming from its inside fades away. latest, or become overwhelmed by your yearning and suffer 2
It regains this charge nightly at midnight. levels of exhaustion.
You can lift the curse with the remove curse spell or similar
Chalice of Deprivation magic, also ending your attunement when you do so. The spell
Wondrous item, rare (see description for attunement) must target you, if it targets the chalice, the chalice stops
This chalice is made of a dark metal, and is decorated with functioning and becomes a mundane item.
various gems and ornaments. It holds a liquid that looks pitch
black while within it. The liquid looks like water when it is

Censer of Cadavers

Chalice of Deprivation

Monsters and Villains

Blood Elemental

Blood Elemental The origin of the blood elemental is not clear.

Large elemental, neutral Some say that they were born as a result of blood
magic, while others say they are natives of a plane
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) unknown to most people. In any case, a blood ele-
Hit Points 57 (6d10 + 24) mental is a terrifying creature. It feeds off the very
Speed 30 ft. vitality and blood of mortal races and creatures,
leaving them as empty husks, completely drained
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) However, not everyone is afraid of these crea-
tures; there are some who even chase and hunt
Damage Resistances acid; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing them. It is said that their body of blood is a huge
from nonmagical attacks source of nutrition for vampires. Additionally, some
Damage Immunities poison blood cults and blood mages are also constantly in
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, search of these creatures, as they wish to use them
poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious as spell components, or perhaps to gain control of
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 them and have them fulfill other evil purposes.
Languages Understands Common but cannot speak
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Blood Form. The elemental can enter a hostile creature’s

space and stop there. It can move through a space as
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 4) necrotic damage
Blood Drain (Recharge 4-6). Each creature in the
elemental’s space must make a DC 15 Strength
saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 11 (2d10)
necrotic damage. The elemental pulls the target’s
blood by osmosis and gains half of the damage done as
temporary hit points.
The elemental can also drain the blood of a creature
that is freshly dead (blood not dried). If it does so, it
gains a number of d4s equal to the HD of the creature as
temporary hit points.

Bloody Lady

Bloody lady is an urban story popular it feeds off the yearning of innocent young
among the youth. According to legend, if mortals. It tricks them into summoning
the name “Bloody Lady” is chanted three it into the material realm by using a wish
times while looking at a mirror with a with one of the purest of emotions; love.
dim candle in the left hand, she will show Haunted Mirror. When a bloody lady is
herself, and show the person who called summoned, it is done so through a mirror.
her the person they are to wed with. The This mirror acts as the anchor for the fey
same legends also say that the lady may in the material realm. The haunting on the
also present a skull to indicate that the mirror can be detected by means of a true
young person who summoned her will die sight, or detect magic spell; it has magical,
unwed. bloody letters written in Sylvan that flows
In all variations of the legend, the over the surface of the mirror.
bloody lady is a malevolent one. It heeds Whenever the lady is threatened, it can
the calls of youth at the cost of blood. It is choose to use its movement to teleport
said that, whenever this creature is sum- back to the fey realms, while the mirror is
moned, things will always end in blood, intact. Additionally, if the mirror is bro-
whether this is the blood of the young ken, the lady is banished back to its realm
one, or that of someone close. in 1d10 days. If the lady is slain in the
In truth, the bloody lady is a type of material realm while the mirror is broken,
dark fey that is quite rare to come by and it is destroyed.

Bloody Lady feet of the lady. At the end of each of their turns, the creatures
within 150 feet of the lady must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity
Medium fey, neutral evil
saving throw or they instinctively have a glimpse upon a
reflective surface around them, which leaves them susceptible
Armor Class 16
to Reflection Haunt.
Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80)
Speed 30 ft. ACTIONS
Multiattack. The bloody lady makes 3 (1d6) attacks with its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA bloody knife.
12 (+1) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) Bloody Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6) piercing damage and the creature bleeds
Saving Throws Dexterity +11, Constitution +9, Wisdom +8, unless it has resistance to piercing damage, taking 7 (3d4)
Charisma +7 piercing damage at the start of its next turn. This bleeding
Skills Deception +7, Intimidation +7, Perception +8, Stealth +11 effect also decreases the hit point maximum of the creature by
Damage Resistances poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, the same amount, and it can stack.
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan Reflection Haunt. If a creature within 150 feet of the lady is
looking at a reflective surface and is able to see itself, the bloody
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
lady can use her action to magically teleport, appearing right
behind the creature and making a surprise attack. The bloody
Immutable Form. The bloody lady is immune to any spell or lady can also break free from any grapple or other restraining
effect that would alter its form. effects when she uses this feature to teleport.
Limited Invisibility. The bloody lady is invisible unless it is LEGENDARY ACTIONS
making an attack. It can only be seen through reflections, or
with abilities or spells that allows seeing invisible creatures. The bloody lady can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Making an attack on the bloody lady while looking at it options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
through a reflection is not easy and the attacking creature has a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The lady
disadvantage on its attack roll. regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Magic Resistance. The bloody lady has advantage on saving Mirror Recall. The bloody lady can teleport itself to an
throws against spells and other magical effects. unoccupied space within 10 feet of a reflective surface that is
within 150 feet of her, which is in the surface’s line of reflection.
Magic Weapons. The bloody lady’s weapon attacks are magical.
Mirror Strike (Costs 2 Actions). The bloody lady can strike
Reflection Sensitivity. Creatures in the vicinity of the bloody a creature as if it is using the Reflection Haunt reaction, but
lady become more conscious of reflections if they are within 150 without actually teleporting itself there.
Dreaded Spirit
Dreaded Spirit Template
All creatures that have spirits, with a CR of 3 or higher; or all
Sometimes, a soul cannot reach the afterlife it characters that have a spirit and whose number of Hit Dice is equal
deserves when it is killed with some unfinished to 8 or higher can become a dreaded spirit. A creature that has
business. If the killed creature leaves unfulfilled turned into a dreaded spirit keeps its statistics except as follows.
plans, ambitions, or loved ones to whom they made Alignment. The dreaded spirit’s alignment is evil. It keeps the
unfulfilled promises behind, the soul cannot find other part of its alignment the same.
rest and comes back to its plane of existence full of
New Feature: Incorporeal Movement. The dreaded spirit can move
hate, pain and agony. through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult
These hateful ghosts’ connections to their past terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an
and the world is so strong that they can handle object.
objects as they did when they were alive.
New Feature: Spirit Arsenal. The dreaded spirit can transform a
A dreaded spirit has all of its memories and abil-
physical item into a spirit item by spending a long rest within 5 feet
ities it has while it was alive. Although it carries its of it and studying it for the duration.
consciousness and will, it tries to reach its deserved
afterlife and never stops until it gets what it wants, New Feature: Spirit Body. The dreaded spirit cannot carry any
or until it is destroyed on this path. Since it follows physical objects or wear physical equipment. It also does not need
to eat or drink, nor gain the benefits of any physical objects or
a cause blindly, it can easily commit evil acts. substances that require ingestion. Although it does not require
A dreaded spirit is an undead and it does not sleep, it can still benefit from short or long rests.
require food, water, or sleep.
Challenge. The creature’s challenge rating increases by 2.
Senses. The creature gains Darkvision with a radius of 60 feet. If it
already has Darkvision with a radius of 60 feet, the creature gains
Blindsight with a radius of 10 feet
Language. The dreaded spirit knows the languages it knew in life.
Resistances. The dreaded spirit has resistance against acid, fire,
lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
from non-magical attacks.
Immunities. The dreaded spirit has immunity to cold, necrotic,
and poison damage; and being charmed, exhausted, frightened,
grappled, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained.

Grave Giant

Grave giants follow death. They dwell in places that have a connection with the concept of death. They can be found
around mass graves, vampire castles, necromancy circles, undead kingdoms, and other venues with a similar nature.
Although they are living creatures, they want the whole world to bend their knees before death. Dying and becoming
undead afterwards is a gift, in their opinion. They can be found in cooperation with cults and organizations of necro-
mancy, and in the service of deities of death.
They carry dead bodies on their back, hanging from a large log. They use these bodies to animate them, and also use
their parts as spell components to empower their spells.

Grave Giant
Huge giant, neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (patchwork armor)

Hit Points 150 (12d12 + 72)
Speed 40 ft.


23 (+6) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Constitution +10, Charisma +8

Skills Intimidate +8, Medicine +6
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Graven Components. The grave giant can use the parts of dead
bodies it is carrying to boost its necromancy spells as a bonus
action. Each body can supply components five times. Such
spells deal an extra 2d6 damage of its type, or increase the
spell’s DC by 1. The grave giant can use one component on its
bonus action.
Grave Connection. The giant has advantage on any checks related
to the undead.
Innate Spellcasting. The giant’s innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (DC 16, +8 to hit). It can innately cast the following spells,
requiring no material components:
At will: bane, detect magic, false life
3/day each: animate dead, cloudkill, comprehend languages, darkness
1/day each: bestow curse, finger of death

Multiattack. The giant makes two morningstar
Bone Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +10
to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19
(3d8 + 6) piercing damage plus 2
(1d4) necrotic damage.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to
hit, range 60/240 ft.,
one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6)
bludgeoning damage.

Malicious Incarnations

Malicious Incarnations are the embodiments of

wicked emotions. They are faceless fiends that
haunt defiled places and are merciless servants
of dark masters. Malicious Incarnations serve evil
and act according to the specific aspect of evil they
represent; be-it evil, horror, pain, or sin.
A malicious incarnation looks like a hooded fig-
ure wearing a long robe covering its entire body. It
has no face and has a unique and creepy voice that
does not resemble any other creature.
Malicious incarnations are the angels, or faithful
and divine servants, of dark powers. If a creature
serves an evil deity, to a powerful fiend, or another
dark master well, it can be transformed into a ma-
licious incarnation by the master as a gift after the
creature’s death.

Malicious Incarnations Incarnate Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 18 (2d12 + 5) psychic damage regardless of the
Large fiend, neutral evil
weapon’s shape. Different incarnations may carry different
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) types of weapons.
Hit Points 171 (18d10 + 72) Incarnate Ability: Indulge in Sin (Incarnation of Sin, Recharge
Speed fly 40 ft. 5-6). The malicious incarnation chooses a creature within 30
feet of itself. The creature must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA saving throw or it is overwhelmed with sinful thoughts and
attacks its nearest ally until the end of its next turn.
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)
Incarnate Ability: Painvoke (Incarnation of Pain, Recharge 6).
Saving Throws Constitution +9, Wisdom +7, Charisma +10 The malicious incarnation chooses a target within 30 feet of
itself. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving
Skills Perception +7, Religion +8
throw or its existence is distorted in such a way that it gains
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire; bludgeoning, piercing,
vulnerability against the attacks of the incarnation until the
and slashing from non-magical attacks that aren’t silvered end of its next turn.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned Incarnate Ability: Terrify (Incarnation of Horror, Recharge
5-6). The malicious incarnation forces each creature of its
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 17
choice within 30 feet of itself to make a DC 18 Wisdom saving
Languages Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.
throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened of the
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) incarnation for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat
this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Magical Resistance. The malicious incarnation has advantage effect on itself on a success.
on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Incarnate Ability: Destroy Good (Incarnation of Evil, Recharge
Unearthly Sense. The malicious incarnation constantly knows 6). The malicious incarnation forces a good-aligned creature
the location of evil-aligned creatures, good-aligned creatures, within 30 feet of itself to make a DC 18 Intelligence saving
celestials, fiends, and undead within 60 feet of it. throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 26 (4d12) psychic
damage. On a successful save, the damage is halved.
Multiattack. The malicious incarnation uses its Incarnate
Ability. It also makes three Incarnate Weapon attacks.


Rotfaces are the weirdest of feys. With rotten humanoid heads and tiny fey bodies, they run faster than most,
and spread death wherever they go. Because of their curses that give them the ability to produce more rotfaces,
chaos and evil follows them wherever they go.
Whether it is created by a powerful fey’s cursed words, as a result of a spell, or as a mocking of a dark entity,
the rotface seeks destruction alone.
Rotfaces can generally be found in jungles and swamps. Also, mysteriously, warmth attracts them a lot. So,
they generally attack travellers who are resting around a campfire.
Rotfaces cannot withstand the beauty of nature and try to destroy it constantly. They envy all types of elves
and good-aligned feys. If a rotface encounters a group that has one of these two in it, the rotface attacks to kill
that one first. Since their curse are effective only on dark places, rotfaces choose to attack at night or they move
the incapacitated creatures to their dark lairs after battle.

Tiny fey, chaotic evil

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 13 (3d4 + 6)
Speed 40 ft.


6 (-2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 7 (-2) 2 (-4)

Skills Perception +0, Stealth +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Sylvan
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Magic Resistance. The rotface has advantage on saving throws

against spells and other magical effects.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d6 + 2) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.
Cursed Fangs. The rotface pierces its fangs through the flesh of
one incapacitated humanoid within 5 feet of it. The target must
succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or become cursed. The
cursed target loses 1 point of Constitution after each hour, as its
head takes on a rottener aspect.
The Constitution score does not decrease while the target is
in dim light or bright light, but it keeps decreasing when the
cursed creature gets in darkness if the curse is not removed.
When the cursed target’s Constitution becomes 1, the target dies
and transforms into a new rotface. Casting remove curse, greater
restoration, or a similar spell on the target end the curse, and
remove all of its effects.

All will learn to respect the true leaders of the

Since he grew up without his mother, he is a bit different
from other red dragons. He is physically less powerful;
however, he is a capable wizard and a talented orator. Thanks
to these talents, he succeeded at forming an organization
known as Crimson Supremity to avenge his mother and make
others respect red dragons, the way they were meant to be

A red dragon bathes in the blood of other dragons in Crimson Edientath’s Goals
Nest. His servants show him respect, fearing the tyrant that
it is. Although he is still young, Edientath is the proudest red He wants to rule the universe with other red dragons, and
dragon one could possibly meet. he definitely wants to be at the very top. It is therefore not a
surprise that he is after divinity. In this path, Edientath does
Edientath’s Story not hesitate to help other red dragons or red-dragon related
creatures when they call for help, even if he does not see
Edientath was a new hatchling when adventurers came and any profit in it. However, he expects the proper respect in
slaughtered his mother, looted all of her treasure and left. return, and demands the favor to be returned when he wants.
Luckily, they couldn’t find Edientath and some other of her Edientath is a clever dragon, and he is aware of that even
unhatched eggs. They also left some books they didn’t find other red dragons may betray him, or his cause.
valuable enough. Edientath thinks that both he and Crimson Supremity
As a powerless red dragon, Edientath didn’t, and couldn’t will get what they want once he becomes a divine being. To
possibly, know what to do. After a while, his sadness and accomplish this, he can sacrifice the members of the cult, his
loneliness turned into anger. He learnt to survive and descendants, and even other red dragons without a second
educated himself on the battlefield. Thanks to the books left thought.
behind by the adventurers and the dragon blood coursing in
his veins, Edientath learnt the secrets of wizardry and blood Roleplaying Edientath
Through this education, he also learnt a lot about his Edientath does not show kindness to others except for red
ancient and majestic race. Everything written about dragons dragons or descendants of red dragons. He especially despises
represented them as magnificent creatures to be feared and adventurers. He wants to be respected and loves being the
respected, and yet, some adventurers had had the audacity tyrannical ruler of Crimson Supremity. He is a proud, serious
to kill his mother for her treasure. He wanted to right this and knowledgeable red dragon.

Large Dragon
Red Dragon
Chaotic Evil

Edientath whose total spell level is 9. After the spells are negated, Edientath
regains 45 hit points.
Large dragon, chaotic evil
Spellcasting. Edientath’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). He can cast the following
Hit Points 153 (18d10 + 54) wizard spells:
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Cantrip (at will): acid splash, blood scythe*, light, mage hand, shocking
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1st level (4 slots): bleeding river*, blood spear*, detect magic
2nd level (3 slots): glyph of chaos*, hold person
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) 3rd level (3 slots): blood form*, dispel magic, fireball, glyph of warding
4th level (3 slots): black tentacles, curse of the fiend*
Saving Throws Dexterity +4, Intelligence +9, Wisdom +4, 5th level (2 slots): blood to acid*, hold monster, planar binding, taste of
Charisma +8 blood*
Skills Arcana +9, Deception +8, History +9, Intimidate +8, 6th level (1 slot): animate fallen*, guards and wards
Persuasion +8, Religion +9 7th level (1 slot): curse of despair*, soul binding*
Damage Immunities fire Special. Edientath knows the secrets of True Dragonization ritual
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 and he constantly monitors 50 members of Crimson Supremity
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, with the powers bestowed by Blood Bond ritual.
Elvish, Infernal
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Multiattack. Edientath makes three attacks: one with his bite and
two with his claws.
Blood Magic Apprentice. Edientath can reduce the cost material
components by 50 gp and, spell scrolls, and spell books by 100 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14
gp for each 1d6 damage amount of blood he mixes into the spell, (2d10 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.
spell scroll or spell book. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10
Magic Refuel. As a bonus action, Edientath regains a spell slot and (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.
loses 2d4 x regained spell’s level hit points. Fire Breath (Recharge 6). Edientath exhales fire in a 30-foot cone.
Protection of Blood. If Edientath engages in a combat against a Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
spellcaster, he covers himself with his own blood, losing 45 hit throw, taking 56 (16d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
points. By this way, Edientath can negate the effects of spells much damage on a successful one.

Ignatius The Insane
Safe, safe, safe… It must be safe here. Durr, is
someone watching us? Yes? NO! Good… Let me
take cover, Durr. Huh! Is that a person over
there? HEY YOU!? No, was that a rock? Ah, you
can never be too careful these days. See you
when I wake up old friend. If! If I wake up...

the cult is after the scroll. The sending was interrupted.

Being sad was futile; Ignatius grabbed the demonology
book and opened it with anger. Through a painful ritual that
devoured Ignatius’ mind, he managed to summon a Quasit
There was a significant mistake; however, Ignatius could
not complete the ritual flawlessly, and the Quasit was not
bound to it; yet it had done what it had been told to do out of
mere curiosity. They were able to get the scroll and flee.
Ignatius is an old tiefling in his early 80s. His eyes glow like Durr never told Ignatius that they actually don’t have a
hellfire although he seems quite tired and ragged. He has long bond. Watching Ignatius become mad was fun. One night, Durr
greasy white hair that creates an interesting contrast with his changed the scroll with a blank one and sent the real scroll to
crimson skin, and a long messy beard that frizzes down to his a greater demon. The demon decided that it, in fact, enjoys the
chest. There are several cuts and deformations on his horns company of the wizard. The lifespan of a tiefling was nothing
and tail. He wears an old ragged robe. He carries a leather bag compared to that of a demon; thus, it chose to stay with
designed to contain one scroll that swings from his neck. He is Ignatius as long as it was not boring to do so. Durr never got
followed by an old Quasit demon called Durr, Ignatius’ lifelong bored, in sixty years.
Ignatius’ Goals
Ignatius’ Story
Ignatius has only one goal: not knowing that it is in fact blank,
The Library of Arcane Arts contained many secrets, all waiting he wishes to keep the scroll in his bag, safe.
to be unfolded by Ignatius as an initiate librarian. Ignatius was
determined to learn every bit of information he could possibly Roleplaying Ignatius
find. Also, the Library had a special scroll that had information
of incomparable value about how eternal planes could be Ignatius hears voices in his head that manipulate and corrupt
created, and many pilgrims visited to behold the scroll. him. Durr, also, from time to time, persuades Ignatius to do
Ignatius had the chance to chat with those pilgrims, hear their things he wouldn’t otherwise have done. Ignatius often talks
stories; and it was fun for him. out of context, could change the language in which he is
While one day, Ignatius was working on demonology, which speaking or he could suddenly start to communicate through
was forbidden to study, a cult, wielding unmatched powers, telepathy in the middle of a conversation without realizing it.
attacked the library. His master ordered him to stay in his He cares for Durr the most after the scroll.
chambers. He had a sending from his master, he learned that

Medium Humanoid
Chaotic Evil

Ignatius The Insane Librarian throws.
Medium humanoid (tiefling), chaotic evil Paranoid Personality. Due to the maddening essence, Ignatius
thinks he is the protector of the scroll and he is way too valuable.
Armor Class 14 (mage armor) Nobody should see him and never mean his life. He never wants
Hit Points 77 (14d8 + 14) to enter dangerous places. He must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom
Speed 20 ft. saving throw in order to act against his own paranoid persona.
Tentacle Arms. Ignatius’ arms turned into tentacles due to the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA maddening essence. People do not trust him because of the image
they see. Ignatius has disadvantage on Persuasion skill checks.
7 (-2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 18 (+4)
Spellcasting. Ignatius is a 9th level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell
Saving Throws Intelligence +7, Wisdom +4
attacks). He has the following spells prepared:
Skills Arcana +7, History +7
Damage Resistances fire Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, message, mending,
Condition Immunities frightened thaumaturgy
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 8 1st Level (4 slots): alarm, burning hands, find familiar, mage armor
2nd Level (3 slots): hold person, invisibility, shocking ray
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal
3rd Level (3 slots): entropic fire*, terrorizing gaze*, tiny hut
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
4th Level (3 slots): boneball*, horrendous touch*, polymorph
5th Level (1 slot): raining blood*
Darkness (1/Day). Ignatius can cast the darkness spell. His
spellcasting ability for this trait is Charisma (spell save DC 15). ACTIONS
Demonic Summoning (1/Short Rest). Ignatius can either summon Staff of Striking. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
a demon of Challenge rating 3 or lower. Summoned creatures stay target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage. This staff can be
for 1 hour. wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +3 bonus to attack
and damage rolls made with it.
Demon Ward. Ignatius can ward a 10-foot radius area against The staff has 10 charges. When Ignatius hits with a melee attack
demons by a ritual of 1 minute. For 1 hour, demons standing using it, he can expend up to 3 of its charges. For each charge he
inside the circle cannot go out and the ones standing out of it expends, the target takes an extra 1d6 force damage. The staff
cannot enter inside or attack the creatures within the circle. regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If he expends
Hellish Rebuke (1/Day). Ignatius can cast the hellish rebuke spell as the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff becomes a nonmagical
a 2nd-level spell. His spellcasting ability for this trait is Charisma quarterstaff.
(spell save DC 15).
Match Their Minds. Ignatius can talk to the creatures he sees in
Blood Jump (Recharge 5-6). When an opponent enters Ignatius’
the 30 ft. radius in the languages he knows telepathically.
melee reach, Ignatius can chose to use blood jump* spell as a
Mind Shield. Due to the maddening essence, Ignatius’ mind reaction. This reaction does not require spell slots.
is protected and he has double proficiency in Wisdom saving

Morbash The
They called us savages as they burnt our
village, stupid brutes as they killed my
grandfather and took his axe for a mere loot. I
wonder what they will think when their stories
of ‘heroic adventures’ are cut short, with their
tavern burning down on them.

Morbash’s Goals
Morbash moves in secret, carefully planned ways, which are
methods that are usually not expected from orcs. He makes
sudden and gruesome raids to villages with weak defenses,
and they slaughter innocent commoners in slow and hideous
ways. The villages that his army leaves behind are full of half-
eaten victims, left to die in a slow but painful manner.
He is planning on ridding the land of the adventurers who
Among the crowd of growling orcs, stands a tower. A tower engineered his people’s downfall. He raids and retreats,
with a hideous face, lips partially agape or torn apart, showing leaving only the suffering, and also signs that taunt the
teeth that are sharp like daggers. Over the creature’s armored adventurers, as it shows them that he did what he did, because
shoulder stands a gigantic sword, bulky in design, and stained of them.
in blood and pieces of meaty bones. The creature looks into He will eventually confront the adventurers, but not before
the eyes of its opponents, showing no signs of fear; only he takes away all their hope and leaves them only with guilt.
making a terrorizing promise of carnage.

Morbash’s Story Roleplaying Morbash

Morbash became chieftain of his tribe in a time of demise. Morbash is full of hatred, because of the suffering he
With repeated attacks of settlements of “civilization”, and witnessed his people endure. He also tolerates no weakness,
the help of the adventurers, orc tribes were forced to retreat; making sure to kill weak or clumsy orcs among his ranks in
being nearly destroyed in the process. He realized that bloody and cruel ways. Unlike most other orcs, he is very
races of civilization thrived on hope, because before their clever, and careful with his words and actions. He does not
determined charge against the tribes as their last resort, orcs shout or make a scene unless it is for a clear purpose such as to
were doing well in their raids. Being more resourceful and inspire courage in the hearts of his fellows, or inspiring dread
cleverer than others, he quickly became his tribe’s leader. He in those of his victims. In a normal conversation or encounter,
then strategized to take his enemies’ most important asset he is frighteningly silent and calm but he does not have any
from them, their hope and determination. To do so, he came tolerance for smart-mouthed comments or outright insults.
up with plans to do raids in secret, make sudden attacks; all
the while making sure that everyone in the villages they raid
suffered, from grandfathers to children.

Medium Humanoid
Chaotic Evil

Morbash The Slaughterer
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (chain mail)

Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48)
Speed 30 ft.


20 (+5) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Strength +8, Constitution +7, Wisdom +4

Skills Athletics +8, Deception +6, Intimidation +6, Insight +4,
Persuasion +6, Perception +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Brave. Morbash has advantage on saving throws against being

Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when
Morbash hits with it (included in the attack).

Multiattack. Morbash makes two greatsword attacks.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Cry for War (2/day). Morbash lets out a loud and inspiring call to
arms, promising his brethren that they will be victorious. Allies
within 30 feet of Morbash add 2 (1d4) to any attack roll, check
or saving throw they make until the start of Morbash’s next
turn. Additionally, an ally can make a Wisdom saving throw with
advantage against being frightened when it hears this cry.
Cry for Slaughter (2/day). Morbash lets out a loud call for
slaughter, promising his enemies they will suffer long before they
die. Creatures within 30 feet of Morbash must succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or become frightened from him for 1 minute.
A creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its

Nanny Ishmilda
Ah don’t you cry, dear boy.

nightmares, and her powers were changed to resemble the

wrath that nature can bring. Since that day, Ishmilda has
tricked many children to whom she used to tell tales, and
kidnapped them to serve the plans of her deity. Her deeds
were found out after a while, but she was never captured.
Now, she is a character in tales told to scare children.

Ishmilda’s Goals
An old mother in common clothing, Ishmilda, looks like a
Ishmilda’s deity demands that she procures the most innocent
regular elderly woman that one could meet every day. She has
form of life, in order to sacrifice it in the name of the wrath
a pleasant smile and a wise, motherly attitude that is common
of nature. She kidnaps children through trickery or coercion,
for grandmothers. In combat, however, her skin turns rougher
and boils them in her cauldron along with some other special
and gray, her pupils turn slit like a snake’s, and she grows
components. She then feeds the result to the trees and animals
sharp, grisly-looking claws that could easily tear flesh apart.
in the forest, which makes them thirsty for vengeance and
Ishmilda’s Story
Roleplaying Ishmilda
Nanny Ishmilda was once a protector druid of the land,
devoted to the gods and goddesses of nature. She was a kind Ishmilda believes herself to be a necessary evil. She does not
woman who was fond of children. In her travels to the city, enjoy what she does, nor does she feel regret. To her, a certain
children from all neighborhoods would gather around to hear group of species have become so arrogant that they started
her tales of the fey folk. to disrupt the balance of nature for their greed and pleasure.
However, as the city progressed, people lost their respect There is no place for such species in nature, and she is just
for nature. They started destroying the woods and killing the acting in a way that will bring back the balance. She is calm
animals in dozens, often just for their fur. On top of all this, and has a hearty voice. She does not show any harsh feelings,
temples of gods and goddesses of nature didn’t move a finger and is not aggressive towards people, until she is provoked. In
to stop the country from destroying the land in the name of combat, she laughs at her foes’ arrogance, as they think they
development. Witnessing this, Ishmilda was deranged. can best mother nature, but her laugh is twisted because of
Thus, she turned her back to her god or goddess, and her changed form.
started praying to the god or goddess of fury of nature. Her
new deity accepted her devotion and gave her gifts so she
could serve the fury better. She became a hag straight out of

Medium Fey
Neutral Evil

Nanny Ishmilda ACTIONS
Medium fey, neutral evil Multiattack. Ishmilda makes three claw attacks.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) 14 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage and the target must make a DC 16
Hit Points 127 (15d8 + 60) Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage, it also
Speed 30 ft. becomes poisoned if it fails its saving throw by a score of 5 or
more. It can repeat its saving throws at the end of its each turn to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA break free from being poisoned.

18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) Invisible Passage. Ishmilda magically turns invisible until she
attacks or casts a spell, or until her concentration ends (as if
concentrating on a spell). While invisible, she leaves no physical
Saving Throws Constitution +8, Wisdom +8
evidence of her passage, so she can be tracked only by magic. Any
Skills Animal Handling +8, Arcana +6, Deception +6, Insight +8,
equipment she wears or carries is invisible with her.
Nature +6, Persuasion +6, Stealth +5
Damage Immunities poison Gather Rats (Recharge 5-6). Ishmilda summons a swarm of rats,
Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed, poisoned the spawn gathers up in an unoccupied space within 120 feet of
her, crawling from the undergrowth or finding their way there
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
through other means. The swarm can take its turn right after
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Ishmilda once it is summoned.
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) The swarm has the statistics of a swarm of rats except the
following changes:
Innate Spellcasting. Ishmilda’s innate spellcasting ability is • The swarm’s Constitution score is 10 (+0), thus its hit points
Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). She is 31.
can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material
components: • The swarm aims to devour a fallen foe, keep attacking a
target even after it falls unconscious.
At will: dancing lights, minor illusion, misty step, vicious mockery
• The swarm’s attacks also deal an additional 7 (2d6) or 3 (1d6)
3/day each: charm person, entangle, faerie fire, stoneskin* poison damage if the swarm has half of its hot points or
1/day each: blight, conjure animals, insect plague, wall of thorns fewer.
*Ishmilda casts this spell on herself before combat • When the swarm makes a successful attack to a target, the
creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
or become struck with a disease.

Takar Batar ,
Chieftain Of The
It was a simple task! What part of ‘kill the
whole village’ didn’t you understand?! GLORY!

been slain and that the encampment was destroyed. So, he

took the one thing that would later remind him of his home, a
ceremonial mask, and he started to search for another Kartuki
village. After many years of searching, he found a settlement
and made this place his new home. When the Mad Horde was
being established, he decided that he could train new fighters
and help the kartuki society while also taking revenge from
nearby kingdoms.
Takar Batar is an elder bone kartuki that leads a pack of the
Mad Horde (p.174) called Impalers. He only wears a piece Takar Batar’s Goals
of leather pants and a ritualistic kartuki mask made out of
Takar Batar is sworn to protect the kartuki from hunger, and
bones. He is 7 feet tall, but has a hunchback so he looks 5 feet
to avenge his fallen family. He commands Impalers to raid
tall while he stands. His body is full of scars and bone spikes
villages and bring people back to him, alive, and to behead
coming out of his upper chest and shoulders.
anyone who resists for its head to be put on a spike.

Takar Batar’s Story

Roleplaying Takar Batar
Takar Batar was born in a small kartuki encampment, at
Takar Batar is an angry kartuki that lived his entire life in
a mountainside. The encampment always suffered from
agony. He saw many deaths, and for this reason, it has lost its
starvation and from the constant attacks of nearby kingdoms.
meaning. He attacks first, and questions his actions later, and
At the end of his childhood, he joined a hunter pack and
thus he is impatient. He believes that survival is what only
started to raid nearby villages for food and weapons. One day,
matters in life.
during a raid, he and his pack were ambushed and most of
He looks energetic for someone his age, because he moves
them died.
around as he speaks, jumps out of nowhere, or suddenly
Takar Batar was taken as a slave, and transported to a
screams “Blood and Bone!” or “Death!”. That is why many
city where he became a fighter in an arena. He despised
kartuki of the Mad Horde believes that Takar Batar will stay as
their culture, yet he was there fighting to be better. Spilling
an important figure for the tribe for a long time.
blood was fun. He sometimes even got to eat the flesh of the
He cares for his Horde, glory of his Horde is above anything
else, especially above his own survival. His tribe is the only
After spending many years there, he learned to fight and
thing he holds sacred.
escaped to return to his people as soon as he was ready. Once
he arrived at the encampment, he saw that everyone had

Medium Humanoid
Chaotic Evil

Takar Batar
Medium humanoid (kartuki), chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 unarmored defense

Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft.


19 (+4) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Strength +7, Constitution +5

Skills Athletics +7, Nature +2, Intimidation +4, Perception+3,
Survival +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Kartuka
Challenge 6 (2,300XP)

Harsh Survival. Takar Batar has advantage on his saving throws

against diseases and being poisoned.

Monstrous Outlook. People see Takar Batar as a frightening and

non-friendly creature. So, while dealing with humanoid races,
he gains advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks but gains
disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks.

Spiked Body. If a creature grapples Takar Batar or Takar Batar

grapples a creature, the creature takes 1d4 piercing damage
because of the bone spikes. It takes this damage again at the start
of each turn it is grappled or it grapples Takar Batar.

Spike Growth (2/Day). Takar Batar can grow the bones in his arms
as a bonus action to create a long spike which can be used in a way
to deal 1d6 piercing damage.

Multiattack. Takar Batar makes four melee attacks.
Bone Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage or 9 (1d10+ 4) if used with two
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8
(1d8 +4) piercing damage.
Twisted Bones. Takar Bakar can grow the bones in his arms as a
bonus action to create two long spikes. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Twisted Body (2/Day). Takar Batar can increase his AC by 1 until
the end of his next turn.

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